The Seaforth News, 1934-07-19, Page 2t:FAGE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1934 Re-enact Tuckersrnith Scenes of 100 Years Ago Alastair ;Broadfoot and Greeta Broadfoot are apparently enjoying their drive in a smart buggy of by -gone years, while costumed as gay lad and lass of their great grandfather's time. The picture was taken at the Broadfoot centennial reunionlastWednesday. HURON NEWS Late Mrs. M. J. Stevens, — The bath occurred at Guclericlt en Friday vco of Mrs. \Lary lane Stevens, ,;,I<:.tt of the late John Stevens, in 44 year. \Irs. Stevens suffered .a egrnke of paralysis last week. She w -as 'i.tra in the Township of Colborne, the daughter of ,l ihn and Elisabeth 's.\'hhera \lliu. •who came front I)ev- eetire, 1•:n!abtnd. Prior to coating to „d^_rich twenty years a;++, she and he-•• `disband farmed -in Colborne, and irctl at MaGaw for eight year*, when they were burned out, Mr. Stevens 3iec1 'fifteen years age. Surviving are ere brother Joshua .\llin. a son Wil - fan• ;Stevens of C111 borne. 'Town'ship, -,told daughter tIierthat Mrs. Reuben '.;rsig,q of tiodcrich. There are ten . r at.dcliiidr en and four great grand- .:hiidren. Five Drowned in Lake Huron. — Thlte were sw-opt t., death by Lake Hereon's undertow at Inverhuron .3each, near Kincardine. William .'.sang ley of Guelph lost his life in a Ac`!ent attempt to sate Jow•illa 'Todd, 12, and her 14 -year-old sister Fier- nc,r- Two youths retched' another sister Fay. On the sane clay, Sunday, 1•in-rocs Squires, .19, and John f Dea- ,34, of -London, were cought by r,tundertow at limperwash Beach near Sonia, and disappeared before help ill reach then. Cattle Killed by Car, --!hiving over ht- rot of a hill on ITighway Na 4,I three: miles north of Clinton, Walter v ntpsou of Goderich, ran plumb 27 head of cattle being driven by •,tog girl across the road from one I c,as:;tre to another, 'three 01 the eat - lc were injured by the impact. Traffic Case.—In traffic court at -iritiortlt -Frank Cohen, fill Irvin street, Kitchener, was fined $1.0 and costs for` ekless driving. The charge arose out ti accident t o highway S on June, 21.-t. when the Kitchener car crashed -tato itnother driven by William Liv- irty.-t.tea Hallett Township. as the -a".e r was turning into a farmer's ,riteway. Livingstone swore he put nx his hand to signal the turn. but Flat Cohen came Over the brow of the ao- fast he was unable to avoid the gash. The traffic officer testified the .',omen car deidded 75 feet before the • 'epa,i, and that b,dh machine: were ,•, returned in tate ditch when he ar- ind,irateil a bear of no small pro- portions:—Teesw'ater ,News, Killed in Runaway. •-The funeral of Wesley Idnrlsuu All" held last weeds rolxt hi late rt'sidcure On the 2nd of Kinloss. lir, Iludson eh. Das in 73rd •• year, was fatal:t injured when an accident occurred when driving a .Least: oi horses raking hay en hie own farm. He was found immediately af- ter the accident by his daughter Greta -vhxi noticed the horses running away. Married at Staffa. —A pretty wed - 'ling took place Statnrday aftermxnt at the United Church parsonage at -itrefa when ,Rev. Mr. Turner united 4n marriage Mabel 3. Jewell, daughter r11 the late Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Jewell if Logan to Ivan Wells 'Tiiggerson of Mitchell, sun of Mr. and Mrs, John Hi.ggersua of 'T'oroat°. Mildred Pratt „vas bridesmaid and brant Kropf was ,ea mut, both 01 Stratford. A wed - ling meal was .served at the home of the bride's aunt, lira. James Malcolm. Viterward's the bride and bridegroom left on a trip to Toronto and points tart. Beware of the Bear 1 — Several etighta agog Mr. .Leslie McKee of Teeewater who has an apiary just op- poeite. :\Ir. George 'Steel's, found sev- oriel hives upset,and one dragged ',lime distance and broken into. On investigation the tracks of abear were liscovered''in the earth leading to and from the hives. Large paw: printer Brussels Woman Called by Death-- With eath-\Vith tate passing of Miss Sarah Black, at her _home last week, Brus- sel; fort another well known and highly respected citizen. 'For the past few- ,years she has resided in the village, but the greater part of her 7u years was spent .nn the 4th con- cessi,n Of Morris. She had been stricken several days previous to her death. To .mourn their loss she leaves' ane brother, Peter, Owen Sound; and one sister, airs, ilex. King of 4th concession of Morris.:In- terntent was iii Itr0 Bela Cemetery. !'all hearers were Jack Yttin, Alex. Brewer, Jack Bowman, Thos. Mc- Donald, Dorton MoDeugall and I). tKinnoti. .Ain ng those attending the funeral front a distance were: Mr. Jut. Block of Detroit; lir. and Mrs. Leslie he Lamont of Kincardine and Mrs. Coates and daughter of Ethel. Grob - Martin. -- The Evangelical 1 uu'tage, Zurich, was the scene of an interesting trolling on July 10, when Lylyan \\', Martin, daughter of \Ir, anal Mrs, Solomon \lartiu of Babylon Line, 1itty Township, was united in holy weds etc with \ir. Os• car S. (irtb, also of Babylon lane, end sen of Mr. and 'Mrs, Simon Greb :is Exeter.' They were unattended.:\f- ter the ceremony a wedding break- fast was served at the hone of the int parents. Later the bridal cou- ple left for Michigan. and parts in Ohio, and on their return will take np residence on the groom's fine Lunt im the 11ahyto t Line. ZURICH. lir. Fred Steinbach, who has been spending a month visiting his mother -and other friends, has returned. to his home in Cavalier, North Dakota. Miss Jessie E. \laci)otald is spend- ing' the holidays at her home near Kincardine. 11r..\ibert Horner •and sister Mrs. .\ lues of Varna; Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Horner of Zurich. tuul Mrs. E. G. Krueger of the i14th con., motored to Bad Axe. \lich., and attended the funeral of bIrs, N. ,Parent, a niece of Mr. J. \V. !Turner, All aeroplane passed directly over the village last week, in an easterly 1irettlaht. \(r. !Geo. Edighoffer of Mitchell called on friends here recently. \tr. Ben Geiger front Saskatche- w•an tva, a visitor at the home of Mr. anti 'airs. T), Gingerich. Mr. Arthur lEdighuffer has purch- ased Front Mr. Tuhn' Gailman itis fine dwelling property together with three acre- of land. \Irs. J. Dietrich of Ayton is at pre- sent visiting with her parents, Mr. and \i rs. \\1n. Ruhr, Mrs. Samuel 'Geiger and daughter of ISitska'tev'an are visiting friends in Zurich and Crediton. W.C.T.U. CONVENTION In speaking to the \V;C.T.tT. con- vention inBlyth on Thursday, July 5th, Rey. Mr, Gardiner of S.ondes- Ivoro stated that in hall the 'homes of our province the people willingly tax themselves $1.112Ih'':ot) annually For lido-! or. While the majority of women are on the .side of temperance there are Al many .who have joined forces with the wets, in snare nays, beeanse their husbands vote wet, So that the exer- cise of franchise by women has not done away with the liquor traffic as bad been hoped. Liquor is consumed by women note, Tlhpae who are learn- ing to drink are not old enough to have seen tihe dreadful side, of the lrhhk traffic. Many men are crying today 'Give us something with a' kick - in it," and they might add "so that we rant .go' hone and kick our wives and children:" ,\ slogan of the wets is "11 a thing is repeated often •enough people will believe it," so the) publish many falsehoods by press and radio •until the public think they are true, One such false statement is that Government Control doe; away with the bootlegger, whereas the cnntrat'y is true. Before the O."l'..\. carte into, force •there were more Bootleggers than while it was in force and since the O,'P..\, has been ;abolished and government sale has taken its place there are more bootleggers than ever, In the 1'.S,.\. since -tile repeal of the 1311h amendment 'bootleggers are tell- ing twice aS much as previehtsly, :\ns other false argument that greater liquor consumption will bring back prosperity, whereas no country ever, yet drank itself rich. The I114th amend- ment in the States was blasted for the depression• but strange to say in Ontario at the same time, under •Gin' eminent sale there was also depres- slen. A. great campaign has been launched to teach -yonng people to drink, \Ve must start in the primary. grades if we would educate our hays and girls•agcrinst the use 01 in- toxicants which destroy the brain tell-, weaken the heart and cause gen- eral debility. -"Write it on the churchyard *ate, - \\'rite k an the schooPiy's slate, 'Where there's drink there's danger.' " il'lle use of narcotic,: 1a 0(1 the itt- .reale 111 Huron County, according to the report of the Anti -Narcotic Com- mittee. Iliteitile' are using eigarettes ut greater numbers.. Older lova huv them For younger ones. Girls and wo- men are using more. Since nicotine affects the cells of the .brant what avill be the effect on the coming genera- tion? The inl3ortanee of the "child itt the midst" was emphasized through - Art the day. Tie only Way at the ,.resent time of lighting the liquor traffic is to edpettte the children against it. The ratio of the school teacher's influence compared with the influence of an organization such as the \\.,C.T,f'. was likened to that of a'1001). candle power light compared with the light of 0110 candle. \il SIM - day schools should compete for the trinity shield which is given to the school having the -largest percentage of its scholars writing on the temper- ance study course. 1'f Sunday school teachers - and superintendents wtcuId give the children enthusiastic leader- ship in it, most of the children in our Sunday Schools would writs, )Miss .Murray, the Coenty President, said, The 'forces which are against us are tremendous but not nearly 00 tre- mendous. as those that are for its if we would only use then: Lord Astor said that the time woad come when people would despise the use of Liquor just as we today despise the Mare traffic." Miss Merray said that de- pends on the Chtirch of Jestu Christ. Are we true to Him? The officers of last year were re-elected, • Otte of the girls in a teacher's dais was busily chewing gum in defiance of school late. To make her crime worse she was sitting with her feet sprawled out 1n the. aisle. The teacher, entering the room stud-' deme, was quick to call attention to the misbehavior. "Jennie Jones," .slit said, sharply "take that gunk out of your mouth acid nut your feet int" Worms sap the strength an:d ,under- mine the vitality of children. Strength- en them by using\l ather. 'Gravies'. Worm Externliaato.r to drive out rhe. p ras • Send us the 081110s of your visitors Outstanding Quality THE HEPBURN CABINET Mr, Mitchell i-Iepburn and his Cab- inet took over the reins of govern- ment Tuesday afternoon,'July 10, and a meeting 'of the Cabinet was held im- mediately, The cabinet 11'rime Minister, '.President of the Council and iProvincial Treasurer --,- Hon. Hon. Mitchell 17reclericic. Hepburn. :Attorney-iGeneral and Minister of Labor — IHon. Arthur Wentworth Roebuck, !Provincial Secretary and !Registrar and Minister of Games and Fisheries flora d -Larry C. ,Nixon, .Minister Of .E•dttcation—Ilon. Leon- ard J; .Sinapsoi , Minister of -Agriculture—II-Ion. Dun - :ah Marshall, Minister of Highways and Public \\'.orks--thou. Thomas 'B. licOuesten, Minister of Lands and Forests and of Northern Development--:IIon, Pet- er 'Heenan. Minister of Health --)Hon, J. Albert Faulkner, Minister of 'Mines — Hon. Paul Leduc, Minister of 'Welfare — Flout Dated A, Croil, lir. Croll will become 'Min- ister also for the new Department of Municipal Affairs, ' Fresh from the Gardens GRAND BEND PIONEER .1t the home of Mrs. S. E. Eagle- son, Grand Bend, N7 years young; a little sweet-faced lady with silvery hair, poring over a puzzle with the aid of a hand -lens, writes L. Atchison in the London Fi'ee Press, For two hours she entertained—happy little anecdotee, spiny tales of a sailor's life, mitts. and wise remarks about every subject broached. When 1 was tett years old, the Methodist group started a Sunday School (we were cast iron Presby- teeians) and I was allowed to attend, and hoe' we eat has touch to do with the serenity 017 otherwise of our dis- position and atmosphere. "''Here is the story of a bear that might have hugged us. One evening the cows were turned on the grass and I was sent to herd them off the crop. 1 had a book with tate as usual, and seated nxyselif on the edge •of the grass, but the spot had been pre- empted, '1 was no sooner seated than a large garter -snake 'wriggled away from between my bare legs and slid through the grass. I was soon deep in my book, so absorbed that later, though subconsciously I heard a noise, I paid no attention to it: Soon mother called. "Bring the cows • to the byre" As 1 rotttsded them up, I noticed then looking in one direction with their ears set back. The next moment mother called to. her brother across the way, (father was- not at home) 'John, come o'er and bring your gun—here's a bear," But Bruin didn't wait for Johnnie and his gun, He turned tail; jumped over the fence, and disappeared into the bush. 'flit fence was what is called a "shake and rider," and the top pole was broken where Bruin made his exit, also his entry, which provec4 his great weight, On those early clays, whiskey seem- ed to ,he plentiful. \Ve knew a fancily who kept it in a pail on the kitchen table with a dipper in it. A neighbor who dropped in, ehow•ed his surprise, 'i'he woman of the Bottle said, "Sure, that's not much in a house where there's ,ao milk," t1 had a pioneer uncle named Will - /le, who was present vne day at a pig - killing. At ten 'o'clock he was not tante and 1115 wife went to sec what could be keeping hint. When site reached the scene of he killing, she could see through the uwcurtained window and the men were evidenatiy • to the natives and travellers as "T'au I'ineny. Practically everyone tvh gazcd on its majestic natural splend- our wondered why this ideal location, with its wide expense of forest, lake and stream, was not developed in preference to other more thickly pops Mated districts. \Irs. MacArthur, in recollection, says, "Looking back, 1 can see that we did not realize all the beauties of the wildwoods around us. There were hundreds of acres of primitive forests, It was like an immense park, so free from under- brush. It was like wanting on a vei• vet c'arpe't, the result of countless layers of fallen leaves. There were many wild flowers, and the place was alive with birds. People drive hue - deeds of mites now in search of such a retreat. Then it was hard to see the beauty in .the forest; it meant too hard work to get rid of it illn-order to grow the nec'es'sities of life." (Perhaps most Canadians do not know that cranberries, which they import front United 'States, grey and still are found wild in the Piateries, in that weird hooking section called the "flowed• lands." Mrs. MacArthur used often to go there and 'pick cran- berries. She tells it itt her own illi- mitable wary: "Have you ever gone cranberry -picking? I'1 you haven't, then you have missed something. We used to make quite a lark of it. One neighbour used to talce his team iffess take a wagon -load of its—girls ant women --and drive about eight utiles from the Betttl through the Pinery-: then turn to the 'left a short distance and we were at the "flowed lands." Of course, we ail dressed suitable tet the occasion. The accepted rig was short skirts, long-legged cow' -hide boots and old straw hats. Two w-ou!1 elect to stay an shore and attend to our lunch while the rest plunged into the dismal swamp. i•t was indeed a hough it was considered rather tatting 'their "ti ocice0 dorus." 'They weird ho,1 t5 , place, a tree standit "risky." On my expressing a wish for were standing .shaking hands all here and there. Rare of 'foliage or „book both my 'er- a Methodisthntttn u t s may ) P, round, happy tv as lord:. "Kitts t y I _ r tt 11 . g bark, They rooked like ghostly entt- ents were quite alarmed. Said father he Blest but they were glorious o'er; nets. The ground ryas covered dense - t,; mother, "£ think we'd better keep all ills of life victorious." As aunty' ly with a rank growth of tat grasses, her at home. She'll be a A'tethodp putt her head in at the dour, Uncle barberry bushes, etc, The ground was) fust thin; ,we know," However they w•as saying, "We've been guid irfensl so spongy one could ; haee tor yn decided to let 100 finish the season r} as it was understood that .I was likely to carry off the prize. My teacher had noticed that I seemed to have a 'grad monitory—so she asked me to do 111y best and any to conte out r total of a certain boy who had al- ways conte out first. 'I'lte next Sun- day I had over 70 verses and the next I rattled off 3,013 from the Book of John without an error, 'Whether from a Christian motive or not I won the prize and contin-sed to win it." flier school days were limited to two mouths each year for three years, hit to her wide personal experience, and a great variety of good litera tune coupled with a constant use of a gond dictionary site credits the fulness of her education. Her reten- tive memory readily responds to her needs and supplies a flow of beautiful language. At the age of ten she had read, among other shooks, Dickens' "ilontbey and !Son," Bit "Pil- grim's 'Progress," and the Bible in its entirety. She is at present re -read - "Oliver Twist" and "David Copper - field. 'She is constantly worieing puzzles: none .are too di&ficul't. At the age of twenty, having spent two 'oars in Toronto, she ' returned to Grand 'Bend to find romance wait- •ing for her. 'It was not so easy to find a minister, however. Journeying to Thedford, 114 miles away, on a wagon, the situation was saved by the best ran. who found a much wanted divine on a train which stop- ped there, And so they two were wed, it mattered not that the officiat- ingclergyman was Anglican instead of Presbyterian. To this short but happy union were born three children, Jack, Arthur and Jessie. • The following is for those Who wish to be young at 87 "'T will mention it few of the things which, I believe, have helped me to achieve a spirit Of youthftilitess and a' clearness of mind. T heliere it is largely a matter of tem- perament. Tlt is fortunate for one to be born an optimist. I think .1 must have been. Serenity. A beautiful giftl But when that stage is reached T thin!: it presupposes the possession of ',everai other gifts, good Health far one. It is• only of late years that I litre realized that we radiate an at- mosphere of our swat; which may be rivalled for speedy relief in muscularCatad'a. i Brough the intervening swathing, healing..helpfui or the nr , rheumatism, lance 'back, inflammation, tole. £ believe that what '.We eat vc:u hecamca0'ectionately kilotcttIbuena and felons. ever since we care to the bush and we'll aye be gelid ',fens," "Yell nae he :;lid fritts wi'nte very long if ye dintte conte awa !tame." Uncle, shamed and penitent, hastily loolced for his bonnet and started off at such a gait that she conld hardly keep up with him. Before reaching home they met Collie and the tw:; bairns. When little \Gallie was ask- ed what he thought when they evoke and foutiel they were alone, he said, "Oct we thncht ye had goon awa o'er to 'Walker's agin to grin' the cof- fee and we wadna be back till spring." • "Did any of you ever look under your bed at night fearing to find a man there?) did once, but it was to satisfy another person that there was ro one there—and lo, I found a man! in the year 11893, the year of the Chi- cago World's hair. T was engaged. as stewardess on one of the passenger steamers designed to run ,between Duluth and Chicago the entire season. 'rhe company had other boats, and one was a freighter. When lying at dock one clay, we were £invited over to have dinner with the captain of the freighter. \Ve had a nice dinner and visit with our fellow sailors. About eight o'clock we returned to our oven vessel. My daughter Jessie was standing in a listening attitude 1 our door. Holding lip her hand site said, "T-latsh, .mother, there is some- one in our room." — "Nonsense," said T. "Yes, there is, I hear hint breath- ing." reath-ing. 1 th:ought that probably she had got nervous and that what site thought was 'breat'hing was only the ;wish of the water against the boat. To satisfy her, 1 set my lamp on the floor, knelt clown and peered under the bad -and thele was a big mean undterthe bed. A thionougb search of the boat revealed two more stowa- ways. To return to the scenes of Mrs, llacArtiur's younger days at Grand Bend, a spot which is unique in many ways. After the Napoleonic Wars of 18112, eGecr'ge the Third, who was then reigning in England, gave to one of his loyal subjects, a royal grant of land in Elie ,New World :across the seas -to be exact, on the shores of Lake Hueco, int' what Was theft Upper and it was only the intricate interlac- ing of the routs which saved its front gettitfg bogged. Cranberries grow dose to the ground on slender vine,, and the stents are so fragile that, on striking a good patch, one can scoop therit :up by the lwandfml. iI gathered 24 quarts off a small patch, but that was an exeeption, The Indians used to conte from Kettle ,Paint and gather the creast of the crop before they were ripe. Of late years, the "flowed lands" have been drained by a 'new river' and have become a source of very great wealth because of the well known celery beds which Dover the old swamp—but c Lauf but that's another story. Some old timers reading this will re- call Breuvster's Sawmill, wltich roost have been .one of the first in the prov- ince. It was situated on the Aux Sables River a mile below what is now Grand Bend. Besides The Pin- ery, which is all sand, the Brew- ster's had a farm of clay land which lies along the river near the Bend, When they left, having worked lip all the available pine timber, the farm was taken by a man—not a farmer— who engaged father to work it for. him on shares, \\''e ,moved there in. 18666 and the mill had been ,abandoned some years ,before. The ofd boating house on the .banks of the river ryas still intact. We lived in lfhat. .all around it was pure sant covered with debris, w'hic'h was soon cleared away and a space inclosed for mother's flower garden, !Those could hardily be called pioneer days, yet everything was primitive. A log schoolhouse, also used as a church, and a small .private house was all there was of :Grand Bread at that time, and 110 .bridge across the river to reach school, or church or .posto'liftce, We crossed in a canoe, "Phe post office was a mile ttott'h of the U-shaped .bencl in the river and was called 13r.ewcters. ,Fath- er was not successful Sere, for the Aux Staibles river sometimes over- flowed its :banks, r wo seasons out of five, when the grain was about a foot high, it over'flomcd and the :grain went gaily s's'int'ming toward Port Frank. Douglas' Egyptian .T lniment is tut-