The Seaforth News, 1937-09-16, Page 1Never a springtime passes, When plough tunas the wet, brown defib, Ent secs nn each scattered sowing 'Am awl of faith in Geri. he SeaforthNe HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER Ne'a'r an autnnrn lingers - , c l,a•nnrl r'r r 1hc=ariii•red grain, B•'rt bears its oven matte witness To faith justified again, "Faith„ W1 -OLE SERIES, VOL. 59, No. 37. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAYS SEPTEMBER 16, 1937 Phone 84. $2 a year 'TOMATO OR VEGETABLE . I Clarke's Soup 4 Tins 25c DATES, 2 lbs. 15c FIGS. 2 lbs, 15c rIIA'PIOCA, 3 lbs. „ 25c SODA BISCUITS, 2 lbs. 25c There is only one Flowerdale Or- ange Pekoe Tea . , .. half. lb. 38e SALMON, Pink, tall tins - 2 cans 19c CORN STARCH, 3 lb. 25c VANILLA, 8 oz. bottle 19c GARDENA SOAP, 3 cakes I Perfume, for 25c CASTILE SOAP, 10 for 25c 4 bars of Surprise Soap, 1 Infant Delight, all for .. , 21c SNAP CLEANING POWDER, 2 for 25c CAUSTIC SODA, loose . , . , 10c lb. Master Red Head Laying Mash at $2.70 cwt. A. C. Routledge Phone 166 COAL (QUALITY -SERVICE E1 L. BOX P43 Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. She,pherd Minister. ILO a.n7.,, Stulday School 'Rall} 'pay. 1;1' a.m,, IncMinister, 4 p.nr., The Minister. ' Anniversary services will 'be held on Sunday, October 3rd. The Rev. ID,r. IJohn McLeod ofd iinranuel Col- lege, Toronto, will he the special speaker. TO SPEAK AT GODERIOH H:on, Hari 42owe, Conser vati, o leader, who will speak at Godericli nn 'Mmrelay evening, Sept. 20th. SEAFORTH SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED ON TUESDAY The Separate and Public Schools and Collegiate Ilatstitnte were closed for two weeks Tuesday afternoon by order of The Board of Health fol lowing t'he diagnOsis of the illness of a Seaforth child as infantile paralys- k. The fainly is now quarantined and all precautionary measures have been taken. North Side United Church Rey. ''I'. A. Carmichael, Minister. 110 a:nt.,"God's :Flan for My Life." 7 p, n1. (.orbs :Encouraging Word to Joshua Sunday School closed. St. Thomas Church Services For Sunday Sept. '19th. No Sunclay School session this Sunday. Morning service at 1111 o olo.ck, sermon 'by the Rector; topic "Personal Service.". Ev- ening service at 7 o'clock; address by the •secretary of the •Social Service Council of Canada, Rev. ]George 'A. MacLean; subject, "'Dominion Wide Social Service Council." All welcome ('anon E. Apple.yard, Rector. SAMUEL SMITH 'I'h•e Health occurred at his .home is Egntondville on Wednesday, Sept. 115, of Samuel Smith, a :highly esteemed resident and son of the late Samuel Smith, a pioneer ID'iaeiple minister who opened •up the bush in \ddliillop built a log house and later with hr ow•n hand built e church two and a half ,miles east of Winthrop, where he preadh•ed a number •of years. The deceased, who was in his 711it year, was 'horn on the 9th concession of \fdKidlop. He had been ailing for two years and succumbed to a .heart at- tack alter an illness, of about two weeks. Mr. Smith was .a Baptist in religion. He was married 415 years ago to \Liss (Annie McGregor, &laugh- ter of the late IDunean •e[clGregor o'f \lcKillop and settled on the act homestead where they .remained until •1130 when they went to reside 'iii Mor- on -to, retiring two years later to Eg- nuond•ville: Surviving are iris widow and two Rona, Norman 5, Smith and Dawson C. Smith of Toronto. The fu- neral, which will be private will Gale place on ]Friday, Sapp 17th from 8u, late residence in ll gmondetlle, inter- ment in Martland1bank Cemetery. Rev. A. \V. Stepheaxl of 'F,igmonch+illr. Un - race Churchofficiate.will he pall- bearers libearers wrii be Messrs, Percy G Little, 'John 'Gordon, Gilbert Smith. Russell Bolton, Louis Bolton, Frank J od1Oston. LADIES' GUILD The Ladies' 'Guild of St. 'I'honias Church held their regular monthly meeting on 'l'uesclaY afternoon. The meeting was opened 'by Scripture rearlinlg front St. 'Linke, 7th 'ch„ verses 36.150, followed thy prayers. After the various reports were read and adopt- ed, arrangements Dere made for a 'Harvest Home" -supper to be held in the Pahrrnh i11a:li on Thursday, Sop- teut'ber 30. Mrs. '.4ppleyard closed the meeting with the benediction. THE SEAFORTH FALL FAI Thurs. and Fri., Sept. 23 . 24 Splendid Entries and Ex- hibits in Every Class School Children's Parade and Drill Band Foot Races Children's Calf Competition Boys' Foal Club Special novelty events, en- tirely new, going on in front of grandstand all Friday afternoon . A Complete Change of At- tractions SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS TRIALS OF SPEED --- .TWO RACES 2:30 CLASS, OPEN: 3 1 -Teat Flan, -Seery Heat a Race PURSE $75,00 2.25 CLASS, OPEN 3 ]seat Plau.-Every Beat a Race PURSE $75.00 Hall open Thursday night Admission 10c • DANCING! Friday Night, Cardno's Hall. Old and new Dancing. Ad- mission. 25c. Square Dance Competition at 9 P.M. wwitaxamre The Seaforth Agricultural: Society HUMPHREY SNELL, President MRS. J. A. I£ERR, Secretary SEE' BILLS FOR COMPI.ETF, LIST OF ATTRACTIONS 1 TOWN COUNCIL The town council held its regular meeting, in the Council Chambers on Monday evening, with the following members present Mayor J. J. Oluff, 'Reeve .1, H. Scott and Councillors R. (, I'arlke, Chas. Holmes, H. E. Snl•itll js IE. (Keating and M. A. Rend. Mayor buff :presided: Minutes of the last retinlar meeting and special meeting; were read and confirmed. Councillor 'Parke, chairman of the 'Fire and Water commute', reported the recommendation of the commit- tee that 300 ft. of new dire hose be .purchased. Of the 12)200 ft. of hose the town had et present only 111100 ft. 0015 in good •condition anal, the 'fire 'under- writers required at least 111200 ft. ,Sonne of the allose being used to 'blow out a drain on 1Codcricb -street had becume mixed up with the good hose and a test was necessary to sort it 0011. One supposedly good length of hose snd- d'enly burst stn'der the pressure test and sent a powerful' geyser of water through an open -door at Mrs. Scott's, soaking -the stairs and • Pule. No serious damage resulted haat a- sictauce was given in drying crit wet rugs and cleaning up the deluge of water, he said. ' ' Council heard representatives of three companies selling Int hose and examined samples. A letter from Mrs. A. D. Suther- land expressing appreciation of the floral tribute sent 'by the council, was read and acknowledged by Mayor Chuff, and from Mrs. Mary Murdie. Lnrckntow, thanking council for flair 0011sidcration to her brother, the late A, 57. Sutherland attiring his illness., Councillor -1-lolme, Chairman of the Streets Committee, reported ev- erything going splendidly on the new Main street ,side walks. The former sidewalk was now completely remov- ed, Inc said, sail unless rain carte, the putting, down of new cement would start on Wednesday morning and probably by 'Ohunaday night it Wittti l (Continued on Page Five) FORMER BRUCEFIELD BOY PLANS NEW COURSE L7 y7 SAVAtiG ESIT PAYS announcing . . . Shaeffer Fountain Pens Following up our custom of providing the best merchandise available we have added a full' line of the well and favorably known Shaeffer Pens and Pencils. Shaeffer Pens are. fully guaranteed from the low priced $2.50 pen to the "Life Time Shaeffer Pen" at $8,75 • and upward. See the. Shaeffer Pen. 'he colors are new. The shape is new and. you will get a new thrill out of Shaeffer Pen Performance. $2.50 to, $17.50 Waterman and Parker Pens also airried in I our regular stock SHOP AT , Phone 194 Iles. 10 e. To a former Bruceli lti;boy, l.hon- ton Mustard, Toronto Normal sehool teacher, goes mush of the credit for she proposed changes referred to in ;he following item from the Toronto oar: Radical changes in the materials and methods of teaching in Ontario diddle and separate schools are cell- ed for by the 1101V course of study from grades )1 to ti which has just been issued. '•10 new course, published by the dep0mi0-not of education, is based largely on the research and recoil)nr ntepdattotrs oa two f17o onto• educa- ti•onists Thornton Mustard, teacher 100 Toronto Normal school and Stanley Watson, principal of Keele Street public school, who has been transferred to Essex Street 'school. Notable in the new course are' these points: 1'. Discouragement of examin- ations as tests ,of progress. 2. :Dis- couragentetrt of home work for pupils up to grade h. 3. Loss +tress on the factual type of leaching. 4. More rreedom to principals in grading children, S. "t'eaching of parables . of Jesus and Odd 'Testament stories--- ''curricuitiiu should be ,pervaded by spirit ft religion." q 1T17e difitline of studies makes a look of 1;04 pages. MacGREGOR-FERGUSON The home of 31r. an,d Mrs. Robert H. ,l ergtison, Clifford, was the scene of a pretty autumn weddingon Tues- day -hcn their youngest daughter, Jessie Hazel, was united in marriage to Charles Ross Ira-dGregor, only son. of the late IIT and Mrs. Charles M. MacGegor, of Seaforth The cere mono was performed by Rev. James Hampson. The bri'd'e, who was given ;n marriage by her father, wore a wine velvet ankle -length gown and carried a bouquet of -white roses, lily of the valley and 'fern. The bride and "•roost were unattended. IT'he weds ling ranch was played by Norman Tice, of (Hamilton, 'cousin of the Pride Pa -owing 'the ceremony a buf- fet luncheon 'was served to .N) gne •ts. Mr. and 'Mrs, MadGregor left on a motor trip. to Northern Ontario, the bride traveling in a flowered crepe, leather coast, and 'blade hat. 00 •theft• retard they will reside on the grooms farm in Millett '1 ownslms near Constance. WILL MEET 'TO -NIGHT 1, meeting of the local Conserva- sive committee and of the workers supporting .Dr. Taylor is called for S p.m., Thursday evening, Sept. 16th, at the public library, Seaforth. C. W. L. The Catholic Women's League held :heir September meeting with the president, Mrs IF. 'Devereaux, Presid- ing. After the readingof tite minuteshy the Rec. Ser., Mrs. D. Shanahan, a splendid report was given 'by the social service conn'ener, *Mrs. C.:•1'', Sills, shoeing how active .the iadiei have peen duringhe summer months.the The 1st ,ice Mrs. J, Ii tannery, report cd a membership of fifty-nine. Mrs. H. J. Mellen, convener of education informed the iur'nibers that .Betty Matthews and (Hazel Anderson had obtained highest standing in the re- am) entrance _examination and were rligilele for the annual prize given by the tragic, Letters of appeal for shunting, etc., from the Canadian West were reasl •by Car, Sec.. Miss A. Daly. Ian;. 'J, J. Cleary; treasurer, re- s Mi F. ported a substantial balance. Devereaux and Mrs. C. P Slits were appointed as .delegates to the Dioces- an Convention to be held in Stratford Sept. 125.;10. at was then decided to have an autumn tea and sale of Home Baking and Mystery Boxes on Sat- urday. October 9th. ANOTHER LARGE TOMATO On Friday ichay lir. Ross liar loge brow ht a giant tomato to 'fele New, office grown by his father, :Mr. 0. S. Savauge. The big vegetable was quite normal in shape, although so large. 51 weighed 11V lbs. Measurentcnt, sere 1I41/4st12i1/j inches. GOING TO GODERICH ? \myone \sitting to go 10 Gode-, ricii on •ILonlday evening, Sept. 20th;. to hear Hon. lEarl ;Rowe. or anyone ntn'horing to the meeting with 1(11)1 for extra passengers, are requested io 10lep.hoil e '715. NEWLYWEDS HONORED 10,1 Friday evening last about 200 iriends :an'd neighbors gathered in the Odd 'Fellows' hall, Seaforth, to honor Mr. and Mrs. James Black, of 'Cock ie h. +ho were recently married. Dancing w•as enjoyed throughout the. ,room;. ibefort. lunch :Urs. Fal. ''ore: sead the accompanying ad- dress and Messrs. 'Wilson diroadfoot and Jim LandStorongh made the pre- scntalion of a china cabinet. 11r. and Mrs. Black suitably replied. The ad- dress: To 'lir. and 'Mrs, ,lame's Black, Dear,? riends, please accept our. C ---is for Comrades, may you ever be true,. 0-- is for Obey, It's for you to construe, N' -'s your New home, free from trouble and 0150, G -le our Glad hand that welcomes son there. R --is tbei Ruses 050 your pathway entwine A- is Ole Ambition to lend In your line, T- nos Trust as the cure against strife. U- is for Unity of purpose in. Life, L --is fm' Love Light, may It ever shine, 5 -is Affeetion ,,hich with Love must com- bine, T- s for 'trials you together' wilt moot, -is for Ills, with r' smile yon will greet. 0 is our Offering, please accept and employ N-- is the News, you know we'll enjoy. S -the Snegeslinn. to ymt and your wife. With our Blessing and Hopes. for a. long happy Life. Signed on behalf of your ]laity Frit rids. ATHLETIC SOCIETIES ELECT OFFICERS Th -e -Boys' Athletic Society of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute has been Organized, with th•e following officers:. Presittent, (Arnold Scott; Vice Pres:, Dale Stewart; Sec„ 'Rollie Stewart; treas., Mac Saulilvgate; reporter, A. Wigg. ''Form representatives, 1., Jin Southgate; 1111., Stuart Wigg; 121., I13mank :Golding; IIV., 'Donald Mac- Taviish; V., Bryans. at was agreed to charge a 25c ttremnbership fee._ Results of -the election held Thurs- day, Sent. 9, at the Seaforth Golleg- late Institute for ,officers of the Girls' Athletic .Society are: Presid'en't, Caro- lyn Holmes; vice pres., Unice Cut- ting; Sec.-treas., .'E'dith Wallace; re- porter, 'Alma Lawrence. Form repre sentatives: Ta, Genevieve Hawkins; H,, (Pearl Ross; TIIT., 'Frances Mat- thews; IV„ 'Helen Crich; 1'., Merle Keating. FOOT BALL Finals of the H;IF.A. have been ar- ranged as follows: Walton at St. Cnlum.ban, ,Friday, Sept. d'7. St. ,Golumban at Walton, Tuesday, Sept. 2111. • Games start at 4:15. NORTHSIDE • W. M. 1S. At the regular monthly meeting of tate W. M. S. of Northside United Church 'held in 'the ''basement•' of the church on Thursday, Sept. A, ,hymn 352 was sung and Mrs. 'Laing, the president, Iledin prayer. The Secret- ary's ntittutes. were accepted without reading and the treasurer's report was accepted as read 'by • Miss IA. /Fergu son Thethank offering and the soc- ial meeting are tube held on 'Tuesday, Sept. 01, unless otherwise arranged. Mrs. Craw, of tete MaIKillop pastoral charge, is tobe the guest speaker. It was decided to entertain the 13aby Band after the next regular meeting - of the W.M.S. 'Tac roll call was then taken, and Mrs. Hay, as captain of Circle 31 presided over the devotional part of 'the meeting. 'Two verses of hymn, "50h Master let me wadi. with Thee," were sung. The Bible reading, "T ant 'Ih•e true vine," was read iby Mrs. Hay, who also offered 'pnayer: Miss A. Ferguson read the d'evoti•onal lealflet "'Ln 'the iFootstens of Jesus," • amd Mrs. Sanford gave an interesting account of She Keswick Conference held 00 Ferndale, Muskoka. TThe.'offe'r- in'g was then .received and 15he meet- ing was brought to it close by repeat- ing the Mixpah 'benediction. Are Your Buildings In Shape For The Winter? Now while the weather is Fine is the time to melee repairs. We have everything .neces- sary for house and outbuilding renovation. CALL US Our Phone No. is 47 N. CLUFF &. SONS Sas