The Seaforth News, 1934-09-20, Page 4'PAGE FOUR.
Sttowdon Bros., Publishers,
Will be held in
of Toronto, will speak at 11 a. in.
and ;•30 pan. Special music will be
zeendered by the choir, assisted by
L. Ecknier of Brussels
it Chicken Supper
wi11 be served on the
Mon. Evening, Oct. 1
'in time basement of the church
from. 6 to 8 o'clock. An excellent
programme including numbers by
a trio and reader from Owen
Sound and a male quartette from
Ethel will be given. Dr. Young will
also speak. Admission 35e and 15c.
Come and bring your friends.
REV. C. CU'MMING, Pastor
:MRS. N. REID, Pres, W.A.
3:1.r. John Smith and his sister Miss
hv» y rsf Elms township, spent San-
d y lath their aunt, Mrs. Susan 'Smith
,nil other friends,
The thanks'gtriug service in St.
Getorgae Church -H as much appreciat-
ed by the congregation. Rev, 3, H.
•.,c„glte:gen, gave a suitable sermon,
• taken from 17th chapter Luke, 10dh
eeese- The Brussels choir was notch
rte cciated by all present and the
zein ch was nicely decorated for the
meeasion. There was also a satisfact-
etty collection.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Iilender.son spent
dee tceck-end at Wm. IFarquharson'.s.
Ali: c 'Muriel 'Farquharson of Toron-
to is holidaying with her parents, Mr.
anal \Ire. \Vm. Farquharson.
!ries 'Ruth Hurley of Heidelberg
e,,di 1awed in the village for part of the
The regular meeting of the Ladies'
ui'A and W.A. of St, •George'e
i leareh met at the hone of the
Missive (Driscoll um Thursday, Sept., 6.
The meeting opened with Mrs. Mc -
t g_g1crt presiding and the singing of
e :r,a 325, after which the Scripture
was real and the Lord's prayer was
a1fert`4 it, n:,ieon. The bninees pert of
to meeting was used in making ar-
.•a rgenrents for the bazaar, The IV.
A. then took over the Meeting with
'1r'•, Etouphriee presiding. Prayer
ome ''tTered and it was decided to
y r't a quilt to be done this week,
-ind bazaar arrangements were made.
Grace was sung and hutch served
I be next meeting will be at liras.
,\m. .Stewarts.
Mr- and \1re. J. \V, Morrison of
T,wnato. who have ,been spending
their holidays .with friends in the vil-
lage, hare -returnee! home,
Mr. Geo. Love :Sr, who has been
:J itfn.g !Heade in New York State,
inc'returned home.
MI5,' Margaret Walter, and \Iisses
Georgina and Ruby Sanderson, aid of
Listowel, acre Sunday visitors with
Mr.. and \trs. Norman Schack,
Anniversary services wt ere held in
the Hi41agreen Church ,;n Sunday
andlarge crowd, attended tate services.
Rev. D. W. Cosens of Clinton deliv-
ered very fine messa.get for the day.
The Kippen Choir rendered- the an -
Theme, "Perfect Peace.” and "'How
Beautiful upon the 'Mountains," Quar-
eettes were given at bath services,
-Deer Spirit Lead Me," was given by
elrices Jean Ivison, Halcyon C'hand-
ier, lie srs. J B. McLean and 71, W,
Cal -111e; "I Will Extole Thee, My
axed and King," by Mrs. J. B. Me-
lee•.an Miss Florence Thompson and,s. J. 23. McLean and W. Leve.
.Veen credit is due the choir and
leader and also the organise who gave
their services to make the anniver-
seary a splendid success,,
Mr. arid ,blrs. Raymond and- dao-
gh'ter Beatrice ,of Kippen spent Sun-
day with lir. and Mrs. H, Turner.
\Ir. and'Mrs. B. W. Carlile of Hen -
sail wpent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
Clime. Stephenson,
'1'Ir. and Mrs. 'Chas Farquhar of
113rurofield spent Sunday with .14r.
and Mrs. IR. McAlhister; Mr, and Mrs
'W. Hart, of 'Bruceifield, and Mr. and
teles„ T. J:arrott of Klippen and Rev.
,'D. W. Cnsens of Clinton, with I?.Er.
W. Jarrott an,ct Annie; Mrs, John M'Mc-
?wen of iHensalil, with her brother,
.1r, and bIrs. R. :Love;; Mr. and bfrs..
1T, 11 cbTurtrie of Kippen with Mr.
and Ctrs: J. Cochrane,
Miss Dolly Hagan returned to Ther
amine after spend'inga few Weeks in
'Vise '!'Mary I-Pagai has returnedto
London after spending the holidays
on the fare, here.
'Mrs. John Turner and son Jim, of
t ain•ton visited, friends en Siind•ay,
THURSDAY, SEPT. 20,' 1934
Farm Machinery and
Come in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for ehrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repab's and Labor Cash,
We are now buying Eggs and
Poultry at Highest Market
Prices for Cash. Give us a trial.
Prompt, courteous service.
Best prices for Cream.
C. A. Barber, Prop,
Ladies of Bethel Church
putting on a
Mrs, John Norris. -.It was with
deep regret that the community
learned on Saturday evening of the
death of Mrs, John Norris, in Clin-
ton •hos'putel, where she had been for
seven weeks, The funeral was held on
Monday from the family residence,
Lmd concession Tue:lem a:le to the
Staffa Cemetery, Rev, 'lar, A. Brem-
ner of S3rucefield United Church,
conducted the services. Six nephew;
acted as pallbearers, Norris Sillery,
\\'idlran9 Sillery, Malcolm Norris,
Raymond Norris, [Laurel Butson,
'H'ugh Beason, Mrs. Norris was held
in the highest esteem by all who had
the pleasure oif her acquaintance. She
as a daug'h'ter of the late John Mc
herson of IFullarton, near Ru el
n'le, her maiden 'name being Celia
fiinnetto McPherson, (Following her
areiage she was a resident of Crotn-
ty con 11 isitt' until 19l1te coming
en to their farm hear Brueefield,
nrvit'in , besides hen now 'bereft
r.sband, are three sons, Lyle Norris
Detroit, Dr. Lance Norris of To-
nto, and Harry, at !route also two
toys and, one brother, Mrs. !Laude
Fitzgerald of Hamilton, -firs, Harry
Norris, Cromarty, and Mr. \\'illiaut
McPherson, 'Cromarty, 'Among. those
attending the funeral were 1M:•, and
Mrs, George Fitzgerald and daughter
,if Hamilton, -lir, and .Airs, Will Nor-
ris of Detroit, and 11 r-. Jame:Me-
e:ween of !Detroit.
Fruit, Vegetables, Butter and Eggs
Commencing at 2:30 P,M.
1'[rc, John 3arratt and daughter
Gladys ni Kippen called on friends on
Mrs. John Cochrane, it 110 spent a
few days with her daughter in Tor-
oeto, returned to her hone.
:Fall fairs are non the order of the
Harvest thanksgiving was held itt
St. john's Church Sunday, Rev, Mr.
•J'ow'nseed of London being the
speaker -and gave a very Jneerecting
talk en the fulfilling' of the Scripture.
(.here w as ,t good attendance and
the church vas tastefully decorated
for the occasion.
Mr, and firs, Ritchie 1[eNaughton
and daughter of London, accompan-
ied with Mr. John McNaughton and
Hiss Kathleen, .spent Sunday with
friends in this community,
-llrs. Sielek has returned after vis-
iting, in kitchener.
!Miss Slavin of Tlensall returned
home after spending a week with
ft lends,
'Mr. and Airs. Jas. Perry.and kiddie
of Toronto are visiting at the home of
\lr. George Beatty, Sr.
11'e are sorry to report Mrs. F,
'Weekes and',Mrs. John Rathwell are
confined to the 'house through illness.
On -Monday evening the many IB
frienis of Miss Ruth 'Elliott stet at eter
the home of Mrs, 11. Reid and the rrsi
brute -tu=be was presented with a this- lira
ctlltn•.rn. shower, .6 o
Mrs. Stockton of Kitchener is the, hi.
,;oust of her sister, 'Mrs. Elliott. tort
. lir. and 11rs, Peter Maloney spent
Sunda[• at the house of .the Matter's
parents, Mr. and etre, Peter Eckert.
• Mrs.- Martie Purcell is improving
after her recent illness, •
Mr. Joe O'Rourke Jr !tan returned
to St Peter's Seminary, Londe. af-
ter spending. the summer with his fa-
ther, Mr. Pat, O'Rourke.
11rs. John Jordon and fami:y visit -
el with 11r. and Mrs. Joe Flanagan
on Sunday,
31r. and lire, !like Murray and
little ;ort spent Sunday with lite and
\Mrs. Wilfred, Maloney,
Mr. lL J. Lynch is envy cutting
tweeds on the road,
31r. Ed, SIcGratlt .pent the weelc
end at the home ,, his brother. Lewis
11r . Martin Murray of Dublin
spent the week end-w-itit her daugh-
ter, Min. -Joe Maloney,
urial took place at Belgrare cem-
y of Adam Halliday, the oldest
dent o'f (furan County, who tele -
ted his .id)tit birthday on October
1 last year. T -Ie died at the home of
daughter, Mrs. J. B. Stewart, Vin-
e street, Clinton. Deceased en -
103 cct remarkable health and had re-
tained the use of all his faculties ex-
cept that his eyesight failed about a
ago He was horn in. Duntfrie-
e, Scotland, son of Adam I•Ialli-
and Mary :Shaw, and cane to
ala with his parents at the age of
e years. They settled in Pushinch
nthip, There he remained for
t 315 years and after a short per-
t Norwich, ich, carte to ,Huron Coun-
t^here he farmed in Morris Town -
retiring to helgrat'e in 11904. He
led the late Catherine Robertson
tine 116, 11.964, the ceremony being
rmed at Blyth by Rev. Mr. Ste -
His wife died .in 11936 and since
time he has resided with three
ghters, Mrs, D. A. Dunbar, Bel-
, Mrs, Thos, Walker, (Brussels,
Mrs. J. B. Stewart, Clinton
ting besides the three mention
e two daughters :firs, D. A. Ro-
m, Winnipeg, and Mrs. W. G.
or, Melville, Seek, two sons.
Holliday, Verdun, Man,, and
on aid 'hfalliday, Tuberose. Sask,
vete service was held at the
of Mrs, 1, 13, Stewart, followed
public service in the United
h et Belgrave,
Che United- 'Church intend having
their annual fowl supper eat the lllth
f October.
.A large number from here attended tear
the anniversary services at I-Iillsgreen .her
iocl a
ty, v
on J
ed ar
Dr. 1)
A pri
by a
There will be no services in the Un-
ited •Ch tireh next Sund tp owing to
Anniversary service, at Goshen Unit-
ed Church,
\ir. Fred Austin is all smith these
days because a little son has come
to brighten their home Congratu'la-
1fr, Gordon ,Fowler has returned to
Ibis home in Toronto after a very
pleasant visit with leis neatly Kippen
Silo !filling and fall fairs are the or-
der of the day.
Mcil3ride is improving
nicely and alble to work a little after
Iris severe accident.
lfiss Richardson spent the week
end with her parents at 'Listow'e'l.
'\1r W. W. Cooper ' is improving
after his recent operation but will be
confined to t'lie hospital Inc seine
time yet
The funeral of the late Mrs, John'
Norris was largely attended on Mon-
day, last,
Mt'. Sack Cor1Sitt met with a seri-
0ue acciclent on Tuedsay morning.
while 'bringing in the horses from the
field. In ,some manner one kicked
him in the stomach end he is in Sea -
forth hospital in a serious condition
but all hope he ti -i11 00011 recover.
feet, a
Conquers, To be relieved
front the terrible suffocating die to
asthma is a great thing, but to be
sate -guarded for the future is even
greater. Not only does Dr, J. D. Kel-
logg's !Asthma 'Remedy bring prompt
relict, bolt i1 introduces a new era of
Fife for the afflicted. Systematic .intial-,
ing of smoke or fumes from the retn-
eely prevents re -attach; and often ef-
perma'Itent relief.
Exeter Fair
'1'lte fall fair season in lluren op-
ened on Monday and Tuesday with
Exeter fair,which had !fine weather,
a large crowd and an excellent ex-
hibit Most classes were well filled
and some particularly fine live .stock
\vas shown on Tuesday, The Forest
Boys Band .furnished music,
:Brood marc, Nelson Keys and ISott,
J. F .Dotson, L. ler, Johns; foal of
1034, J. F. D'otvson and 2md; Nelson
Keys & Son; 3 year old filly or geld-
ing, A McKelllar, Gelinas Bros. and
3rd; filly or gelding years, R. Ham-
il -on
t ,Cecil. (Rowe, Gelinas Bros.; filly
or gelding, 1 yr., IN. (Keys & San, H.
Truenrner, Clayton Frayne; team, K.
Heavy ,Draught
Brood mare, R, D, Hunter, Garnet
Jacobi; foal o'f '1904, R. D, Hunter(
Garnet Jacobi Thos. Brock; 'filly or
gelding, 3 yes., R. D. Hider; Ifil'ly
or gelding 2 yrs, R. D. Il inter, R.
Hamilton; dilly or gelding 1t yr., G.
Jacobi; teats, Jas, Scott.
Wagon Horse
Brood mare 'Mil'ton Luther,. Clay -
:on .F'rayne; foal of 11935, Milton 'Lu-
t!ter, Franklin Skinner; filly or geld-
ing. 3 yr, old, Wilfred Mack, Man -
‘011 Lies.; filly or gelding, 2 years,
.Art 'Ford, 'Robe Rundell filly or gel-
ding 1 year, Art Ford, 1, Skinner;(
diploma for :best animal, Wilfred
Brood mare .Nelson 'Keys & San,
Roland Geiger; foal, X, Keys &
Son; pair roadsters in harness, IV,
McGuire: since roa•d.eter in harness,
15. Trucnuter, 315, C. Smilhie, Lady
driver, Mrs. Rader, Mrs, S. Chatn-
ledge -AV, L, llossop.
Aged cow, \V, Oestricher and 3rd;
13 bt, 11. Peck; two year old heifer,
W. Oeetricher and 3rd, Ro'bt. '2:1,
Peck; one year old heifer, R. Peck,
1V. Oestricher and 3rd; heifer calf,
\V. Oeetricher and 3rd, R. Peck; bull
calf, 1V, Oestricher and 3rd; R. Peek;
bna, 2 yrs., W. Oestricher; hull, l yr.,
W. Oeetricher and P111,
_Aged cow, O'Neill pros., Slut:
Bros., John Henze!: 2 year old heifer,
O'Neill Bros., Jolut Hertzel; 1 year
old heifer, Stutt L-'ro;., J. hlertze;;
heifer calf, Stull Bros., O'Neill Bros,;
bull calf, O'Neill I t s„ Stutt Bros,:
hull: 1 year, :Stitt I ros., O'Neill Bros:,
Stutt Bros,: bull two years, Stott
Bros, O'Neill Bros, J. 'Hertzel,
inma-O`Neill Bros,
Polled Angus. -'Aged cow, P.
Dearing and 2nil, 'two year old heifer,
P. Dearing and 2nd; heifer calf, F.
Cornish, 'Albert 13blieringtcn: brill
calf, 1'. 'Dearing, le, Cornish; hull, one
y ear, 1, Cornish; best animal, P.
Dearing, •
Hereford 'Herd - O'Neil! Bros,;
Stutz hro:,; W. ()esti-ichet•,
Jersey-4Aged caw. Prospect jer-
sey harm, :St. 'Marys; two year old
heifer, Prospect farm, Those Brock;
rue year old heifer, 'Prospect farm
and 2nd; heifer calif, Prospect farts;
bull call, Prospect farm and 2nd;
hest animal, Prospect farm; Rivers'
special, bent jersey, Prospect Terni.
Grades. --'Aged cute, '!Freed Ellering-
ton and. '2nd and 3rd; two Year old
heife'lt, F, Ellerington and 2nd; one
year old heifer, Ellerington and 2nd;
two year old steer, Ellerington and
2nd; one year old steer, Albert Etit-
erington, Andrew Park, Fred llering-
t.'n; three heifers, butcher, under 1,-
lbe„ Fred Ellerington; diploma,
Freed Ellerington; baby beef, Andrew
Park, O \'enll Bro „ Aubert Ethering-
ten and -1,the Usborne baby beef, All -
bent ,Etherington and Lend; J. T. Hern
3rd, TIern Bros. 4th; Traquair Lin-
denfielrl spec. -A, 'litherington,
Cattle judge -Wm. Charters, Sea -
Dorset Horned
'P, Deaning won six :firsts and three
2nds, ale° W. W. 'Camon's special,
Oxford Downs
Sheanling ram, S, Pytn and 2nd;
ram lamb, S. Pym and i2ncl; ewe, S.
Pym and 2nd; slteariing ew=e, Dick
Bron., 'S, Pymit; ewe lamb, IS. Ppm
and incl,
!Shropshire [Downs-IA,ged rami, R
D. Hunter; shearling ram, Gelinas
13r'os.,'R. 1). TTunter; ram lamb, R. ID.
Hunter, and '2nd.
:Aged ram, A. D. Steeper, Geo,
Peri/tale; s:hearling ram, [Geo, ':Penha4e,
A. D. Steeper; rani lamb, Steeper
Penhaaet ewe, Penlrale, Steeper,
.heading ewe, Penhade, Steepr, ewe
lamb, Pen hale, A: Ni coed son.
'Aged ram, D. A. Graham & Soli;
shearling ram, A. :D, Steeper; rami
lamb, Graham & Son; ewe, Graham
& Son; Steeper; sheat•lin,g ewe: Gra
xrm & Son and 2ncl;'ewe 111a1ih, Gra-
ham & Soat, Steeper,
IS t• weeps'talees-IBest animal in
class, any breed,-lGralh'atn &
Penhale, Steeper,
Judge- lJtcines Ray, .liitche'i:l.
Yoel;hire-Garnet Mines -'wo
firsts and 2 seconds sots- under
year, A. EEtherington, Chas, Pro
(Berkshire --4T, ,1V1.'Snost'den, A,
eri ngto n.
Tatnlvoeth-1Boar, two years, Man-
son !Prue.; hoar, one year, Gelinas
Bros.,Manson Beose sow, two years,
Manson 13ros,, and Znd; sow, one
year, Gelinne Bros., Manson Bros,;
sow under 'one year, ,Gelinas Bros,,.
Manson Bros,
Canadian Canners' special, best
sow under one year -A, ,Etherington,
'Judge-C•harhes Harvey.
Light IB:ra'hmas-Alen, Mrs, What-
J. Kochems; cockerel, J. Koch -
erne and 2nd.
Dark B'rahleas-(Hou, iL. O'Brien.
Cochins-Cock, Mrs, H. G. 'Whit-
ing, J. Kochems; lien Mn,sWhiting.
(Silver Grey D'on'kings-Coc'k and
'Iter, D. A, !Graham, J'. Koalteens; ckl.
and pullet, J, Xooheuts.
'Buff Orpingbons--Cock, Mrs, Whi-
ting, J. Kochems; hen,
, (Battler,
Mrs, Whiting; .ckl and pulie:t, J, Ko-
chems and (2nd.
113.erred 'P•lyneouth Rocks - Cock,
Mrs. Whiting,. 0, Battler; hen, :Mrs.
Whiting; ala1, James Sutton; pullet,
'E. Cecintore,
113uff \Vyautlottes--'Rett, Lloyd 0'-
•Brieu and 2nd,
IVwhite TYy'andottes-+Cock and hen,
C14fred Nicholson and 2nd; .ckl, Alfred
\ieholeon, H. Cudmore; pullet, H.
Cudmore, A. Nicholson,
;Any other variety \l'yandoftes —
Cock and hen,). 'A, 'Graham & Son,
O'Brien; ckl and pullet, D, A. Gra-
ham & Son.
'S^C. 'Rhode Island Reds--JIcn, ckl,
pullet, 3. Kochems and 2nd,
'RC, Rhode baud Reds --(Hen, 0
• Buff Leghorns'--Coed: and hen, L
:Brown Leghorns-Cock, Mrs. Whi-
ting, Orland Battler; hen, ',Mrs. W'h'i-
ting, L. O'Brien,
':Sny other variety Leghorns-Cock
and pallet, Mfrs, WV4,ibittg, 0. Battler,
1B'lack 'Spanish -Cock and lien, 3,
Kochems and 2nt1.
Black 31inorcas-Cock and hen,
,los. 'Sutton and incl; 141, 2Irs.
intgt Jos. Muton; put„ 5. Sutton, ld.r.s
11'hite \tinorcas-heti, L. O'Brien
and 2511. c\mtnlusians-Cock, Tien, cid
poi, 0. Battler and 2nd, 25conas-
pnl., L. O llricn and 2:n1; -S. P. Ham -
bur=s, Cock and hen, L. 0113rien; old.
I.. O'Brien, Mrs. Whiting; 'Black
11anibnrgs, cock and lien, O. Battier,
Mrs 11'hitin ckl. and pull„ 0. 'Bat-
tler; Golden Campincs Cock and het
O'Brien and 256; Silver Campines,
Cock and hen, Mrs, Whiting; Poland,
golden, all classes, L. O'Brien and
dud, I3a13, Red Gtune, cls and pull,
Mrs. \Millin:, any other 'rat, Game,
cock and hen Nils, Whiting, O'Brien;
ekl and ptil., 3Ers. Whiting; tl3anhants
,tune, cool: and hen, A. Nicholson.
ekl and pull, A. Nicholson. Mrs. Whit
ing; 'Gulden Seabright D A. Graben
& Son, Mrs. 1Vhntmg; A.O.V. Ban
tam, cock and hen, Mrs. \Whiting, L
'011eriei; ekl and pul,, Graham, 0' -
/Brien; Houd:ans, Mrs. \Whibing, Recl
Caps, W, J. Bowden; Sumatra Gatne,
Mfrs, Whiting; White Rocks, cock, T.
21, SnottKden, L. 0. Brien; hen, 0'-
1Brien, !Snowden; 'ckl, J. Kac•hems, J,
(Selves; Black Giants, coc.k, Kochems;
hen, rkl., Graham & Sons, Kochems
pud., Kochems, Gra'ham; any other
vanie+y fowl, Mrs, 1V'hit'ing, Haggarth
Special, Edgar Cudmore, Harness
special Mrs. 'Whiting..
Turkeys-1L'ronze, le. Cornish won
four first,,
?Geese-�Brenien, .Garnet Miners;
Toulouse Geese, 4V. J. Bowden, hen,
0. Battler, 1V J Bowden; a,o,v. W.
J. IB'ow'den; ole!, .0 'Battler, young, R,
;Brock and _encl.
'Due les -Pekin, old, Jelin Serves, 0,
Battler, young, Roy Brock, 0. aati-
ler; .1.2ouen, 1V. J. Bowden won seven
prizes a,o.v, ducks, old. John Koch-
enis, Roy Brock; young, Roy Brack
and 2'nee Miscellaneous -guinea fowl,
John Selves.
iRablbits Bed=gian, Old and young,'
\!'alio Stanlalce; a.o.v. !Mervin 'Cuel-
nroi•e; special, Mervin Cucl'more.
Collection of pigeons -Mrs, \V'liit-
J'ticlge-ti. !4V, O•ntw'ein,
!Green 'Race -Willis :Grattan (Hock
gine, 1 Exeter) 114J3; Evelyn :Grattan
I( Cun5Ingham, Cl anclehoye) 3-3-1;
Blarney Wilkes (Sid Hodges, C•lancle-
'boye), 2.243:; Stan P'a'te:hen (!Hicks,
IE,l nrville)
6-.151-31;, Billy IHlvl eletiilds)
6 -dr. Frank Delbriclge, Time 'kee'per;
iFran'k Taylor, JStanter.
/Running Race, % mile, Woodiham
)13oy I(Ilbum'desle Wocelhein)
(Babe ((Pete 'Willard, Centralia) 1-12-2•
Sunset Tiger .(Pete Oaanpbelld, tKnn-
w7csoil) 3-3-3; Darby Boy (Earl White-
ly, Centralia) 4-J 4; 'Betty Ann (.
Jack Reeder, Centre; a) ; Lady All.
!Feed -gins, Centralia); Billy '1 -hoe (J.
II 4
All Quiet on the
Western Front
4 P.M.
Comedy ' Cartoon
Mon, Tues, Wed„ Sept, 24-25-26
in that
great Musical Comedy
"Stand up and Cheer"
News Reel Comedy
Thurs. Fri. ,Sat., Sept. 27-28-29
Look at this cast
"Hips Hips Hurray"
Comedy Cartoon
;Snell, Wood -ham), Time 55, 50,51,
utile bicycle race -!Harry Frayne,
'Russell Col•Iingwoocl, Lorne Stokes.
Time 11:213,
B•icyole lace, 2% mile -•Lorne
S'tol'es, :Harry 'Frayne, Russell Col-
(Harness Special, Mrs, Whiting;
'Hogarth Hatchery, 'E, .Cudntore; ha -
by beef competition, Ushorne, Ether-
ington and dnd, 3. T. Tleri, Here
Into, AgeSoc., Andrew Pr 0' -
Neill Bios Ltheringtnn and 4th; Mal-
ting barley
Mal-ting'barlet special, Milne (Rader, Mrs.
0. Cunningham[, :Orland 'Battler, H. A
Fuss, R. Geiger; ' white bread, if:•s,
[Dearing, brown bread, 1lrs, I2ey-
. melds; angel cake, lire. .3fotz, angel
calve specntl, Mrs. Dearing: art craft,
Mrs, Dailey; quilt, R. Geiger, honked
prat, R. Geiger; fancy sweater, Hiss
Livingston; school children's specials
general status collection, Jho. Selves,
British Empire stamps, Rd. Statebury,
Wrap Canada, John Selves, bitttertlies,
'Dicke Bros„ carpentry, F, H,-Carbert,
(Continued on Page Seven.)
iA quiet autolan wedding took place
at the home of 31r. and Mrs. Edwin
Horsey, IGoderich, when their young-
est daughter, Dorothy 'Marie, Was un-
ited in marriage to Ja•ntes A, Mae -
Laren, son of -lir, and Mrs. !lino
\[nc1 area, of Cromarty. 'Rev. Mr,
Craik, pastor of the United Church,
conducted the marriage service which ea
tool: place before a bank of ferns and
summer flowers. The wedding music
was played by Miss .Rudy Carter, con
air of the bride, The beide, who was
given in. marriage ,by her -father, was
charming in a gown of pale -blue crepe
weth pink trimmings and carried a
bouquet of pink ruses. The young
couple were nimettendeil, only the im-
mediate relatives being present, ,Later
Mr. and Mrs. Mlacdt wren left by mot-
or for Port Arthur, The 'hnide travel,
led in a smart suit of black and white
waffle cloth, with accessories to
match. Guests were present from :De-
troit; London, Cromarty-, Clinton, Au-
burn and 'Goderic'h. On their return
they will reside in Goderich.
The National Temperance Study
'Course for Sunday Schools in 1934
The Temperance :Study Course
sponsored by the .W,C,T,U. and the •
R.E.C. will enter upon its seventh
educational campaign on Oct. 7. con-
cluding on Nov. 4th.
There arc 'five lessons, They are
printed in most of the S•tuulay School
paper's and also available in pamphlet
forth from the National Campaign
Office, Clone House, Athens, Ontario.
The p,rice is '51e per copy, 30,e per doz-
en or $3,00 per hundred Prizes are
awarded to those sending in the best
papers 'by the National and Provincial
Uhio-ns, Some County and osnte Lo-
cal Unions also give prizes, :Huron
County W.C.T,U. awards a shield to
the'Sunday 'School :having the highest
percentage of his enrolment writing
upon the examination.
The 'brewers have said; "We are
after the children to give then the
taste; we must get [,hese amillions who
do not know the taste."
ITE wi: want the brewers to succeed
all we have to do is 10 do nothing.
ISincerely yours,
IPray. Campaign S'ec'y.
Exeter, 10•tte, Sept. 9, 119134.
(For Butes and,Scalds.--IDr, Thome
rs' ,Eclectrie Oil wile take the fire out '
of a burn, or scald. It should be at
Nand in every dciteben so that, it t
be available a. nno
t any time. !here is no
iirep,aration required: Jast apply the
oil to the burn a' staid ' and the pain
wile abate a'ncl M. a short time cease