The Seaforth News, 1934-09-20, Page 7',THURSDAY, SEPT, 20, 1934 THE SEAFORTH NEWS pM�rr�r r�rn�ar�-�eN�rN�Ne.�•rN--Nr�+tu'�r+ 1 1 I 11 I 11 11 0 Duplicate Monthly Statements We can save you money on Bill and Charge Forms, standard sizes to fit ledgers, white or colors It will pay you to see our samples. Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec- tional Post Binders and Index, I The Seaforth News i Phone 84 I 1 I I I I r�pr�N II��N N�•1711rM 11�N Nati NDN NDN r�rp��N li A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this coupon and mail it with $1 for a six weeks' trial subscription to THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Published by Tao 080I00008 $CIINOO Pu0i108INe SOOTY:TY Boston, atasssehusetts, U, 8. A, vane well as cepa find devoted too women s and children s interests,special os,wmusic, arlsadoceaoownuolftidtnlbsurf anavatof perms adpribion A welcome into oDoo and the Sundial end the other features. TCse n5d8 m808o0e IwONTriB e8P$n,reRI , eBnoclsotsoen'one dol tar (11). (Nome, please print) (Address) y Cro8n) (state) Services We Can Render 4,111 the ti Se of ur best Ineed Pfriennd ECTION Life Insurance -To ,protect your LOVED ONES. Auto Insurance- To protect you against LS'ASIILJITN to PUBLIC and their PROPERTY Fire Insurance -- To protect your HOME and its OONTEN'TS. Sickness and Accident Insurance - To protect your INC'OME Any of the above lines wve can give you in strong and reliable companies Ic interested, call or write, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCY Ont Phone 334 D. H, Mclnnes chiropractor Electro Therapist - Massage Office Commercial Hotel Hours --.\'Ion. and Thurs. after- noons and by appointment FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation -Sou -ray treat- ment Phone 227. Exeter Fair GRAIN & 'SEEDS Vail wheat, vwhite, W. R. Dougall, Stilton Truenuner; fall wheat, red, Milne (Rader, (Herb. (Desjardine; spring alteat, Mrs, O. Cunningham, Desjardine, Milne H. barley, rowed Rader, Six row A, Muss, (Black oats, IH Trueniner; white oats, W. IR. Dougall, iH (.,'Fuss Timothy seed, 7Its. 0. Cunning- ham, Mrs, S. Fennell. White beans, Jacob Battler, W. R. D'ouga'll. Clover seed, W. +R, Dougall, H. Truemner. (Best collection grain in ear, Roland Geiger, llrs G. Churchill. Ensilage cord stock and ears, Charles Prout III, Desjardine, (Small peas, Milne !Rader, ,edges, (Ricard. 'Coates, P. Coates. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS Apples Six varieties, named, of Winter apples, (Fred Ellerington, (Fall apple,, any variety, (Fred El- lerington. . ' ,m - e Rhode •Island IGreenings, Mrs, 0, Dalley; (Hilton Tru'enlner, ;Northern (Spies, !Fred Ellerington, Mrs, 0, !Dailey, (Roxboro !Russets, Mrs, 0. 'Dailey, Golden Russets, '11arol'd 'Cuderore, Mrs, '0. Dailey; ISpitzburgs 'Harold( Cudmore. Baldwins, Mrs. O. Dailey, Fred El- lerington. Westfield (Seek -no -Further, Mrs, 0. Dailey. Snow ~tipples, 'Roy (Brock, Frani: Triebner:^ IGravensteina, -Mfrs. 0. Dailey. Colverts, Mrs, 0, Dailey. 'Pail Pippins, Mrs. O. Dailey. Ring of To'nlpIdnA, Wm. '5tau,lake, \ars. 0. Dailey. Alexalt dcra, Mrs, 0. !Dailey, H. Truemner. ,Canadian Red, Mrs, 0, 'Dailey. \\ agners, Mrs. O. Dailey, Harold Cud more, 'Crimes G. Pippins, :Mrs. 0. Dailey, ,F1 Truemner, Maiden's (Blush, Mrs. 0. Doig, Wm. S't lake. Ecu Davis, Mrs. 0. Dailey, Harold Cudmore, Ontario, Clifford Heywood, Win. Stanlalce. Wealthy, I -I, Truemner, Clifford .Heywood. (Duchess of Oldenburg, Mrs. C. Sims, Wm, 1H. Smith. (Blenheim (Pippins, Mrs. 0. Dailey, 4H, Truemner. 'Pointon (Sweet, Herb Desjardine, Mrs, O. Dailey. Si'. Lawrence, Clifford 'Heywood, Harold 'Cuelmore. Pears Flemish Beauty, Mrs. 0, Dailey, Wm. St;rnlake; LleheSS of AnJouline -Mrs. 0. (Dailey; Clapp's 'Favotitc- 11arold Cudmore; (Beurre's Clairgeau -Mrs. 0. Dailey. !Fall Lucrative, 11re.:13. Desjardine, Mrs. O. 'Dailey; IS'helil.on - Fred Brock, Mrs, .O. Dailey; East Beurre, Fred Brock; Louise Bonne de Jersey -!Fred 11rocle; (Bureau Anjou --Jacob Battler, Mrs. 0. Dailey; Bartlett - :4s. 0. IDaidey, .(irs. C. Sims. Plums. Golden Drop -Hilton Truetuner. Imperial 'Gage, Mrs. 0, Dailey; Dundas !Purple, Mrs. 0. Dailey; Lombards, •Mrs. IO Dailey. Any variety of plums - '1•Iilton Truemner. Pond's 'Seedling -Mrs. 0. Dailey; •Grand Dukes, Mrs. !Dailey; Brad - there. Turnip apt s 1 v active iu that. district. !Essex county reports a great scarcity of feed, with winter feeding the rule for uwo months un scores- of farms. Yields in IIaltlinland are touch better than an- ticipated. •Potato growers in Lanrbton are trying to .establish a price of '50c a bag for potatoes, Frust in Middle- sex injured tender plants such as cucumbers, squash and melons while hundreds of acres of late SO Wit buck- wheat were ruined, and corn and po- tatoes were also afflicted. Due to hail and frost 'Norfolk's 'tobacco crop has been. reduced from 20. to 114 initlio>w pounds. Crop yields have exceeded anticipa- tions in Wentworth. Peaches are com- manding a price ranging from 5,0c to 75c for 6 -qt. baskets. Corn, roots and (buckwheat have shown (much imp- rovement in Northumberland and the prospect of fodder is much improved. !Peterborough reports the heaviest grail yield in five years, with ,barley running around 40 to 45 bushels per acre and oats 45 to 60 •bushels, Barley is it ,good crop. in.- •Carleton and It heavy shipment ,for malting purposes is taking place. over 615 ears having been shipped to ¢late. Frontenac has had a dry season and buckwheat and ensilage corn will be poor crops. Yields of grain ere touch 'better than :last year in'Lanark, though corn is a failure in some sections, Leeds has so 'felt the -.ill effects of ch•6ught. ;Over 200,000. Ibs. of certified timothy seed will' be produced in Prescott and (Rus- sell. Crops are 'better than, expected in Renfrew 'county, Tenvslcamling dis- trict has experienced a very short gro'.win.g season, with 'frost taking a heavy toll recently. Current Crop Report D'ufferin 'Coun'ty reports that with plenty of straw and a ,fairly good crop of roots, especially ,turnips, ,available, maintenance rations 'for livstocie arse assured.(Severe frosts ,have reduced the potato yield materially in the Dufferin district, while ,b'u•ckwheat, Sate corn and garden crops have also suffered damage. In Grey county too, frost (has .is -Aimed the same crops. Bean 'fields in Hugon will not yield as well as indicated ,earlier in the season, In 'Oxford there are .1107 farmers list- ed wibh smut free wheat seed for sale the bulk o1 w'hic'h is junior No. 6 with Dawson's (Golden •Chaff and ,O.A.C. No, 1611, ,Although 'farmers in Peed have only one-third the hay of last year, 'the Present thigh aeicea will 'prevent many dairymen, !from purdh:asiiig.'S'tr'aw and molasses, alfalfa straw and corn will provide the roughage this winter, Turnip aphids have injured the 'crop in W'aterl'oo, wlhite. cattle are in thin . condition .d,ue to 'poor pasture. Frost .for four nights in successions tlanbaged crops in Wellington, witlh the heaviest 'Loss in, late cord. Yields ofoats .rtnnning it9); to ''11.0 bus. per , :acre on lour :acre's have been reported 0. 'Cunningham. Cookies for afternoon tea, Mrs, 0. Cuutiing+lvam J W. (Powell, (Angel cake. Mrs. R.Mousseau, ,Ja- cob Battler,.Mrs, Dearing.; light cake, .Mfrs. Steiner, Mrs. 'Cunningham; dark cake, Mrs. Steiner, 'Wm, II1.'Sanith. Apple pie, god Roy Brock; pump- kin pie, Geo, Jaques, Mrs, 1lousseau; lemon pie, Mrs, '13, Plftle Mrs, Mous- scan, Red currant jelly, apple jelly and berry jelly, Mrs, ''Cunningham Mrs, G. McLean Sour pickles, Mrs, Ctuuningham, Ja- cob 1§pickles,., la. Cun- ningham, Mars, E. 'Darling, Two kinds catsup, Mrs, G. Mc- Lean, Jacob Battler, Canned cherries, raspberries and strawberries, Mrs, G. McLean, Canned pears, plums and peaches, Wm. IDeelier, Mrs, Cunningham. 'Canned apples and grapes, Mrs. Cunningham Mrs, Dearing ' Canned corn, peas, and tomatoes, Mrs, Dearing, Mrs. Cunningham. Two varieties vegetable marmalade, Mrs, G, McLean, '1_1t•s,'Steiner, Canned chicken, 7trs, Cunningham. Lunch for two, Mrs, IB, POW, Mrs, 'Cunningham, 'Cured 'Ham, H. AFuss. . Cured heats, 1a. A, 'Fuss. Meat loaf, Geo, ;Jaques, 5, W. Powell. DAIRY PRODUCTS Five pounds butter, 5aeoh Battler, Mrs. Cunningham; special for best dairy butter, Jacob Battler. 110 pounds butter, H, A. Fuss, Mrs, Cunningham, Toured galls or prints, Mrs. 0, Dailey. Most neatly arranged plate of but- ter for table use, Mrs, (Desjardine, Mrs, C. :Sims. Cheese, factory made, Ii, A. Fuss. VEGETABLES American Wonder potatoes, Mlilne Rader, Herb .Desjardine. Beauty of Hebron potatoes, W. Dearness, Fred (Brock, Empire State potatoes, 13, Desjar- dine, JacobL'attler, (Reel Elephant potatoes. Jacob Bat- tler, Roland Geiger. Carmen No, 1. Milne Rader, Roland Geiger. (:ural New Yorkers, H, Desjardine. M. Rader. Irish Cobblers, M. 'Rader, R. Geiger Green 'Mountain, M. Rader, Earl Parsons. Dooley- H, ;Desjardine, Chas Prout. Any other variety potatoes, :11 Rader. Three varieties of potatoes, prop- erly named, H. De,j udmt, Blood beets, E Parsons, Warren Sanders; globe beets, \V, Westlake, M, Cudmore. Sugar beet niangolds, \V.- R. Doug- all \\'. ,Stanlalce, Lung ntangolds, C. Heywood, II Cudmore. 'Globe mangolds, \\. 'IT. Dearing \V. Sanders; intermediates, C. Hey !rood, \V, Sanders, 'Early born carrots, W. Sanders, Earl Parsons; Nantes, Fred Brock, 1V. !Sanders. 'Long orange or red carrots, W. Sanders, E. Pym, White or yellow field carrots, 1 Triebner. Sweet corn, white. 4F. Ellerington, Indian cora, Jacob Battler. C. Hey- wood; 'bantam corn, 'II. Desjardine, 1f. Cudmore. \Vater melons, IH, .Desjardine, 11 Cudmore. Pactix tins, F. Ellerington, Jos. Stacey, Squash, 'Roland - Geiger, INV, Sanders Mush melons, W. H. Dearing, 'Swede turnips, 'Wm. Stanlalce. W. (haw, Mrs. 0. Dailey; (Rein Claude, H, Dearing turnips, any other varie \Irs. 0, IDailey, Grapes Moore Early, Mrs. 0. 'Dailey, Mrs. Geo. Churchill, '.Niagara \irs. 0. Dailey. Concord, David IRowciiffe, Mrs. 'Geo, 'Churchill, .Delaware, Mrs, 0, Dailey, Roger's No, 116, Agawan, Mrs Churchill, Mrs, 0. 'Dailey, ]r\ary other variety, Mrs. (Geo. +Chur- chill, Mrs. G 13cT.,ean. Best collection of grapes, 'Mrs, Geo. Churchill, Peaches 'Early Crawford,:Mrs. IO'. 'D,ail'ey. Late Crawfgrd, Mrs. O. !Dailey, Any other variety, Mrs, 0. ,Dailey. North End ,special, (:Flarold •Cuel- ntore; H. S. 'Wal'ter special-fl-Paroid Curlmnre. Judge -'D. RoweliFfe. Domestic (Honey, extracted, Mrs. E. P3'm, Mrs. S. (Fennell, 'Tloney lu' sect•ions, Mrs. 'Geo. 'Choi chill. Maple Syrup, .2Vin, 'Stt'a i'ske, John Selves: ,(-Tome made ,bread, w'h'i't'e -(\fist, 1V. Deari og, Mrs, L. (Reynolds; ]tome made bread, 'brown ---Mrs. W. Dear- ing: Home made rolls, Mrs, 'A. Pet hale, Mrs, W. Dearing. Tea 'biscuits, Mr,. (Edgar Darling, Mrs. 0. Cunningham. Torts, maple, Mrs, A, Penhale, Mas. f' fin ynr"T r-' PAGE THREE Mrs, Churchill, Clifford Heywood (Asters, col„ W. H. (Dearing, Mrs. Reynolds 'White, W. H. 'Dearing, Mrs. Churchill, (,Asters, mauve, Mrs. Chruchtll; pur- ple, W. IH. Dearing Mrs. Churchill pink, W. In:. Dearing Mri, •Chruchill, ostrich plume, col, Mrs, Churchill, !Dearing. •Coxcombs, display, Mrs, Reynold W. 'H, Dearing; display, feathered. Mrs, Reynolds, W. H. Dearing. Cosmos, Mr.,.-McLLean, Mrs. Rey- nolds. 'Dahlia., decorative 'Ivan Smillt 'Andrew Campbell vasitis, Mrs, 1 Heywood; pompon, Mrs, C. Sint,., Wdn. 'Smith. ' !Dianthus or Pinks, Mrs. Reynolds. 'W. H. Dearing. (Gladiolus, spike, Andrew Campbell, Mrs, Heywood; spikes, variety, Mrs. 'Heywood; COL, Mrs. Heywood, !Impatiens or ;Balsams, Mrs, Dear- ing, Mrs. Reynolds, Marigold's, 'African, Mrs, Dearing, Mrs, Reynolds; marigolds, French, Mrs. C. (Sims, l'hloi Drutn:mondi, Mrs, Dearing, Mrs. Reynolds; phlox, perennial, Mrs, Tearing Petunia, single, \arts Heywood Dave Rowcliffe; petunia;, double, D. Rawcliffe, (fits Reynolds. 'Pansies best collection Andrew Cant,p'bell Mrs. Reynolds. ,Salvia, Mt.. Heywood, Mrs, Dear- ing; stooks, Mrs, Reynolds, W. H. Dearing, Sweet peas, W. H. Dearing, Wm, Deeher. Verbenas, Mrs, Dearing, Mrs. Hey- wood. Lfltnia> crested or curled, Mrs. (Reynolds, Mrs. Dearing; zinnias, dah- lia flowered, Earl Parson,, C. Hey- wood; zinnias, best display, Clifford Heywood, Earl Parsons. Collection of annuals, Mrs. Rey- nolds, Mrs, Churchill,. Collection ,(f perenials, Clifford Heywood. Bride's bouquet, Mrs, Dearing, Mrs. G. McLean; basket cut (lowers, C. Ileywood, Mrs. Reynolds; hand bouquet. Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Dear- ing; novelty in cut -flowers, J. \V. Powell, Mrs: Reynolds. FINE ARTS Oil Paintings -Scene, Mrs. O. E. Martin, Miss L. Grant; fruit or vege- tables (grouped), ,\fits Grant, Mrs. 5. W. Watson; flowers iffrom nature), Miss 1 ivtngstoen, Miss 1 White: animals, Mrs. A, Pentode, Mrs, O. E, Martin; marine view, Mrs. A, Pen - hale, Miee T. White; still life study, Mrs. J. W. Batson, Mrs. 0. E. Martin, Water Colors -Landscape, andscape Mrs. N. J. Dore alias T. White eeascape, Mrs. Dore, (fits Livingstone, fruit or flowers, Mrs, .Batson, Mrs. Gen, Churchill original study (grouped), Miss 7 'White, Mrs. j, W. Batson portrait, Mrs, N. '3. Dore, Mrs. 0. E. Martin; any subject, not listed, Mrs. N. J. Dore, ,\lis .L. (Grant. Miscellaneous.. -Pastel, any sub- ject, Miss T. White, Miss Livingston; charcoal scene or study, Mrs. 0. ,E. Martin, Swinton; pen and ink sketch, Miss L. Grant, Mrs. J. W Batson; pencil drawing. scene, 1ltas Grant. Mass Livingston; inrston sepia, scene, Miss Grunt, Mrs. 0. Dailey; crayon study, Miss Grant, Miss Livingston. Art Crafts Crepe paper display, firs. Stainton, Wm, E. Smith. (Scaling wax exhibit, Mrs. B. Phile Mrs. J. W. Batson, Painting on cloth o fany material. Miss L.Grant. .firs. J. W. Batson; painting on glass or wood, Mrs. D. S. Hackney Mrs. N. J. Dore. :Stencil design on any material, Mrs Dore, Miss Livingston. ',Any new craft not listed above, Miss Livingston, Mrs. 0: Dailey. Hand 'Painted China, -Con ven tin n- al designs, Miss L. Grant. Mrs, J, W. Batson realistic, Mrs. ,Geo, Churchill, Mra. S. Fennell; lustre worle, Miss L. Grant, lir'. Geo, Churchill, Photographs. -Collection of amat- eur .snaps, Mrs. O. 'E. Martin, Mrs, N. 5. Dore; photographs, Joseph Senior; display of photographic views, Jos- eph Senior. IF.lower-+Begonaas, tuberous, Mrs, Reynolds Mrs, Churchill; novelty in potted plants, Earl (Parsons, .-\'Ira, J. Jaques, (judges -Miss Ross, Miss Brown, SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PRIZE LIST Vegetables -(Green Moue Win pota- toes, Mrs. 'Cunningham, Wm, 'Decher; Irish 'Cobbler potatoes, Mrs. Cun- ningham, Fred 11-1, Carbert; Eureka potatoes, Fred E. Carbert, Mrs. H. IDesjardine7 Golden 'Bantam corn, Mrs. ST 'Desjardine, Fred Ellerington, any other variety of table corn, Mrs, H. yDesjardin'e: blood beets, long. Frank Triebner, Clifford Heywood; blood 'beets, short, Frank Triebner. Clifford Heywood; Cltautney carrots. Fred Ellerin,gton, F. Triebner; any other variety tf carrots F. ITr'iebner, F. 7T. Carbert; yellow onions, Hilton Truentncr, Dr, J. Gtricvc; redonions \:i'rs, 1-1. Des'iardin0, Ds-. Ir. Grieve: Dutch sets, Fred Brock, Roland Geiger; Swede turnips, Mrs, Des - Dust Causes Asthma, Even a little speck too small to see will lead to a- gonies which no wards can describe. The walls of the breathing tubes con- tract and it seems as if the very life' must pass, :Front this condition Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy brings. the user to perfect rest. It relievds the passages a,n,d normal breathing is firmly established again. Hundreds of testimonials received an- nually prove its effectiveness. SCHOOL FAIR DATES Grand Bend ..,.,......'...,,..(Sept, d'0 2-lessadl ............ .. . ...... " 1,1 Belgrave ,..,.. ,,.: , .,. ,r, ,,i. , 114 ,St. Helens , , 17 Caurrie',s Corners ,. •r• ... ,,, ..'.. " 16 Carlow ......................... °" E0 ties, J. Selves, Ili'. Triebner. Cauliflower, C'. (Heywood, (Red onions, Dr, Grieve, White or yellow onions, J. Battler Mrs. TI, ,Desjardine. ,Spanish onions, Earl 'Parsons, W. Sanders. Peck of )potatoes Andrew Campbell Citrons, round,,Mrs. C. Siris, til, Cudmore, Parsnips, W', Sanders, Jacob Battler 'Hubbard squash H. Trueinner, Dr. J. 'Grieve; table squash, R. Geiger. Wnr. Stanlalce, Tomatoes, 'Jacob Battler, W. 'Sanei- ers, 'Best collection of vegetables, Jacob Battler, Warren Sanders. Judges, :Rel, Coates, Paui 'Coates, MANUFACTURES. 'W'ool bianket•, Southcott Bros., \!I:rs, Geo. •Churchill; woolen yarn, •Soutioco'tt 13ros, '('sailor Custom Snit, IW. W. Tartan, 5'outhc'ott Bros, 'Collection of general goods, South- cott :Bros., W. W. 'Ionian. Collection tai'l'ors goods arid fur- nishings, W. W. '"Taman, 'Groceries, and Boots and Shoes. S'outhcott Bros. Tweed W, WT Taman. Ladies' boots, Cent's boots, South- cott ,Bros, FLOWERS. Sanapdragons, spikes, Mrs, E. Hey- wood, Ales. Geo. Churchill; collection, Jardine, John Selves; celery, Clifford Heywood; 'to'tnatoes, Warn ,D'ec'her, F. H. Canbert; cabbage, Anrey (Sims, F, Triebner; table beans, IF H'. Carbert, Wm. Decher; dry white beans, 'Clif- ford Heywood Mrs. Disjard ie; marigolds, Mrs, Desjardine, R, ;Geig- er. Cut Flowers. --Asters, Mrs, Reyn- olds, C, Heywood phlox, Mrs. 13cy- nolds, C Heywood; sweet peas, Mrs. Reynolds,Mrs. J'Jaques; nasturt- iums, Earl !'arsons, C. Heywood; pansies Mrs, Reynolds, Mrs. J. Ja- ques. Best geranium in pox, Audrey Sims, Labelle 'bon;; balsams, sirs, J. Ja- ques, Mrs. Reynolds; dahlias, C. -Hey- c'ootl, firs. Cunningham gladioli, C. Heywood Mrs, Reyulolds. Collection of weeds, F. H. Carbert, Mrs, Reynold; collection of leaves, F. 'H. Carbert, Mrs, Reynold,; col- lection of insects, F. 1-T, C,u.bert, Writing, Mrs, (Reynolds, John Selves. r. x._ .c..., �J-i•m..� Map of Huron County, Bessie Brooks, John Selves;; Map of Prov. of Ontario, John Selves, Herb Des- jatctine. ., +'# a.Aa ik.a r i , j 'r Grains ((sheaf) --Winter wheat, F. 'Zriebner, Mrs, H. .besjardine; oats, F. i1 Carbert, Mrs, tla: Desjardine; barley, F. H. !sorbed, Mrs, 13. Des, jardine n Domestic Science - .Home !trade bread, Mrs, Cun.n•ingihatn; school lunch Mrs, Cunningham.; jar of plums, Mrs. Cunningham Mrs, Rey- nolds; jar of raspberries Wm. Dex- ter, Mrs. Cuntliugham; jar of straw- berries, :\'Irs. 3. Jaques, Mrs. Cun:- ninghanl, apple pie, Miss Cunning- ham. (Best dressed doll, Marjorie May, Francis King; hand worked towels, Mrs. J. Jaques, sofa pillow, Mrs. J. Jaques; fancy apron, Mrs. Jaques; fancy pin cushion, Mrs. 3aques, Kath- leen Kestie; plain hand -sewing. Mrs. •Jaques; button holes. Mrs. Jaques. Painting, any object, Donald Siv- erns, Elmer McDonald; pillow case., Mrs. Jaques; darning, Mrs. Jaques; patching, Mrs. Jaques; largest ail best pumpkin pie, Mrs, Cunningham. SPECIALS Malting Barley Special -Milne Ra- der, Mrs. 0. Cunningham, Orland Battler, H. A, Fuss, IR. Geiger. Harvey Bros.-tBread, Mrs, Dear- ing, Mr Reynolds. Miss V. Essery, angel calve, Mrs. Dearing. E. R. Hopper, Mrs. Dailey, Schein( Children's Specials -Writ- ing. Jno. Selves; collection of stamps, Rd, Stanbury and 2nd; Wrap of Dom. of Canada, Jno. Selves; collection of •butterflies, Dick Bros.; display of car- pentry, IF. H. Carbert, Eric Morse. Farmers Must Produce To the man in the street. •any at- tempts to increase production in tress days of depressing world surpluses seem a waste of time, or even worse. He forgets, says Mr, L, H. Newman, (Dominion cerealist, that the problem of the individual 'farmer differs vastly from that of the nation as a whole, in that the capacity of the farmer to car- ry on and pay his way is measured in no small degree by the yields lis real- izes per acre. To the farmer, the acre is his unit of production. If his aver- age yields per acre, whether convert- ed into milk, mutton or beef, or dis- posed of in their raw state, are not sufficiently high to enable him to meet his obligations, 'he moat either succumb entirely- or adopt a standard of living which removes' him as an im- portant factor in the problem oi keep- ing rhe wheels of commerce moving. Plowing Match Dates Algoma District ..... ....... .... Oct, .30 Sault Valley r " 3 St. Joseph Island " 5 Brant Count ..,.,.... . " 17 Six Nations Indian 16 Marlboro and N. Gower 3 Cochrane 1'0 Dufferin County 2 •Frontenac Count} " ; 1 'Glengarry +,..,... +..... Septi27 Dunclas West , Oct, 1;7 Grenville County " 5 Haldi'nland County " 25 Mohawk Indian " 2 'Huron, South , " 25 Tilboy, East Leeds County " 11 Caistor .. ...... . ........... . Nov. 1 Middlesex County Oct, 4 ,Norfolk County ..,.. " 24 " 9 Ontario, ;North :115 'Ontario, South • , 17 Pow•assan District . .. 3 ;Peel County 19 Mount .Pleasant ...,..,.,'2.1 Plantagenet (Eastern counties) f.'.i Russell County " 16 ,Orillia ,,,,.. 1'? Stormont. . I\Vest ,:.+ - - " 4 Slate River Valley .., .,,Sept. 19 Victoria 'County • , North Dumfries •n " 23 Eranlosa ...,..•..... , S 'Puslinch , ,.,.,-,.. ... '' 17 Wentworth North „ 0i3 Ring and Vaughan . 11 East York , , , , 9 ihotth York .,,,...,.., 11 International Plow Match..;, 9 3(0;111'-12