The Seaforth News, 1934-10-11, Page 1Now is the season of fruition— The time of ripening fruit and grain. Russet -coated apples hang On weighted boughs; Brown -sheathed ears of golden corn, Perched high on rustling stalks, Wait the harvester's seasoned hands; Between the rows, Great saffron globes lie u the he Seafort e 1 HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER morning sun— Huge pumpkins, which at dawn Were dominoed in silvery gossamer of frost. And the busy husbandman, Contented with his harvest's yield, Whistles at his tasks— Fluting a melodious pman Of thanksgiving. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1934 Phone 84. $1, a year. DINNERS and SUPPERS • Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia . Confectionery and Restaurant Electric Light Bulbs GUARANTEED FOR '1,000 HRS. 20c or 5 for 95c CLOVER HONEY 10 lb. pail GLASS WASHBOARDS @ .. 60c CROCKS, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..@25c per gal. HYGEIA WATER dispersed wax 39e per bottle HAWES FLOOR GLOSS, wipe it on—see-it-shine ) .59c pint MOODY'S LYE @ 2 tins 19c KLENZI'NE , , .. @ 5c per pack SELOX, 2 packages for 25c GOLD DUST POWDER 6 packages for Master and O.A.C. Laying Mash. Eggs -lc extra for Trade. 1.10 ST. THOMAS' ICHURCli3 ;Services for Sunday, October '14— Sunday .School and Bible- Class, 10 a.m.; Holy Communion, el aims; ser- mon. topic, "'1eemlbers One of Anoth- er." Evening service, 7 p.m., sermon topic, "Sympathetic Understanding." 1The Rector will preach at both ser- vices. All welcome. Oanon E. Apple - yard, M.A., !Rector; Conon Austin !Smith, assistant and choir imaster, EGMONDVILLE CHURCH Oct. 114th.-.11ll' a. m., 'Picture Book Religion." 7 p,n,., senvice withdrawn because of the Northside anniversary, Reverend Charles Malcolm. McKILLOP CHARGE (Cavett Church, Winthrop, Bethel, •DufPsI —Anniversary services at Ca- vett Church at 111 a,m. and 7.30 p.nt, Speaker. Rev, Dr, Mortimore of Au- burn United Church, Dr. Mortimore has served on the Foreign Mission Field. Special music by the choir at both services, Mfr, G. C. Rennie of Seaforth :till Sime at the evening ser u - tare. t•:1t:1 services at Bethel and 25 Deft"s withdrawn for the day.) Com- ing events—Mon., Oct. hath, Caret Church fowl slipper and concert; Sun - Oct, 211st, Bethel Church anniversary, .nes: speaker. Rev. C, \\', Morrow, S T L., of .Ailsa Craig; Moa„ Oct. 22 Pc,.:tel concert A. C. noured0 PHONE 166 WINTHROP Caven United Church, Winthrop. Will Celebrate 59th Anniversary.— Tearing the week of October Loth, ,Caren United Church, Winthrop, cel- ebrate its fifty-ninth year as an org- anized Church, On Sunday, October 914th special services will be held at i1'1 a.m. and 7.30 pan. with Rev, Mort- imore, D.D., as anniversary speaker, Dr. Mortimore has served for many years on the foreign mission field, is now the pastor of Auburn United. Church and he comes to us 'with a varied and abundant •C'hristian exper- ience I-Iis experience at home and abroad has .brought him into touch with people of every type. The choir, with Miss E:dit'h Hillen presiding at iihe organ will render special music at both services, The choir has been practising :fai'thfuely ,for the occasion .and they will gladly offer their serv- ices its song and praise. !Its connection with the anniversary a•fowl supper and :concert will 'be held on Monday evening; 'October 11St.h, Supper will be served from 6 to 8 o'- clock, followed by a concert given by the Lambeth concert company. con- sisting of nine artists. The Lambeth People provided the entertainment last year at the Caven Church anniversary ,fowl supper. They presented their programme before a large gathering and everyone who heard them s'p'oke so highly of the entertainment that ,the c'omaiietee in charge has arranged to have then return to Caven Church ,for this year's Iowa supper. They Pro- mise a new and varied .protgra,mme, 'consisting of numbers by the Double /Mixed Qtarrtette, quartettes, solos 'and readings by Mrs. 'Sharon I filly, their ,capable sand humorous ' entertain- er. Ask .someone who was there last year haw they enjoyed the programa and you won't miss it this year. 1Tthe.IJadies of. Gauen ,Church, Win- ithrop, have given fowl suppers if r ANNOUNCEMENT 'The engagement is announced of 1=.:,Uel. daughter „f Mrs, 'Snell and the late Mr, John C. Snell, of 'Exeter, Ont., to 'William A. Pat- rick, of iToror.to, son of Mr. and Mlrs. Montgomery tattle': of Seaforth. the enarrieee :o take place. the latter part of Octe,ber, They have a record of long stereling. \ itb a fowl supper such as the .,Hies of Caven Church provide and with such an excellent program -.s the one to be presented by the Lambeth people, all roads lead to Caven Church. Winthrop, on Mon- day. evening, October 115th. Keep in mind the Bethel Church anniversary to be held Sundae, Octo-- l:er '21st with Rev, C. W. Mroiroty, S.T,L, of Ailsa Craig, .father of the pastor of Bethel Church, as guest speaker. TO ADMINISTER TOXOID •r'he ,Medical Officers of Health of Seaforth, Tuckersmieh and Mc li11'op are 'm'aking arrangements to adminis- ter toxoid for prevention Of diphther- ia to the children of pt'blic school age and pre-school age of one year or more, of those municipalities. Three inoculations are given at intervals of three weeks, !but only to those whose parents desire it and only then after the parent .or legal .guardian has sign- ed' consent cards on forms that will be supplied. Int is proposed. to give the first inoculation on the occasion of the annual visit of the Health Officer to the schools and this will be free. Sub- sequent inoculations will be given at their offices and for this a fee of ?5. cents will be charged for each of the Lend end 3rd, as the service is at per- sonal expense to the .Health Officer. 3'fo child, however, will be T. -dosed. 'The first 'inoculation alone will not give protection. 'The co-operation of the school tea'c'hers is being asked in distributing consent cards and notices to the par- ents and arrangements for the dates of visits will be made through them Parents are invited to be present at the schools at these visits, and fuller explanations will be made, SHOWER On Wednesday' evening, October 3, about seventy friends and neigh- bors gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Kruse to do honour to Mise \Vinnie Kruse, a ,bride -elect of early October. Cards and dancing were indulged in till midnight, After :Itch was served a prettily decorated wagon filled with gifts was drawn in- to the room by little Misses Shirley Oldfield and Dorothy Tainan, Mr. R, (3, Parke el Seaforth spoke on be- half of the bride and her parents. Dancing ivas resumed until the wee ,mall hours of the .ntcrninr, MISS MCNAUGHTON NI1ss Margaret McNanghton, highly rc.,a r. 1 reside f Es t:onrini lt, passed ..Way on Monday, Oct, Salt, at the age of ,e) ,tiffs. Her demise oceans d .. 'he 'dome o1• her brother, Mfr, John Mc\ t.tg:1ton, not 23, con, L, R. S., Tuc:.ers:pith, about three 'aceks age:' Miss lic- Nau,thton 'sent to he._ brother's home car Brucetie'ei whet'... site often spent the winter. and a few clay's later he - cattle severely 111, For some year- site t.m1 her sister..the 'late Mrs, Mary Smith,.. i-.;1 in E.onioniv:l:e, their residence over :ink the rifer. 1 :ac- tic.ally all her life ',rte.; spent in Ttterec smith w- she .came from the vicinity of Dundas with her parents when quite yonng.. She is 'somites. Uv i•ne hr tier', \lr. Jehn McNa:]ga- u t:, Tn•ke-rsm:t•t. frim whose :lone 1 private funeral was heli on Wed- •ne,day after:1..cat, conducted by Ret•, W. A, !Bremner of Brucetield, The service at the -fat ide in Egmond- rille cemetery was c rdnate J by Rev. C. A. Malcolm of Egmondviac. The pallbearers were Thos. Chapman, C. Flenrchutz, Alex. Gordon, John Mur- ray, Thos, Kay and T. Dayman, Views of the scene of the •tragic accident on 'Sunday night where Wiil- tiam Bierry, of: ;B;rucelfie]'d, was iki'lfe:f when ;his car crashed into elle end of 'Ude cement !bridge, on the Mili road albtoult ,two miles east of ,Brtace- 1fie41d'. One side o'f t4ne bridge was brokenby the •limpadt and is leaning outward..This 'bridge has figured en lees serious accidents on 'previous oocasions. INSTALLATION The installation of officers of Fidel- ity Lodge, 1.O,tO.F ., was held on 'eVednesdey evening last when the 'folldwieg took office: N.G., M. Mc- Kellar; Vice G., F. H'atiburn; sec., A. Westcott; fin. sec, Robert Smith; treas., W. J. Williams; chaplain, W. H. Golding; warden, Ed. Mole; eon- ductor, John Rintoul; right sup. N.C., Jahn Docherty; !elft sup. N'G, E. !Goethe; LS. vice G., Russell Dor- lance; L,S. V,'G., Chester Henderson; Inside Guard, J. Quail, Dist, Deep, G.M. Brother Tichb'orne ai 'Goderich and his staff officiated. 'Brief remarks were made by visiting brethren, followed by a social hour and lunch. Visitors were present from IBrucellield, Goderich, Clinton, Exeter, !Listowel and Preston, ELECT OiFFICERS !The Seaforth Collegiate Institute 'Literary Society elected the following officers for the year at their organiza- tion meeti'n,g this week: President, !Fletcher Whitmore; let vice, Dorothy Golding; dramatic con., D. 1i. Stew- art; literary, Betty Smith; musical, RReg. Pzyce; program, Frank 'Sills; Sec.-treas., Horace Rutledge; re- porter, Ted Southgate, ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of Seaforth Highlanders Band was held Tuesday evening, 'October otlt in the .band room. The following officers were el- eeted: Hein, President, le. •11. Golding MM.P., Dalton L. Reid; President, \\hn. Kerr; Vice I'ree., E. Rennie; Sec,- Treas., Cha -,Stewart; property com- mittee, D. S:'.ls i Chairman), Arthur (;c:din::, \\'e::^ser Sc,tt: working con„ John Cerrin„ (Chairman). Basil Dun- can, G rd,.n Rennie, E. Duncan; aud- itors, Mi. R. Rennie, •Dat:,:at Reid. rhe .att.'ti .. ehecgue to lh e .re'.n,cr' t i the senior band bat'- in.1 're :tc. lance was made by the secrenry belr,li of the hand to. Evan R` .. . \\-alter Scott and Wm.. Kerr. Wm, Deacon presented a medal to R v Ok,. .vinner of the atten- dance prize the f':aior band, Pree- ieent Were Kerr, -.vho was re-elected to -. c t -. e year, reviewed the years .. ,attics and repor:s were give • '):' th,t, committees showing- a sonic -'a: :year. The ttieetir.0 a,lfourn- e•1 t-, t''z Olympia for a '7.lnquet. \f -yo. Stitherland pr, ',sc 1 ...e toast , the ':'n, v t.r'.i tilt respon„:ed 10 Save the King. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY Tee V, t i People's le Society of North S' le I nice i Church he'd their e:1• •gee'.•.- , 'fnt•s,lat evening 0: • 9;'t. C)to the absence of MP- 1,-:,e, Kr:•hter. Missionary. con- vener, \li- \'e . Mole had charge , f t i r . a•n. 'I"te meeting opened tet tet after ',;'sigh Mr. Sam Scott le 1 t Y,•r. The Scripture lesson, .15th i to, i t. tare:: by Mr. Melville Misses Genevieve Hawkins :rt Zetta *t t.t:c,1, favored u= with r. '.:,t t, -Tee Old-faeitinne l )1eeting," :r anied on the piano by 21ise Laura 3.1:,:e. After singing hymn 202 Mr .Kenneth Tacksen very ably took the , How to lice a more Valid Lite. which proved very instructive. after singing hymn 87 and repeating the Mlizpah benediction the ,meeting w•ae bron:ht to a erase. FATAL ACCIDENT The .community was shocked to learn of the death of William 'Ferry of iBruce,freid on Sunday night, when, returning home from Seaforth, his car collided with the concrete bridge on the Mill Road known as Reid's 'bridge, less than two and a half miles east of Brucelfleld. Mr. Merry has op- erated a 'transport truck in the die - trice for a number of years and was well and favorably known. Mr. Berry was alone in the car and no one sate the accident occur; however a Mitchell car coming east on the It1111 Road found the victim a few inonients after the !occurrence. The car had struck the right hand abutment. rwnutg over to the south- west corner and turned completely around, facing ttownards 'Seaforth, and :14'r, Berry was lying on the bridge, one of the :wheels resting on his tshoullden, eye-waltnesses state. There were ,three men and two women in the Mitchell car, and they at once ,went to his aid, to release hi?r1. Mr. and Mrs. A•indrete, Moore and family, returning front IBIrucefield, came along a few minutes later and also aided. the doctor was phoned Our Diamond Department is always at your service. Here you will find only first class Diamonds of clear and sparkling brilliancy and at prices that will appeal to your pocket book very strongly indeed. Our Diamond Room affords 'you the privacy so much desired, in order that you may make your selection undisturbed and at your leisure, Apes SHOP AT avec bANTAUGEb IT PAYS Phone 194 Res, 10 for from Alex. Wright's, one of the neighbors; the Richardsons were not at home -at the time.• It le understood. that death was due to a deep gash at the -side of ]ti. bead, The unfortunate man passed away 'w'ithout regaining • conscious- ness shortly after the arrival of med- ical aid. The coroner was called• and also trite Provincial authorities- from Goderich and et was decided :n in- quest w'as not neee, nary. "Traffic was detoured for some time until tite car was removed ]: Can the bridge, being brought to Seaforth; altd to- Bruceiield Wed. evening, 1t ie said that miracnl t•h• no. - 1 e• wae hr, ke e its the ear; the emergencY brake lead been set. 'I)ecease,l, wh,i' cans its h'a 4211+1 year, was a soli of Mfrs. Berry :old the kite James Berry of Truce:lee', and vas a former resident of Ege men dvil:e, his parents Stavin_' lived on the :at'ttt now vwrie,.i by Scott Cluff, -later Moving to the 1. omeo', I:e.ad, and f.•r some year', 1101 lived a: Bracc6eld. IIe i. 'survived by his nt„ater. The fttnt•ral took place - lit Tuesday a:ternbon- to Pairl'c cem- etery. COUNCIL MINUTES. The regular monthly , t,, to . the t5w'n council was he,.l oe I day ecettine with all :member ,•re- 'ert except Councillors 1 1t,,. ani Broderick. It was decided to hold a meeting Thursday night ;o meet 0 representa- tive of the C.F,M, interests, The Mayor reported- an inquiry re the ilonr mill from an American firm. t A deputation from the Badminton 'Chill was present asking for the use of the third floor of the town hall again this winter. After discussion this was agreed to. - RRceve Crosier reported that the streets committee is digging up two blocks of strain on John street as some of the cellars just west of Main st. are flooded, A nix inch tile will be. replaced by S -inch, The committee reported that Silver Creek is now clean in the town limits, The Reeve recommended that crushed stone be kept at the back of the town hall for repair work on the streets. The property committee reported that the Campbell Memorial Foun- tain is here but has not been Placed owing to sone of the interested par- ties. not being in agreement as to a Ate. A sign Clerlee Office,” has been placed in the window o: Mr. 1\'ilsott u t c at the town hall. Mayor h,ttherlattd outlined relief Matters for the coming winter. Mu- iticipalities will still pay one-third, the 'balance to hit-An/Tiled by Pre- ..1.!1 ro- 1 a l).,nu t., .1 Governments, An adult ,s tt„w defined as anyone eighteen years or over. Cont: of Revision was set for No- - 1t.,n't;r .,r, 11 a , re':,netcd that -about eight n -e :e 'cuy' wth ing steady' at e the hell. \-v.eelutie tt trent the City of eeen 1.,.r was tabled, also another re- 1:1tt ,n from. Hamilton •sheat relief ..\ von Chests was 1:-cltssed front a tieeme lit oi the to,00', interest: in e, rpt ,,f the. property being ,'11. if.. i rtes Moved by W. \\'. Crosier -L. h. 11.,:..11, that the Council rent the r. ,rm t., the Badminton Club and gene., according t, the agreement the same with exception of 1, tmeil fleeting nights. \1 ver1 r L, el. -d -w', W. Crosier. ier. t.tat the report the fin- aree be passel as read: ,las. V. Ryan ';'11'51:1 lilt'. A. \'7 lit;• 14. Shied Stalin Thos. Sterey. See;. Earl Ross, o acs 14.:25 att'.d 7.eel; hetttninicot box rent, $(i; Bell E, and 1 C.e, C Thos. Mine, etle joint :Purcell $118 .7%; Bell Tc1. Co.*$9.26; J. 3. Huy and $15• Geo. A. Sills & -Sous, $051 Can Nat. Rye., $'let?; Earl Ros-s 1oitn Purcell $5; Pub- lic 'School Board, 5I'/111:); Seaforth. Collegiate Institute Board, 55,200; -Seaforth Agricultural Soc'y, $60' Jo- seph Cooper, hay, $31120; D. C. War- wick, ea)b0; •John Cum -ming, wages, ' Jos A. Storey, 5211.70. Moved by 1. 'Hudson -RR, 1V. E:ber- dhart, that this council adjourn till Thursday night, 0.ct. 111. 011111111. Anniversary Services North Side United Church SEAFORTH Sunday, October 14th Np.�, 1'�7yA' THE MINISTER REV. . a A. CARMICHAEL Will Preach Both Morning and Evening MORNING --11 a.m, Subject "ARE 'CHURCHES NECESSARY” ANTHEM :Blessed be the Name of the Lord MALE QUARTETTE Peace Be Still Dr, F. .'Burrows, E. 'C.'Cham:berlain, E. 13. Close, J. iA, :Stewart A'NF)MTH The Everlasting Strength EVENING -7 p,m,, Subject, "FRIENDSHIP" ,ANTHEM Hail the Power of Jesus Name Soloist -Mrs. T. A. 'CarmichaelMALE QUARTETTE The Wayside Cross ANTHEM Hast Thou Not Known SOLO Soloists—Miss Mabel Turnbull, 1Mr, 8. J. ScottMrs. T. A. 'Carmichael In The Garden