The Seaforth News, 1934-12-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
'Mr, Roy Palmer of \Vindsor visited
over the Heck -end at his home here.
Mr, and Mrs. Ladd McEwen and
daughter Donna spent Monday in
Mr. Arthur Dick of Loudon visited
oter Sunday with his parents, Mr,
-and Mrs, Jas. Dick.
Ilfr. and 'Mrs, Frank \Vaud of Ex -
titer visited on Sunray at the home of
• Mrs. John I)tn. dale.' -
Reeve ,fonts is iu Goderich this
week attending County Council,
• The Election. - The election for
Reeve, Council and School •Trustees
held here - on Monday resulted in the
return of the old Council. For the
trustees hoard, two old members,
:\1 ed Clark and W. C). Goodwin
were re-elected, anal John Shepherd
will' take the place of Edgar Mc-
Queen who retired. The election was
hotly contested all day. The principal
- interest centred in the contest for
,Reeve. Mr. Geiger, a former warden
„f •Iitiron County and a great many
times Reeve of I-Iensall, was in the
field against the present 'Reeve, Wil-
liam Jones, who has held that office
-Ally the one year. \lr. Jones was
sadly handicapped during the cantesi,
having to go on crutches as a result
of a fall a couple of weeks ago.
Mr. Jones defeated Mr. Geiger by 54
- votes. Mr, \huh Shepherd headed the
poll for the Council • nd 'John S'hep
nerd for the trustee board. • The vote'
indicated that the ratepayers did not
desire an election this, year and that
the Council and trustee boards should
have had an acclamation, •'Councillor
:Geo. C. Petty,. who held fourth place
in the run far Council, was able to be
+ut to vote bat did not take any active
tart iii the contest. tonsiderhtg the
feeling in the village, Mr, Fred Daters
made a good run for the council, and
I t,t some time in the future he
be more saccessful. \tr. Daters
sold make a good Councilman. -
'fhe following was the vote:
For Reeve.- ,' 2 T'•tl
Janes 1'10 107-2,17
t;ef,:er 97. 66-163
Maj. for Jones-. 54
Por • Council-
- -
ouncil,_-- \C. Shepher1 .... 141) 113-274
\V. San =ter ....... 140 144-234
D Robinson 1 T7 ']t17--244
t=. C. Petty ., ..i, 1:1'5 97-2112
Fred Deters 82 75-137
For Trustees--
J'hn Shepherd .. 15b 141-297
\V. 0. Goodwin 16U 134-294
1'frcd Clarke ............155127-28'2
Archie Filshie . 46 42-- 88
This is the first time in 20 Tears
that an election has been held in Hen -
sal] for the trustee hoard. The clay
was cold and stormy, batt a good vote
was polled.
'While passing the hotel in Zurich
on Tuesday, a horse driven by Colin
Hudson fell on the road and before
it • could be released, it kicked itself
clear, breaking the shafts and in other
ways damaging the buggy. -lar. Hud-
son, was not ,hurt.
A hole was blown nut in the boiler
at 'Geiger '&Son's flax twill on Tues -
:lay morning, but no one was seriously
hurt. The mill is shut down; till a
new boiler is- installed,
\Vhite going north on No, 4 high-
way on Friday afternoon .lar. Archie
Ro,weliffe's car• collided with another
car at 'Brucedield, lar. 'Row'cliffe's car
turned completely over and he re-
ceived serious injuries. It was feared
at first that'Mr. Rowcliffe'.s back was
broken 'but an x-ray showed that was
not the case. He is doing as well as
can be expected.
Mrs. H. 0. ,Dayman was calling on
London friend. on Monday.
• Council Meeting. - 'The regular
meeting of. the village council was
• held on Monday evening at 8 p.m. in
the .council chamber, with Conncillors
Sangster anrI Petty absent. The min-
utes of the last meeting -w ere read and
/Adopted on motion of Shepherd and
Robot- n Geo. Hess awl Chas. Moore
appeared as a ler.gati-n-fr.'nt the
(w, i, ,'r of 1. nt nerce re thr Christ-
mas tree red asked ';'r 0 donation, R-,-
tint,.m aid Shepherd. tett ,,vi an:
:he Chamber oi Commerce 15 to he
yea for the Christmas tree fund, Car-
rier. Fred T. Y nthr.nt tax collector,
-reported' :4,750 taxes raid to 'late,
The C'erk reported re he tax sae r
Gc"len n and the pin -chase ,f the
Chas. '\\ nlft property at $90.84 fur
the municipality. Reeve [ogees report-
ed t-
ed on the gravelling .,t the streets.
Communication read as follows: Har-
vey McLaren, \Var Mem has?,: H. J.
A. McEwen, all 'filed. Bills. acconnts
paid: Ch. of Com„ grant $15; C. Vol -
land, labor 00t $L!80: ,Hensall Hy-
dro, $6.8:8; Chas 3\lexander, gravel,
$10.I1b• W. J. Harvey, drawing gravel,
$50.7'; Frank Donnelly, legal advice,
• $2; A. W. E. Hernp•hill $7.85; 'F, W.
'Hess $410715; Moore Bros, repairs to
• hall 'SOc; Dr, G. Collyer, salary $70.
exipenses $20.4715; Co.- Treas., tat sale
$96.80; J.'A.;Patterson, expense, $22.76;
'C. 'Cook, salary, $67150; J. A. Patter-
son, 'salary and by-laws_ $1:00; F. J.
Bon•thron, sal. $455; Geo. Hudson sal,
$-156; 'J. A. Foster, sal. 'fire dept. $25.
Total -I$820,40. Poll tax ,bylaw
1934, was read and adopted. Robinson
and 'Shepherd, that we now adjourn to
meet -again Dec. 315, at 8 p.m. Carried.
Cr, A. Patterson, Clerk.
•The Chamber of Commerce intend
- having a community 'Christmas tree
°a ,Saturday afternoon, Dec. 212nd and
all the children of 'krensall and sur-
rounding district are especially invit-
ed to be present, (Santa Claus will be
present and .have a package of candy
for every• boy and girl. A plendidt
time- looked forward to, Remember it
the date.
'Our merchants of town are taking
great interest in getting their stores
beautt illy decorated for Chritntas,
•All our .stores have a nice display for
Christ r t shoppers.
Mr. Choles Cooper has purchased
from ,he Rol estate the brick cot-
tage I and two acres of land situated On
Na, 4 Hi,hty'ty, •two m les : Multi) of
Hen sail.
-At the Top," might be a fitting
title for 'this photo of Reeve W. J.
;Jones of Mensal], taken a few
Months ago while helping a neigh-
bor, in view of his handsome ma-
jorityin Mayday's municipal elec-
tion when he was chosen for a sec-
ond term as Reeve of Hens•all.
'The regular meeting of the Wom-
an's If stitute was held in CommunityBall on Friday, Nov. 30th, with the
president, 11es, E, Adams, presiding.
Meeting opened in the usual form by
singing the opening ode and the
Lent's prayer, repeated in unison.
The secretary, Mrs. Ilrunsdon, then
read the minutes of previous meeting.
and ltnsiness was discussed. The pro-
gram was in the Christmas spirit.
Rev, A. AV. ,Gardiner was present and
gave a very fine address' "Canadians
Awake," which was indeed very
much appreciated. He also touched on
the celebration of Christmas and what
it means to many, Mss ,Dorothy
Griffiths sang a pleasing solo and
Mr. Gardiner recited Poor Jane
Brown in his usual pleasing manner,
A. quartette sang a Christmas .Song,
and Mrs. J. P. ,fanning, gave a Christ-
man reading. The roll call was ans-
w'ererl by Hints on Choosing' Christ -
Inas Gifts. This brought a most in-
teresting meeting to a close. A hearty
vote of thanks wail tendered Mr. Gar-
diner for his instructive and pleasing
address and recitation. A tasty lunch
w•as served by Mrs, F. Thompson,
(Mrs. E. Crawford, Mrs. \V, .Brunsdon,
Mrs. W. Allen, Mrs. T, Fairservice
and *Mrs. E. Adams. About forty
were present'.
Mr. James McCool is now able to
attend to his duties at the store again.
Mr. and Mrs, \V, Glover and son
Willis of Detroit spent a few' days
with Mrs. Glover's mother, -Mfrs, D.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Sprung' spent
Sunday- with lar. and Mrs. Alex. Man-
'lin'- there they ee'chrated Mr. W.
I'at er n'. $dth birthday.
31 i Edith Johnson of Blyth spent
the weds -enol at her home.
11 . Verde Raison ni Henson vis-
ited al her home last week -end.
D and 3lr L. N. Whitely of
'tlurri, were visitors at Mrs: D. Moun-
tain's on Sunray.
The number ,t1 the Orange Lodge
treated their families to a fowl sup-
per and social evening last Wed-
nesday night.
Mrs, W. Allen visited Blyth friends
Mr. Tont Moon spent the week-
end in Londeshoro.
IMrs. A. Webster went to L011(1011'this week to have, her eye operated on.
AVe wish her speedy and complete
Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong have
returned from 'Toronto where they at-
tended the Royal Winter Fair.
We are pleased to see that Mr, Tom
Beatty is able to be home again,
Miss Helen Yun;gblutt spent a few
days last week with Miss Gladys
3 f ou nt ain,
3Ir. Donald Sprung attended the
High School commencement at Clin-
ton on Friday night.
.1.1r. Robert :Rogerson was in Cen-
ralia on Tuesday attending. a nteet-
tg of the Huron Presbytery ,held in
hat place.
MMr. and '\Irs, Charles Dexter and
eta, 'Mrs. A . Dexter, Norma and
erne attended the Knox United
lurch at Auburn on Ser day, Their
iece, little Margaret Christena Can-
ingham, was baptized at this service.
'The Detroit Sunday Times, every
seek, has 'a 20 -PAGE COIMIC SEC-
T( with new comic friends and
d favorite funnies, the most hilar -
as company of comics ever assemb-
8, Start this week to enjoy the fun.
As a vermifuge an effective prepar-
ation is Mother Graves' Worm Exter-
mi atov anal it r
an he given to the of
most delicate child without fear of in- io
jury to the constitution, Ile
Sale to be held at the Dick House
!Barn, Sat., Dec, Stilt.
Cattle. --1A number of :cows, 1' choice
cow, 3 yrs. olid, due time of sale, a
number of calves,
(Pigs. --Suckers and chunks, 3 Collie
pup', good heelers.
l o•w'l-33 Barred Rock pullets
ready to lay, Scott's breed; 118 Barred
)Rock pullets, 30 yr -old L.eghorns, lay-
ing, a number of black Minorca cock-
erels for breeding.
'Vegeta'bles,-Potatoes, carrots, on-
ions and cabbage,
'Furniture -ll: Quebec combination
stove, 6 lids, nearly new, 1 Moffat
range, 1' Pesatisular range, I cook
stove, 11 Brunswick phonograph, 6
doz, records, 1 wooden bed, Singer
setting machine, 2 washing machines,
2 wringers 11 Renfrew separator, 600
lbs., 1' DeLaval 500 lbs., root pulper,
milk pails strainer pail, 2 steel tired
buggies, 1 cistern pump, 2 sets single
tugs, bench for a vice, 1 screen door,
set of smoothing irons, 1 genuine
buffalo robe, oil lamps, 310;x1112 linoleum
rug, baby cradle, 2 lanterns, fire ex-
tinguisher, folding go-cart, morris
chair, dishes, extension table, small
table, enamel bake board, 2 dish pans,
4 milk pans, 2 clocks, kitchen chairs,
vacuette cleaner, coon skin rug, steel
square, dressers and stands rocking
chair, 2 wooden beds, 4 posters; :Mas-
sey Harris straw* cu't'ter, 50 cedar
posts, d' pr. boys' tube skates, we'll
digging outfit, complete with wind-
lass. I-Ios't of small articles.
T brass bed and springs, coal heater,
carpet, couch, boiler, small table.
wash stand, single bed end spritugs,
side board, 3 egg crates, 6 doz. size,
sealers, 2 stone ,jars, 1 moll wringer,
frying pan, wall bracket lapin.
Terns cash, Carl Dalton, Mgr,, G.
-T. Elliott, Auctioneer,
Will rent roosts in cottage near
high school to pupils. Miss 1°, Gallop,
34 Ea -t \\"iliiani St• 50'
.\ second hand Man's coon coat.
Please le•tve name and address at
The 'News Mate. 49
All hooks must he returned to the
Public Library 00 or before Monday.
:Dec. :24th, Greta Thompson, Lib-
rarian. 50
'.\dams. --in loving memory of oar
dear wife and mother, Mr, henry
Adams, w'he entered the portals of
the home land ,Dec. 80, 1927,
Call not 'back 'the dear departed,
:Anchored safe where storms are o'er;.
On the border land we left her
Soon to meet and part no more,
-Sadly remembered by Husband
and F'antily.
Kidner,•iln loving memory of our
dear son and brother Robert 'George
who died in Detroit, Dec, 110, 1926,.
The rolling stream of life rolls on
But still that vacant chair
'Recalls the love, the voice, 'the smile,
Of one who once sat there.
-Sadly missed by .Parents, Sisters
and ,Brothers.
Those who attended the Toronto
Winter hair report it was all that
c,.ttld be expected and a real success.
1 rni correspondent listener] to
t itch, Sams pru,crant that the pro-
posed labor program is to be $2500.00
per annum for 30 hour week and the
ante to be paid whether they are em-
ployed or nut. I was just wondering
whether the employer will have to
close tip his business if he can't make
access, but the farmer has nothing
to say who works 72 hours a week
and doesn't know what he is going to
receive for his labor. I have come to
the conclusion that if that program is
carried out in the States production
will certainly have to go up and in
rhe long run the laborer won't be
ahead and if the government has to
pay the $.2600 per annum for those
who are not employed. The U.S.
government will soon go broke, which
is nothing more titan the people who
they represent and all they can do is
borrow themselves out of debt, but
that will not last long. A great many
think when a government is giving
grants that we get something for no-
thing 'but 'forget that we are the gov-
ernment and that we are taxed direct-
ly or indirectly, which in my mind
has 'brought on the depression. There
is too much overhead expense and
until this is reduced, we Mt not get
out of the depression,
Greeting Cards, plaint o r
personal, of the better class,
including a series by leading
Canadian artists.
6,d.A. .M..1'1•1. NEWS.
0'f Farm Stock, Implements and
Furniture. Fred W. Ahrens, auc-
tioneer, has received instructions from
the undersigned proprietor to sell by
public auction at Lot 6, Con, 9, Town-
ship of Logan, 2% miles east of
Bornholm on Tuesday, December
11111th, 1.9134, the following:
IIlorses-lBay gelding 112 years old,
bay /nate 112 years old, bay driving
horse 7 years old, quiet and reliable.
'Cattle -i3 Durham cows due in
Jan., Durham cow due in fuel., Dur-
ham cote due in March; 2 Durham
cows clue in, April, farrow cow; Dur-
ham heifer 2 years old, due in June,
7 Durham and Hereford Heifers and
steers rising 1 year old,
Hogs -1 Yorkshire brood sow due
'Jan.:v11'st, 2 Yorkshire sow's Hat bred,
2 chunks weighing about '1.00 lbs,, 1
Yorkshire boar,
Poultry -About 215 good yottg
ilnlplenten'ts-''Massey Harris binder,
6 f(•, crit, Deering mower 5 ft. cut,
\Iasscy4Harris hay loader, Massey -
Harris seen drill 10 -hoe, steel rake
steel land roller, hay rack with slildin
rack, rubber tired top buggy, open
buggy, cutter, double cutter, single:.'
furrow riding plow, 2 good walking
plows, sculiler, gang plow*, truck,'
'wagon, 1 wagon with wagon Iyo:C,
piper, fanning mall, set stales, 2,000
lbs. cap. 2 % horse power gas en
gine nearly new, pump jack, wheel
barrow, stone boat, turnip seeder, set
of bobsleighs, stock rack, pig crate,
oil drum, 0 a' -section harrow, sugar
kettle, Massey -Harris cream separator
1050 cap milking pails, extension: lad-
der, hay car, oil heater, lawn mower,
coal and wood heater, fence stretcher,
logging 'chains, cross -net saw, shovels,
spades, hoes.
Harness -2 sets of double harn-
ess, one nearly new, 2 sets of single
harness, odd collars.
Feed, etc. -,About 715 bushels bar-
ley, 300 bis, mixed grain, 200 bus.
oats, 2150 bus. early Alaska seed oats,
400 bus. turnips, 30.0 bus, mangold•s,
about 20 tons of straw, 8 tons mixed
hay, about 30 bags potatoes.
iFurniture and Dog -3 arnt chairs,
china cabinet, small tables, 3 as -o0(1 -
eft beds with springs and mat-
tresses, 2 iron beds with springs and
mattresses, pillows, blankets, quilt,
rugs, dressers, stands, good cook
stove with pipes, burns either woodor
coal, kitchen table, extension table,
ki'tcheit chairs, Victrola with records,
couches, and a host of other articles
found about the house and the farm
too numerous to mention. .\lso one
good clog.
The Farts JConsists of :1100 acres,
mord or less, being Lot 6, Con. 9,
township of Logan, County of Perth,
situated 2% miles east of Bornholm.
On the property there is a frame
'house ,with kitchen, wood shed and
furnace, (roof shingled. with asphalt),
good bank barn 40x 70 ft. with good
cement stabling, driving shed, ]ten
house, pump arouse, good drilled well,
1113 acres wheat, 415 acres plowed, bal-
ance in grass, good orchard, well
fenced. The farts was Owned by Mrs,
Patrick Doherty.
Terms on Farm -Ten per cent of
the purchase Money to be paid on day
of sale, balance within 30 days. For
further information apply to auction-
eer before day of sale,
'Terms on Chattels -Cash.
Sale to commence at 113 o'clock
harp. Auctioneer's decision final in all
cases of dispute.
Elfhu Wigle, Lester Cousins, Prop-
Fred W. Ahrens, ,Auctioneer, phone
634 r 6, :Mitchell,
Thos. Connolly, Clerk.
tl: Rogers' 'Electric IRadio $32; 0
slightly used electric ,washing mach-
ine, cost 719.150, at $54; 11' 'water=power
washing machine to 'first 'class condi-
tion $10; '11 !clothes wringer 43; rl
brown leatherette rocking -chair $5;
1 blue ,bird cage and stand $3;150;
1 'oa'k 'library table ,4112; i1' oak type-
writer desk $5; 1 walnut end table
and magazine holder $10; 1, wicker
clothes hamper 715c; 1 walnut spin'net
desk, $6; '1' galvanized hub SOc. All at
around !half-price or less. May be seen
at 'Presbyterian :Manse, 'I. '13. Kahle.
'Chi1d'9 rocker, left 'H'allowe'en
night, I. B. Kaine 49
31 box cutter, 1 sot single itarnes.y:
Apply to Ivan Forsythe, Kipper R.R.
2, Phone 1134 r 29, 5'O
'Orders taken for beef, quarters or
cuts. Delivered anywhere in town.
Phone your order to 239', r 212, to
Percy Smith, lfofii}lop• SL,
On 'Saturday, December 8th, at 2
p.m„ in W. A. Crick's vacant store, a
sale of hone baking, candy and sew-
ing will be held tinder the auspices of
the Salvation Army, Cprne and buy
your Christmas gifts.
\i,'a'n( and For Sale ads,
week 25c._'
With Every Cash Grocery Order for $2 we
will sell 20 pounds of Sugar for $1.00
P.. G. Soap, 10 bars .. , .. , 31c
Old Dutch, 2 tins 19c
Chipso, large pkge ... .,, 17c
Ammonia Powder 6c
5 tins (Aylmer Soup 25c
Red Rose Tea, lb. 49c
Cowan's Cocoa, 1 lb 25c
Fry's Cocoa, % Ib.. ..... 21c
Stove Pipes 18t
'Stable Shovels -90c
Stable :B•rooins .;else
Lanterns .31.1
Axes, each 14.125
Axe Handles 40c
Putty, pound 3i:'
Cross Cut Saws . 4125
Men's Rubber Boots $2.49
Separator Parts
'Gasoline engine, Massey -Harris,
h.p„ almost new. Louis Dever-
eaux, Huron Road East, Phone 114'4n26
1 Wagner 5 h.p. electric motor on
skids; 50 ft. elec. cable. J. 1R. Scott,
phone 251 r 21. 41)
Capable housekeeper. Please state
references and wages. J. H. ,Wheatley,
Clinhott, Ont, Phone 21118. 49
Mouse and lot, West William 'St.,
Seaforth. Seven roosts, modern con-
veniences. Apply to tJ. T. McAsh,
Varna, Phone Clinton 8212 r 23.
'Good seventy -'fine acre farm, being
lot 25, con. 113, MclKtil•lop, situated an
To take care of winter deliver
ies of Cream, Eggs and' Pon&
try, announce the appoint
as their representative in San,.•
forth. Mr. Routledge will re-
ceive produce at the full lane.
ket price, commencing
Saturday, Sept. 1st.
E. C. Chamberlain
Clerk of the 'Second Division 'C.crsw
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Eel.
ing, Seaforth. Office hours: -
Tuesday, Thursday and Satuzdeg„
1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 'Saturdaar
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.rnr a
Life, automobile, fire, ' sickness
accident insurance. If in 'the ffi:
ket for any of the above lines, rte -IF
give us a call.
Insurance Agencies
Phone 334 Seaforth, ore.
•Mec'han•ically inclined, note'' en „tr
ed, to train ht spare time for 'Esere 3002
r and installing 't1E'CTEIIC Ria Fi2 ..
the gravel road 2/ miles front Wal- IERIAITIOIRIS1 .A!NiD' u4'ItR CO..'+e'pt(
I'LiIIONing equipment. Splendid opsin-
tundty to get int° world's Sn~`esn,
growing industry. \Inst have .- tel •
naation, good character and be n2b'_eenro
furnish good references 'Write EE"-,
'IJY, giving age, education, gem., itis
experience, present occupation asd'i
Address Box 721, The Seaforth. 14vee
ton and % nide from school, On. the
said land there is a good frame :barn
40x60, with good stabling and water
inside, also a cocnfortable frame
'house and other buildings, '10 acres of
fall ploughing done. Possession given
any time, Apply Lorne H. Elliott,
RoR. No. 2, 'Walton: '50
(Minimum Fares : Adult 75c.: Child 40c.)
and all C.N.R. Stations-SARNIA To BRAMPT.ON
Goderich, Kincardine, Southampton, Wierton, Owen Sound, Durham,
Creemore :-Sarnia -Komoka: Ettrick-Wingham,
FRI. DEC. 14th OSHAWA, Port Hope, Cobourg, Bellevlll le.
Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville, Presoak,
Morrisburg, Cornwall, Agincourt, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbex
ford, Aurora, Newmarket, Allendale, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie,Orillia..
Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay,
Parry Sound, Sudbury.
All towns in New Ontario on line of Temiskeming & Northern Ontario Riy.e
Nipissing Central RIy. : Kapuskasing. tLonglac tHardrock tGeraidton tJellicesc
(fSturgeon River Gold Fields.)
Sat.DEC. 15th p TO TO i'�; ONTO Also to Chatham. Sams,
tlC; London, Ingersoll, Moth.
stock, Paris, Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls,
and Sat. DEC. 15th. Locnlly between Important Stations at which Exeu�iax
Tiekats aro sold — Ask Ticket Agent— See Handb35e
For Fares, Transit Limits, Train. Information, Tickets consult nearest Agent.
Briarcliffe Mines
On the :,other=lo'de, California
Well financed 'and controlled by well known London, Ont.,
businessmen. Well developed with 50 ton mill now in
Low Capitalization
We recommend this stock to anyone seeking a good
junior mining stock with attractive possibilities for
appreciation in values.
Prices on Application
E.A. Siegrist&C
Phone: -,Metcalf 32170-T. New Banlc of Toronto P ldg,; London, Orth
Oc consult 2t[,', Wm, Watson, R. 1t: No. 3, Mitchell