The Seaforth News, 1934-09-27, Page 3THURSDAY, ,SEPT. 27, 1934. THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE THREE 34631.":. 13r. sigignommameremma HORSES Agricultural. 'Brood mare and foal, N. greys & /Son, Varna; Chas. Dale, Clinton; Jno. ;Bolger & Son, I\V'ahtoit. Foal of i119314Jjack (Shea, S. D. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; Jno. Bolger & San. Filly or gelding, 4 years or over - Ken McKellar, (Fred 'Roney, 11itchel1; Jno. Bolger & Son. Filly or gelding, three years --D. :FNtheringhant ,& Son, IA. B. Chalm- ers, ,Guelph; !Fred Tall, Blyth. 'Filly or gelding, two years -Fred (Roney, IA. 113. ,Cha'imers, ,Root, Ham'- ilton, Cromarty. IFiliy or :gelding, one year -Peter e Simpson, IN. (Keys & Son, 'Wm, Wal - (ace; sweepstakes -Ken. Heavy Draught Brood mare and foal, IN, Keys & San, Robt. G. Wright; (foal of 'lfId4- Rdbt. G. Wright, (frank Coleman. (Filly or gelding, 4 years or aver - James (Scott, Cromarty, and Lend; fil- ly or gelding, ;i years-Rm. Urqu hart; filly or gelding, 2 years --IS. D. MciEwen, iRobt. ,IIamtilton, A. ,B, ,,Chalmers; filly ar gelding, '1. year - Charles Dale. Sweepstake -\Nm, Urquhart. Murdoch (Special -T. '0. Scott, S. 0. MeiEwen, !Wm, ,Pepper, General Purpose Frey or gelding, 3 year ---William (Decker, T. 0. Scott Manson Bros. .1-::ly or gelding, a }oars jno. Kreis & Son, Mitchell, and 2nd. Roadster P,ri,od mare and foal --J into, Roy, Wm. Charter, & San; N. ,Keys & Son. Feel at'1''1i4---i\\ nt. Charters & Son, Jame, Roy, Jas. O'Loughlin. Carriage Foal of 193.1 - N. Keys & Son. Frank Coleman, E. 11, Goudie. Harness Class Agricultural toninen, .\IcKe:car, ;Fred Roney, .1, 11. Chalmers. Heavy craw lit team --,James 'Scott, (lettere' purp.,,e tcaut-Wm. Deck- er, T. O. Scott, Wilson Hue kine. Roadster horse ofitiran and Perth) S. I. Miller, Milverton, and 2nd; • Dr. A. R. Campbell ,ird, •Gerritge fw ,e(Huron and Perth) -IS. J. Miller and 2nd: bet lady driv- er :eel outfit ---S. f \[iL'' i•, Jndgc-James Bandon, 'Forest. CATTLE Shorthorn Coli•-iH,,ward Armstron , Ernest R01) On. DerUeld; W. C. F. oeetri- cher, Crediton. Heifer, two year --11. HI Smith` Sen Fergus; E, Robson, W. C. F. Oe. h:ewer, Heifer, an' year -'R. al. Smith & Sorg ,E. Robson, R•,bert M. ('eek. Heifer calf -H. Armstrong, Roy F, Pepper & Son, R. 34. Peck; bull calf =E. Robson, W, Oestricher, R. M. Peek: bull one year- \\r. 'Oestricher, H. Armstrong, R. H. 'Smit'h & ;Son, E.ul'1, two years --11V. ;Oestricher. `Herd (any ,beef -breed) 4 (femmes and bull --(Lloyd Ilunsberger, Peters- burg; O'Neill d3'ros., IDenifie'ld; R. E. Smith & Son, Grades --Beef. Cows, three years -+A. Park, Mitch-, ell; John Carter Jr, ;Heifer calf -,A. Pank; steer calf-iH, Armstrong, Roy 4F, (Pepper '& ,Son, A. Park. Butchers' Cattle Fat ccsw or heifer -IL, Huosberger: steer or heifer, over ,ll year -(Roy Pep- per & Son, 'O'Neill Bros. Baby beef - E. Robson, L. Hunsberger, A. Park, O'Neill Bros, JAyrshires-(Cow-VV. ;F. ]ieirates, Listowel, and 211d. 'Heifer, two years -IW, F, Beirnes and end. Heifer, one year -W. F, Beirnes turd 2n3, Heifer cal[ -L. 1-iunsberger, W. F. Beirnes. Bull calf -IW, :F, iBelanes. (Jersey -Bull -Ell. 'Barnett, E. B. Gaudie. Clow -Baden Powell and 2tacl,. E. B. Goodie aril.'Hei'fer, two years- '., Powell, ,E, IB. 'Goualie,'Ed. Barneat Heifer calf -03. Powell and end. Full calf -1E. B. 'Goodie. 'Holstein -4131111 - William .Sparks, 'Baylfield. 'Clow- Wm. (Sparks, John .Carter Jr, Heifer, two years -Wm. ,Sparks. Heifer, one year -Williams ISpiar•ks. ,Heilfer oalf--Vent. !Sparks. Dairy 'Cattle Herd, 4 'female's and tbniill- \W'm. IS,p'arvl.s, E. 13. Gail die. Polled Angus iBub4,1-IL. IHuaislbenger and tied; ,Dalin • Carter Jr. 3rd, Coit -L, 1-Iunsberger and Leine Heifer, two years -L. IHuns- berger, 1 -Heifer, one year -L. IIuns- berger and 2nd. Heifer calf --L. Huns- bergerand 2,nd. Bull calf -L, I-Iuns- ,beger. Herefords Bull - Howard Wright, O'Neill Bros. Cow--a03Neill (Bros., H. Wright. Heifer, two yearse-O'Neill Bros., H. Wright, Ieiler, one year -O'Neill Bros. and 2nd. Heifer calle-O'Neill Bros, and 2nd, 3.3, Wright 3'rd, Bull calf -O'Neill arose 13..Wright, O'- Neill 'Bros, T. Eaton Special --Heifer calf, dairy type, 6 mos, and under 1. year B. Powell. judge -H. Noel Gibson, lKomoka, • SHEEP Shropshiredowns 'Ram, two years -IF. \W, Gurney & Sony 'Paris; ,3, IH, Gibson, Listowel; Orval eleGoaran, Blyth. (Ram, One year -4F. 1W. 'G'urney & Son, R. H. Gibson, Jno, K. Thomson, Stratford, 'Resat lamb -ole W. Gurney & Son. R.:3-I.'Gibson; 'Jno, K. Thontson.Ewe -F, W. Gurney & Son, Orval Me - Gewalt, Jno. 'K. Thomson. S'hearling ewe -R. IH. Gibson, IF. W. Gurney & Son and 3rd, 'awe lamb - Gurney, Gibson, Thomson. Wether lamb -Or- val McGowan. Southdowns ,Ram, two years -JJ, 13. Veit:and, Elora; Jno. I1, Kennedy Slilerton, and 3rd. Ram. one year--:Jno. B. Kennedy and 2n1. Rant len , Jno: B, 'Kennelly and 2nd, 3, +B, ;Maitland 3rd. Ewe -J• B. 1!aitltnttl, Jno. B. Kennedy and 3rd. She cling tire. --.Inn, 13. Kennedy, J. B. Maitland and 3rd. Ewe lan,b- J. B. Maitland and 3rd Jim, P,, Ken- nedy -Ind. Wether lamb Qn 11, Kee- ne;ly and .ird, J. 13, .1ele Henry, Bei'tave. Lincolns - Rain, two ytare-Ernest Reb-on, Deatichl; .\, D. Steeper & Son, Ailsa Craig: 'Gee,. IPenhale, Ram, Dere year- Gee. 'lend t:e, E. 'Robson, A. 1), Steeper & Son, Rant lamb -E. Rob - •n and 3rd, A. 0, eeiteeper 1 -Son fit i. 13we-,E. Robovn, A. D. Steeper, 'Geo, l enhale. Sheaaling eee E. .R013:011, (,e,:,, I'enhaie, A. 0. Sleeper. Ewe ,nth -I. Rob. -on and 2nd, A. D. Steeper `.\ teen ,ird. Wether lamb- C. M. Snowden and 2nd. Leicester Iem two yeti - .Ephriam Snell, t,per eti S,m, J n,,. K. 1'no n- n, Run tele year -le, Snell, Jno. ti Cowan, \tua;d, Rant lamb 13. Snell, long S Cowan in.,. 31cNty. l::ic E Snell John S. Cowan, John K. 1'hmt- son, Shearlin ewe-Eperiauu Sitci'., Jno. r Thomson, John llc\ay, Ewe lamb -1:. 'Snell and utd, Rey F. Pep- per & Son 3rd. Wether ltunb-E, incl', Roy 5, Pepper and 3rd. Oxfords Ram, two years - D.D.Bell & Sons, Shakespeare; j. R. tllenry and 3rd. 'Run, one -year - D. 0, Pell & Sons, J. R. }leery, S. J. Pym & Son, Cen- tralia. Ram lamb - F. W. 'Gurney & Son, 0. D. ,Bell & Sons, J. R. Henry. 'Ewe - D. D. Bell & Sons. and 3rd; 3, R. Henry.+,Shearling ewe- D. D Bell & Sons and 3rd; J R. Henry. 3-i,ve lamb - le. W. Gurney and Son and 2nd, D. D. 'Bell 'd: Son's, Wether laneb - 3. R. Henry, J, B. Maitland; D. 0. Bell & ,Sons. • Dorset Horned Ram, two years - P. E. Dearing, Exeter; Orval 3Mc'Gowan, Charley Danbrook, Atwood. Pant, one year -1Orval McGowan, P. E. Dearing, Charles Danbrook. Ram lamb -- P, P, E, Dearing and 3rd; Orval Me - Gowan, IEtve - P. E. Dearing, Or- val McGowan, Charles Danbrook. Shearling ewe - P. E. Dearing, Orval 3IciGow•an and led; ewe lamb, P. E. Dearing, 0. l[clGowan, C. 'Danbrook; wether lamb, Charles Danbrook and 3rd, -Orval McGowan. PIGS Yorkshire Boar, over 1, year, i\lrilbur Tttrnbuid, 'Br:ussels, A. H. Warner & San, Bay- field ; ayfield; James Cowan,'.Mankton; boar tinder 11 year;. ;T'a'mes Cowan, D. Doug- las & Sans; A. H. Warner & Son; sow, one year or over, Jaities Cowan, Wilbur Turnbull, A, H. Warner & ISon; sow, under one year, IR. T. Bois bon and 3rd; 'Willbur Turnbul!1, Berkshire {Boar, over '1, year, Ad,a'in Thomson and god, Jno..S. Cowan; 'bear, under 0441@'ss, a..:.n..a'�'.tD'.+: S.n'F;" 1:,,�.?• d year, Adam Thomson and 2nd, Jnc. S. Cowan; sot", one year or over, A, Thomson and 2nd and 3rd; sow un- der E year, A. Thomson and 2nd and 3rd, Tamworth Boar, over 1 year, D. Douglas & Sone and 2nd, Manson J3ros.; boar un- der 1 year, 0, ,Douglas and 2nd, Man- son. Bros.; sow, aver otic year, sow, under one year, D. Douglas & Sons, and 2nd, -Manson Bros. Bacon Hogs ,Pair bacon type hogs over ,1130 lbs., T, C. ;Shean„ Mitchell, Jno, S. Cow- an, D. Douglas & Sons; pen of fotir shoats, Wm. Dolmage, A, IH. 'Warner & Son, Jno, S. Cowan. Judge -Wm. Goddard, Denfield. POULTRY Brahma, -cock, 'Fl:. G. Meir, 11. A. Fraser, Stratford; hen li A Fraser Letherland &'Bentley, (Blyth; eke and pul, H, G. Meir and 2nd. Barred Rucks -cook, Letherland & Bentley and 2nd; hen, T, C. Shean, 3litrhe.11, Letherland .3 Bentley; -ckl, Lloyd O'Brien, Zurich; pull., T. C Shean, .Lloyd O'Brien. White Rocks -cock, ID. Douglas & 'Son,, T, 3I. Snowden; .hen, Douglas & Sons, Letherland & Bentley, ckl„ Douglas & Sons, L. ,O'Brien; pule, D. Douglas & San' and dnd. .Buff Rock'-ckl and pule, Lether- land & Beasley, T, C. Wilson (Blue - vale). :10,V, Cochin, -cock, Jno, Koch- em'1', C. \\ t ,..n; hen. T. C. \\'R- em and 21d, el. and pul„ Al, A, Fra- ser. 1) rkings-c!tck and heti, Al, A Sri er ,Ino.1' chem -ckl, I. O'- Brien, 3h 'A, Fraser; Ii ile 11. A. Fr.t- -en 1.U,V, llemburgs-coek, hen, ckl L. O'Brien rien and 2nd; puls, L. O'Brien, Letherland e3 Bentley. - 1 tit Bax. c yck, .11, A, Fraser, hen, ckl. pttl., 31, .1, Fraser, Lether. :trd 3 Bentley. - - Orpin;gtons-c,,ek 11 1 Fraser, J. Kochents; hen, el A. Fraser, T. C. \Vil,on; eke, Douglas & Sens, M. A. leresert poli, Douglas & _,,ns, Jno. Kochents, Mtncrc as -.tut, Letherland & Bent- ley, L, O'Brien; del, pule, .Douglas & Sone 11..1. Fraser. White e Wyandotte. -cock, Douglas et Sons, M. A. Frage,; hen, D n .las & SonseT. C. Seeau;-ekl, pull Dare: - las S Sons, \.O.\ . \\y a td tees L. 0', Brien, 3M. -1 I r,t er; hen, 1', C. Wile .on L O'Brien; ckl pal 3I. A. Fraser. !Aneonas--cock, ek', pole T. C. S ,eati. heir, T. C. Sheen, Letherland cC Bentley. - Rhode 1e.land Red c,r'f, hen, el. A. Fraser. Douglas Sr. Sons, ckl. and pni,. Douglas & Sons, Pest cock 0 chow, and hest hen 0 show. Dougla- & Sons, Campines-cock, L. O'Brien;- lien, Letherland 1 Bentley, L. O'Brien: cki. puI„ Letherland S: Bentley. White ,Leghorn -cock, hen, pule 'Douglas & Sons, and 2nd; okl. Doug- las & Sons. 1.0.\'. Leghorns--cock, ei. A. Fra- ser, Douglas & Sons; hen, T. C. Shean, If. A. Fraser; ckl, Pirie 3l. A. Fraser. Jersey Giants -cock, hen'. L. O'- Brien. A.O.V. Bantams -cock, hen, Doug- las & Sone, M. A. Fra er ckl„ M. A. Fraser, L. O'Brien; pul., M. A. Fra- ser, Wilbur Turnbull, Pekin Ducks, all classes, Douglas & Sons and 2nd. A.O.V. Ducks -All classes, T. C. Shean, Douglas & Sons, Ail;,bury ducks, All classes, Douglas & Sons and 2nd. Indian Runnier Ducks -all classes, T. C. Sheat'„ Jno, Kochems. Toulouse Geese -All classes, Doug- las cC Sons and 2nd, 'Emden Geese, el:. ckl. Douglas & Sous; hen, pul. D'ougla's & Sons and end, A.O.V. 'Geese, ck and hen, John ITart and 221d; ckl and pul., John Hart, -- A.O.V. Turkeys, all classes, Dong - las &,Sons, A. H. Warmer & Sons. Utility Pens -Wyandotte, T. C. 'S'hean, Letherland & Bentley; Ply- mouth 'R'oc'k, Douglas & Sons; -Leg- 'horns, T. C. .Shean, Douglas '& Sons, ,Rhode Island Reds, L. 0' Brien, Le- therland & Bentley; Anconas, Lether- land eC Bentley, T, C. Shean;- Minor Das, Letherland & Bentley, John .'Ko- ch ems. I oclte'ms. - ICtildren's Dept. -Barred Rock ckl, Edith ld'cMil1'aai Scott Kerr; B'ar'red: ;l- air Rock pule Scott Kerr, Eolith McMil lata. judge --Wm, Carter, Londe,, -boyo. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS Apples Co1leotiou of 12 varieties -'G. Leith - wake, L.' Skilling (Se. George, Out,): .Six named varieties -L. Skillings, G. Laithwaite; four named varieties, L. Ski flings, W. Charters & .Son. ,Plate of Baldwins -G, Laithwaite, L, Skillings, King of T.hontpkins-Laithwaite. `;killings, Northern Spies -Skillings, NV. Char- ters C Son, - .Golden Russett-' V. Chanters 1 Son, G. Laithwaite. - 'Westfield 'Seek -no -Further - G. Leith L. Skillings. \Veaithy-,\Ifs. W. J. Dickson, W. Charters & Son, - Pewaukee-airs, James I•Iugill, L. Skit ntg. Ontario -L. Skillings, ,Laithwaite. Wagner 'Skt:linge, Laithwaite. Roxboro Rassetts H. Desjardine, Gravenstein-Skilling, ,Laithwaite. IDnchess of 00enburg-Lai'thwafte,. Skillings. Cayuga Red Streak -Mrs. le, Hey- wood, L.. Skillings. Sp itzenb urg-Skillings, F'antense or Snow Apple-Laith- waite, 3[r Tatne Htteil':. Cohort -+Lar hwat e Mann -Skillings, Laithwaite, Maiden r lu e -Skillings. 112 Crab Apple,. .k.11i, gs, H: Des- )uclne, Ie:low 'era") enp:i'--N, Carter, H. Desjardine. Isis di I .an Greeuin <-Sk111htgs \\'. t:'aartcr.s & Sen. Ribston P pptns-,I r::Mngs, Laith- waite. - lllcellte'm rain-Laithwaite, Skil- lings. Cranberry Pippin -Skillings. St. Lawree.ce--Ltithweite, Skillings C tit, littn Red-Laithwaite, MelateRel-Skillings, J. ,litche- suet, _ Taintatt Sweet --Skillings. Leith - ,t' alt e•. Pears Winter 4'...er-, 7 nr varieties, Skill- ings, Lair nt site; fall, pears, St .lin., Tele'MeltT eauty, L l t e:Me - Dtiars, of :\ ,,it'itta--Laitditvaite. Ee nree C.1 a r e'tu Sl il'.ings: cheep', re ... TI, Desjardine. Marguerite Mc ICeezic t leinara1. I n : Bantle ,:e 1c:r-ey--N, Carter Ilartett-Lelthelle Skillings. •ectci._.il Bake S .lift.,._,' 'Deere .:kay.-Slilliti s, F. -Berke Peaches - .Early Creeferd-SkIlle,gs. Plums (,,:'.:en D. e, ekelin , Orleans. Seeeines, Duane's Perri, Skillings. L tnea:d S' :lines, Pond': See :lie .Grand D nice-Sk ,Ltags, Rene Claude -Skillings. 'German Prttne-`,killings. Any other variety -Skillings, Grapes Moore's Early - Laithwaite, H. Desjardine Niagara Skillings, Laithwaite. Concord -11-I. Desjardine; Skillings, , ID'elaware-4Seillings, Any other variety, Skillings, Leith. w-aite. 'Best collection of grapes, Skillings, Laithwaite. Judge -J, M. Cardno, ROOTS AND VEGETABLES 'Potatoes - Irish Cobbler E. B. Goudie, 13. Rivers; any other variety - N, Carter, H. Desjardine; Greet ''fountain John Murray, H, Desjar- dine; any other variety -'T. Ferguson, H. Desjardine, - Ca:bhage-Wiit:.ter cabbage - John 'Murray, T. C. .Shean, Savoy -N, Car- ter, 3, Rivers; red -N. Carter, Marg, 3tcKenzie, tall cabbage -Mrs, iV. J. Di'cks'nn, 3. Rivers. Caulilflaw,e:r--IPI, 'Carter, J. Rivers, Celery, white, N. Canter,' J. Grieve. Parsnips -Mrs. Heywood, - J. Rivers: .ICarrets, etemep rooted, Rita Camp - Mrs. Heywood; carrots, 'long, F. Barker, T. C. Sloan. (Long 'blood beets -N. Carter, F. Barker; 'turni'p blood 'beets, F. Cole- man, J. Rivers. Tomatoes, red -N. Carter, 31. 'Mc- Kenzie; pink -1N, Garner. Table .corn'' -1H, D'esjhmdin,e, N. Car- ter; ;field acorn -Mrs, ,H'eydwo;o'd, • Desjardine; 'fodder corn, 1l -I, Desjard- iuee; onions from seed, F. Barker, Mrs Heywood; onions from Dutch sets, T. C. Shears, I-3. Desjardine; red on ions, N, 'Carter, F. Barker; anions whore or yellow, F. Banker, N. Carter; onions, set, Mrs. W. J. Dickson, H. 'Desjatdine. - 'Muskmelons, -Mrs. W. J, 'Dickson, C. H. Holland. - - - Watermeions-III. Desjardine, Mrs. \V: J. Die''kson, 'Citrons, striped - Mrs. Simpson Kippers; .fang. 'Mc'Kettzie, Kipper. 'Citron California - Ch -as, Dale, Mrs. W, Ji. Dickson, Vegetable marrow" N.Carter, J. Rivers. - - Table squash, three varieties -N, Carter, J. Rivers. !Hubbard squash - Jclhn Grieve, Airs, J. 13, Tyerman. - .'Pumpkins for pies= 'Mrs, William Drover, Seaforth, Wm, Livingston, Winter radislh-N, Canter, Mrs. Ella Heywood, Exeter. 'Cucumbers, ripe or green -Mrs. Robert 'Allan, Brirceifield; J~, 13, Goudie. Cucumbers, pickling -IJ, E,' Hugili, Jean Scott. (B -utter beans -3 iss .Beatrice Har- burn, Staffa; T. C. Shean. 'White beans firs, W. 3, Dickson, -Miss B. Harburn, 'Sugar marigolds - \V, Livingston, H. Desjardine. - (Long red ntango:As - Mrs. Hey- wood. T, \V, Beattie, Intermediate ntangol'ds--''fres. 'Hcy - woad, \\'m, Beattie. - 'Seemly turnips -"l', C. Shean. Mit- chell; Frank Coleman, !Field carrots -F, Barker, Gotlertch Sweet peppers -Mrs. James Carer, Sohn 'Murray. 'Peppers, hat -John 'Grieve. Mrs. A. Porteous. !Largest squash I . Barker. e argo t pumpkin 'Mrs. Heywood, Marg. \(.keezic, - - Collection of garden products --N. Carter, F. Barker. 'Judge -!Fred Kerslake. - CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, Canned rhnbarlt, N. Carter, .H. Desjardine: canned reel raspberries. el, Carter, Mrs, James Carter; cancel red cherries, pitted, N. Carter, II. 1')esj;tr,line; canned pears, N, Carter, Mrs, Jame; Carter; canned traw'her- Pie,, N {-anter, Mrs, James Carts'; canned plums -N. Carter, Mrs. James Carter; cannel peaches -TT. Desjard- ine; N, Carter. - Colic...den et three 'jellies, II. T)cs- Jareine, N. Carte' Sa:aQ flee in:r - F. Caaher;,- Statl't :Mrs. James Iidugdi. Canned chic'.ket---\Mrs, W. J Welt- :on, Y:et - -t n, F. C arbertt canned 01 ,1„e -H l)esjardutc MrsTimes Cater; can - , 'led beef, N. Carte., Mrs. \V. 3, Dick - can. Vinegar pickles --'Mrs, W. J. I)ick- snit, Mrs. Janes Carter; net -tare pickles --11 Carter, :Mrs. Janie Cart- er; tomato catsup --Mrs. J. B. Tyer- man, Mrs. Jaynes Carter: cold meat relish, three varieties - Mrs, Janice Carter, N. Carter. Red pepper jelly, J.'Aitcheson, Airs, A. Porteous: collection canned vege- tables -IN. Carter, Mrs. \V, J. Dick- son; jam or marmalade, 4 varieties - N. Carter, H. Desjarcline, - J'udge-Mrs, 0. McGavin, DAIRY PRODUCTS IBtutter, crock -+Rita Campbell, Dub- lin; N. Canter; butter in pound prints -Mrs, William Taylor, Blyth; Mrs, James Canter; butter, 0,.pats, Mrs. W. ,Taylor, Mrs. .Frank Storey; one doz. white hen's eggs, Charles IDa'le, Clin- ton; N. Carter; brown eggs, Velma Heist, Mrs. Robe, Allan;` dressed citicdcen, Mrs, James Carter, two crocks butter, Mrs. I\Villiant Taylor, :Mrs, James 'Carter. DOMESTIC 'S'CIENCE Loa white bread -'Mrs. !Pa'n'es Car- ter, Mrs. W. 3, Dickson; loaf brow,' bread, Mrs. James Carter, Mrs. \V. 3 Dickson N. Carter; muffins Mrs. \1". J Dickson, Mrs. R. Broadfo:.t, Kip - pen; plain white buns, Jean Scott, Miss Harburn; tea biscuits, J Aitch- es'ont, Mrs, 3. Carter; ,fancy buns: T. Ferguson, John Scott, Roxboro. Six cookies, Velma 'Haist, errs. R. Broaclfaot; Dutch apple pie, N. Cart- er, Mrs. Dickson; short 'bread, Jahn S,00t,t, N. Canter, creams puffs, Mrs. A. 'Panteons; taw's, jhlvn, Scott, N. Car- ter; dropped cookies, .\'sirs. IRobt, Al- lan, Veltne Heist; A,ng:eb. cake, Mrs 'Tyernian, jean S'cot't; Parker House rolls, Jean ;Scott, N. C'arleer, best Cleo- orated cake, Jean Scott, firs, J. Car - 5 tali ,t.,:i,"�rt-e ter; sponge cake, Jean Gcc,tt, Airs,,. Tyertnat: dark fruit cake, N. -'anter„ 'it's. 3, Carter; light layer cake,.. Carter, Mrs, J. Garter; chocnlate cake - N Carter, 'Mrs, J Carter Apple pie, Mrs. Frank Storey, 'Simpson, Kippett; pumpkin pie, Aire.. Tyerman, N. Carter; lemon pie; Mrs'. Jcuites '.II-ugill, N. Carter; neat loafs - :Mrs. Tyernian, N. Carter Candy, 2 varieties,l'Ls. Frank Stor- ey, 7, Wesley IBea,tie, Salmon Loaf, N. Carter, Airs, r Carter; salad, 3 varieties, N. Carter,.. Jean Scott; macaroon, Ales. rBroad'iont, Mrs, •Robt, Allan; cart: cakes, Jean Scout, J. Wesley Beattie light fruit cake 1, Carter, T. Forgo-, son; sandwiches, Mrs, J. (Carter, Ars.. R. Broadfoolt, Unldge Mrs. G. MdGavin DOMESTIC NEEDLE CRAFT- Applique. RAFTApplique' quilt, Mrs, A. Broadfoat; tufted •bedspread, ''Mrs. A. Bt'oad3omt;. quilt, best quilting, Mrs. D. MtCMoy,, Kippen, Wm, Decker; pieced oottow quilt, firs. D. lic'Clny, Velma Haist;, white bedspread, Miss Livingstone Mrs. T. Constable, ,S't. :Marys; colored', bedspread. 'Velma Hoist. Fred, Car - bent, Staffa; crochet or 'knit Afgi'rarr,. .Mrs, :1, Broadfoot, Mrs. T. O'Flynn... Apron, 3d. Livingston, ston 'Wm Decker,_. men's pyjamas, Mrs T Constable. W. L, Carter; honse dre<s, Mrs. T. Cntt- stabie, Velma Ilaist - - - ,Floor neat, braided, rags, Mrs. '3'. 3:Dickson, 'Helen Tottg'h; Booked floor mint, Win. .De keg 'Mr, R. Broadioot,_ Iiippen hooked yarn floor mat, Mrs. R. 11 o'tclfoot, John Grieve; creche. mat, lir., Gey, T. Dale Walton' - Ina,- Griey 'Grieve: hooked floor mat iluertat r5' :ural scene, Mrs. .1. Bu,adfoct. Herb Desjardine, LADIES' WORK Etitbroidery- ,Applique,Mrs. T, on Hawkins; cut work, 31. Living- ston, i ing.tut, lies, 1'. C-anstahle eyelet 11. II iving:,nn, Mrs, Reht. Altera -ti:_ stitch, hi. Lung=:.ton, \Ir, T. tints- . ,table; eros stitch, Mrs T. ',en - stable, ells. T. U'4^lrnt't ',remelt l», -,t el. I nines:, :a, Velma /fans:; tepee - try, ;,cetry, petite point. Mrs, T. Constable, le.. Living -ter.. I :,.:y Daisy- eitele 31. I vin:., tete; Italian .1rawn eerie - 31. Livin_e:.',r., 31rs. 1. C„nstahte: tatti,+g. 31. Liv- ingston, \1 s, i O 1•'.yun: head work, 31 LI nsg•'.,n; cr.•el,et, bit's. 1'. Cott stable 3I. Lii in t n: knitting, :firs... '1'. d) t lynn, Norman I.. Carter:. 1.)inittee ion n Fnrn's' an n:, t ie eon set lits, T. C+nst.,',le, ells, Liv- ingstn t est cloth, embroidered, \lir:;, 1, C n t,r'tle, rs. Simpson: W� e'uth, - :11e'r llail(.w:free, bits. Con- stable Mrs. 1 O`Flynn Centrepiece. Me:. 011yt,n, bit's, Cons:a rle, .,ay el ,tit, 31 r.. late Mrs. \[r'. Ceti table; et t re.niccc, ern - ()reeler, .1., nthroieler,,i, 3lies Living -sloe, Sir,. (:':,ti. .t'a'e: bridge .set. Mr-. 1.)'Fl, net 31 1,t .ell, euffet set, en„ rtte', ells- Lichee -ton; i,ntiet se;, w.tirc-, Mrs, C<nstable:'nnche,.n set, 3ltes Li- vingston, lire. Tvermen. II1ed Room Furnishings--Pillxc clips. white embroidered. 'Miss Lit•-• iugeton, lies. Constable; pilloe -lips, colored, Miss Livingston, Mrs'. Can - stable; pillow dips, other hand, work, bits, Constable, Hoer Tough, radii" towels, embroidered, \ttss Living- ston, Airs. Constable; towels, crochet, Constable. Livingston; towels. odlan. belirs, Constable; guest towels, (fee- • 10'Flynn 'Mrs. IRo'bt. Allan; bath tow- el, Mrs. O'Flynn, 0-Ielen Tough; fancy towel, 'Mrs. Deem, Mrs. . Cons -tablet:. fancy sheett and pillow ,'lips; 'Constable, Miss Livingston; vanitpy set, Mrs. O'Flynn, 'des, Constmb,lec- dres'ser ,runner, Ethel Beattie, Mfrs. Oilely an; boudoir cushion, Mrs.. (1 -- 01F1ynn, airs. R. Broadfoo[, - (Ladies' Wear. -Night gown. Miss , Livingston, ''Mrs. Oilelyne.::hemi jack.- - et,'irs. Devin, Airs. ()Terrill; •,west- er, knit or crochet, Mrs, Geo, T. Dale„ Mrs Deeny. CChildren's Wear -Child's faire-, dress, 11 Livingston, Mt O'TElvnur rompers, V, :Heist, airs. U it li-iee, non - nee Mrs, O";Flynu, .Helen '.fenighe wool jacket, Helen Tough, Vo'il'es !H'aist; bathrobe, 'Velma Heist; baby'e set, lees. Deem. Mrs, U'Flynn, Living Room 'Furnishings -Table reinter, 3f, Livingston, \Mrs, Oelel resp centre piece, M. Livingston; Mrs. ':Flynn; sofa pilleve, Norman L. Car- ter, Mrs, O'lFlynn; card table cover,', Mts. O'IF.lynn; sampler or other wall decoration, .bins, Constable, 1Mi•tOOe'llaneass-(Singh piece fatter word: not 'listed, Ad, (Livingston, Mrs. O'Flynn; piece of neecleeworib over See (Continued on Page Seven.)?