The Seaforth News, 1918-10-03, Page 4i' Iw tyli.16 (";4 01SAII 'Y 4Ri $ f,
MEISIghle, li, 1g11Ki 1: 0.000e1*ad Eiergeon
pits , London Uoapnat, Loudon, England„
0lAylel attention to diseases of Eye, Bar, Nose
0 tie
Throat, behind pontlafon I3aak.
Ogle Phone So. a, Residence Phone No, 10e
r, F, d,1JTJRitOM0(r Sealerlh 011100 and r s
Mtdeao0e-Gaderice. Street, test of the Meth
1 if Huron
r of t
Coroner to G n y
odlat church,0110N
r e
To ( hone
8P44 SCOTT & MACKAY PhYeleluus and
I-,urh000s, Ooderlcll street, opposite tiet80.
chinch. sea19rtlt,
SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Attu Arbor, and
Member of 0110 Oe of
Surgeons, Coroner torl0Oaat7 011ti0r0l0.8 and
tt,tcKAY, honor graduate Trinity University,
gold medalist Trinity tledieal College. Member
of Celine of Py0e1mle and Surgeons, Ontario,
nit. 0020. 11 BILEtMAh, °stvoplllte speotallet
a,v in Women's and Uklldreu's. diseases and
RheumONe troubles, Acute and chronic Omni
on, Ear, Eye Nose and Throat Adenoid. re•
moved militant t egalelioconsultation free,
Tuesday,a•Iu. too p.or.:Frlday 8 a,m, to Cpm
maned LY' I'wale'
male Licenses and optician. Sea.
!lyoo ale, eyou 1 postcardwillwill get ourr rateAccident?
Gen ere! Agent for London Lire Insurance Co,.
n d lmnerial Guarantee and Accident lanlrance Co,
Soaforth, Ont,
fames Watson
rainLEMMIlit Oft
General Fire, Lite and Accident insurance.
Agent, and dealer in 'sewing Machines,
Moto Street, Seaforth,
Matoai Fire insurance Co,
Perm and Isolated Town
Property Only Insured.
Jas, Connolly, Gederu President, James
Evans, Beachwood, \'tee -President, Tuotnas
Heys, Seefortn. S0c: Treas,
D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve,
WEothrop W Rine, Constance; John Bennewnls,
Bmdghagen• Robert Fern', Harlock; Malcom
Mc %eon, Clinton; 0 McCartney , Seaforth;
loaves Connolly, Goderich; Jae. Evans, Beechwood.
Alex. Leitch, Harlockl E. Ilio day, Seafortb
,yssam Chesney Egmoadvlsel 1. W. Ve„
®ofinesvillei R. d. Jarmouth, Brodbaseot Jame'
Eery and John Govenlock, Seaforth, nn more.
Parties deslroae to effect Insurancr oe cranem.
other business will be promptly attended n 0
application to any of the above oFgren, addrew
to their respective posto8Bccs.
gram the Otfloo
Phone 84 Itventog 127
tate dollar peryy ear.*101c0Y ndv(2100
r and
if hal pawiln be char due dol d
Ir hall will be charged, United litates
papers, fifty cents extra. stricltlp ickly !n 10
ad 000 28 1,
When rubeorlbere ebaatlge their address
notice should be lent as Immediately, giving
sboth cribers will old and
laver by no fying tie
of any irregularity of deliverY•
Reading Notlees-No reading notice,
advertising any entertainmeat or matter by
which money Id to be made by any Person
or cause will be Inserted In Tau NIMWs
without charge. The price for the ineer-
tlon of business announcements Is TEN
cents per count line each insertion t6
parties having no contract for display
advertising, And FIVE cents per line each
Insertion to those having dlrptay conttleH
and for church, society and entertainment
reading notices. Card of Thanks S to 9
liner, 50 scute.
Judicial. Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Notices—Ten cents per line for first
insertion and Ave ants per line for each
subseouot insertion.
Yearly cards—Professional Cenot
one Inch, will be Inserted
85.00 per year, pa'•able strictly In advance
Display advertising—Rates furnished
on application,
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion,
wUntil forbid," and those sent without
written instructions will appear until
rider. orders are received for their dna.
Letters to the Editor must be accord.
panted by the writer'a own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
Islet,. The publisher accepts no res0oa.
sibitlty whatever for the statements made
In such communications. Letters on reli-
gious topica will not be published at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
as such. The rate for such matter is ten
cents per line,
General Observations
t c;orgyman in the course of his
Thanksgiving sermon to his congrega-
fiuh, mentioned the feet that he was
shortly to remove to another place, Be
did not say whether that fact was a
blessing to the congregation or to him-
Only TheMitchell Advocate thus takes its
. subscribers into its confidence and has
(x@Illlllle a heart to heart talk, We hand it on.
"Let a farmer or merchant place him -
i self in the place of a publisher. Sup-
--- pose a farmer has 100t1 bushels of grain
and a neighbour buys a bushel and says
Beware ; he will pay in a few days. The farmer
of says, •alt right.' Another comes in the
lmitatio05 ! garde way ilntll whole is gone=to a 1000
Seth different people No cue purchaser
on 01, concerns himself about it. He does
21i1 r 5Oiz' the farmer frittered away
merits his whoie trop of wheat in little dribs
Of mei that he 3011(2017 embarra•et-d in
1q I
M1nar 5 .,, his 1s n.+e F,tt.usa his debtors
t 1pfinent - ts it ae . ill' (-i matter. But if all
, n.l p.(y el. se outi-Cy. which they,
028.11s v:, io?. it A.',.01,1 ,elan« i
.,1. Wl0l:,lnt
0:bin paP�H.,i 19
Dratw idol tains theft children and grand
.For Sake? -
Pe°{ul9i w �'t
The Case For Thrift
The ease for thrift in Cau0da at the
present time may be briefly summed
ttp. The country has been in a state
of unexampled prosperity for the past
to 0 or three years, owing, it ie scute
°tear, t0 unusual war conditions.
Wagon have been high, profits are large
and there is a total ahsen00 of uumn-
ployalent' Very many workers are
earning more than ever before and
thousands are wage-earners for the
Brat time. With all this pt'osperity
Alla the fact that they are not accus-
tomed to jndiaious diapoeal of their
money, matey spend their entire Anus
pins seemingly oil the assntnptlou that
this prosperity will go on forever,
_rho appeal now is to the people of
Canada to immediately undertake a
vigorous oompmign of personal thrift,
to 10,010112 from the pucohase of all
luxuries and n0U.008eutials, and to I,
endeavor to accumulate as great a Sav-
ing as possible. Naturally many pet. -
plc will say 1110y are now living as soon
°laically as they can Bud that their
standard of living has notutilly' been
lowered owing to the high prices of
articles of food and clothing, This
may he true, but it does not alter the
feet that there is atilt much extravag-
ance and that this exists to a danger-
ous degree when we .remember the
temporary character of the prosperity
and the perils of the period of read.
justment that will follow peace,
1 he practice of thrift by the Canad•
iso people not/ will bring a large ac•
ommniation of national savings to lie -
cure us individually and oollootively
against any trying ohango that might
occur in the 000nomic situation. it
would 'sake possible the continuance
of Canada's splendid part in the war
and the maintenance of out war finance
ing on its present sound basis. The
elimination of luxuries and tion -essent-
ials would as a matter of feat, release
labor and material for war purposes in-
stead of ustt5g these great and scarce
necessities for things that we could do
The examples of other countries
should inspire Canadians to much great
er effort in thrift, France bas been
able to face her four years of terrible
trial by reason of her background of
personal thrift. Great Britain is prat.
tieing it as perhaps never before, The
United States is fast piling up vast
sums of money for the use of her own
and the other armies of the allies.
Canada has done muoh to finance her
own part in the war but no one can say
that the limit of saving has beau reach-
ed or ewba approached,
1Ir, and Mrs. C. F, Libby and party
Clintol,retnrned last week from a mot.
or trip through the stated of Nov Pork,
alatn0 aid 1lassachussetts. They vis-
ited most of oities of interest, taking
the trip in a leisurely tray and stopping
w ho -ever -night overtook them. They
traveled somewhere about nineteen
};m„lred and forty stiles altogether,
11 r. Ivn,l all's, Joni,: of Clinton, cute-
:.••'(te•i their golden wedding last week
,. 121.E t•.1 Rei at
+t 1
- 1 0•Lvr
It t-e•iid
t i
..'.:1 11! a t , ., : ' 11-2b than
1030':,,b2 fol 81 P
",' I. i .15 111; i...,_ t:t the year should'
Without a proper
systlfl of elver -
ti sin
river-tisin is like a
motor without the
+ power. . .
Seaforth News
.somosogasamant we**
1tIDVE.R i1SCit11:NTS
will supply the
'required energy
plspoe - 54
04.20 tit -:-.2t Ira" I-:8011 preclain,ed as
ion L?oy when the danger1
will be la••, ,ght before 123 and everyone!
t., t'.': tit, tip their Ort 1111.2(0 5100 in
every way avoid tire, The
sehesls will he urged to warn °hilt -Mee
of the danger of matches, from playing
ill lamps ,. r vt5r'•s, meddling with
el(etrio wire,,. lighting tires with coal
CII, ',eine carol -es with ti,1, use of g„ s•
One near a light,
This i0 as much .."..sift as increasing
pretlnoticn, ay there is little 1188 hl
pru,llieing ?f the pr+'•,i,l,e 19 destroyed
by tiro, And U 19 appalling to read
of the :o0sea by tiro. lsvery:me is
asked to co operate iu making October
the 9t11 a real drive for Fire Prevent.
ion, -
'611tile❑ at a Ole •(sant family t'rnninu,
m; mud til+, ,lelt;0 writ, married at
?i;•- ilall 121)11)7 (0tro' 21(12100). 0112(10,1
;lo• il,.w W, 11a,1t, i'ft( -Jamie ago,
''ill. she .•seeptiui „f n few yowl 0 they
t in l;h-t ' r1,• ' 1.,(1'0.01:0 110 ia'
•:.. t,,,.1 .t, i:, 1';. is>.:( 1,1' w, (12720•
tit to.(4t,: n` U.-tr+,ir « l!n 11:21 ,.
. ante. at harfiel,i w,t•, hr, tight
., .�, St: i• 111'a14i82 ,1tr 80 00110110/i
1 't tar l d t 2.12 r l ,.1 1n'aeteiri11
AP {,eine 80212,22 a tl_:1..::-. It proved
that m, tb:, ll ..2 ,, had perform • I
ed tlu' „per(tti0hs, Le had (800180(1 to bo
paid '1' 111 magistrate dismissed the
With the statement that the Doct-
or was to b0'11', uuaeuded rather than
prosecute ll
'Ohio. Campbell of Wawaltosh
has had word that his youngest son was
ICI ed in action. He went with the
[first• Deep sympathy is felt fur the
family in their sorrow,
L W. Lennox of Wiugltanl died at
is Home of appendicitis. He 21;10 18
years of age and a genera: favorite at
ti.e High School, The fuuerul was
I held on Thursday.
air, Jos, Young of (Joderich has been
11ctifi5d that his son 14a1uld has beau
killed in France,
dims, Moyle alio has been clerl(ieg
fur a number of years do Exeter _ hag
bought a business in London and to re,
Worms feed on the vitality of 00)100.'
run and endanger their lives, A simple
and effective cure 1 s Mother Graves
Worm Exterminator.
mo ling his family there, 130fore Leave,
prig 110. wag presented With n handsome
0111h hag by the mombere of the I. 0. 0
F. Lodge.
Ou'lune 25t14 a Liberal 001100010n
Is1d atNhu hena pI
tsd J
W ging
of Bltlav I
1r r ho lieu for N 111 10002
a e 11 ! w iu a
which be wonted. After carefully
looking over the field he has seen it
wise to ohauge his opinion, and last
week he 0001t in his resignation to the
Executive, A sleeting of the riding
has been oalle(1 to discuss the matter.
in the meantime Mr Spotton of Wing
ham. who tied the vote in the Couser-
vativo meeting for--oauditlate has an-
nounced that he is also a oandi(1ote,
Sept, 11, Emma Patterson, of Hallett
,to Wesley Searle of Morris, -
DAER-VUDDEN-1n Clinton, Sept.
25, Mary Elva Voddon to Win, Ed.
ward Deer of Wawanosh,
8HANSHAN-McCaughey—ln Clinton
Sop;, z s. Rose 111c0aughy to Chas
WHEATLEY—In Clinton Sept 23rd
to Mr. and Mrs, W. Wheatley, a
d tighter,
OSMOND„•At Bayfield, Sept., 20 to
Mr, and Mrs, Win, Osmond a eon,
HAWKINS—In Wiugllam on Sept. 15
to 041x, and Mu. Ed, Hawkins, a
son. s
Relieves Asthma at Little Expense—
Thonsanda of dollars have been vainly
spent upon remedies for asthma and
seldom, if ever, with relief, Dr. J. D.
Kollog's Asthma Remedy, despite its
88n1an00 of benefit, 0o841 so little that
it is within the reach of all. It is The
national remedy for asthma, far remov-
ed from the class of doubtful and exp-
erimental preparations. 1' , 1 • I , 2 1•
00011 supply 1t.
Get a Spray Calendar,
This is the time of year when
spraying must command the atten-
tion of the fruit grower. Everyone
should procure from the Department
of Agriculture, a spray calendar in
which directions are given for the
spraying of all hinds of fruit trees
wad the preparation of the various
insecticides and •fungicides.—Ontario
Ageicultur'al College Notes,
Supplying milk for pity Trade.
"Safety first" is a good slogan in
the milk business. To make milk
safe it must be drawn from healthy
cows — preferably those which have
passed the tuberculin test; the stable,
pasture and all surroundings must be
clean; the utensils which come In
contact with the milk must be clean;
the persons handling the milk should
be a living advertisement of exempli-
fied cleanliness; the delivery wag-
gons, cans, measures, etc., should be
clean. In order that assurance of
safety may be doubly sure, 1t 1s ad-
visable to pasteurize the milk,—that
is, boat it to 1442 degrees 20 150 de-
grees ie., hold at this temperature
ler twenty to thirty minutes, then
cool to eu degrees 10, or below and
hold at this temperature nllti1 dgliv-
°red to the cun;,uwer. Pasteurized
milk is the safest kind or milk for
humans to drInk.
The persue buying milk has certain
duties it, order to unsure a safe pro-
duct, especially for children. Among.
these tuay• be eieetioned Piaelug the
Milk at once on d,.1[very in a refrig-
erator or cool cellar protected from
dust and utters, and by J.eelling it in
a tighuy-closed 0t.0el--preferably In
the antis bottle covered with an in-
verted glass tumbler, or special 000-
,01•; the LOp of the ntiik-cap should be
wiped 29 10111000 (teat before taking
1t iruul [go milk hunts; uo More Milli
.h00141 be taken twin the supply bat
11e than is required for (t meal; ally
"lett over" milk, should nut be put
thtu 1110 supply vrsot'1 atter toe ureal,
at; this will likely spoil the whole of
the Milt( un hand; milk taken to a
sick -room. 014uu0d 1102 br 11210(0 fur any'
other purpose, except it he boiled auu
then only ter cooking; milk 1.082108
should he mashed as soon as empty
and by prolltptly returned to the
milkman—in' no cmg- shuuld milk`
bottles be used tot' any other purpose
in the house than for. holding milk,—
Prof, 11, H. Dean, wristlets Agricul-
tural College, Guelph, out,
Threshing Clangs for Untario•
Farmers are shorter of labor this
year than that' have ever been before,
In many (Isms there way he but efts
man on a tarts, assisted, perhaps, oy
a boy. It will be necessary, tuere-
fore, to economize labor in every way
possible in order that this year's har-
vest may be taken off and the fall
work completed in preparation fur
the 1919 erop,
While there are objections to the
tbreshing bang in, ()Mario 1t is hoped
to initiate the work on a reasonably
tat},0 scale this year, The Ontario
Ucpartment or Agriculture is malting
a study or the proposition as It affects
the farmer, while the Ontario Labor
Bureau has agreed to provide 5,000
men for tin'eshings gangs if there 1s
a demand for these, With suitable
co-operation between the farm public
er the province and the Provincial
Department of Agriculture there
should be no difficulty in organizing
a large number of gangs this fall,
An Advertisement
by Charles Dickens
CHARLES DICKENS is one of the world's great teachers.
Here is what he has to say in one of his books:
"My other piece of advice, Copperfield," said Mr.
Micawber, `you know, Annual income £20, annual
expenditure £19. 19, 6—result, happiness. Annual
income £20, annual expenditure £20. 0. 6—result,
misery. The blossom is blighted, the leaf is withered,
the God of Day goes down upon the dreary scene.,
and—and in short you are forever floored, As I am."
The saving.of a part_of one's in-
come was always a good policy.
Prudent men and women have
always maintained a margin of
But to -day we must go farther in
our efforts to save than ever before.
To -day it is a matter of the
gravest importance that each
Canadian seek ways and means
to economize by cutting down ex-
penditures for unnecessary things,
saving the money he spends on
things he could do without, so
that when the Nation needs to
borrow m'arrey he will be in a posi-
tion to do his full duty.
There is war -shortening work wai t-
ing for every dollar that can bt'
IhCharles Dickens were writing
to Canadians to -clay he would
probably give us advice to this
"My other piece of advice, Canadians,
you know. No matter what percentage
of y014r annual income you have pre-
viously saved, your efforts to -day should
be to save more. The advantage of so
doing is threefold: By the practice of
economy you conserve the material and
labor which must be devoted to the grin
task before us; you cultivate the priceless
habil of thrift; you gather more and
more money to lend to the Nation for the
prosecution of the war to a quick and
certain Victory."
Published under the authority of the
Minister of Finance of Canada
Briefs for the Betsy
The farmers near Wootletookare busy
cutting wood and will not use much
coal tide winter. They have learned
experience that coal is hard to get and
they will ueliver wood to the city in-
stead ofbuying cnai,
Pte .101nl Holesworth of Vaildecar
has been killed is action. Ho was 28
wears of ago anti was. when Le enlisted
plillcipal of a Brantford Scheel,
The I.01110u hoard of 'Trade is trying
to secure contracts for tnuuitii,us frust
the United States. They ate 0L„
looking for means of increasing the sup-
ply of labor for factories,
Engineer ,7. Will is Chapman of Tor-
onto gays the typhoid 81tliatloll in
Chatham demands the piecing of a
competent man in 01: 21 • of the utter-
ing Plaut while the v11,1.'1,211. e n+lilntes
011608 have "1t,'r..8 til:. hnsplt (1s
1" (teethe,
U!a(lys ('('10,2., teul:her of p211) itnd
ar, rw, .\pt ly ..t 1:0 id,lre•'., 01n0r of
,; alwls anti Ad al het tint' ,ln. 11
aa:x .., m.:c .a-rs. •r.-rr:Px, c�•sr�a .. •.,,-.�.:.setxa�--v.�• .^-TM•:..__= mew=as.
Winth-op Presbyterian
Sunday 8500200 8.30 pm, Sunday
School I 11p rn Prayer sleeting
Tuesday S p. ni, I, Cf last \\'ed.
t2:instance Methodist
Rev. T E Sawyer; pastor. Sunday
service 2 31) p,m. Young People's Lea -
;lei ,30 p.21Sunday wnneu'e Ansil
try fiat 'Cueaday of every month 0
30p.111. Gybes' Aid kit Thursday
t f 0:(081 month '3,30 p,111
First Presbyterian
;aeRov, k'. H, Larkiul,Past0r. Bushy
services 11 .a.m. and 7 p tn, Sunday
0011001 2,30 p,m, Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7.45 p.m. Women's Miss-
ionary Soeiety2the first Tnesclay in eaoh
month at l p.m. Barbara Kirkman Mis.
tion Band 3rd Tuesday: in the mouth at
.7.30 p,m, Sunshine Mission Baud
every 2ni1 Monday at 4.15 p.m,
Mn00IIlop Presbyterian
Rev. D Carswell pastor Sunday
services Duffs' ohareh ,.1 a in Sunday
school 10 a,ln Prayer meeting Wed-•
(18aday 8 p.m. women's Missionary
Society last Friday in each month at
2 o'clock,
t,1+ 41nd
pb0he/1 fr ec of eherg.•,,•x-
q,'th,s: r,•_,r,lingiut lint.
021 Illn(s1er, f'. is
:hnrg'd II, rale for .n,•1,
hetes uv,• .tut pi.0 v0110111110
SP,1•lld``';`J' a To -o efrlf)RCR0 S
St. James'
St .dentes Church, Rev, 1011ther
10, Goetz P. 1'. Early Alalia 8,00 High
Masa 10,30, Sunday School3 p, 0l
Vespers and 13euerliOti"Ir-hl tin Bless.
e"1 Sacrament,T p,
St. Thomas'
Rev. T, H. 13rowu, Rectus 51,m1::w
sortices 1I am, and 7 p w Suidul
s0hoo 1 2,30 p. m, Womems4,.JtnglicBi.
Missionary Association. 'Tuesday 2 30
pan. Children'ebrancl, Saturday 2 p.111.
ntereeseio11 services every Thursday.
0 p,nt,
Rev, H. D. Moyer, pastor
SUNDAY Solrool at 10;00 a.m.
Public service 11 am, and 7 p,m,
Prayer Meeting •1'hnrodn y 8, p,m,,
"For the Blood Is the Life."
With any dleeaeo duo to Impure, blood
such ad Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad
Legs, Abecoeeco Uleoro, Glandular
Swollin5o, Sella, Pimples, Sore. of any
kind, Piloe Bl od Poison,nhaumatiem,
Gout, atm, dont 0 „tyour time and stoney
n Indene and ointment, which cannot get
below the urf,t e , f the U, What 700 (ant
i, a inedicitte 11.0 will thoroughly free the blood
f the poisolielis matter which alone 19 the true
,.se of all your suffering, Clarke', Blood
Mixture is just such a medicine, It is composed
of 4(0(dients width quickly expel from the
LId all impurities. from whatever cause
,uieing, and by rendering it clean and pure,
Gen he relied on W effect a lasting cur.;
jroe,r.1'11,aion e0fa :phr,iatl,
round MO).
Over 50 year!'
Pleas0at 10
M11%7.l yb 1d. 1y,
a td by all!
al 1, mid
lit ( ,r
Salvation Slrnly
1,11.118, Dt,Lnrly sl d Envoy \A hit field
Holiness mooting 11 a.11 , Pieties
service 3 pun nespel service 7 pan.
Chthlrens S, ]vice---Ilireet0ry ulnas 141
a.111, lids,. glasses 4 1, in. Wit It night
Meetings—\t t dnrsdny Praer sleeting
h 1•til••
ra •
Egmondville, Presbyterian
Rev. ti Mel. on, U'tet11'..4"1111, 1012 este
vices 11 a.m. and 7 p m Ville °lase
3 p,m, Prayer meeting Wednoeday
Sp. m. Y,P M.S Union 3rd Friday
in the month 8 p.m, Women's Missions n.
try Society 3rd Wednesday in the month
at 2.30 p,m Ladies' Aid mete int.'
rn8diately after,