The Seaforth News, 1918-10-03, Page 1New S ries„Voi.."31 No,4o
The Seaforth News
ea .
What will a Man do for the Love
of a Woman ?
Will death Itself stand In his way—can any force In life
keep him from the side of his mate?
enaot a drama of adventure and daring such as the stage
or screen have never before witnessed.
See this newest and greatest of VITAGRAPS
Friday & Saturday
Canadian Granite
Since the inportation of Eur-
opean granite has been re-
stricted, our CANADIAN
GRANITES are being devel-
oped at an amazing rate, and
are equal in color and texture
to any imported granite,
The Seaforth Monumental
Works handles the best grades
ttY[ , La eha-pmac,Prop .
Soeforth MonumentWorks
Seaforth Fail Fair
(Continued from last week)
Pansies—W. Henry, asters, J, R.
Govenlook, Wm Henry; special, Dr
Grieve; oollection, Wm Hartry; stooks;
Wm Hartry; verbenas, Wm Henry,
petnnas, J L Kerr; Gladiolus, Wm Hart
ry; Zinnias, J .R Govenlock; out flowers,
Turnbull and Molntosh, Wm Henry;
sweet peas, Wm Henry; nasturtiums,
Wm Hartry; roses, H Edge, R M Janes
begonia, Wm Hartry; Oluff special, Dr.
Oil Landeoape, Mre,- Ross, Mrs
Hourie; marine, Mrs, Hourie, Mre.
Roes; animal, Mrs, Rose, A; Graves,
portrait, Mrs. Roes; figure, Mrs.
Hourie, Mrs Rose water color land-
scape, W J Walker, A Graves; uterine;
A Grave; flowers, Mrs Hourie. Mrs
hoes; animal, Mrs Hourie, A Graves,
portrait, Turnbull & McIntosh, W J
Walker crayon landscape, Mre Rose
portrait, Mrs Prentea, Mre Ross; any
Mrs Roes; penoil, bars Ross; marine,
Mrs Ross, A Graves, tea sett, Wm
Henry, china, Dr Grieve; on GI es,
Mrs Rose, pane), Wm Hfitry;'ooll,
Wm Hartry, Dr Grieve; photos, D F
Buck, Mrs Rose.
; ➢9
` 1T'd• A TREAT
Everybody, young and old people
approoiatil the delightful, unarm -
flavoring.. The rich quality
and absolute purity of
are reasons why you should pat-
ronize us. When you want l0e
cream we serve the hest in town
under the fond board order,
Our Ise Cream is made from Pure Rich Couutryieream and Beet Fruits
ruts ffiltalM..; ” .....
Thanksgiving Dance
Cardno's Opera Hall, Seaforth
Wednesday Evening
October, 16th, 1918.
Vroceeds in aid of the
Christmas {fox Fund : Boys .Overseas
Music—Tony Cortese London Flarpers
(four pieces)
Dancing commences at nine o'clock
Buffet Lunch se eleven vedyby iithe
one Women's Auxiliaryso War o'clock.
A cordial invitation to all
Committee—,John Beattie, I. 'T, Delacey, D, Shanahan, Chao. Stewart
Gentlemen, 82.00A. D,.Suthorlaud,
Gallery & Stage 25 ots
fine crochet, Mrs Rose, Mrs Hourie;
heavy, Mrs Hourie, M rs Ross, Croohet
oonrrterpane, Dr Grieve Mrs Hourie;
Hookedmat Mrs, E, Daley; rag mat Mrs
Daley, Mre Ross, wool sox, Miss Ament
T E Rays; wool stook.ugs, Mrs Rosa,
Mrs Hcurle; heavy wool mitts, Mre
Ross, Mra ,i L Kerr; patriotic pillow.
Miss Ament, Mrs Roes, any other kind
Miss Ament, Wm Hertry;batb towels,
Mrs Rose, Miss Ament; crochet table
mat, Mos Ross; crochetebawl, Mre Rose
Hoed, Mre Hourie, Mrs Ross; sweeter,
Mrs Ross; laundry bag, Mrs Ross; Mrs.
Prenter; cap, R Winters, Miss Ament;
bag, Mise Ament, Tarubull; apron, Mrs
E Daly, Dr Grieve.
2.80 class—G, McCartney, it, Coul-
ter, J. Reynolds,
2,17 olass—G. Grey; G. Lett.
100 yd—S A Dolmsge, D McDougall,
10 vd, 50 yrs and over A. Dundee,
Jas. Smith.
mile mile race open, S. A, Dohnage
M, McDougall.
'Collection apples; Pv Chancre, H Crich
Jae Hugill; winter apples, J Hugill, H
()rich, fall apples, Jae Hugill, W G
Broadfoot, baldwins, J Dale, ,7 R Gov.
enlook; kings, W 0 Cameron, W Chart-
ers, spies, Jae,^Allen; Thos Hays; pip -
en, J R Govenlock, T Hays; russet,
Broadfoot, J R Govenlock; snow, Gov-
enlook; J Allin; crab, A, Elooat. J Hug.
i11, Blenheim pippin, W Cameron, A,D.
Sutherland; telman sweet, J R Goven-
lock, Uricb; special, Oriels, Hugill; ole
enders, Chatters, L Fortune; Bartlett
pear, W Ballantyne, A Eiooa't, Lom-
bards, Dr Grieve, J R Govenlook, Brad
share, W Henry, Dr Grieve,
concord grapes, A. Elcoat, other kind
Dr. Grieve,
Home made bread Jno. Soott, Dr.
Grieve, T, E. Hays, A. W. Stobie; buns,
J Scott, Dr. Grieve; biscuit, Dr, Grieve
Turnbull & McIntosh; Graham bread, J
Soott, Mre, E. Daley; Tea biscuits, Dr.
Grieve, T. E, Hays; Lemon pie, P.
Cleary, T E Bays; apple pie, P, Cleary,
Dr. Grieve; Mrs Ed Daley; Special,
Mrs, Ed. Daly; bone, Dr, Grieve; cake,
Mre, Cleary, Mrs. Ross; Candy Mrs,
Harry Lauder's Thrift
1 Behave towards you purse ae you
would to your best friend,
2 View the reckless money speeder
as a criminal, and shun his oompay,
3 Dress neatly not lavishly, A bank
pays a higher rate of interest than your
4 Take your amusements judiciously
and you will enjoy them more.
5 Don't throw away your cruets;
eat them. They are as strergtheniug
as beef.
6 Itis more exhilarating to feel
money itt your pocket than beer in your
stomach. -
7 Remember it only takes twenty
shillings to make a pound, and twelve
pennies to make a shilling.
8 You sleep better after a Hard
day's work than after a day's idleness.
9 Always get good value from your
tradesmen, They watch they get good
money from you.
10 There is as much pleasure read.
ing a good hank account ae a novel,
Netting, Mrs. Hourie, Mrs. Ross;
Tatting collar, Mrs, Rose, M re, Graves;
Tatting lace, Sirs, Prtmter; Grochet,
lace, Dr, Grieve, Mre, Howrie; Machine
braid, Mrs. Hourie; Mrs, Ross; Duchess
lane, Mrs, Ross, bliss Ameut; Houiton,
Mrs Ross; Point, Mrs, Ross, Mrs.
Hourie; Cornation, Mrs, Ross; Collect.
ion, Mrs Prenter; Crochet underwear;
Mies Ament, Mrs, Prenter; Embroider-
ed waist; Miss Amens; Mre, Quail,
crochet night dress, Mies Ament, Mrs.
Prenter, bed oonfort, Dr. Grieve; cotton
quilt, Dr, Grieve; hire. Quail; silk
quilt, Dr, Grieve Mrs, Ross; quilt, Dr.
Griove, Mrs. Ross; silk orazy quilt, Dr.
Grieve, Mrs, Roes; cotton crazy quilt,
Dr, Grieve, Mrs, Ross; any other quilt,
Mrs. Rose, Dr, Grieve; woollen quilt,
Dr, Grieve; counter pane knit; Dr.
Grieve; fanny apron, Dr, Grieve, Mrs.
Rose; baby outfit; Mre Rose; fanoynov-
elty, Mrs, Roes, Mre, A. Graves; fauoy
night skirt, Dr. Grieve; pato!), Dr
Grieve, Mrs. Rose; darning; Mrs, Ed,
Daley; child's hem, Mrs. Daly; wool
work work, Mrs Hourie; Mrs. Rosa'
crochet, Mrs, Daley; doll outfit, Mrs
Roes; coil, Mre, Ed. Daley, Mrs Hourie,
Centre piece, Mies Ament, Mre, J,
Quail; colored, Mrs Hourie, Miss
Anent; doily ou linen, Mrs Ross, Mrs
Prenter; tray cloth Mies Arnent, Mee
Quail; tea cloth, Mrs Llaurie, blies
Ament 8, scarf, Mrs Quail, Mrs Pren-
ter; table searf, Mies Anent, Mre Hour.
ie, table napkins, Mrs Hourie, Mrs,
Procter' cosy, Mrs, Rose; also tapestry,
applique, balgarian, Mies Ament, Mrs.
Rase; braid work, Mrs Pronter, Miss
Ament; Eyelet work, Mies Ament, Mrs,
Quail; cross stitch, Mies Amens, Mrs,
Ross; outwork, Mrs, Pronter, Mre, Rose
punched work, Mies Amein, Mrs Heinle
$1.00 per year
Extracts from
Issued by His Honour the Lieutenant -Governor of the
Province of Ontario
Whereas next to the care of those who are offering their lives 00 the
front line of battle, the conservation of all our energies and substance
is our most important problem;
And whereas the saying of human life, thrift, and the prevention
of lose to property through destruction by fire, is an aid which every
one should give willingly to the community at large;
And whereas the recklese and impoverishing fire waste that con-
fronts the people of our Province is appalling;
Therefore, believing that the lose can be minimized only by
awakening in the public mind a universal watchfulness against care-
lessness, accumulation of rubbish and unsanitary conditione;
Because of this great need and in order to arouse a sense of watch-
fulness, carefulness and cleanliness, and to create a greater personal
responsibility in reducing the number of preventable fires;
We have thought fit. by and with the, advise of our Executive
Council for our Province of Ontario, to name, and do hereby name
Wednesday, the
9th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1918
And We do hereby urge that on this day, throughout our Pro-
vince of Ontario, attention be called in schools and public places to
the conditions that exist and to the need of immediate action and co-
operation on the part of everyone; and special exercises, addresses and
other means be employed to impress nn the public mind lessons of
Fire Prevention.
To insure the success of this great Clean up Campaign it will he
necessary to have the hearty and harmonious co-operation of all who
have for their objects civic, social and industrial betterment,
The Proclamation should be read in all School anti Public Gather-
Orrice of the Fire Marshall of Ontario, GEORGE F. LEWIS,
Department of the Attorney -General Deputy Fire Marsha!,
Toronto, Sept.21st, 1918.
Seaforth's actors and actresses spent
two days in Goderioh last week during
the Fair and presented the play "Con.
spiraoy" on Thursday and Friday,
They met with a very complete suttees&
aid were given most enthusiastio re-
ceptions. The Victoria opera House
was filled to capacity and some hind.
rade of people were turned away. The
reoeipts were not much short of $500
and the players have every right to
feel satisfied with the results of their
The company appears in., Blyth on
the 8th of October.
Si S. Convention
The annual convention of the Centre
Huron Sunday School Association
which was held in Knox Church (lode -
rich on Tuesday Oct, 1st WHO a very
suooesefnl and inspirational gathering,
The afternoon session commenced at
1,50 with devotional exercises by Rev.
J. H, Osterhout, The president Mr,
A, M, Robertson, ad, A. of Goderioh
gave the opening address after which
the reports of the various departments
were presented by the superintendents
Home, Rev. 13. Moulton, Elementary
Mise M. Aitlrin,Miseionary Miss H, 1
Graham, Adult W. Bailie, Teacher's
Training Rev, J., Robinson, Temper-
ance H. E, Rourke, A report of the
inte:national Sunday School Oouvou.
tion in Buffalo was read by Miss Gra.
ham of Seaforth, Rev. D, A. McDiar-
mid of Goderich presided at the even-
ing meeting which was addressed by
Rev, R. J, Ross of Auburn and Rev, '1'
A. Halfpenny General Seoreta•y of
Toronto, hie subject being "The Chall-
enge of the present crisis to the Sun,
day School worker. A bountiful Inn
oheon which Was followed by after
dinner speeches was served by the
Goderioh friends, There was a large
attendance of Snndny School workers.
WE announce a notable showing
the silverware in high vogue
for its exquisite designs and rare
3-frth '. 'antaugr
Veer 3Uatrllrnaker & OAptirien HI
liseurr .4Eairfayr Mirresre
Business 194
Evenings 10
The Store you. will always like
42.1.41123.12011.1.............zaranalamiSCS.4annUffillif Eng.
This eocti We ther
, J4 sl 1 Brought
into ,oil Relief
the Sp!` did
St = ells of this
Everyone agrees thut the main features
of interest to women during these days
yre the new styles.
Shopping on Main Street again resumed
liveliest activity. Everywhere women
were seen with parcels on their arms insp-
ecting the show windows and determin-
ing the newest impressions.
The new displays at this store made
an instant and lasting impression
Our (Collection of
Suits at $30
is Creating.
Greatest Interest
Such splendid values—
such smart styles—were
bound to create a lively com-
ment. In the collecfon are
Suits mads of special quality
Serge and for the most part
the oddest thoughts are ex-
pressed in the coats, .Quite
a number have skirtsfully original 55
the coat itself, Suite are well lined,
show hand tailoring, The range of
styles is particularly pleasing,
Conditions this season are so vastly
different from those of two years ago,
or even a year ago, that you eau no
longer say yon will wait until later to
We ,Sirect Parti-
3. ar IJi-
eular attention to
the New Fall
Coats at $25
uci $35
THE styles of the new Fall
coats allow for wide latitude
of choice. As a matter of
fact, the choice is broad and
satisfying and it should be a
very simple matter for you
to choose a garment quickly
and to satisfy any individual
Made of velour, pinch, breedcloth and
Tweeds, Serviceably lined, splendidly
tailored—Beautifully designed,
UNUSUAL coats at $16 and $50,
The new suits at $25 to $45
The new dresses at $16 to $80.
- Seaforth
.0...M PP1•11•111I/LeflaWa