The Seaforth News, 1937-04-15, Page 1How silent -lucent is the light
That evening lays ion earth anti
air; •
T!he sun, descending, slips front
Down a remote and golden stair,
'Yet in this hush, all undismayed,
The 'sw'allows :flash and wheel' and
Though cloak mysteriously has laid
Her hand upon our breathless
Seeing these wings so' hold and awibt
Capon the very venge of night,
Something within us dares to lift
1 a valiantly take -flight.
-"Swallow Blight"
WHOLE ,SERIES, VOL. 59, No. 15
Phone 84.
$E11 a year.
Tender Leaf
COFFEE Q 38c lb.
for health's sake ........4c cake
1 pkrg. AHANDY
with perele,e of
ears or
! ,PEARL 26c
DUTCH SETS are very scarce -
a 2 lbs, 35c
Small Size . $1.25 bag
I'IOODY'S LYE 3 Tins 25c
4 for 16c
FLJ 2 Tins 25c
CHLORIDE LIME , , , , 2 pack, 25c
Masters Feeds are wonderful. Have
you tried them?
A. C1.
Northside United Church
Reg. T..\. Carmichael Minister,
11 a.m.. "Robbing hind„
7 lama "TM Call fora :dam"
S. S. at 2:3'1.
EgmondviIle United Church
7Q ,tit. Sermons on the Lord's
p'raycr "f y Will ix• done,"
7 '1.m, "The Cross in Religion and
Life." •
St, Thomas' Church Services •
!For Sunday, •:April ilt8. S, S. and
Bible Class, la a.m.
1lnreing service, !1'1 4.111., sermon
topic, "The Patron Saint •-What is
the Profit?"
Evening service. 7 p, 111., serinon
!topic, "The Two Ways of Seeing
Christ." .\ll welcome, Canon E. Ap-
,pleyard, Rector,
The First Presbyterian Church
In Seaforth, Services for Sunday,
April 18. :Morning worship at 11.
Sunday school at 2:30. Evening
service at 7. Ey action of the Ses-
sion, the Spring Anniversary serv-
ices will be held Smoky. morning
and evening;, April 25111, The Rev-
erend William Allan, 'Toronto, the
guest .'11inister, and itis .son,. 11r.
Ernest Allan, the guest soloist, in.
his father's selections, the old -tittle
gospel hymns, morning' and even-
ing. \1r Allan of the Dovercourt
Road Presbyterian Church, in To-
ronto, and his on, Ernest, are well
known for their Radio ministry
over CF'R'B, Toronto.
A collection of over twenty` bird-
daauses made b'y' the Boy Scoots is on
'display in J. \V, Beatti 's ,window.
Every scout made a birdhouse during
Easter holidays and on' Tuesday ev-
ening they were 'judged 'Prize win-
ners were: .Over 83 years, most orig-
inal IIarol I+' s
Harold Erect best construction,
David Grieve; Al years and under,
most original, Clifford Ross; best
•construction, Ken. 'Reid. The 'prizes
are scout haversacks. Honorable
mention: 1113 yrs. and under, Charlie
Case, and over 1113 years, (Alastair
Wigg, who received Coronation jack-
knives as prizes. !Houses for many
lain'ds of 'birds were made. IOnte :1)f Ithe
prize winners made 'use of a limb' of
a tree, some used flower pots, others
tree 'bark. The scouts are offering
them dor sale. Pt is 'expected other
'contests, such as 'model airplane
building, will be held pater.
lis. \V. E. Chapman of the 'monu-
ment work; has advised us that he
purposes being at his place of busi-
ness again about end of this week, to
resume •business. Mr. Chapman has
been laid iter all winter nursing n
(broken arra, and attendant ailment,,
the result of a car accident.
The 11I317 maple syrup -staking
season is just about over 156 this
time, The above pictures were tak-
en in the sugar 'bntah of 1•lr. Dttvid
Bruce, south of Cromarty, when all
handl were busy gathering sap.
At the top are Bruce Balfour, 11nr-
ray Balfour, Mr. David Bruce and
1•Ir, and Mrs. hrau'klin Bruce.
Lower left, is Bruce 'Ralf -our emp-
tying a sap bucket overflowing- af-
ter an'unexpectedly heavy- run. At
the right is the shanty. A clay's
crapora,ting yields about four or
five gallons of maple syrup from a
typical plant such a, this. The flat
evaporating pan rests over the fire;
there are also )arming reservoirs
,There the sap 'is heated .before add-
ing to tete evaporator. A large pile
of fuel hears witness to the steady
firing required in the process.
:\ pretty Spring wedding aas sol-
emnized at the i'resbyterian Manse,
At Irmal. ort Saturday, April .lyd,
when Mabel 11argaret youngest dau-
ghter of Ala and lire, 'Pima. Barton.
1>ecanle the bride of Leonard \le>a
ander, only son ,C Mrs. \\'n1. Strong
and the late \\'m. 'Strong. Se:lfa-til,
Rev. J. Al, 11cC'urlie officiated.
The bride aas eharnun;+ly goamid
in white stitTeat•d net 'ver taffeta
with stttfrnt•I 'non. She wore a bridal
hand of ,,rousse hip -,onus and carried
llriareliiTt' rose, and sweet pats with
Maidenhair 'ern. The 'trine was ;11-
ttmled i>y her sister, Iles. Earl Hast-
ings, 'Alto •wore a pale blti-,• ',tom) of
georgette with matching accessories.
She carried !sleep pink carnations :old
fern. 11 r. l:;tr1 Hastings supported
the groom, 120110wing the ,'eremony
a wedtling diener was served at the
home of the itride's parents , where
; the immediate relatives were present.
tarter the y',lting couple left ley motor
through the United States and. east-
ern Canada, The bride 'chose for trav-
elling a dress of navy net over flow-
ered crepe. grey coat and Aloes ,with
Coronation reel accessories. On their
return they ail! reside 1) 1 the ,root's
farm smith -vast a S1•1'ort!t,
On Sunday- afternoon, April 1d, the
death of 11i,ss Margaret Kennedy., oc-
curred at her home on \\'est William
St., tiffer a brief illness, in her 79th
year. hiss Kennedy had lbeen a resid-
dent of this vicinity practically all
her life. \\'ith her sister she had 'been
FA resident of Seaiorth Inc the past
ten years. She was a daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs: Angus .Kennedy of
I'uckersmith, where- she lived until
:ging to Detroit for a fete years and
hen returned to live in Seaforth,
Miss Kennedy was hided in high re-
aari by ail %elm knew her. $!ie w1)5.
'4'anectt'1l w ith the. Catholu \Wont-
c•n's Lea_rne, the Altar Society and
the League of the Sacred 'Heart.
Surviving' are two brothers, John
Kennedy, Regina, and 'Roland Kim-
nedv. 'fuel e•smitll, and t r lets. •
ll ss Annie Kennedy, Seafort.i, ;cult
11,011 -he had made her Mane, and
11:' , John Reynolds„ Stratford,
The inner14 1,a1t place on 'Tuesday
'71 rnlltg from St. Ja'Itu•s' Church.
"eve. Fattier T. 1'. ifnssey ,,ffciated,
1ittt'riltent i,s,Ic place in St. ;tattles'
'emetery. rite pallbearer, were six
(Continued en Page Fire.)
The :uunial 'business Meeting and
lection of officers of the Seeforth
Women's institute was held \\'e'dnf•.-
day afternoon at the honer of airs.
Wilfred C'oloulan, Tnckersmith. 'l'ht'
executive officers were appailitcd as
follows: - Mrs, E. 11. Goodie, President: Mrs.
(''ha,. Eyre, lest Vice fres.; Mrs.
Robert 11. Scott, 2nd \'ice Pres,;'
llrs. Wilfred Coleman, Sec.-Treas.;
Distrint 1Rrpresentatk-e for next year,
Mrs. Andrew Crozier; delegau.'s to }t
Guelph convention, 11argaret i-ey-1
burnt, Myrtle 'Pantile; delegate to 10-I
cal district netting at '/.wrieh early
in May, Mrs. I lillehrecht.
The progranl following the election
of officers was curtailed as the host-
ess was called to Hensall owing to
the serious illness of her grand-
mother, airs. Hudson,
You Are Invited
To Attend a Special Showing of the
new 1937 Johns -Manville
Taiking Motion Picture
"The House That Ann Built"
Thursday Eve., April l nth
8 P.M.
Come and see this fine Talking Picture PREF
In Co-operation with Horne Improvement
Children must be accompanied by parents
51). .. rl ;-l4 u"'.s&,@' IOW?'
rv„ ..i e
"fere town council held its regular
meeting on Monday evening, all mem-
hers present and 'Actin;g•1layor J. J.
Glti11 541).5 in the chair. Bylaw No, 3486
re grant to-851,forth Agricultural So-
eicty and. Bylaw 389 re Public t'tilit-
ids officials were passed.
The damage being' caused 'by hilt•
was reported and awaits of putting
stop to the mischief were discussed.
Two limtiiren window panes had been
broken at the ftu•niture factory and
about eighty at the rink. Refresh
1051)1,1 had been stolen from the rink
and a defroster fan and flashlight
from a doctor's 'car. Several boys had
'leen responsible for the crime wave.
After hearing Chief Snell later in the
evening council decided- to send a re-
solalaion to 'Poronto favoring appoint -
meat of a juvenile judge for Huron
county. 'The discussion drew forth
reminiscences of youthful escapades
and the consequences,
.1 deputation from the band,
Messrs. E. H. Close and h1Orlcatl
Sills, were present and asked for fin-
ancial aid in changing the bated instru-
a1ents to low pitch The •CO t of the
changeover would 'be $105, the local
band with the military pitch had dif-
ficulty playing with other bands in
parades. Potty men is the objective
of the band. Council decided to in-
crease the grant at next meeting.
The use of Victoria park for Satyr•
day night parking of cars was dis-
cussed with the suggestion that two
men be hired to look after it for Sat-
urday nights from May to September.
The possibility of ears cutting up the
ground on wet nights was mentioned
but it was pointed out that many cars
cr>tlV11 he parked around the 011155
edge as on hand concert nights and
the park is already lighted. -
The fire and water committee 'had a
reg1lt'St far ruhher hints, a 5)10 an'.
a hat for the lire brigade, according
to Conneillnr Parke, chairinan of the
cntntn it tee. 'These pnre)lase,, ,rill br
'„ hneillnr 110101es gave a report ,d
the -,corkof the street committt't fa
emit clinn with the pru5'o.i•d pneje.l
1t'nriu4 1111 tine ;i11t'wa11:> n:1 b(!,.
ides Alf Alain street and rtbnildin
theta with inlaid cables for new street
light standards and a1s, telephoto.
lines, Hula eliminating 'telephone and
hydro poles from Main street. Thr
vtinlated cost to the man was `2,700•
The sidewalks were repaired about
two years ago as a relief project but
the work was not properly done, .lir.
Holmes pointed nut in reply to a
question. .-\ crusher might be secur-
ed so the old cement hln: ks could hr
used for base material. Some of the
council thought it might he cheaper
to haul the old blocks away than
crush them, if the estimate diel not
include .hauling and crushing.
There was considerable di<etlssioni
about financing the project. 'Town
Solicitor 11, G. 11eir. who was pres-
ent, advised council on technical-
ities. It was decided debenture
expense could he avoided if 'the cost
could he 'hutLgeted this year. 'There
would be the lIepburn rebate of a
mill from the Provincial Government.
also the hydro surplus might be used,
the county rate is alightly lower and
the Bell 'Telephone Company 5vonld
contribute, the balance to be carried
over as a deficit if necessary. The
council endorsed the project and afuh-
>rized the street committee to
ahead. 5
Ifolures Scott -That the request
from the :fire brigade for supplies he
Scott -Keating -That
the time of
this 'meeting, be extended.
Reid -Keating - That t'liis C01111 ell
approves the ipropoatel suggested for
sidewalk construction on Main street
and authorizes elle street committee
to enter into any negotiations for the
prepara'fiian of •plans and specifica-
tions they may deem necessary and.
to report hack to this council.
Sills -Holmes. -That this council
petition the Attorney -General fo ap-
point a Juvenile 'Court .Judge with
Iulisdiction over the 1Town of Sea -
forth in order that the depredations
of ,uveniles Holder the age of 1)6 may
be -stopped and the offenders dealt
with 'by proper authority so that this
.ani.mmnity may he saved from pro -
du Ci IF g
pro-dvcing those who may 'become mucic
more serious if not criminal prob-
lems in the future.
Seott-ll'arke.-That the meeting
1-iourm to meet at the call e the
Trade in your old
watch for a new
15 jewel
N �
+,�. Save money'TheBulova
values today are the
greatest in our history.
In addition, we'll give
c000ess ANCE for that old watch
Utz; : ••sass.•
2975 of yours -regardless
2of its condition. Bring
it in and select a &fun-
ning new Bulova now!
17 jewels
17 jew
1 diamondels
21 jewels
Financial committee report:
la,, V. Ryan. ,salary, Sol; H. Snell,
salary, Shift 1). 11. Winson, soh utid
t•xpress' etc. yt-56,')1: 'I'Itos. Starry.
sal,, $iIi; ,l no, .1, \Wilsop, sal,. N'0:
X. Chili & Sons, acct., 1 '211.: 3otin
Stewart, aect•, $i,:7tl; C. Sills, pant.,
box rent, 55: 1.. Macpherson, acct I')c,
C. X.di,, crossing protection, 55.0i:
Bell Tel. Co., asci., $5:88: -County of
1-t11rous h.„1>ifalir.ation, etc.,
P.C.C'., street lights. etc. Satati l:
treas. pnblic school board, 531(0: tiro.
A. Sills & Sons, veil. 58.35: 1). I1. -
Wilson, rash relief. $3•'2&711+: 11'. E.
Kerslake, acct., 0'.214 \Cots Mont-
gomery, $32.03.
MIMIC a 0(
The regular monthly meeting of
the \V. 11, S. of Northside United
Church was held in the basement of
the church on Thursday, April 8.
The m, "•l esus calls us: o'er the
mottleh"y.4n115 am14, 1111(1 lira, Crich
read the derational leaflet, "Jesus and
the joy of Service" Then lire. Car-
michael led in prayer. Mrs. 1ldDer-
n 1' read the Scripture lesson, lfark
1,1 25 -Pt also John '188147.
lttiss l.awrence then took charge,
She gave r'y'
Yf 1Cw of the C StL1dV
"Men and Women of 'Far i1Iorizon.s,"
af 1lie nodical of11cation, .the rural
work and the motives and ideals of
missionaries. Slie w•11.5 assisted' by
\11x, Hinchley, 1trs. Barron and Mfrs,
1 inlayson.
Mfrs. 'Hay took charge of thy ' busi-
ness part of the meeting. The hymn.
•'10 lfas'ier. 'let tr walk. with Thee'
was sung and Mrs. IHay led to prayer.
The Secretary's and Treasurer's re-
ports were read, The Christian Stew-
ardship See'y gave her report, The
roll Ca'11 was taken. 'Mrs, Carmichael
and Mrs. La\yrenee Were 'appointed
delegates to attend the !Presbytery in
Gorleri.chon 'April 37, Mrs. Barber
and ltd es, Ilei nosh wild act as trans-
portation committee. The offering
was taken. .another hymn was sung,
and Mrs. Laing gave a short ,poen to
hoose - the hir:hdat eontr!hutirm,
1'he ttiv.et114 51.1. ,''oxen 11ythe 11i
Deetli etaiuleit a well known resid-
ent of this district Sheet Janne.;
Sproat passed away on 'Monday night
at his home in Egnumdville in his
84111 year. Born in 'fuc'kersmith, \3r,
Sproat was the second son of the late
John Sproat, one of the early settlers.
:\point fifty-eight years ago he was
united in marriage to Miss Margaret
lfc'Gee, daughter of the late Mr,
Jacob 'McGee of Egnt(urdville. They
went to reside on his farm on the
4111 concession of 1'uckersmith, where
he and his brother; John Sproat, op-
erated a tile yard, now in possession
of his son, W. 11. Sproat, -Retiring to
Egntondville 361 years ago, he and
lIrs. Sproat had since resifted there.
He was a Liberal in politics..
Betides his widow he is survived
by four sons, W. 1d. Sproat, Tucker -
smith; 'R, 1', Sproat, Toronto; J. R.
Sproat, Tim amain ; R. J. Sproat,
Seaforth, and two daughters, Mrs.
W. Morrow, Calgary, and Mfrs. Bert
Horton, Tudor, Alberta also a bro-
ther and sister, John. Sproat and
Mrs; aclanl Hays of Seafordh.
The funeral was held on Wednes-
day afternoon from First Presbyter-
ian Church, conducted by Rev. H. C.
'=east Interment
tock place in Mait-
land Ilank Cemetery. The pallbearers
were the four sons, William Sproat,
Sproat; Ross Sproat and Jake
Sproat. and a nephew, Hugh Sproat
(Detroit), and a grandson, Mark
'Among those attending the funeral
from a distance were:
Mr, and 'Mrs Jake Reid of Luck -
now; Mr: and Mrs, 'Albert McGee of
IGoderic+h; Mrs• Petrie and son Jock
of :Goderich, and Mrs. Reg. 1'I'c'Gee
of IGoderich; Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Anderson and son 'Thomas of Dun-
gannon Mrs. Wilfred Morrow and
daughter !Lois of Calgary; Mr. and
Mrs.d Russell Sproat cif 'Toronto; Mr,
Jake Sproat of 'Timagami: from De-
troit, Hugh Sproat, John Sproat, Mrs,
R. 'Gllnske and daughter Renee, Mr.
Jack Shockcor; Mrs, Leo 'Charles- '
worth of Ailsa 'Craig; Miss Enema
Suraat and 'bee niece, 111 I a; ks; of