The Seaforth News, 1918-07-18, Page 8T'til1 SRIAPIJ.rr 1 . MAWS
Thur'eelay July iii
That you keep your head
cool, Comp to our Bar-
ber Shop and tall, it ,w.
er with us, 'Von will en-
joy it,
Commercial Barber: hop,C4th
t'°aVi Till;mf,P.ViCEng
For Tickets, neeervations, Liter -
tine, and information, apply to
C. A. Aberhart, Druggist, sea.
forth, or write R, L. Fairbairn.
(.P..,%,, es King st, 1•.,, Toronto.
Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion
• to clear and whiten your skin.
,Squeeze the juke of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best freckle and
tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at
-very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
irree ounces of orchard white
cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
Ictaon info the face, neck, arms and
hands each day and see how freckles and
blemishes disappear and how clear, soft
and white the skin becomes. Yes:. It
la harmless.'
Mr. Alex, Duller, of Porcupine visit-
ed his brother, Mr, S. A. Miller last
week, It is eleven years since Mr,
Miller left this district. He has spent
most of the time in New Ontario.
Mies Mae Hoggarth who ie attending
the London Conservatory of Miraio,wam
home for a few days last week,
Mre, John A. Norris of Wiunlpcg, is
at present visiting her daughter, Mre,
Hugh Currie, near Cromntry.
Mast or F. Bruce was unfortunate
enough to have his collar bone broken
on Saturday night ea he ryas returning
after dark on hie bicycle and ran into a
Mr, 'Thos L•rnl, was called to London
last week for serrie.e.
Miss M. Currie. •.isited relatives in
Avoutun last week,
The Junior lied Croce girls are busy
preparing for a social,
%Veil: the glorious T'welth is ever and
a fine ce,iehrotien ticae the result,
ILodges were from all sides and made a
very reepectablo appearance as they
marched through the streets, After
dinner speeches and games were the
, Mr, John McEwen. an old and res-
pected pioneer died last week at the
age of 87 tears.
Mr, Wm McKey, principal of the
school has resigned and will go to De.
treit where- he has secured a good pos-
Mr. D. B, McDonald has had the
i paiufnl news that his brother who,
only a short time ago went to the
trenches has been killed, Hio mother
lives tin Brussels•
j Miss Ruth Rennie of Pontypool is
spending the holidays at her horde
I hero.
Rev. A. E. Dean the new pastor of
I the Methodist church is now here and
has made a good impression.
i Rev. M. McConnel exchanged with
!Rev, M. McIntosh of Brneefield and
Mr. Meyer of Zurich. on Sunday last,
Mrs. 11. Bullard has gone to the
west for a couple of months to visit rel-
Mss Bachanau of Toronto Hospital
s spending a couple of weeks here at
her home.
week for bt, 'Thomas to spend a law
days with relatives.
Miea•Myrt'le Sadler attended the
summer' session of Alma College in Ht,
Thomas last week.
Visitors to Huron's Lake Resort et
Omni Bend are now iii order and
quite n number take advantage of it,
Mrs, Dewar of London is here with
pier brother, .Mr, Jos, Lyon,
Bev, Mr. Sawyer arrived and is now
:n charge cf toe Methodist Church,
Ales N. OVA $aoi:brook is in Seaforth
-ree.eelee lure 1.. wr 1 1 :rout.) is here with
Sheriff's Sale of Lands
eoaarfty of Huron
'' ACIA8
Ti) WIT: issued ont of His Majest3's
Simone Division Cort of the County
of Huron and to me directed and del-
ivered against thh Lands and 'Terse•
moute of D. D. Wilson, Defendant
at the suit of Fraucie Helmeted, Plain-
tiff, I have seized and taken in exe
motion all the the Right, Title. Inter-
est, and E:lray of Redemption, of the
above named defendant, D, 1). Wiloee:
in, to, and out of the following lauds
and tenements, situate, lying and
being in the Town of Seaforth, enmity
of Huron, and Province of Ontario,
Vise., Lots 22, 23, 24, N, Pt. 31, 32,
33, 34, 35, 44, 45, 46, anri 47, 111 D.
D, Wilson's survey 1I1 the said Town
Of ;deaforth,
Whloh Lands and Tenemente I shall
offer for sale at my office, in the Court
House, in the Town of Godericb, on
fhureday, the eight day of August
1918 at the hoar of tweive of the clock
Sheriff, Huron,
Sheriff's Office, Godorioh
April29th, 3018
Rev, Mr. Christ of Heusalt and Rev
E. O. Jennings of Brantford reek the
services in Trinity Church on Suuday,
Mrs, Jarrott of Hills Green is the
guest of her slater, Mrs, Spnokman,
Rev, Mr, Dickie of Chatham preach.
ed in the Presbyterian Church on San.
Mre. Fraser and family of Fort
William are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, James Thompson,
The Clew pastor of the Methodist
Church is Rev, E, Anderson. 13
Miss Annie Elliott is in Edmonton
visiting her gtandpareuts.
her daughter per low (Jaye.
.Ira. E Brown of Termite it
:,reeelinp the lieildays with her moth,'
Mrs, Erl. Haggett
Miss Thelma Dale is being congrat•
niateii o1, pasting both her Entrance
{ and Movie exemiiatione
Mr• Howard Armstrong is building a
new driving shed with cement foundat-
M hon.
iHay cutting is now the order of the
*ley, Solite of the crop is very good
laud the rest fair,
Jt. eollumban
The ladies of the Red Crose niet on
Tuesday the Oth, Besides sewing and
cutting out garments they packed for
shipment 30 shirts; 24 snits of pyjamas
38 pairs of socks, valued at $208, It
has been suggested to hold a meeting
every two weeks therefore the next
one will be held ori the 24 th of this
month, Those who cannot Dome will
please cell and take work home as
there is plenty of eewing and knitting
now on hand.
ltev, Mr, Bentley, the new pastor of
the Methodist church, preached Isis
first sermon here and created a very
good iml,ri,asiun. fee is a young men
and hrioge his bride with him.
The trnetees have engaged Miss
Clark of St. Helens as teacher of the
school. She hes a first class certificate
and will receive 3730 per year.
Dr, Waghorne, Mrs. Harris and John
Mrs 31e(lavin and Alden motored to
London recently,
Cheep l', P. It Time 'Table Walton
East Lound -i 12 a, in, ; 2.20 p, m,
WestLunud-1_2,(13 p.m 9 04 a, 01,
Lawn tennis ie again Incensing poeu.
lar with the young mon and ladies and
several may now be mien hitting the
high bells
Rev, Mr, Love and family left Iasi,
At St, Columban with Mies Morrie,
Mize Margaret Prendergust of Eg.
tnondrille has been visiting her sister
Mr, Jae. Shen.
Coyne, teacher of Manly Spent a
few daye with her grandmother, Mre;
Miss Mary Jordan is at present in
Seaforth with her annt, Mrs, L, For,
Qnite a number who are in training
in London visited our burg last Sunday
Thom Simpeon who was formerly of this
place was the barber,
Itev,J, M. Eckert from kfawtlier
arrived here last week and ie at present
calling on his friends, Ile says the
mops looked well on his travels.
Miss Lizzie Murray is at present
visiting around Seafortb,
Mr, I hos. McKay has mooted a wind.
trill oil his premises which adds a great
deal to ire appearance.
A happy event took plane at High
noon on Tuesday; Only 17th at the
home of Mrs. John Carmichael High
dr. when her daughter May was united
in marriage to Mr, Johu Stewart, a
prusperons young farmer near Hensel!
1'he uermouy was performed by Rev F
H. Larkin D, D. in the presence of
the immediate relatives. The bride
WW1 becomingly attired iu a grey Bilk
and georgette crepe gown and wore a
rose colored picture hat. The newly
wedded pair left ou the 3,15 traiu for
Toronto and points East
Lower School Results
The regular meeting of the Welton HURON
Methodist Ladies Aid will lie held at
the home of firs John Felton on July W. Aberhert, [honors], E J Halter,
25th at 2.30,
Dublin -
Mr, and Mrs, D. Mahoney and Miss
K: Murray of Kinkora recently visited
Mr, and Mrs, L, J. Looby,
and .f J
rs J oe Meuratli and
Mrs, P. Mo(irathmotored ,n•er to
London last week.
811' and Mrs. Pendergast, and
daughter, Margaret, spent Sunday With
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shea.
Mise 0, Pierce of Detroit visited
Mende here last week.
Miss D1, Jordan of the City Hospital
Odgenburg W.Y. is visited at her
home here,
Mr, and Mrs W, H. Evans el Galt
ars- visiting Mies H. Haran.
Miss Genevieve Pierce of Dstroft hs
a guest of her grandparents, Dir, and
Mrs. Evans,
Miss Eilece.len.1 .0 via nt _i f,-tc
F L Baker; E L Beavers, A B Cooper,
W C Cooper, (1 T Connor, H Coates
honors, J W Cochrane, W P Doig, I A
Dodds, 3 M Draper, Y E Davis, A II
Farnham, honors, 51 Gerrow, H A Gib-
son, J 51 Harvey, 31 E Hoggartli; G K
Hamilton, F E Huunber, 1 A Hart, 1 A
H gg, D Hutchison, ,1 L Herr, R Kil-
p,trick, 31 H Jones, A L La :mice,
W L Laing, h mors, 83, Livingstone,
b mors, 0 I M001are, 1.1E McKay, H A
Miller. W. E.Nelaon, A B. Oke [honors]
1,. 1'1 Potter, H. I, Ross, 51, M. Reeves
C. G, Stogdill [honors] , D, el, Staples,
1. Souter, F. M. Smallacombe, 91,
Strang [honors}, M• A, L. Sheppard,
L. Sowerby, G. J. Scarlett, 0, A, Scott
C. L Tyndall, 51, G. '1'igert, E, 0,
Washington, M. O. Walker, H, A.
Youu g,
As 0 vermif,.lge there is nothing so
p-itent 00 Mother Graves' Worm hinter.
11111:5 tor. and it can be given to the
meet. delicate w•ithent fear of injury to
the eeeetitaliele
There are many things that serve to give CLASS to
Its war news is graphic, vitalizing, and authoritative.
The Associated Press Service is augmented by four of the
outstanding cable agencies of the world,
In addition to the several masterful war correspondents,
who visualize the battle -fields for The Mail and Empire
readers, the views of COL. REPINGTON, dean of war
critics, and the critics- of the leading French newspapers,
are featured.
All the important news of the Dominion of Canada is
covered by the Canadian Press and Mail and Empire
special correspondents.
Local and sporting news form outstanding features of
The Mail and Empire.
On Dit, Drama and Music, Literary News and Views,
Woman's Kingdom, Flaneur, Legal Opinions and Advice,
Farm and Suburban Home, Instructions for Gardening by
Henry J, Moore, Rural Chronicles by Nina Moore Jamie-
son, Educational Link, Fragments of Philosophy, Medita-
tions for the Quiet Haver, Field and Wood, With the Birds,
The Fourth Column.
$4, per annum by send, @l;, detiveirsd.
Order through dealer, local paper or direct.
With the Fingers!
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain
Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or
any kind of a corn eon shortly be
ilttod right out with the fingers if you
will apply directly upon the corn a few
drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati
It is claimed that at amall cost one
eau get a quarter of an ounce of trees -
one at any drug store, which is surd•
elent to rid one's feet of every corn
or callus without pain or soreness or
the danger of infection.
This new drug is au ether compound
and while sticky, dries the moment it
is applied and dome not inflame or even
irritate the surrounding time. et.
0 This announcement will interest
many women here, for It is said that
the present high -heel footwear is put-
ting corns on practically every,
wonlar:en leap,
Make a beauty lotion fora few cents to
remove tan, freckles, sallowness,
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
you with three ounces of orchard white
for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of
two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put
in the orchard white and shape well.
This makes a quarter pint of the very
best lemon skin whitener and complexion
beautifier known. Massage this fra-
grant, creamy lotion daily into the face,
neck, arms and hands and just see how
freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and
roughness disappear and how smooth,
soft and clear the skin beoomee, Yes!
It is harmless, and the beautiful reeultt
will surprise you,
We are placing on our sale counter a
number of odd sizes on
Wednesday morning
Come in and see then and make your
Saturday July 13th
Women's Canvas'White Pumps $1.50
White canvas high shoes, buttoned $1.69
"The Home of Good Shoes"
Phone 51
Sea lc) i'th
00 4 ai , �. .r.. �:ffs ,a_,,,ra' s s a eser••,.,.,:,re,
Auspices of the
Morning Program _ Firemen's Demonstration,
W ter Fight etc
Afternoon = Monster Parade to Park, Opening of
the Midway, Wonderland, War Soutve=
nirs, Base Ball Match, Baby Show, ,:ox=
ing Exhibition, Piping and Dancing
Boys' and Girls` Games, Tug of War
etc. etc.
Evening = illuminations of the Park, Band Concert, Vocal and
Instrumental Music, Hanging of the Kaiser, Moving
Pictures, Special films. -
Music by Cozens' aids after000ao evening
k7 ser, er the date
See pills for fall program
F. ilohnested K. C. , Mrs, A. A. McLennan, A. A. Naylor
Chairman Treasurer Secretary
Committee A. A. McLennan, M. Broderick, A. D. Sutherland