The Seaforth News, 1934-12-20, Page 54.:itis J:' I• `THURSDAY,,DEC. 20, '1934. THE SEAFORTH NEWS A 'Berg fliirrrts Tlitristntas to unzt ail! CHRISTAS SPECIALS ITEMS FOR ONE WHOLE WEEK 2 TINS SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE 'CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S CATSUP 14 OZ. MIXED NUTS ALMONDS, FILBERTS, WALNUTS, BRAZILS TOMATO JUICE, 10% OZ. CHOICE PEACHES AND PEARS, 2'sq. NEW SAIR DATES 2 LBS. 5 TINS EACH 3 LBS. 19c 15c 33c 25c 20c 19c MoCormick's Mona Cocoanut Wafers, Dainty and Small Mincemeat !Heinz Cooked Spaghetti, medium Hillcrest Shortening, l's Post's Minute Tapioca Large Sweet Santa Clara Prunes Royal York Coffee 16 oz. 3 rolls 2 tins per lb. per lb. lb. 2 lbs. 2 tins 2 lbs. 2 pkgs. 2 lbs. l's !Superior Baking Powder, 8 oz. --15c; Interlake Toilet Paper Aylmer Diced Carrots, 2'sq. Schneider's Breakfast Bacon Schneider's Pure Pork Sausage 17c 25c 27c 23c 25c 25c 39c 25c 25c 23c 28c 20c CHRISTMAS TABLE DELICACIES - California Grapes 2 lbs. McLaren's Jelly Powders 5 pkgs. Shirriff's Lushus Jelly Powders 3 pkgs. Derby Cheese, halves, spreads or slices 2 pkgs. Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Christmas •Cartons in 6's- 12 oz. -2 bottles -25c; ........ 30 oz. -each plus bottles. Lealand Queen Olives 19 oz: Lealand Stuffed Olives 10 oz. Eating Figs, 8 oz. cello wrapped pkg. Texas. Seedless Grapefruit 5 for 25c 25c 25c 25c 20c 25c 25c 10c 25c CHRISTMAS CANDY- Crystal Creams, Royal Mixed, Light Cut Rock and Chocolate Drops lb. 19c Satin Mixed Candy, fruit flavours lb. 15c Ganong's or Supertaste Assorted Chocolates, Christmas Wrapped 3 lb. box 79c Bonnie Mixed Candy 2 lbs, 25c Fresh Roasted Peanuts t 2 lbs, 19c Christmas Cigars, Cigarettes, etc., Fruits, Vegetables. "Most Everythin :" Ross d. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING -and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WAALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, `Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 Season's Greetings to All A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Conveyancing,' Real Estate, Etc. DIED 'Cameron. -in 'ET ullctt, on Tuesday, 'Dec. 11S 19134, janet Scott, wife of ;the late David Cameron of 'London, M her 516th year. The ftmeral will be held from the 2iolme o9 •lar. Thos, J. Mr Al'chael, Lot 3, con, 3, tI-Iulleut, on Thursday,' Dec. 301th, service at 2 p,m. 'Interment in Sunshine Cemetery, Morris. A. Y. P. A. !n meeting of the rA.Y,IP„A. was 'held on ,Tuesclay evening, (Dec. 1311, at 5,115 with th,c president, (Prank ' !A r- thr oldin the chair. 'The meeting ot- enedby singing hymn number 713, fol- lowed by the Lord's prayer. The se's• •rotary read the minutes of the last Season's Greetings ! The happiest .Christmas you ever knew. '.I'he brightest year that has come to you, The greatest namber of dreams come true, This is the wish,- we wish, to all our Friends and Customers, who helped to make the year of 1934 -a success for ns. if we can be of any assistance to you by selling you the finest !Guernsey Milk and Cream, from test- ed cows, that can be produced, -the best flavored potatoes that can be grown, -or the strongest cement silo that can be built 1 .Call at our farm or phone 34-6716- revers.e call if necessary---abd we will help to make 191315 a success to you in (Wealth, Wealth and Happiness. THE HUGILLS' DAIRY AND POTATO FARMS J. E. Hugill, Manager. ,Phone 34-616 COME TO THE ANNUAL ROX I ORO R Entertainment nmen t Thurs., Dec. 20 AT 8 P. M. A Good Time for Everybody Full Program. Santa Claus FOURTH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DANCI3 Tues., Dec. 25 AT DUBLIN TONY PARR and His Grange. Cafe Orchestra 9-2 A.M. 'Gents 5101c, T..taches 255 meeting; 'these were adopted as' read, The business -part of .4he meeting then took place. WJI1 the members ,please take not- ice rltat' fhe meetings will be held on the second and !fourth 'Tuesdays o.f each month The business 'being .convicted a •sorciai Thou was spent hy the mem- bers and lunch eras •served. • Ch istniasti e; •tad the w'cva•drous story, 0' a manger stal or a cradle bed; While angels sang from heights of glory, 'At c1 a star shone oyer an humble shed TI e Wise _Alen 'hastened rich gifts to proffer, CIe Alfiother leant o'er her ,Bub \\'ho smiled; ('hr itmastidel and again we offer 11lomage and love to the Little Child e TOWN TOPICS. - T he • statutory meeting of the town. council was held on Saturday morn- ing, 1Jec.-115,th. The onfy business be- fore Council was the reviewing -of the preliminary financial statement. AIr. and Mrs, J, L. •Kerr have mov- ed to their new •residcnre un North Alain .street, \ bale (,1 440 lbs. was contributed by the Oon en s missionary societies, junior institutes and others, - iu re- sponse to the appeal from Riche Percce, Sask., for clothing. Mr, and. Mrs, :Armstrong and Mar- garet of if ensall were visitors in town at Tnesrlay• Aliso Alargaret Armstrong hrc ac- cepted a position as teacher at Sut- ton West, duties to begin Jan, 3. Mr lake Sproat of Temaganai is spending Chri tnias here, At the Sunday evening. service in ,tit, 'Thomas' Church Rcv, °anon \ppleyard offered felicitations to Rev. Canon •Austin Smith, who ob- served the 47th anniversary of his or- dination. •After the service the choir stet and exp•ressed their kind wishes to \Ir. Smith who is choir master, Conan Smith was ,ordained by Bishop Lewis in 1,537 in Christ Church Cath• - edral in Ottawa Air. Toho Clark and son (antes, of •Parte visited Miss U •Robison, It r' some !ears since Mr. Clark was in SeafortJi, 'I -Ie is a former resident of Hallett. Miss E. McDougall, R. 1., of De- troit is spending a few days over Chri turas with Mr. and lies. Henry Hog 'Irth. Air ti orgc Topping, commercial traveller of Winnipeg, who has been tisiting Mrs. Topping and Miss A[, ae•abison, leaves shortly to take a pos- ition in Hamilton. Mrs, A. Carter spent a few days in tRockw't>oti where her parents cele- brated their diamond• wedding an - n iter .'art's Air. Will !Brine left (Wednesday to 'pend several days with friends in Windsor. Misses Wilnta and :lbbte'Seip went to Bay City Mich., to attend the funeral of Mrs. {Dr.) IH, Bristow, for= merly Miss Dorothy Robinson of Seaforth, - ANNUAL MEETING OF Y.W.A. 'rite annual meeting 01 the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held Mlonday ev- ening. Dec. 11th at the home of bliss Fennell, After the singing g g of several C'hristouts hymns, the meeting was given over to Mrs. Christie's circle which provided a very interesting •- prograuinte of musical numbers by Alloses Margaret Crich and \fart' •Bar, 1 bcr and a Christmas story by •Alta I erne . The President, Hiss 'Wood, then took charge of the busi- ness, It was decided that the Auxil- iary should assist in collecting and packing a bale of clothing for the vil- lage of Roche Percee in Saskatche- wan. As a result of a vote by the member. Mfrs Reid, Afis's Gillespie and Mrs• Close were chosen as life members for this year. The minutes cf the last annual meeting tt w '; crc then read and adopted, Reports were received froth the Sec- retary, Treasurer, Literature and (F101..ver Secretaries, The nominating committee next read their list of of- ficers recommended for the following year, This slate was unanimously ad- opted incl ,con isted of: Honoran. •President Mrs. Carmichael, Past (President, Airs. Savauge; preside,nt•, Miss Wood; vice .president 71Pr;, ,Wm, (Barber; secretary, Airs. Bechely; treasurer, .Miss Ethel Beattie; Liter- ature Secretary, Aliso Maybelle ,Rands Strangers' seoretaries, Mrs, Chan,b- erl:ain ,and hies, Weed mar press secretary, Mrs. Snell; assistant ;o.-ess secretary, Miss 'Fennell; Missionary M[onth•ly secretary, Mfrs, Currie; pi- anist; \[iss Mary Barber; ass°scant, Mrs. IIo gagth, convener of lower committee, Mrs. Reed; conveecr of social committee, Miss 'McLean; cap- tains of circles, Airs, Moffat, 3'1rs, Christie, 'Mrs. Hogarth, Mrs, Serene. •Corresp'ondin'g Secretary, Anne Mc- Nay. CHRISTMAS REPORT SEAFOIRTH PUBLIC SCHOOL Following is the report of Seafor'th ,Public School by classes. A -First Class' !Honours, B -Second Class Honours. C—Pass. D -Below Pass, Names in order of, merit, Room I, Sr, IV, -!A1 -'Elva Sutidercock, Clara Dolmage, Helen Edler, Marion Ibbotson, Zetta Dunlop, (Ferre Dun- lop, Carolyn Holmes, equal) Anna Dennis, •13-1Leone Hotham, George Welsh, Betty M[oLeod, Mae Hodgson, Doris Hopi, Viola Dolniage, Heleat Swan. C -!Evelyn Carmichael, Bill Waim- sley, Bob Barlow, Genevieve Haw1 Jr, I\':- A- IIelau lfoffat, Ruth joynt, Frank Golding, Donald -Scott, Marg- aret Fletcher Lois McGavin, .Bruce =Wright, B.-ll3arbara Best, Sterling Hab- kirlc, Richard Box, Joe Smith, Stuart C. -Grace Gillespie, Leonore ,Edler, Marion Sciater, Alma Elliott, Ruth Mci airs. !.U -,Jack Moore, Roy Kerr, Alex. Baker, Margaret Barlow, Mased exams--tFloyd Pinkney, Peter B. Moffat, Principal, Room II. Senior I'11,-, -Lois Wright, Lorne Ibbotson, Allan Suudercaick jean Mills. Mild- red Shan, 1-!yld.•t Itoss, Charles \\"out!, :Audrey Nell:trio, - Doris Bar- low-, Scott Kerr, jack Elliott, Marg- aret 1'ludson, tB.-"font \\'ilhee, John Sproule, ls- . bel .Ale Kellar, Reg. I?olntage; Kath- leen Holmes, Thelma Dolutage, Ken- neth Southgate, Clarence \\'esteott, Alary Wood, ,iim Southgate, C. -,Kenneth Reid, •Irene Mowbray, Charli:. Case. D.--131111 Fralser, Jack C'amerc,n, Iielen Fraiser. Ali. 1E, Turnbull, Room III, \ \Vi'unifred Rt,. ell, .\hyv„nuc \1o+re, Fred Welton!, 1larry- Scott, 'Helen Hodgson. 'I, -Dorothy Fletcher,- Fergus 13e1 Margaret l ethick, jean Currie, Lill- ian Southgate, Mary Geddes. C--Doruthp Williams, un Clifford Ross, Vernon Hopi Stanley Hill. !D. -Richard Eisler, Kenneth Keat Mg, Margaret Dale, Reid :Allen, Le Oke, F.rina Fletcher, Dorothy IIowc.s :Auris Dunlop, DenaJd Wood. Marg aret Edler. Bert P,:arlow. Mande AI. Henry. Room IV. \.--(\Vilma Hay, (Janie Moffat Dorothy Snaith, equal). Joan Ale .Baster, Marguerite Wcsteott, ,teat Swan, .Alvin .i-lopf. '1' Violet Duper, Frank Mills 'Harrison Sproule. Marjory •folding Leslie Ritchie, George Hildebrand Ruth Anderson, ,jack Eisler, 'C. -Neil Hopper, Evelyn Venus. :Albert Venus., Billie \Wilbee, Beth ,\Valmsley, skrnhur Fraiser, Isabelle Case, D. -Betty Dunlop, Ross 'Montgom- ery, Jacqueline O'Dell, Jack Fralser, Clarence Reeves. - llissed examinations, Doris Venus and Aubrey Baker, 71. M. Bell. - Room V. c\.-d'atricia Bechely, Afarj,hrie Mc- Kenzie, ('1-Ieleu timith, jean \Vright, equal), Harriet Russell, Helen Car- michael. 41 -(Stephen Williams, Dan Grunt- mett Anna Woods, Kenneth Hart, Marion -71.cGarin, �' c alae. cu Anderson, coon,. Wallace Hol- lingsworth, IoI- lin sy , g vtrth, Lorna. Dale, Kenneth Jfowibray, Beverly Beaton. ID Prnest Clarke, Donelda Haw- kins, law- kin Marion Bakins, jack 1[akuts, Dori Eisler. Missed exams -:Donald' Ross, 13 1 by ,Humby, 1 H ,Elder. Room VI - 2.. - Gordon Wilson, on, Donald Thorne, Billy Sproule Fraser Swan, (!Lenora 1-Iabl irk, Donald ll nn n, equal), Doris Ferguson, Joyce \3'il- bee, IP--I[I:arold Ross, Louise Case, Ri- chard Froin, John Edler. C-iEleatuor Weaver Betty Clarke, !Edna •Fraiser, Jean Barlow, Rhoda Iieacoot,` Tonttny Fletcher, Peggy Trapnell, ID-43ruce Dupes, 'Glen Cameron, Earl Robinson, Charlie Venus, )R. S. Thompson, 1, Announcement Uu n ce m en t. GET YOUR HAIR DRIED THE QUICK 'WAY FINGER 'WAVING 50c, MARCEL'LING 50c SHAMPOO 35c BELCANO ANiO FACIAL 50c SURFACE WAVE',25c DOROTHY SUTHERLAND AND PHONE 152 -J PAGE FIVE, 'fyr�l1C g tinny 9ifrisut a; t: A irr'4 Air j J. F. SEAFOPTh .o Vi -Co HOT_Natures Night Cap The distinctive feature of Vi -Co is that it is !based on a syrup in which, through the use of yeast, there is incorporated the valuable Vitamin B. It is closely estimated that % pint of Vi -Co Chocolate Milk contains the equivalent in Vitamin B to one cake of ordinary household yeast, Its action builds up the appetite with the resulting disappearance of irritable, nervous and fretful conditions, especially in children. It is a perfectly balanced beverage. Many of the child spec- ialists in the medical profession strongly recommend the use of one quart per day per child, Many children do not like the taste of milli; Vi -Co overcomes all milk flavor objections. Some people have the opinion that Vi -Co is made with skim milk, because they see no cream on the top of the bottle. The reason for this is, that in cooking this drink, it is heated to 195 deg. and held for 20 minutes, while be- ing quickly agitated, which causes the butter fat to be broken up and held in suspension. We recommend Vi -Co -HOT for cold weather. Vi -Co is ready for instant use -just heat in any vessel to scalding point and serve. Vi -Co is economical -one cup satisfies because of the rapid as- similation of its nourishing ingredients into the blood stream. After meals, after school, after winter sports and before retiring, the suitability of Vi -Co as a HOT beverage is unexcelled. We still have a few of our useful Art Calendars left, so anyone purchasing $1.00 worth of Vi -Co or mills tickets may have one, MAPLE LEAF DAIRY JOS. GRUMMETT, PHONE 251 r 31 SEAFORTH, ONT. MRS. THOMAS HENDERSON The death occurred on Sunda Dec. loth at the home of her son -in - w, Alt \\. I.'Macintosh, Centre street, of Margaret Dickson a ver, highly- esteemed resident and widow of the late Phorias Henderson in her eighty-fifth year. Six weeks ago Mss. Henderson had the misfortune to fall and fracture her right arm. She was taken to the Scott Memorial I-lospit- al.:\fter two weeks site was removed to the borne o1 her daughter, Airs, Macintosh, and appeared to improve. but later serhaus complications set in which protect fatal. Airs. Henderson was born in Roxboroughshire, Scot- land, and come with her parents, Mr. and Airs, George Dickson. to this country in I50. They settled on the 5th concession of 31c'Killop where she lived until her marriage to Alr. Thomas 'I3eiderson in 14974 when y the, went to reside on the 10th con- cession of McKillop where they re- intined for twenty.4five years, after- wards moving to the '5th concessiot of Hullett. In 1910 they retired to Sea.fortla w•herc Mr. Hendersondie( in •]xh Mrs. Henderson was beloved by t large circle of friends because of her fine Christian character and kindly disposition. She was a valued nnember ni Northside United and a life member ancl one , rte e t the Honorary norary ire ideut. of the Women's Mission- ary \tixiiary. Surviving are her daughter, Airs. \V. 1 Macintosh, also two sisters, Airs. W. E. Btoadioot. ISe tforth, and Airs, 'W. 5. IBroadfoot, Tuel ersmith, and one brother, \•fr. George Dickson of lfelKillop The funeral, which was private took place on 'Tuesday afternoon, 'Dec, 1S, from the residence of her son-in-law, Alr \\•, .J. Maclnto h :Rev. 1'. A. Carmichael of ('otthcide 'United Church officiated and gave an ap- propriate address 'from Psalm 35, verse '14, 'I. bow down heairily as nue that mourneth for his mother, the love of a norther exemplifying the love of •.God Interment was made in11e t A'' -I artlinob � •- .u, 1. cemetery. The pallbearers were her nephews Tames (Henderson, John - Henderson, Ivy !Henderson, Earl (Dickson, ;Rose !Broad -foot and George : Roberton. 2cniiong- the relatives front a .distance attending the funeral were Dr, and lilts•J. ;lr. Hossack and Miss Doro- thy lHos'sack, Innerkip, Air, and Airs. S. Broadioot, London; Mr. and Mrs, 'George Roberton and daughter, Miss Helen Roberton, of Clinton: YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY y. On Tnesclay evening, g, Dec, nth, the Young. People's League of North :Side United Church held their annual White Fitt Christmas tree. The meet- ing opened by singing a Christmas by stn after which Rev. lir. Carmich- ael led in prayer. Selections were gi- ven by the Suscday` School orchestra. -lar, Sant Scott, chairman, then wel- comed the visitors in his usual pleas- ing manner. ,\ chorus, "Jingle Bells” was sung by the boys of the league, The -following musical program was enjoyed by all: A duet by Helen Crich and Margaret Beattie; duet by Pat Beeliely and Helen Carmichael solo by L C. Chamberlain; quartette, "Holy Night," Messrs. Chamberlain, Close, Stewart, Dr, Burrows; a selec- tion by the Rigatoni trio; reading, .Donna Mole. A Christmas play, en- titled, "T'hc Story of Old Bethlehem” was chit• taken en by fourteen members of the league. The following, were the character Zerah Ethel Storey; et' .lfo- t Cher, Vera hole; Grandpa Slant Scott; Uncle Nabor; Jack Stevens; 1 ••Ruth, Labelle Hawkins; Joseph, Clifford ti Ca tun c t hi ci Shepherds, AJ - ma Leitch Rhea Ross, Margaret !Beattie; Strangers, Earl Drover, Roy -Ross; \Vise se Alen, Melville Shannon, Tack Cht a ,a, Allan Keys; angel, DramC , t la pies ance! e ! WINTHROP HALL Thurs. Dec. 27 Admission 25c • STAG EUCHRE EGMONDVILLE HOCKEY CLUB At Finnigan's Vacant Store on Thurs. D @C. 27 GOOD PRIZES. COME ALL. Admission 2.15c.