The Seaforth News, 1942-05-21, Page 4PAQE FOUR
SnowV'tu.1 kubliahOra
Mz, and. Mrs, Lnwsou Kearney
and little .son Donald are visiting
Mrs. Kearney's parents in Lanark
Mrs. Walter Broadfoot of Grey
spent the week end with relatives in
Mr. T. Nolan, 15th con. Grey, who
has been in a London hospital for
some Meeks has returned home and
is improved in health, we are' glad to
Air. and Mrs, Pmpey of Milburn'
and Mrs, Skelton and son Albert
and daughter Cora of Morris and the
Misses Catherine, Edna and Isobel,
McDonald of Morris were Sunday'
guests with Mrs. W. S. Forbes.
Mrs, Enrpey and Mrs, Skelton are
sisters of Mrs. Forbes.
There passed away on Sunday ev-
ening, May 17th, Mrs, Wm, Ander-
son, formerly Jane Sholdice. She is
survived by Bert on the home farm
and one daughter, Eva, Ivirs. Edward
Duggan • of the west boundary. The
funeral took place from her daugh-
ter's. Rev, Mr. Graham conducted the
funeral service.
The Mission and met on Sunday
Maple Leaf Dairy is
now making
The Cheese will be made fresh every Tues-
day, Thursday and Saturday and will sell
for 15c a lb.
Will you please bring your own containers to the Dairy
when purchasing Cottage Cheese on the above Mentioned
The regular meeting of the W.M.S. On Sunday evening a community
was held in the school room, of the service was held in the town hall in.
church on Thursday afternoon, May the interests of the Red Cross drive
14th. Mrs. John Nottingham took which started last Monday morning.
charge, Hymn, "See the Church of Rev. H. Currie opened with prayer
Christ Arising" was sung. Mrs. Nott- and Dr. Volume read the lesson.
Ingham offered prayer. Minutes were Rev. J. Graham was chairman and
read and adopted. Mrs. Snell gave a introduced the speaker, Mr. McAllis-
r•eport on the Huron Presbyterial ter of London, vice chairman of the
held in Clinton, The service of wor- Kiwanis Club of London, who gave
ship was taken by Mrs. Nottingham, an interesting and instructive speech
on Red Cross work Mrs G Gardiner
theme for May "The Church the
with about 15 children present. Rath- House of Faith," after which she
leen Roe presided. The meeting op- gave a talk on her recent trip to
ened with hymn 235, followed by the Vancouver by plane. Mrs. Robert
Lord's prayer in unison. The Scrip- Rogerson closed with prayer.
tura, Mark 16:1-7, was taken by Miss Jean Jewitt of Kincaid, Sask.,
/lama Martin. It was decided to is visiting with her brothers, Mr. and
hold the June meeting at the home Mrs. William Jewitt and Mr. and Mrs
of the president, Mrs. Art McCall, Wilbur Jewitt, and aunt, Mrs. Wm.
the mothers are invited to attend. A Britton, prior to taking a position
Red Cross quilt will be quilted at i with the Civil Service Commission at
this meeting. A temperance story was Ottawa.
read by Doreen Coutts, Classes were' A christening service was held in
formed far a brief study period, The the Constance United Church on
meeting closed with the singing of Mother's Day and the following
God Save the King. and the Mizpah babies were baptized: John Albert,
benediction, j son of Mr. and Mrs. John Notting -
Rev. W. J. Maines of Tilbury called ham; Dennis Winston, son of Mr.
at the home of Thos. Leeming on and Airs. W. Jewitt; Laurel Karin,
Tue. day last. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dale;
Mr. and Mrs. George Fox moved Ronald Wilber, son of Mr. and Mrs.
to the Jackson faun, three miles Wilber Jewitt; Harold Ferguson, son
west of Walton on Monday. of Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor.
W.M.S. Meet— The regular meeting of the W.A.
The W.M.S. met May 13th. The was held in the basement of the
supply allocation must be in by June church Thursday afternoon, May 14,
10. An invitation is extended to the with the president, Mrs. E. Adams,
Baby Band to be present at the next in the chair. The meeting opened by
meeting on June 10. The leaders of singing hymn 108 and "God Send Us
the groups are asked to hand Mrs. Men." Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Adams
Bryan the names of any removals offered prayer. The minutes of the
from their vicinities. Mrs. Wilson last meeting were read and approv-
read a paragraph about "Gifts for ed. It was decided that the W.A. give
Special Objects." The Mission Band 825 to the Red Cross drive. After
cleared 814.00 at the Easter concert. +ho business was discussed. Mrs.
Brussels United Church invite Duff's Frank Riley took the chair for
congregation to hear Mrs. Longley, a group 2. Miss Jean Wakefield read
missionary from China on Friday ev- the Scripture lesson taken from 5th
ening, May 22nd, at 8 o'clock. At- chapter of Romans. Mrs. John Nott-
tention was drawn to page 166 in the ineham sang a solo, "Nearer to the
April Missionary Monthly, relating Heart of God," accompanied by Miss
to the nominating committee. Full Edith Britton. Mrs. Frank Riley gave
interesting reports of the Presbyter- a splendid reading on "Bible in the
ial in Wesley Willis Church, Clinton, World." Hymn 111 was sung and
on May 5th, were given by Mrs. Har- Mrs, Riley closed with prayer.
vey Johnston and Mrs. A. McCall.
The temperance message given by
Miss Stirling quoted: one-half of
Canada's liquor sales last year was
enough to have bought one thousand
bombers; 17,000 tons of barley a day
were used in its manufacture. Mrs.
E. Durnin of Kitamaat, E.G., in her
work among the Indians, quoted
12,000 Indians in the Canadian
forces. "The Tide Comes In" was the held its May meeting on Thursday
study chapter presented in the form last at the home of Mrs. R. McBride.
of a travelogue on China. Great pro- The worship period was conducted by
gress along industrial, agricultural, Mrs. A. Johnson and Mrs. E. Chip -
educational and religious lines has chase, with Mrs. 3. Bell leading in
been accomplished through missions, Prayer. Mrs. A. Monteith analyzed
showing China can be helped most by the chapter of the study book in a
the Christian Church. jmost interesting and able manner.
'Mrs. W. W. Cooper and Mrs. A.
STANLEY ,Monteith gave a report of the Pres -
Mrs. James Barnes of London is byterial held at Clinton recently.
spending a week with friends in this The next meeting will be held on
vicinity. June 3rd, at the home of Mrs. M.
Mrs. F. Hobson of St. Thomas • Cooper. Mrs. H. McMurtrie will pre -
spent Sunday with her sisters, Mrs. side, Miss M. Sinclair will be in
T. Snowden and Mrs. E. A. West- charge of the worship period; Mrs.
lake. . 1 J. McLellan will have charge of the
Mrs. Harold Penhale has returned study book, and Mrs. T. N. Forsyth
home from London after spending a will lead in prayer. The text word is
few days with her parents, Mr, and "Growth."
Mrs. George Hodgsok I After the heavyrain of last Fri -
Mr. and Mrs, Perce Johnston, Mr. day and Saturday, Sunday dawned.
and Mrs. Russell Erratt and Mr, and bright and warm for the Young
Mrs, Lee McConnel agent Wednesday People's anniversary. Both the mor-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor of Ex-
eter were visitors at the manse on
Sunday last.
The Mission Band will hold its re-
gular meeting on Sunday morning
worshipping with the congregation.
The Women's Missionary Society
in London, it being the fifteenth an-
niversary of Mr. and M rs. Johnston's
wedding day.
Mr. Bruce McClinchey and Elmer e' -president of the London Confer -
Stephenson spout the week end fish- e"ee and minister of Empress Aven-
Ing aronnd Chesley, r'e United Church, London, who
We are glad to note that bliss brought two inspiring and helpful
messages to young and old alike. He
coronlimented the choir and Mrs.
Ticar vt of Flxater as soloist, on their
flee eontribution to the services of
c day, helping to make thereby a
successful anniversary, Multi -colored
tulips and mauve and white lilacs
added much to the beauty of the
Next Sunday is set aside as Bap-
tismal service when an opportunity
is given those parents in the congre-
gation Who wish through this sacra-
ment, to' dedicate their children to
the Lord. The Sunday School will re-
tire to the Sunday School room for
their Mission Band meeting and for
their Sunday School studies.
ning and evening services were well
attended. The special preacher for
the day was the Rev, J. A. Agnew.
Myrtle McKinley is slowly improv-
Mr. and Mrs. When of Toronto
spent the week (lid with Mr. and
Mrs. Rob Robinson.:
Mr. Mervyn Keyes of RCAF, who is
stationed at Lachine, spent a week
end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Ben Keyes.
Miss Jean Jordan with Angela
O'Reilly; Miss Mary Dorsey, London,
with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs, Louis
Dorsey; the many friends of Mrs,-
Thomas Morrie are glad to see her
eyesight .improving,
president of, Bayfield Red Cross,
made an appeal for the hearty sup-
port of the drive, Miss M. Sterling
gave an address on the work of,Flor-
ence Nightingale. Air Force men of
the radio school, Clinton, sang solos
which were very much appreciated
by the large audience.
Misses F. and E. Fowlie spent
Sunday in Zurich with their sister,
Mrs. Koehler.
Air. and Mrs. F. Cameron and D.
Cameron of Detroit and Mr. John
Cameron of SanFrancisco spent the
week end with their sister, Miss L.
Cameron. .
Mr. J. Cameron has been away
from Bayfield for thirty-four years
and this is his first visit to the old
home town.
Miss Waterman, Supt. of Goderich
Hospital. spent the week end with
Mrs. 0. Rhynas.
Mr. W. C. Govenlock, who has
been seriously ill in Seaforth hos-
pital, is recuperating at the hoarse of
his sister, Mrs. W. Ferguson.
Mrs. C. Guest was in London for
a few days this week owing to the
illness of her sister, Miss Bernard.
Miss Ida Reid of Detroit is visiting
her sister, Miss Mary Reid.
Miss Druin and Miss Mullin of De -
trait spe"- the week end'at their cot-
tage on the terrace.
The regular meeting of the W.M.S.
was held on Thursday, May 14th,
with Miss Young presiding. Mrs. W.
11. Manning read the minutes and a
thank -you card. The roll was called.
The word for roll call for next meet-
ing to be "Risen." The treasurer's re-
port was given by Mrs. Watson. The
meeting was then taken over by
Group No. 2 with Mrs. R. Townsend
as leader. A hymn was sung followed
with prayer by Mrs. Agnes Taylor.
The Scripture lesson was given by
Mas. F. Shobbrook. Miss Young pre-
sented the chapter in the study book
"China's Church Comes .of Age." In
an interesting manner Miss Ruth
Shaddick and Mrs. W. E. Manning
gave a full report of the Presbyterial
meeting held recently in Wesley
Willis Church, Clinton. Mrs. James
McCool took up the offering, Meeting
closed by singing a hymn and the
Lord's prayer repeated in unison.
Mrs. J. Tamblyn has returned
home. having spent a couple of weeks
with her sister. Mrs. (Rev.) Medd.
Mrs. Clarence Crawford and little
son 13i11y visited with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Forrest, for a
few clays this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ball, Gode,
rich. spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. L. Ball.
Anumber attended the funeral of
the late Mrs: A, Merrell on Monday.
Mr. Wm, Addison is in the Clinton
Hospital where he underwent an op-
eration on Friday last. It is reported
his condition is very favorable.
Mrs. S. Creigliton, Blyth, visited
with Mrs. Agnes Taylor recently.
A very interesting softball game
was held in Manley last week when
the Bro'dhegen and Manley teams
,net, in a very evenly matched game,
Inn Hanley had the edge throughout,
'.nd will meet again next week in
Mr, and Mrs. Dan Manley of Kit-
chener spent Sunday with Ms par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. William Manley.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred O'Rourke
spent Sunday at Mr, and Mrs. Steve
Miss Margaret McLaughlin of Sea -
forth spent Sunday with. Mr. and
Mrs, Joe McLaughlin,
We are glad to hear that Mrs, P.
Me,Laughlin is feeling flue again,
after having her tonsils removed,
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Collegiate Chit Chat
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Last Friday morning the 8.0,1.
Cadet Corps was inspected by Major
W. L. Aitkens. After the inspection
Major Aibkens spoke a few words
encouraging High School cadets..
This was followed with a proclama-
tion of a half holiday, by the chair-
man of the school board, Dr. Mc-
Master. Each cadet received a ticket
which entitled. Trim to a free sundae,
For several years the girls have
had the privilege of watehing the
boys go through their drill, but the
tables are turned for next year. The
girls must take drilling next year as
well as the bays, so we boys are,
looking forward for the same privil-
ege as the girls have had in the past.
On Monday each form wrote let-
ters to the ex -teacher, Mr. Allan
Smith, who is serving with the
RCAF near the Alaskan border
Won't he have a time reading all
these letters ?
The girls' baseball continued with
two games being played. The second
team from Grade IX. figured in both
games and broke even with a loss
and a win. Grades IV. and V. de-
feated thein by a score 45-13 while
first form defeated second by a score
of 89-29.
St. Peter's Lutheran League cele-
brated "Life Service” on Sunday and
also the sixth anniversary with a
special service in the evening. Rev.
Mr. Sweitzer, Linwood, delivered a
very inspiring message on "Youth"
stressing its "`Inquisitiveness, Inde-
pendence and Irresponsibility." . The
choir sang "Have Thine Own Way,
Lord," and Mrs. W. Schultz favored
with a solo, "This Is My Task." Dur-
ing the offering Glenn Diegel and
Edward Scherbarth favored with a
cornet duet. Edgar Elligson led in
prayer. Jack Prueter read the Epistle
and Robert Rock read the Gospel.
Ruth Vock read the Psalm 119. The
League sang "Take My Life and Let
It Be."
Great improvements were made
on the church hill last week when
the sheds were torn down and the
.4ebris cleared away. Some of these
sheds have stood sixty-five years and
more and were becoming dilapidated.
In 'the near future the congregation
will erect a closed in shed 45 x 90.
Miss Norma Heimpel, Waterloo,
Mrs. A. Muegge, Mr. H. Heimpel, of
Heidelberg, Mr. E. Musselman, Lin-
wood, with Mr. and M1s. J. Amstein,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hillebrecht,
of Cleveland, with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Elligson.
Mrs. Wpm. Riehl Sr. with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. S. Riehl.
The following communications
have been received by the Dublin
War Services Association:.
"England, April 19, 1942. Dear
Mrs. Krauskopf, President. I wish
to express my appreciation for 300
cigarettes received on Good Friday
and also for the grand parcel on
April 8th. Words cannot express my
gratitude for the wonderful work
being done by your Club. J sincerely
wish you all the best of luck in the.
world. Yours sincerely, Pete Cinna-
mo, A22179, B.Co. Essex Scottish,
"England, March 24, 1942. Dear
Miss Byrne,—I received the box sent
by the Dublin war services and sure
was glad to get it, and thanks a mil-
lion. My brother Joe also received
his box and will acknowledge it. The
weather has been cold here but it is
getting warmer. I am on guard to-
night so have not much time. Thanks
again for the box. Yours sincerely,
George Klinkhamer."
"Somewhere hi England, April 3,
1942. Dear Friends,—I would like to
express my sincere thanks to the
Dublin War Services for the carton
of cigarettes received a few days
ago. I can assure you that they cone
in mighty handy over liege. Again I
thank you for your kindness. Yours
sincerely, Pte. W. J. Fawcett, Perth
"England, April 19, 1942. To the
secretary,—Many thanks for your
kind consideration in sending the
cigarettes. They are one of the best
appreciated gifts a person can re-
ceive. The best of luck to your org-
anization, Sgt. J, W. Newcombe."
"England, April 16, 1942. Dublin
War Services: I would like to thank
you very much for the cigarettes
sent to me, Believe me, there is no
gift which we service men apprec-
iate quite so much as tobacco.
Thanking you again, I am, yours
sincerely, Pte, Leslie Keefer."
_ 6ENT 'FfilEA16
Now Playing
john Howard Brod Crawford
Runyou's. Inimitable story about Mr; Average Man, his wife and a
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ALSO— "Sailors Three"
.Oeste Tierney Randolph Scott
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(in technicolor)
A picture filled with adventure and vim equal to a Jesse James
MATINEE — Mon, 3 P,M,
"Come On George"
Britain's Ace Comedian in another • greater comedy
When double Features are shown, patrons Must be ]n by 8.45 p.m.
to see complete show
1—.7 ft, Stiff Tooth Cultivator with tractor hitch,
1-7 ft. McCormick Deering Grain Binder
1-6 ft. Deering Grain Binder
Prettily decorated with pink and
white streamers the, hone of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Treffry, Cromarty, was the
scene of a May wedding at high noon
on Saturday when their daughter,
Erla Gertrude, became the bride of
Mr. William Clarence Coleman, son
of Mr. Robert Coleman, Staffa, and
the late Mrs. Coleman. Rev. R. A.
Brook, Hensall, performed the cere-
mony under an 'arch of evergreens,
interspersed with white lilacs and
tulips. Miss Edna Mills played the
bridal chorus from Lohengrin as the
bridal party entered the living room.
Given in marriage by her father the
bride 'wore a gown of white georg-
ette with quilted satin bolero and her
finger tip veil was caught with or-
ange blossoms. She carried American
Beauty roses. Miss Margaret Treffry
attended her sister as bridesmaid,
gowned in pink georgette with quilt-
ed satin bolero. Her bouquet was of
Briarcliffe roses and white carna-
tions, Mr. Harold Coleman was his
brother's groomsman. A reception
.and wedding dinner was held after
the ceremony, the bride's mother
wearing a dress of Pacific blue with
corsage of sweet peas and roses. The
bride's -table was centred with the
wedding cake and the assistants were
Miss Hazel Laing and Mrs. E. Deer-
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman left on a
trip to Niagara Falls, the bride don-
ning for travelling a navy blue suit
with white accessories. They will re-
side in Cromarty. Guests from out of
town were present from Stratford,
Flint, Mich., Buffalo, London, At-
wood, Staffa, Brucefield, Zurich.
The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary feet
at the home of Mrs, William Hough
ton. Mrs. MacLaren presided. The
meeting opened With a hymn. Miss
Velma Wallace read the scripture
passage. Among other matters of
business, it was decided not to send
a delegate to the Toronto meeting.
An interesting article was read on
Christian Missions by Mrs. Clifford
Miller. and Jean Miller read a few
chapters from the study book of
"The New Life in China." The meet-
ing closed with a hymn and prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and eon
Frank, and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
MacKellar and Allen Quance at
Camp Borden on Sunday; Archie
Wilton, a young airman from Toron-
to with Mrs. Robertson and John
Robertson; Miss Jean Graham, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gra-
ham, Hyde Park, with Mrs. Tufford
and M. Burnie.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flynn, of
Exeter, wish to announce the en-
gagement of their only daughter,
Helen Elizabeth, to Harold Wesley,
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn
Broderick, Exeter, the marriage to
take place quietly early in June.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Brewer,
Parkhill, announce the engagement
of their only daughter, Helen Eileen,
of London, to James E. McGill, M,A.,
of Windsor, sou of Mr. and Mrs.
James A. McGill, Clinton, the mar-
riage to take place early in June.
WILL fie.
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