The Seaforth News, 1934-12-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
Miss- Elizabeth \turr-ay of Exeter
'bas. been visiting with her -sister, Miss
Hennah Hurray,
Mars. Farmer of Stratford visited:
for a few • days with het father, 'Mr.
!WVin Stone,
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and
children visited friends in Toronto
for a few days last week.
\lr. to,a,}d Mrs. Anderson of Clinton
aisited 4`lr, and Mrs, J. \\ Bouthron.
MiesJessie Hodger.t of Exeter is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. H.'0. Dayman.
'Mr. IFred i3onthron spent Tuesday
in Goderic'h on bpie s,
Mire. John Parks and daughter
.Miss Alargaret and )Jr, and \Ire,
Wm. :Parks spent Monday with
friends in London,
Mks !Ethel Murdoch left this week
for Toronto where she will visit, -
On Sunday Morning; Rev. W. A,
Young, Carmel Presbyterian Church,
preached in Cavcn Church, Exeter,
while Rev Mr, Gordon preached here
'-flee services in the United Church
(Sunday were well attended, both ser-.
nices being taken by the pastor. Rev,
[Arthur Sinclair. At the morning serv-
ice Mr. Sam Rennie sang a solo,
"The Sacred Flame," at the evening
service a quartette by Mr.. \V'. 0..
Goodwin, Dr. ;Smillie, Mrs. Geo.
[Hess and Mrs. Maud Redden. The
solo parts were taken by Mrs: Hed
den and Mrs. Hess.
The Sunday School Christmas en-
tertainment will be field in the base-
ment of the church on Friday even-
ing, Dee. 21. A splendid program is
being prepared.
The 'Community Christmas - `Cres
to be held on Saturday afternoon,
Dec. -12nd, promises to be a splendid
affair.' Santa Claus will be present,
and have candy for every boy and
girl, All the children of Henald and
surrounding country are cordially in -
sited to -attend. -
The Euchre and Dance party held
at the Hensall town hall was a great
success, the proceeds of which will be
used in the formation of the Hensall
town band. .\ny person wishing -to
play instrument` are invited to regis-
ter their names with- N. Battersby at
ttcnsall tAlso in connection with the
(Band there will be an Hon,,rary
Members' Club, Any person wishing
to join the club kitealy let Mr. N.
lBautershy hare the names. The pur-
pose of this club is to raise funds for
the purpose of supplying music, etc.
•Members of the club will be given a
card. A fee of Ph per month will be
'collected and at the end of the year
there will be held a Band .Social to
.which the honorary members will be
entitled to go on presentation of their
cards, We wish to have the band in
readiness for the Old Boys' reunion,
and ii everyone will make it their am-
bition to see that we are able to get
this band in shape it will be an added
attraction to Hensall and community.
-The \W.M!S. of the United Church
held their regular monthly meeting
on Thursday afternoon. The meeting
opened by singing a hymn. Mrs,
tRer•-) Sinclair took charge of the
meeting. The lesson was read by the
President. The roll was called, and
minutes were read and adopted. A
letter of appreciation was read thank-
ing the ladies for flowers sent to Rev,
Mr. 'Sinclair during his illness, Mrs.
MoDonald read a Christmas story en-
titled the Black Madonna, which was
very appreciated by all.- Prayer was
given by Mrs: Laramie. This mission-
ary study was taken by. Mrs. Hess
and Mrs. Merner. Mrs. Drysdale,
Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Cook were ap-
pointed a nominating committee.
The Death of James Johnston,—
The death occurred on Thursday ev-
ening, Dec. 6, at his home in Hay
township, northwest of Hensall of
Mr. James Johnston in his 79th year,
soli of the late Mr, and .firs. John
Johnston, He was born in Manchester
coming w reside at Rogerville. mor-
ing from there to Hensall, where he
res.ded until some . 12 year ago, a -hen
'.'i,•. moved • tile .lima shire th,'i-
hx.e since re`ide'i. Some a' ;,-ear. ,
\f-. 1, t•?n was lout: _c
.' 1'•: 1 ic'r Linde dl gh-
te .1d- ani ,.te
fi.r. 'lenslIcnsall. \Ir. ,
'I e..: r e
,ns io, .1 1 t... -s.
1 !:: i)ct t a
Itts:r.ol, toil Mr... 1, .r•1 t
ll,'e-:u:. Miss Margaret
Mi13red1 Find f 'ie'Sook,
;ne, \\'•ishan_' n, e:a:• • _
Leer n. Mervin of -Windsor; Gerald
r1' -tan 1 n i n n i
l his late h.,'O, Sundt,,, -
i erlent in
1 iiensnlf irnon
Cemetery. Re•t \l r. Chandler
nen .ta l charge I the funeral. 1
•a'1ocarers were john Jarr tt. Walteru,ar i erns Herhert ]ones, H n,;'i Mc-
11nrtru. Wm. Petty and 'a\Wn:. Hc.rn-
Amon.g tk,sc attending the ntn-
t-al frr m a distance were Israel Lin-
denfiead of London, Mervin Johnston
of 1 n 1 r, Clarence Johnson of
I.on do alis Mitraare
London; Mr \ding, Detroit, Mr.
and Mrs.. Shooks, Kitchene_; Mr. and
Mrs.- Edward Lindenfielcd and fa ni y,
Oie Sunday, Nov. loth, this beau-
tiful 'brass- lectern was dedicated
in St, Paul's Anglican Church,
Hensall, in memory of Mr. and
Mrs. John Petty, one of the early
families of the church, and who
were instrumental in building ,St.
Paul's Church nearly sixty years
Rev. E. F. Chandler preached a
very interesting sermon on Sunday
morning. Miss Beatrice 1Dayman sang
a sole which was much appreciated.
The Young People of St. Andrew's
United Church stet 011 Sunday even-
ing last. Mr. Will Thomson presided
over the meeting and also took the
topic; "Uniting Our Forces." Rev. E.
F. Chandler very ably took the dis-
"I'he Busy (Bee; Mission Circle net
on Saturday afternoon 'last at the
home of Mrs. John Henderson. A
very enjoyable time was spent in soc-
ial chat and sewing some articles
which are to 'be sent away for
Christmas cheer.
The Sunday School Christmas con-
cert will be held on Dec. 17th at 8
pint sharp, in St. Andrew's United
Church. Mr. Goulding of Exeter, mu-
sical instructor, is training the chil-
dren in a cantata. Other numbers are
an the programme.
The school concert at SS. No. d4,
Stanley, will be held on Tuesday
evening, Dec, 1:8. A full programme
of drills, Christmas songs, and dia-
logues, is being prepared by the
The December meeting of tate W.
M. S. was 'held at the home of Tars,
W. Sinclair with an attendance of
sixteen. Mrs. 3. Finlayson presided
ancl led in prayer. firs. Cooper se-
cured the co-operation of all the
members present in the temperance
research topic, The .findings show
that business has. not - improved in
towns where beverage rooms have
been opened, In -sonic communities it
has been necessary appoint extra
ani titles, thus increasing the ex -
ren 1 sires. On the Hier hand out
lir t,Sn reports an increase of P
p.c. in hasines, since midsummer.
in the most u.. rtintate result,
1El,bt i i atrent ,i
nC! _ tC'ttt� til. ... ,.C' I, s int.
„c e brio_ mere girl, under So
c u -of \irs. J. \V.'3ICLCA1r
r, i an ..;.isle "The Circle of Friend -
dealing 'wit 'a courage, . n,
'riei,1..310)1105 Cartier tool Roiit.
Chita sawn given as ex.
imple. of courage and perseverance
in the tasks tindertakot. The came
ci,11 for courage is needed to carry
n in every stay life. \Irs. Monteith
had charge of the study period. A re-
sume' of the 4;h chapter of "Builders
.'f the Indian Church;" was given.
\lr, Cooper and Mrs. Henderson as-
,istire.s. 'lte ,Canadian missionaries
work in Central India in a group of
Native States, which include about
_:'1.Uo'0 villages and approxi-
mately 3 million people. A VV.M!S.
nu si,inary wrote in her 11933 report
"That the days were gone when
Christian teachers were turned out
or treated with indifference." She vis-
ited ,l'7'3 villages, the homes in city or
village are open to the missionary.
Miss Sinclair led in prayer. The slate
of officers, brought in by 'the nom-
inating committee was accepted and
is as follows: W.M:S.— Roti. Pres.,
Mars, 'Cooper, 1Pres., Mrs, Chandler;
Vice Presidents, Mrs, W. _Alexander,
Mrs.- H. McMurtrie, Mrs. J. Finlay-
son;, Mrs....Monteith; Treas:,
Mrs. Fairbairn Miss, Mon. Sec., :Vifrs,
Sproat; Stranger's 'Sec., ',Mrs. 'W.
French; 'Ass t, Help Sec, Mfrs T, N.
Poi y the; Press Sec bite. J. W. Mtc
Lea:;; Y.W. Circic Supt., Mrs. 'Hend-
erson; Mlission iLand Supt, Miss Pen -
fold;. Baby Band Supt., Mrs. i,-Iornev•
Supply Sec., Mrs. ,Root. Daymarin;
Pianist, Mrs. (Herid erson• Women's
bir. and Mrs, 'Leonard Leeming
and family were visiting with Mrs.
Bella 'Boyd on Sunday.
bit. and Mrs, Cecil E. Murray of
'Kipper were Sunday visitors with
•itJr. and Mrs. Edward Regele.
[Bessie and Ed. Davidson spent one
evening last week with Mr. and bit's.
/Leonard 'Leeming.
arr. and Mrs, Edward Regele,
!Shirley and Pearl spent last Wednes-
day evening• visiting with Mir. and
'Mrs, H. Lawrence.
bit. and Mrs Oliver Boyce, Velma
and Verna of Monktoin spent last ,Sat-
urday with Edward and Noncan
Asa vermifuge an effective prepay.
atinn is A'4'nthec ri-ayes' Wrri-'11 Exter-
.,,a.i ,t eaa be given to the
most (delicate child without fear of in-
jury to the constitution,
Association — (Pres., 'ulbrs, .N. 'Jones;
Vice Pres., Mesdames J. B. McLean,:
J. Cochrane, W. (Sinclair, T. Work-
man and 111. ,Chesney; Sec.-Treas.,
Mrs. T. N. Forsythe. The January
meeting will be held in The 2eianse
on the second -Wednesday.
The '.Deccoi'ber meetings Of the La-
dies' Aid and W.M.S..of Burns'
Church was •held 'Wednesday after-
noon of last 'Weeks at the borne of Mn
and birs, Thos, Knox with a large at-
tendance. The visitors were 1_Virs. Al-
bert Brigham and lEna, Mrs. Geo.
!Pollard and two youngest children,
Mrs. Vascella and baby, Mrs, Joseph
[Bewley and the Misses Grace and
1Rutth Manning and Miss (Beth Shob-
brook. The afternoon was spent in
election of officers and distributing
of patches 'for quilts. The (Ladies' Aid
elected Mrs. A. W. Mc'Ewing for.
President and Mrs. Peter McDonald
Viee4President, and 're-elected the last
year's Treasurer and Secretary. Mrs.
:Thos. Colson who was President, is
retiring. The W :Ai S. re-elected all
the last year's officers. The W.M.S.
program was taken charge,' ,f by the
Mrs. ,Wan, 'Bell group and lunch serv-
ed by the hostess and .part of tine
above 'mentioned group.
I\Ve are pleased that Mis Thos,•
Beattie continues improving and has
been for several, 'ear drives, visiting
on (Saturday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. jos. (Leiper and at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, A, W. Beacom Sunday
Bir, !Harold Beacom who has been
taking charge of the work for Air.
'C'1los, Beattie was also home Sunday
afternoon. °
'Mr, and Mrs, Robert Watson spent
Friday evening last at the home of
Mr. and 'Mrs, Thos, Knox and on
Sunday afternoon visited at the home
of bir. and birs..Santuell 'Redden and
were treated to a chicken supper.
Monday evening of last 'week Mt.
and Mrs. 'Peter Taylor and Mrs. Ro-
bert Watson,Mr. and Mrs. \V'nf. Ad-
dison and Mrs. Albeit, :Miss Leah and
little Jean Rapson gathered at the
home of the fornner's mother, Mrs.
'Joseph Taylor to help celebrate her
birthday and treated her to a dainty
supper which the above mentioned
took in, We join in wishing Mrs. Tay-
lor many happy returns of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. (Ross 'Taylor and lit-
tle 'Billy, Mr, Dente, Mr. _McFarlane
and Mr. Vincent visited go the home
of :Mrs. Joseph Taylor an'1 Mr, and
Mrs. Peter Taylor over the 'week-
end of Dec, lst and 2nd, returning to
'Toronto a week ago Sunday.
Mrs, 'Robert 'Watson returned home
Wednesday evening of last week af-
ter holidaying for a few days at the
home of lir. and Mrs, Peter Taylor.
Mrs. A. W. Beacom and Miss Edith
spent part of Sunday afternoon at
the home of Mr, and 'Mrs, Thos.
Knox. Miss 'Edith was home over
the week -end,
Mrs, Isaac Rapson returned home
Thursday evening after spending a
few days at the home of -lar. and Mrs,
Warren Gibbings and Mr. and Mrs.
'Rapson also spent Sunday afternoon
at the home of Mr, and 'Mrs. J.
Mrs. Wm. Knox Jr. spent a few
days last week at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Fred Shobbrook.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Neilans :pert
Sunday evening, Dec. 2nd1 the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter 'faylor,
bit. and Mrs. I. Rapson were treat-
ed tv a dainty gooso supper on Mon-
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs Robert Watson,
Don't f;,roet the Burns' Sunday
entertainment which i, to be
l:,•'.1 in Rurns' Church ,Friday even-
ing, Dec. 41st.. The Sunday School is
'eating on a Christnmas play and the
un • people arc practising a couple
of drills. There will also be music,
etc., awl a good time is expected,
bit. A. W. Beacom celebrated his
birthday Monday of this week, We
wish hint many happy returns of
the day.
bir, and \lr. W. 1-1, Knox cele-
brated their wedding anniversary
Monday, Dec. lath. We wish them
many happy returns of the day.
lir. Gordon Snell has been helping
bir, Bert Allen cut wood,
Messrs, (Harold and Bert Beacom
are engaged to cut Mr. Robert Ham-
ilton s wood.
'The following is an extract from a
letter recently received by Mrs.
Frank Wood of ,Hallett, from the
dried out area of Saskatchewan:
Shamrock, Sask., Nov, 112. Dear
Mrs, Wood. I know you will be anx-
ious to hear from your car of vege-
tables and fruit sent from your la'c-
ality. As 1 am o.0 the 'committee to
divide it out, I will tryand tell you
the best 1 ,can, I found your name.
and address in a bag of turnips. This
car wt'ts She first that ever came to
Shamrock front Ontario, and surely
looked good: everything Was in fast
class shape except a half sack of
pears. There were no sealers of fruit.
broken, 1 got one sealer of tomato'
pickle for my share, and it surely
was good. There was a sealer of star-
malade that some old lady sent—she
said she was near her journey's end—
to give it to some grandma, which.
we dict 'There are 6 di -Visions and
there is a committee of 3 for each di-
vision, ,Ion is divided at the Hall into
7 parts, then each part divided am-
ain 3 again. Then I bring my third
home and divide that among 24 fam-
ilies, and the other 2 do tate same.
We find out how many are in each
family, and give so many pounds to
the head. Here is a list: Turnips 8
lbs, to the head, carrots 3'%, beets
Ib„ pumpkin P, citron C -l3, U. marrow
onions 34, beaus; 1I.13s flour ?4,
cabbage %, apples 6 lbs; canned
fruits one scaler to the family. So
this is how It was divided and every
one seemed satisfied, You can tell
your neighbors that we thank them
very much and hope some day to be
able to help them But hope they
will never have to be helped. When
I write to you I feel that I have a
friend in Ontario and if you are ever
in this dried out pant of. Saska'tche-
wan, conte and see me,
Mrs. I1. Fisher.
The concert put on by the athletic
club in the community hall last 'Wed-
nesday evening proved a success in
every way. There was a goad crowd
and the entertainment was quite up
to the mark and fully enjoyed. Quite
a large number were fortunate to
have some lucky tickets and therefore
secured some very nice prizes, some)
very useful. The committee is to be
congratulated for the successful ev-1
ening, the sum of $89 being realized.
The W.A. of the United Church
held their annual bazaar in the coin -
:nullity hall on Friday, afternoon last,
which Was very successfui, all articles
being sold. The supper in connection.
was lovely as usual About 43/50 was
added to the fund.
Mr. and firs, James Easley, who
for the past month have been visit-
ing at the 'home of their daughter,
Mr. and Airs. M. Hooper, near St.
Marys, returned home on Monday.
The United Church S'S. held their
White Gift service on Sunday in the
body of the elrureh, where a very
pleasing program was given and a
splendid' response of white gifts.
Messrs. Clifford ,S•hobhrook and
Wm. Knox have been helping Mr.
,Leo Watt cut wood expecting to fin-
ish the beginning of this week, wtfen
they will be going, accompanied by
\ir. ,Gordon Snell, to help cut wood
for Sar. Thos. Colson.
Mr. Harry Forman of near r Atwoodl
has been visiting friends in this vicin-
ity for the past 'few- days, making his
hoadrtttarters at the home of Mr. and
-Mrs. Thos. ICnnox,
Mrs. Joseph Bewley spent part of
last week at the home of her .par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferris; as
her another had a bad fall. We under-
stand .Airs. Fernis is getting alnn'
nicely andhope she will he none the
worse for her fall.
'Christmas Cash Buys O.
Icing Sugar 20 c
3 pounds for .. !n
Lemon and 'Orange
Peel pound 18c
New Dates
3 pounds for ,......,.: 25c
Figs, pound 10c
Mixed Nuts 28c
2 pounds 6i
Yellow Sugar
10 pounds 53c
2 tins Pineapple. 23c
Raisins, seeds in,
2 pounds 21c
10 Pound Pail Edwd Syrup 69c
1St. Mary's Anglican Church Gtnild
are holding their annual meeting and
tea at the home of Mrs. John Darl-
ing on Thursday from 2 to 3 p.m.
LA. relief -society is badly needed in
onr midst as the taxpayers feel that
some form of entertaitun.ent would
furnish the amounts required with
less 'burden to the taxpayer.
The Continuation and Separate
Schools are ]folding their annual en-
Lrtainnlent -on Tuesday night, 1Sth,
in the parish hall. Chores s,. songs,
dialogues and a playlet are being pre-
'Mrs. Patrick Stapleton and -Mrs, 3.
V. Flynn were the picky ladies at
the two evening euchre in the parish
hall. bir. John Bruxer and Mr. 'Kelly
secured the honors for the men,
lar. L. J. Looby entertained at •tea
on Wednesday last. Mrs. E. B. Dow-
ney- contributed two beautifully rend-
ered sours -and. Miss Muriel Looby
favoured with piano solos. The ladies
present had a rare treat.
Persian Balm imparts a rare charm
and distinction to the woman who us•
es it. Fragrant as a flower, delicious-
ly cool to the skin, it always results
in complexions delightfully young and
lovely, /Indispensable to every dainty
woman. iAs a powder base for oily-
tes'tured skins or as a beautifying lo-
tion, it is unrivalled. 'Tones and stim-
elates the skin.' Recommended also
to soften and make the hands flaw-
lessly .White.
Greeting Cards, plain o r
personal, of the better class,
including a series by leading
Canadian artists.
De- Laval
Separator Parts
Carolina 'jubilee Singers present
programme, !Friday, Dec. ']W'th, S p.
m., in ,Staffa. Auspices of United
Church. 2'S'c and 15'c,
Orders taken for beef, quarters or
cuts. Delivered anywhere In .town.
Phone your order to 239 r 213, to
Percy Smith, McKillop. 52,
ibil books.must be returned to the
Public Library on or before Monday,
Dec, 04th, Greta Thompson, Lib-
rarian. SO
1014 ]tonscs, Also two cutters for
sale. J. Cudmore, Seaforth. 50
A sum of money found' onMain
street, Nov. 28th. Apply at The News.
11100 acres of good land and good
buildings. Some bush, Apply at the
News Office.
IA large brown and 'black hound,
strayed on property Ivvo :weeks ago.
Owner may have same by paying for
advertisement. P'hoen 415a20, Dublin.
'One pair chains for truck, north of
]Seaforth. Finder please leave same at
Dunlop's [Garage, Seaforth, and ob-
lige.. 50
int and up, delivered. Maloney's
Service, Goderich St., Seaforth. 50.
Large, healthy bronze turkeys. Or-
ville Dale, phone 247 r' 211. 50.
:Potatoes to go this week at $6.00
per ton to clear out one of our stor-
age bins. These potatoes are fit for
either eating or feeding purposes and
are worth twice the price asked, If
you want any, .got busy on the
phone 34416.
The Hugill Potato Farms
To take care of winter deliver-
ies of Cream, Eggs and Poul-
try, announce the appointment
as their representative in 'Sea -
forth. Mr. Routledge will re-
ceive produee at the full rear
ket price, commencing this
Saturday, 'Sept. lst.
E. C. Chamberlain
Clerk of the 'Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Life, automobile, fire, sickness and,
accident insurance. If in the mar-
ket for any of the above lines, kindly
give us a call.
Insurance Agencies
Phone 334 - Seaforth, Ont.
(Gasoline engine, Massey -Harris,
d i% h.p., almost new. Louis Dever-
eaux, Huron Road East, Phone 1t114tr25.
[House and' lot, West William St.,
Seaforth, Seven rooms, modern con=
veniences. Apply to IJ. T. McAsb,
Varna, Phone Clinton 62 r 213,
Good seventy-five acre farm, being:
lot 25; con. 113, MdKillop, situated on,
the gravel road 2% miles from Wel-
ton and l4 mile from s'chboll. 0n the
said land there is a good frame bare
40x150, with good stabling and water
inside, also a comfortable frame
'house and other buildings, 40 acres of
fall ploughing done. IPossession given
any time, Apply Lorne H. Elliott,
R.R. NO. 2, 'Walton. 58'
'Mechanically inclined, now employ-
ed, to train in spare time for servicing
and_ installing ELECTRIC REFRIG-
TI'ONin.g equipment. Splendid oppor-
tunity to get into world's fastest
grplwiug industry. Bust have fair ed-
ucation, ,good character and be able to
furnish good references. Write FUL-
LY giving age, education, general
experience, present occupation and
Address Box 721, The Seaforth News
.eesanseeseesse=],s msx
Briarcliffe Mi es
On the Mother=lode, California
Well financed and controlled by well known" London, Ont.,
businessmen. Well developed with 50 ton mill now in
Low Capitalization
We recommend this stock to anyone seeking a good
junior 'mining stock with attractive' possibilities for
appreciation, in values.
Prices on Application
E. A. Siegrst&Co5 Ltd
Phone: Uetcalf 33'7OL__ ''e•c R1511 0 'hili., London,, Ont,