The Seaforth News, 1934-03-22, Page 4PAGE FOUR
-THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1934.
Snowdon Bros„ Publishers.
Mr. Peter DeCaurcy ovas•xburied 'in
St. Patrick's cemetery Monday mor-
ning following requiem mass at Sea -
forth where he lived for the past nine
years following his second marriage.
'Born in Ireland he carte with his par-
ents to Waterloo county and settled
at ,German Mills,six miles Tram Kit-
chener, in .1056 his father and mother
declded .to go West and arrived in the.
Huron tract, 8 -miles from Mitchell in
iLogan township. When he grew to
manhood he worked in Dublin at the
salt works and resided in Hibbert
township on concession 2, the farm
now owned by Mr. Patrick Maloney,
later moving to Highway No, 8, west
of the village, Of an artistic nature
he built and supervised work on the
Reading roads for many years. His
small farm on highway 8, west of
Aublin, decorated with evergreens,
was sold to Mr. John Looby and is
now awned by a returned soldier, Mr.
;Patritck MclGreth and his English
.wife. Deceased is survived . by one
Sister, Mrs, Anna O'Neill, Chicago,
.and his .widow, .Bella Keegan. He.
tivas in his ninety-eigthh year. Mrs
Dan DeCourcey and son, Thomas
Leo, of llanleton, Messrs. Tom o
Edward Prendergast, Iinkora,Mr.
and tors. Tom Connolly, .Bornholm,
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy and Joseph
Dwyer, Bornholm and other relatives
from a distance were present at the
obsequies at Seaforth and Dublin.
•Pallbearers were Messrs. 5, Carpen-
ter,Wan, Dorsey, Frank 1elady, of
Dublin. and Messrs. Robert Strong,
:Roderick licLcani, John Flannery of
Miss Dantzer is visiting friends a
Stratford for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Beale and
sons Lionel and Kingsley were the
gttests of Mrs, C. Beale on Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Smith entertained on
-Saturday night in honor of Mrs. Ear
(toss, of Seaforth, a former residen
of our village. Those present were
Mesdames M. J. Nagle, A. Darling, 7
Darling, 1, J. Looby. M. Beale, J
Flanagan, Florence Smith. The prize
winners at 500 were Mrs, A. Darling
and Mrs. Looby. Both ladies gave
their prizes to the .guest of honor
Mrs, Ross, who thanked the club for
their generosity and good wishes.
Mrs, M. J. Nagle entertained Mrs
Frank Smith and Mrs, Ross to six
o'clock dinner an Sunday,
Mr, 'Wilfred O'Rourke when driv-
ing home from church two utiles
north of Dublin, his horse slipped on
the icy road and brake a leg on Sun-
day afternoon.
Edward and Pacien Tyers were in
Benton Harbor, on Monday for the
burial of their aunt, Miss Julia Car-
roll, who died last Friday in her
home city.
Mrs. Samuel Murray and daughter
Mildred have gone to Northern Ont-
ario to 1Monetville for two mouths
visit at their old home,
Mr. Thomas Molyneaux is improv-
ing and hopes are entertained that he
will be able to attend to his store by
Miss Anna Molyneaux of Kitchen
er, spent Sunday with her father, Mr
Tom Molyneaux, Who was seriously
We are sorry to report that Miss
Agnes Maloney of Hibbert is suffer-
ing from a sprained ankle.
-hiss Rita O'Rourke visited on Sun-
day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W
Mr. and Mrs, Roger 'McClure and
'Geonge were pleasantly surprised on
Tuesday evening when about sixty of
their friends and neighbors gathered
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John
Cuthill to spend an enjoyable even-
ing. The eveningwas spent playing
progressive ressive euchre till twelve.
everything was called to order Mr.
and Mrs,Mc Lur
C e and George were
asked to come forward, Mr. J Cut-
hill read a short address and Mr ,Ar-
thur (Henderson and Mr, Wilmer
Cuthill made the presentation. Then
all joined in singing, "For They Are
Jolly Good Fellows." Luirch was then
served. The rest of the evening was
spent in dancing till the wee small
hours of the morning. The address is
as follows:
"Dear Mr, and Mrs. .McClure and
'George,—IWe, your many friends and
neighbors have gathered here tonight
to spend an enjoyable evening with
you before leaving aur midst. So we
DOW take this opportunity to sihaw
yon in a small degree how we have.
appreciated your love and kindness
while you havebeen it our neighbor -
hoar'. We now ask you, 'Mrs, Mc-
Clure, to accept this rocking chair
and stool; M'r.. McC•ltre these clip-
pers, and George this pen, as a small
token of love and honor 'by which you
are held by your neighbors. Lt is our
• earnest wish that youalt may be
• spared for many years of prosperity.
:.And as the time ,goes on may you ;al -
.ways retnember your old 'friends and
?neighbors on the' concession of
Faun- ;Machinery and
Conte in and see our New and.
Used Cars
Agent for Chrysler, DeSoto
and [jly nnoltith
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
McKillop, Signed on behalf of your !soon,
The regular meeting of the YsPS,
was held on March 20th with Edith
imam, presiding. The meeting open-
ed by singing 'hyann 408, after which
H'arold (Bolton led in prayer. The
minutes of the previous 'meeting were
read and adopted, followed by the
roll call, .which was answered' by
"Your' Favourite hymn," The remain-
der of the rneetittg was taken charge
of by Arthur Alexander, opening by
singing hymn 206, followed With
prayer by Frank -Case. The 'Scripture
Lesson was read by Kenneth 'Betties,
followed by interpretation of the
Scripture, which was read by Isobel
Betties. IIynit -185 was Then sung.
The topic, "Getting Money in a
Christian Way," was taken by Wil-
liam Draper. After the offering was
taken the meeting was brought to a
close by singing hymn 298 and re-
peating the Lord's prayer lit unison,
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be 'held in the
Community Hall on Thursday, March
20th, Please note change of date.
This is "Girls' Day" program and
lunch by the girls, who in the past
have most royally entertained, and no
doubt will do so this time. Come and
enjoy a pleasant atfernoon, as the In-
stitute year is nearing the close. It is
asked that if any do not wish to join
the coating year pleaat inform the
Secretary some time before the May
meeting. But we hope no one has the
intention of quitting the Institute,
The P/. M. S, of the Unittd Church
stet for their regular meeting on. the
1114th of Mareh with a good attend-
ance. The president, Mrs. A. W. Gar-
diner, presided. Meeting opened' 'by
singing 0 'hymn and prayer ,by Mrs,
Tamblyn, There Was some discussion
about the Easter thank offering meet-
ing. Miss Mitchell, traveling secret-
ary, being able to be present on the
Sitih of March only, it was decided to
hold the meeting of that .date in or-
der to secure her, ,She is a fine speak-
er and a treat to hear, It was also de-
cided to invite the sister Auxiliaries,
Burns and Constance, and the mis-
sion circle, to meet with us. Please
notice the date, Monday afternoon,
March 26th, at 12,30 p.m. After the
business natters were concluded, the
meeting was left in charge of Group
No. 3, Mrs. F. Jdhnston presiding,
The Study was on China, several tak-
ing part. A pleasing instrumental was
rendered by Miss H. Yungblut, sev-
eral led in Short prayers, and the
meeting was closed with prayer by
Mrs. ,Gardiner, Lunch was served by
the group in charge and a few min-
utes of social intercourse spent to-
3Irs. E. Gaunt of St, (Helens spent
the week -end at the home at her
mother, 3Frs. H. Lyon.
-Mfrs, Jas. Howatt of Auburn is vis-
iting wish her daughter, firs. J. 1?.
Mr. Frank Wood and son Edwin,'
Will tri Munni i a
Manning and
Mr. Howard
Armstrong were at Toronto and dis-
on o ay.
The program committee for the
Pie Social to be held on the tilIb of
April have secured the play "Wild
Ginger." The young people of
Thames Road will present it. Keep
this date in view,
The monthly meeting of the Ban -
ion Literary 'Society was held in the
.chool house last Thursday evening,
Owing to the bad condition of the
roads' the attendance was ,rat as i•arge
as, usual, Mrs. Geo, Carter, Mrs. Bert
Hoggart and Geo. Carter: gave hum-
orous readings, Master Ross Mann,
violin selections; also Master Jackie
and Miss' Cleta Medd, musical num-
be-s, which were well received. Ab
Holloway sang a couple of 'Scotch
.ongs in good voice and George C'art-
ar brought down the house with his
:conic song. Mr, James Medd was in
the chair. The next meeting will be
'acid on April 20th, when a full house
'nay be expected,
Mr. Wm.' Fairservice sold a nice
5i'n"h of cattle last week.
Mr. Ren Riley is improving slightly
in health. We ho,peato see him out
A splendid attendance tamed on
last Thursday evening from the sur
rounding community of Hillsgreen
Church and attended the St, Patricl.
Box Social. The programme consist
ed of •cantes'ts which were all Irish
numbers. Rev. E, F. Chandler :op-
ened -the programme with a delight-
ful topic on the Irishman's ',Ranilbl-
inrogs, after which Mr. Stelck gave
very appropriate selections on the
violin. Misses Jean Ivison and 'Flor-
ence Thompson then,•,sang a duet en-
titled `•'The Dear 'Little 'Shamrock of
Ireland," Air„ George Poulter then
gave a solo ""The Old Spinning
\Vheel", the accompanist being Mrs,
George Anderson on the organ for
the music. The committee, Mr. Ross
Love and Misses Edna Cochrane and
!Annie Jarrott thea brought the
boxes for lir, \Vnt, Jarrott to sell
each orae of the boxes,' Of course the
t ten had en exciting time choosing
a good big box. Then, after every-
one had Ifinish'ed eating, the evening
came to a close by singing the "Na-
doral Anthem." The boxes brought
the Young People's 'Society nearly
$20, which they are much delighted
to raise 'for local purposes in the
Mr, and Mrs. W Huxtable of Cen-
tralia visited the latter's parents, Miss
'Agnes Love returning with them for
a .few days,
Miss Annie Jarrott has not been
feeling upto normal these days but at
date of writing is improving some-
Several folks who make sap are
getting things ready to tap and do a
bit of boiling soon. We wish .then all
a good sap season, ,It surely makes'
one want to get out in the open, af-
ter being cooned up beside the stove
all winter nearly freezing. It willbe
a .great change to many woodmen, at
Auction sales are now the order of
the day.
Miss Lettie Love returned to her
hone on Saturday after spending a
few weeks with Mr. and Mrs, \V.
Cove in Ailsa Craig where she was
looking after Mrs, iLove who had her
ankle 'broken,
Me. \V. Love of Ailsa Craig call-
ed on friends whilein the vicinity
4 for a short call.
Mr. \\r: Jarrott and .daughter 'Annie
visited Mr. and Mfrs. Isaac Jarrott
011 Sunday.
Mrs, :D. F. Anderson is not enjoy-
ing her usual health this last few
Miss Lettie Love 'left for a month
to be with Rev, E. 'F. Chandler and
family of Kipper during Mrs. C'hand-
ler's illness and operation.
Misses Edna and Violet of
Nth con., Hay Tp., visited Miss Dor-
een Reichert recently„
Miss 'Edna Cochrane spent a few
days with her sister. Mr, and Mrs. I3.
McMurtie of Kip'pen,
Mr. and Mrs. :Hugh Love and Mr.
and 'Mrs. Earl !Love and baby 'Elva
visited friends in Hensel' during last
With the rising of the temperature
we hear the •we'lcoi a voice of the
spring birds and the talk of syrup
making which will soon be in full
Several from this vicinity attended
She funeral on Monday of Mr, VT'ni,
Stinson 'ate of Bayfield.
Mr. anti Mrs. Breatheiton and fam-
ily ,have moved to the farm of 3fr
Wan. Forest, 4tit concession of Stan.
ley, which he inas leased, \Ve wish
thein .every success,
Mr. M. Elliott made a shipment of
live stock to Toronto last week.
Country roads are in a very bad
condition and we hope to see them
better ere tong.
A .Millionaire's Two Ex-
pensive Cinderellas
The American Weekly, with Sun-
day's Detroit Times carries an article
pointing out, once again, that the old
fairy tale doesn't seem . to work out in
real life as it does in the story books
withthe heroine and her 'Prince
Charming Iiv!pg.happily ever atter.
Thursday of .Passion Week, A.D. 30
!By Thursday everybody. .would be
in Jerusalem for the feast; that is ev-
eryhody italic, was coming, What
,crowds! What :harrying ,to and ,Prot
15verybody,had but one idea—to make
ready the 'Passover,
IJeses asked Peter and John to go
,and make ready the ''Passover for
"Hinz and ,His twelve.
"Go into the city,—you will find a
Haan with a water pot,—follow
Where he goes --t'a't is the place.
Ask for 'some sort of place where I
can be alone.' " And when they went
they found every thing' ready—at
:'bark's house,—in the large guest
Mystery) Why the ,mystery? Why?
Simply because Judas niust:not know,
though Peter and John did not know
the reason.
The . two disciples had to prepare
the Lamb. That was all, They were
just two in an apparently endless
going to do; Jesus did ivot want to be
surprised, He was in great agony of
spirit, He was again tempted in Ilis,
great temptation not to go the way
Of the crossl'' Yet He wanted to dq,
a -tis F'ather's 'will'1S;'q he prayed
the cap ,pass!... yet,'' not My will 'but,
Tli itte l" •
The midnight hour came as He
prayed. His w'atciiers were asleep,
And jades, was searching with his
mob to find where He had gone.
procession on the way to and from
the Temple, Thousands of lambs
were prepared that day,—tine blood
caught in a bowl and dashed against
the altar, a piece of •.the lamb put up on
the altar as a burnt offering, The
worshippers carried the rest of the
lamb away to be eaten while the
Levites sang the .Psalms of the Pass-
AD hour before sunset, Testis and
the other ten disciples left .Bethany
and walked through the eager •crowds
towards .Mark's house.
Jesus walked ahead alone. He saw
the snio'ke of the sacrifice of burnt
offering in the Temple courts, and
'He knew it was an empty ritual for
most of the mltitude. He San 'the
white and gold of the Temple build-
ing, but !He knew it was air empty
The Ten sate nothing. They quar-
relled about their places at the table.
Judas and the Judas' spirit was
among them' That was why they
It was sundown 'when Jesus turned
up the street toMark's house, and
as if by magic the whale city emptied
its streets into the houses where the
Passover would be eaten•,
Supper .was ready niter they arriv-
ed. The disciples 'rushed up the out-
side stairs and into their places.
Judas edged into the seat of honor
beside Jesus. John sat on the other
side of Jesus, The other 'ten scrambl-
ed into such seats as they could find,
—acid Peter, slow moving Peter,
found himself 'the last to sit down,
with only the 'last seat at the table
left for him—the thirteenth.
But Teter was first Mien Jesus
came to wash their feet,—and .sitting
opposite Jesus, he was able to talk
with , (Him more than the others. It
was a silent feast, the twelve were
ashamed of their actions and Jesus
was 'sad. It was no easy matter to
institute a New Sacrament when His
followers were so far from His
Sp!rit !
Thus they ate the. Passover, Then
the New Passover was ordained, a
symbolic memorial, the Lord's Supper.
!Judas did not retrain long at the
table,—(just long enough for appear-
ances. IHe had pretended to be sur-
prised w^lien Jesus had said that He
was to be betrayed, He did not ex-
pect such a straight answer when he
asked "Is it 'I?" He had received the
token of friendship (the sop) from
his Master's 'hand—and them he went
out into the night.
The streets ware empty except for
the ;Ronan guard's who kept the
peace, a few renegade Jews, ,who dis-
regarded the Passover, and Judas who
skulked along The darkened streets.
'Peter aiel John understood now
why all the mystery about the supper,
(for Jesus had whispered to them
who would betray Him),
The going of Judas cleared, the at-
mosphere in the Upper Room. The
conversation was not so strained,
Jesus told again-wha't -He must do
When they realized the tragedy that
was so near, they were sad. Jesus
tried to comfort them and encourage
e n to carry on the work He 'had
An. hour after Judas left, Jesus got
up from the table and called this
eleven to follow him. out to sorne
quiet place. His hand was on the
latch, but they were on their knees
around Him, tugging at His gar-
ments, begging Home to stay. Jesus
looking Sows at their eager faces
said, "I ant the vine, ye are 'the
bran'che's.` Without Me ye can do no-
thing. I go to the Father, but I will
send My ;Spirit to lead, you:"
By that time, Jesus knew that
Judas would he 'back any noment.
So, after a sprayer with the eleven
and for them, he opened the door
and 'went out, leading: the way to
Here, Jesus divided the eleven. and
taking three of them a little farther"
into the 'Garden, 'left them there to
watch. They knew what Judas was
Mrs. iAd int 'Nicholson went to To-
ronto last week to visit her sister, Comedy and
Mrs. 1\\4in, McArthur, who is confined
in the (General Hospital there.
Mrs. Frank 'Riley and 'little dau-
ghter (Grace spent The 'Week -end with
her sister, Mrs. Tom, (Riley of 'Clin-
Between 'fifty and sixty attended the
1St. Patrick's social. In the church last
Friday evening and all reported a
good time.
M,r. 'Howard Anmstrong made an-
other snort 'visit to Toronto on Mon-
day last.
'According to all signs and .omens it
looks as if we might 'have spring soan, A Triumph for George Arliss as the
But 'e't ,are going to have weather
Whether it's cold or whether it's 'hot
We are ,going to have weather TUG BOAT ANNIE
Whether or not
On Friday, March 19th the Young
People's Satiety held their second
meeting in the school room of the
church, and along with invited guests,;
there was an attendance of aver for-
ty. The meeting was in charge of the
President, Miss Ivy Simmons, and
was opened by singing "Onward Mr. Gordon Emery of Morris spent
Christian Soldiers," followed by the 'a few days last week_ at the 'home of
'Lord's prayer in unison, The Scrip- Mr. and Mrs. 'Bert Allen.
'cure lesson was read from Luke 5:27,' Mr. and Mrs, Frank McGregor,
by Miss Ruth Hetgill. The minutes of Miss Helen and Gordon visited at the
l'as't meeting were adapted as read by 'home of Mrs, MdGregor's parents,
the Secretary, :'Miss Gauley. Sang Mr. and Mrs. Myers in ,Clutton on
hymn "Beneath the Cross of Jesus."'ISinday.
(Rev, _lir. Gardiner then addressed site Mr, and .Ma's. \\Tn, Knox spent
young people on the subject, 'Christ- Sunday at the home of the forsner's
ion Exclusiveness," in which he" parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Knox.
pointed out the dangers of Christians Mr, Thos Knox purchased a team
becoming a self-centred and selfish of gray horses one day recently, We
group. "_Man looketh on the outward wash him success with his new team.
appearance but the Lord .looketh in Messrs. John and Guy tLeiper re -
the heart." After this an interesting, cently took upwards of 200 lbs. �r
debate on the subject Resolved that 'honey out of the house, bees having ,
'W eaith is the Cause of More Crime lodged between the ceiling and floor
Than Poverty, was given, the atfirnia- for some time.
tive being taken by Misses D'an'e'lda 'Mrs, A. P/., Beacom has returned
Adams and Phoebe Wakefield and home after spending a few days with
?lir. 'W, Jewitt. The negative was up- her daughter Mrs., and Mr, Joseph
'held by Mrs. E. Dorrance and Lyon, near L'ondesboro.
'Mes'srs, Jack Kellar and Case Allen, Mr. Leo Watt had a very success -
The argument and debating manners ful waod bee on .Monday afternoon,
were good, The .judges were firs, Leo and Mr. Thos, Colson on Tuesday af-
Stephenson, Mrs. -George Carter and te'rnoon of this week,
Miss Jessie Ferguson, who gave the 'Little Donald and Jimmie 'Watt
decision in favor of the affirmative. spent a few days the beginning of
The reading of the splendid column the week with their grandparents, Mr.
of the Live .Wires' .Events lS'y Mr, and Mrs. Simon McVitltie,
Ross M•d';Gregor was much enjoyed Mrs, Kelland McVittie spent Mon -
by all. MMr. Gardiner closed this part day afternoon at the 'home of Mr, and
of the meeting with prayer. An inter- Mrs. Leo Watt,
estinig (iwaltc'h) contest was then con- 111r. and Mrs, Wm, Knox spent
ducted, Those responsible were Miss Monday evening at the home of Ay
+Ethel. Gautey and 'Miss Helen Britton. and Airs, Fred-Shoibbroolc.
lLtnnch was served by Mrs, E. Dor- Quite a number in this neighbor -
lance and Misses Margaret Yungblut hood are intending to make tnaple
and I•vy Simlmons and Fred Riley and syrup this Spring,
.Jack MdEwen. We are very sorry that Mrs.
The -(Live Wires Sunday School Charles Parsons is not so well again.
Class intend putting on a play cntitl- Mr. and Mrs, Warren •Gfbbings vis -
ed "Aunt ,Susan's Visit" on the even- iced at the home of ,lir, and Mrs. A.
ing of April 4th at 8 p.m. in Con- 'W. MdEwing last Wednesday even -
stance United .Church, This play is , ing.
both humorous and entertaining. Messrs. Clifford and Leonard
Conte and spend an enjoyable even- Shobbrook and Audrey Knox cut
ing. Watch for advertisement next wood part of this week for Mr. Thos.
week, Knox. They were engaged to pre-
Mrs. Ernest 'Adapts went to Lon- pare upwards of 100 cords of wood
don on Tuesday 10 attend the funerai the beginning of the week and have
of her niece, youngest daughter of been busy cutting wood quite a part
Mr, and Mrs. James 'Batson. ( of the winter.
Mrs, Leo S'tepihenson is spending a , Messrs. Hiaroild Beacom and John
few days with her parents, Mr. and Leiper cut wood last week in the
Mrs. Will Logan of Blyth. Hesselwobd bush.
Alts. Franck .Riley spent a few days :Riley Banos. have been cutting
with friends in Kippen. ( wood for Mr. John ',Jenkins and Mr.
Rev. Mr. Gardiner , on Sunday W. H. iKn ix,
Peg o' My Heart
An Irish Story full of Wit and Music
Mon. Tues. Wed., Mar; 26-2/-28
One of the outstanding Musical
Comedy Cartoon
Thurs. Fri. Sat., Mar. 29-30.31
Matinee Good Friday, 3 P.M.
the whimsical French philosopher
COMING—Marie.: Dressler in
preached a very appropriate mission
sermon, Isaiah 54:4 "Lengthen thy
cords and strengthen ,thy stake,"
Garden Lovers
Write today for your free copy.
ll Nuesery:CO.
McConnell NurseryC�.�.
Port 'Burwell, Ont.