The Seaforth News, 1934-05-10, Page 6PAGE SIX.
TFIURSDA:Y, MAY 10, 1934
'tic all jag, he turned and passed tient. and therefore we will not fel-
'rapidly through -the curtain, fellow -how the change,. of the lady's mind
ctl by the secretary. :rain its first expectant turd interested
Ras there any doubt an the young
hinge mind now? None;. all was
- cleat'. 'Ther.: ,vas no• thought of
mercy -110111 of receding -from deter-
.mitition, There could be no ques-
tion of Pahar Singh ,tory, else why
-1:,," he.• oa , w a:el- robber .as he was.
trusted him -els in the very palace?
There w is n: apps ratter about that
r 1 -e roan thiels cott:d lead to a
t ; e:,,tt of deceit, and his grim ti-
v,:s, 0 in this. emergency affected the
Kills deeply, 'Even- if PalterSingh
failed. the course was clear, The Wo -
see mut he. confronted with the sil-
tett witneesee.of his treachery; -and in
:\ z -til Khan and a score of other
trusty auric. ente, the king felt he
ha i ample protection. .
1o; it was no deception, After a
short linterval of silence, the Fak-
err cry, "L'Ila di;aya to leonga!"
again arose mese- sonorously, more
e nhd •r,tly than before, and the
King, stepping out on the terrace, lis-
tene•l. speculating how far the man'
night he gone on !tis deadly errand,
and what would coma of it, -so ab-
serbedly. :hat the secretary's foot-
etepa. ae he ascended the stair, were
net •heard, ai:d the King started as he
:Take once more.
*He is gone, my lord, on his work.
1 saw him ;ass beyond the gate."
"1):a he say aught?"
\ t r iia
not :peak again.
.\- ac o 1 c,11 of the court he,
:. my i his cry, and cnnttnued it,
walking rapidly till he was beyond
the t l re t the ditch. Many i the)
111i•i saluted tom and offered
: 111,5 - but he aesaered n,, ene, and,
a 1: u prig -i t on so quickly
that I n13 hardly sl„.r. -When 1
!,1. h, n, he 1 arne,l by th•
'Gerais `k l• lls,' :ret.. and ,vas rennirg
feet; ane :., God speed him!”
":\luteol ghed the King. "Them
meet leave me to -day, Annear Al.
Order a Derbi,r at neon, .end there
will we await the -end. He nr 1, Meer-
za, whichever 'Go:i will but it shall
not be said ,if Anil Khan that he
shrank from his fate into his zenana.
toot sleep there on my cushions for a
white; we boot need rest," and by an -
,.:her • doorway, the King passed to
the inner apartments.
condition after tate mixing 01 the nia-
:trials by her own fair hands (for on
-tem occasions she suffered no one to
interfere), to the setting them on the
tire to be clone exactly as her lord
wished. With t'he Khan's loving ord-
er. had come a 'flood of pleasant me-
mories to her, of old camp days, hard
tights ton in which her lord—safe,
generally victorious, and restored :o
her prayers, found leis wife busy with
some favorite dish; and they loved
tacit ether in a homely fashion, bet-
ter fe,r the cooking and the eating of
:Now, as the lady sat over her pri-
vate :brazier, at which were her own
silver cooking -vessels,., the Khan's
special gift, she told Zyna of many an
old time and scent—of many a narr-
owescape—many a rough march
which she had shared with th-e old
diner, anti clone her part in binding
up his wounds if he were 'hurt, or
Looking for him if he were hungry.
"Your mother was not of our rough
Dekhani sort, daughter," she said;
-people tell me she never went out
with the artily: she was a weak, fra-
;rile think;, I have 'heard, but very
beautiful. Peace be with her, for thy
father loved her much, and :hath .ne-
ver loved me as her. But no children
`:ave conte, Zema—no children, that is
., --aud the lady sighed and perhaps
:cars gathered in her eyes for she
wiped them hastily with the corner
her muslin scarf"Well, it is God's
will. daughter; and though I could
te} er understand it Properly, there
n nlet ton„ ll'0011,1.0 in the hone
u,pc which they cast when I wa
! etr,.tlle 1 You t see, Zyna, my platlet
A as Hien ll ars, which represented,
aacr—n. it was fire;—no, that's a
rale planet, asst so it niset have been
-arth. Vcs, I think it was --,Earth;
,td thea int was Venus—no, that
mai l not be either; it must have been
Saturn, amt that's for air. So you see
fire and air -no, let me see—air and
water? no. What- dict I tell thee,
Zyna? \Vas it earth."
"I do .not understand it, mother.
1i®w can'I tell?" said Zyna demurely.
"Blt you are notelistening, girl; a,h,
trait till your own time conies, I'll
warrant you anxiousand curious 'en -
'ugh to know whether you are fire or
earth, or air or water; and whether
he is air, or water, or whatever he
may be. Now about myself, You see
I was 'fire; no I am wrong `Hemel;
'Sowr,' "Jow•-aa' (Arie-s, Taurus, Gem-
ini)," continued :the lady Lurlee, tell-
ing off all -the signs of the zodiac in
Arabic, upon the ends of 'her fingers,
and then the planets in succession,
Mars, 'Venus, Mercury,; .and now.
look, Zyna, .if the house of the Lion
is on this middle finger, and the plan-
et Mercury comes to it, you see Mer-
cury is in conjunction with—with the
Crab, ''Did not I .say the Crab, child?
Now, attend, else I shall lose all ,my
reckoning, Humud, So'wr—"
"Ala,, another, but I do not under-
..tand it, and I can never remember
the names of the planets or their
houses, indeed I cannot" said Zyna
1:itenttsly-. "But, ah, mother, look, it is
And so it was. In her astrological
i'lsolvcnlent, Lurlee K•han'um had for
,tten the kicheri, which, as the bot -
:fon 01 the pan 'became too' hot, sent
up a kunst unsavory odor and brown
s:nnkc issued from tutcler t'he 1111.
"G -,•l 'forgive me my .neglect, den -
:titter," exclaimed the lady sorrowful-
ly, as she examined the pan: "it is
.rarely quite spoiled and thy father is
particular. The least idea of burnt
kicheri is enough t', set him mad, and
I could not loole .at him for a day or
:Here. And he will he expecting this
be ail ready. "Protection' of the
Prolrhetl" exclaimed the lady -sudden -
y, "there he is. What' shall I do?—
•-hat "hall :I do?"
That which hart startler! Lurlee
was the arrival of the K'han's escort,
in 1 the heating of their kettle -drums
in the it rr court; and as she listened
rt...,1(1 up, ladle in hand expecting
her lord's entrance, she was perhaps
relieved by the appearance of Goolah
who as the general outdoor scout.
brought tidings from the courtyard of
occurrences of all kinds:
"They are not coming, lady;" ,said,
the nurse. "They are gone to the Kot
wal:s and will stay there, That's the
news brought by Peer Khan, and a
host of them,,And there's • Bulwu'nt
Rao •as good as dead; and he's to be
ant in the private apartments, and the -
King's doctor is to be sent 'for; and I
-Lust go and see to a bed for hien,
and a soft mattress and pillows and
sheets, and then they'll all be spoilt
with his blood. !His blood, indeed!"
".\ blister on thy tongue, 0 prating
o Oman 1" cried 'Lurlee. "My lord tak-
en to the .Kotwal's?My lord! 0 Zyna,
(1 girl, what is the world come to
Thy father taken to that manof
blood, :jehadiier Peg; and those cow-
ards, the Paigah, have •conic 'here
without hint? 0 girl—what is it—
speak, least thou no. sense?"
IIndeed Zyna had very little; the
tnention of that dreaded name, the
certainty that if 'her father could have
returned he would, and the fact of
1111wnnt Rau being dangerously
wounded, all combined to terrify, and
1 rrlee herself was no calmer.
Was there no message, Goolab?"
asked Zyna.
"O yes; that the Than remains at
the hotwals and 'evill eat his break -
Stet there He has business thiel will
.ay:. That is all, and that Meah Sahib
i, well."
"That is all!" exclaimed Lurlee,
"That is all! To have my lord in the
'i.otwa lee, and that dish of kicheri
dressed in vain! 0 woman of little
:race that tI am! why did I deserve
this?? what have I done? what have I
done "
"But it was spoiled, mother," said
Zyna innocently; "do not care about
it. Only thank !God they are safe.- 0,
vow a Fateha—"
"Not care, child? and wouldit not
have been the same had it been,, as it
was, dressed like 'food ,for the Pelts?
would it not have been the same
\'t''ould he have come to eat it? he, 'thy
father? Why order itwlty affront me
by leaving it here to be spoiled? why
did he not come long ago; this is not
as it used to be of old. 0, Afzool
Khan! am II less than dirt in thine
eyes am
Now,the lady iLuriee, like all other
:1laharnedan ladies, only mentioned
her husband's name on very solemn
occasions, or when excitement gat
:he better of discretion; .and here was
an instance of it. She sat down upon
the stool before her brazier, and, after
rocking herself to and fro for a while.
burst into an uncontrollable fit of
,shliine. It was difficult to say, per -
'taps, what had most particularly at -
'octet' her: but undoubtedly the burn
ieg of the kicheri was at the bottom
1 all. It had been so good. Then she
The day wore on; and it may be
imagined that the anxieties of the
lady Lurlee and the fair Zyna were
rot rliniinished by the continued ab-
seeue of the Khan and his son. As the
former had left his wife, he had re-
quested her to have a '•k'icheri" of a
part:cu!ar kind, with kabobs. prepar-
ed for him when he arrived. 'He
Phonic' be hungry," he said, "after hie
ride Sv, early, and -Frail too. It was a
soldier's dish, and would put hien 10
mind of old days in the field, and—
'Lerlee could dress it so capitally."
1\'e may remember a slight bandying
of words between the Khan and his
lady before he went out; and he had
ordered this dish ae a propitiatory
mead at her hands, for he knew by
experience that t'he result would be
sati,factory: the little acerbity would
111tapnear, and the planets, perhaps,
‘1,11:d be f rtr'tlen.
Noteinr, could have been deviser!
m,re-n.rthing to t'he lady ,Ltirlee's
temper—nothice more certain di dis-
petling any clouds of dissatisfaction
or disappointment—than this appeal
to her affections through her kitchen.
Even in These intellectual rays, a sim-
ilar result .s -rit unrregeen:ly attain-
able; nreeing that the motives and
'springs ofpoor humannature, and
its temper., .11ra- hut little difference
at the time of aur liter.,':' and among
rur-elves, add" dirk we permit our -
.selves tr, moralize after the fashio t of
tl:edai•, 5 might possibly deliver a
pretty lecture; upon. the subject.
;Bute -Red we 111ay^well arrow- it
on. "Inc alt -'ice feel mu•-eives hound
, onr ,0ithr,ui any Moral-
izing digressions whatever,further
than what may forth part of its ac
"0, ,I see exactly what to do; and
it is well I coif pick out `• a pat'h among,
these mysteries," cried Lurlee, bright-
ri ht -ening, "OS we had all been lost long
ago. 113ut 'we will eat first; I am sure
some of the kicheri is good; ,and at
any rate there are t'he kahbobs, and
farnella will have bread. 'Come and eat
and it will support thee, daughter;
come, we have much to do ere boon„
I see now, auct when thou hest eaten
I will tell thee. Jameelal 0 'Jameela!
:she cried to the cook, who, when her
mistress came to usurp her functions,
discreetly kept out of the way. "Jasn-
cela, bring :some bread and pickle; we
must eat now,"
^ldet you have the kicheri," said
the dance- "Surely it is 'lot burnt,"
she continued, sniffing ':into the gal
with a cook's experienced nose,
"'Begone, gracelessl" cried Lurlee,.
who well knew the old woman was
rejoicing in her heart over her dis-
comfiture; "begone 'and get the bread"
"There is none ,but the men's bread
and it is coarse enough, 'for the meal
was not sifted," returned Jaineela,
"When you take to cooking, of course
I ant not expected to he mindful of
other light bread, and such things;
"Begone, and do as you are bid,"
cried her mistress sharply. -A look
from Zynat also, deprecating further
discussion, was understood at once
by the old dame,
"I will bring the best of it, Khan -
um," she said, "and there is some
quite hot; but I can bake a few of
pan own phoolkas if you like; they
will he good with the kabobs which
seem savory," shoe continued, craning
over lo look into the pot on the fire
and sniffing into it.
{'Where is Goolab? Ah, yes do so,
Pamela and bring them quickly," re-
plied her mistress; "thou art a jewel."
"I will send her. 'lady," said the
cook, departing; "and I would bring
the Wren's bread, only it is not for
the 'likes of ye."
"Now, what is to be done?" asked
Zyna, "0 mother, thou seenlest la un-
derstand everything and art confid-
ent, and'I am distracted with appre-
hension, 0 my father! -0 my brother!
God keep you safe, 2 vow lights at
Peer Sahibs tomb and to feed a hun-
dred Fakeers there to -morrow, if they
be safe!"
"\V -e must go to the .palace and in-
quire wily thy father is detained," re-
plied 'Lurlee decisively. "Ah, 'Goolab,
where wort thou? !But never mind,"
she continued, as the dame entered,
"Lay out clothes for us; we must go.
to the palace; and 'bid some one go
and say we pray to see the Begum
Sa'hiba and order the palaukeens and
an escort to be ready. Inshalla1 dau-
ghter, we will see what this evil-
minded and base -born Kotw•al can
"And the jewels, : hanum?" asked
"Ah! I had forgotten Well, a few,"
"No, mother, no!" cried' -Zyna, "not
sm. With our hearts heavy and sad, it
surely is no time to put on jewels. Let
us rather go with sober garments, and
prostrate 'ourselves before the Peer's
shrine on our way."
"I tell thee the Peer cannot help us
retorted the dance tartly, "it is the
,tars and the Begum. When they are
safe, then do thy iFateha if thou wilt.
Conte here, eat, for we have notch to
do. 'A'hl jameela-bee;" for Lurlee al-
ways added the respectful addition of
'bee', for lady, when she was in good
humor, to her 'cook, who now enter-
ed with a tray of hot bread and deli-
cate phoolkas, and 'a white cloth over
her arm; "thou .bas been quick, nsy
It frust be confessed that the lady
Lurlee's appetite, sharpened' perhaps
by her unusual fast and the: process
of her o'w-n cookery, did ample justice
lo the me'al. Her confidence in the
stars sustained her far better than
Zyna's faith in the saint—that is, if
one might judge by the resolute and
satisfied features of the elder ,face as
it bent .over its plate, eating heartily,
and the distressed, anxious, and tear-
ful expressions o'f the younger, 'en-
deavouring almost 'vainly'to eat at all.
ft was of no avail that 'Lurl•ee en-
couraged her 'daughter, and even
picked out tempting morsels from
the kabobs, .and set them before lher,.
with the hottest of the phoolkas, as
they were sent in short relays front
the kitchen. -
"A'h, daughter! he would have en-
joyed this," said Lurlee, as she wash-
ed her 'h'trnds over the, -ewer brought
her et the conclusion of the meal,
and sighed in, a manner whlc'it plainly
,signified her regret not to be able to
eat more. "Yes„ tine kabob was good,
but t'hoti 'hast' scarcely tasted it; a
trifle more pepper would' ,have 'been
better,' perhaps, yet it 'was good. ,And
now, girl, I ant ready to face the
Kotwal or the IBegum, or—the peace
of God be on ''him--Adil Shah .him-
self. Inshatlal we will see who dares
to detain soy :lord when r, ,Lurlee
'K'hanunt, have cooked his breakfast."
.:11000 how his face world have ex-
panded under it, influence as he ate:
't would have reminded hint of some
Id scene, w-hoae history would have
come out between the mouthfuls—'he
night even have caressed her. Ale all
was: now gone—her trouble, her ex-
pectation of a loving greeting , all
::one: and the sense 01 neglect and ln=
difference tinder which she habitually
existed, had for the time taken its
place. But gradually the sobbing was
soothed, and Lurlee, laying her head
against :Zyna's bosom, seemed lost in
"There must be unfavorable con-
junctions among the planets today,
depend upon it, daughter," she said
at length, rousing herself and drying
her 'eyes, "else all this would 110t have
happened, Now, let me look steadily
into it: perhaps we may learn some-
thing for our guidance. "
"Look!" continued the lady after a
Pause, and a brief examination of an
astrological table, w'hich she usually
carried about her, "look here. Ah,
graceless 'and unfortunate that T am,
1 should have foreseen al -1 that has
happened, and Ile should never have
gone out at all. Why, here is Saturn
in the ascendant till 'the first watch of
the day, and then follows the -sun,
and that's what spoilt my cooking.
Let inc, see -Aries, Taurus, Gemini,
Cancer," she continued, counting the
signs of the zodiac, as before on her
fingers. 'Aries, 'Taurus—why-God be
merciful! here follows 'Mars, .and he's
an executioner—and they are in the
Kot-waliee-the Prophet's mercy be
10 them! Yet, stay, Mars will last for
only three hours; then conies, let .me
see—Mars, Jupiter, i,tercury. Moo-n—
un,, Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Yes, see—
Mars, ;Jupiter, Mercury, 'Moon -no,
Venus, !Jupiter, 'Moon. Yes; I am right
now, girl. That nneans messenger,. and
Venus is propitious. Ah, yes, do'n's
you see it all, Zyna? Don't you under-:
stand? .Look, .first the 'noon, . that's.
we ourselves. as messengers; ' and
'het Venus will save thein, if we can
"01 past Mars. Of course it is quite
'gain, Don't. you see?" •
"Alas. no, mother! 1 do not," said
Zyna, innocently. "I see figures and
"tnnhers, and angles and signs, but it
is hopeless to ask :me about them,
You are a wise woman, and this is a
marvellous science ,Sun•ely, anti please
you are right."
young titan and his fa'ther'Irari attain-
ed 'leaowlled'ge of some secret relat-
ing to t'he .cousplra:C'ies i11 progress,
which they 'were reserving to tell the
King; anti the should be doing that,
astute officer i nlostioe, if we Iclid not
at 'once admit that he believed bh'e
secret known to them, or at least to
lrazil concerned the Wuzeer very
cdeeply. IW'hy the {Ki'ng's secretary lead
been mentioned he 'could not imag-
ine. (Did he lcnow it alto? Certainly
it was important to !find out every-
thing that could be discovered prev-
ious to the Wuzeer's arrival; and he
purposed himself to go to '.his house,
and have speech of him, before ,he
should .attend :the111u'rbar, and appear
before the 'King to inform hurt of the
detention. of it\.''fz'oo'1 .Khan. and his
son, and of the events connected
with them.
!B'ut Je,hatndar 'Beg, as police Min-
ti nister of that Targe -city, had other
sources of- information; and whatever
ocurred at night was reported —'to
hien by his spies :before the true`bus-
its•ess of the day commenced, Had not
Afzool Khan come direct to t'lie court,
it is most probable-that''Jehandar Beg
would have 'Beard some account of
1Fazil Khan's night adventure before
11e appeared at all. 'As it was, there
had been a reversion of events: and
lee trust -1010 'follow the magistrate
briefly, in his reception of the spies
W110111 he sttntmoned, directly the.
door oi,'t'he court had closed upon
the:Khan and 11115 son.
The 000'111 1n which these persons
were . received, was one aehich covid.
be entered from the large hall of aud-
ience; but there was a door also by
the 'hack passage which 'led 'frons
street :behind, and persons could
come and go unobserved, 'T'here was
nothing in this chamber—Which in-
deed was very small—but a large pil-
low and: a carpet, on- which the Kew -
tads sword -dagger, a 'heavy -bladed
Persian or \lighan knife, and writing
materials, were placed, As be .sat
down and clapped his hands, a door
opposite w•as opened by a slave with-
out, and a 'Rrahnnun as .was evident
by his dress and caste marks on his
forehead, was admitted.
"Be seated," said Je'handar Beg.
"ll'Tave yo -s anything for use to -clay,
"Yes," answered the 'Llrahmun, tak-
ing a pair of Spectacles from a fold in
liis 'turbssi, and placing them ac.o--
his nose, and then' producing sante
papers from a pocket within 'his dress,
"these ;have just arrived -by a special
,messenger from Moro frimmul at
Tooljapur;" and he handed to the
Kow'tal several letters sealed with
the private Mahratta seal of Sivaji
Bhoelay, wnicls Jeliaadar Beg examin-
ed closely; then, apparently satisfied,
he made a 'Persian plemenettduni on
t'he cornier of each, with the date al
receipt, very m'ethodically, ark nut
them into the side -pocket of his robe,
"And," continued the t13t•a'hmun,
looking over Isis letter as the:Jrnw-
tal had 'finished, -"M.oro Trimmui
writes that his sister has been mar-
ried to a 'Shast'ree'at 'Tooljapoor, and
that he has not been idle; but be can-
not induce (Pahar Singh to visit 'hint
or accept terms, and he is afraid to
go to iI'tga himself; so it were bet-
ter your worship advised our piaster
to treat with him."
"Very good; I will mention it," 're-
turned the 'Kotwval; •"but has Moro
'T'rimmui -been to 'Nuldroof to see the
-!4Vgzeer ? I't is nob. far."
"No, my lord; he was afraidtogo
unless a 'Kow1' were sent to .11im,
"Curious that, 0 Pundit!" added
jehandar 03eg, with a sneer; "he is
not scru'pu'lous !ti general, !I 'think."
"'Noy not in general, perhaps, re-
plied the man; 'but in thiscase he
is -'he is—not dire,"
"Not sure? Well, '1 suppose he is
certain of my being able to apprehend
hies, and naive 111111 s0, on th-e G-oruk
Imlee 'tree."
"My lord is all-powerful; but Moro
is careful—as much so as 1Sivaji'Bhos-
lay`or Tan.najee Maloosray," returned
the Pundit, dryly.
"Ah yes; -no doubt, 'friend; 'he thinks
himself 'so," replied Jdh:andar
with a sneer; "bort •wlbat of T'an'naj•ee
himself? I 'heard just now that he is
here, and -was seen last 'night"
"Taun'a'jee is everyw+mere," returned
the raisin, smiling,' "or some 0410 else
for him. IIf 111'y Pard requires him, he
may be found at''Wye: be 'would not
trust, himself in ,Beejapoo•r, I --think;
"'Why not, Pundit?"
"My lord can best answer that.
Like -Moro 'Trinimttl, -he is bettor 'at
I distance till the time conies. He
does not like 'those trees' of any
!For 'once 't'he'Kohval was at fault,
it was :necessary to 'gain over the
'al ahratta interest, 'else- the intrigue
with the Emperor were abortive; but
it was clear -none of the 1'.lahratta ag-
ents would trust the Wuzeer's party,
without more assurance of its suc-
cess than at present appeared likely:
and the 'hotw'al felt this deeply, elle
might 'threaten, idnprisonr,.or even tor:
lire, but 'he could not peuetrae be -
..end the surface,
"Tnnnajee was in the kullal's haze
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Un-
iversity of Western Ontario. Member
of College of Physicians and Surgeon
of Ontario. Office 40 Goderich St,.
West, Phone 37. Iiours 2-4.30 prat,
7.30-9.00 .p.m. O't'her hours by appoint-
ppointment. Successor to. Dr. Chas. Mackay.
DR H. HUGH ROSS, Physicfam
and Surgeon. Late of London Hoe.
pital, London, England. Speoial
atten'ti'on : to disease's of the eye, era,
nose and bhroah. Office and rose-
denee behind Dominion Bank. Office •
ercial. Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday ie
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone ,104
IDR. F. J. BURROWS, Scalar*.
Office and residence,' Goderich sten
east of the United Church. Corrine'
for the County of Huron,: Telco/tem:,
No, 46.
Enough .had transpired in the ex-
ti11.11atiOn 'at A:fzool Khan and his
inn, -to satisfy IJeban clar Beg that the
D.R. F. J. R. Nl0'RSTER-,Eye, irk.
Nose and Throat. Graduate' in Medi-
eddcine, University of Toronto 1897.
Late Assistant New York Opittltsl-
mir and Aural Institute,' Mooredeld't
Eye, and .Golden Square throat .hospi-
tals, London, England. At Comm-
ercial Hotel, 'Seaforth, 3rd ,Wednes
day in each month from 1.30 p.m. to
S ,p,m.
DR: W, C. SBRIO'AT,—Graduate of
Faculty of !Medicine, 'University of'.
Western Ontario, London, Member
of College of Physicians and Sr"u
goons of Ontario.'' Officeinrear Of
Aberhart's drug store, Seafot,•th.
Phone 90, Hours 1.30-4,, 7.38
-9 p.m, Other hours by appointment,
!DR J. A, MUN'N, Successor
Dr, R. R. Ross, graduate of Horth
`western University, Chicago, ill. Le-`
ceatiate Royal-Oollege of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto. Office over - Sine
hardware, . Main St,,Seaforth, Phone
DR. F. J. BECH'ELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeoae,,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smtth'e
grocery, Main St,, Seaforth. Phoaea
office 185W, residence 185J.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be trade for Solo _
Date a1. The Seaforth News. Chargee
moderate and satisfaction gurantead
WATSON ,. ANL) Riblk:ae
(Succssors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks e6eet
ed at lowest : rates in First -Cease
Mutual Fire Insurance Ca,
President—Alex. Broad -font, Seafortt
VicesPresident, James Connolly, God-
erich; 'Secretary - Treasurer, M. A.
'Reid, Seaforth,
W. E. 'H'inchley, Seaforth; John.
Murray, R. R 3, ,S'eaforth; E. R. G.
Jarmouth, Brodhagen; J=ames Wait,
Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine;
Wm. Yeo, Holm:esville.
Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth 'No. 3
James Sho'd•tde, Walton; Wm. Ksioa,
L o m'des boro; ' George Leoohatat,
Bornholm No, 11; John Pepper, Brum-
field; James Connolly, Goderich; Ro-
bert Ferris, Blyth; Thomas t4Eoy'lan,
Seaforth No. '5; Wm. R, Arohibaltf,
Seaforth No. 4.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact o't'her business, wilt be
promptly attended to' by applications
to any of the above named officers a.6. -
dressed . to their respective post-.
aar last alight," said'Jeh'andar Beg, al-
f-ter a pause, "and had a narrow es-
cape. He ought not to place himself
in such: peril."
"Intdeed! I have said before there
are \'Ialoosrays everywherc," retisrneil
the 113ralimun" dryly; "I :know what
has been told you, my lord; but," he'
added, smiling, "I iron't
believe it."
(To Be Continued)
-'] .w .'town, t, H •• • ' .W.,rye t 1rr .:..n. � . ...N ra ...le, v . _ _ ....