The Seaforth News, 1934-12-20, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1934. HENSALL. one Deters. IA coanmittee was ap- Council Meeting',—The last regular pointed to plan the programs for the Meeting of the 1934 council was held :'New Year and the ,nfee:ting" closed. in the council chamber On Saturday with prayer. • evening, with all the members' press 'Sirs. Smith, her son, John .Smith, ens,. The minutes of the previous and daughter, Miss Annie, moved to meeting were read and adopted on Delhi last week wlhere they have st- int -diem of Petty and Shepherd. Chas. cured, positions. ots. rhe tain,l came 3 MdDonald appeared re the assess- Here a number of years ago from 7nettt of his son Allele. F. 1 oath- Holland and were good industrious Ton reported collection of taxes as citizens, practically the same as last year to.Miss- Bertha Britton of 'Dublin Was date. Several cases of tax errors came a week end visitorwith Mrs. Work - tip for discussion. Petty and Sleep- roan and two daughters. herd that we instruct the collector -to Rev, Mir, Young. spent Monday at return the taxes of V. Pettit and M. Nairn with his parents. Cooper as uncollectable, Carried, Jno, Me, Eldred Smith of Western Un- Tassntore appeared- re the rink cont- iversity spent -Sunday -at his home. mince of the Chamber of -Commerce, :Mrs. Colin- Hudson visited with !Geo. Hudson reported re the poll London relatives over the week end,. axes and was instructed to proceed The 'Welfare Youth Club of Carni- with the collection of the sante, el Presbyterian Church held their 'Communication read from Deputy meeting on _Monday evening with a \lit,stcr of Ibs,itals re Caldwell. splendid attendance, c e Themeeting n ting Op- al o railway tax distribution, 3. A. El- ened with a sing song; Scripture lis re unemployment relief. Same or- by 'Beryl 'Pfaff, Mr. Geo, Walker led elered filed. The following accounts in prayer, It was decided to have a were presented: \V. R, Davidson, coal Watch Night service on New Year's for relief, alld 00', for hall, $36,69; eve, Collection was taken and Mr. Bonthron Se• Drysdale, supplidds for Young introduced the speaker, Mr, dnall, y115.80; Dominion Road Machin- Ross MacKay, 'who .gave a very int- ery Co„ Ltd., road grader, y"11130: 3oe cresting address. on "The .Church in Hudson, gasoline, fire dept ,Oc; Relation to Political Life." after Cook Bros., supplies fire dept $4.72; which there was open discussion, (Nelson ,Blatchford, sanitary inspector, The members of the. choir of Car - $3 1 Passmore, supplies for shed, mei Presbyterian Church gathered at S3.99; Hensel' Hydro, street tights, the home of Mrs, Hannah Workman $80009; Huron County, rate= $2tt14,- on Monday evening, Dec, 117th in ho - SO School Board, school rale $3,- nor of her daughter, Miss Olive, 454td1; 1. A. Paterson, R.O. election, bride -'elect of this month. During the $ 'Geo. Hudson Constable, election, evening the choir presented Miss $2.50;Nelson Blatchford, DRO., Workman with a half dozen amber $3 Jos. Hudson, $3, Robt, Hi ins, sherbet glasses. Miss Workman has p.c $''5O; Gordon 'I'atker, $2.50: Geo. been a valued member of Carmel Swan, errorinc.,Ileetor,: rn'l. Total. Chu.rch'choir and one of Hensall's .*b,5s'5,70. Robinson and Petty, that most popular young ladies, the accounts as read he passel. Car- ried. Robinson anti She; ler t, that • Ise now a]i>urn, Carrie,l•—lies, \. ,Paterson, i lerl:. St. Paul's Anglican Church S.S. he'd their annual Christmas tree en- tertaimnent Wednesday evening. tvhen a pieniid program was given. On ISutclty nest at St. P is 'Civil—oh in :he morning a ser i , • Ori,tm'ts mit-ic and . tic c.r,ing ach..ral St.TV I er H ly n noun 't at 10 geloels, Everybody wt cone On Snnday, I)c. !t, 'Ret Mr. 1 erker will preach fareweil i.ermcm end seg; occupy his new rum, at \1, r - pet t Cu -first S mimlay in f +n:ta y, Mr. Cita: \\'nts,-u of Li., we ,was .r, town \lmlay-. Mrs. Muir of Saginaw. )JS't. i. via ing at thc, 1001.e of \ir..,ni Sirs. Ed orad Shifter Mrs.- Bertha Bell has retnr'r home after a pleasant visit with her ,ion and 1115 wife at St Ca ,trinee. • Mrs, r.Dr: Reid of ort Rowan. spent the week end stere with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sheffer, - The regular meeting of the Chain - her of Commerce which was to have been held on Friday evening, Dec. 31. has been cancelled on account of the entertainments. Miss Verde 'Watson visited over ;Sunday at iter home in Listowel.. The skating rink committee Of the Chamber of Commerce intend getting the rink flooded this week and hope to have ice for skating next week. On Sunday Mr. Stewart Be'.: while driving by Hudson's garage, skidded into the gas pump, spilling, about. ten gallons of gas. -Mr. Ed. Talazki ni I\Vindsoe has opened a repair shop for harness, shoes and bicycles in the Murdock block, All the children of Hensel! and vic- inity are invited to be present and weleotne :Santa Clans on his arrival in Hens -all on Saturday afters,,; n ::t O'clock. Miss Margaret John t nis i tong at the post office during the Christ- mas rush. 'Special Christina= se -Vice: "! .,e held next Sunday iu both the United Church and Carmel t'res's•.':r:an 'Church. Rev. lir. Sinclair sal Rev, Mr. Soong wile occupy t'.tcir , i pits mitt ',nil sped l ntn;ic will lie ed by the choirs. The Hensel! nerehant. : t y their -t ares :nen ever -v 'tvee'e as. well ChristmasCinietmas see ti, ec- eommodatc the '.arae t. .Christmas shoppers. Mg. and Mrs. Ha ry iLm n on were week en v i -?lr, and Mrs Corin lit, Mrs. Trott t 1 L,Turida t here with her sister, Mrs, Ear! 1). ant mond and expects to spend 1tr ., .-ts here. Mrs. William Shepherd e , S -f tirday visiting with Lonl ,t ..iter ;Harold Higgins is visiting with his ister, Mrs. Orval !Beavers ei Fereu- bar this week. The annual Christmas tree e'tc:•- tainment of the United Church Sun- day School will be given -in the school room on Friday evening, Der. 21st. The Christmas tree entertainment of Carmel Church Sunday School will be held on Thursday, Dec20th. The, 'Women's Missionary Society of- Carutel Presbyterian Church, Hen - gall, held their regular meeting on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 13th in the schoolroom with Mrs. Edwards pre- siding. The meeting opened by sting- ing a hyinn and Mr, Young led in prayer: -The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Workman from the 1st chap- ter of James. The roll call followed. Mr. Young gave a Christmas mes- sage and after the .offering was re- ceived .Mrs. R. Y. McLaren led in ;prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved; ass interesting event followed in the pre- . tenting of, a life membership certifi• - cate: to- Mrs. R. Y. McLaren, Mrs.• ]Workman read the address and Miss iH.=.Craig made the presentation. As this was the annual meeting the dif- ferent seeretariee gave their reports all'.•of which were most ,encouraging, The election of officers was as fel- Hon, Pres.,]Mrs, Arnold; pres., 3fis. C. S. Hudson, !1st vice, Mrs. R. Y, -McLaren; and vice, Mrs, Ed- • wards; 3rd vice, :lfrs. Dallas; sec,, \Irs. Leo, Walker; treas., .Mrs, D, Nicol supply sec., Miss McGregor; welfare r sec„ Mrs. J.' IV: !Bonthrot; Mrs,- `iSat^idsou: Liter., II ,r orl man; Home Helpers Mrs. T. Morison; pianist, Mrs. W•;A Mellearen; assistant pianist, Miss Ir • ELIMVILLE. The regular monthly meeting of the \V, M. S. was held last Wednes- day afternoon at the hone of Mrs. Ed. Johns with 13 members present, Mrs. R'm Ferguson. had charge of tate meeting which was opened with hyena "It cane upon the midnight .le rr," and silent prayer was follow - ea by the Lord's Prayer in unison, Christmas Scripture lessons were read by Mrs. Geo. Davis. Mrs. \\'tat. Johns „nd Mrs. \Wnt. Clifford. The minutes ei the last meeting were read and. a 1 ptc•I and the roll call was answer- ed by a "Chriettnas Message. Hymn, "Silent Night," was sung. followed by the dey tit,lnal leaflet "Be of Good -Cheer, and was given by Rich. Johns, Readings were given by Mrs. •B., Del- bridge cat "Stewardship," and Mlrs. Chas. Johns on "A Christmas Legend of the busy Honsew fes" Leaflets on "Early Missionary Work in India," were given by Mrs, \Ven. Eliord, Mrs, Frank Brock and Mrs. P. Murch. The treasurer gave a financial report, af- ter which Mrs. ('Rev,) •Peters led in prayer. The meeting was closed with hyatua,.• "Blest be the tie that binds," and the Slizpah benediction, A' ten - cent tea was served at the close. - Mrs, Freeman Horne spent the week -end visiting with relatives in St.- Thomas t,Thomas and Springfield. • VARNA. Christmas concerts are now boom- ing, Mrs. G. H. Beatty ,spent a few days in Toronto, • • Mr, Harold Elliott and Elliott Chu - ter left for Jellico where they expect to get work, Mirs. Moswp spent the week entl with friends in Toronto:,. • Mrs. Mo=sop and daughters are lege connfortably settled in their new apartments shore the store. - TUCKERSMITH. Township Council—The Council of '11'icer- 11 111 met in the town hall, Sea - z a on S :irda:y, Dec. 15. Min- ute- . les:meeting reap and adopted. \Whit•n,,rt M eGregor. — That the ttnty rate $14,185.2n, be forwarded ." the county treasurer. \Icteregnr \\ hitntere — That the c. e for be given an extension of time for collecting taxes anti: the first meeting of the new council, -\]dray-McGregor-7'ltat the I3ank -1 Montreal, Henson, be given auth- ority t., cellect taxes for the Town- ship at 5c for each item under $115 and 1 le for each item over $1.5.00, but full amount •'f each item to be transferred with hill for collection; also penalty ,f 1 per cent. per nwnth added from the ldth of December. Amount to be transferred every two weeks to Coll- ector, Canadian Bank of Commerce, ,Seaforth. McKay-Whitmore—That Bylaw 9, to designate the time and place for nomination and time and places for election with officers for same, and Bylaw No, 10, to pay salaries, Mdkay-:M'dG:regor—ITh:at Hugh M. Chesney be paid $6,00 for sheep killed by dogs. WhitmoresClark,---71h'at the Treas- urer Town of Seaforth be paid $30 for use of Council Chamber for 1934. i-1foGregor-M dICiay,—.T'hat the Ran- kin Agency be paid $&00 for rent of box in vault. McGregor-Whi'tntore, — That the collections fon telephone rentals,: $15,5180 and $4184:313 for long distance accounts for P934, be paid to the Tel - (Theme Commission. erVhitneo•e-McKay.—,That a com- mittee of the :Reeve, treasurer and J. \delGre,gor, Councillor, meet with the Telephone Commission at the Dom- inion Bank, Seaforth, to .consult with the manager in regard to $300' in ,question between the Teeph on Coon. and Township of Tuckersmith, Mic)Grepor4Clar[—Tht'tt es the • Tel e'phone Commission appeared before the Council requesting that a line of reit be created with the credit t @ Baltlt of 'Montreal in Hensel]; the Council hereby authorizes the said coenan'is- 51011 to interview the .manager of the said Bank in regard to terms, etc, and report at the first meeting of the new council in January. 1Whitnt'are M Glnego'r,—jTihe council read and adopted the excellent report of the \1;0,111-1. in regard to the sani- tary condition of the township, there being no contagious diseases repotted during 1034 also the excellent t con n d tion of all the schools which were visited during the year. Whitmore -McGregor, — That the Clerk advertise for the purchase of standing timber, for the purpose of supplying wood for relief, within a reasonable distance from the Village of Egmondville, to be cut by parties on relief, Mc1Kay!MclGrego.r, — That S. H. Whitmore be authorized to secure and arrange terns of purchase of timber from D. 'McLean and notify parties when ,same is ready to cut. I_\i -•re dG gior-_Mc1I>.ay.—T•h!at J, A. Murray be appointed school atten- dance officer for 19315 at a salary of $'1?.5O per year, MdKiay-M[ctGregor,—T.hat the fol- lowing accounts be paid: R. J. Beatty, prem. on Collector's bond, $34;50; IF, 'Walters, rebate dog tax, $2; 5. Wat- son, rebate dog tax, $2; W. Layton, rebate clog tax, $2; Ross Chapman, do (11933) $4; lidLe to Bros., ptg. etc., ,655; \W J. Finnigan, supplies for relief, ji25.711; J. Regier, wood for re- lief, $1l1; N. Cluff & Sons, wood for fries, $0'50; E, 13. Goodie, milk for relief, 3; H. McMillan, col, transfers and. rooms, $9118; 3'. H. Best, legal services. $4.50; 'Ticar SieKiilop, tel- ephone collections, $712.00; Jas Fin- layson, repair apron, Moore dr., $ 1.40 'rhompson's Bookstore, supplies, $2,95; G C. Jarrott, commitment of patient, $5; W. C. Sproat, commit- ment of patient, $a G, C. Jarrott, postage for analysis, $1.50; R. Dal- rymple, pay lists 18, 14, 20, $676:51•; \V, R, Archibald, postage, $4; W, C. Sproat, commitment of patient $5; \V. R. Archibald, salary, $63; Chas, Mc- Kay, salary, $55; M. Clark, da, $55; S. H. '\Vhitmesre, do, $55; 5, McGreg- or, do„ $55; G. N. Turner, bal. salary, $100; D. F. McGregor, bal. salary, $67,60; W. R. Archibald, sal, 13, of H., $S; \V, P. Thompson do„ $S; D. F. McGregor, do, $8; H. McMillan, bal. salary 1933, 1r50; II, McMillan, acct, salary, 1934, $11:00, D. ,F. McGregor, Clerk. LONDESBORO -The Mary Grierson .Mission Band met on 'Sunday morning during the church service, Owing to the ab- sence of the President and Secretary, Sirs, P. Manning took ,charge of program. Miss Marion I-Iunking read the Bible Lesson, a hymn was sung, Mrs, Manning led in prayer. Mrs. Gardner then tock charge of the meeting for election of officers, Sir, Clifford Stu:dcrcock was elected pre- ide'nt; Miss Clarice Lee. vice presid- ent; Mliss Eleanor Sprung secretary; auditor:, Rhoda Gorier, Joyce Fair - service; pianist, Phyllis . Manning. She and Sirs. R. McCrae of Bel - grave visited with friends in the vil- lage on Thursday. Mrs, .'Lyddiatt visited with friends in the village Monday. Mr, .Will Manning visited with Mr. Albert Lyddiatt on Stmday. Stirs La:trlie Young spent Friday in London. \Ir. R, 'Townsend and Mr. R. 1 utgbintt spent Saturday in Auburn. Mrs. E. Crawford spent Saturday with ler sister in Clitnon. Mar, and Mfrs. Alex. Wells and Miss Lizzie 'Staines spent Friday in 'London. The Jr. Hockey team played their first game of the season in Illlyth Sat- urday afternoon. The score was 111-3 in favor of Londcsboro. (Saturday night was the first might there was skating on the open air rivrk, All report having a good time and the ice was fine. Miss Gladys Mountain spent Wed- nesday with S'tratford friends, 'T'he Sunday School is having its annual Christmas concert on Christ gas Eve, Miss Van 'Camp visited with her aunt, Mrs, T. Fairservice on Wed- nesday. '.Miss Gladys Fairservice has gone to Toronto for a fe'w. weeks. Miss Leona ,Stevens spent a week with her aunt, Miss Belle Nott. Mr. 5. ,Nott spent Saturday in Illy th, Mrs. R. Townsend and Miss Dor- et,ty'Littie Motored to London Sat- urday. tit has been the misfortune of Mr. Harvey Htuticings and Mr. Harold \clan's to both lose horses. We wish then' better success in ; the future.:, Mr. Archie Webster, Master Jacic and I. 'R, Govier spent Saturday in (London, Mrs. 5. ';Cucienore is visiting re tires • in the village. Mr. Ephriann Brown, a former re dent p'1 the 8th ,concession, pass away at his home in 'Clinton Frid morning, in his 716th year, Th many friends extend their 's31111)at !Mil's Venda \Va'tson' spent t week at her' home. 'Miss Margaret Yungiblutt spent few days with her aunt, Mrs, 'Cunningham. • The W.M.S. held their regular -.a coital meeting in the school room the church on 'Wednesday last yi'i the Pres., Mfrs. A. W. Gardiner pr siding. Meeting opened in the esu form g g of singing ' and several sho prayers were offered. The S,ecretar Mrs, IP. Manning read 'the minut and business was discussed. The at nua.l reports of the several secreted were given, all being very favorabl and s'ho'wed good work being don thitoughoub the year. The- allocatio was almost met and no doubt befor the year closes will go over the to Rev. Mr. Gardiner, being presets gave a brief address expressing hi pleasure of meeting with the ladie amid hearing ,of such good work be ing done, Mr. Gardiner then pu through the election of officers fo the year 1'9,5, whilclt is as follows Mrs. Gardiner resigned her office o President in favor of Miss Young ,Pres.—Miss L. Young; 'list vice—Mrs Gardiner; and vice—Mrs. R. Town send; rec. sec,—Miss F, Jamieson assistant—Mrs, E. 'Wood; treasurer Mars. C. Watson; S. C. 'S.—Mfrs, Vr Lyon; L. sec.—Mrs, Geo, .Moon; ft trance committee - Mrs. Townsend Mrs, 1-ingla'nd, Mrs, E. Adams, Mrs Taylor, strangers' sec. --Miss 13 Scott; supply ,sec,—Mrs. W. Bruns don, Mrs. Fingland; associate help err sec. -Mrs. C. Ruddell, firs. R ;Sitaddick; press sec.—Mrs M. Man- ning; baby hand sup.—Mfrs. Webster, Mrs. T. Fairservice; mission band'sups—Mrs,'sup.-rs, P. Manning; mission cir- cle sup Mrs. 3 , Thompson; flower ccm.—Mrs. W. Brunsdan, Miss F. Jamieson; group captains—No. 1' — Mrs. Si. Manning; No. '2—Mrs. T. !'dams• No, 3'—Mrs. 3, Vodcten; No. R. Caldwell; No, 15—airs. F. Wood; No. '6—Mrs, T. Fairservice, Pianists—\frs, E. Adams, Mrs. 3, Armstrong, The meeting was then left in charge of Mrs. ,Fairservice, captain of group No. 6 "From 'Greenland's icy mountains was sung. Mfrs. R. Townsend' read the Scripture lesson and Miss VanCatnp of Bel - grave sang a pleasing solo. Owing to the lateness of the hour, the program was shortened. Mir. Gardiner pro- nounced the benediction, Group No. 6 served a pleasing 110c -tea which w'as' enjoyed, Ilk. and Mrs. Wm. 1. Brunsdon will be at home -to their .many friends on Dec. 129th, it being ,the event of celebrating -their Golden Wedding.They will receive their friends from 2 till 5 o'clock, when any 'wishing to call will be welcomed, la- si- ed ay ear h y, he a G. 0 - of th e- a] rt es 1 - els e, e P. 1, s, STANLEY The December meeting of Goshen W.\f.S. was 'held at the home of Mrs. Nelson Key's. The president, .firs, 13, Keys, presided and read the devotional leaflet;, "The Circle of Friendship." Mfrs. H. .Iirratt, temper- ance secretary, contributed an article, "Why I Hate the Liquor Traffic." The members were filled with joy when the treasurer reported : having "gone over tate top," with the alloca- tion. Rev. Bandy presided over the election of officers which resulted in most of the officers being re-elected for the ensuing year. Lunch was serv- ed by the ladies, 'Ole 'Tuesday- afternoon last there passed away in the city of Galt where Ire had been living. retired for a number of years, an old resident of Stanley in the person of Rev: C. T. Tough at the age of 79. To mourn the loss he leaves behind him ,his wi- dow, a son, Leslie, .of Stratford, and daughter, Helen, Mrs. Dr. Sinrray of Toronto; .also two brothers, David of Bru•ceaeld' Wel. J., of Clinton, and three sisters Miss Jessie, of 'Clinton, Margaret, Mrs: W. Stevens, of (Brucelfield, and Elsie, Mrs. John !Davidson, of Sask. The funeral' took plaice from his late residence in Galt to Paris cemetery, where his remains were interred. Mr, Donald Turner off L'ondon was the guest of R N. Douglas of Blake on Sunday last. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess of Hen - sail, with 'their son George and wife and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Carrie. Christmas ,Report iof No, 14, Stan- ley.— 'Sr. IV.-Mi•ary Farquhar 811, Kath- leen Jones 754• LV,—(George Clifton 'Sr. PIC—Eric:S'witz 6, er 02, Mttuiel Cahnerot 515, Jr, IIIII,__ Lois 'R atlTwvell 80, Jean, Spear 65, Doan !Switzer 513; 'Ernie Tal- bot 414, Sr, Id,— MPildred Jones 60, 'Win• Witconlbe 1513, ' ,Kenneth •1f K ECONOIVIIGAL Christmas Cash Bays Icing Sugar 2® C 3 pounds for , . Lemon and Orange Peel . , .... , , , , pound 18c New Dates 3 pounds for 25c Figs, pound 10c Mixed Nuts 2 pound's Yellow Sugar 10 pounds 53c 2 tins Pineapple ,,..,,,,,23c Raisins, seeds in, 2 pounds 21c 28t. 10 Pound Pail Edwd Syrup 69c W. J. FINNIGAN DeLaval SEPARATORS AND Separator Parts ARE SOLD AT DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH 43, IJr, III.—Juste Murdoch 72, Donny McKenzie 65, Betty 'Switzer 46. IPr.—Ru,tlt Ratlrwell. No. on roll 116. average attendance (14.40. t?•hilipPa Il?enfold, Teacher, CROMARTY. Mr. \Vnl. Dinnin had the misfor- !tube to fracture some ribs while working in the grave] pit one day last week. The young people of the Presby- terian Church are preparing for their annual Christmas tree which will be ,held on Friday evening, Dec, 2lllst. A. good program of dialogues, drills, re- citations and music is being prepar- ed, Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKellar and fancily of Seaforth visited with MIr. MdKellar's parents on ,Sunday last. BLYTH. The (White 'Gift service in the 'Unit- ed Church -had a very large attend- ance on (Sunday night. The pageant was very Well presented, The community Christmas tree will be in the hall 'Friday night at S o'clock and a silver collection ,will be taken at the door. 'Comnnntian 'service in 'Trinity Church will be observed on Sunday at 8,30 a.m. Services at 7 o'clock in the evening with special Christmas music and communion following the service, Sir. EErnest 'Robinson had the mis- fortune to break his leg while play- ing hockey, NO'MI'NATION NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The annual meeting of the elecbots of the Township of Tuckersmith for the nomination of candidates for the office of Reeve and Councillors for the year 1935 will be ,held at Walker's Hall, Brucefield, on Monday, Dec- ember 31st, 1934, from 1 to 2 p.m, 'If a poll be necessary such poll shall be opened on Monday, January 7th, 1035, betwveen the hours of 9 aim. and 5 p.nt. at the following ,places and by the follow-ing officers: !No. 1.—lAt Finnigan's store, D.R.O. Harry Stewart; clerk, A. Finnigan No, 2—At S,S No, 8; D.R10., Ed- ward (Brown, clerk, A. P. McLaren. No, 3,- At S.S. No. 4, D.R.O. Jos. Crich; clerk, Fred Pepper. foto, 4,--JAt S.S. No. 3, MR.O. Thos Chapman; clerk, 3', W, Mdlntosh 150o. 5,—S;S, No. '1., D:R.10. R. D. (Bell; clerk, Si. Traqu'air, •No, 6—„"At S.S. No. 9. ,DeR:O, Wm. Sinclair; clerk, William Martin. D. F. McGregor, Clerk. NOMINATION ,MEETING, McKILLOP The annual nteetitg of the of the Municipality of the Township of M'cIKillop will be 'held at 'Winthrop Hall on Monday, the`31(s-t day of De- cember, 10134, for the purpose of no- minating a Reeve and four Council- lors for the year 119315. Nominations received from one to two o'clock in the afternoon. 'Should an election, be necessary such election will be on Monday, the 7th day of. January,' 19315. Polies will be open, from ,9,'a. yet; till 5 p.m. at the following places: Boll' No. 1. las. Carlin's house, Lot 10, Con. 5. James Nolan, D.RiO.Win. Maloney, IP:C. Poll No. 2 --'Jos, Hogg's house, 'Lot 25, Con. 4. Jas, B. Hogg D:12.10, Mrs. 'Geo. Eaton, PC, loll No. L_IJos. Smith's house. 'Lot Con, 1(2. Henry ^ Benolelse ies, D, R.10, Elmer Dennis, (P.C. Poll No. 4 —iS'clrool No, 7, Lot 26, Con, 112, Win. Somerville, DIRK), Willis Dutd'as( P,C. JIOII-IIN MeNAY, 'Clerk. (1512) CLINTON NTON CREAMERY MRY To take care of winter deliver- ies of Cream, Eggs and Poul- try, announce the appointment of Mr, A, C, ROUTLEDGE as their representative in 'Sea - forth. Mr. Routledge will re- ceive produce at the full mar- ket price, commencing this Saturday, Sept. 1st. E. C. Chamberlain Clerk of the Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion 'Bank`But7d- ing, 'Seaforth, Office hours:— ,Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1:30 p,m. to 5:2'0 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. SERVICES WE CAN RENDER Life, automobile, fire, sickness and• accident insurance. If in the mar- ket for any of the above lines, kindly give us a call. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Agencies Phone 334 Seaforth, Ont. WANTED :Reliable men to 'act aslAgents, Must: have car, and knowledge 01 Livestock IFeedin'.g, We will train you, Canada Mineral Prodtucts -Limited, London, 'Ontario, ;)I FOR SALE 'Thoroughbred Hereford bull calves, various ages. Also females. 'Fred HH- Carbert, Staffa, Dublin phone. Lot 9, Cott. 7, Hibbert, Il BEEF Orders token for beef, quarters or cuts. Delivered anywhere in town, Phone your order to 2139 r 212, to Percy Smith, MdKiliop. 52. FARM FOR SALE (100 acres of good land and good buildings. Some bush. Apply et the News Office. FOR SALE ]Gasoline engine, , Massey -Harris, L% lt.p., almost new. Louis Dever- eaux, Huron Road East, Phone 11414t'25 513 AUCTION SALE . Sale to be held at the 'Dick House Barn, Saturday-, Dec, end. iHorses. Cows, 1 heifer due at time of sale. Calves, '1+ Jersey heifer calf. Pigs—Sucker and chunks, 'Fowl; -Leghorn roosters for breed- ing, pedigreed to 275, blood tested;. 6 Ancona hens, 1 rooster, number of year olcl leghorn :hens, (IMO entents.•--Light sleigh, steel tire buggy-, root pulper, choice hick ory wagon tongues, 1' rooter or pick plow, !Furniture.- Dining room extension table, rocking chairs, drop leaf sew- ing machine, beets iron and wood,. good bicycle, wash stands, screen door, dressers, 6 doz, records, 3 odd chairs, 6 hack saws, 1 Red Star 'washing [machine, small coal and wood heater, '1' set of table scales, 240 lbs, Vegetables. --Onions, carrots, pota- toes. (Terms clash, Carl 'Dalton, manager. (George H. Elliott auctioneer. FOR SALE I1 registered Durham bull, ,11 year oad, Apply to Melvin Webster, Varna.. 'Phone 1115-6122, Clinton. 1511. FOR SALE Ill set of sleighs and 1 ice Plough - (Apply at The Dublin Creamery. (1511!) How A "Playboy" !Paid His Bills. 'D'ivulgin'g the ingenious devices of a Broadway spendthrift to raise the money he threw away on New York's night life but whose, resourcefulness couldn't 'stave off his last creditor- (Death. Read the article in The Amer- ican, Weekly with _ Sunday's Detroit Tinges. FOR SALE About 5O Legh-orn hems. Phone' 06 r 41, Hen'sall,