The Seaforth News, 1942-01-01, Page 5TH.4JRSDAY, JANUJARY 19 One way to start the New Year right; Save "buy" these prices Wednesday, till Wed., Jan. 7th Carnation Milk 2 large tins 17c. Tomato Juice. 20 -oz. tins 7c VAN CAMP'S Ellmar Mixed Biscuits „ per lb. 1 9c 'Choice Blue Rose Rice per lb. 1 Oc Libby's Deep Browned Beans, tin 1 Oc Aylmer Sliced Pineapple, 12 oz. tin ..1 9c St. Williams Raspberry or Strawberry Jam, 2 Ib. Jar 35c Royal York Tea %2 Ib. pkg. 46c Ige. 12 oz. bottle 15c 19c — FRUIT JUICE GLASS FREE 25e — TUMBLER FREE 2 Ige. 2 Ib. pkges. 15c 2 half-size tin 35c lge. tin 30c Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 25c Pure Black Pepper %4 Ib. 10c Mazda Electric Light Bulbs 40, 60, 100 Watt — each 20c Magic White Bleach 2 bottle 17c Chore Girl ..... pkg. 10c Crunchie Sweet Mixed Pickles,Ige. 27 oz. jar 27c Garden Patch Cut Golden Wax eans 2 16 -oz. tins 23c Blue Boy Coffee 1 Ib. bags 39c Libby's Moist. Mincemeat 28 oz. tin 27c Lushus Jelly Powders 3 pkgs. 25c Aylmer Tomato Catchup Newport Fluffs, 6' Qt. bag Newport Fluffs, 8 Qt. bag Plain or iodized Salt Golden Net Salmon Golden Net Salmon We would like to thank you personally for the business you gave us this year. The total of your business and of our other friends exceeds all records. We have tried under sometimes trying 'circumstances to have the goods you needed and to give you the best possible service. This we shall continue to do. For the New Year we wish and pray for Peace in the World. Failing that, may we be given the strength to endure and carry on with unending fervor until the Victory is won. May you be given health and energy and such measure of Prosperity as will enable each of us, to carry his share of the burden. The way may be long and tortuous but we believe that if we all work together and co-operate with each other we shall be successful in our efforts. As always, we stand ready. to do our part in that Co-operation, . Ross J. Sproat Miss Na Pryce PHONE 8 PHONE 77 TOWN TOPICS The bingo held on Tuesday even- ing in Seaforth armories was a suc- cess, for which the sponsors wish to thank the public. Entire proceeds are for British bomb victims. The draw for turkey was won by Jack Rivers, holding lucky ticket No. 70. Christmas visitors with Mrs. Henry Taylor and Florence, who recently returned to her home on Side street, were Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan and..Marian, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor and family and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale and family of Hullett. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Aid to Scott Memorial Hospi- tal will be held in Carnegie Hall on Thursday, Jan. 8th, at 3.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart N. Keys of Sarnia visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys, Egmond- ville, over the holiday. . Miss Jean Strong of Waterl000 and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Maclean of Ottawa spent Xmas here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Strong of Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tyndall of Sud- bury spent the holiday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Tyndall. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Broadfoot and Neil of Hamilton spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. H. Tyndall, Mrs. S. Spencer left on Wednesday to spend the winter in Brampton. Miss Margaret Dundas of New York and Mr. Robert Dundas and daughter, Ruth, of Toronto, spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. W. A. Dundas. Mr. J. R. Sproat of Temagami, and son Jackie, left for home Tues- day morning after spending the past four clays with his brother Writ M. Sproat at the tile yard. He was ac- companied by his secretary, Earl Leyburn, with wife and daughter, who spent the time with Earl's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Simon Leyburn. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Edge and two children of Toronto, spent Xmas with his father Mr. H. B. Edge and sister Miss Josephine Edge, at the Ttoval Apts... Mr. Frank Devereaux of Port Hope and Miss Alice Devereaux of Toronto spent Christmas holidays with their mother Mrs. Prank Devereaux. Sgt. Stewart Geddes, 55th" Batt. Ar- tillery, returned Monday to Camp 13orden after Xmas leave, Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacKenzie, Donald and Sohn Robert and Mrs, H. M. Chesney of Toronto, spent Christ- mas at the home of Mrs. Donald MacKenzie, Miss Frances Fortune of St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener, and Jack Fort- une, RCAF, St, Thomas; Mr, Joseph ' Jordan of Detroit, Messrs, Jerry Jordan and Frank Moylan of Tor- onto, Mr. T. Moylan, St, Columban, and Messrs, Jos, and .John Kenny, of Dublin, were the Christmas guests. of 84i, and Mrs, Leo Fortune, Mr, and Mrs, ,W. J. Faulkner of Sarnia spent. Christtfias with. MIs, P. Faulkner. Mrs. E. Blacklam and son were Christmas visitors with her father, Mr. John Olarke, at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKellar of Toronto were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. McKellar and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Christie and family were Christmas visitors at Moorefield. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons and son spent Christmas at Hensel'. Mr. Ed Boyce left on Tuesday to spend the winter at Aspdin, Muskoka Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henderson and sop, Beverly, of Ottawa, spent. Christmas at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Henderson. Mrs. Dorothy Sutherland, will be out of town for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ellis and fam- ily, Toronto spent Xmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Storey, re- maining until Friday for the Camp- bell -Storey wedding. Mrs. Herbert Whittaker and Mich- ael axe visiting with relatives in Hamilton. Miss Orra Hunt of the Deaconess Training School, Toronto. is a holi- day guest with Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Jack. Mr. W. L. Dinnin of St. Catharines P spent the Christmas holiday with his mother, Mrs. F. J Dinnin. Sgt. J. E. Beattie, RCAF, Port Al- bert, and Mrs. Beattie and Ronald, of Goderich, spent Christmas with •• the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.I p T. A. Beattie. Flying Instructor E. A. Cain of Sky Harbor, Goderich, spent Christmas �(? with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Beattie. I,#\J Miss Kathleen Shannon of Winthrop spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hudson and family. THE SEAFOR,T11 NEWS BRUCIFiELD There will be an open, zneetitlg of the Brucefleld Bi'aneh of the Red Cross Society in the LO.O,F.. Lode Room on Thursday, Januery 814, at' eight o'clock. Reports of the various departments will be presented by the conveners, Election of ofiicer5 for the new year will take place. All paid up members are entitled to vote. The public are cordially invit- ed. to ' attend this meeting, Visitor's in the village for Xmas: Mr. and Mrs, B. Kaiser of Detroit with Mi'. and Mrs.,. H. Zapeo, Miss Ruth Atkinson with her .parents, Rev. and Mrs, Atkinson, Anna Corn- ish of Lucan and Carlyle Cornish; of Hamilton with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1' K. Cornish, Mr, and Mrs, T. H, Wheeler spent a few clays in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs, J. Smith and fancily of Wingham spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry. ' Pte. Abe Zapfe of London is visit- ing at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. J. Grainger, Miss E. Bowey, Mr. D. Swan and Glen spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, J. Bowey in Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, R. McKenzie and fancily of Detroit spent a few days with relatives in the village. Rev. and Mrs. Atkinson and Ruth spent the holiday in Hamilton. We are sorry to hear that Beth Elliott is not very Well and we hope ABOWNIMMIMINIPPINIOWINIIIr she will soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. P'. Strange of ()bath, 'am visited Mr. and Mrs, Li, Swan, Mr. W. Henry spent Christmas with his, niece in Seaforth. Messrs, Hugh McGregor and An, drew Murdoch of Detroit spent a few days with relatives here. Misses Ellen and Ina Scott and Margaret,Ailtenhoad of London spent Xmas at their homes .here, Miss Rhea Rouatt of London spent' a couple of days with her mother, Mrs, O'Brien. Mr. and MrS, A. Paterson and family spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Shouldice at Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunlop of Chats- worth, Mr, IIart'y Dunlop of Tillscu- burg, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott and Mrs, Rat- tenbury, Mrs. T. Cei'r spent Christmas with her daughter in Clinton. HULLETT Alec Riley Henured.— A presentation was held for Alec Riley, of the C A.S.F„ on Saturday evening at the home of his mother, Mrs. Selena Riley. Mr. Bill Jewitt rend the following address: ',Dear Alec: During this holiday week of homecomings, social gatherings and Christ- mas celebrations, we are pleased to spend this evoning with you in your home. But, we are also sorry that it should be during this particular week, when people should be thinking and singing of Peace on earth, gond will to men," that you and many more 0!' our Canadian young men should be called from your homes and loved ones to take an active part in this world war, the worst in the history of the world, nut it should be e great consolation to all our Canadians In active service that they are fighting in the cause of freedotn and Justice. The cause of right against wrong. So ave pray that God Wray be with you 10 your trials and tempta- tions anti bring you safely home again. We hepe this travelling 'ease and billfold willbe of Sas 10 You and remind you of your friends and neighbors. Signed by Olen Carter and Bill Jowitt." Olen Curter Presented the gifts. Afterwards lunch was served. WMmiss,Be.Lllydi,a Bell of Toronto spent- Christ- mas Ray with her parents, Air, and Mrs. BRODHAGEN Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, Norman Rode of Detroit and Mr, and Mrs. John Iiollatz pf Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Procter.. Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Kresalcr and family and Mr, Chew, Talmage of Stratford with. Mi', and Mrs. John C, Diego!, Mr. and Mrs, Don Staudt of Kitchener with Mr, and Mrs, Albert Querengesser, Mr. and Mrs, ,John Biolefeldt and family 1 Port [algin with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Rock. Ma, Harvey Koehler of Call with Mr. and Mrs Henry Klober Sr, Master Larry Collins of Stratford is holi- daying with hir. and Mrs, Harold Hiegel,. 01'. and Mrs, Harold Mogk and Nancy 'peat Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daer. In Auburn. Word has been received from Pte. Harold Querengesser who arrived safely in England a few months ago. The Sunday School pupils of St. Peter's Lutheran Church presented a beautiful Christmas program entitled "Unto You Is Bern this Day a King," on Christmas eve, The paster, Rev. W. Schultz presided over the program which consisted of recitations, carols rand choruses by the Junior's of the school. The choir also assisted with the ren- dering of several anthems with Mrs. Geo. Mogk ut the organ. A pageant was present- ed by the senior pupils. The altar was beau- tifully decorated with mums. A large Christ - PAGE FIVE mus ire with Its many lights !coked, XerP beautiful. Gifts and 0E0400 worn 410011,004 10 the ilItdt'pa, The oburolt was ;filled to 05550113. STANLEY Mr, and Mrs, Orval McClinohoy and AIr. and. Mrs. Mom Steph1nson aro spending a few days with £rie:Wa5est 'Detroit and Flint, Mich. Mr, Geo, Ho gson of Wilton Grove spent a 1 iv -clays with his daughter °Mrs. Harold Ponhale. Mr, and. Mrs, Harold Pdnhale and family spent the week end visiting relatives at London and St, Thomas. BORN CARDIFF—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Friday, Dee. 26, 1941, 10 Mr. and Mils. Ross Cardiff, Brus- sels, a son. IKIRKBY—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Sunday, Dec. 23, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Kirkby, ,WO" ton, a son. NOTT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Oar' Nott, Clinton, a dau- ghter. MUELLER—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, an Tuesday, Dec. 3D, 1941, to Mr, and Mrs. George F. Mueller, Mitchell, a daughter. BOYCE—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Dec, 25, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyce of Brucefleld a daughter. 0fU r4.0g-UF-a�1.f'aUk\;i6nF-F-of':r..�al'•1F��5/.F-a 'e -d • GREETINGS! * A hc' HAPPY NEW YEAR (J JOHN W. MODELAND ho Electrician Regardless of world conditions one thing remains unchanged: Our message of Good Will and Good Cheer. And so to our L0 many friends and business sassociates we extend S.S. CONCERT Pupils of 5t. Thomas Church S.S. presented their annual Christmas entertainment on 'Tuesday night hast to nn audience that tilled the room Supper served at 5.95 p.m. The program included the following numbers with Rev, R. P. D, Hurford as chairman: Christmas carols by the school, moving pic- tures by Jemy Mair which were von'inter- esting; recitation, Phyllis Pretty; duet by Beulah Bradburn and Margaret. Gramnmett, "Away in the Manger' ; recitation, Wllba Pretty, Nancy Nott, Marie Handoy, Phyllis Pretty, Cora Handcy, Then followed solo by ,Tenn Hurford, 'Silent Night; 'All Through the Night." by Dorothy Agar ; oocitntion, Jimmy Handey, "South of the Borden " sung by Jean Agar and June Shaw; recitations, George Shag recitation Bert Shaw; duet, Tacna eli"e and Billy Brown ; the First Noel by Kathleen Holmes and Louise Case as a duet; "There'll Always Be An England" by Juno Shaw and Jean Agar; recitation, pry Boswell and Jean Praiser: 'Truth- of Consequences," by the Junior W.A. ; recite tion by Bert Shaw. Those Who received pins were: Cold phis, Audrey McGavin Jean Hur- ford, Walter Boswell; silver Pitts, Eraser Swan, Kon Swan, Mary Boswell: gold plates, I{athleen Holmes, Mary Boswell. 'Play by the Bible class, "Unto. the Least of These," Santa appeared and presented gifts. Miss Josephine Edrt' acted as pianist throughout the evening. 'eIANBEKtebSACCOCSMODi" ra HEARTIEST SEASON'S GREETINGS WATSON & REID t• d M. A. Reid, Prop. GENERAL INSURANCE. Phone 214 1:t d A NAPPY NEW YEAR —THANK YOU— And Season's Greetings to Everyone SEAFORTH MOTORS TO OUR FRIENDS Ring out, the Old, Ring in the New. Another years d'p dawns with renewed hopes for all mankind. For all our friends we wish A Happy and Prosperous 1942 d!fr H. M. JACKSON Phone 141 Seaforth THE TANNERY d'N WE WISH TO EXTEND TO OUR FELLOW TOWNSMEN AND FRIENDS OUR MOST SINCERE GOOD WISHES AT THIS FESTIVE SEASON ! H. R. SPENCE & SON SPENCE'S PRODUCE Phone 170-W Seaforth 0. Hle aFPY N New Year ! M M ttl 0) J. F. DALY Ford -Mercury Dealer SEAFORTH AS THE OLD YEAR DRAWS 'TO A CLOSE We take this opportunity. to thank our Friends and Customers for their el generous patronage in the past and look forward to again serving you dur- ing Nineteen Forty -Two. J. WESLEY BEATTIE Phone 96 d Butcher . Seaforth WE EXTEND To you. the Compliments of the Season with sincere wishes for a New Year of Peace, Happiness and Prosperity DICK HOUSE SEAFORTH . . ONT. Season's Greetings ! McKINDSEY'S�, • DRUG STORE ROSS J. SPROAT MISS N. PRYCE 1 SEASON'S GREETINGS SUPERIOR STORES Quality—Service—Prices EXCLUSIVE SELLERS: I3ILLCREST and ROYAL YORK BRANDS 4W4'WOU ? t W W e.0M �tFMM:Y.FYIIF�� LV.;�tFaG HARDWARE, PLUMBING & HEATING GEO. A. SILLS & SONS d�Y r) GALLOP'S GARAGE BEST WISHES e4OFQ VR 5-0012 Vn We -.A3. A HAPPY NEW YEAR Time turns not backward in its flight, but reaches ever forward sure that its path leads to better days. May you follow that Path during the New Year to learn that its Promises are true! That's our best wish for you. KEATING'S PHARMACY THE RLXALL DRUG STORE Phone 28 Seaforth * WISHING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS THE SEASON'S GREETINGS. J. GALLOP 31 TO GREET YOUR SINCERELY AND WISH YOU EVERY HAPPINESS IN THE NEW YEAR The TASTY GRILL ,��.77yy,��. �i,�.�, ��/�,�,�,77 cC�,�. ,M.yy��S��myyi��thh,�, Prop.,,p.ySeaforth ;0-F�l'AStgi. MO--al'tf-a�'L� F�lAt(3F-all56��tFavIIta SEASON'S GREETINGS AzOur Heartiest Greetings For— TO EVERYONE ! * S. T. HOLMES & SON Seaforth Ontario 9.� To you and yours we wish you all happiness and joy and A NEW YEAR HAPPY CHRINARKET EAT Phone 58 Seaforth I-IEALTH HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY IN THE NEW YEAR Seaforth 'Bargain Store S. SHINAN SEASON'S GREETINGS * We take this opportunity of extending to our Cus- tomers ane the General Public, the Season's Greetings! sgap:mnitst :mtpiot wit `t air-a -a�i�,s-ai'.`� 9 SMITH'S SHOE STORE :04 e1�Y iJrY cl