The Seaforth News, 1934-11-08, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
Death of William McKay.—It is,
with deep regret that we record the
;death of -lir. William McKay which
occurred at the home of his deugh'ter,
!Miss Lillian McKay, Windsor, on
1Friday morning, SirMcKay under-
went an operation several weeks ago
:from which he did not recover. 1 -le
Was horn at '1) ufgannon 73 years ago
atnd came to Hens:ll when a young
-matt and for nearly fifty years was.
}principal of the public school wad re-
tired -six years ago, the was nate of
the best known educationists in the
:county and teas highly respectdd. 'He
was a member of 'the United Church,
• ts Liberal in politics, and a promin-
ent member of the three fraternal or-
n,anizations, the \lasomt, the I,O:O1F,
card the Foresters. Ile is survived by
•ene--son,- Professor Lout. \lcKav, ei
the University of Toronto staff and
three daughters, \tri William Shep-
herd of Hensall and Misses Lillian
end \lari o ti \I'dKay of Wind
IUne son, d)r. Russel'M'c'IKay, was kill-
e.1- in a motor accident near Hagers-
ville.a few months ago. M{rs McKay
-!.lied several years ago. The funeral
- was held from the home of M,Ir. and
Mrs, AWilliam Shepherd on 'Sunday at-
ternawt,. A !private service was held
at- the home at 2 pan. conducted by
the Rev. Arthur Sinclair, followed by
.� \la_anic service, brethren'being pre-
sent from Exeter, Clinton and Sea-
-.forth. A public funeral seas held at
the- United Church which Was filled
to. capacity. The 1-Iensall 1.10.O.F. at--
t-tended the funeral in a body. Inter-
anent took place in the Hensall 'Union
cemetery. the pallbearers being Fred
.Blatt, Fred Hess, Theis. Parlmer,
John Coulter and David Cantelon.
Among +host attending' from a dist-
ance were Mr. and Mrs, L. McKay,
Tcirinto; hisses Lillian and \larion
\IeKay, \Viudeort .lir, and Mrs. Geo.
t\aIter, i\\ , e rti Ec Ar acid Mrs.
alter. Cayuga-. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
LSn1 ti.acmobe, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs.
telarnet Sna,hacombe, t; 'h, Mr,
.,1 Mrs. \Villi- Powell, Exeter; Mr.
:,a 1 Mrs. Doherty, London, Mr,
':i••+apton, Detroit
f"1e local (' nt.l tl, 'I elec., it i 1' ',t 1'1
shis tear on Monday, Dec.3,
+t -•a ti. els It °ay evta,ing.
2. r I. 1 tis rhe t :de.,,; ,
sat we helieve ,1-
1l r a tate slot •
Osirin,.: the Tit •
1,e ;i11 election itat
it ...tails crown} t 1 i-1.1 tl
.t ht; c,e. t.l> Airs. 1:,a 111.
.:r'. re'. t'te
.•' 0;.1ra
.1•i114 i . e r •'1 11
-.1. ,'1r 01111':'. : ,tars
11sir.,n C. t •
1't 1 k
to lionse of r kilns
: Parr lite.Ility i s \I -
r . n: n ,tterme-nt in Hen '
Ceilittery. lie i-i'i o die:: a
t Silt' 1
cir stetsd three slaughters.
11 lune 13.' or i
-:7 •:,. ere,.a"! . .^e.i.t•1 t•. :it
r. Sxnd'ar
.l' U m 1f: 'las sumt-
riti -per
& "D y 1 ele's er roceat
in, t
l AI lotto 1
south 1 :r. s e•t
t rooms 1 :.1 1
I- C. Petty . .'.c
" r..11 \] 1 t:c - r 1 -t-
i11 it e t or
Torort... art
1 d 1 i -a.
joins ,., >, ,t t : t
-1„-1 :, i
Council Meeting—The r al:r:.t,meet-
"'.; ii h inter • Al ,1:.
n u, r rc ct,
1 - Pe t who
l,te t
reV'1.. t:let r :- \t t r, re-" - 7
i as head on nut o f
Shenhcrd and nsuer tV.
r..irba:rn appeared .1151 letter sent
'Hitt Oct. 2+11 re ....11{e to dater tank.
at the rear 1 the toesn ire•;,, Shen -
herd and Sangster. the: 're chase the
h ?'t
damage done to the water :;ink
o Harvey McLaren of K lmet 11•
drier os the trtick doing- the dam-
age. Carried. F. G. Bcutthron, tax CC
: -
lector, was present and reported that
80 had paid their 1(934 taxes or 't per:
Johann. a\lurdoels is spending the
week at the home of her sister, Mrs.
3 H, Petty, of Hay, who is 111,- '
Mrs. Joseph Hudson is seriously i11'
at her Koine here.
sirs. W. C Davis had the anis-fort-
tine one day last week to fall, serious-
ly 'hurting herself She- 'ras taken to
Seaforth hospital,
\Ira. , \, J. Snt'eitzer and children of
Beach- c-Pmes were visiting relatives
in town on Tuesday,
a\Itss Margaret M.acLaren sof West-
ern lUniyersity, Landon, spent the
week end at her home,
(Born,—At 'Clinton hospital •on Fri
day, Nov.2, to Mfr. and Mrs, A. Ha•
ntilton, Hensall, a son
Miss :Marion' :Paisley had the mis-
fortune to -fall on Thursday, breaking
her arm.
IMrs. Robt, Higgins and two sons,
\Vi11 and Ray spent the week end with'
relatives at -the Beach -o -Pines.
An armistice clay 'service will be
held in the Presbyterian Chnredt on
Sunday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. The
choirs of the different churches will
be present to take part.
I1-lensall Orange !Lodge attended di,'
vise service - in C.t'rmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday evening and were
addressed by Rev. \V, t.A. Young. Mx.
Young gave a very helpful address on
Loyalty or ,Higher -Patriotism, A
quartette was given by Messrs. W.
A. Young R, Y. McLaren, W. A.
McLaren and 'J'as Bengough,
'Mr.. Herman ID.aymasl is up north
this week arta deer hunt,
Mr, Eldred Smith of •\Vestern Uni-
ter ity, London, spent the week end
at his home.
Mr, and 'Mrs, John Parke and Miss
Margaret Johnston were in Hyde.
'Park on Saturday attending the
wedding of their niece, \hiss Margaret
Douglas. •
Ahs, Jahn Bean is visiting in Lan-
don this week. -
Miss Jessie He I* ert c t Exeter eter i
visiting at the hone of 'Mr, and Mrs
Herman Daysnan. -
Mrs, .A. L. Case is taking treat-
ments at St. Joseph'.. hospital,
Mrs Joan Corbett and- little son
Rose are visiting iter parents, Mr. and
Mrs, A. Morena, Dashwood,
Miss Isabel Similercoele, who has
been !I: for some time, has resents' her
position at Clinton.
Hamid Higgins is spending a week
:i -Stine at the home of his sister. lir.
turd Mrs. Orval Leaves, Farquhar,
Horton-Scruton.—A quiet .but pret-
ht te:,ldin toide : l uc at 111,20 tt,m
on 1 urs:,lay at the United manse
Alien RCA \ttit!ir Sni lis' 'united id
marriage. \ u t May, eldest daughter
Urs, `rut n and the late \anted
Se a on. Iden. a.., t- Ilex ice 11. Hot: -
:cm, \n -tin, feet 171,1 son of sirs
N. IL irtih t lsc boundary. The
',ride was charmingly ,,weed i.1 a red
tali.: -.1 tit morie collar and calf,, h•:
an rteeessories t., match, The bride
;IS ed by her sister, :Miss
1 -you Sermon of 13 ensall and :lie
m by .its brother, \(r. Clayt,71
11 n. After the ceremony a bu 1M1 011 WA- ; e : (r.,l a. tit, 11,111C e .
71t. -1-1t r boosite•"•I',-
-sir, :,:11 ;NITS. Archie RowclitTe,
1l, caret, . is a ,radiate Victoria
liospital, London ani has been nurs-
ing i11 that i11-t•tntt-n for some time.
!loth \1r. and \Ir• ilorton are very
here „n•:1 they have the o
wishes ef their many friends. They
will reside ii, 'Anstin, leas, where
\1r 11 r. m ha, 5 good position.
t \W.\I ti of the United Church
..•:•1 their regular monthly 111 eting
1 ,urs• t wit's the president pre.
n The devotional leaflet vas
!sad h lit \. Sinclair after which
10 ors sung Isy .Airs. Mode
Heiden with \hiss Gladys at the pi-
no. ft., stu,ty was ni charg.e 'if \los,
)1 sirs, Ilabkirk, Mrs.
Ii,• -s, Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs, \1. G.
Drysdale, NIrs 1., 1 Paterson
Dr J. A. \1 l5 .-tit, (,artier Case,
\Ir. and Mrs. lien Elder attended the
funeral , f the late Joseph Cast in To-
ronto n Friday. Mr, Case was a for,
mer li,Usali business loan,
4 eery pleasant hour was spent rt
the public library rat Saturday after -
area. when some 215 children gather-
ed for the first children's hoar. Mrs.
Cameron had charge and told the
smaller children the story of the Good
Ring, and the- older children another
suitable start 'Then all enjoyed
game called"Who's 'This." There will
ise another children's hour on Satur-
tay. Nov. 10th from 211:5 to i o'clock
at tate library and all children of T.Ien-
cent had taken advantage of Inc are sal' and vicinity between 5 and Mi
years are invited. Mrs. Cameron will
payment tax plan, and that he had
handed to the treasurer the sum of
$3,000, 1(2311 tax money. The clerk re-
ported .an error in the road oil tag
notices of Mrs. G. }'Ie:dden and Alp-
ine M'eIEWen. Communications were
read and- filed. ,Bills •and accounts as
follows: John Pfaff, removing rubbish,
aback of towtn. hall, $1.; (Hensall hydro
,Com., hydro, $5.716; W. .Fairburn,
Mood; §'ala; Jas. A, Paterson, revision
-of voter's lits,- $52.70 C. S. Hudson,
,revision of vdters' ii ts, $5, total,
- • $79.416, Council adtioanaed. to meet on
Nov, 11.5th at ,8 p.m,
The ladies of the 'United Church in-
tend holding a sale of home 'corking
in the basement of the church rnSat-
urday afternoon, Nov. lvtit and y •:l
also serve a splendid hot supper, -
Sit. Paul's Guild of the Angl c.n
:Church will hold a sale of work on
:Saturday afternoon, Nov. 10th from
3.30 ppm. and tea will also he served,
The Young People of the United
Church held their meeting :Monday
-night, After the usual opening exer-
cises The arldress was given by L.
'Battersby. A reading by • Margaret
II -Table -irk; piano solo by Mildred Fol'1-
ick, and a duet by ld'rs,olledden and
Mrs, Hess. The '7Velftare Youth Club
of Carmel Presbyterian Church held
their regular weekly meeting on Mon-
day evening and was opened by sing-
ing several hyni:ns.•The ,Scripture les-
son was read by Miss Hannah Mur-
ray and prayer offered by' Mr. James
'Mus and and was followed by a busi-
ne'ss dis'cu=uinn. The speaker of the
evening was Mr, Henry Strang of.
IUsborne who was introduced by the
(Rev. Mfr, Young,
• Mr, and Mrs, Howard Lenten anti
Mr, Alex. Smith of Stanley were in
town Friday visiting friends,-
make the hour entertaining.
The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres-
byterian Church entertained the W.
M.S. on Tuesday evening. 'Miss Han-
nah Murray, president, presided and
Mrs. .Arnold led in prayer. Scripture
lesson was read by -Miss Olive Work-
man and the topic was very ably ta-
ken by Mrs. Young. A deb -ate, Re-
solved, that we should send mission-
aries to foreign lands,” affirmative by
Misses Irene Deters and Isobel
Campbell; negative by sirs. Roy Mc-
Laren and Miss Helen Walker, The
,fudges decided in favor of the affirm-
ative side.
Next Tuesday evening, Noy.-, 112th
the \\r\f,S. of Carmel 'Church will
snow lantern slides on the jubilee in
Formosa. Everyone welcome,
Dr. 1), T. Smith, Omer,ss ri\tnah.,
he, to announce the engagement
his sister, Helen M., at Hensel]. to
Rey \f, P Parker, only son of the.
late John E. Parker, of Dorchester,.
The marriage to take place late in
Mr. William J. Smith, who for a
number of years has been; the agent
for the International 1I3'arvester Com-
pany, ,last week resigned his position
and has been appointed inspector for
the Ontario Agricultural ,Developmteirt.
(Board for the counties of ,Huron and
Perth. He has already taken. on his
+\\rant and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c
Town Topics,
Roy Geiger Sunclayed at his home
Zurich,—Mr, F. 'Best is visiting a
his hone in Grimsby.—The Marath-
on bowling alleys are being well pat-
atronized,Mr, Thos, Jackson of Clin-
ton .was a 'town visitor on Tuesday.—
Mr. C. Morrish of Clinton was a town
visitor on Tuesday \diss (Olive Lang -
strath of Ar'kona is visiting friends in
tdwn.—Mas, 'Oster Neil spent yester-
day in Ltucan 'with Mrs. (IDr. 'H'od-
gins,—Miss 'Lilian -Rogers is prepar-
ing a sale -of work to 'be ,held this
month.—.Mrs. '17diwattd (Brown land sang
of 'Toronto are guests of Mfrs. Km_
loran. -The "'fire -sales" now on are
drawing big crowds, .where all sorts
of bargains are to 'Me 'fora—!Asa re
stilt of 'a sprained ankle .lir. Ed. Mc-
Intyre will •be unable to he around
for a few drays. 'b(r, Harry Actions
left 'on Wednesday for St. 'Catharines
Where ate has secured a position with
the .Reo automobile works.-1We are
pleased to hear that .Muss Amelia
1Locicridge Who 'has 'been so danger-
ously ill at the hone of her grand-
parents, Mr, ,and stirs, 31asnes Cooper,
is improving nicely, --Mr. l\Vmt. Lock-
nidge left for hien bonne in New Lisk-
eard this week..Mrs, 'L'octeridge and
children will remain here for a while.
--lDr, and sirs, sB .fl. 11-Iamiltom ]rage.
this week Inc .Sault Ste. Marie.—The
marriage 01 hiss Helen, only daugh-
ter o'f-IV r. and 'Mrs. Charles 3 -lodges
of Seaforth to Albert, youngest son of
\lr, and -Mrs. John Day, 'Cambridge,
England, took place at 1St. \latthew•s,
We are pleased to w'eleatue home
\lis, -\ toles Herron. after spending
the past year in the Rest, — M',
1luore m1 fanpily, of •Kirkton, are
.ow' we,c^ane citizen; of our enter-
rt ing bin —\Ir '1'. Ni. Hamilton is
making. a decided improvement fu
he appearance of hic butte,—\lis,
751nabel Sadler arrived home safely
ter an extendedjattrn in Van-
e ntc'r.- I 7e >rn `newt is holding a
motion picture shoo in the +.wet hal'
this V,eel \hiss Knyler, Stratford,
Tent Stn ay with Mrs. (Re•v.)
l e en,- \Ir:. W. Jeffrey entertained
5.11 Friday evening.
\Ir, 1•,.. l,,Iin>:on has purchased
.11e 5,1 ;,ase farts be'ionging to his
mule. Ile now has 325 acres,--.\tr,
M. Johnst.nt has purchased the 300
acre iernt of Mr. Thos, Simpson,
\ former McKill: p resident, ]?d-
ard ll, ori:psi, writes from Pitt
Ulna.: "tin 'Oc'tober 7111 I thutight
•!tat my end had come: is the fires had
reacted o,tr loe,eit y, Fires hail been
%unlit.; all :around dPitt sauce the 22,11 ,1
of Juin.., but during the nlamth of
tztr*ttentber we thought that they had
hrnctl themselves ou't. and that ice
were sale, On October the 4th we
startt•il to build an addition 10 our
house, and on that day the wind start-
ed to Wow and there was cousiderablc
smoke in our neighborhood but we•
'thought very little of it sue We had
been troubled with it for week; be-
fore. \Ve fought fires for our neigh-
bors during 'the Sth and 6th of Octo-
ber and thought we had it under con-
trot, On Me 7th the 'fire had reached.
, nr place and it looked as if every-
thing was doomed 'to be destroyed.
\\ e started the next morning for Ban-
dette but could only get three miles ,on
our speeder as a train loaded with
wheat hail gone through the bridge
that .had been burned. Along the track
we counted a number of cattle that
hall perished. On our way a terrible
sight met our .gaze, a mother in the
micl,d'le o .fthe tract: with her baby,
and the father in 'the ditch with their
two .boys; t -he father having endeavor-
ed to save the sons by covering them
with sand; it was a pat'heti'c sight ancd
one !1' pray I may never witness again,
The ,fire burned over a tra:ct of coun-
try 35 miles ,wide from Red Lake 'to
Lake of the Woods. The country a-
round. Gaudette was 'heavy timber, but
now it is a vast -prairie. You can see:
for utiles, where, before the 'fire you
could not see rods,"
,Itfr. P. (Sullivan has returned from
the West with six carloads of cattle,
'Mss 'Lizzie Klinl,-harer of ,Los An-
geles is 'visiting her uncle, :Mr. M. J.
Klinkhamer,-Mr. Jacob 'Weber has,
returned hone after a couple o'.
months' visit in \\ innipeg,-lir, li
Gibbons has returned home from
Owen Sound having spent the sum-
mer mottos there.
The C.P.R. have unloaded material 11
to make a freight shed 40 x 60 feet—
A number of
our young men - whol
went \Vest in the spring, 'have re-
Mackey Dance
Nov No . 14
Old and New Time to Murdoch
Orchestra. Areal time. Let's go!
Everyone 'welcome. Adm. 25c
turned,-1I'nttnense !crates of poultry
are shipped .by our merchants ants front
here every we•eh.
"We have this. week -to record the
;death of an old resident in the 'person
of Mr. Tlh,os. Jiaw•ett who passed away
at the 'advanced' age of eighty-one
.ears r, and Mrs. s. Wm. ISturgeon
have started 'housekee'ping. •lir, iGeo,
King had the misfortune to receive a
kick from'om,e of 'his horses and an
consequence is suffering. ,from a badly
bruised s'ide.=1-\!r, and 'firs, Mil ler
left on Wednesday for Sarnia.
The annual meeting of the .Farmers'
(Co -Operative Co, Saudi ',Huron, will be
held on \Wednesday,. Nov. 1114th, 1191314,
at 2 p.m. in Me town hall, I-lensal1.
.The South 1-Iuran (Progressive Polit-
ical Association will'hold their annual
meeting the same day and the same
place R. J. McMillan, County Rep-
resentative; \Vin. IB lack, President;
Joseph Forrest, .Secretary;
\\"ill be held on Saturday, Nov, '10th
at 1 o'clock sharp, and every two
weeks following, at Cudanore's barn,
Seaforth Aliy person with anything
to sell or exchange phone in your list
to Carl Dalton,
Cattle—:1 number of cow•., due time
of sale; 2 Jersey heifers due soon; 1
Durham cow bred 6 months; 1 Dur-
ham coir, 8 years old, hired in Sept.;
1 Durham calf 5 months old,
Pigs -35 suckers and chunks,
Implements --it root pulper, d De-
laval e:mu•ator 1 wagon jack, circu-
lar Sart, 2 large screens; pup; iron
homespot; rake; collar homes and tug a
number of axe, hammer, etc. handles;
hack saws; 1 meat saw; 1 top buggy;
-1 wagon; bag holder; 1 set of simple
harness; 6 large blow out patches;
6116 new brick?„ 11 cistern pump; I
.erindstone, 115 ft, ni lead pipe, lots of
IFtu•niture—ll. sewing machine, 1
bedstead, 2 sets coil springs , crock
hurn, nearly new; 2 phonographs
With record., a number of pie lifters,
pr. vi leather leggings; women's line
Flippers. size 4; 1 rain coat; a number
f cloth coats; Il coal and wood heat-
er; 1 bed springs and mattress, numb-
er of pictures, 1, sewing stand, chairs,
dishes, shades. holder for large pic-
ture, 1 horse clipper,
111 Renfrew cream seotirator, 1- coal
heater, a number of bantam hens and
a rooster. '
iFow1.-1 'pr. of Guinea. 2 geese
and a ander; 4 young geese; 4a yrs,
o1 Angora rabbits,
'Vegetables,—.A. number of hags of
cooking, onions and potatoes. A host
of other articles will be on sale that
are not listed,
'Germs Cash, Carl Dalton, manager;
G. II, Elliott, auctioneer.
Wanted immediately, a (farm, about
1100 acres or more, to rent or work on
shares. Apply to V. H. 'Deichert,
Zurich, R.R. •1'. =17
410 April hatched 'Barred Rock pul-
lets. (Roy Lawson, r.r, tl; ,C'linton, or
phone 1241148,. 45
lTo 'hanidile ;75Lassey-1Harris m'ac'hines
and repairs in the Town •of ,Seaforth.
Apply at The Nesys Office, 417,
!House and lot, West William 1St.,
Seaforth, Seven rooms, modern con-
veniences. Appiy to 1.1': T. McAs'h,
Varna, Pdhone Clinton am
IT'he next meeting, of the Huron
County Council will be 'held in the
Comity 'Council Chambers, Count
,Hoose, ,Goderic•h, at 2 o'cllockin the
afternoon of Tuesday, 'December 4th,
1191314. Ali accounts, ,notices of deputa-
tions or appllicaitions and other im
portant business requiring attention
at this meeting of the Council should
he in 'the hands .of the :clerk not later
than the Monday previous to the
meeting of the Council.
(Dated at ,Gloderich, this &th 'day of
November 11924. ,
County' -Clerk,
(Send us tile names of your visitor,
43c per •Doz. Trade
Stove -Pipes, 6 and 7 in.. 18c
Stable Brooms 85c
+Axes, each 1.35
iPutty, per pound , , 7c
SUGAR, , 10 pounds 144.11116,
with $2,00 Casli Grocery
Aylmer Tomatoes, large
Size 3 tins ,27c
No. 3 :Peas
3 tins 29c cash
Rubber Boots, 11Vfen's,
per pair 2.49
Horse IHlde iVIitts
per pair 80c
A limited stock of Dooley field
run Potatoes to go at $6.00 per ton
or 35c per 100 lbs
in small lots.
As grain and hay are dear, this
is the cheapest and best feed on
As our storage bins are filled, we
have only a few hundred bags to
offer at these prices to clean up
the surplus. Act now.
PHONE 34-616.
MEAT ''MEAL 60% - ,... ,.... .
BRAN per ton
SHORTS , , ...... , , per ton
MIX CHOPPER .... per cwt.
Highest price paid for all kinds of
Grain, Poultry and Eggs
Thos. o
Bks n
'S i •et grinder, nine inch plate,
good at; new ; never had plates chang-
ed. Robt. Lawson, Clinton R.R. 1;
telephone 23-24'1, Seaforth,
.About fifty Cord of hardwood and
about nh cords of elm and ash mixed;
also a quantity of Spy apples, hand-
picked. Write or phone, J, E. Crich-,
R.12, .3, Seaiorth, Phone 24-014, Clin-
House with' two lots, at the corner
of Victoria and George streets, eight
rooms, stable. Will be sold very reas-
onably to settle an estate. Mrs. Pete:
DeCourey, Egtnondville,
An %Oxford rata. Call 1034 r 5. Sea -
forth. .1'5
Apartment to rent, over Thos.
Dickson's store, lights, town water,
immediate possession. Apply to E• L.
.Box, 45
'In loving memory 'of 'Mrs, SVm.
Elliott Sr., who passed away Nov.
"Ou!r lips cannot speak 'how we loved
'Our hearts cannot :tel'i what to say;
!God only knows how we miss you,
lin the h'on'e that is lonely to -day."
ISladly missed by Bier Husband
and Sons.
To take care of winter deliver-
ies of Cream, Eggs and Poul-
try, announce the appointment
as their representative in 'Sea -
forth. Mr. Routledge will re-
ceive produce at the full mar-
ket price, commencing
Saturday, Sept.
E. C. Chamberlain
Clerk of the Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours;—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m, Aso
Life, automobile, fire, sickness and
accident insurance. If in the mar-
ket for any of the above lines, kindly
give us a call.
Insurance Agencies
Phone 334 - Seaforth, Ont.
l general purpose horse, 6:years old,
team of grays, filly and gelding rising
3. Apply News 'Oil'ice. 45
Composed of goc l .garage ware-
houses, blacksmith Alum, a bttt-r
for chopping still and house, all with
hydro and telephone equipment ,s.1
a furnace -in the house. _\ ninnber
fruit trees, four lots, oct the main
street of Varna, Well situated on ,he
county runnel between Ptucefield
hayfield. 1;\pply to 'Nelson W. lie;es,
Varna, Otte, or 01- 510 fipi'elal, Het.rai:.
Will run Wed„ T•hurs„ Fri., for
the season. Terms cash, Lot 23, Cor..
6, Logan, .Phone &20r3d, Mitchell,
Fred Henniok, RM.. 4, Mitchell.
The '1 1b Christmas -Cakes an dismay
at Carter's and 'Routledge's will be
Bold at 30c. Orders taken for Christ-
nr s -
mtas. calces, any size, 'at the same
trice per lit., at the store or at Air;.
Earl 'Ross', one block west of Recrea-
tion Ground. Also shortbread.
'In loving memory of Mangaret
Elizabeth Bell, who passed away one
year ago, Oct., 1119M—sadly miss-
ed -by Father and Mother <and 'Sisters
and Brothers.
"In memory a daily thought
;In ,heart a silent .sorrow."
Briarcliffe Mines
On the Mother=lode California
'Well financed and controlled by well known London, Ont.,
businessmen. Well developed with 50 ton mill now in
Low Capitalization
NVe recommend this stock to anyone seeking a good
junior training stock with attractive possibilities for
appreciation in values.
Prices on Application
E. A. Siegrist&Co1,L.
Fhonc: Metcalf 33170—L, '(New ,Bank of Toronto P;IcIg:,.London, Ont,
Or consult Mr: \'Vat. Watson, R. IR. No, 3, Miticheli