The Seaforth News, 1918-10-10, Page 8NOTHING Adds more to the ap- pearance of a man than ,a neat Hair Olt or Shave If you come to oursanit- ary, carefully conducted ;parlors, you are sure of every attention. Commercial BarberShop,C,Ith Vie ROBINSON Prop MUSICAL Miss Autde t l'' :1 el., tiraditnt' Teacher's,. utt hr 11 10 11ctb .is '',4.1111,1141V .1t s .+n.) t \I ,sir. Fermin., er'oriiarty te-up!'II her 'eass, euro,Urg;s�t d Tl cry en Sept. n.t , t :1111 1 CORRESPONDENCE 1 Dublin Mre Mitchell, the able secretary of the Patriotic Sooiety for three years and who is ahortly leaving for Tomato, was entertained at the home of Mre ;Jos. Nagle, She was presented with an address anti a salad bowl with or. tinge wood servers, mounted with silver handles leepector Lees td Dr. Waugh of Toronto visited the Separate School last week. Mr Juht Murray has rerouted after a trip to Detroit, Mise Marie Nevin is in Toronto at tending the r'uculty of Education. Mies Ellen fierce has gone to Det• reit to spend the winter. 1'rpi1s will he ozer seal f•,r Canadian' acstrider a! I l'.,s, tit , t•„1,...Ivetori ai n,'. tl aCtt m F .lie N tii,.i.sr. ..gin.. ie.. Ilun't iurget the Red Cross Concert en Cctubut' the lith in the Staffa Hall, There will be a good programme of soles, quartettes. datett: g etc. The Woman's Institute are t;ativaes- iig the township for fruit aid veget- ab)ra and will bare .hem brought to HelpWanted Staifa ou rho 2_Ist and '22nd, They P will tben l . taken to the -among Ceu- tre at Stratford tied capped for the to a; r,•,,d tt.ts: nr the soldiers. No better way to use up the Catatliae Flax ;111.i.-. `ani„t'tb, hood fruit going to waste in the orobardo, lvugea ,nil. b., rib! r,. a,. in., ends «n,l The boys will he glad of them. boys. Miss Mary McKellar of Brussels Caned an 1' ex Mills, has been vlottit g at her home. ' ,'afet011 Mise Agues Park is home from Dc- Ttf E SHAFORTI I N WS Hielnsall Alias Ye: cy Geiger is at prosont in Stratford, The Patriotie Sooioty fa very busy getting t'hristtnss boxes ready to send to the boys at the front. Robert Lorimer le now itt bis n. ii' ante. Miss Pearl Hildebrandt is now ra}..• idly reroving sfter an operation, The body of the late John Murray was brought here for burial. The four sous of the dioeseid acted as pul bear'er's, furoters tiro eagerly trying to harvest then' beetle tied flax whenever they have dry weather, Winthrop tee. Mr. Jas. Reid held a very anocese- ful auction sale of farm stook and Ito plenn'uts on Tnesday of sat week wheu everything sold at good prices, cuwe bringing as high as $174 00 each and one five months old calf sold for $47,00. Mr, .latues Campbell has been visit- ing his brother•-iu-law Mr. John Alex elides of London during the past week. Mrs. William Johnston, who receut- ly underwent an operation in Lundou Hospital is improving of fast as cart be expected and will soon he able to re- turn home. Mr, John Cuthill has purchased a Ford car for use in his businese, Quite a number from around here attended the School Fair whish was held in Walton on Thursday of last troit, week, SAYS LEMON JUICE Bayfield WILL REMOVE FRECKLE!? Rev. A. Smulair of Holmesville to Girls! Make this cheap beautylotion in the Methodist Church "n to clear and whiten yoourrskin. Preached Sunday morning. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the heat freekie and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at sery, very email cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few emits. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes,_Yes: It is harmless, GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Rev. A• W Ashe-Everest is home again after a trip to Brantford, Rev. Mr. Ryan of Owen Sound spent a week in town. Met Juhn Toms of Port Stanley ie hone on a visit. Mre, Lowe of Port Dover is the guest of her aunt, Mrs, J, Tums, Londesboro Mr Bert Brown and two children have returned to Brantford after spend ing a couple of weeks with hie mother, Miss Esther Lyon is home from the weer., Rev, Jae. Abrey, and the Misses An - ole and Fiera Finglaud, attended the 8, i'onveutiot in Guderieh Litttle Elva Griffith is improving itt health. 'Mise La•nly Young 1,ee gone hack to Regina where she is teaehing, sire Edmund Crawford is spending a week in Toronto with her daughter.. Mr and Mrs :-t,adduck have moved to the Lotto veclitr;l by Mr Lisharn . Constance Make beauty lotion for a few cents to Mr. ilobt, (lark preached in the remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Msthudist-Clare} ,.it Sunday in the Your grocer has the lemons and easy drug store or toilet counter will supply you lith three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze time juice of two fresh lemons into a. bottle, then put i in the orchard. white and shake welL I This maid's a quarter pint of the very 'beet lemon skin whitener and complexion 1 beautifier known. Massage this fro:i grant, creamy lotion daily Into the fair., neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, colt and clear the skin becomes, Yes! It is harmless, and the beautiful resuit0 tenni surprise you. 10 CENT "CASCARETS” FOR LiVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic, No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how match your bead aches, !now miserable you ore from oonstipa- tion, indigestion, bilioueness and slug- gish bowels—you always get relief with Cascaras, ' They immediately cleanse andregulate the stomach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the orates bile front time liver and carry -off the constipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels, A. 10 -cent box from your drug- gist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head elear for menthe, They lvonis while you sleep. nhecuce of Rev. Mr. Sawyer; Mrs. Jae, Nicholson has returned to L'ruaeels after a visit with her eon Mr, and Mrs, W1n, Smith aro sow residents of our village, Mr, and Mrs James Hill of Staffa have been recent visitors with friends 11 ere , Walton Rev, Mr Lundy has returned from the West and took charge of his ser- vices again on Sunday, - Rev. A. J. Bentley took charge of the eervioei in the Methodist church in Brussels on Sunday, The pastor was inKincardine. Misses Ida Crozier and H, M God. kin are Normal students at Stratford. The Walton School Fair on Thursday was a great 6u00e6a, Mr John Harris still keeps poorly, The Womane Institute has postponed its *ogular meeting to Thursday Oct, 24 in the Workmans Hall, Mre. Wm, Neal will take the topic "The influence of environment," The girls topic "The Girls of Today and To -morrow, will be taken by Mies Ella Ryan, Banner Year For Seaforth Red Cross The annual meeting of the Seaforth Fed Crime So- ciety was held in the Carnegie Library Friday. The society is to a very thriy. ing cooditiol. 'the reports show to headquarters daring the year, aid the total amouut raised for Red Cross pur- poses was $9,138 This has been their banner year, The following officers were elected fur the coming year: Hon, President, Mrs. S. Boyd; hon. vice-president,Mrs, Rivers; president, Mrs, Holmesteed; first vine -president, Mrs. Gibson; second vice- president, Mrs. Keating; third vice-prestdeut, Mrs, A, Scott; seers. tary, Mrs, L. T. Dslaoey; treasurer, Mrs' J, G. Mullen. The society was sorry to lose Miss ,Jessie Case, its former president and a valued member who is removing from town. SECRETARY'S REPORT For Auguet and September 1918, 195 suite of pyjamas, 24 Military Flannel Shirts, 372 pairs cf soaks, 216 towels, 6 personal property hags. The president and officers of the Sea• forth Brandi of the Canadian Red Cross Society desire to thank the IMer- ebantsaud Citizens who have given so generously of their time said work gnat uitnnnely fel the help and success o£ till. Society during OH peat year. Edna DeLacoy, .Secretary, Id, 11, t'., S. 'fele Secretary begs to snbtnit the following report for the vear'soperation of the Seaforth Branch of the Canadian Ited truss Society, year ending Sept, 20th, 2t110 suits of pyjamas, „364 military flannel shirts, 2600 parrs of socks, 2426 towels, 138 trench caps, 84 comfort hags (unfilled) , 126 eoultelue bandagee 16001 wipes, 18 hoeing bed socks, 8 dressing gowns, 48 personal property bags, 8 feather pillows 6 pillow cases. 348 hotter cloth handkerchiefs, 1 soar/, Shipments are made once a month to Montreal, and all shipments valued, And are always officially acknowledged The Society has been most generous. ly assisted by Winthrop, Duff's Church, Constance and Egmondville. Two now Life Members have been added this year, namely, Mrs. Fred Savauge and Mre, Joseph Dorranoe, making a total of 22 -Life Members, al of whioh is respectfully submitted, Edits DeLaoey, Secretary. FINANCIAL STATEMENT of the Red Cross for September RECEIPT; Balance on hand $ 1824 48 Winthrop Branch 29 4o Couatanoe Ladies Aid Society 25 00 Egmondville itranoh 6 25 Proceeds of tea given by the Girls' Club So 58 "Life Membership” presented to Mrs, Joseph Dormice by ker daughter Mise Tess The Need of Thrift t It was never as necessary et any stage of the Wat for Canadians to eliminate extravagance and acquire habits of thrift as it is today. Thrift once started soon becomes a habit• Opening a savings account is the first step In the right direction. Start a thrift campaign to -day. We allow interest on savings accounts at the rate of 3% per annum added to principal half yearly. n THE DO ' . ',;.• ON II 4 y. - neo SEAFORTH BRANCH: R, M. JONES, Manag ri einsis aiimaMIIIIWinewtsmaleautiriar$tlmalsis munsat■1lIilleYgplarF+f im Dorraitoe Ladies' Aitl of the Methodist Church Seaforth Miss Vera Donates Miss Jennie McBride Mies L. P. Hargan Ml's. 011as. Aberhart Airs, J , 'Tivies lira. Wm, Smithers, sale of out flowers Wtn, Hartry, sale of flowers Mre, A, D. Sutherland Mrs, Leunard M.cFaul Nonabsorbent cotton sold Rag Rugs sold Quilt tope sold Rlotthly uontributione 25 01) 5 0)) 1 00 1 00 1. 00 1 00 I do 2 00 3 50 2 U0 5 00 1 00 19 60 2 00 144 83 Total $2130 56 EXPENDITURES Miss Dorothy Gunn (prisoner of war) ,J, Mae'I'avieh F. Gordon Osler Mrs, Andrew Calder Canadian Exprees Co, Total $766 62 Balance on hand 1363 y 2180 546 • FINANCIAL STATEMENT for the year - aEoEIPrs Balanus en hand Oct 1, 1917 954 33 Oc239 87 Novetobmerber 590 59 December 513 05 1918 January 541 26 February - 1089 69 March 903 23 April 674 31 Al ay 1022 41 June 505 17 Jnly 1563 70 August 236 15 September 300 08 20 co 712 42 26 00 8 oo 120 Total 9135 84 EXPENITPURES 1917 October 548 55 November 604 95 Deoemhor 383 18 1918 January 804 94 February 983 10 March 697 58 April 1408 87 May 1120 55 June 186 lib July 131 4q Angust 130 86 September 766 62 Total Balance on hand $7774 q0 $1363 94 $9188 84 Grace Mullen,Treas. Audited and found correct John Rankin, Auditor. Woolen's War Auxiliary Report Primary Colors, 40 to what are the primary Mori is something on which autboritiett have disagreed. Sir David Brewstgr called red, yellow and blue the prt- mary colors, and thls view has beer} commonly held by painters and others, since all the known brilliant hues eau be derived from admixture of these three pigments. But if the pure sped tral colors are superposed upon a screen the resulting colors are quite different Thomas Young suggested red, green and violet as the primary colors, but subsequent experiments by J. Clerk Maxwell appear to show that they should be red, green and blue. Sir William Abney, however, says red, green and violet. Any two colors which together produce a white or gray light are complementary colors. -- Exchange. Stumping Him. "I am now prepared to answer any questions you may rare to ask," said the lecturer. "Any one barred?" asked the man in the audience, Certainly not," replied the man on the platform. "Then just watt -n few minutes, will you, mister, till I rum home and get that four-year-old Id,) of mine. He's got. a few hard ones that I'd like to have you answer for me."—Detroit Free Press. Keeping Home Happy. The tramp touched his hat and walk- ed along beside the horseman, "You wouldn't think it, sir," he said, 'but I once had a hippy home." "Then," said the rider, "why didn't you do something to keep it happy?" "I did, sir," said the tramp; "1 left It"—Pall Mali Gazi rte. During the month of July and Aug- ust 146 pairs of socks were received by the Auxiliary; 116 pair's were pent over- seas. In September 101 pairs were received, 72 pairs sent overseas, and 14 pairs given to friends of Seaforth sold- iers, and by them, Bent ovoreeas, Four parcels were given to men in camp, each parcel containing 2 -pairs of sooko, pair of towels, housewife, 2 handker• chiefs and a woollen helmet. At the last meeting of the Auxiliary on Fri• day last the articles donated by Mrs, Thomas Stephens were drawn for The cloth was drawn by Mr. McKay of Seaforth; the socks by Mrs, Jas. Mose Walton, and the towel by Mies Harriet Murray of Seaforth. The sum of $218 36 was realized by the sale of tickets for these articles. The Auxiliary is very mnoh indebted to Mre. Stephens for her donations and very appreciative of the fact that all three artiolee were her own work and also that she em- broidered the table cloth in two weeks' time The Auxiliary met in the armories for business in eounesibion with the soldiers' Ch.riatmas bexes on Friday 'afternoon at fouro'slook, S. f, MoLean, Secretary, No matter how deep-rooted the Dorn or wart may be, it must yield to Holloway's Corn Cure if used as dir- eeted, Willie's question. „pa" "Yes, Willie." "Pa, how is it that my hair has grown longer than yours when yours has grown longer Clan mine?" The Pate -nal Idea. Mise Roxley—1 est my heart last eight, pa. I acct- ited Mr. Poorman. Mr. Roxley—Euh: You didn't lose your heart. - You rust have lost your head.—Philadelphia Ledger. m END STOMACH TROUBLE,/ GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Diapepsin" makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine In five minutes. If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach -)lead• ache, you can get relief in five minutes by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to such stomach distress now by getting a large fifty -rent 0080 of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. qt You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia of any stom- ach disorder caused by food fermentation due to excessive acid in stomach. elle ?PING MILL .mu.rese We will start our Chopping Mill again 00 Friday Oct. 411). We will shop Tuesd,tye and Fridays during the month of October. Starting Nov. 1st we will run four days per weep Tuesday and Wednesday and Friday and Satur. day during the winter mouths, KRUSE 131108, Egmondville, Phone 2 on 160. illgelensee IF YOUR CHILD iS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! If tongue is coated, cleanse little bowels with "Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs" Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syruee of Pigs;" because in o few hours all the clogged -up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have \ well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed; to take this harmless "fruit laxative" •zillions Of mothers keep it handy be, rause Alley know its action son the stone "b, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. Ask your druggist for a bottle of Clalifornia Syrup of Pigs," which con - sins directions for babies, tliiltlren of. ill ages and for grown-ups. Thu.rsdty October to - llandsorne Fall Modes hi Women's Shoes ' Evei'y Womanhwith a liking for+ good footwear, will enjoy seeing our new Fall Shoos. .We've the best to be had from the best Makers, t„ iWe've made a record for being the best store for Women's Shoes and we're going to sustain it. Street and Dress Boots, in the Season's new models. Shoesjfor style, Shoes for durability, Shoes for com— fort, Shoes for all three features conbined. Give us a call. 6 TT "The Home of !school Shoes" Phone 51 Seaforth NOTICE -MILITARY SERVICE ACT, 1917 REGISTRATION RATION OF UNITED STATES CITIZENS jl Male citizens of the United States living in Carida of AGES 21-30, both inclusive, MUST REGISTER 33Y RE- GISTERED POST with the Registrar under the Military Service Act of the district in which they live, during the TEN DAYS NEXT FOLLOWING SEPTEMBER 2Sth, 1918; and such CITIZENS OF THE AGES 19, 20 AND 31-44, both inclusive, must so register during the TEN DAYS NEXT FOLLOWING OCTOBER 12th, 1918. It must be emphasized that THIS INCLUDES AMERICANS LIVING IN CANADA OF THE ABOVE AGES, MARRIED AND SINGLE, and in ' eludes ALSO ALL THOSE WHO I-IAVE SECURED DIPLOa MATIC EXEMPTION OR HAVE REGISTERED WITH AN AMERICAN CONSUL, or HAVE REGISTERED FOR MILITARY SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES. Registration letters may be handed to local Postmasters for despatch to the proper Registrar, under the Military Service Act. MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH. 0 NOTICE -MILITARY SERVICE ACT, 1917 ' EXE ''= P ED AS HERS Having in view the importance of leaving a suffi- cient number of men on those farms, which are actually contributing to the National Food Supply, notice is hereby given as follows ' 1.. ALL MEMBERS OF CLASS I POSSESSING rXEMPTION AS FARMERS which is expiring and WHO WISH TO REMAIN EXEMPT should communicate with the Registrars under the M.B.A., of their respective districts, REQUESTING AN EXTENSION IN TIME OF SUCH EXEMPTION. Questionnaires will thereupon 'be issued to these men by the Registrar and they will receive further exemption upon furnishing satisfactory proof that they are contributing sufficiently to the National Food Supply. 2. In order to facilitate productive employment during the .Winter months, MEN EXEMPTED AS FARMERS SHOULD APPLY TO THE REGISTRARS FOR PERMITS TO ENG -AGE FOR THE WINTER IN SOME OCCUPA- TION OF NATIONAL INTEREST," SUCH AS L' JMBER. ING, MUNITION WORD, ETC. Such permits will serve to enable exempted farmers to pursue other useful occupations for the months during which farming operations cannot Ix carried on. •MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH. Always Serviceable.—Moet pills lose their properties with age, Not 6o with Parmelee'a Vegetable Pills, The pill mass is so compounded that their strength and effectiveness is preserved and the pills oan bo carried anywhere without fear of losing their 'potency. This is a quality that few pills possess. Some pills lose their power, but not so with Parmelee'e. They will maintain their"freshaess and potenoy for a long time. Worms, however generated, are found in the digeativetracts, where they set up disturbances detrimental to the, health of the child, There can be- no oomfort.for 'the little ones until the hurtful intruders have been expelled' No better preparation for this purpose can be had than Hillevi Worm Pow - leis. They will immediately destroy the worms and correct the conditions that were favorable to their existence.