The Seaforth News, 1918-07-25, Page 1Nov Serles;Vol. 31 No 29
The Seaforth NCWS
Canadian Granite
Since the inportation of Eur-
opean granite has been re-
stricted, our CANADIAN
GRANITES are being devel-
oped at an amazing rate, and
are equal in color and texture
to any imported granite.
The Seaforth Lonumental
Works handles the best grades
W .lE. 6hapinan, Prop.
Soaforth Monument Works
Of course you want candy. How
could any party be a success with-
You will find in the varied as-
sortment we carry your favorite
kind, Materials we use are the
best andlonr Candies are always
Our lee Cream is made from Pure Rich Conutry,Crealll audjleetetsruits
II1111111111111111111!! S n i 7 i C�
Do you
practice itr
The Prompt Answer
F the habit of answering promptly
when the telephone bell rings were
universal, the saving of time would be
1j Few things are more pleasing to telephone
users than a prompt and courteous response
to a telephone call. In business, the practice
of prompt answering has been a money
maker, for customers appreciate it.
ll Practice prompt answering yourself and a rule in your business.
The Bell Telephone Co.
of Canada
The British Navy
To the Editor of Tan News
Sir, •
But for the British Navy, ern now, we
might have been feeling the full weight
of the German Arm, our oak, citioa
bombarded, and laid in ruins and our
fair country invaded by a ruthless foe.
We are leading such a quiet peaceful
anti prosperous life here in Canada. 1
fear tbere are very few who atop to
think what might have been our fate if
here were a week British Navy,
There Is the main fleet silently
watohiug end guarding ns in the North
Nes, There are the eubmarinee, dee-'
troyere, mine eweepers and patrols by,
the thousands constantly guarding the,
coasts of the Britian Isles which are
over 3,000 wiles in extent, and onthe
look out for enemy craft,
1'1'hilet the German submarine, have
undoubtedly caused a great deal of
damage to the mercantile marine,
the Germans have'not by this means
of warfare brought Britain to her
knees and she never will, for Britain
has noiv euooeselully overcome the Ger-
man submarine menace- and is now
building more vessels than she loses,
rthile she 'is downing enemy submar-
ines taster 111811 they Ilan be built.
Then look at'tho wonderful work per
formed by the Navy. With its help
the British Government has been able
to laud nil Mous of men on the French
shore, guns of all sorts, millions of tone
of munitions, provisions and equipment
of all kinds, railway construction and
other material in enormous quantities,
all sorts of hospitable eupplies, and
horses and mules by the thousands,
and 80 Ear without any material lose.
July 21 1418
$1.00 per year
Questions and answer's oOnuernimg
the application of the laws, governing
the manufacture, importation, and use
of liquor as it effecte Ontario Counties
under the Canada Temperance Act.
r, Quotation: Can liquor be import.
ed from any foreign country into Can-
ada for beverage purpose?
Answer: No, (Dominion Regula-
tions 4.)
2. Question: Can liquor be mann-
featured in Canada?
Answer: Yes; but only for industrial,
eaaremeutal, artistic, mechanical. sole-
tifio and medical pnrpoeee, and than
only under government license, (D.
R,2and 3.)
Exceptions: The manufacture of
grape wines are allowed in Ontario un-
til Deo, 3 let, 1918, under license, also
manufacture of liquors in Quebec until
the same date,
3 Question; Gan cider and home-
made wines (such as elderberry and
rhubarb) be made at any place in a C.
T. A. County?
Answer: Not if they contain more
than two and one heif per -cent of
proof spirits. (D. R 2)
4. Question: Can liquor be re ship.
Anewer: Yes, provided it is shipped
from one plane where it may be law-
fully kept and delivered to another
place where it eau be lawfully kept;
etch as wheu a person changes his
place of reeitleuco, (0, T. A, i20),
Think of the wonderful work done by
the Navy in blooking the ports of Zee-
brugge mid Ostend, it was really mar-
vellous, and roust certainly have been
au "eye opener" for the Germans,
Notwithstanding the many British
boats lost the business seems to be ul'
no way interfered with for there are al
most as many as ever going in out of
of Liverpool and other British ports
and the British sailor although his
boat may have been torpedoed and
sunk, if he gets safely to shore, ie al-
ways ready to sail again as 80011 as be
gets a ship We have every reason to
thank the British Navy for the
safe conduct of our melt from Canada,
who have gone in thousands with little
or eo Mee,
Grass to Rent
Thirty-five acres of good pasture
re nt,
apply to
Con Eckert
5 Question' Is there any restriction
on the sale of "invalid winos" and pat-
ent medicines, also essenoee?
Answer; Yes, union Such wines and
medicine °entail) sufficient medicators
to prevent them from being used as a
bevearge, their sale is prohibited, (C.
T• A. 126,) No 08801100 or flavoring
extract containing more than two and
one half per -pent of proof spirits can
be sold in quantities greater than 2,
ounces (unless for manufacturing pur.
poses) and each sale must be recorded
in a special book. Essence of Ginger
can be sold under a doctor's perecrip-
tlon by a druggist, but only to looal
resident') upon an affid evit that it is
required for legitimate purposes and in
a quantity not exceeding two ounces.
(0. T. A, 120 A.)
6. Is there any restriction as to the
use of liquor, which Ives purchased
legally before April ret, 1;118, and nolo
in a private home?
Answer; Yee, it can only be used
for personal or family use, (C, T, A.
7. Question Can a druggist sell
iignor.aud to whom?
Answer Yes; if a duly qualified
(looter coneidera liquor n00essary for a
patient he may prescribe not more
then toll onuses of liquor to be sup --
plied by a gnalitied druggist, These
prescriptions must be kept by the
druggist, awl may be 80011 at any time
by the InspeOtOt',
When we think of the British Navy
we must not forget the the boys, 1
would liko the boys from 12 00 13 up
to see what the British boys are doing,
They are with . and under the coast
guard mere keeping a constant watch
on the coast, over the adjoitiug sea for
ships and wreckage, repurliug the same
receiving andeonding tnoasages, salving
wreckage and doing all kinds of other
useful and important work.
We have formed a branch of the
Navy League of Canada in Seaforth
whoee objeot is to look of ter and assist
our sailors i i their perilous( work and to
provide in many ways for their comfort,
The membership fee is very low and we
hope and ive expect that everyone who
knows ar:d appreciates what the sailors
have done for us will join the League
We are going to have a fete day in
Seaforth on the 6th of August and we
hope that all our citizens Bud the far
tiers and their families will come Ont
anti partioipate end enjoy the tteat
prepared for them,
Airoplanes for the Army
Flax Pulling
Delp Wanted
The Seaforth Food Production Assocation is desir-
ous of pressing upon public attention the urgent need
for the proper harvesting of the Flsx Crop and also
the further desirability of securing labor on farms this
The Flax Crop will be ready to pull about the 25
Flax is used for the manufacturing of airplanes on
the fighting lines. Save our splendid men by giving
them the best fighting wings.
Women and Men can earn $4 , oo per day
Girls and Boys can earn $3 . oo per day
If you wish to pull by the acre you can get $15 0o up
You can work right at home. There will be Camp
Borden Army Truck to take you to work and bring
you home each day free of charge,
In order to save time and secure favorable lcieations
make early application.
Farm Labor
Our Slogan—"Farm Labor the keystone of greaten 1'roductiou"
Don't say you can't get help until you have givers the S. F, P A. the
opportunity of assisting in securing it,
Applications for experienced Farm Help, Man, Boys and Women
supplied by the Organizations of Resources Committee of the Ontario
Government should be fled with the 'Secretary at once. Quick action
is necessary. "Smile and carry on."
Mayor President 5. F. P. A. Secretary
to The Girls' Club, of the Curtis Pub-
lishing Co, Bre oontributing their com-
mission for new subscribers, to procure
an ambulance for Red Cross work in
France, 1 treat the people of Sea -
forth will assist in making a good cum
available for this purpose, by taking
either the Ladles' Home Journal or
Saturday evening Post,
Ladies' Home Journal $2,00, Satin'-
day Evening Poet $2,50, Coutitry Gen-
tleman $1,75.
Mee, D, H. McLeod,
Goderioh St. East,
One dose of Miller's Worm Powders
will clear the stomach and bowels of
worms, so that the ahrld will no more
be troubled by their ravages, The
powders are sweet to the taste and no
obj"bot to taking them, They are non•
injurious in their Oompoaltion, and
while in some caries they may cause
vomiting, that must not be taken es a
sign that they are uanseating, but as
an indication of their effective boric,
Note: (A.) lo Ontario Coup ties
not under the C. T, A, , doutors may
prescribe larger quantities of liquor
than 10 (emcee to be supplied by Ven-
dors, but this minuet be done legally in
a 0, T, A. County.
Note: [B] Tonalities for a fret of.
fence under the 0, T. A, may be from
$50 to $t00. Second offenoes not
more than four months in jail.
Note: [0] Section 66 of the 0, T,
A, is used in C, 'T. A, Counties, This
section applies to persons "Intoxicated'
in a public place. Penalty $10 to $100
Note' [13] Cases under the 0, T, A.
may be laid at any time inside of 3
months,bnt in mases of "intoxioatiol"
where the 0. T, A. is used thirty days
is the limit
Prepared by the Huron County
Temperance Alliance
While you are enjoying yourselves
you will at the same time be doing
something to help our brave sailors,
Seeforth Branch of the Navy League
of Canada, ®.
Appointed Inspector
Of Bakeries
Mr, W. A, Crich has been appoint
ted inspector under the Food Con 1101
Act to 000 that bake ,hope carry out
the rognlations of that Mit, His jur-
isdiction will Dover Dublin, Seaforth,
Clinton and Goderioh,
Store of Plenty
Dr, A. J, 1010fu, Wingham, President
.4 '2 Cooper, Clinton, Secretary
For Burns and Scalds, --Dr. Thomas'
Eclectrie Oil will take 111e flre out
burn or scald more rapidly y
other preparation. It ebould be at
hand in every kitchen so that it may be
available at any time. There is no
preparation required, Just apply the
oil to the burn or scald and the pain
will abate and in a short time ()ease al
Dap and
We have a particularly trice
line of these watches.
011111 Day Time of omnrse the
dial is clearly seen and likewise
the time,
In the Night Time, in the dark
when you want the time 88 badly
this watch shows the time clearer
than ever.
A reliehl0, dependable, service•
able watob, with Radium Dial,
and 15 Jewelled movement,
$10.00 (in Nickle Case)
$16.00 (in Gold Filled Case)
We would like to allow them to
You will enjoy (seeing them.
Drop in,
ikr'b'. t'auttupt
530110 ildcirilaialier $o o7ptiriun
lleeurr liiarriaer, Menton
:,Business 194
Evenings 10
The Store yes will always like
MACTAVISI-I'S Paces always right
A full line of EuglisliCo0t and Suit Serge materials,
all pure wool, 111 genuine old dye, gnarouteed ad:so
lutely fast, oorrect weights for ladies' tailored coats,
suite, skirts 811d children's clothes. 4a to 56 inches
wide, et the yard
$1.51', $1.75. $, $2.25. $2,5o and np to $4.o0
These geode although now the rage in the Larger
cities lar snits and eeparato skirts are exooedidgly
hard to get in all wool goods, They are also in
high favor for separate stylish long coats.
We have these pare wool goods at, the yard
$1,96. $2 Ors, 52.25 2.5e and up to 33.03
Ladies' fine. Lyle Hose, extra
special heels and toes, garter
top, colors white, tau, grey,
pink, mustard, nigger brown,
sky, bieq, suede and palm beach
Sizes 8 to 10. at per pair
4oc, 50e, biro, 75c
Fine black cotton Hoes, i x Rib,
for boys or girls, seamless, spliced
heels and tome, sizes 5 to t>; per
pair rho and 20e
Heavy rib cotton Bose for boys
or girls, in black, Beaulieu, spec
ia1 heels and toe8, e1z('a 6 to 10
at 25o a pair
Extra Heavy 1.1 Rib Week cot-
ton !rose for boys, seamless, extra
epliood heels end toes, Sieef 6 to
JO at, pair 352 to 450
Ladies' Silk Boot Hose, with
deep bele garter Lop, tep, lisle
heels and toee in black, white
and colors, at 60e. )hoc, 66o a
Children's 51110 1 1 Ribs mer-
cerized Lisle Hoee, seamless,
spliced heels, and toes, in blank
white and tan, sizes, 41 to x0.
Prices (according to size) at,
per pair 35e to 600
Ladies' heavy cotton hose, extra
spliced heels and toes, seamless,
in black and white, ei0e8 81 to r0
at 350 per pair or 3 pales for 31.
These gloves at $x . oo a pair are made of a white fabric,
self -embroidered backs, and have a suede finish. Two
clasp, With gloves at $1.00 you can easily afford several
pairs. Other washable gloves 5oc to $1.65 for fancy silk
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