The Seaforth News, 1934-07-12, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1934.
Snowdon Bras., Publishers,
Mr. and M.trs, M. Lacomb of De-
troit spent the week end with her
mother, Mrs. C, Drager.
hiss F. Alderson of Toronto is
spending a few days with Airs, J. Bi-
hiss Isabel Farquharson returned
to Seaforth after spending aweek at
her home 'here.
Mr, G. Manning of Brussels is
spending a few days with \Ir, H,
Manning and family.
Mrs, J. -McCrae of Seaforth spent a
few days with Mr. T. Young,.
M[r, and Mrs. Thos, Watson of
London are spending their holidays
with the latter's brother, Mr. C.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Sellars and
Clayton are spending the holidays
with the former'.s patents, Mr, and
Mrs, J. Sellars of Morris,
.lire, Mabb in' Toronto is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R ,Livs
ingst- n.
Mrs. 5, A, MnRae of Seaforth spent
he.week-end with lir, and Mrs,
[.Ito Young.
Miss Leona MfcGarin of Kitchener
is spending her holidays with her
'cousin, Miss Mildred Sellars,
Mr. L. Cummings and Mr. G. Marr-
ray scent Tuesday- in Lonclon as
hu. iness,
Mr, find Mfrs, Joe Bolton, Mr. Will
1111 ii and Dorothy of Rochester, N.
Y., aro spending- their hfilidays with
their temente, Mr, and Mrs, 1. Bolton.
Mfrs. 1, tBoia.m, who has been visit-
ing in .Rochester, N.Y.; has returned
Mrs. Underwood and daughter
Lilian, lt,A\., of the Cornwall Col-
legiate staff, have returned to To-
ronto after spen'ling the week -end
with Mfr. (11. H, Underwood and
'rirnds in Walton,
The 'Golden Rule Cass of Queen
Street Unitel Church, :Myth, tnet at
the home of Mir. and Mrs. \Vat, j.
H"watt on Monday night. '.After hav-
eig eonte music they sang "For She's
a Jolly l;ood Fellow." Then Gladys
Fawcett read the following address:
"'1':, Iles. J. 'Storey. Dear Sarah:—
We, your Sunday school class, hare
dithered here_ to -night to wish you.
n ili;'711t'�: in - your o home. We
were pleased t„ 1raral that you had
accepted the po..itioe of organist 10
Trinity Church, yet we m •ed you
;n :ire. class. '\We hope that you may
et he able to attend class when you
pan coevt•niently do so. The Claes ex -
fettle to you tend your husband our
hest %fishes. for. your health and hap-
piness on your voyage of ,matrimony,.
We tele you to accept this little token
t remembrance front the girls. Sign-
ed on behalf ;,f .Golden Rule Class,"
Mfrs. E. Pollard then presented her
with a box .f stainle _ knives, .Airs.
•Storey thanked the girls for re -meth -
leering her. Mrs. N. R, 'Sanderson;
Miee Entnna Sander.on and Mrs. J.
Storey Served hutch including apiece
o'wedding cake.
Mr. Wiri,
Howatt .spent the
week -end with. his sister, Mrs, Charles
\\iglttnan of \Whitechnrch, owing. to
her guns,:,
Mr. 'John Tyndall of Windsor is
tt-tn,rg relatives,1'awing carne up for
the funeral of Mia Mary • Hoare of
Wm. O'Connor. --- A. dark gloom
was. cast aces this vicinity when the
sad new: of the death of \Von. O'-
t_onnor was received, early Sunday
morning. Deceased departed this life
in Providence Hospital, Detroit, af-
ter a brief illness. He was born at
St. Coliemban, 11552. where he spent
his boyhood year:. Later he was near-
tied to Kathleen Foye, and the young.
couple lived in Manitoba for a couple
of years, when lois wife passed away.
The remaining years he spent in De-
troit. The funeral wee held on Tues-
day morning from his boyhood home
at St, C'olnmban to the R.C. Church,
where Rev, Father Powell sang Re-
quiem High Mass and interment was
chert made in St. Columban cemet-
ery. He leave: to mourn fife lose one
daughter :\l re. Joe. Eckert of Oak-
ville; five si,dters, lire, Frank Mack
al New Sorb Mrs. Wan. Burke,
Catharine and 'Margaret of JIibbert,
en1 Mfrs, Peter 'Eckert of McKillop;
and one brother Dan, on the home
steed. Deceased was highly, hall gyred
mrd respected in thie vicinity, and
will he missed by a large circle of
iriende, The sympathy of the whale
COM Mikity is extended to his molly
frieede an relatives in their sad hour
of hereacerotent.
F large eember attended the sup-
per ; held, in the Parish Hall, Dublin,
Mast week,
Int-, and Air-, Art O'Connor and
111 Mary O'Connor R.N. of Detroit
;pent a few days this week visiting
Ur, and Mrs, D. 5, O'Connor,
Farm Machinery and''
Come -in and see our New and
Used Cars
Agent for ehrysler, DeSoto
and Plymouth
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
We are now buying EGGS
at Highest Market Prices for
CASH. Give us a trial now.,
Prompt, courteous service.
Best prices for Cream.
C. A. Barber, Prop.
Hibbert Cot ncii met in regular
session on July 9, all members pres-
ent the Reeve presiding, The minutes
of the previous meeting were read
and confirmed. Supplementary by-
law Nlo, 4114, providing for levy of de-
ficiency, on the Tyndall drain, was
read to the meeting and .provisionally
adopted. ;A representative of Hib-
best; Fullerton and Logan Agricult-
ural Association was present solicit-
ing the usual grant. The stun ,of $35
was allowed. Road expenditure ord-
ers for $7025 and general expense for
$:140 were issued. The meeting ad-
journed until .\Monday, August 13, at
1 p.m—Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Junes .Maloney of
Buffalo spent the week -end with Mrs.
Nora Maloney, Dublin,
Mr. and Mfrs. Tom Morris and
family visited on Sunday with Mfr.
Patrick Morris arid Mrs. McQuaid,
'We are very glad to report that
Mfr. Alvin \Gorden, who has been in
the .Seaforth hospital suffering with a
fractured jaw bone, is improving. We
(tope to see Mir, \Worden around soon,
Mir. and ,Mrs, Melville fEllood, ac-
companied 'by 'Mir. John Mfacleer• vis-
ited over the week -end with Mr, and
Mrs. Patrick Ryan Jr.
Rev, and Mrs. Chas, Leslie of Cor-
inth are spending their holidays at
the 'home of the latter's parents, -lir.
and Mrs, George Wheatley. •
'An invitation has been extended to
the ladies of Constance \V'M;S. and
Women's Auxiliary by the ladies of
Winthrop United Church to attend
their meeting on July 19th, when
Mrs. Gardiner will be the speaker for
the afternoon.
An open meeting of the -Golden
Links Mission Band was held on
Wednesday afternoon when the Band
from. Londesboro was invited to take
part. There ryas a splendid attend-
ance and everyone spent an enjoyable
afternoon, •After hymn 4'88 in the
H•ytnnary was sung,- the president,
Ella Dexter offered prayer. The min-
etes were read and- adopted, Each
mem'be'r answered the roll call by a
verse "A Friend Loveth at all Times,"
.\ reading was given by Jean Wake-
field after which the Scripture Les -
eon was read by Hazel Jamieson, The
:terry in connection with the lesson
was read by Marion Lawson. Jean
Anderson gave the study hook and a
vocal duet was given by. Helen and
Edith Britton ;an instrumental by
Doris Lawson. ''Greetings were
broeight from the \W.M1.S, .by the Pt•e-
eiilent, Mrs. Wm. Britton, A • recita-
tion was given by .Donald Stephenson
and Blanche Armstrong. An inter-
esting address on Mary Fleffor by
Mrs. Roy- Lawson was touch, enjoy-
ed, Cleta Medd then sang a solo; fol-
lowed by an instrumental by Ethel
Dexter, \\'e were then favored with a
few uttnbe•s
t t by the Londesboro
band. 'An Interesting story on Dr.
Graham was given by Lloyd Carter.
Phyllis Manning then sang a solo,
accompanied by Fraser Thompson on
the violin, After a recitation by Elva
Govrer a trio was sting by three jun-
ior .members, Doreen Arnietrottg, Bet-
ty•Brunsdon,- Phyllis Manning. Af-
ter the offering the meeting closed
with prayer by Mee, Gardiner. Lunch
was then served by members of the
Mission Band,
Keith ,Dale is, ..visiting friends
near Brussels,
• Misses Jessie and June Dunlop of
I.mnsttno are guests- of their cousin,
.hiss Cl•trrssa Dale
Mr, and Mira, Austin Dexter ama
Ferre, -also Mrs. -Chas. Dexter were
Sunday visitors at the hone of Mlr,
and Mfrs, Guy Cunningham of near
Miss Kathleen Yunghlu'tt • of the
Base Line, is a- holiday visitor at the
home of her cousin, •Miss Viola
(Huron promotion examination re-
sults, June 1934, 3. 8, No, 3, Hu:llett.
Jr, JV, — Marion Lawson, O'live
Grimoldhy, ?Keith Dale, David And-
erson- Mary. Thompson, Viola Dex-
ter, Stella .Armstrong, •Alvin Riley.
Sr, fdhl. — Reggie Lawson, Jean
Wakefield, Jinn Jamieson Elwood-
Sr, JI Norma Dexter.
Jr. IikIorne Dale.
Sr. I—Loie Jamieson, Betty Dale,
Ferne Dexter. •
Jr. L.—Donald Stepheneon.
Ethel E. Gawicy, Teacher.
Mr, S. Trevvin was a recent calle
on his friend, -Air, Theo. Dexter,
The Garden Party on Tuesday er-
ening was attended by a large crowd.
The carious attractions provided ex-
cellent entertainment. Angus More o'f
Seaforth with his bagpipes was thor-
migltly enjoyed. A good game of foot-
ball between Kitchener and St, Col
umban, in charge of a Kitchener ref-
eree ended in a 1-0 score in favor of
the visiting team. A dance was also
held. The draw for the six prizes re-
sulted as follows: let (Kenwood blan-
ket)—Charles Querenge ser, Brod-
hagen; 2ne1 ($5)--d'. V. McGrath, St,
Coluanb:nn; 3rd ($5)—=Albert Jordan,
Dublin; 411 (cwt. sugar)—Mrs. Wm,
Nigh, Seaforth; 511 (cwt. flour)—
Mrs. Joseph McQuaid, Seaforth r.r.;
6th (2 cordo wood)—Frank Kraus
kalif, Dublin.
Miss Sadie Queeuan and Miss Lu-
cy Burke are spending some holidays
at the home of Alr, and Mfrs. William
Mlr. Thomas .Downey spent a fen
days at the home of his parents. Ilr.
and lire, Michael Downey.
lliss Mary O'Connor, R.N., De-
tt•oit, sputa 'Sunday at her hunte here,
.Mr. James Flannery and fancily of
Detroit visited with Mfr, and Mfrs.
Pat Flannery last week.
'-lire.. Charles Noxwell has returned
to' London after visiting with her
mother, Mrs. John Downey.
We are sorry to heae of the death
of, Wm. O'Connor which occurred in
Detroit recently.
"Vamps" Our Grandfathers Fell For
An article relating facts about the
gorgeous career of a notorious woman
who had the big personages of the
day at her feet seventy years ago,
het who wouldn't be much of a hit
nowadays. See The t\merican'Weekly
with next Sunday's Detroit Times,
at Walton
TUESDAY, JULY 17, 9 a.m.
10 lbs. Sugar . . . . 54c
With $1.00 order to each customer during entire week.
NN�►✓(\(YY , Walton
\ n
De ENirl
'Alt•, and Mrs. ,Gilbert Murray and
fancily spent Sunday with 'Mr. and
Alrs. Joe, Maloney.
Miss Laurette O'Rourke is visit-
ing. her sister; Mrs, Michael Murray.
lir, Pat Ftattagan is wearing a
smile. It's a boy,
Mr. Joe, Downey is engaged for
the su'tntner months with Mr. John
E. Murray.
:Mir. Ambrose Givlin is wearing a
smile, It's a girl.'
Miss Pearl Johnston visited with
her friend, -hiss Mary i'tal.oney, on'
llre, John . Walsh was visiting
mends in Stratford on Wednesday
last, •
'A union picnic of the, three churche
of it t'Killop pastoral charge was held
at Bayfield on .Tuesday when a mos
enjoyable time was spent. 'There wa
a softball game between the marriec
Men and the single 'men, vvon by th
former; football was enjoyed by son
and there was bathing at the beach.
An exciting program of races foral
was carried out with Stewart Dol
mage and Thos. Dodds as starters.
and Robt, Campbell George 'Ker•
and Lennie Krogmau,. judges,
;-lir, and Mrs. Peter 'Girgerich and
family and 'Mr. Meno fSteckle Jr„ witl.
hie daughters Elizabeth and Mildred,
motored to Elmira for the' week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner of
Lucas are sojourning with Mr, and
Mrs, George Campbell at present
hiss Jean 'Carrie is at present stay-
ing with her aunt, Mfrs, G. G. Haw•
and -of Exeter, who had the misfortune
to injures her knee:
Mfrs, 'Will Carrie, with her son
Bertram, spent a few days last week
with Mrs, J. M. Tough of Bayfield.
Mr, Rufus Keys and , daughter of
Colborne epent a few• days with
lady's 'mother, Mrs. Geo, Dowser,
-llr, Stewart Keys of Toronto spent
the week -end at his home on Babylon
Mir. and Mire. Sid McArthur of
Hensall spent Sunday with .lir. and
Mrs. Roy Lamont,
The Goshen, Blake anis Varna
Sunday scltoo18 intend holding their
annual picnic at Bayfield on Tuesday.
July 17th.
The following will bo the arrange-
ment of the classes iu iS, 'S. No. 6,
Stanley-, for the school terns com-
mencing in September:
Sr, iV.—feaue Reid, 'Bessie Canter
Gordon Horner.
Sr.IlJ,-Roy Elliott Anna Reid,
Floyd Mi' Ash, lfurrin Johnston.
Jr, 1111. ---Gertrude Smith, Marney
Parsons, ,Erncet Appleby, 'Heist
Sr. ii.—Ruby Reid, Maud 'Epps,
Donald Keyes, inti[ Keys, Alvin
Keys, Walter Brotherton, Franke
Jr II —Clarence Taylor.
I, Clttse--,\iary McClymont, Clay-
1•on Keys,
Primer Class — Leona Webster,
Gladys Habkirk,
Robert J. Aberhart, Teacher.
Mfr. and lit;. Eno :Herdmatt of
Toronto are visiting with relatives in
the village.
'Prof, Walter H. Johns of Cornell.
Ithaca, N.Y., is visiting for a couple
of weeks with his parents, Mr. and
Mir. Chas. Johns.
Mfrs Dorothy Johns is spending t
week with her hurt. -Mrs. 'Gib. Dun-
can near ,Farquhar.
Mfr. John Allison and three chil-
dren 01 Springfield are visiting for
a week with relatives in One vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Mlirt O'Reilly and 3
children and ilr. and Mrs. Ed. Mar-
tin. and two children of Shelburne
epent the week -end with relatives and
friends in th e community,`
-lir, Jahn Cochrane is visiting his
daughter sirs, R. Dick and family in
Mfrs. Johnston and daughter Jessie
of Clifford visited friends in this vic-
inity during the week.
Mrs. Fred Hays oi Moose Jaw.
Sask., visited her cousin, Mir, W.
Jarrott and daughter Annie.
Mr. and .firs. \V, McAllister of,Ed-
montou, Alta., visited Mfrs. Walker'
and son Bruce.
Miss Mary J. Hagan of London
visited with her sister Dolly and bro-
ther Frank.
lti Eunajean Aubin of St. Peter's
Seminary,' London, is' holidaying'
with her parents, lir, and Mrs, Alex.
A iibin.
' Mrs. Troyer of Brig -den, as former
•esident here, is visiting with Mr. and
Mfrs. Robt. Stephenson and family.
The Cochrane family reunion pic-
nic was Yield at Bayfield ori Wednee-
lay afternoon, July 111.
Mr. and kiss, W. Huxtable of. Con-
ralia visited the latter's parents, Mr.
end Mfrs, Jas. Love,
Mir. W. 3arrott and daughter Attnie
'kited Rev, E, F, and Mks. Chandler
t. their cottage north' of Gode-
Town Topics.
Dr, and Mas. R, Fisher have re-
turned from their wedding journey.
Alt. Leslie Watson of Toronto is holi-
daying at his home here—Mr. J, A,
Duggan of Stt'atford mo'tared to town
on Friday,—New potatoes and green
peas are now. on the fancily bill of
fare. — Misses Birdie and :Mildred
Johnstone and ,Mre. Nell spent the
kith in Stratiottti.-241: G. -Murray, C.
r„ has gone to Regina where he has
a good position with the Provincial
goverunten't,—Mr. and' Mrs. Harry
Town have returned to town, having
spent the post six menths in New
York and Hamilton.—Mies Maggie
Wall of Chatham is visiting Mts.
James Beattie.—Mrs, J, D. Ilamilton
and daughter E'di'th spent the first
Part al the week in \
\\T, F. Ktes's and ,children of Preston
visited at the home of Mrs, R. Ham-
mett over Sutrday.-1Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. B. Carey :of Buffalo are visiting
the former's sister, ifrs, R. L. Sloan.
—Mrs. McKay, Goderich street, and
granddaughters Bessie and Nora
Kennedy, returned on Monday even-
ing from a trip clown the St, Lawr-
ence. -A number of sports tient to
Brucele'l'd on Monday evening and
witnessed a game of football ;between
the Rovers and Niagara Falls, which
resulted in a victory for lirucefield
by 4 to 3 goals=Miss Cora B. Geib
passed her junior grade examination
of the Toronto conservatory of music
at the age. of 113 years,_ which speaks
well for her teacher, Mr, Campbell.
She is the youngest pupil he has'ev+er
Put thrategh for the :Junior exam,
-Mfr, and Mrs. Henry 'Koehler and
children are on a visit with friends in
North Ease -hope and Stratford.—Mr.
and Mrs, F, .Koehler and tvvo children
are on a visit with friends in Ellice,
Fullerton and other places—'Mr, Ilen-
ry Rapiers of the 112ith ' con. McKillop,
has a field of Wheat that will average,
6 feet in height.
On Tuesday night Thomas Miller,
an old and well known resident of
the 5-th line, Morris, passed away in
his Nth year, lle had a stroke of
paralysis 7 years ago from which he
never recovered. Deceased was ,barn
at Bedrule, Rowboroshire. 'Scotland,
on January 9th, f934, and cane to
Canada in the :Spring of 1849, locating
near Galt, In November of 1852 he
carne to the township of iforris and
took up 360 acres of land, Deceased
was married to Miss Jane Thompson,
711 line itorris, in October of 11869,
and she and tett children survive,
On Tuesday Mrs. David .Pipe and
Miss Ethel, 5th line, left for Cobalt.
The former will spend a couple of
months holidaying with relatives,
Miss Ethel has gone to take a posi-
tion with her 'brother, Taylor Pipe.
Mlrs.. James Cousie of Grey spent
the end of the week: in the village.—
Mrs. Lewis Remelt of Guelph Junc-
tion is visiting her mother, Mrs., Mc-
Nichol of Grey, W. L. Peffe, and
iia;ter St. I3laise of Myth were in
Walton on :Monday.
McKillop Council.
Council vet at Calder's Hall on
Jttly 6th. A by-law for restraining and
with Elizabeth (Bergner
Catherine the Great
Comedy Cartoon
Mon. Tues. Wed„ July 16, 17, 18
in a rib tickling comedy that you
will say is 'the best you have ever
Comedy Cartoons
Thurs. Fri. Sat., July 19, 20, 21
Two big features for the price
of one
—in -
Flaming Guns
- —in—
Say It With Music
regulating the running at large of
dogs in the municipality of -McKillop
was read and finally passed, and an
inspector appointed .for its enforce-
ment. The clerk was authorized to
advertise tenders for the construction
oi the 7tlti tt' drain. Thomas Purcell
was appointed inspector on the tile
portion of the Nash drain, Pathmas-
ter, are reminded that it is their duty
to have all noxious weeds in their sev-
eral road divisions cut or destroyed
to prevent their seed ripening, such
work to be done as statute labor, and
any pathuiaster neglecting or refus-
ing to perform such duty r liable
to a fine, All statute labor lists with
work completed .must be returned to
the clerk on or before Aug. 1'5.
War Against Weeds.
Dry weather and bright, hot sun-
shine are the fannies' greatest allies
in the war against weeds, says A. H.
Martin, assistant director, Crops and
Markets Branch. July- and August
are 'busy month, for the farmer, but
it is daring these months when the
weather is usually hot and dry that
the maximum damage can be done to
weeds with the minimum of effort.
July plowing and early after harv-
est cultivation is to he highly rec-
Hay fields known to be dirty
should be ploughed immediately af-
ter haying, the furrows left to bake
and dry ottt for .10 days or two weeks, j
then cultivated frequently as a sum- �r* s'
mer fallow and seeded to fall wheat
early in September. This eo called
dry cleaning method i+ very effective
on Sow Thistle, Twitch Grass, Blad-
der Campion and other perennial
vt eed s,
'Straight sunnier fallow 1 also very
effective, although somewhat more
expensive Late sown buckwheat fol-
lowed the next year with rape or
roots fs splendid.
Send us the names of your visitors..
This is the memorial in Maitland Bank Cemetery, :Seaforth,' to, as
the inscription reads: "James Irvin Carter -1850-1913; Founder
of the Carter 'Scholarships." Each year many students in the vari-
otts Bounties receive awards under these scholarships.