The Seaforth News, 1937-05-06, Page 2PA'G'E TWO HURON NEWS blew off the hydro !reacting'. floated onto the street and ora Iced into Mr. Frank 1, dgar's Ford ear, 111e hood 6t the car was scratched and a hole was punctured in the windshield. 1''h'e advantage of shatteraproof iglaas was amply demonstrated, a, there i, mo doubt the winds'hield would have been broken to 'b'its if it had been ordin- ary ,lass, !Frank was alone in the car, having delivered a load of .children at the school. He was .uninjured. \t 'inghant 1A,c1eaarce-rinses, T 11-1E SEAFORTH NEWS nooks At Exeter - Considerable damage and discom- fort was wt'auglht to- ntauy of the householder., in Exeter by the con- tinuous rains of the week -end which eaus'rd the rivers and creeks -Ito rise rapidly and Which 'brought loss of life and heavy property idamage through- out Western Ontario. 'The Atha 'S'a'ble river rose rapidly Monday and carried away the "north section of the retain- ing wall, At Smith's 'hr'idge on the Lake Road the water overflowed the road. Autos navigated the stream which was about two feat deep at the spot. At the !Exeter school water flooded the basement to a depth of several feet, putting out the 'fire and the school has 'been closed for three days. All day 'Monday a pump was kept going to 'keep the water down. By Tuesday night most of the water. had 'been pumped out. The drains' of town were enable 'tea carry off the water and many cellars were (flooded, some :by a few inches and others 'by several feet. Fires in many furnaces were put out and in some cas'e5 this was the only mean; of heating the 'homes, When the waters receded a muddy slime covered everything. 'l'he abutments of the Thanes Rd bridge were weakened and signs were posted warning persons that 'they used the bridge at their own risk. -\ portion of the roof of the Central Hotel was blown of on Wel:ncscley and was repaired hitt the raiu Sunday found its stay through the roof and 'lanlat;- ed two of the rooms. Some of the - plaster fel, \Wor1en en on tiumday re- paired the roof in the rails -Exeter. Times -Advocate. THURSDAY. MAY 6, 1937. TOWN TOPICS T\\'ENT V -FIVE YEARS AGO 'James Fair of Clinton spent Mon- day is town, --10r. MacKay has 'pur- chased a handsome new "Page" auto. -Rev. Father iDotnney of Windsor spent Tuesday and. Wednesday in town. -The ,Public School is to be beautified 'by having boxes placed on the windows :for the purposes of holding 'flowers. --Workmen are bus- ily engaged repairing the roof of the P:resibyterian C11,u:rch-Mrs. Thomas McFadden of-MOKiiiop has moved to town .and :will take up her residence here, -Walter 'Robinson is 'confined to his home, suffering froth an attack of appendicitis, -Angus 'Hay, former- ly a member of the 'Bank of Com- merce staff, a few years ago, is visit- ing 1(1 town. -R. IH, .Atrchiba'lld of Guelph spent Friday last in town, - Mrs. Murray of Tavistock is 'visiting her daug'hter, Miss Helen Murray. - Mr, iand airs, Arch. Scott visited with their sort Melvin, and Mrs. Scott this 1. week. \?r. Melvin Scott •oontemp.lates going to Winnipeg: -Airs. Samuel Eoycl of Kincardkrie spent a few day's_ .I n town this week. 11xs. Boyd, while I 'n town, was handed a cheque for $t,- 1. (1001191, insurance •carried by her late son, 'Robert, -A ;good many years ago, when' •a 'boy was whipped in school, he got another whipping when he went home, but in these days the father and mother wipe his tears away and go and w'hip the teacher.--- The I:O,O,1F. will institute - a Rebecca Lodge next week. \L'-. C. M. Edwards o: Blid:gebcr;g, 'Grana President, will institute the lodge in Seaforth. The work will be put ,1 by the ladies' degree team of Hensall. The new lodge is assured of a large membership. - :ars. J. B. Thompson and \\'rn. Sclater were appointed del- egates to attend High Court of C.O. E. to be held in Hamilton. At a meet- ing of the managing board of the Methodist Church on Monday, Miss Iva Dodds -was engaged as organist. Mrs, dirtiest Cllittendeu and daugh- ter have 'returned from Kincardine. Successful students at the (University of Toronto 16r the degree of B.A,Sc. were, C. IP, 'Sills. Seaforth, with hon- ors: \V, i(i, )s1cln'toslt, of McKillop, with honors: G. 'R. Elliott, of Corder- iclt, and B. ,\A'. Waugh, a former stu- dent in Seaforth. B'rucefield. James 'O''Neil has sold his 30 acre rami 11 Mr. VVm. Aikenheaet-Mrs. Ales. Ross left on Tnesday for the \\est, -The farmers in this vicinity are nearly all through with their seedling and are now waiting for rain, -\1 r. and M rs, Wm. Murdoch - of Stanley Tp. 11909- bought a house ant lot in Egmon.dville- from Mr. John Beattie -Lightning struck a hen- house on Tuesday evening and set it on fire. Exeter. Air, \Vur, Lightfoot. employed in Gilles sawmill, had a narrow escape. from (;cath when he was caught in the shafting and only fur .the timely asaiatance of one of the mets who happened fig, would have been killed. He escaped with a strained arra ,and book. [Jenson. R. Cudnrore and staff are putting cement "foundations under the resid- ence: of D. 'Urquhart and T. Haid - ,on. -Samuel Coulter - was among those who received their degree in medicine at the Western 'Un'iversity convocation: -.:!'he- local band. under the leadership 01 AI, ?Rennie, will give its first open air concert on Friday, Brussels. - Forty -live feet of barn roofing was aloe n- off the horn of 'James Lawson, Morris, by a recent storm. He had aind -insurance. \\'inghant. \1'hilc al r. and Mrs. Fraser were Ieiyin on Maio street Saturday ,ight at Irl o'clock, some unknown ' erson driring recklessly down the •beet ran into them as their rig was tieing tetanal around. •I'he stranger's i0,11 wheel caught in the hind wheel1 if the other rig. and kIr, and Airs. Fraser were thrown in a heap, and '11 or 41) rolls of butter scattered over the street. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser were anconseious. bet recovered in a few minutes. The unknown elan drove rapidly away. \G•. Fraser is a ('11 1- - ijllor of Morris Township. ---.King Bros. have pureh used .from D. Van - stone the 'site of the !nulled Deaver 0litek and intend erecting a double store, Messrs. K are capable hu'si- nes, men and the citizens are glad Iter have deriricrl -to remain. THE THAMES ':radle of London, - River of Kings, Queens and History f 111i 14 Caesar's Ii'gions battling * a Thames ford against an •of Celts; Nat rIf Norway de - 11,a; London Bridge to save Eth- 're)! "Clic Unready.' from the. ihutcs; Iciirg flinging ourrbatrtd the :Great' al is. England as he crossed tile • •n his flight front tete capital -in n'•. -.1). 11 as these lie •the dahlia • of Former Resident of Blyth - 'The death of 'Wi'lliam 'Robertson, a highly respected citizen of \Ving- Ilani for twenty-nine years, occurred at bis residence, Diagonal Road, on AMR 132, i\'lr, Rdhertson. Who was in his 711st year, was born in ,East Wa- vanosh, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. 'Apex. IRc1•bertson. He was the seventh ichild of a family of twelve. - Prior to moving to Winghatn, Robertson •conducted a :blacksmith business at Blyth for 'eighteen years. Il -Ie continued kar 'business in Wing - hate until the retired 110 years ago. He leaves to 'mown his 'passing - besid'es his wife, •formerly Mary 'Kennedy Dodds, of Blyth, to who whom 11e was married in 1805, two daughters, \t rs, -George 1. erv+ of \Vinghant, and Mrs, \V. Burns, of Windsor. Surviv- ing also are (1ii'ee brothers and three sisters, 'Adam Robertson and '11,09. J, A. Menzie, 'East Wawanoh; George T. Robertson of \it1g'hanl and James Robertson, Seattle, Wash.; h.; and Ms's. E. Briscoe, \\'bite Wulf, \\"ash, Bur- ial took place in \V Ingham 4411191 ery. River at Highest at Mitchell- Rising about feet from - its level of the day before, the l''hames River went on a rampage when the heavy tarn:, of Saturday and Sunday kept swelling the water. For a time it was, thoughtthat the power house would be flooded. threatening to ..shut off the supply to the tnwu but the pump- er was used to check the risi1tq wa- ters. 'Rohit. Gibson's machine shop was closed on account of the inunda- tion, water rising about two feet ab- ove the level of the ifloor. The limber yards of Eizerman & Sons were flooded to a depth o1 four feet in places and the sta'b'les of this' firm were also flooded. Lumber and posts were floated from their regular piles throughout the yard and as the wa- ters fell were left distributed 'leiter skelter about the yard. The Collison House Barns were. flooded but the water did 1101 rise high enough to en- ter the lower floor of the hotel. Along the banks of Whirl creek the waters rase to enter the Burritt factory. flooding the boiler room and leaving the building without 'heat. Chapman' Paint works also had Bunte water it their plan t. Above •tile bridge oat St Andrews street houses lying close to the water had their cellars filled tt the joists, Throughout tete town cel lars were flooded, some with but a few inches of water, while other. were three and four feet deep.- Con si(erahle damage was done to food stuffs and other articlea stored it them. ---Mitchell Advocate. May Tear Down Normandy Hotel - The Normandy F:uklding Whielt 1119, been entlt'pty for a number of year. may soon be torn down. Tenders fit wrecking the building have 11een ask ed for. -Clinton 'News -Record, May Have New Industry-- The ndustry-The town council held a specia session last night in conference w•itl some outside business sten who pro pose to rake over :part of the old Ar Cra•it factory for tib :e'mamrfactore o shoes. 'Negotiations will 'be 41111uued next week, and there appears to be t gold prospect of the 'establishment o a new lndtnstry Here,-•'lGoderich Star. J. E. Cantelon Passes At Clinton - John 'Edwin CallteInw, a Wel known life long resident of Clinton died stuldenh• of a hart attack Sun day afternoon at the hone of hi: friends, ,lir. and 11rs. 3. T. Cook Born in Clinton April fi, (117(3, he wa. 11 his 04th year. Hie ea, the elder 4111 of -the hie William ("lowlier am. 'h;lrlottc '•lenclennine. 11e attender the ('lint,, 1 schools triol as a young. man 91119x•1 the enthliti ,r Catitelnl Bros., grocers and ;malnce inerch int, as -district purchaser of produce Later lee -was travelline- salesman for a Hamilton wh,,lvsnv gr'atery hi obi. and for the past tour year, had been en gaged as ,green 'Irl>' operative Albs t'nsnlingl11t , florist, In l5t)t he married \lard' Clark, who ore i •'rased hint lap one snoods, Then_ -vivc Inc sister. lir,. Jas. Brooks t Mitchell, and one brother, William Cameron, of -'Toronto. The funeral leas 'held on Tuesday afternoon from the 'home of \Ir, and '11as. J. F. Cook, the service 'heifer 'conducted by Rey, C. \V. D. ('kens. Interment waw in 'Clinton Cemetery, In Police Court- - Appearing before •\lagisirate 1, A. :t6akins in IGoderich last week, John Weiss and (Fred Littlechild pleaded guilty to charges of stealing three hens, the property of Miss !Jennie MacDonald of IGoderic'h. It 9.115 01 - fortunate that the men left the wrong third out of the cooking pot, it was smilingly explained to tHis Worship, for the survivor was a pet bird which sat down when spoken to 'by its own- er, thereby indubitably establishing ownership. 'They were remanded a week for sentence. Sentence was sus- 'pendect on Earl Zuelfle, 215 year old Hensall young '19911 who pleaded guil- ty on two charges of theft. He admit- ted stealine413 from Twitchell's gar- , age and t351c from Joynt's ,tore at Hensel!. Tittering a plea for leniency for the youth, Crown Attorney Hol- mes said it was 'Zuefle'n first appear- ance in any court, and that his uncle would look after the young elan until he could be sent to 'his father at Sioux Lookout. ,Zue'fie pleaded he had been out of work. 1Casewell Hackett of Lucknow reserved plea and election w'ixn he faced a charge of knowingly having stolen goods. 99(1 was remand- ed a week. IPolire who arrested Hack- ett allege 'he had an electric trashing machine. 'knowing it to be stolen from the R. D. Cameron home in LucknoW. Zurich Bank To Organize Zurich Jubilee iBand has called a meeting for this week in the towii hall at ,Zurich, and Will organize for the Flamer season. John Rudolph, Sr. - One of Lo,Jgan s most estimable re- sidents, itp. Rudolph. Sr., passed away at his liom'e, concession (1, lot Cil. on April 214th. Although in poor health for some time he 'had Only been confined to hiiit brei for a few clays, 'He was eighty years and three months of age. Death took place on the farm on which he had lived since his marriage, located next b6 the faros- where lie was born and spent his boyhood days. For nattily years he took an active part in muni - deaf .politics serving as councillor and Peeve of Logan Township on various. oceasinns and also being aemrrded the w-1rdensltip of (Perth County. Hew was held in high regard by all who knew- him and his demise is deeply rergret- trd by a large circle of friends. fie 19114 a no11 of the late Mr. and Mrs. :••011119 Rpdolph and in 18n0 was married to .Emma Caroline Kahle, also of Ligan Tiwesh'tp who is now eighty years of age. Besides his sor- rowur9 wife, four daughters mai two sons are left to mourn his 'passing. 'I'hcy are Mrs. -'Glias. 'Ronuenberg ((Emma) of 'Waterloo, '\4•rs. :\n;gttet Kaufman '(Annie), Hamilton: 0Iudda and Minnie Rudolph and Charles of Hamilton; John, now cleric i1) Logan Township. One son, Fred, predeceas- ed hien five years ,ago. He also leaves three sisters, -Mrs. !Jacob :Higeneli, Ln. an: Mfrs. iHungst and Mrs. AVolfe, Mitchell, and two brothers. erred of Mitchell, :and'Adalplt of Stratford: u graard'rhildren and one great grand-. child. The funeral service was held at the First Lutlieraat Church, Logan, of 9llieh \1r, Rudolph w•id a, 'member. A,Peculiar Mishap- At the noon our od Werineslay o' Last week a sheet of galvanized iron ROSES HARDY, TWO-YEAR, FIELD GROWN A Complete List of 134 Choice Varieties is listed in McConnell's 1937 catalogue. Here are three Real Bargain Offers B''ARGAIN "C" 5 choice Everblooming Hybrid Tea Roses, our selection, in 5 distinct' colors and named. Here is a real $2 00 bargain. Only BARGAIN ".D" 3 fine Climbing Roses, our sel- BARGAIN "H" Complete Color Assortment One each of eight lovely Hy- ection, in 3 colors -red, pink brid Perpetual roses, covering a complete color range. Our sel- ection of varieties and named. Only $2.75 and white -named. A real op- portunity. t1.' 'y� 1100 Only $ le. Ornamental Trees A wide range of types comprising 75 varieties. Here are 10 of them: Maple, Norway 5-8 ft, $1.25 Maple, Purple ,Norway 6-8 ft, 2.25 Maple, Silver 8-10 ft. .80 Birch, Cut Leaf Weeping , .... ...5-6 ft, 2.00 Flowering Crabs. Assorted Varieties 4-6 F1. 1.10 Poplar, Lombardy 8-10 ft. .65 Willow, Wisconsin Weeping .......6-8 ft. .90 Mountain Ash 6-8 ft. 1.00 Walnut, Japanese 6-8 ft. 125 Catalpa, Speciosa 6-8 ft. 1.00 ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS For Any And Every Purpose Shrubbery is the mainstay of any home planting. Keep in mind the lovely varieties of Barberry, Deutzia, Dogwood, Forsythia, Hydrangea, Hon- eysuckle, Mock -Orange, Spirea, Weigela, etc. Send for McConnell's 1937 catalogue. Evergreens What can excels Evergreens for permanence and beauty? McConnell's catalogue lists 66 elegant varieties. Fir, Concolor Silver -154-2 f t. $.2.50 Juniper, Irish 3-4 ft. 3.00 juniper, Savin 2-254 ft. 2.25 Juniper, Meyers 1-1% ft. 2,75 Spruce, Norway 3-4 ft. .65 Spruce, Koster's Blue 2-2% ft. 4,50 Arborvitae. Tom Thumb 2-2Z/ ft. 1.75 Arbovitae, Vervaena 3-4 ft. 3.07 Pine, Austrian 3-4 £t. 3.00 CANTERBURY BELLS SINGLE MIXED -3 for 40c; doz. $1,50, DWARF BEDDING -New. 3 for 50c; doz. $1.75 CUP AND SAUCER -3 for 50c; doz. 91.50 BRISTOL FAIRY GYPSOPHILA The outstanding, very large, perfectly double Baby's Breath -40c each; 3 for $1.00. - BLEEDING HEART An old garden favorite and always in demand- 25c each; 3 for 65c. TRITOMA (Red Hot Poker) There is no perennial that causes more atten- tion and comment. The brilliant orange and red flowers are produced on long 2 to 4 foot spikes during August to October. 3 for 45c; doz. 91.50. HEBE KOREAN HYBRID CHRYSANTHEMUM A most beautiful soft lavender pink 50c each; 3 for $125 16 gorgeous varieties of the 'Great New Korean Hybrid Chrysanthemums can be supplied you by McConnell's. See 1937 catalogue for descriptions and prices. FLOWERING CRABS No tree could be more lovely than these in their first stage of deep colored buds; then their second stage of part buds and part opened flow- ers, followed by a smothering expanse of full - bloom flowers, Very hardy and nothing finer for a medium sized tree. 12 beautiful varieties rang- ing from 75 cents to $1.50. 1,1,1"11 OCKS No ;garden is complete without these stately and beautiful flowers, CHATER'S DOUBLE -Crimson, purple; rose, yellow, salmon -rose. State your choice, 3 for 40c; doz, $1.50. KELWAY'S PERFECT MODEL -A superior strain with very double flowers of perfect form. Mixed colors. 3 for 50c; doz. $1.75. Ii:\RDV PI-HLI)X BARGAIN 17-5 beautiful Hardy Phlox. ail dif- ferent and named. Only $1.00. REG.\ I. 1.11.\ - The great lily for Canadian gardens. 5-% inch bulbs -25c each; 3 for 60c; doz, $2.03, SAVIN JUNIPER One of the most dependable and finest of all dwarf evergreens; admirably suited to foundation planting, borders, groups and rockeries. Grows to a height of 2 to 4 feet, succeeds in most any soil, withstands city smoke and perfectly hardy. 2-2% foot spread -$2.25; 2%-3 foot spread -$2,75. BUTTERFLY BUSH A choice shrub that should be in every lawn or garden. A very rapid grower and the long spikes of mauve and rosy -purple flowers are pro- duced nearly all summer. 2-3 foot size -35 cents. CLIMBING ROSE Mme. Gregoire Staechelin (Spanish Beauty) 50c each; 3 for $1.35 FREE 50 PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. SEND FOR YOUR COPY TO -DAY. 11' 1 cConnell Nursery 0.1...M1•111• u : Port Burwell, Ont. se.®ems London Riser to he considered the most historic 71) miles of waterway in the world. London River is that part of the 'Thames which is tidal, from Teddington to the sea. For 20110 nears it has been London's "raison d'etre." It has beets the river (4 kings anal has become the river of Empire. 'Now. at the Coronation of King George VI and his Queen. 'Elizabeth, the Thames celebrates, not with the pageantry of its fifteenth century golden barges, but with 99'rice. :Moored in the river from Graves- end to - Chelsea. some 150 or more -ves- sels will forst what has been called a "floating Coronation town." These ships -liners, warlhips and private yachts --will moor, intermingled, in a long 30 -mile line. In a '9History of the Port of. London," Mr. Alan Bell has written: "It is a pity that new- comers cannot again their first realiz- ation of London by forging no the Thames to the renowned Bridge; dor the 36 miles from Tilbury have a crowded compression, a wiled disorder of akyline, a haphazard, packed pic- turesqueness not matched by any other waterfront," - There is, indeed, 'little beauty about Landon Rieer, but there is that 'ro- mance that is sometimes as beautiful. the unmistakable imprint of history. Many of tete names ring romantical- ly: Galleon's Reach - t'1abber4Napp- er's Hnle - Isle of Dogs- Puddle uncle--9P1okle-01erritl;g Stairs. Even the great docltlends have their history. They lir behinds the river, The clue, to their existence'are narrow openings in the haphazard waterfront, and utast and funnels ris- ing behind rhinincyputs. There arc ill docks, providing 45 utiles of quay- age. (;very year shoot 60,0011 vessels arrive and depart 14111 London docks. - Two year,: before the -Coronation ,11 George \' the docks and the tidal part of the '.Thames were handed over to the control of the Port of Londoti Authority, a pub tic body, Before the Authority took '(told, London's dock- land had 1191 a chequered career. 1'o nit art end to this, the docks were guilt, great enclosed wharves with impregnable warehouses Tilbury mocks are the first docks of the 'Port of London, but Tilburg is 'air older than its dors.;. in Roman ince, Tilbury was already a .settle - dent, in Domesday Book, Tilhalry i5 1lentioned as a pasture 'fur S0 sheep, and is called I'ili6eria. Farther up the river lies Green - 'tech. 'I'he observatory Was built in '11675 Iry Sir Christopher Wren with material from an old Fort. d,letween 'Power P, ridge and Lon- don Bridge i, the Upper Poo1. The Tower of London is one of the ramous show -places of the Coni- cal, Petlil1 as a fortress to defend the approach to London, it became in tutu a royal palace, a mint, a prison, and a guards' barracks. London Bridge is the site of one of Britain's most ancient bridges. '(''here was almost certainly a London bridge in pre -Roman tines, :Peter of Colechurch built the ,first stone bridge its 11)67)6, a 'bridge which stood for 0518 years, - 'I'lre river beside the Embankment is now called King's 'Reac'h, in 'honor of Ring .George V. On the opposite site of Westminster Bridge to the Howes of 'Parliament, stands a sta- tue of, Boadicea, tvho sacked London but is still remembered by London with pride. Then at Vauxhall is the site of the ancient (Horse Ferry, re- ulen'bered in the name of the road that leads to file modern, bridge, Horsoferry Road, THE MISUNDERSTOOD EAGLE the pioneers first drove their slow-moving oxen across the plain:, it was not 1111 4 0111 111 0❑ for then) to see an eagle perched upon' some rocky crag or soaring in dight far over their heads. The sight perhaps cheered them in their ardnou.s enter- prise. for the eagle had become sym- bolic in this country- ,if the nobler virtues to which inen aspire and of the larger freedom which their fath- ers had tram for them. century- ha, passed, and •the pio- neers have lone Since driven their last ox -cart into. the -face of the set- ting sun. and with time and the pita veers has also gone the eagle. A na- 1iuh has allowed the living rej reser- tativc of the national cnlblenl •tn be- come so nearly extinct thatthe aver- age person will never see the Bird which is shown upon the national cal except in'\snnle museum, The little hand of survivors each year he - comes fewer in"numbers, - 'I'Ite near extinctirm of the eagle is the tionstgnence 1119 so much of 11111 - live indifference as of nil, rel,rese lion and deliberate persecution. The fantastic and inrredihle stories rela- ted of the eagle are legend. No otiier animal or hires, perhaps, has been so vilified by the story -teller. Many have actually been led to believe that the eagle is capable of attacking and carrying olf the living aitdnt,9is and even Kunsan beings and devouring theist upon conte lofty crag. Such stories are almost entirely lacking in truth. The eagle- when •fuel .44,191 weighs from eight to ten pounds. The enormous wing spread of several feet gives the bird his large appearance and accounts .For some of the stories of his prodigious strength; yet as •a matter of fact the eagle is incapable of carrying off more than his own %veight. Two species of eagle remain on this continent. 'Che golden eagle is sometimes guilty of forays against small fowl and animals. The bald eagle, which is the national bird, is entirely' inoffensive in his habits. Be- cause of the great similarity in the appearance of the two species, how- ever, the 'Mad eagle has often been accused of the sins of • the golden ea- gle. and, being the less Wary of the two. has suffered by far the most for the unsavory ,reputation of his broth- er bird. sly nature the bald eagle is neither woo- nor cunning. His chief 'charac- teristic is a sublime indifference which ha:. made 'him a comparatively easy prey for those who have listen- ed 10 and believed the many foolish stories concerning him and have war- red upon him as an enemy of titan- ; kind. It in not yet toe, late: to snake amends to the eagle for this mis- representation of his trite character. 11ui if the eagle is to ire saved from extinction, immediate steps' mast he taken to afford 11111 protection, To- day, of the larger birds native to Am- erica, the bald eagle. emblematic of liberty, is the only one which is Un- protected by law in many of the states, f.egislation d5 now tll1i only means by which the eagle can be se- cured from the malice of those who desire his blood. Want ands' For Sale duds, 3 wks, 'Sella Whet You Hare A HORSE or COW YOU WANT REMOVED Phone or write to WILLIAM STONE SONS, LI1VIITED 4