The Seaforth News, 1918-06-27, Page 6(Cop740t) --
CHAPTER XXL-(Cont'd.) "What will you do there, Monte?"
"I -I don't know, Maybe I'll call
He shaved and dressed with some out Citic some day"
care. The rain beat against the win- "If they should ever learn!" cried
dow, and he did not hear it. HeImetewy.
.. went down to breakfast and faced the "+"
vacant chair which he had ordered toIEli Monte posed his hand over his fore
be left at his table, She had neverlhead.
sthere, though at every meal it, "There isn't any danger of that, is
stood ready for her. Peter suggest there?"
ed once that he join them at theirs „I don't think I'll ever dare meet
table until madame returned; but her again"
Monte had shaken his head. Monte squared his shoulders.
Monte did not telephone her untill See here, little woman; you
How About. The Harvest
The shortage of; flour and wheat
redacts ie so serious between now
nd next harvest that every effort
• lust be made by this continent to tide
over. Farmers by producing wheat
are helping 'to win he war. By
saving flour they and everybody else
n the country may also help towards
the sante end, In this connection it
is of interest to note that in the
West it is estimated that the 'three
Cream Wanted
We supply cans, pay expreee aharEee
and raniit daffy,
Wattled Haft' and OroRmory Co,
748-0 intim Mt. West - 1"osoate
Two big. facts faee the fai:. wo- Leave overnight or until coid; seal
man, After four years of war, Food cans immediately, Extent of the Desoand Depends ou the
must be preserved as never beeoee. With careful planning a clever Popularity of the Natne.
That is the first fact. But as for housewife can make use of two or grist's in a name?" is a modern
extra workers, hired help, labor ---call more of these methods at the same rlttestion implying ti negative answer.
time, and an afternfon'a work may . hero aro instances, however, where
have more to show for it than was a name is of prime importance. For
she muserly theca bo, k fruit
Band ve, - example, take such a common product
she mutt can both fruit and se to as fis, More than e60 speclee, in-
tables at the same time, itis wise to
plan to use the cold pack for the eluding sub -species, of fish are found
vegetables and the open kettle for the in Canadian waters, but only a few
fruit. It will be well to lock the dozen are used for human food. Seine,
door and devote one's energy to keep- of enure°, are not suitable for food,
but in many eases only the name that
has been given to the species prevents
them from being utilized. In such in-
stances, the obvious thing to do is to
discard the bad name and apply a
good one. Dogfish, for food as dog -
method is used, the rubbers, covers, fish 1705 quite impossible in the Unit -
and jars should be washed and then ed States, but. it was ee-nstmed "gray -
put into a large pan on a rack or fish" and cleverly advertised and was
thick pad to prevent them from rest- soon in demand. In Canada, about the
only use that is made of these "ocean
pests" is to reduce them for their oil
and for fertilizer. Such "trade
names" have long been applied to
other more commonly used fish, Thus,
Prairie Provinces this spring have it what you will --well, every farm
sown all increase of about 2,600,000 woman knows "there simply ain't no
acres of which 2,000,000 acres are of such animal," That is the second
wheat, This is the report of Mr. J. fact.
D. McGregor, Director of Labor for See that your wash boiler has a
the Canada Food Board, with offices well -fitting cover and a false bottom
m Winnipeg. It is based upon esti- which one of the men can easily make
mates received from a large number for you from laths,
of points throughout the three Prov-
inces as well as upon the personal
Tops and rubbers for your jar's are mg track of the "irons m the fire,"
ten, and then he asked simply if he mustn't feel this way. It won't do observation of Mr, McGregor himself. of primary' importance, Many rub-
tnigltt come over for an hour. I et all. That's why T thought if you if the average crop from his inmate berg last year were of very poor It is well to remember that sterile
"Certainly," she answered: f shall; could only separate these last few g p quality find much spoilage iesulted ization is the most important thing m
Banning. All jars, covers, and rub-
bers should he thoroughly washed
and cleaned, When the open -kettle
be glad to see you, It's a miserable! weeks from everything else -just put
day, Monte," ' them one side and go from there -
"It's raining a bit, but I don't mind,"' it would be so inch better, You see
"That's because you're so good-na-, we've gut to go on and --holy smoke!
tared." this has got to be as if it never hap -
He frowned. It was a privilege he' pelted, You have your life ahead of
had over the telephone.
"Anyhow, what you can't help you; this spoil all the Scats ahead. Sou 1 r ing on the bottom of the pan. They
may as well tries the world over runs about five
y grin and bear," -why, yon--" Valuable tests for the tops of 'ars
ed lacreage amounts to only ten No rubber should ever be used twice,
bushels is of wheat per acre, which is When a can of fruit or vegetables is
very low estimate indeed, the average opened, the rubber should be discard -
being more like twenty bushels, it ed and saved for the "rubber man."
would mean 20,000,000 bushels of To test new rubbers pull and jerk
wheat. The average consumption of thein. They should spring back to
their original shape.
you and I have mine, Vire can't let wheat in the wheat consuming eoun-
"I suppose so, Monte," she answer -1 She looked up. It was a wonder bushels per capita per year, so that• p J should them be coveted with cold wa
are; Screw on the top without the
ed. "But if I'm to grin, I must de-: he did not take her in his arms in the increased crop which Canada ex- rubber, If the thumb nail can be in- ter, which is brought slowly to the
pend upon you to make me." that moment. He held himself as pects to produce this summer would boiling point and allowed to boil'ten
"Pll be over in five minutes, • he' he had once held himself when eleven feed 4,000,000 people for twelve serted between the top and the glass, minutes
replied, men were trying to push him and his the top is usually defective, Put on
pmonths. At tabs conservative end_ y Scalding and blanching is absol- ling are sole] as cod, and the bulk of
She needed him to mance her grin! ; fellows over the last three yards culation, that is co say it would Toed a glass app without the rubber. Jap utely necessary in preparing Wage- the canned sardines sold in Canada
That was all he was good for. Thank. separating them from a goal. the top alga, The top should not
Heaven, he had it in hispower to do It's necessary to go on, isn't it the bulk of the British army, The tables and soma fruits for the sold
rock Sometime- jars are defective
this much; as soon as he told her she! he repeated helplessly. probabilities are that this increase pack, It consists in immersing the
at the top. This can only be era mer
was to be free again, the smile would ,,,.;•Yes, yes," she answered quickly, will be devote that amount and it is tabled by running the fingers over prepared vegetable into boiling wve- Again, there are certain fish that
return to her lips. You must go back to your schedule to be hoped such indeed will be the ter or steam and leaving it there for have made names for themselves.
He went at once to the hotel, and just 85 soon as ever you can. As; case, as there is need of every bushel. the spirals. et they are smooth the
are really not sardines at all, but
small herrings.
elle came down to meet him, looking moon�as (we're offer the ugly part-" Dr. J. W. Robertson, who made a Jai is probably good. I the material. I paratively small numhor of. species of
very serious -and very beautiful. Her; "The divorce: tour of Eastern Canada, in the pro- Just a word here. Don't throw I The cold -dip process should always fish are used as food. Everyone
deep eyes seemed deeper than ever,• "As soon as we're over that, every- duction campaign int behalf of the away defective glees jars, those I immediately follow the scalding and 1nowvs that salmon and halibut and
perhaps because of a trace of dark be thing will be all right :gala," shewhich will not screw tight, Use them; Manatee
low them. She had color, but it has nodded. Food Board and the Minister of Agri- g. It consists merely in' flounder have the name of being' good
'ainst a e. "Surely," he agreed. culture estimates an increased acre -
hold cereals, dried beans, peas, "ell dipping the blanched material into fish and so everyone buys them, It
HTierr lips iwere more ntobiletthan usual, "But we mustn't remember any- age of cultivated crops for the five the like; or use them for telly anc{1very cold water. If the sackcontain-' would be to the advantage of ein-
es if she were having 11±1 ulty in th!ng. That's quite intPoseible, The provinces, Ontario, Quebec, New Jam, Every available piece of glass-� in the motorial to be blanched is tourers to remember that dogfish or
.:antralling them -as if many unspok- thine to do is to forget.uBrunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince 'Ware should be used this year, Small- fastened on the Bind of a stick there catfish, or other ill -named fish, are not
en things were struggling there for She appeared so earnest that he Edward Island, of 2,000,000 acres, necked bottles can he used to hold win be no danger of burning the neces''s' •ill objectionable as food At
expression. hastened to reassure her. Compared with former fruit juices.
When he tool: her warm hand, she ''Then wve 'Il forget." p' ' years, there
s fewminutes. This process shrinks This is one reason why such a cone -
Ihands. I the same time, dealers might profit -
Ho said it so cheerfully, she was be quite an increase to wheat It may save time and trouble later1 Syrups are meanly added to fruits ably apply new and more attractive
raised her head a little, half closing
her eyes. It was clear that she was ready to believe hili. acreage in these Provinces but what to test jai's by tempering them, not and brines to vegetables. When the names to hitherto unused food fish as
1 etrying more than even ee had sus- "That aught to be easy for you," this anounts to it is impossible to on the day they are to be used, as is tar is tightly packed with material', a step toward malting them more at-
pected. Poor little woman, her con- he added. �„ • say, as the fall wheat did not winter sometimes directed,. but before the the brine or syrup should be poured tractive to the consumer.
science was probably harrying the life '•For me • ver well in many districts where an canning tush begins. To temper into the jaruntil it ii completely full,
out of her. This trust not be. "I'm gcinlg to leave you with
attempt was made to grow it. •Some Jars they are put in cold water, I Conning syrups are prepared by.
They went upstairs to the damp, Peter." of these areas, however, have been re. brought to a boiling point, and boiled mixing two cupfuls of smear and three
!acetate sun parlor, and he undertook She caught her breath. She didtwenty minutes, 11 they are imper- cupfuls of water and boiling for dif-I
at once the busiliess in hand, not dare :newer, placed by spring wheat,
'It hasn't worked very well, has it, '�Ive seen a good deal of him late- The Eastern Provinces will grow feet they will probably Ureal: in the ferent lengths of time. Thin syrup he began, with a forced ly, he continued, "R e v e come to • also increased amounts of fodder for tempering instead of the canning. It is just brought to a boil, medium
er'1 e. know each other rather intimately, ]ivestoch, so that the meat supply vvi11 is not a pleasant experience to have thin is boiled two or three minutes,
Turning aside her head, she anewwei•- as sometimes men do m a short while benefit as we11 as the dairy output, 'the Jars break after the hot food has medium thick is boiled ,ss'{x • to eight
e3 in a voice 001110ly above a whi,- when they have interests in common. Canadian farmers are responding, been poured into them, It may hap-, minutes, and thick syren is boiled
pc'"You and Peter have interests in ms nificientl to the call far inereas- pen anyhow, but it is not so likely to eight to twelve minutes. With the
"No, Monte."Gammon; ' she exelainied. g y do so if this test has been made with resent sugar shortage, corn syrup
"But," he went on, 'tineie's no sense He appeared uneasy. I ed production, despite the many other; p G p
success. We will assume that you should take the place of at least pard
in getting stirred up about that." "We're both Harvard, yeti know-" calls that have been heard and ans
" It was such a -a hideous mist 1 e," • •'1 see," wered. The world is at the greatest ;have tested jars and tops, purchased of the sugar.
rhe said. Of course, I've had to da mare oc' and tested new rubbers. So much i Brine for vegetables is made by .
'osis in its history and the farmers
"That's where you're wrong," he de less hedging on account -of 9lademeoa fur ramung. adding one newel teaspoonful of salt
dared, "We've tried a little ex er]e Covington.' shown
Cache have realized the fact and. I'
p g showvri the true Canadian spirit Ii: You will wan to why -especially to a pint of 'Water. Jars filled for the
meet, and it failed. Isn't that all there "I'm sorry, ilibe be ' vegetables, -4 special apparatus is cold -pack process • should be closed
is to it?" "Toa needn't be because it was she remains now for the people of the,
"All?" who introduced me to him. And, 1 towns and cities to organize and sacri very helpful. If this can be got lightly -not sealed tight -during the
'•A,bsolutely all," he replied, "What tell you, he's fine and big and worth ace personal interests in a wholeheart- 'ready before the rush season cont` processing. If a wash boiler with
t+e didn't reckon with was running while all through. But you know ed campaign besave these crops,' menses you will bless your foresight' a false bottom is to be used for the
across old friends who would take the that." which hate been so ' success-• many t?lues. I processing, the ` jars should be cov-
i lventure so seriously. IE weonly 1 es." full planted desnitc difficulties, so: In ardor to conserve your strength ei'ed with'water.
gone to Centra- Africa or Asia That's why I'm going to feel quite that theharvestwill be as great in: in the most efficient manner, youl Count time after the water begins
Minor-" safe about leaving you with him.' to boil and sec to et that the water is
"It would have been ;lust the same She started. That word "safe" proportion as the acreage sown. This, should plan to do a little of the work,
if we'd gone 'to the North Pole," she was like a stab with a penknife. She summer and autumn will mean a long' each lay. It is wise to gather from' kept boning vigorously until the time
broke in. would have rather had him strike her pull and a strong pull for all hands. the garden and the orchard not just l is up, Directions for operating the
"You think so?" a full blowy in the face than use it, : the amount of vegetables and fruit • pressure cooker come with it. These
'•I know it, Women can't trifle wsu.h Tet, in its miserable fashion, it ex- ' which you happen to pec 3 for the should be follo'w'ed carefully,
-•-,with such things without getting pressed all that he had sought through RAIDING 1111 ORMAT1O:r, meal, but rather to tante all the to- —
hurt," her -all that she had allowed him to'
"I'm sorry. I suppose I should have seek. From the first they had each Londoners SI and an Es en Chance ready for picking and which will spoil —
known." sought safety, because they did not Vt ith German Bombs for 32 years. if left on•the vines. You can get the Remarkable Operation on ' British
• You were just trying to be kind, dare face the big thing.
Monte," she answered. "Don't tante Now, at the moment she was ready, An ingenious person has calculated' surplus ready for the drier or can it Soldier Successful. 1
any of the blame. It's all mine," the same weakness that she had en- the chances of the average Londoner in odd minutes while you are getting - A remarkable operation has been
I urged you. couraged in him was helping take being hurt by enemy bombs. dinner.
"What of that?" she demanded. "It him away from her, And the pitiful '•Taking the area of London as 100 It would be impossible as well as performed on a soldier at Leeds In-
• was for me to come or not to come. tragedy of it was that Peter was help- „ ver foolish for one to attempt to firma•y, says a London despatch. A.
That is one pati of her life over which ing toe, and then challenging her to square miles, he sags; with a circle y • piece of shrapnel weighing sixty-one
a woman has absolute control. I came accept still graver dangers through 60 yards in diameter as the area in Preserve all fruits and vegetables in grains wvas extracted from the anter -
because I was so utterly selfish I did him It was a pitiful tangle and y t which a bomb would cause serious in- the Fame way. Drying and the vari ioa walls of the heart.
}limit nil hp
The patient is Private John Brit -
land, who was wounded at Arras on
April 11 last year. After receiving
treatment in several hospitals he was
taken to Leeds Infirmary, where a
radiograph established the -fact that
war will have to last thirty-two he had a piece of metal in the wall of
words that Budged to his lipl, feel responsibility for me even with- foo' it to be ]lcely that a bomb will the heart itself. He is making steady
I£ we could leave those last few apt Peter; she protested, dropwithin one's owvin circle, considerable time unless you have a g
weeks just as they were-" he said. She was seated in one of the wick- "In ether words, in thirty-two years pressure gamier. Corn is also difficult Progress to recovery,
"Can't we call that evening I met you er chairs, chin in hand. lie stepped of such bombing there would be an to can by ordinary methods, but this _.
in Paris the beginning, and the day we need bother no one, since dried corn
reached Nice the end?" toward her. even chance for and against such an
"Only there is no end," she cried. "You dun'! think I'd be ea t1 enough
event happening, Again, the chances is ;o delicious.
to desert my w!fe actually he de- I reservation by drying is so sans -
"Let the day we reached the Hotel inandec . would be against a direct hit on one's factory for navy beans, pumpkin, and
des Roses beee the end. I should like to Ile seemed so much in earnest roof of ten yards square if warfare of s uesh that it would he unwise to use
go away feeling that the whole incid- q
ent up to then was something detach- that for a second the color flushed this intensity were to continue 894 up glass containers by canning them
eel from the rest of our lives," the challc•wrh}te •portions of her yea's." , to any great extent. Some fruits
.,v...,,_„ going -where?" a._ cheeks. dry very well. No woman can be
He tried to smile. Sit down, Moite,' she pleaded. "I Great War Loans.
--I didn't expect you to take it like excused for wasting apples when
matoes, benne, peas, etc„ which are • SHRAPNEL TAKEN FROM HEART.
not realize what I was doing."
"And I?" he asked quicklt.
She turned and tried to meet his
honest eyes.
"I'm afraid I've spoiled your holi-
days," she murmured.
He clinched his jaws against the
one that she must allow to continue. convenience, and assuming the enemy ous methods of canning g
"You mean he'll help you not to succeeds in dropping 200 bombs in used. One will fit into the other, so
worry about me?" London every month all the year that no time need be wasted and more
"That's it," he nodded, ''Because round; assuming else that there is an than one thing ean be done at once.
it's seen the man side of him, and equal likelihood of a bomb dropping It may as well be admitted that,
it's even finer than the :ode you see," while greens, - asparagus, beans, and
Her lips came together. at any one point as at any other, the
"There's no reason why you shouldyears dried,eas athe sure re more tinning of these take canned es
"1'l1�have to pick up my schedule that. I'm afraid Peter is making
again. you to serious. After a11, you know,
"You're going --when?" I'm of age. I'm not a child."
"In a day or two now," he replied. Be sat down, bending toward her.
"You see -it's necessary for lie to "We've both acted more or less like
desert you" children," he said gently. "Now I
"Monte!"uess the time has come for us to
"The law demands the matter of six grow up. Peter will help you do
months absence --perhaps a little„nese
longer. I'll have this looked up and ""'nd you?”
will notify you. Desertion is an "Ile has helped me already. And
ugly word; but, after all, it sounds when he gets his eyes back'!
better than cruel and abusive treat- wr"Y"Youthink there is a chance for
"It's I who deserted," she said, that'?"
He waved the argument aside.
"Juet one chance," he answered.
"Anyway, it's only a technicality, «Oh, she cried.
The point is that I mast show the
"It's a big opportunity he said,
world that -that we did not mean She rose and went upono the gray
where she looked out the gray
what we said, So I"11 go on to Eng-
"And play golf," she added for lhim.
He nodded.
"1'11 probably put up a punk game.
Never was much good at golf. But
it will help get me back into the rut,
Then I'll sail about the first of An.
gust for New York and put a few
weeks into camp."
"Then you'll go on to Cambridge."
"And hang around until after the
Yale game,,,
"How many months have I been
gore already "
r CiYr 'yti; then I'll go back to New
Yells." •
ocean and the slanting ram and a
world grown dull and sodden, He
followed her there, but with his shoul-
ders evect now.
"I'm going now" he said, "I think
I shall take the night train for Paris,
I want to leave the machine -the ma-
chine we came down here in -for
"Don't -please don't,"
"It's for you and Peter, The thing
for you botch to do is to get out in it
every dav,"
"i--1 don't w'ant to."
(To be continued.)
Constant shallow cultivation keeps
the plants growing. : In i and became welded together beam(
The following are the greatest war
loans made by various belligerent na-
British Victory Loan early in 1917,
5 per cent. Total subscriptions, $5,-
United States Second Liberty Loan,
4 per cent, Total subscriptione, $4,-
Eighth German war loan, 4;is per
emit. and 5 ptr cent. 'total subscrip-
tions, $8,600,000,000.
French war loan of 1915, 5 per
cent. Total subscriptions, $2,261,-
Austrian seventh war loan, 5 per
cent, Total subscriptions, $1,150,000,-
Italian fout•t.h war loan, 5 per cent.
Total subscriptions, $1,000,000,000,
Hungary seventh war loan, 6 per
cent. Total _ subscriptions, $600,000,-
Canadian Victory Loan, November,
1917, See pet' gent. Total subecrip-
tions, $418,000,000.
Mending an Electric Bixtlb,
Ey turning on the current and tap..
Icing ilg'htig`on; the side of the globe
you Call, often make thebrekeet wires
vibrate enough to touc, one ;,soother
they are so easily dried Extra
peaches, pears, and plums may also
be preserved by this method,
In general, canning is most desir-
able for tomatoes, . eggplant, cauli-
flower, rhubarb, grapes, berries, and
the other fruits. Each housewife
will have to decide for herself what
she is going to do about string beans,
lima beans, peas, and asparagus.
Certainly they should not be wasted.
The open -kettle method of canning
should. be used only for tomatoes and
fruits, The cold -pack method can be
used for all fruits and for most vege-
tables, provided enough time is given
to processing,
The water bath, using the wash
boiler with the false bottom, is the
most convenient method for the cold -
peck, except the pressure canner, but
in an emergency the oven may well be
made use of by placing the cans on a
board bottom in the oven and keeping
the 1100 Y rF moderate during the
time of cooking,
The cola pack can easily be done
with tone fireless cooper by following
Thee° step t Partially cook product
'or pack oo1 t Into clean jars; fill jars
wide syrup or with brine and other in-
gee4lentei hack into fireless cooker
kettle and.eover with boiling water;
plaee over en kettles and lock cooper.
re -Pee teeee 417 ilf i!re
'p 1t UISLy v
•icV..•'wiF017T OAP e'46""1".70
The t et
IRAai9'5llEAe Hi 9 WHIMS
• Eliminates all eget.
rip Makes Behr,
S / ,
wholesome broad,
ionto, eta, without