The Seaforth News, 1934-03-01, Page 10Resnitt Ad to 5200 THE FREE PRESS, LONDON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, " 1934 Inky 491 6.40:3 Don't Miss The Opportunity News In The Classified Section Today AMUSEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Under the Inspired Direction of ROUBEN MAMOUNAN RETURNS to electrify the world in her most glorious triumph! While New York is still paying $2.00 to see it at the Astor-- FRIDAY stor-FRIDAY AT OUR REGULAR PRICES "QUEEN 'K. CHRISTINA" Metro -Goldwyn -Mayers Masterpiece! STARTS FRIDAY �; D.AY NIIMMONINIBMIZSEESE TWO WOMEN NE :, \. OVE VV (1111y lee. •. of the take CAP '' �I I TOD'AY ARCH m' i OPKINS FRIDAY :\ t 1.30, 9,30, „ 80, „30, 6,30 af.IDAY TRIMS. ce ETT TONE U9 " e JOHN BOLES and GLORIA STUART TODAY THU. RSDAY , 345, 7.55, 0.50 gives her finest nuance 'KE.NNETT Roses' Pert Kelton Samyel Hinds d Joys -- Walter (Catlett 'HE CHAMP" 1, 'MILD WEST' he death of there will be ANCE AT THE GARDENS nes, Mgr. t:; ARENA T,.SNGN T I to 0. H. A. e, 8.30 o'Ciock .G VS. LONDON A. C. ..r ,the game. Children and ts, 15s. f ace Tonight osite Market. Para - Ong, featuring araving,-featuring G01. ndon's Hottest Sax. 25c, ladles 15c, t TODAY •-- Last Times PAT M' I •GfmYei A R X Tomorrow—FiOG TODAY AT r AND 9 Matinee Wednesdayat 2 Mary Brian, Donald Dilloway "ONE YEAR LATER" one of the Great pictures of the Season Comedy, News. Travelogue THURS., FP,I., SATUR. Constance Bennett and Gil- bert Roland. in "AFTER TONIGHT" Entrancing! ... in the story of a beautiful Russian spy In gay, war -crazed V7enlla. Premier Coupons to all Adults. 1126v Births JOLtNST'ONE - Al the Woodstock General :Hospital, on Tuesday, Fab- •rQary 27, 1094, to Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Johnstone, .Woodstock, a daugh- ter.. rllarl'iages LEWIS-WS11TLOC1{-The marriage wee solemnized on Saturday, Febru- ary 17, 1989, of elargar'et Florence, eldest daughter of Mrs, 1+"". Whitlock and the late Cuthbert Whitloelf, of Chandler street, London. t0 Arthur Harold,eldest son of 8011. and hers. James Lewis, Emery street. London. by the Rev. John Harris. . Deaths eUND11+'lr -. At the home of her sis- ter, 11,0. A. 1'. Nash, 119 Elmwood avenue, 011 Monday, 1 ebruarY 20, 19014 Cora L. Cundlff, of Arm Arbe'. Funeral services from Ole W. A. Hunt Funeral Horne, 149 Wortley road, on Tuesday, February 27, at pen. Interment In St. Joseph, Mis- souri, FALLUN-At St. Rertedict ilospital, Mmit1'eal, on Tuesday, Feltuary 27, 193.1, Rev. Father .1000011 Pliohael Fallon, Don of Catherine and the late Patrick Tallon, 1200 York l home of IS. 10. Telliingsale orth, Ilur- n 20, l street, eqieTI 11111018 masts 11 morning Stt Peter'sCathedral at 10 o'clock. In- terment in SL Peter's teillelery, FERGUSON-At SL Jose0h a Hoelli- tal, ou Tuee1Lt3; February. 27, 1934. Harriett Amelia, belolid wife of Andrew Ferguson, of Melrose, Out. Funeral eervie at Melrose United Church, on Thursday. Mar'eh 1, at ^ p,m Interment 1n Idount Pleasant C'eliletel'J'• JUNES -AL her late residence, 2581/4 Dundas ah'eet, on Tuesday, February 27, Elizabeth A., widow of the late Thomas C. Jones. Funeral service, strictly private, at the A. C. Irvine funeral home, corner King and Waterloo streets, Into, merit 3 3 ogee 23 soll tCeme ery, LINDSAY -At 274 Rl,1out street south, London, on Monday, FebruarY 26, 1931. William James. beloved hus- band 0fKatharine Lindsay, in his 70111 year. Funeral services will he held 1n the (Dittman funeral chapel, 10111g and Colborne streets, on Wed- nesday, February 25. at 2 p.m, In- terment in Paris, Ont. 11a,DONALD-Thomas Alex, died hat ,Pontiac, Michigan, February 1034. Funeral from 0rneida Foster's residence at Ingersoll, Thursday, at 2 0 clock, r GULTFTOT1P11 - At 101e Mr61ormir.lc 040010, ml Tuesday, February 27. 1954 Susan, beloved wife ofthe late Isaac M'. Scultllorne, aged 76 year8. Mineral services w111 be held In the O0tmes1 funeral chapel Kine and C1, 1034, 2 Pon. Interment on in March 1, 193a, at 2 1• Pleasant Cemetery. SCI11b10RP 7-tVictoria T-o0it nnreesdav27, Ia Ai., holeroti husband of 4-400- late Susan Syulthorpe, aged 86 years. Funeral serviees will 11e held in the 001111011 funeral chapel, King and Co'bnrne streets, on 'rherediiy, March 1. et 2 11.m, Interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Card of Thanks 3 1SARSDL•'N-3h's, Marsden and -family 119011 to thank Ihoir many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym- pathy shown during their recent earl bereavement, oleo the Rev, A. Murray Stuart 11,A„ Minister of Colborne Street 'United Church, and 1lallbearel'a,' end for the beautiful nom! tributes and these who 40 kindly loaned their earn. Funeral Directors 4 CARROTHERS FUNERAL HOME 043 Dundas St, Fairmont 620. Thamesfo'd, phone Kintore 10 ring A, or Ingersoll 440-10. Ambulance service, FERGUSON FUNERAL HOME Gordon Ferguson, grandson of the late John Ferguson, 546 I01ng St., corner William St. ('hone Fairmont 1.100. SIRS. NIORGUSON, R,N., LADY ASST. AMBIITAN CE SERVICE DUNOIIITI &I VEBLR Funeral -Home Atnhulanee service, 422 liking. M. 424. J. Donohue. .1, Weber, manager. A. A. \TcFARI AN77 FUNERAL HOME, LAM OIET9T PHONE MET. 6838,RIN(!, 2-2, ATTENTION! Canadian Front Line Comrades. Don't forget the special meeting in the lecture room at the armories on Thursday night, 8 o'clock. lid LUNCH nes, Come and Join New and old-time 2. Admission 25c, 5 FOR DANCES 'ARE ACCEPTED N ONLY WHEN. IME THEY ARE 14l Indexed. ataneardlzed ane popularized according to 1008. BASIL L. SM1T13 SYS77531 1 Ooprrlghte, oars rates per line of consecutive tnsert(ona Minimum charge. 45 ceata, 6 11503 18 19 3 days 21 14 i dee - 03 18 Velephone Metcalf 5200 Asa for se ad -taker Men office, 446 Richmond .street. Births Marriages. Deaths One insertion. charged, 51.50: cash, 511 sueseouent insertions. chanted. 75 08080 each;. Cash. 80 cents. Ada ordered for more than 01' 4a, and ; stopped before expiration 0111 only be charged for the rentborof times the ad appeared and adivat• went made at therate earned Cards of Tlranka, charred 51 501 cash. 51 each insertion 'Advertlaing ordered for Irregular insertions takes the ane -time inser- tion rates. No ad taken for less than basis of three tinea Minimum charge. 45 cents In memoriam Notices, 224, cents per count tine charged: 15: cents, cash Minimum 10 lines, Publishers reserve theright to re- strict as ado to, their proper classi- fications andto edit or reject any classified advertising.. Classified Display Adrertlsing-S2'Ye cents per line charged; 15 cents-cagb.h Charged ads 11111 be recella.a 04 telephone , and If paid at The Pree Press office within 10 days from the brat day of insertion. cash rates will be renewed ' Hines Marriages, IRVINE FUNERAL HOME King at Waterloo street METCALF 84 , 1i'CHUle L. OA'PMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR COI.. IKLVC1 AND COLBORNIO STS. FEINT, W. A.. FUNERAL 130'lv1E 149 Wortley Road. McMalf 5973 AMBULANCT9 SERVICE. Seven Days Week 24-1401110 SERVICE CLIFFORD' EVANS FTNNERAT. HOME 644 Hamilton Road, Falr. 325. Originator of lower-priced funerals. Private Ambulance Ser,4re. E C KTLLINGSWOR'rl4 FUNERAL SERVICE London's Original Funeral dome ESTABLISHED 1313 AMBULANCE, SERVICE ANY PLACE 110 THE CITY, 92.55 .380 Burwell. Metcalf 3971. Metcalf 4273-31. HARRISON & STKINNER FUNERAL SERVICE 671 Dundee Street, Fair, 1070. ARTHUR L. OATMAN FUNERA1, [ERECTOR ('Ori, KING ANTI COLBORNS STS. Coating ,vents CHANUE OF DATE 1S announced for Ole Mass Meeting of the men of St. James' (Westminster) Church, elle,. to MONDAY. MARCH. 5, S pan., Instead of March 2. Iiia T,ordship the Bishop of Ilurou will he the sneaker. Personal i) BUST p'ORMS=Why be flat -chested? Enhance your figure. They're only 35e pair at Moore's Corsetry, hotel London. Met. 4004. LAYETTE SPECIAL, 2S pieces at $8,93, Ph, Met, 5965-W. 't`910RAXI UI1, the new wonder cream, as advertised in .this paper, on sale at Roy Kitchen, The Careful Chem- ist, Mot. l4. El. PIANO to n1110, guaranteed, G. W. Sherlodt, 770 Queen's. Fab; 1009, BRONCHIAL syrup for coughs mid colds. 2.5c, 50c, delivered, Walker's Drug Store, - 419 Richmond, M. 2449, WATCH repairing a specialty. Lee W. Thomas, 410 Talbot, 1 door n. Dundas. WATCHES - ('leeks repaired at cut rates. H. A. Brock, 360 Talbot St. INEXPENSIVE futeitere repairs al home or sent 0010, Maguire. M 4337. SIA,IAM1D MELVA absent from cite. Wotch this column for return. TURKISH BATHS - Modern equip- ment. Reasonable rates. M t 7500 PIANO TUNING and repairing since 1900, S. Boardman, 61. gill, 5 -GAL, brews made with Suprema Malt, Complete., 51411, 51,09, 91, 98, 398 Talbot. Met. sm. We deliver, MOTOR COACHES -Private charter, large or small, Tel Fah'. 2501-W. L14 ROY V. RTLi S, int foot font troubles. 202 Dundas- A1. 7801 CARLEY, C. - Foot cOrreetimilsl. 160 AdelnIde St. le, 3409. Open ev'ga, B. ROBINSON, U,S,CI,-A I font ail- ments treated. Rowland Hill's 31.17011 NU BC/NE-Foundation garments give trine lines without saeri0ce of com- fort, Wright Bldg. Mot. 7311. At1v4RE0III,LD. PRIVATE HOSPITA t.. Maternity, Convalescent, Rest (lure. 27 ERIE AVENUE, METCALF 5972, I'RNAL clearing sale of wittier coats, regardless of cost price. Miss Rose, 302 Richmond, over Stunner's. WOOL. - Cori108111 shaded Afghan wool, 20c, liowey's, 778 Dundas, BIG new shipment . full-fashioned hose, 49e; chiffon and servieo. Le- Sueur's, Welling'len and Shncoe. E. E. T 1400, optometrist. Eyes exam- ined flee. Formerly C. II. Ward C Co. 131 king, opp. Market House. Met, 1053-1V. THE ROOK Room, Market Square. - Bibles, Gosset Tracts and Booklets, for Personal work or distribution. Dl4ESSMAKING, also cutting and fit ting. Mrs. Zimmerman, 558.Colborne. COSTUMES - Carnival theatrical', wigs. Perelvol, 108 Waterloo St, WEAR Spencer garments for health and style. Mgr. Met.. 51165-W Phone Met. 5977 For Your TAYLOR'S THROAT BALM NO natter where you live, It will ho delivered to you euiolely. There is TTotting lute it for coughs. colds and M•nncblal troubles. 73at ile 0, 48,' end 91 20. 11 is guoranteed by The Taylor Drug Company, _ SHAAIPOO. 10011 lir ON:p'PS lai»- 0111110 Shampoo I oweer, ae made by Elizabeth Arden, Is wenelerful for brleging nut the beautiful golden lights of bindle hair, leaves the ham light end fluffy. Seta by nn1• Kit- chen, The Careful Cltenist, 339 Rlch- 111011d 5t. WHEN WALKING IS torture can Cross Corn Salve. It sure does the work. Ask your'Standard drug Store. SpIrella Patented -Fining Garment SOLVES 1'0777; PROR1.EM Miss Anne Chapman. Met. 2224. DO you know we carry a complete line of accordinns, mouthorgsn8, in- st•uments7 Silverman, 211 Icing. W. 0. SANKiv, foot ,nrrectl,ni't. 3112 Itiehnmed street, over Summer's. Stet. 3757-M. 4'1 A 700Q' G. Boyd 101110008 00r110 001• St a fent this week. -16919 Dundas, M. 220-,1. FUR, 00010 rentihed, retrin1n1011 1 and, l.nw Arleen, F, Ti. Hertel, 1 (8011.11. HANDMADE 1,AMP SHADES A Speelatty C. r.. Corey, Park Shoe, Durferin Ave, Slate gtime prints,selection 015.50and 91090. T1hePa& Shop, Ltd. 1"e 1lir. Mis9 P d Fitzgcr, al d, 519 3laitlannend rl. INFANT wanted for adontlon frons birth. Love and excellent home as- sured. Confidential. Bpx A281, Free Press. ("lowers for all Occasions 5 FLORAL DESIGNS -Be sure of treah- ness, We are growers, J. 1-0. Taylor & Sons, 1.45 Barker St. Fair. 236. Cut 1"lowers Funeral Designs New low miens, Fast delivery. IS. W ROW LANDS. FAIR. 2138. Cemetery Lots, llfonumcnts 0 LONDON 11ICMORTAL PARK CEMETERY "'rhe Garden of Memory" 6g1. I r BldgMet 7 fi02 Belt hone gen Societies and Lodges 7 COVENANT PRECEPTORY. No. 346. Royal Slack Knights, regular meet- ing on Thursday .evening, March 1, in Orange Hall, 165 Clarence Et. 3 Jameson, W.P.; C. E. Wilson, reg- istrar. • PRIDE often borrows the cloak of humility. But Classified Ads, though humble in appearance might rightly be proud of the results they can get< They offer protection from the winds of adversity, AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE Lost and Found 10 130X, containing lady's wearing 80- parel, loot Saturday. Reward. Met. 7207, 13RINDLI'0 Scotch terrier, answers to name of "Micky." Phone Met. . 4800-W or 971 Wellington St. Reward. WRIST WATCH, lady's. Buloyn, loot on Sunday. Reward. Phone Met, 5400 clay.. ete1. 2427-3 evenings. WATCH Iildy's, gold, engraving 111 back of case, lost Friday, valued as keepsake. Reward 1.71 ATet, 5112 atter 6 pen. 116 Mayhems Ave. SILK BELT, wine 'red, lost. Finder call Met. 1672. AUTOMOTIVE Automobile Agencies -_n Antontobiles For Sale 10 Gl\HAM COACH, 1919, a suapf 42'50, terms, and 03 other real bargains, General Motors Products of Canada, Limited. McLaughlin -Buick. Pon- tiac, Cadillac retall branch, 507 Rich- mond. Met. 1573, Open evenings, QUALITY AND ECONOMY W TEItRAPLANl' SIX" -1034 No,1els now only $898 up.Gallagher Motors, King and Wellington Ste. Open eves, Antomobiles For Sate 11 CHEVROLET COACH, 1939, 5471, J. A. Parsons, Ford Sales told Service. Lambeth. 35101, 6991. ring 3.1. DE- SOTO SEDAN. 1920. a beauty, see it, only 9105. and trades-. fi I. considered. Wnterms e'loo Garage, 579 Waterton near I(hig. LRSTi1NTe s.edan 1995. ledu oed to o n(n. :Middlesex sedan, Ltd., Talbot Queen's.Met 1840. VOCD- CRUPE, like new, 5350; Chev- rolet mune, 1932, nice condition, 5450, Shindy Elliott. Phone 04, 'Exeter. FORD TUDOR, 7531 -All new tires, motor, upholstery, finish, all like new. Leaving for England. WIll Bell reasnnably. 1.117 Citeansido. 1029 ESSEX $240Coupe 1929 PONTIAC $270 Coach ... ,,... ,.,. 1930 PONTIAC , *390Sedan 1011 ESSEX39 j Coach 1929 PLYMOUTH,),rjU Sedan • 11111 GRAHAM-PAR111. C011p0, $;r195 1',01111110 seat 1929 Ir0110 Spol•l 1.293 COup0 '1810118.15,- TRADES. OPEN EVENINGS T. 1i. FAUIaDS & SON Chrysler and Plymouth Distill/Mors 71-73 1011413 ST. METCALF 4725 OUR USED CAR STOCK INCLUDES 21 CHEVROLETS 10 FORDS 1N ADDITION TO 21 OTHER MAKES 11125 PONTIAC Sedan, 5' wire wheels, tender well nununtings and trunk rack, In good rutt- ing. condition 1630 PONTIAC Sedan, natural wood wheele, finish 'and 10- ,t, torice condition like 11010...,$395 1914 1'T Y00UT1T De Luxe Se- dan, 6 wile wheels, free wheel- ing, automatic clutch, hes &aulit he brakes, new urea $6'1) J 1030 ESS14X Coach, city 111008 2/ by original owner 1901 1014SES Sedan, blue Duce, $395sound motor, good tires Inn6HUDSON' Sedan, 'recondi- tioned motor, original tires and fieleh show care of preelous $195owner lYor clllol e of two , ThisANT mol del Is noted for its exceptionally 4175 low operating costs 1119 ('11RYSLER Sedan, Model 05, A car that wilt provide the maximum at transportation al $295 rho low price of LISTEN 'l'O OUP. DAILY AN- '70UNCE1IENT.'6 OVER CFP10 AT 9 A.M., 1, 7 AND 10 P.M. , MOTORS U IRL A. 1 . 1114 C ) LIMITED YoUl'. Chevrolet Dealer 120-146 TULT.ARTO.` STREET 615 RICHMOND STREET Metcalf 9370-1171-5172 THE UNIVERSAL LEADS IN VALUE CHEVROLIST Comae 4-r3'llndor., 5138 FORD 4 -Door Sedate 1929 9245 lUl'31031LE 0 Sedan, now 9166 45S10X Coach. 1929 8195 (114A1'1,111PAIGE Seda,,, model 119, 1929 0200 CHIEVROLI7T Coach, 1932, lll,e new 5465 ESSEX Sport Sedan. 1930 9307 1101)05 Touring, new license ....54) 1"ORD Tudor, 1928 917e0 STUDEBAKER 6 Soden. 10,17011-. atraeOr 895 5 Antomobiles For Salo 11 AU'rOti-Real good calls at 110W 1011 sprieoe. 1V111 take work horse asport kullu ton st street, Mate /878193. 90 VAN5TONE MOTORS -. Dodge, De tbbiuy atime tibear.rDundeeoatd Colborne, 05191) CAR BARGAINS -!.ate models at reduced prices A. P. Maguire Motors, Ltd., 18$ Fellation St._,, Univerrsal Motor Salon. 314 sed ears nClaarence street. Phone Mel 2711. CALL etAX WEAVER Good Used Cars -Lower Prime 70 1'OR10 ST01 1;T. MIST, 1572 TODAY'S BARGAINS 1933 OODGI4 Sedan, 11 wheels and trunk reek 9525 1929 CHEVROLET Coach 02)0 1930 FORD Tudor - - 01955 11011 I I MOUTI . Sedan 5195 1932 FORD Y-8 Tudor Sedan $195 1531 PONTIAC Coupe 19228 CIIRY5LI.R 6 Sedan 1285 211 O'191141e to choose from. Every car greased 5,000miles free. VANSTONE MOTORS LTD. Dodge, -De Soto and Dodge Trucks 9110 Get the Thrift Habit - Read the Classified Ads BUSINESS SERVICES EMPLOYMENT Building - Contracting 19 ALTERATIONS, hoose omitting, ro- palrs. Rudhtncl & 'Paten. Met 0500 - OAK 91.00148 AT 1AW14S1 00110510 Oak Irl ora Mado. LTlte NeW, Ii'ENWICK & MoLAIIEN, M. 82118-W, CALL . KING, 901 Edward Blocked dral118, eiaterns bulli cleaned, real d, FOR ltl LIA131,10 drain work, "Wal, I.alte Je, 1033 Pine St. Lair, 3100. Hitlwlves'g, Massage, Manicure 21n Arch, Alale01, 1111ger Wave 350 Free 1411an1000, 8.30 to 11,30 a in Genuine Eugene Permanent $5,50 RealistI Croquignole $3,50 Helen Curtis True Art $5.10 L AtIJ) BROS. MET, 4040. ARpIIINU, 350; sort water shampoo and finger . leave, 50e;. oil permanent, 92,, Paris, Mat, 0, 0140211110 1100t1vy'Sho446p weekly „eel shanlpon linger wave and eyebrow arch, 91,00. Met. 8760. 89 HOLLYWOOD permanent, no fin- ger leave required, Done personally by Mrs, Coleman. Met. 31140. 95 PEIc11EA'C1907L permanents, 91.510 genuine l,a Mona oll. 52.10. 9,, com- nlete, Babette. 2121f Dundas M, 1010. A Push -Up Wave with Ringlet ends 62. No finger leave needed, lair, 3580,. NIAGARA Pf'I MANIS,N r SIIOP GUARANTEED PPR el AN(SETS 91,10. Suzanne Shop. 731'n, Dendrite 71'. 17.9. Cl(OQU1GN0L10 waves, 91.95; sham- poo, finger wave 0r 119)10.1 27017-W Oil, I I RIIANI4N1S, $2, royal Cana- dian Shop, ;ON, I Ich ruond, A1. 8101. :\ 1111l4lC'AN Pernlsnenls, $1.551-52:. No extras. Shampoo with finger wave, 35c; memo) 25c. A1, 5711, 41:7, small work, 2,r, Evening ap pointnents, 3)21ee Dundee, MS 0756 PATRICIA 1014,1119'Y SOUP GUARANTEED OIi. WAVL1, 42.00 MARCEL OR PL001011 \t A 101, 35c Crognignoleavec a Specialty. 18415 DI7YDAs hl'. MIST, 51.40. Over Strong's Drug Stora, 514 "N C F1 Merlin 011 Wares ' up,rin - L C $2 g rat elide. Barbara Beauty. Al 8,413-i'. Genuine Nestle -Permanent with re - condi IIening treatment, 95. Mrs Del0nen 1117 Richmond. 31. 8561 AIRS. D, STOTT and L Rothwell formerly of the Srientlfie, new loca- tion, the Band Box Beauty Salon, CFR?[, Dimtlas, Met. 0302. S1'IoC'IA0,-oil permanents, $2. Rex Beauty Shoe, 016 Han1, Rd. F. 1038. 14001I Y tNNI( SHOP -Arch and all small work, 25e; u4roqulgnolo waves, 92,10 22114 Dundas St, Met. 6086, Ir al, Help wanted - Female 32 PART -'019111 household issislann' needed, mornings and oc0aslouui afternoons and 0leningy Adults only, no washing. Slate 1'agea re- ,Iuh'ed. Box :184, lire° Press Help Wanted --Male 33 ,11EN, two, 0)0110, proferred, to act as service men and take 0101015 in I Lilt up route, must be willing to start at 511 average weekly while learning, Apply, 14 ineere. Haig„ 4 to 5 p.m. FARM HAND. experienced, Mato age and wages required. Perry Hagg, Thamesford. IS, R 1. VACANCY for throe barber appren- ttres, free training, Write or call l'nited System, 379 Talbot. YOUNG MAN, over 20, for 1x1:,19 adie8' hear chain organization Most bo villin" to leave rity If trans- ferred. 119nc, Dundee 89,, Room 4. 'MEN, two, married prole9ed; Must bo hustlers, Average earnings 5720 Per day, Apply Box 377, Irree Pt e ss. FA Rel 13ANT), experlenred, goon milker and teamster. Slide wagesby month or year. Box 202, .100dcnow, Ont. 110C'FIANIUAL Draining free to right 110100'). 165- Alanla street. DRUG clerk, One or Iwo curs' ex. pe'lenr-e. .390 Richmond, Solicitors, ('anvassrrs, Agents ori W ANTED NOW - Reliable agents In cities, town end r•nunt;v dtstrlets to sell nu' well-known fruit treys end flowering shrubs. We tiny welly,. reserve tert9to;v mut supply. outfit• W,'lle Pelham Nt 08101 (0., 't o'unte. Situations wanted -Female 110 BR1SS] 1-Iand Laundry - T'hrlftY„ 5u. Call roe. deliver, Irate 65. DAY BREAK. I,AUNPRi Thrifty, Se; wet. :in, (11,111, deliver. Met. 0751. PRACTICAL 14111101)4, exporienoed, 11111 serept ra000. Mel S19-37._ Situations Wanted -Since 37 AMBITIOUS young man wishes work of any kind 1100 300, . brae Press. ess. 19,1 lt11.1-IAAU LxperIMleed it (uoefi l0) all farm work. middle a^'ell. single, either wages or r lures. Box 22„ Free Press, tit. 'Phonies FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 Auto Trucks For Sale 12 TUN TRUCK -Yellow Cab chassis, slake body, bargain. 210 York St. Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 AGeLS5OIt1ES, tires, balle•ins, bar- gain prices, Market Auto Supplies, King at Talbot street. Met_ 7031. 10A'I'TERIES 101111 ;;unranleo, all sizes. used, reluillt and new, 52 up. Nov Selvlre Bater'y Co., 167 Maple St. BA T11101E5 - 1•:1 -plate, $4-n0, ex- change, one year's guarantee. Rentals, 200 a flay: recharge, 511e Holmes, '144 Hamilton Rd. Fair 2017. TOIVE & 'rOWVE SPECIALS Rear luggage rack, reg, $2.50 .. 01.05 Trunks, regular to 830 $15.00 T3umper guards, special pal,',,,41.95 Lieonse frames, approved raiz' .. 010 Friction tape, Inmost roll, 2 roils, :150 Safely 0010 tants caps 9e Quart size blow torch, special „ 95,01 Valve lifters, special 15e Cnmplote stook, Come in and loop around. Real vabies all the time. S51RICIIy102411 87'. MIT` 0814 Garages, Autos Poi• Hire, Tads 11 RENT A CAR. drive It Rates low, London Garage, 380 WI'll`g'n. Al 5100. Repairing -Service Stations 10 AUTO cushionsvehunt. Tops, 0110 covers. Lowest rates. Worst guaran- teed. DIek Lindsay, 170 Maple.. M. 6861, AI'1'('O RADIATOR REPAIR Complete Stock Nev and Used Radiators, All work guaranteed, LONDON AUTO RADIATOR CO. 81 Kine St. Met. 1373. RADIATOR, fender repairs. Expert wont. Briggs Auto Radiator Service, x"a1 Talbot St. Met, 3205. TIRE VULCANIZINf1, low nrb es. Horton Tire Rerair, 8 Woodward Ave. VPI.70ANIZ)N0 -'Don't ttirold-tliat tire away. We put the mileage back in, Arl Wilkes, 354 Wellington, 31.9334 Wanted - Automotive 17 WE PAY cash for used cars al the Orange Front. W. P. 03 ackino'e, 80 York, Met. 2974. 0A510 WAITING for closed car. small type preferred. Apply Box 101. Free Press. WILf,. pay spot cash for late model used cars. Drive them to Mann's Garage, 352 Talbot, Met. 777. 7. UDOr,—lrord Sedan, 1626 or 1927. !lox 368, Free Press. WILL pay terms or trade cru' for late model motorcycle. Box 372, Free Preis. BUSINESS SERVICES -l8nidnese Services Offered 18 QUALITY that .yin desire at 0 small BAICISAY Meatless lit the Town of gnat. Avon I'eenty .Salon, 380 Rich- Simeoe, retail and wholesale. Two mend. Met. 7860, ot'ens, two trucks 51111 nquipmoln. For details apply 10 lite Truss and Guarantee Company, 'Lind led, trustee, Brantford, Ontario: POOL. business for sale, on Richmond street. Price Vino, 0100 down, balance monthly payments. R. rt. 8111 76114, 111011111011,1, ' \mEDIC.\1. ICE 1rol/erty for sale In thriving Western Ontario town; apleidid lornlinn and very do- n y 1 i a. nus for ail Ih111104011Y; le Blr,uiane 2,3 :selling, and tt 11 sn ildC.r for a meek ale Apply to ow1101 1 m 3613 Free Press f:bara lteerl permanents. Sneolal, $I.9:,. nnr4cl171\ BEAUTY SHOP. M. I09D. Heating - Phimbin0 • Roofing 22 JOHN STh71NI411RG-Plumbing and beating, repairs Fairmont 771-3. CALL Prineees Plumbing. new toilets SIS fin rmmplele. Fair. 514. (•AL1. Fin nk Murton, 17 Askin. repairs. Plumber tinsmith,furnace OAltl 1N(1 INB11R1\Cle AGI"ACY - Conte Bldg., ALareet Lone.. M,2332 31 slISIV 0RAl, INSURANCE - T. Red - mend Merer1il11 74 1)undee, M. 1054 AI1111 DPT17, 1, S, -Insurance broker, 410 Talbot at Fullerton. Met, 4.479 INSURANCE AND REALTY' ' CORP. -Insurance of ell hinds, 409 Rich - Mond street, Met. 8604. YOttl CAR In a pubile liability. 910,48 will rover the rink. Tows Insurance A000.y, Royel hank Rldg. .�70vin« - '1tYTtil lclntc"-$termer LTi 1111 PINSON CAR1.'fl19 Reasonable rales on 100810,1 Met. 8115 E. R, DIXON COMPANY Reliable moving and narking, separate compartment, fireproof storage. 440 Talbot PI-IONT'1S 81ST. 631-2530 A. WFIITWORT)1 moving, eartuge, envered trucks reasonable 1•'. 1120. CALL P11013YN 310VER Sloege. 589 Ores. Guo. Farr, 5110. Printing • Engraving • !finding 27 lou ENVELOPES, 100 not ell ends, 91.26; fine Minting. R. I T:eldiug Co., printers, 527 Richmond. AI. 2391, Professional Services 28 SUP LRMI.UOUS hair permanently re- moved. rare, 001510,, foot lreatnenla. \urea Rent tie. 466 'Talbot, he 1097-W Chiropractic 2S -r A. OV, MAtil'110 210 Richmond Bldg Phone Met, 4710-57111. Legal - 4.10-e BRA01(10 & McA LISTER -Barr sters and senators. Dundas Building. BRLC701",NULLA SCO. -Barristers, ata Money to loan. Rirhm'd Bldg. 11, 1.438 101UNYei & BUTTS-Serrlsters, sole 8itors, etc., Heron & 19r1e 131dg. CUIRRAN, Prtlnk lI.-Huron & Erie Bldg., Alaritet Square, A10t. 1147-.1, L`ft,lSElt & 81000115, solicitors. Cor- ner Talbot St. and Market Square. tl LN O1 RSON CO, -W, R. Henderson. 09. T Mitchell. . 1311. Toronto Ch'bers HUDGINS, J. 1. - Barrister, ere Moore Bldg. Phone 19e11mlf 770. 111eN1IES & (:LUlel"-Barristers, so. netters. etc. 401 Talbot St. Met. 874. SelANDRETT & CO. — Bllrrlatero, soli, llors, notaries. Money to loan 9S 1)00d,ta armor, RI8101ND A, 13 I;, A. -iia rrinler, so- licitor 6 Premier 'Trust t.ldg. M. ,_. 1V1NN1:l'9', AMORIOTTEAD & CO. "- Berrletern, solicitors, etc. 418111 Tal- bot St., London,- Phone 1101 1239. Medical 28•-1 rIA\THI to list, blael<- ui dl Phan and dwelling. can pts cash. W. B. Heid, 401 etreet, (9 AN 1'ICD-,can wills 9000 to Menet 111 a growing cellment, Apply Box 382_, Free Mess. LP1 n1_ _ '"Vl4\ hme oplelely furniehed, felly occupied- with ten - ante, gond limonite ite 'lose downtown, rent roaannable. Very email invesl- meltt..51et. 1351-W. Mona' to Loan 40 JOHNSTON, Dr. Te. TT..-Dlseasen of heart; -4, 7-0, 241 Queen's, M. 1400. Repairing - Refinishing 29 11ACHLNI RY repairs. Gall l", 731-J. Warren Bros,. 10014. Rentory. EMPLOYMENT UNIVER,SAL MOTOR SALES 354 Clarence St. Phone Met. 2714 1114.IJPFWLSTERIN(3, all kbnds, high class wont at low prices, Call Fair. 2112-3 for estimatee. STOWING MACHINES repaired al. your home. Perfect serving guaranteed. 1 do no sell machines. Pair. 2015, 1VArIl1, re - NG MACHINE ' U MO TOR 5 paned. We call for, deliver. Al, 5500, P111018 AUTO EIECTruc 358 Rldout, YOUR WATCH CLEANED, 51; main- springs, 75e up. Satisfaction guaran- teed or-0oui• n1oney back, A, T3 Mann. 3118 'rather Si„ nee mese., COMBINATION at0rill uta,,,, al,l` slows, caulking, roofng. 1'. 1923-W. He11, Wattled - Female 142 M4 ID -Quiet, pleasant, for generalhousework, references reputed, sleep. 0111. Apply 100.1 Waterloo street. SAI,IESLADY-).Holies' ready-to-wear, etenog1aphlc bathing preferred. State age, experience, etc. Box. 316. Free Press. G0R1, may have good home return for part time help with housework and cheerers Hex Mel, free Press. 110051 Ill 1 1°Fl9 over 30, adults only, no 'washing, stale wages required. Box 118e, )"l'ee Press. AU'1'OMO13ILE LOANS - REFINANCING W1T11 your car as seventy, vas will tulvanee money In clear n lndehlelnese or nay off exit' et -miracle 1,1 reduce 1115, 10, payments, No Indorsers Or co- 11151,01'8 rein' laved, CAIIPI3EL11 AUTO FINANCE CO., LTD. S Premier Trust RItles Mel. 1570 42S Richmond, 00011. Calling CENTRAL ANNOUNCES - The Opening of a New Office in London LOANS *30 to *500 ITA TM' A 17T110I:IZI0D 'RV DOMINION PARLIAMENT 010 You are keeping. house and ran nuke monthly payments, yn11 111100 all the eecur'it - need- ed, Quirk serviee. Only hus- band awl wife sign, n0 indorsers. Twelve months to ropey. 01111 RATES A R17 '011117 L01VIISg' OBTAINABLE ON I,OANS OF THIS KIND KINI) CENTRAL FINANCE CURVo1 A'I'ION LN014)7 DOMINION SUPERVISION 267 00X045 1110101(01110, -0041}0N 59 New !lank of Toronto ISIdg. Phone Metcalf 1269. AUTO LOANS�� It'URNI'PU1 E LOANS.. *25 TU 1500 Or ilefhm one Present Ceti t'tr et Pee 'I1 Our Organ,zalinu Assures You Con,. fidentiai and Quick Service THE TORO FINANCE CO. 215 ROYAL BANK BLDG, MET. 0404 LERNER. Slayer -.elle tor, hamster, Money In loan, 425 .RIthnlnnd. \4.2119 M'UR'PNl', LE13EL & CO3-Money ta.. loan. : 267 Dundee street, SALESMAN SAM 'GROG' R I ES! SET /EM ON 7.4"1 TABLE! 903;" SAY, `fou Cp,ME 0'os-cm -at'. 21GHT TIMET i OuP,S A130uT TO gnome TH' 5To2e1 �GOo-r;Gp� oG'21E5 Nice Comeback, Lady ! Douse etT A OO:,EtJ EGGS , °TEs-t-Ettony tS No Neu cNarGCO 11181'C11Jro18' ITSToo aitscHt LOW() -CHATS RM95LL 5 ftEASO1J BLE, LP0N! A 4EAo. AGO, I F MY 1161' RY sERVCs ME GCRI3EC•'CLY, `fou oo. 11P,lb 38 OR, SFO c=1:1Ts EERTI'fosc EO•GS1' BY SMALU ('',Go,hon.E G^vG5 Goetze A Lor FRESHER , 1,11 f Jiltr <� r ♦l(S 11 i e ' '•y~ tiK,. " ©'teas is nal etevice, IgE ni em s. pee ore, - i