The Seaforth News, 1937-05-13, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1937 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE These prices will last to May 19th CRUNCHIE SWEET PICKLES LARGE 28 oz. Jar ' 21c MAPLE LEAF SALMON RED SOCKEYE ,$16c PLUM JAM, 32 oz. Jars EACH 23c OLD HOMESTEAD PEAS, No. 3 TIN 1OC. EMFO TOMATO JUICE 3 TINS 25c 20 oz. Tins 1.111111d PEACHES, Standard 2 sq. TIN 15c SINS Pure Lard, 1 191 Carton 15c Superior Baking Powder 8 oz. 14c 16 oz, 23c Aylmer infant Food. Asstd. 2 tins lqc Welch's Grape Fruit Juice pints 27c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. 17c Manytlowers T, Soap cake 5c 78c Royal York Cottee, 1 th tin , 39c Dixie Dainty Grape Fruit Juice, 2s Tin 14c Pineapple Juice, 8 oz. 2 Tins 19c Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c Pumpkin, Choice, 2%s 2 Tins 23c Brooms No. 6,-5 String Each 25c Brooms, Dandy 5 String Polished Handle Each 49c Crothers Soda Biscuits 1 ib Bag 15c Colgates Tooth Paste Tube 19c Choice Blue Rose Rice 2 lbs. 17c Sultana ;Raisins 2 lbs. 25c, Pitted Dates 2 lbs. 23c Electric Bulbs, Mazda Each 20c Gilletts Blue Blade 5 for 25c Shirriff's True Extracts, 1% oz. bottle 19c Nuggett Shoe Polish Tin 12c Brunswick Sardines 5 Tins 25c Royal York lea, / lay, Vinegar in Bottles, Malt, Cider or Spirit 10c (Canada) 12 oz. Bottle Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE S PHONE 77 TOWN TOPICS ,Rev, Fr. Hussey deft for London on Monday and will be tinavoidtihly absent from his parish until' next week, Both masses on Sunday next will he stung by a visiting iRedemptor- ist Father. Mr, and Mrs. William Austin, Sea - forth, spent two clays in Varna owing to the death of Mr. 'Fred Austin of Uncles cles bora, Mrs, Thos. Storey visited last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, Henry Bednar at 'Zurich. Mrs, Mcda Lewis, Toronto, and Mrs, C. 'Alien, Welland, were guests with Mrs. 'G. Wanless. .Mrs, E. Brigham of Owen Sound visited her aunt, Mrs, W. W. Cowan, during the week end. 'Mr. Robert McMillan arrived home on Wednesday eventing from spend- ing four months in tF lorida. Mr, Mc- Millan is looking well and reports having 'had a wonderful time. Miss Bessie Grieve of 'C'hatham spent the .week end at her home. Mr. Robt. (Hogg has taken apart- ments in the .Beattie block. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore have moved to Centre st,. ,Egntondvil'le, froth their farm in 'Tuckersmith. Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Crich, Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Glow and Miss Anne 'McVay were Coronation Day visitors in Th- roat°. Mr. ;Alex. Bethune and Miss Beth- une left Saturday to spend a few days at Midland. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Kaine and - Miss Luella Kaine ,pent the week end with -Rcv, and Mrs, I. B. Koine at Grimsby. Miss 'Ria Hills, Toronto, spent the week end with her paretics. Dr, Reid Edmunds and Mr. Ed. Lawrason of 1Brantford spent the week end at the former's home. Mr. 'Arthur 'Edmunds spent the week end in town, Mrs. Edmunds re- turning with hint to spend the week in Hamilton. Miss Florence Fowler of Biuevale visited the Misses Fowler, Huron Road, on Monday, Mrs. 'James Hays is spending a couple of weeks with her son, Dr. A. L. Flays at Fort !Erie. Miss Etta Jarrott of Toronto was a visitor at her haute during She week end. Cliss Florence Laid'lawl of Toronto was a visitor with her anther, over the w .:e'.: end. i Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING --and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Important Notice! ACCOUNTS, NOTES, JUDG- MENTS COLLECTED. Our Collecting Department is a result of Years of Successful Experience in collection local and out-of-town ac- counts. On March 26th we received a letter from a client: 'Thank you for prompt remittance and- for good work re my collection." Our Rates: NO COLLECTION, NO CHARGE Mail your list of accounts today to Burke's Collecting Agency (License 111716) Head Office, SEAFORTH, ONT. Box 498 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wheat, .per bus. $128 'Barley, feed, per bus. Barley, malting, per hu Oats, per bus. - Hogs, .per cwt. 80c 90c 5(5c $8.50 McKinley's Chicks 8c Rocks and Leg. 8c... after May 8th Leg. 8c; Rocks 9c, after April 20th Leg. 9c; Rocks 1Oc, after April 12th Leg. 10c; Rock 11c, after April 4th All- Breeding Stock Gov't Ap- proved atad Bloodtested. Started Chicks and Pullets for sale. Come and see them. • J, E. McKINLEY Phone 97r11, Hensall, ZURICH DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan and :family spent Siunde' with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kelly of Blyth. (;,,tool Equipment makes a Good Farmer Better FOR QUALITY & SERVICE BUY McCormick Deering - Farm Machinery AND REPAIRS From Your Local Dealer JOHN BACH SEAFORTH Hain St. Phone 17 BORN 3leClinchey--dn Scott Memorial •Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 4th, 10310. to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet 3IeClinchey, Egmondville, a son. HARLOCK Mr. and Mr,. Arthur Hoy and f.a'n. ily of :1l,iu,raw, Miss Rozella Huy :inl friend, Miss Bishop, of Goderi.-.`t, were Sunday visitors at the home o.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson Mr. and Mrs. Audrey ,K'urx ;pen's Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mr:. A. W. Beacom. Mr. Jahn Howard of Bayfield and Mr. James Leiper were Monday vis- itors at the lvonie of Mr. and Mrs.. Isaac 'Rapson: MT. and Mrs. Lorne Badley of near Hespeler spent the week end at the hone of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDonald. Mrs. Badley also cal -led on her friend. Mi:s Jean Leiper. We are glad that 3(r. 'James ,Leiper who has not been enjoying good health lately, is able 'to be around again. Mr. Harold Beacom trucked cattle to Blyth on Monday for Mr. Robert Watson, We are pleased to know Mr. John Leiper; who is eitfployed with the Goadison people of Sarnia, is ?vetting along fine, He usually spends the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Leiper. KIPPEN The Y:Fa. anniversary service of St. Andrews United ,Church, Kippen, will be held on Sunday. May 1116th, at till a. tn. and 7:$0 p.m. The guest speaker will be the IRev. A. Page of !Exeter. The chair will provide special music, assisted by Miss Edna Coch rane. soloist, ht the morning, and the LaMb 'Male Quartette in the evening. On Monday evening, May 1i7lth, the of 'idlitnville will present a fas- cinating four -act drama. ",Dot, the Miner's 'Daughter." at B o'cibek. Mr. J. R. 'Croon, BA. and Mrs. Cross of Highgate spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Alva W. Way of K'ippeit.• Miss Kathleen M,c'Gregor spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Gladys Jarrott and Miss .Edna Dayman spent Thursday with her friend, Miss Glad- ys Jarrott. Mr. Bruce Field of Centralia has sold his property in Ki,gpen 1'0 Mr. William Sinclair, .east of the village. We tveloone thein to tate village. Wedding bells are ringing in the vi'Ilage. Farm and (Home 'Week rhe usual 'Farm; arid Horne Week -at the Ontario Agricultural College will he held 'Jtina 211 to ;iaine "25in- clusive, On accoam!t of t!he .niunerous high-class animals which have been added to the college 'herds and flocks in recent months, -a record attend- ance is expected this year. Very spe- cial efforts will be made to Piave 'bet- ter spacial exhibits 'and ,to have all 'ar- rangensents and facilities as complete as (possible. Musical Festival Winners A musical festival open to all public schools in Huron county took - place in the town 'hall at Clinton on Tues- day, commencing at 9 a.m. and con- tinuing throughout the day and even- ing. ,P.eblic. School fI:nspector E. C. .Beacom, Goderich, organized the con- test and conducted the festival. Roy Fenwick, provincial supervisor of music, acted as adjudicator aid W. IR. ,Goulding was music ,conductor and accompanist Fifty-eight schools of the county took part and the contest- ants and their friends turned out in such numbers as to overtax the seat- ing capacity of the hall. There were 27'5 entries, the largest group. ;girl' solos. having 817 entries, It was mid- night !before the competition wa•-s over. The winners in the.eight classes ytei.- tlass 4. rural school choir, schools of one ronin only. arty nuoher ,if voices, 1st—S. S. No. 1, Stephen, (Fairfield) 79'%; Una—+S: S. No. 3, taderich :(IH'o'hnesville) 718%; 3rd—S. S. No. b. !Grey. 76%. '(No. of entries., 24.) Class 2, ,school .choir, schools of two or 'three rooms. Mist—Ethel, 80%„; 3nd ---Dashwood 179%r; 3rd—Brussels 78%. (No. of entries 7.) Cl. '3, school choir, schools of more than three room's. lst — \Vinghatn 78%r; 2nd--Seaforth, 77%; 3rd, Exe- ter 76%r. !('No, of entries 6). Class 4, home and school member choir. lst—Central School :Hanle and School Assn., 'Goderich. 801%: dhtd— Victoria School .Home and School Club, ',Godericlh, 717%. (No. of entries 2). Class 5. girl's soio, dist—Margaret 'Pethick, Seasortth. 6L%a; 12nd- tDoro- thy !Gallop, Seaforth B1l%; !it'd—Hazel Boyce, IGoderioh; IEtta!belle Webster, Dungannon; Marion 'M'ason, B'lyblt, tied at 1S0l%r, ,(IN'o. of entries, 57.) Class 5, boy's solo. 1st -Clifford Farrier, S S. No. 1114, W. Wawanosh 2nd—'Lorne Bryans, Brussels, 78%; 3rd—!Dou'atd lGi;rbs, S.S. No, 5, I-Iullett, 771%b. '(121o, of entries- 213). Class 7, .girls' duet. 1st -Margaret Rozcdt .and Marguerite Cosen., Clin- ton, 1811%; anal --]Alma Richards and Jeanne Parker, S.S. No. 1, Stephen t1tainfield), 60e; 3rd-4eteila .Bryan and Jean Speirian, IB'runsels 179*. 1('14o. of entries '626_ •Olass 8, boys' duet lltst—Tom Lep- pington and ,Douglas !Andrews, 'Clin- ton, 76%; and—Lloyd Wailer and Russell 'H'caman, S.S. No. 116 Stephen ({Fia!'iifeeld) .71S9b; Bird—!Glenn ,Hunter and !Elwyn IK.eeslalke, ,S•:S. iNo. 4, Ifs - borne; James Taylor and ,George Wolfe, 1D'ashwood, tied at 70. ,(INb. of entries, 1119'). CONSTANCE, Miss Marian Lawson of Seai,'rth spent the week end .with her friend, •1 0 c e notiet R. O. P. Sired ARRED R l C K.. CHICKS NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS WHAT'S IN A CHICK ? It takes more than advertising and an incubator to produce quality chicks. You can't tell by looking at the Outside of a Chick, what kind of Breeding is on the Inside. The Outside decides the shape and color. The Inside decides the Profit. The only possible way to be sure of Profits Inside, is to buy chicks that are especially Bred for Profits— from a reliable source such as SCOTT'S Poultry Farm. Our Barred Rock chid: sales this year have surpassed by far any year we have been in business. Our New Hampshires are making fast friends where ever they go. NEW LOWER PRICES to take effect May 10th: BARRED ROCKS: A. Grade, 26-30 oz. eggs, $12.00 per 100 B. Grade, 24-25 oz: eggs $9.00 per 100 Day old cockerels: $6.00 per 100 NEW HAMPSHIRES: $10.00 per 100 Scott's Poultry Farm SEAFORTH. alnisrarXweennsarepo PHONE 251 - 32 Muss Viola Dexter. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter ani family and Miss Marion Lawson - i lie May inettin4 the U F.\\ O spent Sunday with 3fir. and Mrs. Guy •t i!! use hi ;d on \\ rhtesalay at 2,31) at Cunatinghain of :Auburn, the home of Mr. ani \ars. Alex. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davi lson of lVri_ht Rol- can, My Favorite Rose. near-Brueefield visited Mr. and Mrs. The topic. Rase the ;oil required Robert Lawson Sunday.pruning and different kinds if spay Miss Phyllis Medd spent tuo or mixture needed, will be taken ;by Mr. tivree days with relative- in Exeter Allan and Mrs. Knight. At this meet - this week. ins there will he an exchange of seeds The friends of Mrs. James Hu ill and bulbs. plants or slips. will be sorry to learn she is itot mak_ Mrs. O. Hind provincial president ing the progress they would like to of the L .F.\\'.O. called on some of see. the num iers the first of the week. The Live Wire Class are holding a Visitors over the week end were: coronation social evening on Friday. \lis, Ina Scott, Miss Helen Scott of Lunch will be served. London at the home of their mother, The W.M.S. and W.A. are holding Mrs. A. Scott, Cir. Lawrence Reid oe their monthly meeting in the school- room - of the church Thursday after- noon. Miss Ivy Simmons will give the report of -the convention held at God- erich. - Toronto and .Me. Stanley Reid of Ha- milton: at the home of their father. 31r. Cha:. Reid. 31r. and Mrs. C. - West and Dorothy of St 'Phomas at the manse. Dr. and Mr;, Carman " Haugh and Marlene, M is. Hazel Haugh, Miss Meryle Eckel 31r. Ted Eckel and Mr. Reg. Balliss, of Toronto visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh and Mr. and Mrs. W. Haugh. Sytnpathy is extended to the friends of the late lir. John Moffatt. ELIMVILLE Mr, and Mrs, Bob Allison, Mrs. Leonard O'Reilly, Misses Thelma O'Reilly and Mr. Erwin O'Reilly of Sarnia spent 'the week end with Mr, and Mrs. John Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,Addison of British Columbia are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns. Miss Laura Ford is spending two' weeks in Exeter with Mr. H. Squire. Mr. Walter Penrose and ,Miss Gladys Skinner have ,been on the sicIlc list this past weeks TELCF 1.; ONE TALKS IN THE WATSON FAM I,LY t here, Muriel,. t„ eeThey'�re gig h�`me no`w ;.. I'lsend them, 4,.•-"a:rx s__ Dad's call on their D Patsy Watson. love to when they Don and ary. Scarcely a week gpes by and cookies. Aunt twice, for stories a thcn usual don't Jany in eatr least w the are later She afternoon, when y worry iny getting any their mother doesn't Aunt i getting home, deadline and then calls up simply Waits till the s that makes the y' This is just one of the things 'Watsonghousehold. tele s enable to lot of work telephone indispensable anxiety and such a Watson wouldn't be without it. It saves so touch that 1VArs. .3 '5' ' The rates for residence telephone service are surprisingly low --only a few cents a day. You really cannot ' afford to be without a telephone. M. J. HABKIRK, Manager