The Seaforth News, 1934-12-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1934. .THE SEAFORTH NEWS Saowwdon Bros., Publishers. WALTON The following is the report of the Welton public school: (Film V. --,Examined in .Algebra, History, Geography, `Botany, French, Leila and Art, 'Beth Shannon 75%, • Stewart Humphries 69. 'Senior subjects, Earl' 55`eratts73%, Barry Mar'hall 73 twee. 'Farquharson 712Nlildr€d Sel :era to t;arpet Cummings 60. junior IV. --'Bob SyneIldon 74, Mar- garet Murray til, Ross Bennett 65, ?.rank 'Marshall 62, `116r,i t lass-Jeaat .•arguharson 76," 4 -lett; S nalldon 7d, Ruth CA millings 69, \ ilii Marks 07, Carl Coutts 64, 'S c=art '•Rutledge (il, Maurice Radford 5, D?t ald Murray 50. (First tela , -•'(less Bird S0, Mary 11 el eiald 60, 'Clayton Sellers 75, Lawrence Marks 715, Ronald Bennett 13, Jobrr Swiss 52, Lois Livingston 50. Primer--i'fi..rcellent, Nelson parks; good Marion Steiss; fair, Jim Cum- slim.. Chas. S. (Sellers, Teacher. 3,1r ,and tars, David Sholdiec and . ori n,un visited with NIr. and Mrs. ' . Taylor of ,Brussels on Sunday. Mr. and Nlrs, 'Thomas .Sym, and inanely of Bright spent 'Sunday at Ed. Rowland's. N1r. and Mrs. j. (Bishop. left Tees - slay for North (lay to spend a few weeks with their daughter, Nlrs. R. Alderson and other friends. "The community euchre and dance :given 'by the community club last deeid;ty evening was largely attended, The first prize for game; was wen by 31 re..Iien Rr,tled,ge, a Japanese Tray: ;,,pe halide, by Mrs. Porterfield. a fauna plate, umsolati,rn prize, Nirs, Wm. Humphries; men's first prize, rt per. -.e, Mr. Ias. Ritchie: most lone :hands, Mr. Jan. .Hoy; consolation, '31r. McXichoi. Farm Machinery and Repairs Come in and see our New and Used Cars 1.lyent for Chrysler, DeSoto and Plymouth JOHN G LLO AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. KIPPEN. Mr. Charles Cooper has purchased t tin,. 'brick dwelling in Ro;:erville and 5, now nicely eettled in their new tome. elle. and Mrs. 51. Green of Stratford .Ken. xeek ea.! guests with Mr, and NI re. I eines 1)aymau. 3Tr. Phomas Dayman continues to 'et.* quite poorly. We hope soi,n to err. Aim out as usual. \Ir. NI em io Stcnilant, w h , has .inion in the employ of Mr. Win. :Deire, left this week for "harieit, • there Ire ha, secured a gornl position. Mr. end Mrs, le, \l 1u -wean „f the et en. Wednesday day in Louden •.'11 V 11oncee. 3)r, las. McClyuiout left on Sat- 'trday fur a month's holiday in Iran secs, tfhathatn and iDeetroit, v5 -icing .tis children and other relatives for the holidays, Mr. and Mrs, herr of Winthrop emelt Sunday tpitit Mrs. Iierr's par - elite., lar, and .\frs, J. Workman of the tillage. tare R, Cooper and daughter, Beat - ice and doreen, returned haute this :week front a visit to Nlr. Cooper'. 'laughter in Lansing. Nfr. \V. j. N[ellis spout Sunday in Wroxeter. 31r. Jn". Gibn,an and bride of '1\ rower were visitors witil Mr. Gib - • sister. Mrs, \W. Mollis while on etc eynatn n thepa t meek, also r lir. and Mrs. Robert Gibson, all of 1'-,zete . Tee euchre club of this community Sere nithtirawn their meetings until 3�tc: he New Year season is so :1.any are busy with faintly gather ., -:• ar.,1 Christmas entertainments. Nlr.. Wilfred Mellis is in \\roxet- r for a holiday the guest of her par- e nts, NIr• and Mrs. Jno. Gibson. Ilttt.:L`ering seems to be the order a! the day n -w. Mr. T, (Butt butcher - _d two fine young cattle this week. ;fust cal; on our hone butchers to get tae very belt of meat. very interesting and delightful Christmas 'concert was presenter) in Sic . Andrew's Cnite,l Church on Monday a evening u lis f by the pupils 1 1 1 Ss Xo ', Tuckersmith tinder the ,eadership of their teacher, Miss H. !Richardson, and musical instructor, Mr. (Goulding, A,T.C.4£., of Exeter. "A Joke on Santa 'Claus' proved to the a very interesting operetta with. both music and dialogue. Other dia. Jogues, trill gongs and recitations ,were put on by the .pupils, 'Some senior girls and boys of the congre- gation put on a shorttwo-act play, "Spirit of Christmas',' which was vert well ,given. !Pupils from S.S. No. 1'4, ,Stanley, tinder the leadership of their teacher Miss 10, .Penfnld, al- so presented sonde .•very fine drills and dialogues. Santa Clans 'called in atthe close of the programme to un- load the Christmas tree of its many pariceln. A very enjoyable evening. was span 1, the church auditorium be- ing well ifil'led with an appreciative audience. ;Rev, E. IF, Chandler chose as his subject, "The Birth and 'Grow'th of a e Christian's' 'Character,°' on 'Sunday Go nUr letting 3Triru u and phrens l We extend the Olcl Time Wish A Very Merry Xmas Watson & Reid Insurance Specialists Phone 214. M. A. Reid, Prop. morning last, lire. John 'Workman scuts a very line solo, "Lift Up Thine 1Eyes.' 'The Young People of 5t. Andrew's United Clntrch net on 'Sunday even- ing last with the president, \hiss Jean dlell in the chair. The topic. Jesus' Evaluation of the Dollar" was, a1'. taken by Niles J.'Bell, Mr Wilmer Harrison, rri•on, of 'Porter's 11111. t S.E.T. leader, gave a very helpful talk on the meek of the Young 'People in the Preebyter) Mies' Jean lvison sang a very line solo which was much ap- preciated. WINTHROP The winners at the stag enehrc last week. were, most g:unee. Nfr. 1,51111 Montgomery and 3Irs, 'Wm. 1)r:tiler: Ione henna 31r. K. Betties, \lr. and Mr., .\ndrew NI nt _ornery ,hurt Sunday^ with 31r.:md Mre. J. \lontgonx•ry. The euchre and dance held con I tu,clay night was well attended, The prize wiunu woe, 111;1.1 _'acnes, Nir.e label fettles; ladies Ione hands Miss Eseie 1)urrancc; men', host gannet, 31r, T.eonirtrdt: 'one hands, 31r, NV. Alexander. After lunch a few hour, were .pari in dancing. \ dance will he held on Thursday evening. ) ?_ tele. ] ei. _,ut Iirusel ,n•chee- tra \lis, Ella Farrow of Brut eels spent t few days t,ith lliee Isabel Ea(tun. The C'hustntas concert will be h€id in Cavan Church this Thursday ev- ening,. The Helping Band Mission Band of '\Winthrop held their annual meeting on December i:5th with Norine Little presiding, The netting opened with Hymn 42, after doth all repeated the Lord's prayer. :\nnie Pethicic read the Scripture , k c u Elizabeth Mac- Farlane [aa1 trlane.gave a reading The minutes of the previous meeting welt read and adopted. Then the roll call teas' an- swered by it Christmas hymn, Hymn 3'd was sting. Isabel Betties read a story. Collectins was taken tip, after which Muriel .Dol nage gave a read- ing. The new officers for the year 1935 are us follows: President. Isabel 'Betties; list vice president, Ruth 1'eth- icle: 2n1 vice prceidet.t, 11etty Bullard; secretary. 1 lute Little; treasurer, Elizabeth MacFarlane; world friend. Olive :Price; pianist, Kathleen Shan- non; a.Flaan 1 pianist. E:va Price: press secretary, .ennie Petite k Hymn gee was sung and the meetine. closed by all repeating the Nfizpalt oeneiie .int. Afterwards. ,uncia was served. et by Mrs. Gardiner. Miss Ivy Sinn - mons gave the Study Book. Collec- tion was taken, Last two verses of INyshui 47 were sung. ,Mrs, Robe: Law- son closed meeting with. B'enedic- ion. Lunch was served. The (Sunday (School will hold• their .Christmas Tree and entertainment on Thursday evening of this week Dec, 20'th, Mr. George (Wheatley, who has been seriously ill the ,past week, is not improving as well as his many friends would like to see. Mr, (Lorne 'Lawson spent last week end with his sister, Mrs. A. iius,by, ni Chatham. ',Mrs, David Dewar of Toronto' and Mrs, 'Charles 'Leslie of RichMond were tilled 'beetle on account of the serioes of their father, N1r, George Wheatley. HARLOCK. 3[r. Ward Knox, .lar... Knox and Olive spent one day last week at the hone of 3lfr. and Mrs, Arthur FO: man. near Atwood, taking Mr, Harry Forman, who had been visiting friends around tilos neighborhood, home. Miss Helen Met Alr,eal a few days last week at the home of her cousin, Mrs. and \It, \Vin Ro ters;on mese Bs•ucelield. :Mrs. \\'tit. Knox Jr. spent Satur- day at the home of her. .iet, Mrs, and Mr. Lockwood iu Clinton, (Don't forget the Christnets tree an, entertainment at Burn's Churele Fri- day evening. of this week. A good program is being prepare.. TUCKERSMITH. Nlrs, Jas, 1 rt'er, 4t'31 -i. 1a, been 1£cnsal1 for a time visitine her. moth- cr \lrn. II-Iudson .eft -.n e:ttttrday for Toronto wiheie ehe intern- to .pend the winter. Sir, and :errs. Geo. Billson of Hen- sai] spent last Sunday .with. NL•, and Mrs, AVhert I-Iarvey. Messrs. Elmer duel Ray f t -send are engaged tet;itee wood at Mr, Jas, Nl.elnto.h's. 31r. and Mrs. T.ca1s I'c,u-rtt cared nit friend; in G.tdcric'i Twp.. one ,lar•re. ren;ly. S.S. No. ii held their 1'5rS:ntets en- tertainment on 1Ve ine.l .y after- noon, 51ltie'd( was .1 stilet'::. anti epeals well both' for teeceer and cutches. CONSTANCE The C,,e,t,Inee \W.\L5. held tier December meeting' at t'tt :tense of Mrs, Bert Stephen: ti 1'he tt iient Mrs. Roy 1 lets to open.eil n eietin with litntn 58 foilewe.1 y silent prayer 'for tee peoele .. India. Lord': i'rayer in. n„ is n ' Christmas ver.ee in the Bible were read by -lir-. \. Dexter, Mrs. C. Riley. Mrs. J. Nfedd, Mieutcs dere read and adopt- ed. It was suggested that we joist the and 13'.31.5. for year. Carrie Moved n alis, B. Stephenson that we make a draft for toe meetings to he held in the homes. Devotion 1: leaflet was given by- drlia Deter. Two t crsrs of 'hymn 47 were stat,.. i'ray- HILLSGREEN 31r. and Nlr', 11'. Htix;a1lt of Cen- tralia vi,ited with the hirer'. mother. Mr. and tars. \1 Davidson visited friends near Listowel. \lt s Ague LOVe r vi htut n Cen- tralia. etitr ilia \1r Regi -e \ohm w't O han spent several weeks near Mount Carnal re turned to his parents' home. The \\'.NLS. is being held this week The school concert in S.S. No. 7, Stanley ie being held na Wednesday evening of this week. S.S. No. 3. Hay, ls on Friday afternoon, McKILLOP. Bethel Sunday School arc having their Christmas tree Saturday night Dec. 2''cd, Brussels Phone 19-5. Seaforth Phone 232-21 QUALITY, VALUE, SERVICE & COURTESY Now is the 'Time for t EATING FIGS, XMAS CANDY, NUTS, ORANGES, GRAPE FRUIT, ,CALIFORNIA GRAPES, CRANBERRIEES. Buy Yours Here. Saving Prices. BOXED CIGARS, CIGARETTES, TOBACCO FOR XMAS CHOCOLATES -Fancy Boxes or by the Pound. PEANUTS 2 'LBS. 19c ALMONDS, FILBERTS,. WALNUTS, BRAZILS, Finest Quality 18c lb. or 2 lbs. 35c MIMED CANDY 2 LBS, 25c CREAMS, CHOCOLATES, ETC, 18c LB. or 2 LBS. 35c Wishing One and All A very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. ENNI WALTON, ONT. papier entitled"What is 'Christmas Costing You?' and Sirs. Williams read a splendid article on the topic, "Does il3eer Pay?" Then followed the :annual reports of the ISccretaries of the various de- pa)tntettts, The !Secretary reported an enrolment of 96 and 2419 calls :wade. ,'Eighteen letters were sent ottt by the 'Coreeepondug Secretary, Mrs. Rin - tout,. The 'Treasurer's report showed that we had a surplus in each of tiro quarters le 2 and 4, and a serious de- ficit in the third tjuarter, The balance to date, for the fourth quarter is $1546,02, This is indeed very gratify- ing' and we have high hopes that our allocation will be reached by the end of the year. '.Che Christian Steward- ship Secretary urged ail to grasp; mvith renewed vigor and enthusiasm, thC new- opportunities which are ever opening before its, and to press for- ward towards --the 'Goat Nine talks on'Temperance'were given through the year. aft., 'Frost, Supply Secret- ary, stated that 5 bales of clothing, quilts, etc., ,had been sent to the West, that 2 bales were went t0 the (Supply Secretary of the Huron. Pres- byterial, and that our Supply Com- mittee had biped to pack the goods contributed for shipment in the car in October. The Strangers' Secretary, 31 re, Consitt, reported 415 calls, S. visits to strangers, S visits to the hos- pital and 17 calls on others who had been i11, 67 subscriptions to the Mis- sionary Monthly were reported by Miss J. leergasott. Mrs, 'Porteous, As- sociate Helpers' ,Secretary, reported their contributions tip to the mark and Mrs. Reid gage the report of the Literature Department's work. Mrs. Carmichael reported for the Mission Banti and Mrs, .\t-nItibald for tine ILlabt Band. Ma-. Laing reported Irat•Ltg already received several contributions to the .Love t ift` which is a special gift at C'Iviatnias time, for the work of our \\',31.S, -a love gift to Jesus, through our Society, for his mercies. Further dentitions will be welcomed, and they will be itot only a tangible expression of love to Christ, whose 'birthday we profeee to celebrate, but will salt help to overcome tate deficit of the third thtgarter. It was decided to receive douatione of eh, thing, etc., Lir the hale to be sent in response to an appeal from Mrs, McDonald, Roche l'ercee, Sask. I,\t the close of the business ses- sion, Mrs, Spencer took the chair, and presided over the devotional pro- granlme, es llielt All, ill charge of Circle 6. Hymn '2.98 wag. slut:.. 31rs. Spencer read the Christina: lesson from Lake 2 and Nfr , Carmichael 'led in prayer. The Devotional Leaf- let, "Circle of Friendship," was read by Nliss Murray. A brief survey o1 Chap. '11' of nttr study book, "Build- ers of the Indian Empire." was giv- en by Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. J. Scott, Mrs. Frost and Mrs. Porteous. ITvutn ,_))rt t was sung and the meeting. closed with the 31izpah Benediction, The report of the nominating com- mittee, as presented by Mrs. W. 'Webster, 'racing been adopted, the following officers were declared elect - DUBLIN The ladies of the Anglican 'Church held -their annual meeting at tltc hoarse of 'Mrs. John Darling on Thursday Hon, President Mrs. 'Archie Forbes Hibbert; ,Prcnidcnt, Mrs, 'J'ohn Quin- sey, Logan; vice president Mfrs, jo- septi Moore, Logan., Sec) treasurcer Nir', John 'Darling, Dublin, Rev, Mr Capper of Mitchell was present anc showed much interest in the work done, "Holy ;Night" wan rendered as a chorus, :Afternoon tea was well pat- ronized by the ladies of the village, 1'he first meeting of the new year wit be an the second Thursday, in Janu- ary, at the home of Mrs. Josep'I N[oore. Mrs, Woods is resting at the Sea - forth hospital for a week or ten days. lir. -Norman Jacob;, 'Paris, spent the week -coil with the .Benninger fa- mily, Matilda St: 'd']te \V,:\. are holding a hot lunch supper, Thursday evening, Dee, 27, \ good program in being prepared. Ecerybudy welcome. BRUCEFIELD. The A I,S, Tool: charge of the Sun- day evening' church service. The er- vies. was t€^ned by • surging hymn cel, anter which Fred Boyce led in prayer. 1'hen. h_ ntn 148 was sung and Jesse Freeman ied in prayer. and Ger- '1d Dentiel.1 sang a solo, "\Vhere is ely 1\'andcrin.q 11•ty Tonight." Gord- an 'Elliott led the responsive reading From Psalm 72, thein t 53 was tarot Bone a.'1 Evelyn Grainger read the Scril,turc reading from John. The choir sang an anthem, "The Olt Fas51'itr l Meeting." The topic. "What does it mean to be 't Christ. was abli taken by Mr. duh McLeod, Rev. elle Bremner offered a prayer. and the _meeting cl,ised • by repeating the Nlizpali Benediction, The December meeting of the 11rucefield W. 31. 5, was held hi the church 1 as'lois .TieTuesday,Dee, Ill. 'u t it ..t 1 nt. with an attendance of tt, menthes and a number of visitors er e'ent. Our vice-president. Mrs. Haugh, presiding. The meeting was opened by singing- hymn 45e, niter which Nlrs, McQueen, Mrs. 'Ratten- Miry and 31re, .1-[att.gh led in prayer. 'i'he minutes and roll call of last meeti'ng were read by the eecrt'tary. .A very excellent temperance page• t'. - a. giver by Miss Hoorne. Pete \\'. 11 S, then presented \ata Helen 'I'on5*b with a life nietnhership certi- ticctte in memory of her mother. The address was as follows: 'Dear Helen: Our Auxiliary wishes to present you with this 'Life Mem_ tier Certificate of the Women's Mis- sionary Society in nteutary of your •dear departed another, whose presence we have missed in otic auxiliary meet- ings during the past few months, as she was always so faithful in her at- tendance and fear for ever y good w..rlc, May we have grace to :follow her example jut as lar de she walker in the footstep of our Lord attc \[aster, who daily went about doing ad, and may we all strive to obey has last command as follow's when he said "Go ye unto all the world .and preach the gospel to every creator and to I ant with you always, ever unto the end." Office: elected for 41935 by the Missionary Cant were accepted and are as fodlott•s \\ '11,5. - I-Ionorary Pres. ---Mrs. 'l\ A. Bremner; ,Pres. - Mrs. Haugh: Ill:t Vice Pres,-NIrs 1I. .\i c ihead; i'ud 'Vice Pres. --=Mrs Watson 3rd Vice Pres: 11.rs. Hazel- wood; 'Secretary -Miss Bowey; 't rea- surer-Nit:. Brock; Finance Secy. - Mrs. McQueen; 'Expense Treas. - Mrs. Forest; .Suppli• Secy, -.airs. Scott +111. Sect Mrs, \V. Moffat; Corr. Secy.-NIr Chapman; Press 'Secy. -Miss M. Swan: :Assistant - Nlrs. 'Rattenbury: Organist -'.alis, • •Mord ch, Temperance Miss 31, limn -0e; IJ' aby (Sand Supt. -44'e', J.' i :Mustard; \Ir i n Band Sunt, - Mr ., \l 'Haugh; Assistant -Mrs, C. H. 'Haugh. Our lesson out of the study book was read byMrs. 1lazel-' wno.d, Miss Murdoch, Miss iMu'tta•oe.' After singing 5)'n1n 386, We listened with great interest To Miss Greta 'Mustard Of Hearst, ;She ,gave its a very interesting talk on .her :Mission anti 'Hospital 'work 'carried on there, ,The .good wishes of the society- gee With her to her society• at Hearst, The meeting was •brought to a close by repeating the 'N,Iizpa'h 'be ediction.' ANNUAL MEETING OF W. M.S. The combined monthly and annual meeting of the \'t'. -3!, IS, of North Side United Ohurch scan held in the schoolroom of the church, on 'Thurs- day, Dec. 113. .lirs. Archibald pre- sided and opened the meeting with l-Synnn 1295 alnd the repetition of the Lord's Prayer in unison The min- ute, of the previous, meeting were -cad by the Secretary, Mrs. Finlay - non, and Miss A. (Ferguson ;presented Tthe Treasurer's Repast. The Christ_ ian ,Stewardship Secretary gave a REGEN'T' THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING TIM McCOY and EVALYN KNAPP -in- "Speed Wings" A STORY OF AIR THRILLS Chapter 9 of The Vanishing 'Shadow. COMEDY & CARTOON Mon, Tues. and Wed„ 24-25-25 SHIRLEY TEMPLE Carole Lombard and Gary Cooper -in- 'Now acid Forever' Walt, Disney's Colored Fantasies Special MATINEE Tues. at 3 P.M. Next Titers, Fri, and Sat,, 27-28-29 "MURDER IN THE VANITIES" VICTOR McLAGLEN JACK 'OAKIE • and KITTY CARLISLE Chapter 10 of The Vanishing Shadow COMEDY AND CARTOON COMING -The Count of Monte Cristo. cd: Hon. 1Pres„-'Mrs. J. Beattie, Mrs, T, Henderson; Pres, -Jars, Car- michael: list Vice Pies,--Nt.rs, Archi- bald; 2utd Vice Pres,-N[rs, Hay; Roc Secy. - \It's, hinlayson; Cor. Secy, --''Nies, Rintoul; 'Teas, -Mies .1, Ferguson: Chr, '5, & F. Secy.- Nl rs. 1.,aing. Finance C'out, --'Nice, Lai'„ \fie,. \. Ferguson, Mrs. Hutchison. n. Mr,, Barber, NIr:. Tperntait. 'Supply C'nnt.--Nle.. Grieve, 31i•s. Frost, Miss' 'Bristow, Nfr-. 31'(St ti. :Strangers' Secy,-\Irs, C'onsitt; As- sistant - Mrs, - II urea: Associate :.Helpers' Sect --Mrs, Porteous; \;- st:tant-^Net ,,y S. Govenlock1 Mission- lip, an Monthly 'Secy \lass J. Ferg .t- -n, Mrs, NV, Webster;. Literature Secy -Mrs. Reid: 'Temperance Secy. ---+Ntrs, Williams; Assistant - Mrs. \Westcolt: Press Secy. --N{r.r Mc£a- - tush; .Ne ictant-.1i1is. Nlnrray: Piau- i.t-NIrs. Barber; \ssistutt -Nims Ferguson; \fission Band 'Leaders - Mrs. W. L'arber. Mrs. 11. Chri•re; :Baby Band Leader -Mrs, Arehibeld; .\ istant--1i1r., fe. S tt an =e: .\udit- , 1. ears. Ila), N[r., Laing. G reeia nes THANKING OUR CUST!- ` OMERS FOR THEIR PA- TRONAGE and WISHING ALL A MERRY XMAS. M e G��IA ; l:,r �t GROCERY PHONE 95 Seaforth's NEW SHOE STORE Shoes and Warin "i;orfy" Slippers Make Useful and Lovely Xmas Gifts Ladies' Purple, Rose or Brown Felt "Cozy" Boudoir Slipper, padded Soles ss c ribbon trim .. Ladies' Blue, Brown or Black Felt Juliet, lie a u ttl a er soles and heels,furtrim leather n 1.00 Ladies' Leather Moe. Slipper, 'Wedge heel -Blue, Green, Rose or Brown -with fawn vamps, or all Black, fur trim $1,25 Ladies' 'Black, Purple, Blue, Green or Red leather, Opera cut, Boudoir Slipper -soft leath- er sole, low Cuban 9C deco heels 'PLUSH VELVET GOLOSHES iBrown or Black, with fur trim, Q high, medium or C low heels •av7 Men's Light Grey, Grey Men's and Boys Choc. Kid Everett Slipper, warm lined. Rubber Heels. 1a00AND Aeer Men's Tan Moc. Slipper, soft leather Soles, padded heels, $1.00. Boys' sizes -75c. Men's Choc. Kid Romeo House Shoe, leather soles, Elastic sides, $2.39. Men's and Boys' "Arctic Cloth" House Slipper, felt and leather soles, $1.00. Boys' sizes -75c. Also Men's High Cut with buckle, $1.45. BUNNY SLIPPERS for the Kiddies, natural wool lined 69c 79c 89c RUBBERS For 'Street or Farm wear, also Overshoes and 'Felt Boots with felt or leather soles at lowest prices, or Fawn, DOME' Spats, 98c SPECIAL -Velvet Golosh, Brown or Black, high or medium heels, only 27 'Pairs. -While they last, $2.95 We sell Dr. M. 'W. Locke Shoes, See our Xmas Windows. • THE SHOP FOR GOOD SHOES NEXT DOOR TO REGENT THEATRE, SRAFORTII 7777