The Seaforth News, 1918-08-15, Page 1The
NOW Serles„Vol, 31 No.32
Canadian Granite
Since the inportatiofl of Eur-
opean granite has been re-
stricted, our CANADIAN
GRANITES are being devel-
oped at an amazing rate, and
are equal in color and texture
to any imported granite.
The Seaforth Monumental
Works handles the best grades
W .iE. ebapttllap:,r'P0p
Seaforth MonumentWoke
saw rim-eu, ,:i
L�. Wes
rr'tl A TREAT
Everybody, young and old people
appreoit(td the delightful, umusu•
al fiavoring.'i The rich quality
and absolute purity of
are reasons why you should pat-
-roniae us. When you want ice
cream we serve the boat in town
under the food board order,
Our Ice Crean is made from Pure Rich Country,Cream and Beet Fruits
Do poet
rectice it?
The Pr Answer
F the habit of answering promptiil
when the telephone bell rings were
universal, the saving of time would be
T Few things are more pleasing to telephone
users than a prompt and courteous response
to a telephone •call. in husiness, the practice
of prompt answering has been - a money
maker, for customers appreciate it.
Practice proinpt P.nsfeerin.g yourself and
make it a rule. in your business.
The Bell Telephone 1.1
of C ainlaii a
eaforth News
SETFf RTN,, ersrraK11e, THURSDAY, August 15 108
Mrs. Mervyn injured
An accident of a painful oharaoter
happened on Main Street on Saturday
afternoon last, Marry Jaynes, a young
boy of i6 years of age woo driving e
oar and turning to Main Street past the
Dominion Bank. AB he camp out there
were a hay rack and another car on the
street It is supposed he lost oontrol
0f his oar whioh ran on the sidewalk
and struck Mrs Mervyn who was pass
at the mmnent, returning horn dinner„
The nufortunate lady was thrown
through the plate glace window of
'rhompson's book store with such force
as to shatter the window from top to
bottom. Mrs. Mervyn was tenderly
picked up and carried to Dr, Ross' of
floe where medical attention waB at
once given. •It twee found she was
ba(Py bruised and injured especially
abort the arm, Afterwards she was
was removed to her home on Goduriol
Street and the streets' for a block on
eaoh side has been closed by the coun-
cil as the noise of passing care was too
mush for the shattered nerves. At the
present time she is doing as well as
l.__..- tell !I
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!II!III!VIII!{Illlllllllldlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!i!!' II!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC!Iflillllll,lllllltlllu.�!! ! ICIIIIilllllllllllllllllillll
ing this point write the Botanical
Division, Experimental Farm, Ottawa
13e sure of the vitality of the seed
you sow, This home tirade toot will
tell you.
Count out a hundred kernels, the
run of the grain, sow in sem' Of your
own soil in a shallow box planed in a
sunny window and keep at a comfort-
able living room temperature. Keep
soil damp but not wet, note the growth
for two Weeks. 1£ only part of the
seeds germinate or if the punts grow
very slowly, it will be necessary to
sow proportionally more seed to the
acre, The usual rate of seeding rs
from 114 to It bushels per acre,
le it possible for groups of people in
many of our cities, towns, and even
villages, to undertake some form of
company—farming? This question is
being asked iu a ciroulat• letter just
issued by the Organization of Re-
sources Committee of Ontario. The
idea a to enlarge the aotivities from
community gardening schemes to
grain production, on farm lands
Groups of business men and others in
urban centres are urged to organize
now in order to take over good vacant
land in the neighbourhood and get it
ready for cultivation so that it may
prodooe a 1919 crop. Oompany-farm-
ing operations are now being carried
out with a great deal of auooesa at St,
Catharines, Sarnia, Windsor, Owen
Sound, Weston and Oshawa.Citizens
of every towel are asked to get together
and talk it over. sacs
Flelp Badly Needed
For Western Harvest
When travelling to Western Harvest
fields— go by Canadian Northern Rail-
way and give loyal support to the
Peoples' Line.
Purchase through tickets and ask for
routing via Grand Trunk to Toronto,
0101100 Canadian Northern,
Information of value to harvest hands
is given in a leaflet entitled "Harvest-.
era Work and Wages' to be had from
any C, N, R, Agent,
Card of Thanks
Fall Wheat and Fail Rye
Varieties.—DaWeon'e Golden Chaff,
Arnerioan banner end Amerioan Won-
der are high yielding varieties, Where
these cannot be obtained ee0nre hard-
iest fall variety available, For supply
of seed note advertisements in farm
journals or communicate with the Seed
Branch, Department of Agriculture,
RYE,—Fall rye is hardier then fall
wheat and for this reason can be sown
profitably later in the season, on a
greater variety of soils and under more
severe Climatic ooll(litiOns.
While rye does best, like wheat, on
well drained loam or Olay -loam soils,
it will produoe fair yields on lighter
sands and looms, On very fertile soils
rye is likely to lodge and 1011 produce
little grain Under enolt oiroumetanc-
ea,and ff the district is suitable for
the growing of fall wheat, it would be
advisable to sow wheat rather than
Otherwise the method of seed -bed
preparation for rye is similar to that
outlined for wheat. The rate of seed-
ing is usually from 1'`s to 2 bushels per
acre. The comeion fall rye is the
only variety available which can usual•
ly be secured from most seed mer-
Thera io yet time to prepare the land
for fall sown mops such es wheat or
rye, The fulloWing suggestions are
based ou crop and soil experiences at
at the Dominion Experimental Forms
and Stations In the Eastern piovinoee.
Junior Matric for Seaforth
Group t—L. Chesney, H, M. God -
kin. M. A. Hays, D. E, Roes, E. M,
Weghorn. '
Group 111—G, (4. Rose.
WHEAT.—Sow on land either nat.
orally 00 •artificially drained, grub in
suitable plant food, worked into a
mellow, moderately deep seed -bed and
situated in distriote where fall sown
crops have proved succseaful,
Soil and Rotation —Any good soil,
preferably clays and looms, where
judieiottacrop methods are obeotved
may be used for fall wheat, Clover
sod, pea ground and summer -fallow
provide most imitable oonditione, but
meadow or pasture land, thoroughly
prepared, may ho expected to give sat-
isfactory returns.
1 desire to express my hearty apple.
lotion and gratitude to the many
friends and neighbors especially to the
Robe. Bell Engine 0o, and employees
for their kindness during the illness of
my husband and bereavement'
Mre, Wm, Pander
$Loo per year
Next Mon. Tensa
Special Attraction
firesent`sr _
"Nan 'o`
uSic Mountain
a io y3ieu11a1sMatieDi e
iratabz C o1 e1+1elfQ1i1
A sad event toolcplace in Port Albert
last Monday afternoon, when Melville
O'Neil of Toronto Inst hislife by drown
ing, lie Was with a party of Boy Scouts
from Blyth who were having an outing
at Foot Albert, 1t is supposed that he
took cramps and sank, The body was
taken buck to Blyth in the evening.
4)9' ammoc ntg)id
Price 15c ehilslref I c
Community Silver, when mak-
ping your silverware purchases,
We erre stocking complete the
"Adam" and `Patrician" de-
signs of Community Silver.
in the silverware world Comin-
unity is the "classic" both in
N quality and design.
The ''Adam" aud "Patrician'
designs are occupying a most
inviable popularity in the homes
of the best people in the United
States and Canada
Let us show the beautiful de-
signs to you
1rE• t( % tanau.ig
;lanr ltlutrtlwaltrr 31 'Ilptiriu 11
iloonrr iifitrrta9r irirrnara
Bi einee0 194
Evenings 10
'rhe Store you will always litre
You can make summer shopping
a pleasure at this store
MIDDY BLOUSES—These favored
summer garments can be found in
attractive styles at this store.
Prices 5oc $1.50, $t[,25 up to X63.00
A Bit Of Pink Ribbon
A Bit Of Dainty Lin—
A Pretty Georgette
Crepe Blouse
Just picture a very pretty,
though quite often a blouse of
even a very plain 1ty:e and
from under ite sheer texture
Mr, Joseph W, Priddle of Goderieh
is the patentee of what looks as if it
would be a very useful article, being a
"planner of controlling and supporting
farm and other gates.” The device
consists of a wheel to be attached to
the lower part of the gate, The whee
runs along the ground and in this way
supports the weight of the gate, It is
attached neer the end of the gate fur
theet from the hinges, but does no
come beyond the edge of the gate. In
addition to supporting the weight of
the gate the device also provides for
fastening the gate et any point eo that
the gate will not blow open or strut,
This is provided for by a pawl whioh
slips into one of four groves in the side
of the wheel and thus looks it. When
not in use the pawl falls back against
the frame of the gate
Soil Preparation.—As promptly as
poeaible after the removal of the
crop plough from 6 to 7 inches deep
or as' deep as' the productive surface
soil will allow, roll or pack and work
thoroughly until the coed -bed is deep,
mellow and level not later than the
second week in September. •
Manure, --Light dressings of short
manure stimulate strong growth and
ant as protection during winter,
Knolls, inclines and roiling laud are
especially benefited. Ordinarllly the
manure should be supplied to some
other crop 10 the rotation rather than
directly for the wheat,
Time Has Tested 1t,—Dr. Thomas
Eoleotric Oil has been on the market
upward of thirty years and in that time
it has proved a blessing to thousands
It is in high favourthronghont Canada.
and its excellence has parried its fame
beyond the soca. It has no equal in
the whole list of liniments, If it were
double the price it would be a cheap
Go no place for pleasure
without a sweater. Our
sweaters are Putrioians
in every detail and are
good 00mpally always and
there may be emu a very dainty, but very pretty lace -trim-
med silk or elfin camisole and right at the point of the
Bullar peeks out, underneath a bar pin, the tips of dainty
pink ribbon. Ton have 00 doubt seen just smelt a blouse and
just sues a oemis018 00 a passerby and have often turned to
nere tits appealing attractiveness, Ycu Calf May just Buell
11oue(0 a(.d just such camisoles here,
rho: Bloused are priced et $1,i•0 to $7.90
The Camisoles are priced at $2.00 to $3.00
Mnrdeak McDonald of Goderioh, who
was appointed by the council of that
place as 800181 offioor at the harbour
for the general safety of the public
here, has been appointed a county non•
The death of J, W. Westway the see.
and eon of Percy Weetway of Celina, an
Exeter old koy, 000010ed at Port Stan.
ly het week, The young boy was stay.
ing there with hie mother when etriolcen
The pronto are mi001011 ries to China
and he was on a visit to relatives in
Canada with his mother,
Seed --Sow large, plump, eound seed
of atrohg vitality and free from Weed
seeds, Vee the fanning mill wisely,
Treat the seed wheat for "Stinkidg
Smut". Thio 'Ample method is effect-
ive, Immerse the seed for twenty
m note' in a solution made of one
pint formalin to forty-two gallons
water. 1f you aro not clear regard -
Rev, Walter M111sou of Liatowell has
been invited to auooeed Dr. Hazelwood
as Field Secretary in the Social service
work of the Methodist church,
Wee. Snell of Exeter sold 800 fat cat-
tle last week to buyers for shipment to
INew York, The sum realized was a
nice amount at thepresentprioe of beef
has brought an incret,sed need for
notions whether a spool of a certain
shade thread, or plain pearl buttons
or notions with a farcy feature at-
tached, we endeavor to have the
range complete here all the time.
Brittiant Crochet Cotton
in all colors, at ball : 8
Coats' Mercer Crochet Cotton itt
white and ecru, at ball, .18
"Clark's" Crochet Cotton Nos. 4
so at ball, .10
Embroidery Nedles, all sizes,
at, package .5
The designs printed on a fine white nain-
suok. The gowns are completely ready
made, just a few scallops and flowers will
finish the garment vSC to $1.25
Mercerized Embrodi-
ery threads in white
and colors • 05
Large skeins of white
to mercerized embroid-
ery (6 strand) at
skein .5 and .8
Pure Silk Embroid-
ery thread in all color
at skein ,6 and .. y
Padding Cotton
per ball .5 and .8