The Seaforth News, 1934-02-01, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Mr. Charles S'andercock oI .Hay Tp.
has moved into the village and will
live in the McArthur house on hin'g
st, east. We believe Mr, Sandereook
.has hired with Ro'bt: Cameron.
Miss Mona Miller visited with
friends in Clinton last week
:Miss Grace'Gibbing's of the Bank of
Montreal staff, spent the week -end
at her home in Clinton,
Miss Mary McKaig of Exeter was
a 'week -end visitor with her mother.
Mr. William Foster has treated 'him-
self to a new Ford V -S.
Mr, T. C. 1oynt was in Toronto a
'few days last week and while there
had an X-ray taken of his foot, which
has been bothering him a great deal
The Reusall Firemen are putting
on a progressive euchre and dance on
Friday evening of this week. 6 prizes
will be given for the euchre and also
the lucky lunch ticket. The Firemen's
dance is.always looked forward to, by
the old people as ,well as the young, as
the firemen are splendid entertainers,
The funeral of the late Mrs, Henry
Horton, who died at her home here
early on Saturday morning, was to
have been held on Monday afternoon
I will be calling on my customers
in McKillop during the next few
weeks and will appreciate their having
orders ready for me, S. Carter, Phone
268-W, Seaforth,
Collie pups, nice little fellows, look-
ing for a good home and a job for
next summer. Call and see them, first
crane, first choice. .George Beatty, Sr„
Township of McKillop
The postponed meeting for the
reading of the Engineer's Report on
the Kinburn Swamp Drain in Mc-
Killop, will be held in the Carnegie
Hall, Seaforth, Monday, Feb. 5th, at
1.30 p.m.
TORN \IcNsAY, Clerk.
The Family of the late Leonard
'Sholdiee gratefully acknowledge the
many acts of kindness of friends and
neighbours during the sickness and
death of their father. They also wish
to thank those who so kindly io'aned
Xippen Road, five miles south of
.Seaforth, being Lot 10, Con. 8, H.R.S.
Township of Tuckersmith. 100 acres,
cleared and well drained, t1A acres of
fall wheat, about 40 acres fall plowed,
balance seeded. Buildings all in good
repair, consist of a brick house, bank
barn stabled throughout, implement
house, hennery and piggery, This
farm in convenient to school, church
and markets. For particular;, write
Mrs. Harvey Moore, I{ippen, Ont„ or
Wm, G. Strong, 38 Monk St., Ottawa,
Stray hound, Owner may have same
by proving ownership and paying ex-
penses. Apply to Norman Nicholl,
400 -egg incubator. Good shape.
Cheap for cash or exchange for
chicks. Phos 32 on 2511, Seaforth, 5
Lot 10, ,Con. 4, H. R, S„ Tucker
smith, consisting of 100 acres, with
good buildings, frame house; two
miles south of Seaforth; plenty of
water from never -failing spring. Also
lot 37, cost. 5, L.R!S., Tuckersmith,
containing fifty acres; 20 acres of
good hardwood bush, rest in 'pasture,
no 'buildings, Mrs. John C. .Reinke,
Seaforth R. R. 4, 'Phone 0'3'3 r 34I
du Egrnondvil'ie, a two-storey frame
house, situated on Main street, Elec-
tric lights, hard and soft water; cor-
ner lot, half acre of land, stabile, hen
house and garage, near school, church
and store; small fruits, pear and apple
trees; low taxes. Can be seen by ap-
plying to Mrs, John Sproat, or phon-
ing 1'70 r 22, Seaforth. If not sold will
be rented.
Yorkshire hog for service. Lot 3,
con. 3, Hul'lett. Terms $ltOO. T. J.
McMichael. .5.
Wheat, per bus, 730
iDarley, per bus. 4Sc
Oats, per 'bus. , .'..:,..•..t38c
Eggs, per cloz. .................... h5'c-2,3c
Hogs, select, per cwt. ... .... $8,90
When You
Have A
Phone or writeto
(Shone 22 Ingersoll
Phone 215 W -- Stratford
to MoTaggart's Cemetery, •Owin'g to gave the opening address. Bagpipes
the severe storm, the funeral had to by Mr. Kurth and 'son: Solo by W.
be postponed as the roads out to Mc-
Taggart s 'Cemetery are impassable,
Miss Ellis, Mrs. Maude Redden,
Airs, Geo. Iless and Dr, Sunillie took
part in the program at the Scotch
concert in Main st, Church, Exeter on
'Friday evening,
-lir. Beverly Alexander of the boun-
dary is visiting with his sister, Mrs.
Mfrs. Lorne 3ttdNaughton of Crom-
arty spent a few days last week visit-
ing relatives in town,
Rev. Mr, and 3'Irs. Young of Nairn
spent a few days visiting with their
son and his wife, Rev. W. A. and
Mrs, Young. Mrs, Young took part in
the Scotch concert here Thursday.
llrs. Hillyard entertained the bridge
club on Thursday afternoon,
Mrs. Enoch Parker of Chisethurst
spent a few days visiting Mr, and Mrs.
GordonGParker. Mr. and Mrs. Parker
have returned to their farm south of
'Chiselhuret, after living is Mitchell.
Miss Martha Carlile of London
spent the week -end with her parents.
Mr, Roy Parlmer is spending a few
days this week visiting his brother
Earl Parinnet, at Windsor.
Mrs. Joynt and daughter of Wing -
ham are spending a few days visiting
relatives in town.
The Scotch Concert—A large crowd
attended the concert in the town hall
on Thursday evening, Bobby Burns'
birthday. Harry McGee, comedian of
Auburn, Mrs. Young, elocutionist of
Nairn, Messrs. Murch of Clinton with
the bagpipes and local talent took
part, and all pleased the large audi-
ence present. The program was as
follows: Rev. W. A, Young was chair-
man and Rev. Mr. Young of Nairn
A. ,lt[dLaren, reading by Mrs. Young,
solo by Harry .MdGee, duet by Mr.
Young and Mrs. W. A. McLaren, bag-
pipes by Murch and son, reading.
Trio by Ms. Young, ,Wun. M''oLaren
and James 13eugough. Highland !long,
Margaret Bell, Reading. Song, Harry
McGee, Sword dance, W. Sangster,
Duet, Mr. Young and Mrs, John ,Mar
Bloch. Solo, Ms's. James Bonthros.
Song, Harry MdGee. Bagpipes, Murch
and sou. The concert closed with
.Auld Lang S,yrre, The managers of the
church entertained the artists at sup-
per following th'e progham.
Mr. L. R. Coles, manager of the
Bank of Montreal here, received word
that he 'had been appointed manager
of the Bank of Montreal at .Listowel.
Mr. Coles is leaving this week to take
over his new duties. Since coming to
Hen•all a few s w years ago o \In .
has always taken a deep interest in
the municipal, business, fraternal and
social life of the village. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Coles will be gres'tiy missed.
Mr. William 'Consitt spent a 'few
days in iGoderich last week visiting
friends and taking in some of the
meetings of the county Council.,
Douglas Cook, little son of Mr. and
Mrs. INorman Cook, is seriously ill
with pneumonia,
Death of Mrs. Henry Horton.—
There passed away at her home here
early Saturday morning, Mrs. 'Henry
Horton in her !78,th year, firs. Horton
'was' stricken with ,cancer several
nmonths.ego and suffered severely des-
pite the best medical skill and, nurs-
ing. Mr, and Mrs, Horton moved into
Hensel! a'b'out eight years ago from
their farm in Tuckersmith, near
Brueefield and sdte 'has 'been a valued
res'i'dent since. She was .a member of
the 'United Ohu ch and -took an active
interest in church worse, !Besides her
husband she leaves to .mourn her loss
two sons, lJarvis, of the London ;Road,
near illrucelfiel'd; 'I -Larry, at home and
two 'daughters, Mrs, Mears of 'Sask-
atclnewen and Mrs, IHarpole of Hen -
sail, rine funeral took place on Tues-
day afternoon first to the 'United
'Church where a service was con-
ducted by !the 'pastor, .Rev, 'Arthur
'Sinclair, and then to McT'aggar't's
'cemetery for burial.
Mr, Alilbon Love spent the week
end in Toronto.
Mr. Harold IScruton left last week
'for Dol'dwalter Where he ,has secured
a position Itt his trade of printing.
The Jolly ,Four will pit _o`d anotlif
dance in 'the town hill on -1' 3d -ay,
,Mr. Walker � ' ,
Carlyle spent a few days
in London this meek,
The government snow plow opened
up No.4 highway on 'Monday.
There is some talk in the .village o'f
a covered skating rink being built by
local nen, This would be a .splendid
thing for 't'he village and would help
to keep our young people at hone
We have splendid material Isere for
hockey 'and curling teams if 'there
Were a place to' practice. We hope this
will come true,
3fr, ;Donald McKaig is spending a
few days this week visiting fniends on
the boundary,
!Don't forget the sale of homemade
cooking and 'd'Oc tea .being put onby
the ladies of 1St. .Paul's Anglican
Church on ,Saturday afternoon, Feb. 3,
Phe services in the United Church
were well attended last Sunday con-
sidering the weather, The pastor, Rev.
act��e [tri
Pcund 4x9 C
LIPTON'S TEA'• .• .... ..a..,
49 c
small 1 O C
Choice Cooking Potatoes 1 10 .bag trade
Clean New Laid Eggs, , , , , , , ,,,, , , , , , ,'At Highest Prices
;Arthur 'Sinclair, preached both mor-
ning an'd evening. The .Mission .Band
held their meeting at 2 o'clock in the
' IOit 'M:onclay.everting the Young
People's meeting was ,withdrawn,.
The L'ad'ies Guild of St, Paul's
Church wall serve afternoon tea and
hold a sale of homemade baking on
Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
Douglas' Egyptian Liniment should
be in every household. Stops bleed-
ing at once, cauterizes wounds and
prevents blood poisoning. Keeps away
inflammation and proud flesh.
,Miss Mary .Lane went to Toronto
last week where she has :secured es
position for .the winter,
Misses Bridget 'Delaney and Bettis
Carlin of Stratford Normal' Scheo2
spe'n't the week end at their homes-
IDon't forget the play in the paria7Ei
hall on Friday evening sponsored 14
the Young People of St. Joseph.%
Church, Stratford.
Wedding bells are ringing in the:
ALP , . . .-;_ ¢' r 4S rA,' .,,KOSI ,, MVIZa Seal
FACTS ABOUT HYDRO:—No. 1 of a series of official announcements by the Ontario Municipal Electric Association (O.M.E.A.),
representing the Municipalities who own the Hydro -Electric System of Ontario.
EG '.°thI
The great public service enterprise known as the Hydro -Electric System, or
simply as "Hydro", while operated and administered by the Hydro -Electric
Power Commission of Ontario acting in the capacity of trustee, with the Govern-
ment of Ontario acting as banker, is the property of the people of the associated
Hydro !!municipalities.
Hydro - Electric power is distributed, through the agency of the Hydro munici-
palities, to the citizens who ,use this low cost electric service.
The Ontario Municipal Electric Association (O.M.E.A.) is an organization con-
stituted to represent its member municipalities—the owners of Hydro—and to
make representations to the, Hydro -Electric Power Commission,
At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the O.M.E.A., held in the City of Toronto
on October 31, 1933, a Publicity Committee was appointed "to collect and disseminate
information in respect to Hydro facts". At a subsequent meeting, held on November 30,
1933, the Executive Committee individually endorsed and unanimously passed the following
Resolution regarding Publicity.
WHEREAS, from time to time, state- THEREFORE BE .IT RESOLVED: — THAT
ments have been made and published with respect The Executive Committee of the Ontario Municipal
to the Hydro System of Ontario that are not in Electric Association endorses the report of the
accordance with the facts, and which, if allowed Publicity Committee;
to go unanswered, tend to create doubts in the minds
of the public, and more particularly that section of THAT we believe, with them, that the time is
the public which is not sufficiently interested, or now opportune to carry out the repeated requests
will not take the time, to look into matters carefully and suggestions which have been made from time to
enough to secure the information for themselves; time by our Association;
AND WHEREAS the Municipalities of Ontario THAT a campaign of publicity be carried on
are the owners of the Hydro System, fn which they so that the people of Ontario, who have been respon-
have an investment of some three hundred millions sible for the outstanding success of this great Public
of dollars; and anything which would create distrust Utility during its twenty-five years of existence,
in the minds of the people as to the proper and shall be given from time to time all necessary infor-
efficient conduct of this great Public Utility would mation as to the administration and operation of
tend to impair the value of the investment of the the Hydro System and its branches in all parts of
Municipalities in the Hydro System: Ontario
In pursuance of this Resolution, the Publicity Committee of the O.M.E.A. will publish
informative statements which will set forth, clearly and simply, what Hydroownership
has done for the people of this Province. The facts about Hydro speak for themselves.
President, C. A. MAcumE Toronto Secretary -Treasurer, T. J. HANNIGAN Guelph
Vice -Presidents, T. W. MCFAgLANO London, Jos. GIBBONS, JAMES SIMPsON Toronto, F. BIETTE Chatham
BROCKVILLE—W, B. Reynolds CHESLEY—C. J. Halliday GALT—H. 0. Hawke;
GUELPH—J. W. Oakes HAMILTON—W. D. Slack LINDSAY -A. K. Gregory
MIDLAND—David Hurrie g en
OSHAWA—Frank L. Mason .OTTAWA J.. J. Allen
PETERBORO-Gordon Matthews ST. CATHARINES—Dr. W. J. Chapman ST. THOMAS—E. E. Seger
WALKERVILLE—W, R. Woollatt WATERLOO—W. Henderson WINGHAM—W. H. Gurney
Chairman, Controller James Simpson, Toronto Frank L. Mason, Oshawa
T. W. McFarland, London
* Keep this informative statement and watch this newspaper for further statements by the Publicity,Cominitiee,