The Seaforth News, 1937-06-10, Page 1I would; .my iaron, that I could bid yon
'Sonne formula and haippiness you'd
Alas, there is no road I can commend
Which brings content unfailing at
its enol.
h N
ea rt. e
1 11- 0
But this 1 say, if y+ou would find that
That satisfaction, gentle, healing
.Which is the essence of all true
content, •
Then stele it not, for all your ef-
iort spent .will he in vain.
WHOLE :SERIES, VOL, 59, No. 23,
Phone 84.
$1 a year.
with Cup & Saucer
1,• ct
39 c .
LI+BBY BABY SOUP ..... 10c Tin
26 oz. Tin
OLD CHEESE, real sharp
{ry. 24c lb.
27 oz. jar
3 pack
15c Jar
(5e Jar
19c lb:
?5c lb.
20c lb,
. 22 oz. ;, , 10c tin
2 Tins 9c
Master's Flushing Mash for sick
chickens i 6c lb.
A..C. RouBedae
Phone 166
E. L. B O X P43
North Side United Church
Rev. T. Ar Carmichael, Minister.
111 a.m.. Report of Conference b3'
Mr. John .McNay and the !Pastor.
7 p.m.—Rev. R. M. Gale, .of Bay-
field will preach.
S.S. at 1101 a.m.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Shepherd.
1110 a,nt., Sunday School.
1111' a, m„ Sernnon on the Lord's
prayer, "For thine is the ,Kingdon;
and the power and the .glory." Bap-
tismal service.
17 p.m., Evening service.
St, 'Thomas' Church Services
For Sunday, June 113,
5,5. and Bible Class, 10 o'clock.
Morning service, 111 o'clock. Sermon
•by Archdeacon Jones -Bateman, M.A.
Evening service withdrawn. All the
congregation reque's'ted to attend the
morning service. A11 welcome. Canon
`15, A,p•pleyard, ,Rector.
Perch Fishing in Lake Huron
The First Presbyterian Church
9''n Seaforth. Harold C. Feast. Mier
.is+ter. Sunday school at 10. Morning
worship at .111; Evening service at 7.
'Morning sermon by the !minister:
"Just the Packed Record of a Won-
derful •Day in Galilee," 'Evening ser-
mon by the ;minister: 'Sone Word
frpnn the ,Master's heart bad Beseig-
ed Their Hearts."
• Huron County's sixty miles of bake Huron shore provides,
among its imam other blessings, plenty -of perch fishing at this
time of vear,.and on any clay scores of- enthusiasts ort)• be seen
vvith pole and line, Some good catches are made. The above is a
scene at St. Joseph. The. timbers iii the foreground are of interest,
being the remains of the wharf constructed over 25 years ago
by the Canadian government when St, Joseph was booming' and
\. Cantin was the nett of the hoar.
'Montreal, June 5.—iNarcisse Can -
tin, 66-yeareold one -tithe officer of the
Transportation and Plower Corp., will
appear in arraignment court today on
a charge Paid in 1913123, of conspiring to
defraud the company of 125,0011 share,
of stock, valued at $2,Si00,000.
A five-year-old warrant issued
when 'Cas'tin and other, laid a $2,-
5:00,000 suit against R. O. Seweezey
and the Pieatiharrnois Power Corp.,
was served on hien last night.
Cantin', action against Swcezey
and the Beauharnois :company, daitn=
ing Saeezey bac; :been an agent fur
the Tranamrtcition ,and Power Co.
\whey; he bought property' for con-
,tree'tinn of the Beauharnois canal
and poyer development, still is pend-
The warrant charging t'antin and
associates with conspiracy- was ,worn
out while his 'ilii against Sweez,y
was being heard but wets not ,erred
until last night.
A newspaper despatch from Tyvan The Catholic Women's league
Sask.. record: the death of Fret: .field their regular monthly meeting
James Hills, native of Seaforth, :n1' early ie dune. 41rs. F. Devereaux
general merchant a1 'I'yratn, e.1 mile
southeast of Regina, who died sud-
denly of a heart attack shortly atter
9 01101ng Up a tire of his alt
The deceased is remembered. .by
some .of the odder residents. He le,it
here over fifty years ago lits kilter
the late William Poll, was at one
time a prominent businessman here.
:n 1ciacting a drygoocls and grocery
ut the Gillespie block, 151111h he Hull';,
anti had also an interest in a eneese
factory at Winthrop, w•hiclt lite Bleu
started. "fine' family _ lived in the;
house now occupied by Mr. ;lames
:Nelson at Victoria Park. After a
business reverse. he went to the West
where his second son. Alfred, who
passed away this week, opened a
store, s '
Mr, -Geo. A. Sills of Seaforth, re-
members the Hill boys as .boyhood
companions and that they were all
English -family.
The June • meeting, of the W,ti, was
held at the home of 'M,rs. David Mc-
. Lean• on \Wednesday, 'Nue 9, with a
good attendance of members and vis-
itors. 'Phe roll call was well 'answered
with a health rule. Captains for an at-
tendance scontest for the corning year
were chosen as 'Ruth 'Gordon and
'Margaret Leybarne, All the members
were invited to a demonstration on
clothes closets to be 'held at the 'home
of ;Elva 'Pryce on Thursday, }tine 10
at 3 p.n1. Achievement day is being
held. on (June 1 911 at Clinton, The
girls belonging to the supper , club.
anti selothes closet club are to demon-
sHrate at Clinton that
es. Ray
mond Nott and Mtgco! Leyburl
wereaPPHinterdeleutrto attend
Achievement Day. Tto lan
• was
health, under tl1*s` c tdi.rsiri
on c t _ i of
Margaret Leyburne-;; fF7 Lith ; ::t;eta
were read, followed with r
"I ow Gerais are Spread
(Rice. There was a gut
Jean Gemmell: a pc .c+ Ru�0' said
Doig; a paper un0:s,' by
Grace Wallace; co =t d •by coni
funnily singing. Luncl ..was servedAy
;lite hostess and some of the girls'
and a Foetal Half ,hour was spit . -
i. ,
,re<Idntg. .'after singing "O Canada",
'he various. reports were read and
Jit:en sec. the social service convener,
Airs, C. P. Sills told of the amount of
.vork being done by her committee,
then AI re, 10-. J. Mellen, convener of
lilneatintt pre.,ented prizes for
'hristimn Dtntt•iee to Mary Duncan,
'lett). 11;ttehews, Annette Carron,
Helen Devereaux, :\Ilan, Ryan and
laseph 1)ry'ercaax, This being the
last meeting before tlfe holiday sea-
son all business ;natters were con-
The Ladies' Guild of St, Thomas'
Church hell their regular burliness
meeting ,in Tuesday afternoon, The
Scripture lesson was taken 'front 214110
chapter Si. Luke, and the president
took for the top® "The Unfinished
\-Vork of Christ," followed by prayer.:
it was decided to have a sale of home
conking and afternoon tea in Mr.
Routicdge's vacant store on Saturday,
June 1,91h, Mrs. Ap.pleyard :closed
the ntee'ting with the benediction. -
,A pleasant evening was spent at
the home of Mr, and Aire, Thomas
Rands on Tuesday evening in honor
of their daughter Maylbelle whose
marriage is to take .place shortly to
Mr. Gay Ryan, of Ltt'can; .The bride-
to-be was (mite taken by surprise.
when her Sunday School Class and
other friends presented her with a
kitchen shower, .\a1 appropriate ad-
dress w -as read by Mrs L Port-
eous, her Sunday School teacher. The
bride-to-be replied in a few well cho-
sen words. The 'remainder of the ev-
ening was spent in contests and sing-
ing favourite songs. :\ dainty slutteh
was then served -land by the singing of
.bold- i_ang Syne an enjoyable even -
Mg WAS hrought 1E1 a dose.
pretty weddingtook place on.
the lawn at the borne of 71r. and Mrs.
Charles .Dexter. Saturday, June Stip,
at high noon, when their daughter,
Eila Eliiahet'h, became the .bride off
\\'11111111 'RBA Pit ;levvitt on of Air.
rRe•mben Jewitt, Kincaid, Sask., (rev,'
'Mr. Gardiner officiating,
The bride, who was given in mar-
riage by her farther, looked charnting
in her dress of white silk organdy em-
broidered. in colors, \\Mite picture hat.
shoes anti gloves to snatch. She car-
ried a bouquet of pink Rapture roses
:blunt two utiles north of •Gnderic'0.
on the hank of Lake limon i 'ltnnt-
ecl that atlraetive spot known a, th e
t oderich Summer School Camp, 1
has heed operating over three sea-
sons and over nine hundred boys aP•'
girls and young people have 'att1*1111
the various .camps 11e1c1 there. The
delightful bathing leach,' the ,pario 1
grounds, the comfortable sleepin*
cabins and the airy dining room all
assist in creating comfort and pleas.
ore, 'Leaders specially adapted and
trained, direct and develop the physi-
cal, intellectual and spiritual aspect-
of life.
To young people seeking a holiday
which will he enjoyable -as well a-
elevating and profitable, attendance at
one of the several catnaps can -be rec-
onnnended. tiror 111/317 the schedule i,:
Senior Boys' •Cantp, June 28th t,.
July 5th.
Senior Girl.' Camp, 'J'uly 5111 tc
111t• 19th,
Sumner School, Only '112th to July
Junior Boys' Camp, July l9th to
I111y 24t11.
33eau Sejour Provincial Camp for
and Maidenhair Fern, The wedding
march was played by Miss :Helen
Britton, cousin of the groan. After
congratulations, fhe bridal party led
the way to the dining ronin where
415 guests sat down to the wedding
dinner. Decorations were in pink and
white, The table was centered with
the bride's cake and houquets of lily
of the valley.' Waitresses were :\Pisses,
Ethel and Viola Dexter, Misses 0 nt
garet and Kathleen V.1111)lat. 71148 e
liar.el Janti1son and Edith Britton..
Guests from Brussels, Ethel, Lunde:
horn, Auburn and Constance were
11ktescnt. 1.1ter the :bride said groom
lett on a 1111o' trip to Forest, Wat-
ford and other MMus. The, bride trav-
elled in a tailored .Suit of Coronation
bitty flaked with Coronation gold,
hlou.y of pink silk crepe, 'hlue hat and
accessories 10 match. The bride re-.. last year by the ownei. Strip farming
^pitied many useful gifts. On their fs being advi,ed apt( aidcd by the g"..
"1 11i n 1•fr. aid llrs. Jewitt ,15 11. rc- e(nment This 50041)ts of seeding
'He 'n H^Nel` strips of lepra.
Leaders, July 241th to Aitgnst 2nd.
Junior Girls' Camp, Aug. 2nd to
Aug, 711i.
iAtwood. Recreation Camp, Aug.
710 to Aug, 117tH,
'For flrll information apply to Miss
Mabel A. Baillie, ‘Goclerich,
\ very interesting hone wedding
took place at the Blessed Sacrament
Church, Toronto, at S:301 Tuesday
morning, ;Rev. Father Pennylegioe
officiating, of IAndry Jane \furrey,
daughter of Air. and 71rs. James hur-
ray of Seaforth, and 'Timothy Basil
Kelly. son of Mrs. John 'Kelly and
the late 9'ohn Nelly of Dublin. The
altar was decorated with spring flow-
ers and fern. The :bride 'core a pale
blue flowered sheer ,crepe dress in
floor length, and picture hat of white
satin and lace gloves, carrying a
bridal !bouquet of white Cat nation-
a1d sweet peas. She wore a striae 01
pearls, gift of the groom. The brides-
maid, Miss (Florence ;Kelly of To-
ronto, sister of the groom, swaS dress-
ed in pale pink, flowered silk, ;lour
length dress with 'puffed sleeves. She
vprc a ,picture hat of pink and gloves
to match, carrying a bouquet of pink
carnations, sweet peas and fern. The
groom was assisted .by the bride's
brother, :Mr. Arnold Murray of Sea -
forth. The wedding. music was played
by :hits. Unser, .the organist. The
groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a
ue.ekla'ce with pearl setting, to the
groom's, attendant a tie pin. After
the ceremony the weeping party mo-
tored to the King 'Edward lintel
where they had their wedding break-
fast, The table was decorated• with
white and ,pink carnations. Following
the wedding breakfast the party mo-
tored to the bride's home in Seaforth
where 11 reception was ltelcl, The bride
travelled in iblue turquoise dress,
while hat 1180 matching accessories,.
llr. and Alt's, Kelly will reside on the
groom's font 1n 14111ee'ton'iiship.
Air. Frank stirieve, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Janes Grieve, has ,joined the
Royal 'Canadian .lir Force and left
on Monday For Trenton, His training
will commenee,in the mechanical div-
ision. Frame ;eas accepted after pass-
ing the required physical tests at To-
ronto last week. He has been
member of the local militia for three
years and has also taken a ?roe -dm -Pt
part in athletics, in whish he w r'l'ed.
Mll', L. Jefferson, of (Arcola, Saslc„
incl his sister and niece were uniting
rt the Nio; of their !mete, .lir. \V. V.
I1ltereon, of Ceelcetsneilh. M.T. Jef-
ferson,. who is Alfaynr of Arcola, trent
to Oshawa to purchase a P01(11c se-
dan to take hack with hint, Owing to
the drying winds, Many of the farm-
ers quit seeding, Mr. Jefferson staked:
One farm near .Arcola, with buildings
costing 11119;000, had peen abandoned
_fed `LC[te aeit
Tarnish -Proof
Lady Hamilton Coronation
Berkeley Square
Proudly set your table with the finest of silverware—Com-
munity Plater Exquisitely designed —superb: in quality—
lasting in beauty, tool Come in—choose your service—
in a beautiful tarnish -proof chest.
l'he sPertln-Huron Shorthorn Club,
of which 11 r. \\'nt Waldie is presid-
ent, is holding a breeders' picnic in
Queen's Park, Stratford, on Tuesday,
June .15:111.
Dr. 'G, 1. Christie, :President of the
O.A.C., and W. A. Dryden, promin-
ent Shorthorn breeder, and manager
of the 'Royal winter fair, are to be the
guest speakers. (Picnic dinner will be
served at IV o'clock standard time
and will he :followed 'hy a speaking
Program and sports for everybody.
The •onficers of this newly formed
breed association extend a most cord-
ial invitation to all who are interested,
to ,Rijn with them •nn the occasion of
their first ,picnic,
The choir of !North tide 'United
Church. following practice o1 Thurs-
day evening, went to the hone o.
Rev. and Airs, T. A. Carmichael and
held their election of officers in prep,
aration for t il`'"fa1l work. The fol-
lowing were elected: Plon...pres., 'Dr.
V. J. Burrow;; pres., Air. -E. C Chan-
berlain, first vice, Miss Mabel Turn-
bull; we. Mas. 1?: H. Close; treas.,
lir. Sant 'Scott; flower fund commit-
tee, the Misses Ruth Thonnpsort.
/Maud Ferguson, Anne lldNay; soc-
ial conmiittee, 'Miss Alargaret Crich.
Mrs, F. J. Bechely, Miss J. AieLeau.
:\ vote of thanks aaxl ajlp.rectatiot for
the work being done by Air. and Airs.
j, A. Stewart, choir leader and organ-
ist, was moved by Miss Rttth Thomp-
son. This was heartily endorsed- by
every member present. The choir
1000 this opportunity of surprising
and 'honoring Miss-A.faybelle Rand
one of their faithful members, prior
to her leaving town to make her
home in a new locality. Dr. 1+, 1
Burrows snake nn hr. -half of the choir
:1(1 thankedAlias Rands for Iver
interest st and helpfulness 1;x1 wished
'.ter snece s and happiness in her
married life. The presentation of
sifter errant and sugar and tray wet'
made ly lfis4 Ruth Thompson. Ali, -
Rands responded kith a few wed'
chosen -words, -0 most deliciren
lunch was served be the ,5151 5'u11•
mutter and teiib the singing of -She...v
a 'Jolly bond Fellow" and “A-,13,1
1..:r710 yoe" :1 P.an9Y evenill5 d
•t1i••7d,9 -t 1 a close. .
The pros;*rant of otile`Seatorth High-
landers Band for Sunday, June. 13th,
beginning at 18.1301 o'clock:
:0 Canada; saaggecl march, 'Alt
Hail the ;Power; , lhy Rollinson;
march, "King of the Air;' Ikte;David
'Nielson; overture, "Encore," by W.
H, (Kiefer; overture; "Joy to 'the
World," by Henry 'Fillmore; march;
"Lackawanna Trail," !David Nielson r
trombone solo, `Asleep in the Deep,"
played by Evan Rennie; overture,
"Bandsmen's 'Delight," by W. IL. •
Skaggs; overture, 'Golden 'Gate," by
Geo. Southwell; march, 'The 'Scout
'Master by H. D. Farnham; overture.
"Snapdragon." by Chas. Southwell;
overture, 9Revelfy"" by )Fred jewel*
hymns, "I Can Hear 'TaIy Saviour
Calling," and "0. :Atli Tdiv,and He i;
Mine." God Save the King. is. H.
Close, Bandmaster.
Mr. 'George Brown, a resident,:. of
Seaforth and vicinity for many.ears,
passed away on 'Tuesda -: sit noon
P $,.
atter an extended illn• Ss.. T*oldow'ing
death of his veneer gvo Year,
a1'0 he had been fiiifig in 1 gmond-
ville swith Mr, ,and Mrs. W. C. Gov-
enlock. IIs failing health for some
time, he 'had not sheen =able te be out
since 'New Years and last friday was
removed to the hospital. 'IElidt late
George Brown was horn 01 ;England
and•came to Canada v+•hen young and
liver in lEgmondvil'le .for a time, and `
in 119114 took a hoose in Seaforth on
H'uror street where ' he Vinci • Mrs.
Brown •lived until the lat-ter's death.
His wife 'teas !formerly Miss Jean -
Moore •,of 1Egmoneiville, 1A. sister,
\des; F[ead of lEgniondvill1, - prede-
ceased hint by a nstnber 1tf years.
Two 'half sisters, Mrs. 7ti'brick, of
Wyandotte, \lick„ and Firs. John
Smith, Seaforth, and a half brother,
11r, Charles Williams, of Toronto,
survive_ The funeral w^i11 he held on
Thursday afternoon, (June 1.040, from
the residence off Mrs, 1, L. Smith, S.
Main street,' Rev, :4, AV. Shepherd, of
k.nnmdvilie United Church, official,
mng., interment will stake place in the
Egnionilville cemetery, the -pallbear-
ers being doh 11 5datsr, Robert Joynt,
\\'illiam Govrnlock. John Stewart, Al,
licl.eoa1 and Marshall Smith.
Some of of tete sores in the - 1:Iurpn
ragile (-hiring the week were:..
\Vinthron 4. .Ethel 2. at 'l:thel, ,rune
4; Bayfield 1, `trafortli 1)• at P,ay5e1r.
'June 7.