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The Seaforth News, 1918-10-03, Page 8
NOTHING Adds more to the ap- pearance of a man than a neat Hair Cut or Shave 1f you come to our sanit- ary, 'carefully conducted parlors, you are sure of every attention. Commercial Barber Shop,C4th W. ROBINSON Prop IICORRESPONDENCE � pw..a�po.gY..oflR+coyNa.,o,YM�O MUSICAL Miss Annie O, C.ovenlock, Graduate Teacher's Course t,oduwsky 'Al ethucls. Canadian Academy of 'lesion 'Toronto re -open her domains in piano, organ d Theory on September 3rd Pupils will be pteparrel for Canadian Academy and Toronto r'„r,I:ervntury Xalnlnatiena Stulio North Maui St. Plwne 103 alfa 1 tela MR six/worm News SAV I N G S Regular deposits of small amounts will often accomplish more than infrequent deposits of larger amounts, The regular saver finds inspiration in watching his balance grow. Interest allowed at 3% per annum added to the principal half yearly. A young eon wee born to Mr. and We, Ohio Ta$n jr, on Sept, 22nd, Mrs, McVay is home agatu after visiting friends at Rochester, Mr. Rice and wife of London were recent visitors at the home of Mr, Win, Sadler, The melnbere of St Georges church recently met end presented Pte, How- ard Bolger with a purse and address Mies Alma Sholdtee read the address and Tiros, Mose presented the parse. Rev, A, J . Man, Brussels preached in Dulf,s ohurch on Sunday, It was a Thaukagiving Service for Women's Mia sweaty aooiety.. George Jackson has gone to the west ou a business trip. Mr. T. S. Meentcheon has gone to assist with the harvest iu the west end visit relatives. . The school fair will he held on Thursday. Concert in the evening given by the Harmonic Male Quartette of London will be held in the shed of Dutt"a Chnrch, Mr. Cooper of Clinton will preach iu the Methodist Church on the Walton Circuit Swiday Gotdith as follows; Providence i r a to, Bethel 3 p, re, Walton 8, p. un Mies Delay Nidiger will recite. eonstance Help Wanted Mise Beta Kerslake has gone to help wanted to spread flax oy the Whitby to the Ladies' College Canadian Flax Mills, seeforth, (loud there, She was accompanied by her wagee will be paid to women. girls and parents who visited relatives in Whit - boys. by, Canadian Flax Mills, H. and E. Pellow of Chapleau are teesfoith gueete of H. Drake and other relatives, Mrs. Molynaaux is at the home of er certain, Mr, T. M. Hamilton, Mrs, Flynn of London is a gaeet of Mrs. R, Sadler, Tho Women's Institute met in the hall on 'Thursday afternoon of last week, It was deuided at the meeting to canvass the townehip for 'mite and vegetables and have them brought to Staffa hall ou Cat, 21st and 22nd and then taken to the cotmmnnity oanuing centre In Stratford to be canned for the aoldiere. Every one is expected to his or her duty in this regard, There le unroll fruit in orolnartia going to waste which could be utilized for unrboys at the front. surely when they have up their all for us, we can do this for thein. A. Red Oros! Concert is to be held in 13taffa Hall en Oot, 14th Thanksgiving eight. A good programme consisting of solos, citlete, quartettes, dancing and recitations is in store, ')auburn SAYS LEM.OtI JUICE Mr. and Mrs. Rice of London are WILL REMOVE FRECKLES with air, W. Sadler. Retrial Make this cheap beauty lotion airs, Hothan was a judge last week to clear and whiten your skin, at Mitohell'e Fair. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into MCKill l op 3t bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, GIRLSi WHITEN YOUR SKiN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness, Your grocer bee the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents, Squeeze the ,juice of two fresh lemone into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake welL This makes a quarter pint of the very beet lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arma and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, rednees and roughness disappear and how emooth, tfiadleshe tntifl fIs andclear and the beautiful reaeul will imemeiee you. Harvest Horne services in the Angli- can Church were very en000asful this year, The Church was nicely decorated forthe event and Rev, Mr, Farr of Kin- cardine, a former rector, preached a very interesting sermon, The offertory was $86. The evaporator is again goidg and is receiving apples every day. Many were pained to hear of the death of Nelson Davidson who died on the battlefield for the empire, Mrs Wassel two sons and a eon's wife from London are visiting relatives, Six members of Mr Batohiere family of Dundalk motored down to see their friends here. Apples are good and order and apple nutter are being made. Messrs Allen Roes and James Simp• son were at London Fair. St. eoluntban THE DOMINION BAN Thursday October 3 487 SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Managaav ammil[t9 [e axxmiiummwsumammmexlaidtlMrnoYta Wlarlrtr(MRgfiIWARVY Mre. John Berry has returned from Oehnwa where she was visiting talar• Ives, The Sacrament of the Lord's Sapper wre observed in Carmel Church on Sun. day, The farmers are anxiously looking for dry weather to harvest their potat- oes and beans. Mr. Ed Mole of Seaforth was here visiting his mother who is very ill, Jas, Kakiugbottoom had hie driver at the Seaforth fair and captured first prize, . Geo, Denetedt has removed to Kit- chener where he will reside. The tilos are being rapidly filled with corn, The St, Columbau Red Cross Society met in their rooms on Tuesday Sept, 24 The ladies packed for shipment 42 1 pairs of spoke and 18 stria of pyjamas, I valued at $1h7. They also packed 18 boxes to be sent overseas, The Christmas boxes will be sent early in November. The ladies and gentlemen are regnested to contribute mike, dandy and other articles to help hit up the boxes, Kindly bring all donations to tine rooms in November. GIVE "SIRUP or FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender Ilttie Stomach, Liver and Bowels, Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need eleanaing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore 'throat, diarrhea, full of oold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a fete hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and eour bileggeently moves out of its little bowels without griping,: and you have a well, playful child again. Ask your truggiat for at bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains full ',directions for traliiae, children of all ages end for grown-ups Hallett #Brucefie l d • how far we were from Conrellette, Ever since we cane baok from Bel- gium laet fall 1 havo had rather an easy time. Of course I was ander shell fire all the time but as far as real work was concerned 1 had it easy Ruth goes away on 'Tuesday, at present she is at her mother's outdo in Cornwall; this is about a ten hour trip. 'There are two feilowe here from home, Bill 'Pinkney and O'Bryan, There are six of us from our unit in France, one of them my best friend so 1 know quite a few,. It has rained every day since corning hero.. Ruth, will likely write you and give you a much better aeeonint of our trip, Manley Mrs. James O'Loughlon and Mies Maggie Welsh are seriously ill, Mies Elizabeth Emhart from Detroit and Mise Kate Eokart from Toronto who paid a flying visit to friends here returned to their duties last week. Mrs John Holland of London spent a few weeke among rte has returned to her home, The many friends of Mr Wrn Mit- chell were sorry to learn that be is seriously ill and hope for hie speedy recovery. Mr James Hart has finished his cots - tract of cementing the stabling of Mre Duffy's barn. Mr and Mrs L Murphy and Mr and Mrs Con Eckert were visitors in our burg last Burnley. Jas Thompson was recently married to Mies B, Chesney of Kippen. Many Mende wish them all the joy and hap- piness of their new life, The S, 5, held their Rally on Sunday morning with special services for the little folks. ,Jas Moodie is now living on the Simp- son farm. Mrs McEwen and Mrs McGregor are at Tiverton. Beans and buokweat are backward here. Miss Eva Boyca who was ill is recov- ering. Mr, Wes Beacon had the misfortune while plowing, tu'.•are the plow strike a atone, The handles flew up and striking him broke a rib. Many people from here were in Blyth at the Fair. Mrs, Parsons, ern accompanied her eon A, W, .Parsons and hie wife, who have been here on a visit, to their home in Iowa. H. Cox, HOU of Mr, 5, Cox has been operated ou and is now rapidly recov- ering Londesboro Mrs, Brown of Brantford who has been visiting her brother has returned to her home. Mr, and Mrs Richardson of London spent Mut week with Mrs, Cartwright Mr, J, Lasham left last week for Ins new home in Goderich, John f3rimadon is on the sick liet at the present time, Mrs, Abrey fa very poorly at the preeeut time, Kippen Mr, Monteith is making many im- provements iu his home, Among others he is erecting a new verandah which greatly improves the appear- ance, Mr, T, N. Forsyth has captured many prizes with his fine' horses at the fall chows. Mr. Forsyth is a careful breeder and feeder of his atock. Mr, and Mrs, H. Monteith of Powa- aan are visiting with relatives here and at Eleusall, Mr. John Workman is the Citron King of Kipper), He hes no less than ;oo and most of then were sold in the good market town of Seaforth at good prices, Mr, George Thompson of Hay Town ship won three Seat prizes for his horses at Seaforth, ;'3taffa The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held at the home of Mrs, Holland on October 80, It is hoped there will be a fail attendance, Hensall Financial Statement of the Women's War auxiliary For July, August and September RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 1st $523,08 Proceeds from Camisole donated by Mre Whitley SS.20 1 box sold 10 Mrs. Jae, MacKay 1.00 Mrs. James Troyer 1.00 A Friend 2.00 .Proceeds from a tea given by nine little girle 30,68 Mrs George Troyer, Winnipeg 1.00 Proceeds from table oloth donated by Mre Thomas Stevens 218 36 Mre Wm Hartry 3 60 Pr000eds from a tea given by the Ladies' Aid Society Pros Church 51 25 Total EXPENDITURES R Forbes Co, Limited E 13ox Beattie Bros, J Maetavieh Postage Ott Gooks Stewart Bros Total Balance Mre, Holland Little has received the cad news that her brother, Pte, Aug• urn Elartling was killed in aotion in France, Pte. John D. McLaren, son of Mrs, Robert McLaren, near here, has also given his young life for his home land and his relatives have the sympathy of all, The fine building which is being erected for Mr, Cudmore is nearly con• plated, Sunday. was Rally Day in the Meth odiet Church hero, The Sunday School met at 30,30 and went in a body to the Ohurob, Mr, John Berry had his arm badly bruised and hurt by being naught in the belt on the chopping mill while trying to adjust it, His escape wee e very narrow one, M $887.07 $315 60 75 810 3 37 10 68 9 64 $357 14 $529 93 J Finlayson, Treas. Letters From Will Hays Lova to all, Win. (Other Extracts of letters will be aontiuned in next ,•eek', piper) Help Fight Your Country's Battles Are you eavieg Any money for Vic- tory? That's the question that has to be anewered one way or the other naw Are yon doing anything at all to help light your country's battles? Surely it is time to wake up. What counts is the decision to do things If you start a saving fend of your own that settles it, you are on the patriotic side. Your efforts count, if not, you might as well be a ependthrift enemy! Now ie the time to act, Either yen are a patriot doing your bit by saving your fuuda, ur you are an enemy dis- regarding the call of your country and your boys, whose lives are going, on at a tremendatts rate in Flanders jus now. Extracts of Lettere received by Mrs T. IS, Hays from Pte. W, T, Hays of the Ambulance Corps; 13, Hosp. Horton War Hosp. Epsom Eng. August 28th, 1918 It is not too late to begin. Save for Victory) SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, ' GASES OR -INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive geld In stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once, Time iii In five minutes all atom. ash dietresa, due to 'acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or, belching of gas or eructations of undi; geeted food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. G4 Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and beeidet it is harmless. ©Put an end to stomach, distress at onc0 by getting a large fifty - cent case of Pape's niapepsin from any drug store, Yon realize In five minutes how needless it is to suffer from 141- geation, dyspepsia or any stomach dis- order daused by fermentation due to excessive acids in stomach. 0 Dear Mother; I think now that I am over here in England you won't be so anxious about me and eo 1 think once a week will do for letters. Every day is so much the same here that there is lit- tle enough to write ouee a week, Ruth will bo leaving for England next Tues- day and will be in London on Wednes- day. We are going up to Scotland for a few days, I can't get very many days leave. I'm sure of four days but hope to get more, You were right in figuring out the map where we were in France, We were a few miles south of Areas on what was oalled the Neville Vuitsee front,,bat Arras was the place I had in mind when I wrote saying eil,OP ?ING MILL Handsome Fall Models Ire Women's Sloes aEvery Woman with a liking for good footwear, will eiijoy seeing our new Fall Shoes, f ;We've the best to be had from the best Makers. .t We've made a record for being the best store for Woolen's Shoes and we're going to sustain it. Street and Dress Boots, in the Season's new models. Shoeslfor style, Shoes for durability, Shoes for com- fort, Shoes for all three features conbined. Give us a call. i s eT T "The Horne of School Shoes" Phone 5l Seaforth liGikS:':1N" We will start our Chopping Mill again on Friday Oet q11 . We will chop Tuesdays and Fridays during the month of October Starting Nov ist we will run four days per week Tnesday and Wednesday and Friday and Sahtr day during the winter months, KRUSE BIROS. Egnontiville, Phone 2 on i»0. 1 "CASCARETS" WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP For Slick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels— Take Cascarets tonight. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches come from a torpid liver and slogged bowels, which cause your atom- ooh to become filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like gar- bage in a swill barrel. That's the first stop to untold misery' indigeetion, foul *area, batt breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cascarat to -night will give your constipated bowels it thorough cleansing and straightens you out by morning. They work while you sleep— a 10 -cent box from your druggist will keep you feeling good for month&, NOTICE—MILITARY SERVICE TACT, I511 REGISTRATION OF _ UNITED S.! ATES CITIZENS Male citizens of the United States living in Canada of AGES 21-30, both inclusive, MUST REGISTER BY RE- GISTERED POST with the Registrar under the Military Service Act of the district in which they live, during the TEN DAYS NEXT FOLLOWING SEPTEMBER 28th, 1918; and such CITIZENS OF THE AGES 19, 20 AND 31-44, both inclusive, must so register during the TEN DAYS NEXT FOLLOWING OCTOBER 12th, 1918. It must be emphasized that THIS INCLUDES AMERICANS LIVING IN CANADA OF THE ABOVE AGES, MARRIED AND SINGLE, and in eludes ALSO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE SECURED DIPLO- MATIC EXEMPTION OR, HAVE REGISTERED WITH AN AMERICAN CONSUL, or HAVE REGISTERED FOR MILITARY SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES. Registration letters may be handed to Local Postmasters for despatch to the proper Registrar, under the Military Service Act. MILITARY mom= BRANCH. (2 NOTICE—MILITARY SERVICE ACT, 1911 EXEMPTED AS FARMERS Having in view the importance of leaving a suffi- cient number of men on those farms, which are actually contributing to the National Food Supply, notice is hereby given as follows : 1. ALL MEMBERS OF CLASS I POSSESSING EXEMPTION AS FARMERS which is expiring and WHO WISH TO REMAIN EXEMPT should communicate with the Registrars under the M.S.A., of their respective districts, REQUESTING AN EXTENSION IN TIME OF SUCH EXEMPTION. Questionnaires will thereupon be issued to these men by the Registrar and they will receive further exemption upon furnishing satisfactory proof that they art, contributing sufficiently to the National Food Supply. 2. Irk order to facilitate productive employment during the Winter months, MEN EXEMPTED AS FARMERS SHOULD APPLY TO THE REGISTRARS FOR PERMIT'. TO ENGAGE FOR THE WINTER IN SOME OCCUPA. TION OF NATIONAL INTEREST, SUCH AS LUMBER• ING, MUNITION WORK, ETC. Such perinits will serve to enable eltempted farmers to pursue other useful occupation for the months during which farming operations cannot b< carried on, MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH. One dose of Miller's Worm Powders will clear the bowels of worms, so that the child will no more be troubled with their ravages. The powders are sweet to the taste and no child will object to taking them. They are non -injurious in their composition, and while in some cases they may cause vomiting, that moat not be taken am a eign that they are nauseating, but as an indication of theie affinitive work, t4, An Easy Hill to Take—Some per-. sous have a repugnance to pine because ofthier nauseating taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so prepared they are agreeable to the most fastidious.. The most delicate can take them with, out feeling the reynlaion that follows the taking of ordinary pills, Thie is a reason for the great popularity of these celebrated pills, but the rnain reason is their high tonisal quality as a med.;: table for the stomaob,