The Seaforth News, 1943-04-15, Page 8FIENSALL,'
Mr. and. 1VIrs. 10. L. Mickle and
family spent Me week end with the
former's parents, Mn and Mrs, Gee,
in, ;theme in Ilidgetown.
Miss Margaret Grieve of Blyth was
a week end guest with BUSSBeryl
.Mr, Lee Hedden of St.' Catharinegi
is 'visiting at the .home of his mother
Mrs. Catharine Redden.
Pte, George Parke of the CiO.C.,
London, spent the week' end with
Mrs. Parke and Mrs. Bolton,
Mrs, Clarence Reid and son of Lon-
don are hOlidaYing with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Wilson Allen,
Bobby Bell spent the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Me-
. Naughton at Chiselhurst,
Mrs. F. G. Weir of Godei'ich is vis-
iting at the home of her son, Rev.
Wm, Weir, Mrs. Weir and Freddie,
Mrs. Dick Kinsman returned to her
home this week after convalescing at
Itirs. R. J. Patterson's Nursing Home
'for the past several weeks,
Mrs. Ada Adams, Clinton,
Addresses Hensall W. I.
The annual meeting of the Hensall
Women's Institute was held at the
home of Mrs. Jas, Patterson on Wed-
nesday evening with Mrs. G. M.
Drysdale co -hostess. The president,
'Miss Gladys Luker, presided, and the
meeting opened by singing "The In-
stitute Otte," and 0 Canada, followed
by the Lord's prayer in unison, The
roll call was answered by uses for
newspapers and payment of fees,
The motto "From the Love of Home
the Love of Country has its rise,"
was very ably gives by Mrs. Cross.
The guest speaker was Mrs. Ada
Adams, president of the Clinton Wo-
men's Institute. Mrs. Adams gave an
interesting address on "Home Econ-
omics," The district annual meeting
will be held in the United Ohara,
liensall, May 18th, at 1.15 p.m. Fol-
lowing are the reports: Financial,
Mrs, Hicks; Red Cross and jam, Mrs.
Jas. Pat terson ; citizenship, Mrs.
Weir; historical research, Mrs. Good-
win: social welfare, Mrs. Eric Ken-
nedy: agriculture, Mrs. Mickle; pub-
licity, Mrs. Drysdale; card.eommittee,
Miss Beryl ?haft; jam conveners,
Misses Greta Laramie and Beryl
Phaff. The following committee was
appointed to pack boxes for the local
boys overseas, May lst: Convener,
Mrs, Jas. Patterson, Mrs. Weir, M re.
Beer, Mrs. Kerslake, Mrs,
Mrs. Orr, 14Irs. Blowes and Mrs, Hess.
A presentation of a bank book was
made to Baby Ricks by Miss Beryl
Phaff to which Mrs. Hicks replied,
thanking the Institute. Miss Sally
Manson gave a demonstration of a
supper dish, which was very interest-
ing, Mrs. Goodwin read a letter she
recently received from Benson Dick
expressing his gratitude for a recent
parcel he received. Mrs. Robt, Simp-
son favored with readings which
were much enjoyed. Mrs. A. W. Kers-
lake gave the recipe. Mrs. Drysdale
was in charge of a victory garden,
which proved most interesting. The
prizes for same were won by Mrs.
Patterson and Miss Brigham of Clin-
ton. A canvass for articles for the
overseas boxes will be made in the
near future. Miss Florence Welsh
presented the following slate of of-
ficers: President, Miss Gladys Luker,
1st vice pres., Mrs. A. Kerslake, and
vice, Mrs. W. A. MacLaren; sec. -
treasurer, Mrs. Ken Hicks; assistant
sec. -trees., Mrs. Roy MacLaren; Press
reporter, Mrs. Maude Hedden. Branch
directors, Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs. W.
B. Cross, Mrs. Weir; pianist, Miss
Florence Welsh; asst. pianist, Miss
Greta Laramie; card committee, Miss
Beryl Pharr. District representative,
Mrs. J. Patterson. "Overseas Boxes'',
Mrs. Jas, Patterson. Jam conveners,
strawberry jam, Mrs. Shepherd and
Mrs, Goodwin. Raspberry jam, Mrs.
Kerslake, and Mrs. Blowes. Plum
jam, Mrs. C. Cook and Mrs. Hess.
Pear marmalade, Mrs, F. Beer cand
Miss Florence Welsh, Grape jam,
Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Smote. A. vote of
thanks was extended to the hostess
end co -hostess. Refreshments were
served with the following committee
in obarge, Mrs. Jas. McAllister, Mrs.
Beer, Mrs. Hy. Horton, Mrs. Kyle and
Mrs. Hedden,
Huron Farmers' Co.operative
Hold Annual Meeting —
The annual meeting of the Huron
Farmers' Co-operative Co., Ltd., was
held in the Town Hall, Henson, on
Saturday, at 2 p.m., with Mr. John
Armstrong in the chair. The guest
speaker was R. J. Scott of Belgrave,
president of the United Farmers' Co-
operative • Co., Ltd., Toronto, who
gave an impressive address. The fol-
lowing officers were appointed: Hon
President, Mr. Albert Hendrick;
President, Mr, John Armstrong; vice
pres., Mr. Bert Klopp; sec.-treas., Mr.
A. B. Bell; manager, Mr, R. J. Coop-
er; directors, Messrs. John Arm-
strong, Bert Klopp, Blake Horner,
Sam Hendrick, W. ba Alexander, A.
B. Bell and Edison Forest,
Wohelo Class Meets —
The Wohelo Class met it the
schoolroom of the United Church on
Friday evening for their April meet-
ing, with Miss Gladys Luker presid-
ing. The program commenced by
singing "Showers of Blessing," fol-
lowed by the Lord's prayer in unison,
the minutes, roll call, and offering.
The Scripture reading, Psalm 1, was
read by Mist Annie Fulda After sing-
ing "When 1 Survey the Wondrous
Cross," the business Wa4 taken tip,
followed by a piano solo by bliss
Gladys tinker. Mise Ellis favored
with readings, Audrey Walsh sang
solos accompanied by tier mother at
the piano. The ‚topic on "David" was
.very ably taken by Edison Forest.
Miss Edna Walsh. favored with a
piano solo. The meeting closed by
singing "Blest Be the Tie that binds,"
and the benediction, Mrs, Maude Hed-
den was in charge of the program and
Miss Evelya Corbett was in charge of
the refreshments.
Murdoch -Wood
A stilet but lovely wedding with
the immediate families Mesent, was
solemnized at James S. OarSalltage,
Exeter, oa Saturday evening, April
10th, at 7 O'clock, when Edna. Pearl
Wood, daughter of 111r. and WS, Will -
ii H. Wood, Of Usborne; was united
in marriage to Neilson. alur.
(loch, RCAF, only son of. Mr, and
bit's, J. R. Murdoch ef Bracelield.
Rev, A. B. Irwin officiated, The bride
wore a pretty navy blue and white
ensemble, matching hat with should-
er length veil, tied With tiny white
felt knots and corsage Of Pink roses
and white sweet peas. Site was at-
tended by her sister, Miss Olive
Wood, in a red dressmaker suit and
corsage of Talisman yeses, Mr, Will -
lam Scott of Brdoefield was best
man, The groom's gift to the bride
was a gold dresser -set, to the brides-
maid a gold locket, and to the best
man a leather wallet. Following the,
ceremony a dinner for the bridal
party was hew at the home of tne,
bride's brother, Mr. and Mrs. J, Har-
old Wood, Lambeth. Red roses deo-
mated the rooms and the table was
prettily decorated in pink and waite,
white candles and centred with the
wedding .cake. After the dinner Mr.
and Mrs. Murdoch left on a short
wedding trip.
W.M.S. Easter Thank Offering
The Easter thank offering of the
WM.& of Carmel church was held on
Thursday in the school room of the
church with Mrs. R, Y. MacLaren
presiding. The meeting opened by
singing "In the Cross of Christ I
Glory," after which Mrs, Weir led in
prayer. The Scripture reading, Mark
15, was read by Miss Minnie Reid.
The roll call was answered with
"Hope" as the text word. There were
31 calls reported on sick and Shut-ins.
Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren read poems in
keeping with the Easter meeting.
Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang ,a solo en-
titled "Out of the Ivory Palaces," ac-
companied by Mrs. W. A MacLaren
On the piano. Mrs. Jean Manson led
in prayer, and hymn, "When 1 Sur-
vey the Wondrous Cross" was sung,
The topic "The Life Triumphant"
was very ably taken by Mrs. R. Y.
MacLaren and was most interesting:
The program concluded by singing
"Christ the Lord is Risen To -day,"
and the Lord's player in unison.
A three tint comedy play entitled
"There's A Man in the House." will
be presented in the Town Hall, Hen-
sall, on Friday evening, April 16, by
the. members of the Arnold Circle of
Carmel Presbyterian Church. Keep
the date open for this play,
Mr, and Mrs. John Fisher returned
home this week afteraspending the
winter months with their daughter
and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Thomp-
son, in Toronto, •
Mission Circle Meets
The Mission Circle of the United
Church was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Passmore on Monday
evening when Mrs. Lorne Elder' was
hostess and Mrs. Jack Corbett co -
hostess, Miss Margaret Shepherd pre-
sided following the theme song, the
hymn, "There is Work ,to do for
Jesus." after which Mrs, Mary Buch-
anan led in prayer. The Scripture
lesson, Isaiah, chapter 35, was read
by Mrs. Howard Hyde. The devotion-
al on "State Medicine," was taken
by Mrs. Kennedy, Miss Ellis took the
topic on "Economic Security," which
was very interesting. Selections per-
taining to the topic were read by
Mrs. P.' McNaughton, Mrs. Elder,
Miss Annie Funk, Miss Gladys Mc-
Kenzie, Miss Edna Saundercack,
Mrs. 11. Drysdale, Mrs. Hedden. The
roll call was answered with "A Much
Needed Change in Living Condi-
tions." Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Elder, Mrs, Corbett, Miss Annie
Funk and Mrs. R. Drysdale.
A. three act comedy play entitled
"ru Explain Everything," was pre-
sented in Chiselhurat United Church
on Tuesday evening by the Young
People's Society under the direction
of Mr, Joseph Ferguson, with the fol-
lowing caste: Henry Becker, Benson
Stoneman; Mrs, H. Becker, Margaret
Treffry; James Darby, Russel Fer-
guson; Mrs. J. Darby, Mary Kins-
man; Walter Dow, Ross Sararas; Ada
Becker, Jean Wright; Montgomery
Walsh, Percy Wright; Caryl Carroll,
Edna Mills; Dr. Blair, Margaret
Glenn; Valentine Scott, Howard Fer-
guson. Miss Velma Ferguson favored
with readings between acts. The en-
tire caste took their parts most cred-
A little girl, daughter of an Eng-
lish mother and an American father,
was asked how she felt about the
differences in British and American
"Oh," she replied, "I'm half and
Four good sows carrying second
litter coming in from the 15th to the
end of May, also a few chunks about
85 lbs., and one Yorkshire hog
weighing about 250 lbs. Wm. Doig,
R.R. 3, Kippen, phone 657r2, Sea -
Good maple track, 68 feet long,
all ready to hang, with hangers,
stop -block and car, complete. Also
sow with ten plga, two weeks old,
Wilber Keyes,'Phone 656 r 11, Sea-
Are you looking for a home in
Seaforth? We have some modern
houses listed for sale, conveniently
located, prompt possession can be
given. E. C, Chamberlain, Licensed
Real Estate Broker and Insurance
Agent, Seaforth, Orla, Planes: Off-
ice 334, res. 22.0.
MemQrionl Clearing
HOGOARTH Ia lining memory of
out' dear hosband and father, I
Robert S. Hoggarth, who passed
away April 19th, 1941.
'Tis sweet to know we'll Meet again
Where troubles are no more
And that Me one we loved so well
Has just gone on before,
—Sealy missed by Wife and Son,
Gard of Thanks
Mrs. Wm, R. Stewart and family
wish to thank their friends and
neighbors for their kindness and
sympathy in the loss of a dear hus-
band and father, also the nurse and
Dr, McMaster.
Auction Sale
For sale by auction on Monday,
April 19th, at 1 pan., at the residence
of the late Mrs. Wm. Butt, Centre
St., Seaforth:
• 3 piece mahogany parlor suite; 2
walnut tables; square parlor table;
rockees; organ; sewing Machine;
tapestry rug 9x12; 2 dining room
tables; sideboard; 6 dining room
chairs; 6 kitchen chairs; hallrack; 4
bedroom suites with springs and
mattress; iron bed and springs;
single bed With springs and mattress;
congoleurn rug 912, linoleum 6x8%;
linoleum 6x9; drop leaf table; kitchen
table; 3 sets bedroom dishes; self-
feeding parlor coal stove; kitchen
range; washing machine, coal oil
stove; cupboard; day -bed; curtains, 2
feather ticks; pillows; dishes, kitchen
Terms cash,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
Clyde gelding rising 6, about 1600.
Also older mare priced cheap. Both
good workers, Apply Roy Lawson,
phone 667r16, Seaforth.
1 Chatham incubator, 1 Coleman
lamp. Mrs, A, C, Levey, R.R.4, Sea -
forth. Phone 662 r 13.
Early Alaskan seed oats for sale.
Louis Krauskopf, Dublin R.R4. Phalle
221.5, Dublin central.
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, has
received instructions from the under-
signed proprietor to sell by public
auction on Lot 15, Con, 3, Township
of Logan, 131, miles north of Mitchell,
on No. 23 highway, on Wednesday,
April 21st. Sale to commence at 1
o'clock sharp.
Horses: 2 Clyde geldings, 12 years.,
good workers, 1 Percheron gelding 11
years old; 1 Percheron mare, 12
years old,
Cattle: 2 Holstein cow, fresh, with
calf by her side; 1 part Holstein
cow, fresh, with calf by her side, 1
young Holstein cow, fresh, with calf
by her side.
Hogs: Yorkshire sow due middle
or May.
Implements: M.H. binder 6 ft, cut;
M.H. mower, 5 ft. cut; M.H. seed
drill, dump rake, steel land roller,
McCormick Deering hay loader, near-
ly new, used oue season; Cockshutt
manure spreader, cultivator, scurtier,
single furrow riding plow, walking
plow, wagon, hay rack, fanning mill,
set scales 2000 Ib. cap., set iron har-
rows, International 2 furrow tractor
plow, buggy, cutter, pulper, hay car,
hay foek, hay fork rope, 60 gal. iron
kettle, steel water trough, Viking
cream separator, cook stove with
pipes. Harness: 2 sets of double har-
ness, odd collars.
Feed: 300 bus, of Alaska oats,
No reserve as the—farm is sold.
Auctioneer's decision final in case of
all disputes. Terms of sale cash,
James 'Williams, Proprietor.
Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer,
Tenders will be received up to
April 19th, at 7 p.m. for the following
-Drains to be cleaned out and im-
proved as of the Engineer's Reports.
Wilson Municipal Drain
Open portion of Main Drain esti-
mated yardage 3838 cu. yds., also a
considerable amount of Tile Drainage
on Main Drain and also B & C Branch
Tile Drain. t
Young Municipal Drain
Open portion estimated yardage
2005 cu, yds.
Taylor Municipal Drain
Open portion Main Drain estimated
yardage 3488 au. yds. also Tile Drain
across two farms 3627 ft. 10 in. tile,
and 1437 ft. of 12 in. tile on main
drain. Also Branch A. 1600 ft, of 10
in, tile.
Tenders will be received for excav-
ating the Open Drains and Tile or
separate Tenders for open and tile.
Marked cheque for 10 per cent of
the Contract Price of each drain must
accompany each Tender.
Plans and specifications may be
seen for each ditch at the Clerk's of-
fice, Londesboro.
Clerk Hullett Twp„ Londesboro.
For" Sale
No Permit Required
One 13 hoe Deering Grain Drill,
recondition ed 6500
One #16 DeLaval Cream Sebara-
tor, with stainless steel discs
and pulley for power drive ,.50.00
3 used Cream Separators, 111 fair
condition, Your choke 15.00
To arrive about the end of the
week, one nearly new walking'
plow used to plow about 40
acres. (In perfect condition,) 20.00
A very large stock of Plow Shares,
Cultivator Points, Rubber and Metal
Hose for Grain and Fertilizer Drilla,
to fit all makes of machines.
Main St, Seaforth
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and ImplementS,
Fred W. • Ahrens, an tioneea, bas re.
owed instruction root the ender-
Sigeed proprietor to sell by publio
salaam at Lot 9, Con, 5, Township of
Tueltersmitit, 2t/2 Miles south of
Seaforth, 114. miles south of Egniond-
vine, then34, Mile east oit Friday,
April 1601, the' fallowing:
Horses -1 general purpose gelding
7 years old; 1 bay Clyde, 12 years
old, 1 aged mare. •
Cattle --1 Durbam cow fresh with
calf by bar side, 1. Polled Angus,
'fresh; Polled Angus heifer fresh,
with calf by her side; 1 Jersey cow,
fresh with calf by her side, 1 Jersey
cow, fresh, Ilogs—.1. Yorkshire .sow
with. 8 young pigs 3 weeks old, 8
chunks weighing about 85 lbs., 1
Yorkehire hog 2 years old,
Poultry -20 Legborn pullets; 75
Leghorn hens 1 year old. •
Implements—MH. binder; 6 ft.. cut,
nearly new; ,Deering Ideal mower 6
ft. cut; damp rake, .Maxwell hay
loader, seed drill, set 4 sec. haerowe,
manure spreader, cultivator, 1 truck
Wagon, .sleighs, rubber 'tire buggy, 2
hay racks, 1 With sliding rack, hay
foek, hay oar, 160' hay fork aope,
cutting box, pig crate, 1 furrow riding
plow, walking- plow, scuffler. '
Harness — 1 set double harness, 1
set single harness, odd collars.
Feed—About 10 tons of mixed hay,
about 200 bus. mixed grain, 75 bus,
barley, 2 bags timothy seed, a quan-
tity 01 turnips, forks, shovels, spades,
logging chain, whiffletrees, neckyokes,
and numerous other articles, Sale to
commence at 1 o'clock sharp,
No reserve as the proprietor is
quitting farming, Auctioneer's deci-
sion final in case of 'all disputes.
Terms cash.
Evilest Drager, Proprietor.
'Fred IV, Ahrens, Auctioneer.
• Auction Sale
Of Household Effects. Mr:" Harold
Jackson has been instructed to sell
by public auction in Hensel], opposite
Cook's Mill, on Saturday, April 17th,
at 1 pm. the following articles:
Heater stove; Pandora range; kit-
chen ,extension table; 4 kitchen
chairs; large glass clipboard; 3
couches; 6 oak dining room chairs;
oak dining room suite; .6 chairs, table,
buffet, china cabinet; Magazine rack;
3 small tables; wicker rocker; 3 odd
rockers; atretcher; 3 iron beds,
springs and mattresses; 2 dressers
and wash stand; new brown bed; rug
9x12; number of floor mats; Congoar
ettm rug 9x14, new; 2 pieces of linol-
eum; 2 large pieces of floor carpet;
2 quilt boxes; beddirtg; dishes; kit-
chen utensils; sealers; crocks; gar-
den tools; 2 clocks; toilet set; lamps;
2 40 -gallon drums; 3 wash tubs; 3
large feed boxes. 20 year old Hybrid
hens; beg Irish cobbler potatoes•,
wheel barrow, express wagon on rub-
ber, 2 hand sleighs, Terms cash..
Sydney Clark, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, etc. At Loa30, Con.
2, Logan Twp., 134, miles east, 1 mile
north of Dublin, on Tuesday, April
20, at'l p.m.
1 black Clyde gelding rising 3 years.
Cattle -4 Hereford and Dilatant
heifers due to freshen in May; 1
Durham cow due May 1; 1 reg. dual
purpbse Shorthorn bull; 6 Hereford
steers rising 2 years old; 7 Hereford
and Durham heifers 2 years old.
1 black cow, 5 years, due May 1st.
Pigs -9 hogs 180 lbs.
1 farm wagon, 1 McCormick Deer-
ing manure spreader,
1 ICH. mower, 6 ft, cut; 1 furrow
riding plow; 1 wagon.
1 KM hay loader, 1 'Cockshutt two
furrow riding plow, nearly new, 1
Maxon seed drill, 11 hoe steel box, 1
M.H. 7 foot binder, in good condition.
1 cook stove (Treasure).
Terms cash.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Irvin Aiken, Mitchell R.R.3, Prop.
Auction Sale
W. It Nairn has been instructed to
sell by public auction on the prem-
ises, Lot 22, Con. 6, Hibbert Twp.,
3111, miles south of Dublin and a%
miles west on Monday, April 19th, at
1 o'clock p.m, sharp, the following:
Horses — Agricultural filly rising 4
years, 1500 lbs; agricultural filly ris-
ing 3 years, 1500 lbs., 1 gelding rising
2 years old.
Cattle—Four young Holstein cows,
fresh; 3 Durham heifers in calf, 18
two year old Durham fat heifers, 3
Durham steers rising, 3 years old, 3
Durham steers 2 years, one baby beef.
Implements: Tractor equipment con-
sisting of one Allis-Chalmers model
A 50-h.p., on rubber, with starter and
lights,two years old; one White sep-
arator, No, 5, 32x46, steel, with cutter
and. Ebersol feeder, rubber tires,
water pump, 6 years old in Al shape,
one W. disc. LH.C., 6 ft.; cultivator,
IHC., 83(2 ft, stiff tooth; plow, MH,
No, 26, 3 -furrow, on rubber, with two
sets steel points; grinder, MB., a2 -
inch, with truck, jack and belt, 1
year old; seed drill, MH., 13 -disc,
Positively no reserve as the pro-
prietor is giving up Custom work and
threshing. Terms cash,
W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer,
John L. Coyne, Proprietor.
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
You Roll Them Better Walt
VIISPAY, APRIL 10, 19.43
le Sale 440X Soap Tender Leaf Tea, pkge 34o
4 cakes 19c Red Rose Orange Pekoe
Camay Soap, 3 cakes 200 Tea, 'a lb. 45c
Lux Toilet $oap — Daly Grange Japan Tea
3 cakes 20c % lb, pkge, .... ... .33e
Cashmere Bouquet Soap
3 sakes 200
Super Suds --
Giant Size pkge, 49c
Fairbanks Carbolic Soap
6 cakes 250
Joy Soap, 10 cakes 29c
Colgates Fey. Toilet Soap
•• 6 cakes 25c Neilson's Cocoa, one lb, 29c
Carnation Milk, 3 tins only 33e
Red Rose Coffee —
pound tin 51g
Maxwell House Coffee —
lb, pkge. 51c
Nabob Coffee, .11). pkge, 430
Blue Ribbon, 2 lb. pkge. 38c
Go-cart with a reversible handle.
Also 2 cistern pumps. Geo. Reeves,
N. Main street.
8 good , York pigs, over 100 lbs.
Freak COlemen, phone 8381'22, Sea-.
• Tenders will be received by the
County of Huron to supply 125 tons
of .Stoker Coal and 25 tons of Stove
Coal for the County Home at Clinton.
Alt,analysis.of coal must accompany
each tender.
Lowest or any tender not necessar
ily accepted.
Tenders to be in the hands of the
County Clerk not later than noon,
Saturday, April 17th, 1943,
• ' County Clerk.
500 bus. Banner oats, suitable for
seeca Phone 141,12, Dublin, OT 88116,
Henhall. Thos, D. Wren.
Seaforth .Farmers Co -Operative
Certified Green Mountain Potatoes.
5 X 13, C. Shingles.
Co-op and Shur Gain Fertilizer.
Co-op and Shur Gain • Feed.
• Semi -Solid Buttermilk.
Orders taken for Seed Corn.
Electric Fencers.
Phone 9
• Three Shorthorn bulls, ready for
service. W. H. Keeler, Dublin R.11.2.
Phone 19 on 24.
Gladiolus Bulbs, Exhibition Quality,
No. 1 size. Treated for Thrip and
free . of disease,' all Young Stock.
Choice Mixed, 52.00 per 100, 300 per
doz. Choice Named Varieties from 50
different kinds, --$2.50 per 100, .35c
per doz. 4e each. Place your order
early. Murray Tyndall, Brucefleld,
Ont, Phone Clinton 618 ring 12.
1 single wood bed, mattress and
springs, 1 cherry bed, 1 Simmons
spring filled mattress 4'; 1 black star
springs 4'. 1 baby swing. Mrs. W. J.
Finnigan, phone 663113.
The farm of the late David
Holmes, lots 17 and 18, concession
13, McKillop, four miles southeast of
Walton, consisting of 1073(2 acres,
frame barn, foundation, cement floor;
large heuhouse, two storey cement -
brick house. Clay loam, very product-
ive; plenty of water, five acres of
young bush, forty acres of fall plow-
ing, the rest in hay and grass, well
drained and fenced. Apply to Gordon
Holmes, Walton, R.R. 2.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Peter Eckert.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Peter Eckert, late of
the Township of McKillop, Drover,
deceased, who died on or about the
19th day of March, 1943, are hereby
notified to send in to: the undersigned
on or before the 17th day of April,
1943, full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the said
estate will be distributed amongst
the' parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to claims of which Me
undersigned shall then have notice,
to the exclusion of all others, and the
undersigned will not be liable to any
person of whose clahn the undersign-
ed shall not then have notice for the
assets so distributed or any part
Dated at Seaforth this 30th day of
March, 1943.
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitor for Executors,
Monument Works •
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stook
of Cemetery Memorials a
SATURDAYS, or any other
time bv appointment
See Dr. Harburn—Phone 105
Phone 41---EXeter—l3OX 150
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H, Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 pan. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
• President, Alex Mcalwing, Blyth;
Vice -President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Manager & 'Sea.-Treas., M. .A.
Reid, Seaforth.
F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brucefield; J. F.
Prueter, 'Brodhagen; James Watt,
Alex Broadtoot, Seaforth; William
Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt,
Brodhagen; E. J. Tretvartha, Clinton;
Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. EL
Archibald, Seaforth;' Alex McEwing,
Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Hugh Alexander, Walton.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
Or transact other business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(successors to James Watson)
All kinds of ansurance risks effect-
ed at lowest •rates in First -Class
Dr. E. A. McMaster, MIL Gradustf
nr university of Toronto.
Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate or
University of Toronto'. •
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern .x-ray and other
itp-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic aut,
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist In
Diseases, of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
5 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
An the second and last Thursday In
every month from 1 to 2 pan.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. E 33. Rose' office. Phone 53
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine. University
nf Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moerefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
Rt., Stratford. Telephone 267.
Lite, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent, Windstorm & guarantee bond&
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
(Essential War Industry)