The Seaforth News, 1937-02-11, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
Mrs. Henry Lipphardt of Zurich
Who spends the winter months here
with her daughter and son-in-law,
and Mrs, IGeorge Fee, celebrated her
B5Ith birthday on Monday, Feb. 8th
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Fee. She entertained a number of her
;friends to afternoon tea, and had quite
a number of friends call during the
afternoon and evening. to wish her
many happy returns of the day, Mrs.
,Lipphardt is enjoying her usual good
health, and even in her advanced
years enjoys doing all kind of fine
needle work without the aid of glasses
for either sewing or reading. Her
many friends in Iiensall and vicinity
wish her many more happy birthdays,
The W.M.S. of the United Church
held their monthly meeting on Thurs-
day afternoon with the president.
Mrs. Cross, .presiding. iFollowing the
devotional part of the meeting Mrs.
Cross gave a pleasing reading; s.olo,
Mrs. Heiden. accompanist, Mrs. M.
G. Drysdale: reading. "The golden
age," Mrs. R. J. Paterson. The .vieit-
ing committee, M rs. Carlile and NI rs.
Merner, reported having made .35
cane last month, and found tIve eon -
fined to bed. The teimmittee appointed
for this month was Mrs, E. McQueen
.471(1 ..11rs. 1Follick. It was decided
to hold the quilting. her the latter part
of this month, Mrs. Drysdale, in the
interests of the Wi.V, spoke on behalf
of the association in regard the pnrch-
ase of a new carpet for the choir loft.
Mrs. Merner anti Mrs. Cross sug-
gested that $40 should be donated to-
wards it. The yearly day of prayer
will he observed in the Anglicati
Church on 1Friday afternoon, Febru-
;try WO, and will he a joint meeting -
of all three local churches. NI eeting
Closed with hymn and prayer.
The Y.P.L. met on 'Monday even-
ing in. the basement of the United
Church with a fair attendance, Miss
G. Lennoie presiding. Scripture les-
son read by Nliss Lettie Love, (lets°
;Ilona] by Sliss 51..Ellis, reading, Mis;
Veleta Watson, piano duett, ;Misses
Elva McQueen and Goldie Cross. The
first five chapters of Genesis was tak-
en up and questions pertaining. were
in charge of Rev. A. Sinclair, and an-
swered by members comprised of two
lir. Milton Ortwein of London vis-
ited over the week end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Sirs. J. NV. ;Ortwein.
Mrs, 'Robert 'Petered -In Sr. who - has
been confined to her room for the past
two wee.ks, is improving. 'Her many
friends hope to soon see her in usmal
health again.
The funeral of the late Mrs. ;Robert
M. Bell, who passed away on Friday,
took place 'from her late home, Lot
1311, Con. '3, Usborne township, on
;Monday afternoon, interment taking
place irt MeTaggart's cetnetery. Rev,
Arthur Sinclair, ,pastor of the IHensall
and Chiselhurst United 'Churches, had
charge of the funeral service. The
pall bearers were Joseph Ferguson,
•Harold Cndmore, Ed. McDougall,
Edgar Cudmore, Thomas Bell and
George Bell. Mrs. Sell was born in
Tuckersmith •townehip 76; years ago,
a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Matthew Clark, and spent her early
life on. the Clark homestead. After
their marriage Mr. and Mrs. 13e11
• moved to 'Lot 31, Con. ;5, lUsborne
township, 'where for 415 years they
were highly respected residents. Mr,
• Bell passed away a couple of years
ago. Mrs. Sell was an esteemed
• member of the Chiselburet 'United
• Church, a splendid neighbor and
friend, and will be greatly missed in
the community, where elle lived so
long. She is survived 'by two sons,
• Earl and ijcihn, at home, two daught-
ers, Mrs. Thomas 'Drover and ;Mrs.
Brintnell, of Hibbert town-
ship, and one sister. Mrs. Peter Moir
of Exeter, and two brothers, Matthew
and Louis Clark, of Tuckrsmith two.
'There are also several grandchildren.
Miss Marion Sinclair of Toronto
spent the week end here with ber par-
• ents, Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair.
Mrs. •George Addison of Toronto is
visiting with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. George 'Hudson.
The concert given in the United
Church on Friday evening under the
auspices of the United Mach Sunday
School was well attended. 'Reis iArth-
nu Sinclair was chairman. The pro-
gram was given by Miss 1Pearl Woods
of Exeter, soprano soloist; Miss Eva
Stackhouse of Brucelield, reader; Mr.
Harry Hoffman of Dashwood. bari-
tone: Miss Greta iLammie. A.T.C.M.,
violinist; Miss Eleanor Fisher. A.T.C.
M., organists male quartette, 'Rev.
W. A. Young, W. a ,Goodwin, W.
McLaren and Dr. 1. t. Smillie, was
-directed by N.dr, :Goodwin,
While returning home from church
on Sunday evening Mrs. M. Seeds
slipped •on the sidewalk in front of
her home, breaking her ankle. She
was taken to Clinton Hospital. where
it was rotund that the ankle was badly
fractured. Mrs. Seeds, who carne here
from the Weet some time ago, has
been making her home with her mo-
ther. Sirs. Richard Wels'h.
Hensel] Citizens' Band are putting
on a, concert in the town Friday, Feb.
26th. The 'program will be given by
London variety entertainers, and the
Taylor Sisters, vaudeville artists. The
Hensel] Citizens' Band' is worthy. of
your eupport.
The Commencement—
The Hensel] 'Public and Continua-
tion Schools are holding a commence-
ment in the town hall Friday evening,
Feb. 12, commencing at 8 o'clock. The
program includes 3 orte-act plays, first
by pupils of Sir. Blowes' room. entitl-
ed ',A 'Deferred ;Proposal"; second,
"Renting for Ruth,", and the third,
"Squaring ft with the Ross." by pup-
il, from the Continuation School. 'The
people of 'Hensel' and vicinity are
cordially invited to attend, to see and
hear these clever young people, Who
attend the 'Heusall schools, whose
aim is to send boys and girls into the
world \vitt) a capacity to think accur-
ately, with a trained memory, with
Power of discrimination 'between what
is true and that which is false, with a
capacity for self enjoyment, and with
responsibility for the well being of
, the 'conimunity.
, The Henan Citizens' Band gave a
Beauty Salon
The Standard of Perfection
$1.95 and up
incluslintz• Shampoo, Hair-
cut and Fing;;rwaN•e.
B' Beauty Salon
Main St., Se:viol-Lis
PHONE 50 or 18.
sacred concert in the kiwis hall Sun -
slay afternoon, and 1. ere greeted hy
a large and appreciative audience, and
ti, all lovers, of band inusie h was a
.Men's Sunday—
Men',., Sunday will be observed here
in the rnited Church on Sunday, Feb.
.\ men's choir will supply the
Mr, 11obt, Passmore, whois at-
, ,
tending college in 'Forum° visite(' ov-
er the week end at the home of his
parents, Mr. and. Mrs, John Pass.,
Mr. 1111.C1 Mrs. A. \V, E. Hemphill
have returned home after visiting in
Robert Drysdale oi 1.ondtin visited
over the week end at his home
51r, 'Harald 13onthron of ;Newmark-
et was a week end visitor...
51r, ;John 13rummond tsi 'Listowel
visited -Sunday with his parente. Mr,
and Mrs. E. tDrummoncl.
NIT, .Andrew Gillmore of Moose
Jaw, Sas, is visiting with Niers. Jno.
and William .and Miss iHannah Craig.
Dr. Schooley of IDetroit visited rel-
atives and friends here,
Miss Irene Hoskins, who .has been
in poor health for some time .was tak-
en to Si. 1Josepirs 1-Tospital, London,
and operated on for appendicitis.
51,r, Chris. Campbell' was taken to
Sestforth- last %reek for treatment.
• Mr. Thos. Dickson has been con --
fined to his home for the past -week
through illness. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton
of 'T-Tibbert were visitors with their
parents, Mr. and Nirs. Daniel Me -
New fiction. at llensall Public Lib-
rary: 1Double ,Cross Ranch, The Trail
of Yesterday, Seltzer; Spies and in-
trigues. Secret Service 'Omnibus, Op-
penheinit The Barrier, Beach; Fair
Warning, Eberhart; 'rile Wind blows
West. Carmenter; No Hero This.
IDeeping; Saud .Castle. B•rith; \Visite
Oak liar.Vest, 1)eLalRoche; White
Banners. Douglas; !Great Aunt Lav-
ina, Lincoln; Which 1-Ve 'Did, Clarke;
Irvin Cobb at 'I -lis Best, Cobh; Chip
of the Flying \\'., Bower; Secret
Marriage, Norris; Gillian Munroe.
.Adventnres of Elizabeth (lily, Cam-
eron; The Trail of the 'Axe, Cullum;
Nfeix ;Hamilton. NI:tole of Love.
Swan; The Frontiersman, 'Binloss;
Roaring River, McLeod iRaine 'l'o the
Last Man, Grey; Fair as the Moon,
Non-fiction: It Happened in
Palestine, Weatherhead; The Count-
rymanie Year, Grayson; Leaves; from
Lantern Lane. N.FcClung; -Kyber Car -
scan, Sinclair; In the Steps of St.
Paul, NI -Orton; Down 'English leanes.
johnstene; With Lawrence in Arabia,
rhomas; Sagittarius Rising, 'Lewis;
Cottage I too -House, (Armstrong;
Feeds and 'Feeding., Henri. & 'Morris -
On; Mannal- of Ciarclencisg Bailey;
5'B t' and X Y Z of Her 'Culture.
Root; Poultry Productiem, Lippencot1
and Card; Jitclging Farm Animals.
euchre and dance held in the
hall Friday night was very largely at-
tended. The prize winners were: Lad-
ies, most games, Mrs. ;Orval Dale;
lone hands, Mrs. Austin 'Dolmage;
men's most games, Mr. iJoeseph. Hogg;
Ione hands, Mr. NfeNiehoL Consola-
tion went to Miss •Margaret lifahkirk
and Mr. 'Orval Dale. After •lunch a
few hours were spent in dancing. The
ninsie 'was furnisheclitty Messrs. Stew-
art seule,Chesefe'y' of. Egmont] ville, and
Mr. Joseph Hogg,. ,,aceoinipaniecl by
Mrs. ;lie rne8,'HI;iiict %Mrs. • Arnold
'rite names of Miss Margaret Peth-
ick and Mr. ;Austin Dblinage, who
were prize 'winners at the last euchre,
were erroneously omitted. '
IA. ibox social is being 'held in the
school house of school section No. 6
east of the village. .bhis Tltursclay
night. 'rhe well known cornedia•i, Mr.
Harvey .1fclGee is to be present.
Mrs, 'Archie •Campbell of Toronto
held a very slicceseful sale of house-
hold furniture of her former home
here nn Saturday. Mrs. Campbell has
sold her -house and Int to Mr. and
Mrs, Gillies of Toronto, who moved
in on .Monday. Vv' welcome them to
our community. Mr. 'Gillies is a caO-
tain on the Great Lakes,
While Skating on Saturday. Little
jaukie (Bullard •fell. and 'received a bad
head injury and was off chity for a
few days.
Want and For Sale ads., 1 week 25c,
Town Topics.
UeS. Warwick of Chicago spent a
few, days in tow's—Roy (French, of
(Porter's Hill, spent Sunday at his
home here.—AVOliarn MacKay, of To-
ronto, spent !Sunday here. --J. Jeffrey
of the Bank of Commence staff spent
Sunday in Toronto. --Lorne 'Pethiek
is opening up a barber shop in the
Campbell block.—,Stewart Chambers
oif the 'Dominion Bank staff 'has been
transferred to .Berlin,—.J. D. Rose •of
Glielple was a visitor here for a few
days.—Jack Hodgins of Luca's spent
I'iiegl'at', in tts w ails!, Mrs.
Peter .Robertson returned from their
tvedding trip this week.—Miss ;Evelyn
Allan of St. Marys spent Friday and
Saturday with friend s.—NI re. Bow-
man of Ailsa Craig visited her sister,
Mrs. •F. R. •Hammett.—Mr. Jack Ma
son and sister 5liss Mae, cif Wing -
ham, visited F. H. and Mrs. Walley
over Sunday.—ijoseph Noble of To-
ronto MIS11 town (jeer Sunday the
guest of his sister, Mrs. J. B. Thomp-
son.—W. MaDougall is taking e. rink
of curlers .10 il,crgin. 10 try to capture
the Glettii Trophy.--Mrs.•Rogers
of St. Thomas was in town, the guest
of Sirs. •Hurrows.—Mrs. D. J. Mc-
Guire attended the marriage of her
ister, in iFullstrton, on 'Tuesday. Mr.'
and Mrs. K/11,11 spent a few days with
Nirs. MoGuire after their Wedding,
Mr, and Mrs, Alex, Smith and master
Edwin spent two very pleasant weeks
visiting in Seaforth, and left for \Vale
ton where they leave March llst for
their Western ,home in Saska toon.—
Mr. A. A. Naylor of 'Auburn was in
tow n, It -hiking for a liouse, 'Mr. Naylor
expects to •bring his ;family totown
nest week. lie will begin his duties of
principal of the public school on ;Mar.
Illst.--The Assembly in Case's !Hall on
Monday evening proved the hest
ever. Those coming in were Nfiss 51.
Way, Stratford; Nliss Werner, ;Gode-
rich; Sliss O'Connell, Toronto; Miss
F. Constable, St. Marys; Miss Shafer,
Listowel; 511 ranter, Brucefiehl;
Slits Millar Hensall; .Messrs. String-
er, Mitchell: 'Hutchinson, °uncles:
Traquhair, Toronto; Curran, Well-
and; W. 'runner, Drayton; Drysdale,
McLaren,. Rennie, Hensalt — Ti
young men who met in the Council
Chamber last Sabbath afternoon, to
organize a doss, adjourned to meet in
the same place item; Sabbath after-
noon.—The Seaforth Seed Show will
'be held in Carrillo's Hall iSaturday,
March 116th, --One of the most 'bloody
encounters ever witnessed, irt the an-
nals of the palace amphitheatre was
played between the Dick House and
Royal Hotel hockey teams on. Tues-
day evening. ;Gerald Case arrived
from 5lcK ibiop to handle the hell,
having collie on snow shoes, owing to
the bad roads,—TIte bonspiel held
here was a great success, there ibeing
good sport, W. 13, Stewart, of St.
Paul, skipped the winning rink,—The
W. E. Sandford Ma titt facturing Co, of
Hamilton are taking otter the cloth-
ing factory, owned and operated by
the TayloreAnderson Co„ of Seaforth,
for the past ;few years. The W. E.
Sandford Co. are one of the best
known clothing manufacturers of Ca-
nada. The ever increasing demand for
their goods warranted them purchas-
ing this factory in order to increase
their ontput. The new 'firm will oper-
ate the factory to hill 'capacity.
Nliss Je;sn 'Hamilton visited her
friend,' Nliss Toll, in Blyth, tin Sun-
dety,—.Nliss Clara !Pi:limey is spend-
ing a couple of weeks in Toroitto.-,-
Vilora and lleatrice Mc'Gibbon
of -Hyde Park. are visiting at the
Royal. --Mrs. 1V. Nleretlith of
\VIallavelowg, caine up to attend the
funeral of the late Captain (Dawson,
--Danby Berry, eldest son of 'Rev, 5.
Berry, left for Toronto, where lie will
pursue his alt studies. --Mrs, George
Mardie has so far recovered since her
serious illness to .be able to enjoy a
cutter eicle.—W. D, Stewart, of St.
Paul, is the guest of friends in town.
—At a meeting of the Citizen's; Band,
on Tuesday evening, the following of-
ficers were elected: !Pres., D. T. Pink-
ney; vice pres., A. F. Cluff; see., E.
Box; treas., J. 8'. .Daly; com,mittee,
51. „McLeod, Thos. Scott, W. 'HartrY.
—Mss. Robertson, of ;Kinistino, Sask.,
is on a visit with her father, Mr. !Gor-
don Campbell, •of 'Constance, who is'
104 years of age.-11-larolci IBest, for
the last three years a valued .em011oYee
of Stewart ,Bros. .firm, has severed
his conneetion with the store told left
for Toronto where die has accepted a
5(011101 1 tray.ele.r, in a well known
wholesale house.—The death occur-
red on 'S.iinday evening of •Capt. 'Ed-
ward Diawson, one of Seaforeh.'s most
respected merchants, at the advanced
age .of 778 years,—The demise of Rev.
Father 1Gorrn;011y, aged '315 years, took
place at the home of his mother, St.
Columban. on Tuesday morning, after
iheing 81 the past year, He ihad charge
of a Lai -layette. Ind., prior
the illness which csimpelled him to
S 0 rk.
David MeCittcheon was away at -
Dorsey.—In loving memory of
Nora •A, !Dorsey, who passed away
one year ago, February 9. 1906,
Lovingly remembered by Husband,•
'Mother, Sisters and Brothers
ln toying memory of Mrs. Wm.
Burke, who died one year ago, Feb.
oth, 115311,
You are not forgotten, loved one,
Nor will you ever be.
•As long as life and memory last
We will remember thee,
We miss you now, 001' 'hearts are
;As time .goes hy we miss you
Yom boeing smile, your gentle face,
No one, can fill your vacant Mace.
—Husband and Family.
Brick house at Roxboro, 2% miles
from Seafortlt; 7 rooms, splendid cel-
lar, small bare, half acre of land: Ap-
ply to 1E, L. Box, Seaforth,
A Finlay Quebec •range, used 2
years. Also a tzeiw for sale. P. H. Mc-
Grath, phone 2'2 r 120, Dublin central,
Car license 4(N01816, in the vicinity
of Winthrop. iApply to I), Shannon.
,Pitone 1231) r 1111 6
High grade Nlanitolea ;Flour, 1)8 11i.
cotton sacks, (a' '#3.015, Cash only Lim-
it '5 bags to a cestomer. Ross .1.
iSproat, phone 8, Superior 'Stores. 7
•tending the funeral of es *tater .who re-
sides at Tattenhans.--1Peter aardiner,
who was 111, is we trust, on a fair way
to complete recovery.—+Butter is soar -
015 111 price..-Aohn 'Price is retiring
from farming, and has sold his :farm
• to McNichol 13ros, We 'regret the re-
moval of Mr, and Mrs. Price from
Betliel!;-1Gcorge IGrigg's sale was
well attended and prices were good.
L. Keinkhamer of +Brantford visited
his uncle, 51. Klinkliamer.-10.11 Fri-
day evening a ;very pleasant and en-
joyable evening was spent in ahe town
hall, given by the Bachelors and Ben-
i edicts.—Mr, Wist. Matthewi's recov-
ering from a severe attack of pneu-
i mania.
S'fessre. 'Geor15e Troyer anti Miltosi
Love, Hillsgreen, were in 'this vicinity
looking for hor,ees, this week.-1Mr.
and Mrs. John Robb, of town, visited
at the home of E. 'H•amiliton, on the
'second Ira eghns has pm...
chased the farm across the road, 'for-
merly known as the Joseph 'Town-
send homestead, This makes the fifth •
; farm sold in distance of Iwo miles.
no. Murray's sale held Thurtschly
was a great succees. Ort account off
the day being Inc and roads good a
large craw.d .gatherecl, cows sold from
$50 to $87., and a heifer two years old
was sold at t82. A, brood mare also
sold to H. Tyndall. for 2166. Thos.
Brown wielded the hammer.—The se-
cond literary meeting was held at
-Martin BTUs. -IA number of teams frre
employed 'hauling ,logs from Mr. Ira
John's 'bush this week.
The February meeting of the Var-
na w.Nr.s. met at the home of Mrs.
Alm McConnell. Meeting opened
with a hymn. ;March roll call to be
answered by a special verse. There
were 32 ladies ,present. VVe were ask-
ed for quilts and .used clothing to
send in the hale. Varna ;circuit was
asked to send a delegate to the Con-
ference Branch meeting to be held in
Chatham in May. Tt was decided to
ask to have stir allocation revised.
Mem•bers were to bring quilt 'blocks
to the next meeting. Final plans were
made for the Day of Prayer. .Mvs.
Ben Rathwell read the leaflet. Mrs.
;A. McConnell and Mrs. Bandy each
read a leaflet. followed 'h.y a season of
silent prayer, Mrs, Will Reid read a
piece entitled "Be of Good Cheer,"
Mrs, Ralph Stephenson ,gave a talk
on Jesus and His :Disciple's. Meeting
closed with 'hymn 363. The hostess
served a dainty lunch after which a
hearty vote ,of thanks was tendered
A meeting was held recently in the
'United Church for the purpose of or-
ganizing a Woman's AsSociation. The
following .olficers were elected: (Pi -es,
Mrs, A. Trigs; vice .pres., Mrs. Bandy;
Treas., Mrs, Ed. Foster; sec., Mrs.
'Roy Dow.son.
Living On Borrowed Blood
An article, in The American Week-
ly with the 1February 14 issue of The
Detroit Sunday Times, tells of a .wo-
man who can't 'make any 'blood of bel-
ongs, has taken her 9.9th transfusion
and has to be filled up like a gasoline
tank every two 'weeks,
FIVE ROSES 3.99 Chase & Sanborn's Coffee
• ALBERTA ROSE 3.29 1./z lb.
PRAIRIE ROSE "9 Morning Cheer Coffee
3 LBS. 21c
5 LBS. „, . 25c 10 bars
CHOICE DATES Oxydol, Ige pkg. ......
2 LB. ... isc Carbolic Soap
5 cakes
Gold Medal Coffee ., IA lb 18c Kirk's Castile Soap
• Red Rose Coffee .... ..1b. 31c 5 cakes
Chocolate Buds lb. 19c
W * J. Finnigan
Office of Late F. Holmsted, K.C,
...Next A. D. Sutherland)
Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays
Law Office
)1 Charge
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Etc,
Seaforth, Ont. Telephone 75,
;Of Farm Stork, 101plements and
Ilionsehsrld Efft2cts, at 1,ot 3, Con, IS,
Grey Township, tnile east of Wal-
ton. on boundary, Wednesday, Febru-
are 117, at one poll.
Horses—fa mare, rising four years;
1 mare rising 113 years.
Cattle, --.1, cow, rising '6 years, sup-
posed to be in calf; dt cow, rising 4
years, freshened a month; I cow, ris-
ing 3 years, calf at foot; 1. calf, live
weeks old.
Pigs—Two pigs, around 100 pounds
implements: Mower, McCormick, 6
it, cm; disc; 2 wagons; set of sleighs:
set of harrows; cream separator; seed
drill; eetter; rubber tired briggy; dou-
ble harness; single harness; chains;
.whippletrees, neckyokes, Oliver W-
hereon- riding plow; walking plow;
011arttilY of hay; quantity of 12 -inch
mixed wood.
Household 'Effects, including furni-
ture, bed, dishes, stove, pails, Ole.
Everything will be sold without re-
serve as properietor is giving up
A. J. Carter, 'Prop.; ;Geo. H. Elliott,
ariarmere' Coal, best 'quality Penn-
syl,vania Anthracite, stove or nut,
thirteen dollars. IRosedale 'Alberta,
stove size, nine -eighty. Town deliv-
eries sixty cents more. Strictly cash
on delivery. The Farmers' Co -Opera-
tive, .5. H. Scott, Phone 336.
Wanted to rent, farm 715 to WOO acs
res, 'by experienced farmer with full
line of stock and machinery. Apply.
to The 'Seaforth 1News, 7
100 acres, Lot 3, Con. 9, ;Hallett,
well drained and fericecl, in a good
state of cultivation, ,Large bank barn,
cement stabling. Drilled well, frame
house, .garage, .Possession given at
any time. 'Apply to Hugh Campbell,
3 miles west of Winthrop.
100 acres of land situated on the
linron Road three miles .west 'of
Haysville and two concessions south
11 est .of New 'Haniloirg. This farm 'has
a modern ,barn, (frilled well 01 .never
failing splendid water sold twenty
acres of woodland, conducted under
modern reforestation .methods. 'rhos
farm has splendid grain and grass
;land. It is situated opposite S. Si No.
ie. Wilmot and west of St. James' An-
glican Church. 11 1,8 ullja.cent to the
'best instrkets in Onterio 'Die build-
ings are insured against Inc and winch
Zor particulars apply to .A. R. IG.
New 11-lanibu rg, ()n t.. Tel e -
phone 1113w, 'New 'Hamburg.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call and see our Price List.
Thos. Dickson
• Spring is not here, but it will come
just the same. Think! Are you go-
ing to use fertilizer. If you do, we
will be pleased to supply you with
the best that is made. We are also
agents for the Preston Fertilator
which makes •a complete fertilizer
drill out of your present grain drill,
Please hold your order for us, as
we will be around as .soon as pos-
sible. We also have Murray's Min-
eral Food and Remedies, and Mot-
or Oil and Greases, Agricultural
Lime, Drain Tiles, Etc.
PHONE 136 r 2.
E. C. Chamberlain
The purchase of the insurance busi-
ness of Hays and Nieir and the ad-
dition of their companies to our prev-
ious facilities enables us to give you
unexcelled services in all lines.
Seaforth, Ont. ,
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1;30 p,m, to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m, to 9 p,m
Buy a Used Car
1 1936 Terraplane Coach (heater)
1 1936 Dodge Coach (heater)
1 1935 Dodge Sedan (heater)
1 1934 Chev, Sedan
1 1932 Plymouth Coach
1 1929 Chev. Sedan
1 1929 Chev, Coach
1 1935 Dodge IA ton Express
1 Matched Team of Horses
1 2 -year-old Filly
Phone 695 Goderich
Barn—E4'xi3161, with 1116 At. posts;
sound timber frame, full sized loft, .
with two-ply lumber. Contains Over
.5,000 feet of :11 -inch lumber. Would be
suitable for drive shed 1* straw shed.
Ilf not sold ;before Mwr, illst building
will be wrecked. Murray Tyndall.
lirtteefield, 6
Church open shed for sale. Timbers
suitable for driving shed. \Vill be
,closed before March 1,st. Apply to
Percy Smith, chairman Bd. of Man-
agers, DUff's Church, MoKIliop, Sea -
forth R..R. 5., Phone 2439r2, 8.
A good heavy gelding, 15 years; one
ewe lamb, and a Beatty Bros, electric
grain grinder. George Beatty Sr.
Barn SO feet by 218 feet, good frame.
for sale cheap. Apply to Earl Mills,,
Walton, R.R. 1, Phone 2143r313,
100 acres in the township of Mc-
Killop, good clay loam, in splendid
state of cultivation, well fenced and
drained, never -failing spring creek,
.good well. All good buildin s h drcs
fully installed, situated on good coun-
ty road 6 ;miles north of S'eaforth. For
tertns and pa,rticuilars apply on the
premises to ID. G. MaciFarlane, Wal-
ton P.10. Tel, 2148,3,
A. beautiful new clear toned 5 -tube
battery radio at a cut rate price, if
you act quick. Could ,hancile some live
stock in Apply to Hugill's
Specialty Farms, .3 miles west of Sea -
forth, of Highway 8.
100 acres in Stanley ;Township,
good land, good buildings, lots of
water supply. Bush. (Plowing all done
and a good stand of wheat. Hydro
available. Apply to Seaforth 'News.
A farm of 100 acres on No. 4 High-
way, good clay loam Soil, good build-
ings, with hydro throughout them.
Lots of water. ,Fa1,1 ploughing done.
115 acres of fall wheat. 'F'or 'full -thee
particulars apply to The News .office.
ToWnshiipl of Tuc•kersinith, 31+,4
miles from Seefoneh, noo acres choice
dark clay loam sultaiblle for any kind
of crop. Goiod roads in every (Urea -
Hon, Alt necessary [buildings. Well'
fenced and drained, 'plentiful supply
of good water. This &anus' is in splen-
did condition. 8110,009.00 was offered
for it in 11921. The price today with
possession on •March 1St, is $5.000.00.
With substantial ,down payment in
CaSh, terms will be given for balance.
A D. Sutherland.