The Seaforth News, 1918-06-06, Page 4Il:
D!t, 11, MOOD 1tOSS, P)tyel0lan Md btir(9011
Lete 01LOndon amain!, Loudop, England, t
epeeist attention to dietaeel of Rye, Ear, $090
end Throat,
chine and. reeldenee behind Dominion Bank.
Otdp PhoneNo. 9 :Residence Rhone No, 100
DrdFaJeeBQRoEdQrW18 sraotS tQtSIe1e 9 n10d as
tenet Church, Coroner kr County
of 1110000
Telephone fin. 40.
a. 500'!1 5 >1.ACKAY, Physicians and
L/surgeone, ooderinh street, opposite Mello.
Church, toafooth,
Feral, graduate Vletorlsand Ann Arbor, and
ronoel oOntario andSu. Coroner College 01
AtacKAt, honor graduate Trinity University,
gold r eitalist Trinity Medical College. blembor
of College of Pystrfans and Surgeons, Ontario,
DinR, ttEo. HEILEMAN, Osteopthie specialist
AN -rummer, reu'
ruu and Childo diseases and
Rheumatic troubles, Acute aid Chronic di+ard
era, [lar, Eye, Nose and Throat Adenoid re.
movedwithout til y` Consultation free.
Tuesday, , e -m. to 0 p.m.arriday 8 0,10, 10 G pm
issued by eMarriabe licenses IndpLYnw,ea•
tin yea asnetderlag lneurance, Life or Accident?
Myon are, a po.teard will get our rates,
General Agent for London Lite Insurance Co.,
and Imnotial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co,
Seaforth, Ont.
i'ames Watson
General Fire, Lite and accident Insurance
Agent, and dealer in dewing Machines,
Main Street, Seaforttr,
Mutual Pira insurance Co.
Fares and Isolated Town
Property Only insured.
Jan, country, Gnderir 5, pre,tlent, James
Eeann, iteeehwnod, Vtcol'restdo»t.1'nnmse
Hays, 4eat„rth. Stn: Treae.
D. F, McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve,
Winthrop W. Rion, Constance, John Renames,
Bsodgbegent Robert Ferre., Harlocki Malcom
Mayo , Clinton; fr McCartney Sadorthi
JOsnes Conoolty, Goderlch: Jas. Evatu, Beechwood.
irat UMW DIE
From the Office
Phone 94 }welling 137
Une ,Ipllar per year. etrbrtly h» ad ranee
11 net paid 1n ativan00, one dol\ar and
a half will be charged. United States
papers, dity cents extra: otriokly in
When .ubsertberschaange their address
notice should be dyur t us Immediately, gtvtng
both the old and the new address. Sub.
scribers will center a favor by notifying tie
of any Irregularity of delivery,
Rending Notices—No reading notice,
advertising any entertainment or matter bt'
which money Is to be made by any person
or cause will be inserted in Tun News
without charge, The price for the Inser-
tion of 900100ss announcement, lo TEN
rent, per count line each Insertion to
partieshaving no contract for display
advortlelog, and FIVE cents per line each
Insertion to those having display contracts,
and for church, society and entertainment
reading notice,. Curd of Thanks 5 to 9
lines, 50 cents.
Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Nonose—Ten cents per line for drat
Insertion and dye cents per line for each
sab.eauet Insertion.
Yearly card.—Professional Cards, not
exceeding one Inch, will be Inserted for
15.00 per year, payable strictly in advance advertieing—Rates furnished
on application,
Advertisement, ordered for Insertion,
wUntit lorbld,'f and those sent without
written instructions will appear until
rltten orders are received for their des.
Letters to the Editor mast be accom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith. The publisher accepts no tenon.
sibillty whatever for the statements made
In such communications. Letters on reli-
gious topics will not be published at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
ae such. The rate for such matter Is ten
rents per line.
Alex. Leitch, Harlocb; E. Hinckley, Seaforth •
William Chesney, Egmondville; J, W. Yeo
Hotmaviile; R. G. Jarmouth, Bodhagen; Jame
Sar and John Govenlock. Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect lantana or transa:
other boldness will be promptly attended to b:
application W any of the above of icer., address, -
to their respective oatcakes.
+2.G s
fr;l'i 25 etS.Penl it=,
cssOlmro C,C,RICHARhSSLR ,.
on the
For Sale
W. L. KEY. Seaforth.
Phone 130
Without a proper
systm of adver-
tisin is like a
motor without the
power. . ,
Seaforth News
will simply the
required energy
phone . 84
General Observations j
The heavy fighting at the front Shiro
ing the past week ie taking a heavy toll
of life and munitions. It emphasizes
the need of supporting the reserve force
in England and Franoo. It is a cruel
fact, which Canadians will have to face
if this magnificent country is to beset,
ed from the fate of Russia and Belgium.
The merchant who does not advertise
cannot complain if the public buy with
those who invite their trade. The De-
partmental stores ask for the trade of
the public and get it. Many merch-
ants do not ask for it and they likewise
do not get the trade, They have the
goods but hide them under a bushel.
No wonder they lose the trade,
Three Brussels young men, Clarence
l'Peagle, Harold Gerry and Norman
Shields were brought up in Godorich
before Judge Dickson last Week for a
serious offones against a young girl of
13 years of age, of Brussels. After a
severe lecture, the judge, who said that
future cases of this nature would get the
lash, sentenced them to pay a fine of
$1.00 each and three months in the
Omnty jail. The father .rf tl.e girl is
uyliti' g in Franco and maty people in i
t:ntssels feet the y'. 11 g tit -rt got eft too
A Chinese proprietor was filled 100
hu Guelph for serVItg pork On Friday
in 1119 restanrent contrary to law.
'pile Govern tuent hes planed 100,000
000 whitefish fry in Lake Huron, Pio•
korai epewu will be platted later as the
Joe prevented early hatching,
Geo, Love, oaalaise of the !Bland De-
partment Bank at Windsor, has been
fa tpd short $2,600 in hitt acootntta and
has been arrested,
Mies Jessie MoArtltur, 23 years of
age, of Windsor, while etantiing under
it tree was etouok by lightning had a
double Fracture of the jaw, The fluid
hit the handle of her ntnbrotltt and ran
hp her arm spent itself in the jaw
and she recovering.
Basil 6IoLeoti, 6 years of age, son
of a whoolsman ort the Manitoba, was
drowned et the dock, This is the
third drowning in n weeir.
Tett nurses have graduated from the
Guelph Sanitot•inm, Miss Edna Ben-
jamin of Guelph had the highest marks
and secured a gold watch,
Rev. Mr. White of Hollidaysbute
accepted ascan to the Bapbtot 01)111911
itt Brantford.
The Union Gas Company oil well in
Doan township, neat' Chatham, has
been producing 240 barrels a day, The
oil whets gtrnok shot up 3,000 iu the
Elmer Room° of Stratford has been
awarded the Military Croee for bravery
in the field. Be, under heavy fire, dug
out several men buried by a shell bole
Geo, Juug,a furuitnre maker, died in
Elmira from a stroke,
Lightning struck the tower of the
Methodist church its Woodetook. One
of the windows was torn out and brick
and sltinglen were ripped oil'. Damage
was $1,000,
A sad accident occurred at the farm
of Wm, Bell, Hay, when John Folliok
of the .Parr Line was killed by a fall
from a barn. Mr, Follick was helping
in the resltingling of the barn and the
old shingles had been taken off the one
aide. The ladder was removed as it
interfered with the marking and Mr.
Bell left for Hensel' to look after conte
business, The body was found about
an hottr later on the ground, and it is
presumed that Mr. Follick who was ov•
er 70 years of age, had taken a dizzy
spell and fallen off the barn. It is
thought hie death was due to heart fail-
ure. Dr, Campbell, coroner, was noti-
fied of the fatality but he deemed an
impost unnecessary. The funeral was
held from the home of Mr, James Green
to the Fanavitle Cemetery,
Mr, Robert Sillery, of Usborne, had
a tine horse killed by lightning. The
animal was pasturing in a field when
struck, Mr. Thos, Fisher's house was
also struck, the lightning entering the
chimney and going downward blew op-
en both stove doors. At the same time
it took a course down the slate roof,en-
tered a conductor pipe and running
down it, blow the bottom out of the
On Sunday, May 26th, Miss Clara
McCracken died at the family hone,
Brussels, after a severe illness extend-
ing over Reverts! months. Everything
possible was done to preserve life but
despite it all she passed away. She
was the second daughter of the late W
11, and .lire, McCracken and was horn
n iirussels, For several years fhe has
made her home it, Canadian and Amer.
cart c,tiea, visiting at the Md home ail•
'tally, Miss Clara was a bright, light•
carted young woman and was greatly
Moved The funeral took plata 'Nee-
ly to the Brussels Cemetery,
Alr, Wm, Fisher, of near Cromarty
hilc riding on the hack part of a niot-
rcycle had the misfortune to let his
of come in contact with the wheel, A
rgo ?dace of skin was torn oil' the low
part of the leg and ankle sod also
e bores of the ankle were itjurod.
Briefs For The Busy,h
Th<. L' -b cats have ittac.ed merchant
vessels on the Artterlc let euaet9 and
sunk fifteen, I
Ottawa has forbidden the export 01°
gold frons Canada.
The'l'ay'Canal has been opened at
The steamer Tench was sunk on Sun.
!1 day by a eubmariue 1(000 the New Jar-
Rey coast with 42,000 bags of sugar on
eo:u•d for New York,
If a farther has more than the regu-
lation quantity of flour at his hone, he
may retain it, provided he notifies his tl,
miller of the quantity he has on hand,
The Fanners mid others ars comp-, be
lathing ie Simeoe because the stores
aro closed in the evenings and ort ono
W. J lilman, a Peterbore electrician
survived a shook of 24O•t v tits and is
none the worse from tui 80,'Ident which I
generally is Fetal.
Lag, week, an air mechanic, t,arned !
Meflhnargy of Taman wail it;ststitly kit -I
led wh,'n his machine collided with art.l
Other, He was a farmer 25 years of 1
The ohnrches,ol Godorich have chang-
ed the hour of the evening service to 8
o'clock daring the summer months,
The Annual Cott von tion of the Huron
W.C.1,t, will be held in Blyth, on
.1011y 10th and 10th and it is expected
at the Diamond Medal in elocution
11 be held on July 9th, There will
a contest in singing also.
It will Cure a Cold--C'olds are the
commonest ailments of mankind and if
0eg'eettel may lead to serious coedit -
i hoe a, Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil will IT-
' hove the brnnrh1al passages of inflam-
mation speedily and thoroughly and
will strengthen them against ehhee.
,Inept attank And as it eases the 10,.
damination it will stop the eongh be -
Cause it allays all irrttatintt m thn
throat, Try it and prove it
New Invention eletatlne Ruptuee
Without Knife, Danger or Pala,
Uld•fao Toned x11111 lipping trussee t)1}t
11.011 n Mail 'de t �1wW
O l l a dt II glades Ate dou9 O a
by the won yr tt nyotedn 10 a C1 0 Otto
e I,li'O to It has Mite yyeas g to titl9 One
aiutiy. Tho ltroletitOne Ile 1 R ail "C RAwhero
gives lesions retentlotl rest ansa Bali Irritation, where
others have frilled, 1I prevents. all Ir •itation,
restores every part to Its 4 style posii00 00
aeon as It Is Used, gad old styqle 11'»0000 aro
thrown AWAY. kgaies "Cerjtrtlse Is intended
fp assist stature to close the opening in the short.
eat time known without an Operation and at
small cost. Tee4timon1als from men, women and
parents, Nothing nom lie ted, No ltloonvenl-
suco or toes of pine, hilt Met a neturnl 'attendee
method, Lt costs yon nothlug to investtigate.
Delays maybe clangerolta. New la the time to
make yeureelfllysicallyfit IOC your daily work.
Tear ore coupons now. "Made in Wads."
below, lace demOJ, 0, 00Ati, Sp 0IALIBT, tftl,1, Violy the townstlon OI sam1s, delt9trotJoaO 1 O oe tor my
t�antl examine-
Nock iotas, .•,
Miteholl, Coulson .1(otel, June 18,
Seal°rth, gneea's I-lotel, Wed ues-
day (nil tiny till 9 p. ill.) 1 day
only -June 19th,
('•lintou, Normandie Hotel .June21
BURNS—In Logan, on May 27th, Pat
rink Burin, aged 65 years,
10OCH—At Brotlhagtu, on Monday 29,
Ohne, 0, Root', aged 53 years.
TAYLOR—In Usborte, May 27th, Wil-
liam Taylor, aged 68 years,
HASKETT-11t Biddulph, May 221.d,
,ienny Haskett, aged 35 years,
FLF.'rCHER—STONE—At Exeter, on
May :1st, Bert Fletcher,to Miss Nei.
lie Steep, heti' of Csborue•
1MMMIMMolu l NMWMIMMMMMMIMMM■M■MMMItt1111MMulmsanilitm ixitm m m
Established 1811
Oetsitel and R serve $13,000,000
Victory Bond Interest
Save the Interest on your Victory Bonds.
Every dollar you save helps the cause of the Allies.
If you haven't a Savings Account
open one and add
interest to interest, 439
June Ha
IDhl;., A pMMRXIIRl firLailM
aIDgjl(R■mfIDN rrr ■■■ M■■IDrMrkiMrmgrAlr rr
Winth-op Presbyterian
Sunday set vice 2.30 pm. Sunday
School 1 1Sp m Prayer meeting
Tuesday 8 p. 01. L 0 Let Wed,
G8oltstattce Methodist
Rev, W, Koine, pastor. Sunday
service 2.30 p,ni, Young People's Loa•
guo2.30 pan Sunday w noon's Auxi)
ary First Tuesday of every month a
30 p.m. Lilies' Aid last Thursday
of eaoh month 2.30 p,m
First Presbyterian
Rev, F. H. Larkin„ Pastor, Sunday
servicee 11 a,m, and 7 p m, Sunday
school 2,30 p.m. Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7. 45 p,nt. Women's Miss-
ionary Society'the first Tuesday in each
month at 3 p m. Barbara Kirkman Mitt.
lion Band 3rd Tuesday: in the month at
7.30 p. re, Sunalliue I1li881011 Baud
every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m,
McKillop Presbyterian
Rev. D Carswell pastor Sunday
0000100e Duffs' churoh 11 a to Sunday
Phe most obstinate euros and wart school 10 a m Prayer' meeting Wed -
fail to resist Holloway's Corn Cure.: nestley 8 p,m, women's Missionary
Try it.
Society last Friday in each month at
2 o'olock.
itDm, nn4r,r this us ad are
titillated tr o a of charge, ex -
opt those regarding meetings
where an admission fee .0
charged. The rete for shell
being five pent Per Donut line
SE/WORTH enuRcl8k s
St. James'
St, James' Uhuroh, Rev, Father 1,
F, Goetz P.1P, Early Mass 0,30, High
Maas 10,30, Sunday School p. rat,
Vespers and Benediction of the Bless.
ad Saorament7 p, til
St. Thomas'
Rev, T, 13, Brown, Rector, Sunday
serUoes 11 a,tn, and 7 p,tn, Sunday
school 2.30 p. m, Wome»'n Anglican
Missionary Aseooiati,u, Tuesday 2,30
p.m. Childreu'ebranah Saturday 2 p,nt.
tlteroeeeion services every Thursday,
.0 p,m,
Rev. 0, McKinley, B. 0., pastor
—SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a,m.
Public Beelike I1 a,nl. rind 7 p.m, Sun
day school and Bible study 'blase 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.nt. Prayer
Meeting Thursola y 8. p.m,
"Por the Wood lltood !at be Llf "
With anydi. dna to lmpare blpo,0
ouch w oserna, eoreiNta, Scurvy, and
togs, aneo:meon, Ulcer., 01andutar
Bw01110gs1 nolle, Pimploo, aurae of any
kind, PIIo0,1000d PpINn,nhoumetl.m,
0090, 090., ,torft'10800 your time and money
on lotions and ointments which cannot gat
below the surface of the skin. What you want
Is a medicine that will thoroughl • free the blood
of Clic 08400009 ,,tatter which alone Is the true
cause of all your suifering, Clarke's Blood
Ails tura ishist such amedicine. IL Is composed
of logredleuts which quickly expel from the
blood ell bupurttlos, front whatever 0a49e
arising, and by rendering it olocm anti pure,
on be relied on to effect a lasting uur
(rh,goundr 0stenla,inlf, Y
',oto 10
Over 50 year.'
Fluent tc
8u1d .k0 ng
Oheinbt, end
Subselte tea.
Salvation Remy`" "
Limit, Shave and Moray Wood
Holiness meeting 11 9.111, Praise
service 3 p.nt. Gospel service 7 ppm.
Ohiltlrons Service—Directory class
x.111. Bible classes 4 p rat, Week night
Meetings—Wednesday Prnor tweeting
8 P.m .
Egmondville, Presbyterian
Rev, .1 Argo, pastor. Sunday see-
v100s 11 a,3n,. and 7 p m. 13tble class
3 p.m. Pryor sleeting lVodneaday
8p, In, Y.P 111.8 Union 3rd Friday
in the month 8 p m. Woman's Mission-
ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month
at 2,30 p,m' L,diea' Aid 1)100.9 im-
tnetliatoly after,
by every male person who is not on active service in any of His Majesty's Naval or Military
Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of any of His Majesty's Allies, and who apparently
may be, or is reasonably suspected to be, within the description of Chase One under the
Military Service Act, 1917, who for any reason may have claimed that he is not within Class
One under the Act.
NOTICE is hereby given that, under the provisions of an Order in Council member of any other society or body, a certificate of the fact signed by an
(P.C. 1013), of the 20th April, 1918, upon and after the let day of June, otliee-holder competent so to certify under the regulations of the church, order
1918, every stale person who isnot on active service in any of His Majesty's or denomination, sochef y or body, to which h, belongs; or
Naval or Military Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of Ilis Majesty's
Allies, and who apparently may be, or is reasonably suspeeled to be, within
the description of Class One under the Military Service Art, 1017, by whom
or on whes0 behalf, itis at anytime affirmed, claimed or alleged that he is not,
whether by reason of age, status, nationality, exception, of otherwise, within
('lass One under the illhlitary Service Aet, 1017, as delintd foto the titer 11th
EXEPAPf toy!
If it 1>e defined that he ice ,•xrn,p,rd from Lr m,o Ih thi • t : t• "'• yrs ••rviee
,y reason of any exentptinm ;;ran) '.1 or eta? •):, ,l e1 epplieatint p,*t:•l:: 'i a1,.?' r'• 1,r
or that, although within the said Class, he is exempted from o0 not liable t, ap,„ary Service A t, i !`, .,r flU' n•gtl:o s flnrrntn?hors his rxen,tic>n
military service; shall have with him '' °' hitt verso P:t!'rts, or n 0',•rrifirah: (re ih •• t) i rtr or I) ;.yip Itegisrrar of the distrir•t.
I 1 natalltimrsnrinnr
upon any building or premises where hr at any time hs, t" v.'hirh }rc, bt•lua_a rti •:,ria:; Ile. f :
t ��t'.;1•or�"", t_rf , C
If it be rlaimed that he is not within the class by reason of age, an offi"ihl 11 0 be rittinwti that !t; is tent 1\1 hi • ; is • t :: ur that: be is
certificate of the date of his birth, or a certificate of his ago signs. by)1111111, r core •t, , t exempted, L.14i not
two 1 , l tpun tiny of hrt• gt t i ,t tot'.': if, cte w Iwo r•q>ul ,'ft ,tlhze>la
reputable citizens residing in the. community its winch be lives and having residu•tt ha the rounlnmity oils >v, it , !i,r,•a 11101st,: knowledge of the fart upon
knowledge. of the fart.; or 08hish t!r• ruin, is frnuuled ' 1. i o„r I:cin, tlt,•r•t,•;
FAILURE TO CARRY it sk:ty 1,12SI T i EMIL Fry 'dC:;.
It it be elattned that he is not within the Class' by reason of marriage, a
rortifirate, either otlit'iat or signet by two reputable citizens resiling in the
comrnunity in which ho lives and Ravin;; knowledge of the facto, certifying to
his marriage and that his wife is living; or
If it be Oatmeal that ho is not within the Class by reason of his nationality,
a certificate of his rationality signed by a Consul or Viee-Consul of the foreign
State or Country to which ha claims his allegiance is due; or a ease ort iesuerl
In the Oovornme t of that Country establishing hie nationality; or
if it he',laimeti that he is excepted as a member of any of His 5lajesty's
Fore, 0 or stn having since the 41It August, 101.1, served in the Military or
Naval bores s of Great Britain or her Alli. s in any theatre of actual war and luta
been honour.cbly disehat.rged therefrom, ofi!rial documents or an ofl}eisl ctrl.ift-
.tate evi1,,n M slit Gert; or
It it be , laine'd that he it; exreptnd'cs a member of rho clergy, or of any
r, > nir.,•d frlc•r of an rxetuoiv,! t Ii;Jnns eharaet't•, or is a minister of it
r .11.0 met denomitnation ('41;0!1,4 in C'Snada on 29th August, 1017, or WI booing tt
C7ttavea, May 22, 1918.
If upon or after the tat slay r.l''J ate, 111.4, any aueh It le tuun.l
Without the requisite evidence or ern!fie:tto t;um Ria tits. 'n • r in or upon 1110
buil. ling, or premises in width ate lo, he shall tit t',up„rt Im presumed to be a
person at flu) time liable for military arrviee mist to be to deserter or defaulter
without leave;
.Ind he shall Ulan be liable upon summary riewirt ion to a fine not exceeding
450 or to itttl>rienlnttettt for n 1)rritd not t rm'rd!itg one month, of to bods such
fine and intprisonmem; a 1 moreover, tory sash person may forthwith bo
Oaken into military ruttftely and may be there dell/Med and required to per-
form ruilitary duty in the Canadian I ixoeditionary111,114 I'm ee HO long as Ida services
shall be r,qufrt'rl, unless or until 11,' fart beestabli.':d to the satisfaction of
rontpetent authority t:htat he is not liable for military duty,
The use, signing tin giving of any vuelt rrrtiliraln tis hrereitth,G>r.e Men-
tioned shall, if the rrrtifieule Is. in tmy>e:drrittt rrspert Lt1,. nr 1:11 40:oling 10 the
knowledge of thr t''ro'n
utt;, Ntgnntg, to giving the; (10,,, Rn tut Offence,
puniahltble, upon sngtunry conviction, by a penalty not ext'a.dintr five luta
dollars, and by imprisonment for any term 1t,0. exceeding six ntorths antl not
1�1a, tlutn Duo mnuth: