The Seaforth News, 1937-09-16, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS
The tax rate for the village of
Hensall for 1I037 was set al .17 mil i
by the village council at their meet -1
ang on Monday evening. This is one
frill lower than last year. the reduc-'
tion being made possible by the On-
tario 'Government one mill subsidy.
With the village nearly free of debt,
and such a low tax rate, Hensall
ought to be a very desirable place to
buy property in and settle here,
3e1rs. Harold Callas of Santa Bar-
bara, Calif.. is visiting here with her
mother; Mfrs. 'John Dinsdale, and sis-
ter, 'Mrs, 'Fred Simmons.
Harvest Hoar services will be held
in St. Paul's Anglican Church on
Sunday, Sept. 199Th H'o'ly commun-
ion at 8 a.nt:,, morning service 911 a.m.,
when Rev. A. ''Kinder,. v1.A., will be
•the preacher.. Evening service at 7 p.
m. with the (Rev. E. •Appley:ard, B.A.,
conducting the service. Special music
will he furnished by;tlte choir,
Council Meeting—
Regular meeting- of the village
mina held this evening at 8 p.m.
in the Council Chambers with all
tnembers present Minutes of the .pre-
vious two meetings read and adopt-
ed. IRecve thaddick reported re a
drain of Miss 'Reid's. M. G. Drysida•1e,
7'. E. Drummond, W. 0. Goodwin
and G. M. Case appeared as a delega-
tion from the Chamber of Commerce
in regard to moving the open air
skating rink 'to the park grou'nd's.
,B'rock-Shepherd, that 0. •Twitchell
and the 'Reeve he a committee to get
estimates on open air rink. Com-
munications read from 1Depa+rtntent
of Relief, etc„ tiled. Bills and ac-
counts ,passed: l)as. 'Paterson, prem-
ium an collector's bond, $8: Municip-
al World. $7184; 10. Redden, labor,
streets, $1.20; H. T. Cudmore, do,
1122.150; A. Taylor, do., 1$20 T. Shad -
dick, $113; ,l. M Clinrhey, $itis Geo.
Gram, $1,20; '1:E. Little, painting band
stand and signs. V1:311; N. Match -
ford. 'wend orating, $23'.40; iHydro
Commis -shin, hall, $5119: Bonthrwt S
Drysdale, supplies, hall. $33.87; T. IE,
Drummond, :relief, meat. $1; 0. Row-
cliffe, relief, milk, t`32t Mrs. W. Sang-
gter, 'relief, groceries, )$113,40. Total—
$1$190. Bylaw No. 7 was passed set-
ting the tax rate for 191317 as follows:
.For county purposes, 4 mills; village
9 mill library, .5; debenture 52.1;
school, 0; relief .4. Total 'AS mills,
less muniiiipal subsidy, 1 mill. Net
tax rate 1217 mill:. Brock -Twitchell,
that all weeds on private property
cut 'by weed inspector be charfred to
said property owners on Collector's
Roll for 1937. James -Shepherd, that
the Reeve, treasurer, assessor .and
clerk sign tire necessary forst for the
municipal subsidy from the Depart-
ment of Municipal !;Affairs.—,lame; A.
[Paterson, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs, !Mahn Semi of Claim -
arty, and their daughter, Miss Jean-
ette Scott of Grand Bend, were visit-
ing rel'ativ'es in town on Sunday.
Dr. Albert and 51rs..Aiken'head of
Calgary, and formerly of Hensall,
are visiting relatives and friend.. in
this district.
Misr.. Bert North and daughter,
Audrey, who have been visiting rela-
tives here and also at the Beach -o -
Pines and the !'haloes Road, for a
week or two, returned to their hnnee
in Woodstock on Saturday.
Mr, iRobt. Green, who has conduct-
ed a service station here for some
time, has gone to: Delhi where he has
secured a situation.
Mfrs: Prank Redden of St. Cathar-
ines, is :pending a few weeks visit-
ing relatives and friends here, also at
'H'arve'st Thanksgiving services will
be held in St. Paul's Anglican Church,
Hensall on Sunday, Sept. '119th. Morn-
ing service at 11 evening service at 7.
Anniversary services will be held
in the Ghisellturst United Church on
Sunday, :Ott. 3.rd at 2'a30 and 7 p,m.
Rev. C. DeWitt Cosens, Clinton, will
be the -speaker for the clay.
It has been decided not to re -open
the Hensall Public and Continuation
schools till Monday, Sopt. 20th.
Mr. and :Mirs, Roy McLaren are
away on a week's holidays visiting at
Stratford, `London. Port T-Luron and
Messrs. Jahn Passmore and Ward
Fritz are in Toronto this ,week an a
business trip.
Mr, and \irs. William MicLean and
three children,Geraldine. Betty Jean
and Billy, who have been visiting
here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Passmore, far the past two
weeks, returned ha their hone in Ha-
milton on. Monday.
Miss Irene Snaith, Miss Lelia Anti -
env, 'Lloyd Passmore and ':Albert
Passmore were week -end visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mfrs. John Pass-
blr. and Mrs, Thos. Wren intend
moving into rooms in the Petty
Block on the hast of October. Mrs.
Willard the present occupant of the
rooms, has centred moots in the
Joynt Block,
The W.'51.6. of the United Church
held their September meeting in the
basement of the church on Thursday
afternoon. '('here w'as a good attend-
ance of members. The president Mrs.
Cress,presided. -Miss 'Jennie \hurray
gave a very interesting talk nn temp-
erance. Miss Goldie Cross Nave a
piano ntstre mental Considerable bus-
iness was discussed. The meeting
closed with a hymn and benediction,
Mrs. 'Robe. iTiggin, spent a few
clays last 'week visiting with her dau-
ghter, Mrs. A. J. Swcitzer of the
Beach -o -pines.
The Hensall 'Hydro Commission
have moved their office and sales de-
partment into the Odd Fellows' block
in the part recently vacated shy IG'lad-
man & Stansbury. The store has been
all repainted and decorated. and will
add greatly to the efficiency of the
local staff. Mists 'Gladys 'Passmore will
have charge of the office, under 'the
supervision of her father, the IT-Iydro-
manager. and the office will be open
Mr. Tohn :P.a'ssmare has been ap-
pointed gun .license. issuer for this
clitrict by the Ontario IGovernment.
Mr, Archie 1 ilahie spent a few
clays last week visiting re'la'tives at
Mount Forest.
Tile Hensall School Fair; that was
Dress Up Your
air ;i -r The
Enjoy the only and Most
Modern Shampoo
The Latest Styles in finger -
waving, done in colffort
Per iaeats
(include Shampoo, '11a'ir Cut and
Style Setting)
Exclusively By
In Uptown Block
PHONE 50 or 18 Seaforth
twin. about a mile to the north east Of
oar town. and as the balloon ap
preached the earth, it Wks awaited
Ly t co armies, each eager to win the
:irize. One spectator described it as
The "battle of the Giants," and wor-
thy of a place in the history of our
'country. Shirts were totl, hair was
pulled. faces were scratched, and
while the rid gore flowed freely, the
balloon and tag were captured, and
carried victoriously - intotown by the
Robert Dewey was badly hurt at
the Hensall !flour mill when he was
trying to relieve a conveyor which
had become clogged. His hand was
caught, His 'fingers were badly crush-
ed, and the 'flesh torn off the back of
the Band. The cords of the arae be-
low ,the el''bOw were badly drawn, Dr.
McDiarmid is attending 'hint: Chas.
E. Dick and bride, formerly Mary 'I.
Tait, of Pilot Mound, Alta., are here
from the west visiting relatives.—
Tra'ckmen are 'busy putting in the ad-
ditional' switches in the G.T.R.'.yard,
and work on the new station will be
the next in order.
John Vise has sold his farm and
will likely move to Clintion.—Richard
Btiickle, an aged resident Of this vil-
lage, is quite ill at present.—.The cnft-
tinued wet weather is having a de-
pressing effect on the farmers, espec-
ially those who have a large acreage
of (beans,
IOwing to the net weather, the far-
mers have just 'finished ('heir oat [tar-
test. The bean 'Harvest will be hard
to stave, as the season is so late, and
the days are growing short.
The harvest is all out. but in poor
shape tm account of the wet weather
and people had a hand time in saving
it. 'Phe wet weather still continues,
to have been held in the school here
on Wednesday of this week, has been
poi 1pane'd.
There is an acute shortage of
hooses in Hensall at present, Nearly
every'Nouse in the village is occu'p-
led and a number of people are look-
ing for houses.
Rev, Arthur Sinclair preached an-
niversary sermon, at Centralia an
S'eindety. Mir, Sinclair is a former pas-
tor of that church and was favored
with large congregations both morn-
ing and evening.
Roy Innes .of the Dominion Bank
has been moved to Windsor. ---We re-
gret to hear that Miss 'Genevieve
Jones is very seriously. ill.—/Fred
Beattie of Winnipeg is here visiting
his lather, Jas. Beattie. Rev. :E. 'A.
Corbett, of W'atrous, Sask., is the.
,guest of Mr. and Mlrs. 8. 1Dickstem—
Miss Margaret 'Kennedy returned this
week after visiting 'her sister in Craig,
Sas'k Mrs. IR. 3, 'Clark of i'Poronto
spent the week end in town the guest
of !Miss Birdie Stephens.—Mrs. M.
Knechtel, of :C uidcricdh trcet, is seri-
ously 111 at present. Her daughter,
Mfrs. Perrie, of \V.inghann, is attend-
ing Iter. --Dr. and Mrs. Campbell
have gone home to Missouri, souri, sitter
soma weeks pleasant visit with
friends in Seaforth and vicinity. --10 r
young friend, J-larrr Stephenson, of.
Winnipeg, is coming to the front as
a composer, His latest is the 'Doc-
herty Rag," for :player piano and is a
sprightly two-step, and sounds just
like Harry. Congratulations. --Mfrs.
Shaw of hgmonclville intends malting
her hone in Rodney, where her son,
Don'a'ld, will go to school. Mrs.
Shaw's many friends in .8esforth and
Egntondville will nets her, and elle
may always be assured of having a
warm .place in their 'hearts, and a
hearty welcome. ---Mayor Greig and
Mrs. 1Greig were in 'T'oron'to on Ties -
day. --Mac :O'Rourke of Toronto vis-
ited +Jas, McQuaid over Sunday.--
Mrs.:Rabb Johnstone has returned
from a .bit o ,month's trip to the 'West.
--.Mfrs.'Geo. Cardnv has been eontiu-
ed' to the 'house for ormr a viceek.—
'Dr. and Mrs. McQuaid of the \Vest
Sale of Baking
Etc., in the vacant store next to Mr,
Routledge s in Seaforth on
Sat., Sept. 18
A Fancy Quilt to be sold with Cindy
Shera.--In loving memory of our.
dear daughter, Marilyn Evelyn •Shera
who elied one year ago, Sept. 18t193h.
September brings sad memories,
0f a lov'e'd' one gone Io rest,.
Who will always he remembered,
By those .who loved her best.
Rut sante day we Trope to meet her
Wien our work on earth is o'er,
in •that 'land beyond the river,
Where 'sorrow is known no more.
—Sadly missed by her 'Rather,
Mother and Brother.
Shea -Delaney—
St. Patrick's Church, 'Dublin, was
seethe of a very pretty wedding on
S'aturd'ay, Sept. 1111 wdneft Loretto, se-
cond youngest daughter of 51r. and
Mrs. - James (Delaney, and Joseph
Shea, sun of Mr, and Mrs. John
Shea, were united in marriage Rev,
I)r. Ffault:e,sang the nuptial \lave
with Sr. ,Patrick's choir in attendance.
Present. in the sanctuary was Ret.
Fr. "D'anezer of S't, Cnlum'han. .At the
offertory Shu•bert's ,Awe Maria was
rendered by Miss Martina Hussey ai
kloderrn At the signing of the reg-
ister )lb.o :Agnes - Delaney sang
-Heart of Testis." The altar was eft.
feetiv--el), arranged with gladiolus and
asters. The Iii ids, given fn marriage
by her father, wore a gown of Bur-
g'nudy chiffon velvet, hat of lyroty»
celvct with a short veil; brown slices
and. gloves completed her costume.
She carried a bouquet of Premier and
tiriaretif' roses with -ferns. The
bridesmaid, Miss Theresa Delaney of
,odericfi, was'becomingly gowned in
spruce green chiffon velvet with nm't-
; tong accessories. Her bouquet was- a
sheaf of bronze mumu and bonvtiri'.ia.
The groom was assisted by Mlr, Tim
Shea of ''i"oro1 t,. ;lobo Shea and lats-
rph Delaney acted as ushers. 'Fnllow-
int'the eeren ony a wedding dinner
was served, at the bride's home to the
inuncilia'te relatives, later in the ev-
ening Mfr. and Mrs. Joseph Shea left
,pent the week end with relatives in
Seaforth and MoKillop Mliss .Hazel
Hackw e'll of 2lclK'illop is visiting in
towrn \Lr, iA. Il . 21eTavislt and dau-
ghter Mary, of 'Vancouver, are visit-
ing at the home of Mfr, \futrlson,
IGoderich st. cast. Ml re. John time-
-Ell, of Orillfa, is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. George Stogdill, Jame t.
M manifestation of sorrow and af-
fection long to be reuit•mherel was
that called 'forth by the funeral of
Rev. Neil Shaw, which took ,place al
the 'F-g,mondville Church. The serv-
ices were presided over by 'Rev. Colin
;Fletcher, of Thames 'Road: Addresses
etf appreciation were delivered by
Rev. Slc. srs. Carswell. Hamilton, of
Godcrirh, li•ahnston, cif Varna, and
Larkin Messrs. Smith of ITTensall,
and Ross, of Goderich, led in prayer.
Mr. Wood of Brnceeielet rear! the
scripture 'lesson. A gnarlette rendered
-The Old Home and the New
Home,' Mr. Shaw's favorite song.
IThe session of the Egnntndviile
church acted as pal'l'bearers. The re-
mains were conveyed to the C.T.depot and thence to 1Rxtdatey. I welvc•
balloons were sent up Friday' and
were watched by anadmiring and in.
some eases,. an anxious ntultitud e,
Beet if the S 1censitmt" was import -
al f1, ills 'des reesion was infinitely
so, and as the balloons ,floated
off into space, will their preciousfreight, a tag worth $1, the excite -
anent was intense, and a. mad' rush
was made toward the spot where the
balloons were most likely to droop. in
.most •erases, 'the •descension Was ni de
gracefully, and the balloon Was re.
ceived into 'the outstretched arms of
the 'best sprinter, but 'in ,one case, a
much more exciting time was wit-
nessed. It 'took ,place on the noun -
on a nvntor trip, the bridle tra ing chub movement
aruled wool suit. Upon their re-
turn they will .reside on 'the groom's orated and one
farm near Bcerhwood 'Previous to bodied in club
the wedding, abort 1290' neighbors and Do by Doing."
friends gathered at the bride's hone (teen appli•
ed to
Weiners, lb. 18c
Bologna, lb, 14c
Cottage Rolls, lb. ..... , , 25c
Shortening, lib. , , , . 13c
Lard, Ib, 15c
Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 75c
Red Rose Tea, Ib. 55c
Blue Ribbon Tea, lb. 49c
Lipton's Tea, 1b. 59c
6 bars Naptha Soap
1 pkge. Ammonia ... , 27c
Snow Flake Ammonia
3 pkges 17c
Lux Soap, 4 cakes 23c
Palm Olive, 4 cakes 23c
Life Buoy, 3 cakes 23c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes
3 pkges. 25c
Kellogg's All Wheat
2 pkgs. 23c
Cash Prices Only
W. J. Finnigan
lung's were also endangered. Mrs.
Flanagan and daughter were in the
house 'when the dire was discovered,
but it 'had 'foo big a start to save the
\'1 r. 'Patrick Looby, DDetroit, and
Ml r. Edward 1Loo'by Saginaw, are vis-
iting 2,1r. and Mrs. L. J. Looby,
Messrs. Joseph 'O'Rourke, Gordon
Dill and Jack 'Molyneaux 'returned to
St. Peter's Seminary, Lon'd'on, to re-
e-sume their studies,
Misr. .Anna 'Delaney, Windsor, at-
tended the •Dela'ney-She's 'wr cling on
Miss Cecelia IFeen'ey and Miss Mar-
ion Campbell spent the week end at
the home of :Mrs, Kathlen Feeney.
3drs. Harold Sclnnuc1c, Kitchener,
visited with Mr, and Mrs. 'PJtarnas
Youth Rejuvenates Fairs
,.\n atmosphere of spontaneous in-
terest --a feeling of rejuvenation that
promises to 'becomes a permanent Pett-
turn ---has been observed. to pervade
the Carious agricultural fairs now in
full swing throughout the Dominion.
!The reason Inc this spirit of youth-
ful ,alertness is not difficult to discov-
er. An a great measure it is due to the
nnredsing part taken in the exhibi-
tions by the young members of the
boys and girls farm clubs of Canada,
The elder generation Inas taught the
younger generation well, and the
younger generation with its enth'nsi-
asnt to learn 15,111 form, interesting its
elders in points that formerly 'did not
seem to call dor deep consideration.
The momentum thus created bas
developed a state of affairs in which
the zeal of y°onth .regulates the tempo
of the modern agricultural fair. Now-
adays, it is not a dvestion of whether
or not any young farnterettes ter far-
mers may he exhibitor's at the fair,
but what they are showing. And the
most interested people in the exhib-
its of the younger folk are the older
The high standard of the young
farmers and faruterettes as respons-
ible exhibitors at Canadian agricul-
tural fairs has been attained gradu-
ally and surely. A quarter of a cen-
tury ago. the boys' and :girls' farm
lit Canada was inaug-
of the principles cm -
work was ]',earn to
This principle has
the fullest extent, and
the fact that each elute member had
to carry on ,one or other of the club
projects on the hone farm 'laid the
foundation of the 1D'oninion-wide club
work Which' now forst; an integral
part in Canadian agricultural endeav-
our. The projects include. ]sive Stock.
embracing dairy cattle. 'Reef cattle,
swine, sheep, horses and ponitry;
Field Crops; 'Horticulture and `Home
Economics, under which comes, nn-
tritiot, gardening anti canning, gar-
ment malting, bonne making, and lural
o rs'ienal iltiir good wishes with a
iti,cellanetuts shower- of valuable and
be ntt•
Vire 'threatened A con'siderah)e por-
tion of 'D'u'blin louring the noon hour
in Tuesday. The resiatenre of - Mfrs,
ltd. Flanagan was completely de-
stroyed, strong wind carried the
'Miming': debris over surrounding
'rttildinga. .\ large hole was burned
in the roof of the public schnol and
Mrs.'jilt) Redmond's hoose wtas also
in danger for a tune. The chemical
tire equipment of the village Was 1101
able In 'cape with the extent ni
the lire and ntt•ty the arrival of the
Mitchell fire truck saved other
buildings. The 'buildings at .Mr. 1.)ar-
ELMER D. BELL, B.A. E. C. Chamberlain
Successor to Jlohn H. Best
Seaforth; Ontario
Of farm, faint stock and imple-
ments at Lot 185, Con. 2, flay Tp., two
miles north west of (Hensall on
Thursday, Sept. 123rd at 1 .o'clock
Horses -11' horse 110 years old. d
aged mare.
Cattle--iDurhant grade cow 6 yrs
old, due Dec. lllst; black caw 6 yrs. old
due to freshen 'Feb. 2151th; 2 'black
cows 6 years old milking; steer rising
2 yrs., heifer rising 2 years,
implements—Massey Tiarris binder
5 ft. cant; mower '5 ft. cut; spring tooth
cultivator, ')toe drill riding plou0,
walking plough,. set diamond 'harrows,
scuffter, buy rake, wagon, 'wagon rack,
gravel box, stone boat. set sleighs,
cutter, buggy, fanningmillwith 'bagger
''bag truck, set scales, sett single har-
ness, 2 set double harness, one nearly
new•, horse collars, horse bl'a•nicOls,
robe, 'huggy rug, auto rug, grass seed -
oil drum. 'grirulstone, Fond touring
car, cross cut saw, ditching spade,
boring machine with angers, cant
honk, quant'i'ty of Lnrtther, 'block and
tackle. 2 barn screw jack,. wagon
tongue. adze, broad axe, 'hay knife,
culvert tile, sap buckets, barrel,
complete set of good carpent-
ers' tools, quantity of hay, quan-
tity of 'household effects. forks, chains.
shovel., wttiffletrees and numerous
other articles. positively no reserve.
Terms cash,
At same time and ,place tine farm
which consist, of :53 acres more nr
less, with frame hoose and 'barn, 2
good wells, soil goodl clay loam,' :gear
ter mile from school, will be offered(
for sale subject 'to reserve bid. if not
sold farm will be rented.
Terms on real estate- -.1.0% of pur-
chase money paid down on day tat
sale, balance in 30 clays,
Gen. 11. Elliott, Aur tioneer; Mrs,
W. ID. Thompson. 'Proprietress.
(vying to the presence of Poliomyelitis (.infantile Paral-
ysis) in the Municipality the Board of Health has enacted
the following regulations:
1.:'111 Schools and Sunday Schools will remain closed until
Sept. 27th unless further restrictions are necessary,
2. Alf Children 16 years of age and under are prohibited.
from attending theatres, churches, fall fairs or any other
public gatherings.
3. Parents are directed tri keep their Children at home and
on their own premises, to have no other Children in their
homes and to allow no assemblies' of Children 16 wears or
under indoors and to have play outdoors carried 011 in the
vicinity of their own homes, Play outdoors in small groups
will be permitted.
responsibility la of the care of the Children is being
paced fan the Parents and Guardians and the 't3bard of
earnestly and courteously ask their cooperation in
the effort to prevent: the spreading of this serious disease.
'During the.enforced absence, of Dr. la. J. Burrows, Dr.. l r.
C. Jarrott Will act as Medical ()Meer of Health.
John J. Cluff, Chairman
Dr. F. J. Burrows, M.O.H.
The purchase of the insurance -.busi-
ness of Hays and Meir and the ad-
dition of their companies to our prev-
ious facilities enables us Ao give you
unexcelled services'•in all lines.
Seaforth, Ont,
The Second Division Court
County of Huron.
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth, Office hours: --
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p,m, to 9 p.m
Voters' List, 1937, for the Municipal-
ity of the Township of Hullett,
in the County of Huron.
INI0l'11OE is thereby given utast I
have complied with Section 7 of 'elle
Voters List IAct and that I have
pasted step at my 'Office at 'Londes-
boro, on tire "7th day of September,
1937, the list nt all 'p'ersons entitled
to vote in the said Municipality at
MTrinieipal elections, and that such
list remains there for inspection.
'I thereby 'eadl •upon all voters to
take immediate .proceedings to have
any 'errors- or omissions •corrected ac-
cording to law.
Dated 'at my office this 7th day of
September, 19,37,
JAS, iW, MoCI0i0'L,
Clerk, Hullett Twp.
11 Ian,,, Stock and Implements,.
at Lot 9, Con. at I'Puekersntith, half a
mile east of Egntonchille. or Monday.
Sept, 27th. at 111:30 p.m.
&forces--tli aged mare, About 1,3181;
1 driver about 13 years old.
Cattle - ill 'cow newly freshened; 1
COW 4 years old dote :March 112, i1' calf
10 months old; 1' young cuff.
Pigs --Il' sow,
aampletnents--it set of shop sleighs,
1 heavy wagon; Il one-horse wagon
with box and rack; 1' cutter; 111 topped
buggy; 1 walking ,plough; 9, small
cutting box; 1 fanning .mill; 11 root
pu'Iper; onion crates; 1 cultivator; 1
seed drill; 1 stuffier; L set of harrow;
1 wheel barroc; 1 grindstone: Ui eat-
ery; 1 .corn shelter; 2 barrels; ll set of
single harness; 111 set of double harn-
ess, set of scales,
Hay -12 loads of second cut alfalfa;
quantity of nixed hay: 'santit)' of
Grain --39 hu. of oats. '
12oot Crop--,Mtangoddt and turnips
(Forks, shovels and chains and oth-
er tools, etc. Four dining room chairs.
'5) sante •time and place the Yarm,
which contains '11024/3 acres, with
frame house, eight rooms, hard and
soft water, it barn 24'x-10": 1 hen
house, gig pen 2-hlid, drive shed 23x-42,
good orohard, .gond clay loans, gond
stale of cultivation, half mile from
'ferns cash. Terms on .property
ntade known day of sale,
'George Elliott, A'uctio'neer; Win,
Kruse, Proprietor.
To take frill c'harge, of 'farm homy.
Two adulls in family; father and inns
Joseph Greer, Bayfield •P. 0., Om.
R. R. tai
From Tot 213 Con. 5, 3k5Kittop, e
year old red •steer. Forder please
communicate with John di. Gordon,
'phone '839 r ,113.
A rattle beast strayed to the prem-
ise's, tot 129, Can. 6, Hibbert, a few
months ago Owner may have same
by proving (property and paying ex-
ii'ettses. Jos. !T. Coyne. Sulfa.
iDry soft body and limbwood,
slabs 1112" long, tongues and 1P' and 2"
second 'grade lumber suitable for
stabling and bride covering. COD.
William Doig, 'R.R. 3, liippen, 'Phone
A. large quantity of ripe or green
tomatoes picked daily, 213 cents a
large basket. .-Apply to A1bori Raker
nr ;has. Kiley.
White 'Leghorn, year-old 'hens, 13.
C. strain, gov't approved, 'handed.
large healthy. 'birds, real 'Payers, pric-
ed reasionalhly. \tiller .Adams, ph one
245 r 22, 'Seaforth.
\t dare a small hoose to rent. Re-
ply to Mr. William MIacLaren, Cro-
marty, giving full particulars.
h1(00 acres good farm land 'in excel-
lent condition, Well situated on main
road with good 'buiitdings. If not sold.
will be rented. iFor further 'particulars
apply to 'Roland 'Kennedy, Seaforth,
RJR. No. 4.
'One ,hundred acres in Stanley Tp.,
lot 1115, Concession 7, one mile .south
of Varna, Goad 'frame house, 2 (bank
barns, lighted by hydro, about 112 ac-
res of bush. Balance Inc grass except
6 acres wheat. 'Desirable property.
Possession et any time. Apply on
prelnascs to Miss Phern'e Logan,
Varna, or Box idle, ;Hensall
A good Deering corn hinder and a
Beatty electric grain grinder. George
Beatty, Sr., Varna.
One piano in excellent condition.
Apply to Post 'Office Box 39, Sea -
Pullets Pullets
A number of Barred Rock and
White Leghorn Pullets for sale
Ten weeks old to laying age
Also a number of year-old
Leghorn Hens
Moore Poultry iFarm
Seaforth, Ont., Aug. 21st737.
To J. E. Hugill,
Agent for Willys Cars.
Dear Sir:—We have driven a
1936 'Willys around 35,000 miles,
Our gas consumption is wonder-
ful, averaging 35 miles to the gal-
lon. We use No. 10 Winter oil in
this car today, getting 1000 miles
without adding. Repairs, none.
We recommend the Willys for
business and family use, every-
where. Yours, SB.
PHONE ' for demonstration -34-616