The Seaforth News, 1918-05-23, Page 8VIE SHAFORT11 NEWS
Thursday May 2
A. Velvet Cut
Adds much to the Appearance
pf a man. Hove pour hair cut at
iihe Sanitary Shop.
We try to please cora.
Commercial Barber Shap,C4th
Forethought end Good
Judgment Used
Travellers show preference for
Scenic Route; Busy Men
etre Night Trains
Nowadays; fnrethoughLun.i a lively
sense of puttee apprrriatiun pl.rr an
important pint in the r,nr.:tr a•'i i,m
of a railroad. The Canadian Nor-
thern made a beeee :home in the
selectins of its route b<t wsse 'rud
to and (Rise t: skirtiu,; the
line of Lake 1 0tariu nod th; 11. y of
Quince: nor 11,4 h, r 1 nd 1.. -
tnetn Napaner cad y ! l .-"; at i
through Rideau Lakim reM.e, add..
zest to the daytime Il urn -v it:
spring or summer. C n I •rt i L,.
day and night train, t ecru :r
principal intermediate .anti.»,' , have
made rhe route very popular.
For Tickets. Reservations, Liter-
ature and Information, apply t
C. A. Aberhart, Druggist. sea -
forth. or write R, L. Fairbairn.
68 Bins' St. 8:., Toronto.
Fet'mere iu thie vicinity are through
eroding and are preparing ground for
roots and earn,
Mr. Jefferson, of the West, and Miss
Jefferson, of Seaforth are visitng at
Mr. John Jel1ersons,
Mr, J, Johnston has purchaeed a new
Ford ear.
A sun arrived at the home of Air, E.
The " Ladies' Aiti hold their month•
ly tea at the home of :lire. R. ki. Keel.
ou May Bub.
Mr. R. Rubrusou is preparing to
build au inclement sbaJ,
Mr, F. Burns Lae recently had the
phare placed int hos home,
I Me. Butson of Munro visited his
grandfather, .elr, H. I;urte last week.
ISeine home imps ov'einelite are being
Mrs, J. M. Campbell visited her ole-
Dieters, Mrs. J. Lemblyn and Mra, J.
Elsey last week,
The Boys' War Anxiliary, of Kinburn
gave a vory suocessful dance in Cart-
wright's Hall on Friday evening last,
There was a large attendance sed the
proceeds were handed over to the Red
ars, W, k'. Brnnedon was a visitor
ut Blyth last week,
Dr, kloffnt, of Loddon, wati here rect.
ently attending to the work about his
new home. He intends moving his
family to the farm for the summer,
A number of old friend's of the late
Samuel McBride, of Zurich attended
attended hie funeral to Bayfield cense-
11r, Copeland, who has run a stage
from hayfield to Seaforth for some
!years has given up this route and is go
ing to move to the Parry Sound Die -
made at protein, Mrs. Hotham is put -1
ting a railing on her verandah anti a!
large trout whuluw.
Miss Ferguson was able to re -open
her school again after three weeks ill- i
es with mumps.
Lieut. E, Hit•ert; of Britishl Columbia
was litre duet week.
Mrs. Hothaut .1etrrey and McVey
were in Hamilton last week attending
the, funeral of an aunt
The W. I. Dietrict meeting will he
I held here on June
Anson, Fulton is home again after
titres menthe in London and Seaforth.
Mr, D. A. °antetoo is removing his
produce business from the Pretty brook
to Zuefle block.
faint is again decorating some of our
buildings, much to their improvement.
The warm weather of last week has
brought out a wealth of hloseoms on
the trees. The grass grow fast and the
cattle are now out very early, after
this laet two seasons.
Mre. Hugh McDonald, who has been
in Toronto undergoing treatment re-
turned home en Saturday and is much
improved in health,
Mr, Herman, of Loudon, it now en-
gaged as salesman for Metiers, Rennie
and Agin,
Fred Adams has removed from Sea -
forth and rented the house recently oe•
uupied by Charles Wolfe.
May 2401,
The death oeaurred on Monday, May
13th, of Thomas Heard one of our moat
respected citizens, at the age of eighty
eix yeare and four menthe, The funer-
al took place on Wednesday to the
Bayfield cemetery, ;Be leaves two
e00e and two daughters; William on
the hotneeteatf, Thome at Theesalon,
and Mfrs, George Castle of this village
and Mrs, Wnl, Howard of Goderloh,
Dr, Atkinson, wife and eon, Jack, of
Detroit, arrived recently to take pee-
session of their summer cottage on the
At Trinity Church the servioea in the
future will be at eleven -thirty a.m.,
new time, It le hoped this will snit
everyone au'd that they will melte an
effort to attend regularly. On May
23rd a convention of Church wockere
will be held at Exeter. Those who can
matte up motor parties at Varna, Boy•
field and Ooaohen, are requeetod to let
the rector know beforehand,
townie conrf ortable Dhow for curry om'i a iii— h w heeled sport styles
for tennis and morning wall,s,
Dressy pumps for ofterneett, +flinty slippers for evening wear.
We stn supply the anaiou's nee est in
The Patriotic Society is planning
and working for a great celebration ou
Billy " the young sun of the late
T. Jackson is suffering the resnitof put•
ting a bottle of carbolic acid in his
pocket. The stopper came out and the
liquid escaped.
Pte W. Greig, son of 7'. A. Greig has
been admitted tothe hospital in France
from a gunshot wound, He enlisted in
1915 at Toronto
Rev..1. E, Hogg and Dr. Stewart at-
tended the meeting of the Presbytery
in Hensen last week, Dr. Stewart
sees great changes since he was a mem•
:fir J. H. Wylie, of Toronto visited
his daughter. Mr,. J. E. Hogg.
Postmaster McKay. of Stratford at-
tended the funeral of the late P, Jack -
Goderich to Detroit
and eturn
Steamer Greyhound 1
Leaves Goderich
Tuesday, June lith
,st 10,00 a. m. East time
Returning leaves Detroit
Thursday June lath
at 1,00 p. m, Detroit Time
$2.00 Round Trip
$1,50 One Way
The only boat trip from
Goderich ich to Detroit
this 5ft.
No p,,eeports rielture, +tef
mil t , this i nit ty l n,
your -rtie t at , floor ..
who wt,l {utility t . t.tea.:ler'
at +Anne
Eceq t 1 teen 1eleng t+ i 1, le
called. it all! too Ili...gess:ayfor them to
show that they have complied with ,i.c,
military se1'riek, ,- outatirnn u,l Elite
the consent of the Registrar fon' their
military district to he ai,eent from Can-
This applies of court. -only to male
British subjects betweeo and 3.i,
inohtslve, who are siegle or ale widow-
ers without children.
Canadians coming to Detroit for a
temporary stay are not required to pay
a head tax or make a deposit. 12.
Immigration officers will be on the
steamer t0 pass excursionists.
out of Goderich
Monday Evening
June loth, 8 p. m.
25 cents
Music and dancing in Grey-
hound ball room
Help Wanted
Mre, AgL -n is visit lir he: 8 115 in De-
e•tr it Coe of the t,,_.ys will shortly go
overseas seas wit U. K troops,
P the t, ul 01;.dt1101 000.0 11+
t ( tv t
The!! a 07 .
at. Ceoaunabano
Deep sympathy' is ,4Imese 1 ter the
relatives of Mrs. Francis 51st 0e1. of
sonris. Manitoba. vibe died at her home I
! there en April 30th. Her early de -1
partnre caused touch- seer, w to her
twiny irteitrls llel'e, She was a (laugh-
' ter of Mrs, Win. Matthews and was
born rut the farm where her brother l
now lives, For a time after her mar- I
Triage she lived in Hibhert until they
removed to Manitoba, The remains I
were brought here by her Inst+and for
There are
441 -
many things that serve to give CLASS to
Its war news is graphic, vitalizing, and authoritative.
The Associated Press Service is augmented by four of the
outstanding cable agencies of the world.
In addition to the several masterful war correspondents,
who visualize the battle -fields for The Mail and Empire
readers, the views of COL. REPINGTON, dean of war
critics, and the critics of the leading French newspapers,
are featured.
All the important news of the Dominion of Canada is
covered by the Canadian Press and Mail and Empire
special correspondents.
Local and sporting news form outstanding features of
The Mail and Empire.
On Dit, Drama and Music, Literary News and Views,
Woman's Kingdom, Flaneur, Legal Opinions and Advice,
Farm and Suburban Home, Instructions for Gardening by
Henry J. Moore, Rural Chronicles by Nina Moore Jamie-
son, Educational Link, Fragments of Philosophy, Medita-
tions for the Quiet Hour, Field and Wood, With the Birds,
The Fourth Column.
84, per annum by mail, 55, delivered.
Order through dealer, local paper or direct.
On May 7 the home of Mr, and Mrs
Jos O'Rourke was bereaved by the sad
death of their little daughter, .Annie,
aged seven years, A bright, loveable
child all were grieved to hear of her
death, being ill only a -few days, The
funeral was held ou Weduedeay, four
cousins acting as pallbearere
Ameiig the offerings was a floral
crucifix from the sohool.
The W, S. mot at Mrs. P. Keane
recently and[ahippod a box to the Red
Cross. This Soeiety is one of the best
in the County,
Mr, and itilre, J. Malone and Mr, and
Mre, 3, Conning of Beechwood were
visiting Mr, and Mrs Flynn.
Mr Jos Nagle was among those who
went to Ottawa,
J, Flannagan has moved to Seaforth,
Messrs John Weber of Seaforth and
,:foeeph of Dublin visited friends in St.
The dance held in the Opera hoose
for the firemen was a decided euacesa,
Several young men from here have
reported in Loudon for servioe,
('.ome in tied fill your needs 111 aelteenaille shoes neve.
"The Home of Good Shoes"
Phone 5
Rod and Gun
The May issue of loud and (;nn 1s re•
piste with etoriss an articles written
with the view of seeming attention of
outdoor man whether totem -and 11 11
ing, fishing, camping canoeing. trap
shontiug or gunning, Atnnng the stor-
ies Mulberry's Mongrel by 11 f,1m•titner
Batten, a simple Story of Two Pups,
is worthy of mention Bird hinting.
with the camera in (•mitral Alberto
contains some remarkable illustrations
of bird life fu that Tirol -hive. Dental
:Surgeon to an ainttsl ng narrative of a
big fish that brought to a summary end
an aching molar. A May C4no0 trip
describes cauoing on Tiinegnmi. in
the 13y -Ways of the -warp is another
interesting story. liar find Grin is
publishedhv tV .1 'Plyler. L'ntiteel, at
Woodstock, Ont.
McKillop Court of Revision
.',The Aseesn,'ut Moll for the Town-
ship of McKillop is bow in the Olerk's
office, Lot 24, Con 7 and inay be seen
by ratepayers, and residents of Mc.
Kiilpp during office hours, Court of Ra•
violin' on nsa t Roll at the Commercial
Hotel Seaforth on May filet 1918 at to
o'clock a. m.
51 MURDIE, Clerk,
Warts will render ria prettiest Lauds
unsightly, Clear the ezcrescenoee
away by nsiug Holloway's Corn Cure,
which acts thoroughly and painlessly:
IIItI ! �:!:'llliP�
en Marne I
Th'Ztr '4 j si: o t o °` Y i n v
The Prompt Answer !
$20,00 WEEKLY, showing samples
for Large Grocery Corporation, all
goods sold at Factory prices to minium,.
Drs, granulated sugar, et. Pure lard
5 pound 51.00, Sunlight, Gold or Sure
piis� Soap 7 for 25c, Everything at
hitt rates. tfen ri„„?ted everywhere,
Sample case free,
The Consumer's Association, Wind-
eor; Ont,
Only the uniformed endure the agony
of corns, The knowing ones apply
Rollowaye Corn Cure and get relief,
Mr, M. Rowland way a visitor to Ot-
tawa last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Kneclttel and family
have removed from their farm, near
here to Seaforth, where they intend to
reside in future. Mr. Hackwell has
purchased the farm,
Second Lieut. Cecil Morrison, of the
Royal Flying Corps, nephew of Mre.
Robert Ferguson, of Walton, is leaving
for oversees, via New York after a last
visit to hie home iu Wapella, Sask, He
spent the winter in Texas.
On Wednesday last, at the Matto.,
tick Du ,- a iito-.- • alay.,
,,,�„ ,.,, ,ue ,rout Clage took
place of Margaret Bell, eldest daughter
of Mr, and Mre, Isaac Bolton, to Wit.
Ilam linmph'riee, of' this place. The
happy couple left on the afternoon
train from Walton for Toronto, on a
short trip,
The date for the school fair here has
bean arranged for Friday, September,
F the habit of answering promptly
when the telephone bell rings were
universal, the saving of time would be
q Few things are more pleasing to telephone
users than a prompt and courteous response
to a telephone call. In business, the practice
of prompt answering has been a money
maker, for customers appreciate it.
Practice prompt answering yourself and
make it a rule in your business.
TET the Ford car introduce you to the beauties of
Nature and the outside world. Let it take you into
J the country, or along the lakes. where the air is
fresh and sweet,
A Ford car will open up new fields of pleasant possibili-
ties for you and your family and at the same time serve
you faithfully in business.
No doubt you have felt the need of a car—your wife
has often said, "I wish we had a car," so why not buy
one now? There is no other car that gives such good
value for the money invested as a Ford. This is why the
Ford car is so popular everywhere.
The Ford is powerful, easy to drive, economical, endur-
ing. It is thenar you need.
The Bell Telephone Co.
of Canada
Runabout - $575
Touring - - $595
Coupe - - $770
Sedan - - - $970
Chassis $535
THE UNIVERSAL CAR One-tonTruck $750
F. 0. B. FORD, ONT.
J. F. Daly DealerSeaforth,
Cook Bros. -® Dealers Hensall