The Seaforth News, 1937-03-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
AA masquerade dance was sponsor-
ed by the club in the A.O:U!\\t. hall
last ,Wednesday evening with a full
house, The prize winners were: Best
dressed couple Mrs. H. Kirkby and
F. 'Rutledge best dressed lady, Mrs.
Ray Carter; clown costume, Mrs, A.
Coutts, Cents clown, Mr, A Liv-
ingston. best dressed gent., Bill Turn-
bull. 'AC reported a good time,
Mr. !and Mrs. IA. Lydia'ht have mov-
ed to Brampton on Tuesday where
they intend making their home.
The death occurred Monday after -
his home at
Yeo, at
[John O,
of I
!Mitchell, after anillness of about four
tweeds. The departed man was born in
Fuliseton township, 'March 29, 15516,
son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Henry
Yeo. Far the past three years he had
resided in Mitchell. For a nmuber of
. years he farmed in the West and was
also a resident of Blyth. Surviving
are his widow one son Clifford Yeo,
Wallacel urg, and one daughter, Miss
:Minnie Yeo, at home; one sister, Miss.
Ruth Yeo, and two grandchildren,
Margaret and 'Cloyd Johnston. The
funeral took place on Wednesday, in-
terment et Mitchell.
.\Ir and \its. 1Alleaander McKellar,
highly esteemed residents of Crom-
arty, bili observe their fifty second
wedding anniversary today; Thursday,
March '35ith, Members of tate family
and %Ret'. 'and Mrs, 1Reidie of Crom-
arty will 'be present with Mr. and Mrs
McKellar at a supper daring the ev-
Mr, ,Donald McKellar who has
spent the winter in Niagara, has re-
turned home,
Rev, Mr, McKay of 'Prince Albert
spent the week end with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKellar and
family of Seeforth visited SIr. Mc-
Kellar's parents over the week crud.
Mr, and Mrs. Russel Scott visited
in .Niagara last week.
Miss s !Olive Spearehas returned to
her hone in the village.
MrDavid l Gardiner has return-
ed from a two weeks' trip through
the Western provinces.
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the hone of air. and Mrs. James
Hagg, recently, when Circle No,2 of
the Women's Society were entertain
ed to progressive crokino'le. The prize
winners were: ladies, most games,
Mrs. E. Toll; consolation, Mrs. Wm.
Somerville; men, most games. George
Smith; consolation, 'Jame' McClure.
A short programme was given and a
'bountiful lunch served which was
enjoyed by all A silver collection was
taken. Mrs. Toll is captain of this
The euchre and dance was very
largely attended last Friday night.
The prize winner were: Ladies, most
games, Miss Mae Smith, lone hands
Mrs. Angus More; mens, most games,
Hiram Shannon, lone 'hands, James
Hogg; consolation, Charles McLean,
(After lunch was served a few hours
were spent in dancing.
It is our sad duty to chronicle the
sudden death of Mrs. John Johnson
which occurred at the home 'of her
son, Mr. Jos. Johnston last Sunday.
She was 83 years of age and the 'last
one who put in ;pioneer life. She was
of robust health and was never ill.
She was of a genial disposition but
always alert to her home Life. Her
husband predeceased her eleven years
ago and they had built up a Modern
home. The funeral took place Tues-
day to St. Columhan Church where
!Requiem High Mass was celebrated
by the pastor, Rev. Fr, 'Dan'tzer and
from thence to St. Columban cemet-
ery where all that was mortal w•a
laid to rest in the presence of a host
of sorrowing friends. She is survived
by one son, JOS.- Johnston 00 the
homestead, with his wife and nine
children. who have ithe sympathy of
the community in this their hour of
sad affliction, The pallbearers were
Messrs. John and Thos. Murray, Ow-
en Hart, 'John Delta, 'Pete McLaugh-
lin, Thos. McKay.
The following is the school report
nF S.S. No. 2, Tuekersntith, during
the months of Jan„ Feb., and March.
Sr, I\'. Billie Sproat 84a%, Donald
Dayman 79.9, Roma Chandler 75.11,
Esther Dayrnan 74, 3, Marjorie Smith
1132, Kenneth 51eKenzle 61.'1 Kath-
leen Schilbe 55,3, Chace Schilbe 54,
Jr. 1\', Jack Reitz 70.5, AV'ilnter
McGregor 611, (Eldred Moffat 37.1.
Jean Schilbe 54, Joe McKenzie 44.2.,
Sr. 1111, ;Dorothy Chandler 67.4,
Jr. 111, Ronald Caldwell 45.1.
Sr. Il. lda Dayman 05, Ian Chand-
ler, Gerald Moffat (equal) 72A Nor-
ma Dietz 61,7, John Smith 30.8, ,Olive
Schilbe 4'Otl,
Sr, 1. Alice Wren tiP. Shirley Cald-
well Sq.
Jr. 1. Warren 'Thompson, Jack
Cooper, Lloyd McKenzie.
Pr.—.Grant Smith, 'Howard .Day -
titan, Eleanor 51c0Kenzie, Lloyd
Cooper, ,No, on roll 30.
Teacher, al, Firoadioot,
The Orangemen entertained their
friends Friday nI•ght in the 'lodge
rooms. cards and music followed by
a lunch were much enjoyed by all
Mrs, Geo, IEldiott spent Monday in
There are many iu'the 'village laid
up with the flu, The school has - a
very shall attendance these days. -
11Jr. and. Mrs. Chas, Stogdill of 'To-
ronto were in the village on Saturday.
They have rented Jit;. \\'nod: 'cot-
tagi' for the summer.
dlr, and \Irs. ll, Higgins of Sud-
bury were in the village •Cue ddy, •
Mrs. Bassett sett spent Tuesday in
Mr. Chas, Scotchuter was ,er;'ted
on at the Scott Memorial Hosanna.
Seaforth, and i, prs tte.::iu.; a• itrl:
a, can he expected.
Mr. lien, t.nidsav has. purehaserl
the Hind's farm,
Misses 'Ella and Viola Dexter of
'Kinburn spent a few days with their
aunt, Mat. J. Yongblutt.
Mr, and Mrs, E. Stevens and fam-
ily of Seaforth :pent Sunday with
\'Irs. Stevens parents. Mr. and Mrs.
J. Nott.
Mrs. Margaret Manning spent
Sunday with friends in the village.
Mrs. G. H. Ball of the Base Line is
visiting at the home of her sort, Mr,
Leslie Ball.
Miss Martie Moore is spending' u
few days at the home of 51r.. J. Arm-
Miss Gladys Fairservice of L.onclnn
who underwent an. operation for ars
pendicitis, is as home for a few week
Miss ;Kathleen Yunghlutt spent 0
few days with her aunt, Mrs. filmy
Miss :Ruth \'odden entertained the
member, of Suss Arnett's S.S. class
on Saturday afternoon. The girls tied
a rluiit during the afternoon, all re-
porting a very good time.
.Miss Alice Fingland entertained a
few •of her friends last 'l'nesday. :\ll
• reported a very good time.
Mr. August Beuerenan is not so
well •being troubled with high blood
Mr, John Annstieu, just east of the
village is not able to go out of the
house, •
Mr. 'Geo. Beuernia.n is all smiles
these >days, his wife presenting him
with a 'bou'ncing baby boy. ?ofrs.
Fred Koehler is attending and all is
Mir. J. A. IEokart and Henry Koeh-
ler are busy •cutting wood with their
saw for fihe Farmers, and doing •very'
good work.
'Witfh deep 'regret It was learned
of the passing of Mrs. Jack johnson
on the '110th concession of MctKillop.
Another of the ,old 'pioneers of the
township has gone to her rewacil.
Mr.' and Mrs, Win, Koehler spent
Sunday evening, with Mr. and Mrs,
Charlie 'Regele.'
A very pleasant evening w 6s spent
at Pine Lodge." the •home of Mr.
and dors, James Bryant i11 Ros
bozo, when about thirsty friends
gathered to spend a social evening in
honor of Miss Mary McCowan, be-
fore Iter marriage. A .fete games of
euchre were enjoyed. Mary was then
presented with a basket laden with
beautiful gifts. After opening the
presents, Muiry thanked the d'adies in
her usual pleasing manner. A dainty
lunch was served. After singling °door
She's a Jolly Good ,Fellow," everyone
departed wishing Mary much joy in
her new home, The color scheme of
the decorations was 'blue and white.
In All Makes of Used Cars
Seiberling Tires, Tubes, Hart Batteries
General Repairing on all Makes of Cars
New and Used Auto. Parts. Flats Fixed
Cars Washed. Batteries Charged
Supertest Gas, Oil, Coal 'Oil, Fuel 011
Valuable Premiums Given
Alt Repairs Strictly Cash, We Aim To Please
The regular meeting of the W.M.S.
‘vas held 11 tate home of Mrs. Thomas
eichirdson Mrs. Shepherd • opened
the meeting with a short reading, af-
ter which the •Lords prayer was re-
peated in unison Mrs, 11GQuarrie
read the devotional leaflet, "'Jesus
Lord of .\l1. The S'eripture lesson
was read;IV •\•]rs. 'Janes Allan, Mrs,
Shepherd presided during the brain-
ess period %ellen arrangements .were
eompleted -for the Easter Than'koffer-
lng on .\tiril 4th with Miss Virgo of
\Vest •China as guest speaker. Mrs.
I Brown offered a prayer. Mrs. \\r.
51c511110n gave -a reading on Christian
stewardship. The topic from the study
book was ably taken 'by Mrs. James
Allan, 'Mrs, Shepherd closed, the
meeting with prayer, and a social half
(tour was spent by all,
Mrs. R. J. Elgie spent the week
end'n'itb friends itt Toronto arid en -
loved the outing very nttich.
\ir. and Mrs. Abe. Forsyth were
called to Grosse Ile Mich„ last week
owing to the serious illness of their
ckauglhter, Mrs. Scott, All hope she
arty noon recover.
C'omnntion services will be observ-
ed in St. Andrew's 'Church on Sunday
-morning nett..
Mr, Robt. McDougall left this week
for his home at Cairn, Sask., after
-spending the winter •with his many
friends in these parts.
Mrs. Charles Dexter spent the lat-
ter part of the week: with her sister,
Mrs. Guy Cunningham of Auburn,
Misses 'Ella and Viola !Dexter spent
a fete days with Miss Kathleen 'Yung-
blut of Londeslboro,
The W.M. S. are holding their
thank offering; meeting on Easter
Sunday evening. March 13318. The p,ast-
or, Rev. W. A. Gardiner, will be in
charge of the service. There will be
special music by the 'choir,
\I r, and 1frs, B. Churchill and dau-
ghter. 51 ass 'Ruby Churchill of Clin-
ton and \1 r. and Mrs, Shaddiek of
Hcnsall, lar. and Mrs.. jack- Carter
and family spent Sunday at the home
of Mr, and airs, Jack Ferguson,
The young 'People of the Live
\Vire i'lass. are presenting
heir 'okay, "Cabbages or Dollars," at
No. 2, McKillop, school house on
Thursday- evening. al arch 35th,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson spent
Don't fail to read ibis
story of Dr. M, W. Locke
in the April issue of Pic-
torial Review, now on sale,
is IT
= $10.,
M. W. Locke has media
cal degrees from two of
the old world's universities.
Early in his career he devel-
oped certain theories con-
cerning the treatment of
feet. After many years of
clinical practice, he was convinced that they were scien-
tifically correct. He designed a shoe to supplement his
treatments—because he couldn't find one. This eis the
M. W. Locke Shoe.
it is the shoe fitted to his patients. it is the sboe you
can be fitted to at our store.
Come in today for a trial fitting. If your feet are giving
you trouble, you should wear M. W. Locke Shoes.
If your feet are normal, you should wear M. W. Locke
Shoes to keep them so.
There is a M. W. Locke Last for every type of foot.
The only store in Seaforth where you can buy the
genuine M. W. Locke Shoes
UNNYVALE R.O.P. Baby Chicks
Also Started Chielcs Pullets and Cockerels from R.O.P. trap-
nested Gover)nnen1 .approved and blood tested breeding;
stock. Reasonable prices and good service. Hatches off every
Monday and Thursday, Visit our hatchery with new lames -
way all electric equipment situated on north Alain St., Eg-
niondt•ille, or call 160 r 3.
ANDREW A. MOORE, Seaforth, Out,
Leghorn Cockerels 2.00 per Hundred
Barred Rock Cockerels 7.00 per Hundred
the week end wash their daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. (Jack 'Bushy of Chatham,
Miss Helen Britton was in charge
of the musical part of the program
put on at the school en:tertainanent
by Miss IJohnson's school, No, 4,
'fuckersmbtli, last week,
Death of (Mrs. Arthur Waymouth.-
The people of 'L'oncles!boro and sur-
rounding community •were shocked to
learn of tate sadden passing of ;Euph-
oria Little, wife of (Arthur Way -
mouth, in Clinton hospital, on Thurs-
day, March 11St1. She was born in
Hallett on May 13th, 111904, and wtas
the daughter of Mr, and 'Mrs. Thom-
as Little. 'Of a quiet, kindly disposi-
tion, she will be greatly missed 'by all
who knew her. She was a member of
Londesboro %United 'Church and of
the Friendly Crass of the Seinday
School. Besides her •sorrowing hus-
band and parents, she is survived by
an infant son, Dennis Arthur. Five
sisters• and four brothers also mourn
her lose, viz.. Mrs. Ernest lGray, of
London, lIrs. Maurice Capell, of St.
Catharines; Mrs. John iFischer, of
Kingston, Mrs, Theodore Christian-
sen, of Waterloo.; Beatrice, cif Lon-
don, and Stuart, John, William and
Milton of Hallett. Tire funeral ser-
vice was conducted from her late res-
idence by her. pastor, ,Ref, A. W.
Gardiner, on Saturday, March 2 -0th,
Interment was in union cemetery.
There were many beautiful floral of-
ferings, The pallbearers were her
three brothers; Stewart. William and
Milton and three brothers -in -kali',
William and 'Charles Weymouth and
John Fischer, The flowerbearers were
Stewart Freeman, Wallace Riley, Do-
nald Sundercock and Douglas Wey-
The 'funeral of Miss Ann Carpen-
ter, who died early Friday morning,
was held on Monday from St. rtat-
rick's Church, Dobkin, Requiem Mass
was sung by Dr. F. j. Ffoulks. Miss
Carpenter had been a resident of
One of Canada's Favorite Dance
(former G.W.V.A.)
To be held under auspices of the
Young Ladies' Sodality of St. James'
Admission 40c including tax
Hibbert practically all iter life, S'Ite
is survived by three sisters, Julia and
Margaret at home and Mrs. Malloy
of Detroit, Mich. '1'he pallbearers
were: [Patrick \laloitey. Martin Feen-
ey, Joseph Hickey, Joseph Moore,
Freak Moore and Hugh MdGrath,
Jars, \V. J. Robison celebrated
her thtlt birthday this week,
Two resident: of long standing.
11 m. 1i. C. Weir, n wife of Dr. Weir.
and Robert McGee have passed
away during last week,
Alden (Hasty attended the funeral
of his aunt. Mrs, Mc\\'ltinney. at
Mrs. Jos. tarter has returned from
NI cal
Mfrs, 'E. Taylor of Blyth has been
spending some time with her mother,
Mrs. Lear,
Nils and Mrs. !Aldred Asquith have
returned front Bawtnanville.
NIT. 1V. I, Riddell and Miss Olive
'MAIM visited in Ripley on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Norman Garret of
'Blyth were Saturday visitors at the
home of Mrs, W. J. Robison.
Mrs, Sitanisser, from Sebringtille,
visited with \lr, and '\frs. R. D.
Thurs. Night' Only, March 25th
The Man Who Knew
• Too Much
Friday and Saturday
The Green Pastures
Special Matinee, Friday at 3 p.m.
Mon„ Tues., Wed., Mar, 29-30-31
The Plainsman.
The west wild and woolly—A story of
frontier days
Mat. Mon., Tues., Mar. 29-30 at 3 p.m.
Next Thurs: Fri: Sat„ April 1-2-3
The Plough & the Stars
Brian Donelevy Wallace Ford
Another Face
The many friends. of Mr. Percy
Cole will be pleasei to know he is
.able to he around again after being
cotrfinecf to his room for some weeks
with a cold, -
Mr, Robert Popple has taken a po-
sition with Mr. W. R. Stephenson of
the Parr -line south of Varna and Mr.
Will Popple with Mr. Elgin .M'8Ksn-
ley of the Goshen line fo& the sum-
mer months,
The farmers are busy these days in
the bush nicking syrup.
Miss Viola Clarke of Constance
who has been spending a couple of
weeks with her alntt, Mrs, Cecil Cake,
has returned home.
Splendid Concert.—
A splendid school concert was giv-
en by. the pupils of S.S. No. 4, Tuck-
ersntith, under the direction of their
teacher, Miss L. Johnston, and (their
music instructor, Miss H. Britton, on
'Friday erening, March 19th, at the
chorah Mr. Wellington 'Crich was
chairman for the evening and Mr, J.
Hartley, UPS., gave a very helpful
and interesting address to the rate-
payers; • Nf essrs. Elgin and Mervin
Nott supplied several selections of
music on violin and guitar itar 'between
times, The pro,orantut sonsisted • of
dialogues, re c itni t ,,, choruses.
The entire eh' , sang an opening
and also a slogan_ shores. Tire num-
bers worthy of special mention were
"The Wedding of Tom Thumb," the
dialogue, "Please Was, the Cream."
and the "Rauioo'.v Drill," by girls
dressed in colors of the rainbow and
carrying gay colored .balloons, The
recitation "`At tate 'Football \'Match"
by 'Helen Crich caused much merri-
ment and was cleverly acted. The
concert as a whole showed careful
and ..painstaking training on the part
of tate director,. It was difficult to
single out any particular parts as all
were so well acted and efficiently
done The school decorations were in
green and white with spring flowers.
A vote of thanks .was tendered to all
who assisted in making the evening's
concert a success.
Save Money By Prepaying
Taxpayers may purchase Tax Prepay=
ment Receipts for 1937 Taxes at
Favorable Discounts
AMOUNT March 1-15 March 16-31 April 1-15 April 16-30 May 1-15 May 16-31
$10.00 $ 9.78 $ 9,80 $ 9,82 $ 9,83 $ 9.85 $ 9.87
20.00 19.56 19.60 19.64 19,66 19.70 19.74
50.00 48,90 49.00 49.10 49.15 49.25 ' 49.35
AMOUNT June -1-15
$10.00 $ 9.88
20.00.... ..... 19.76
50.00 49.40
June 16-30
$ 9.90
July 1-15
$ 9.92
July 16-31
$ 9.93
49 65
Aug. 1-15
$ 9.95
Aug. 16-31
$ 9.97
Prepayment Receipts must be endorsed and presented along with 1937 Tax Bills at Canadian Bank
of Commerce.
Purchase your Prepayment Receipts early and have your money earning 4 per cent. in-
If you cannot buy all now, budget your Taxes this year by purchasing a receipt each
month, up to Sept. lst.
D. H. WILSON, Clerk &Treasurer