The Seaforth News, 1918-03-14, Page 5THE SI ATiORTJI NEWS
It is a matter of the greatest importance
that Canada should increase her produc-
tion of BACON HOGS and other live stock
as there is at present a world-wide short-
age of meat. Good markets for some tln►e
to come are assured.
will gladly make loans to assist farmers in
good standing to acquire live stock.
J, G, MULLEN, Manager
W, dr Walker
W Walker, holder
of [;ov•
srrnnent Diploma and License
Day or Night gala riaeive oar
prompt attention
Day Phone 67
.Night rel
Ontario's Loading Commercial
School makes suooeis easy, We
have three departments Commercial
Shorthand and Telegraphy, We
give individual instructions andatn-
dents may enter at any time. Gra
duatee are placed in positions. 'I'hie
is your opportunity as there is a
great call upon us for trained help.
Write at once for particulars.
W J ELi ior.., D A filICLACHAN
Delicious ''Fruit Laxative" can't harm+
tender little Stomach, Liver
and Bowels.
Look at the tongue, iifotheel If
coated, your little one's stomach, liver
and bowels need cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
eleop, eat or act naturally, or is fever-
ish, stomach sour, breath bad;alas sore
throat, diarrhma, full of cold, give a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," and in a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food and
sour bile gently moves out of its little
bowels without griping, and you have a
well, playful child again. Ask your
druggist for a bottle of "California
Syrup of Figs," which contains full
directions for babies, children of all ages
and for grown-ups,
Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry,
summer kitchen and cellar, Hord and
aoft water, Electric lights, large ve.
modish, Stable 1(1' x3l2' hen 'house 9
7' ,
Apply at the
News Office
For Sale
House and half acre of bred in the
village of Egmonriville. The property
is situated on ('entre Street, close to
the Presbyterian Chnroh tinti is known
as the Purcell property. Good oom-
fortnble house, good sited, good well
and cement cistern. r All khaki of fruit
trees. atrawb irrlee, raspberries and
ourraut bushes, This is a corner pro
perty with no breaks on front, and the
and is in a good state of cultivation.
This is a:nice property for a retired
farmer ahs tete taxee are light. For
partictlars apply ou the pretnieea or t
John Keekin, Seaforth.
For a Nice
N L t y
Hair Cut
call at
;I. Bolton's Barber Shop
I have for sale sev-
Bonds and
of a particularly
ligh grade, bearing
interest from 5:- to
6 per cent.
PHA information con
certting same cheer=
fully given.
Bain a..i l 4Debeelure Broiler
Main Street, Seaforth
Thome 91 a
rc Send your Cream to us and receive
top prices. We are running our plant
the year through and can handle your
Mil supply and furnish you with cans,
We pay twioe each month and weigh
aample,aud teat each can of ureaat care
fully. Our motto is " Honesty to of
Patrons " Patrons are regtteeted to re
lava all oar Cana when net in use,
1 Buttermilk al _ c 1 ane b 1
ni for at market prices.
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
eow Wanted
Wanted, a Jersey cow ur heifer. Ap-
ply to the News Orrice,
For dale outs Expeut real "olief fuel pi itt•
Mr. J, A, Wilson is is 'reroute this
weak attending a convention of the
Hydro Electric Aesooiatiou,
Fuel Controller Hays sent in hie re-
signation on Monday night as he oon-
sidered the situation so much improved
that the dealers cools now handle the
Mr F, S, Savauge conducted the
eervtoes in the lfgmondville church last
Miller's Worm Powders act mildly
without i '
nut to the
1 Y and
there can he, no doubt of their dead'y
affect upon worms. They have been in
successful Oso for a long time and are
recognized as a leading preparation for
the perpose, They have proved their
power in numberless oases and have
given retiof to thivaantla of children
who, but for the good ot!lees of this
superior ooclpound, wonlrl have contin-
ued weak•tuld ehftebled.
A Real Asthma Relief or ,f. 1)
ICellug'a Asthma Remedy hao never
been advertised by extravagant state-
ments. its claim are UniialrVlt live in.
deed when judged by the cures it per -
melt benefit when 7011 buy this remedy,
7''tloe,m House, Good cellar. Nerd and yin will nut have cation . for disap.
and,soft water; good condition and tt podntrttent, It gives perinaeet relief
plondid looality. Apply at this Office. iu many eases whore other so (Jailed
r .ts,,.r.*.toYofWl„w„,...~11..l%a.
` Town Topics I
r.l« w.r,"""Fr
mod -N
Dig up your Overcoat, Ilene a look at
It, by renewing the velvet collar, Press,
ing and (!leaning lefty save yen the
price of a now one. My Wardrobe,
Goder'ioh, St, Opposite Queen's
Mr. John 1'iuknoy has ruturued from
Miss Rena Mckenzie of Stratford
Normal School spent the week end at
her home here
Mr John McIntyre of Loudon was in
town lust week galling on old friends
Mr, James McGee hes leased his
house on North Mahn St, to Mr,
Alexander Stewart Bros and intends
inoviug to Toronto,
Mrs, W Sclater and Mrs, J, Finlay.
eorl ora visiting Mrs. L. Kruse le Galt.
Miss Glenn of Glenn Charleseror
Canada's. Hair Fashion Store, will
in Seaforth, Tnesdav March 19t1
the Commerical Hotel. with a ht11
of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hair Go
if you are rot satisfied with the app
ance of nr•. hair o Miss (1
0 commit l e 1
who is an authority
ou Hair Coedsnls
individual Hair styles Free dem
at rittloll,
Mrs, August Gulls' and Miss Pear
(lake have returned from a visit to
friends in Stratford,
lir, and Mrs. Davie of Mindnmoya
epant a fete days in tower visiting the
doctor's parents, The doctor has spent
a couple of menthe in Flordia and was
on h a way home, Dr. Davis has a
large practise on the Manitoulin,
Mr. F, G, Neelln has disposed of the
house on John St. at present oocupied
by Mr, Henderson to Mrs. Cooper of
Miss Agues McKay of Auburn wag
a visitor at her hmne 1
ear 87; 414; families working 75 money
eon $1"t1 00; foists 8t1
Enid of the
work done
was nitwitlt I '
$ 7nU,
on. The Kirby family knit the greatest
number of nooks --47 Mrs Jackson
wee second, knitting 43 pair herself,
Miss B. McDonald made the moat
shirts -34. Mre eloQuaig ane! Mrs ,f
Watt were t108 in making the itto5t aid 8
of pyjamas, each inakiug 24 suits
Mies B, MacDonald nude the most
number of caps—in Mrs 4 Bishop
made the most property bags -6J; lire
Anderson out the most pyjama suits -
124: Iu points the Kith). family Treaded
the list totalitug 570. The Driscoll
family and the McDonald family (Grey)
for were
t ee cud place tele
! t
560 pointe. Ther VON ,ileo ti gents
made ale, gtljt , tiimu of the largest
donators of money wet'a; Duncan Aloe
Donald $25 00; T, and Mrs Tnrn:nll
he $i110(1; Mrs Cttnttiughatn $f 1 00: Wm,'
o. Murray le, 00,
Tho West won the Hod .Cross. contest
All worked hard and tile t'eetflte were
The ellow hail been disappearing slew
ly but eteaddt, end alt at'eltoping for a
early spring.
Farmer's having maple trees aro
preparing to tap Giant, This ie wise
as sugar will be aearoe during the awn.
mer and what la nicer to send to the
boyo at the front then a oalte of maple
'File reunite of the two mouths con.
test juat closed in 0onneation with the
Walton Ned Oro is Union, between the
East and the hest sides of the gravel,
were highly commendable on both sides
and showed the earnestness
in wtdoli both aides worked to a00ont•
ptieh the maxhnttu amount of work
poseible. The west aide won by over
2000 points A reuapituliitiou of the
work (lone by each aide fe as follows:
West—socks 303, shirts Kitt; oyjetnaa
129; olape87; Bags 244; families es;
money $203 62; points 1062.1 liaet—
suuke 303; shirts 104; pyjrurtae i:q; caps
fdliie Whitteruore of Brucefleld to t
guest at the home of Mrs. jamas kl
Gee North Mein St
Mr, and Mre. H. ,fonas spent the
week -end in Stratford,
Mre Haight and elissGraos MaoTavish
who have been guests of ?dr. and Mrs.
Edward MieFattl daring the past week,
left on Monday for their home in '21.
Mrs. A, B. McLean has disposed of
her home on James St. to Mr, .7. 8,
Spencer the present occepaut,
Mr and Mrs. Peter Campbell of
Cromarty moved into their new home
on High Street last Wednesday.
Robert Laird of the Aviation Corps
is visiting hie mother, elm Laird,
North Main St. He has just returned
from Texas where he spent the winter
in training
Mr 5, L, Box has been uontinetl to
the lionee through illness during the
past week,
Mr. L Aberharc has returned from
attending the annual meeting of the
T.hreehermen'a Aseoodatlon held in Lon-
Miss Van Egmond of Clinton is visit
ing relatives here,
fdra (De) Telford of Cromarty visited
friends here.
Mr 11 MoFonl Is on a visit to friends
in St Thomas
Mre Wm. McLeod hoe returned from
a visit to her brother in London.
A Hard Tirnes Dance in aid of the
Womens War Auxiliary will be given in
Canines Opera Hall on Easter Monday
evening, April tet. Prizes will be giv.
en for the best hard times costumes; no
one in "glad raga" admitted, Full
annonnoement in next weeks paper,
The Auuual meeting of the Wumens
Wer. Avxiliary of Seaforth will be held
in the armories on Friday afternoon,
March 12th at 4 o'clock All are in.
sited t0 s
at till.
Mise Barris of Walton has accepted
a position iu Stewart Bros,
A very atiooeeeful block tea, ruder the
auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of
the Presbyterian church was held last
Wednesdayevening at the home of 511s
R. 1' Boll and another the following
Friday at the home of Mi's John Stew-
art, High St,
Rev, 10.B, Larkin will have for his
subject next Sunday evening, "The
Complaint of Socialism against the
(Mosel Lewitt of (,toderltlh, Major
Ranee of Clinton, Mr and Mrs 10, Craw•
ford Motelland of Badttt, and Mies
Hayti of Goderiol, were among those
who attended the inners' of the late
Stanley Haye.
Mr: Thomas -Simpson who has been
laid up with an attaok of pneumonia is
greatly improved.
Mrs, George Jatuiesen and daughter
Mise Belle of Windsor aro visiting with
Mr. and elm D 13 MoDooald.
Lieut. Laughton, of Toronto was
spending a few days with 31r, 0, A,
McConnell and family,
Mrs. E. Hardie has rammed front
spending a few weeks with her parents
211. Paul Hoa is training in [tendon
for service overseas.
A Bung service was hell) hi Carmel
Church on Sunday of last Iw ek when
the choir appeared in their sew gowns
and the pastor in his. The stn vice, both
horning and evening hart large attend
antes' The special numbers were much
Alias Mary McDonald has. been 10,0
ooeeftit in passing her third grade piano
examinations at the London Conserv
story of Mesio with honors, truss Mary
is only twelve years of age and has
been a pupil of Miee Flossie ewes of
this village.
Mr Sol Williams wlto,iloa tesided here
for over ten years, left recently for
Seaforth where he will work in tie
munitions plant.
Asthma Doesn't Wear WI Alone.
Do not make the tnistaite of w iting
for asthma to wear away by liven
While you aro waning elm eli.eaee la
surely gathering tt stronger foothold
atul you live in danger of stronior and
yet stronger attacks, Dr.'', Ti. Kell.•
egg's Asthma Remedy taken ('oily,
will prevent incipient condi•'iou from
uhroufa and s•tv of
t•a limb:, It
awful suffering.
Boarders Wanted
Three or four hoarders wanted in a
private horse on Goderioh Street East
Mrs, 0. McLeod
Warm Cream and Cold Oresun
Btfr cream frequently to hasten the
/D0ooting and to keep it in smooth con-
dition. Do not pour warm crown Into
cold oceans; this practice spode the
}stole batch. Cool the warm cream
tit o'neparnto can before mixing. The
th dalsupply houses are now putt
au a market cooling tanks whit
Oprovide Inc two cans for this very
nrpose. if you cannot conveniently
Enke your own cooling tank, or have
made locally, ask your creamery
ure a tank nk P or
3t4ik With
any reliable dairy supply house.
Bow Seventy.six hours (Save a
Profit o1$68,29,
++praying Material Should se Ordered
Manly This Year --Keep the fram-
ing Mill acing—Work In the
Dairy, Stable and in the Orchard.
(Coetrituted et. Unlario 1)epartineet of
Agriculture, Toren to,)
HOW A PROFIT of $58,29 was
made from twenty-six hens,
which turned the table
scraps, and 220.13 worth of
feed into 284.,42 worth of eggs Is de
scribed in a reeent circular of the
Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa.
' The birds were net aelected with a
view to the grottiest production ees
sable, but rather to the securing of
sub a flock 08 any amateur might
go out and purchase. The flock cou-
eleted of twenty-six birds ---four of
whish were three-year-old lihiu'ti Leg-
horn liens, six White Leghorn pullets
and one Black 1linorm pullet, hatched
In May, and the balance were erase -
[weds ,1 .
ds Ill
ick and White e
!. whores,
hu r .cite
d in
June, e Th 'e
They were n put
quarters until well on in
November, and it was December 7ln 1
before the first egg was laid,
iiow the Flock Way Kept.
An old wood shed about eleven by
twelve feet was utilized as a poultry
house. In the south side, fifteen
inches front the flour a line of win-
dows two feet wide was plaeed and
above these an opening about eigh-
teen inches wide was made across the
rntiro front. Iu this a frame, covered
with tight cotton, was hinged• Thio
frame was kept hooked up to the ceil-
ing through the clay, exeepi it the
severest weather.,
Hoppers of Oyster shell, beef scraps
ltnd dry gnash were kept constantly
bargee the flock, :Ile dry mash con-
sisted of $ran middlings and coru-
Ineal, equal parts, one-half part glu-
len and one-half part blood flour. A
deep straw Utter was kept on the
boor into which all wbole grain feed
was scattered.
In the morning, mixed grain, us-
Utt Qraeked corn, wheat and oats,
equal , rosy a =rPn. At the me
time waOlnedpirtSsa
water tT:he given, At
f'.o011 the Water wag renewed and all
the kitchen waste, such as vegetable
parings, was fed. Usually at this time
a few handfuls of mixed grain were
also scattered.
The methods followed were suob as
almost any city dweller could follow.
A very small place for a house and
no yard room are required. 13y buy-
ing pullets in the fall and selling
them when poultry is high in the
early summer the most will be had
out of the flock without Interfering
in any way with either your own or
your neighbor's back -yard garden.
Timely Agricultural Suggestions.
Seed grain and root seeds secured
from the best sources available and in
ample quantities for spring seeding
are a most prolltaljj einvestment at
this time of the yedii , (1 Is not too
late to germinate seeds of various
kinds of farm crops to determine
their suitability for spring seed. A
poor seed sown is a seed wasted-
-and food is too scarce to waste any
of it this year._—
Plenty of exercise for the breeding
animals will insure stronger and
more profitable young.
When the work is not too pressing,
get the fanning mill busy to ensure
a good supply of sound, plump seed
grain free from weed seeds. The
oftener the seed is put through the
fanning mill the larger and plumper
the grain will be, and the fewer the
weed seeds in it. Always avoid sow-
ing sunken grain and weed seeds—
they are about the poorest invest-
ment a man can make.
Secure an amply supply of spray-
ing material now. Bluestone will be
required for spraying potatoes, iron
sulphate' for spraying mustard, lime
sulphur for the fruit trees and parts
green or arsenate of lead for potato
beetles and other insect pests. Be
sure to secure the supply of fortnallu
for treating seed grain to prevent
mutt and for treating potatoes to
prevent scab, One pint of Formalin
Is sufficient to treat from 20 to 30
bushels of grain and the same amount
will treat from 40 to 45 bushels of
potatoes. Keep the Formalin bottle
well corked and do not leave it in a
place where 1t is likely to be frozen.
80auriu £arm labor g b will
be Che
great problem in agriculture this
year, Write to the Ontario Govern-
ment Public Employment Bureau, 15
Queen's Park, and also consult your
agricultural repreeentaltve. Put 1n
your order early with these men and
you may get the help you require—
and without cost,
The ideal temperature in the dairy
stable, combined with good air, is
between 50 and 60 degrees Fahren-
heit. It 1s a good plan to have a ,en-
able thermometer flanging at some
central point in the stable and note
the variation In the temperature from
day to day. On fine days turn all
the subtle outside for an hour in the
sunshine. It may mean a little less
milk, het 11 will n laid lot' itt the
itnprocenion1 01 the 1 sl,b nr' (11'
young sl0r(1.
I'1e, ill 1 Ih1 1 t ltd may
be scraped dowtt ' o aae
more effective ttte tof
fire trunk and t 1 1 h,.;.
1 gg .oto t h1 t 11... ot'1,
cofaptrn'tusly 'x14111 ' 4',!)>; it
bath, may bo rpmr)%. i.y ..1, r:,s al
a wire brush r.,' hook on 0 pilo. --
fint.nrio A ct•icnl lural Uoilege Nuns,
h . i 4
Mon. Tue. & Wed.
A Twentieth century ronnunct
that hearkens back to the days
when pirates bold ruled the
mighty main,
"Prudence the
61.idys uiette
You'll be thrilled and delighted
with Prudence in her rakish old
schooner "The bucket of Blood"
The Fatal ! lug"
Mone Tue. & Wed,
Maple Sugar
Maple sugar and maple syrup pro.
duction come as the first attack in the
greater production campaign for 1918.
The call for food of ail hinds comes to
Canada and all Canada, welt and west,
to save the situation must produce this
year as never before.
The first crop of the year; in Eastern
Canada at least, tend Bl parts of iltani
toba and Britiah Columbia as well, is
secured by by tapping the sugar staples
The amnion i8 due to open itt Essex
County, Ontario, the most southerly
point in Canada, about March 20th,
and gradually the spring will creep
North and east, spreading across the
older part of Ontario and into the .Wast•
ern Townships of Quebec and on to
New Brunswick anti Nova Scotia, The
saprunning season will last tri each
sectionuntil the leaves bud—about
three or four weelce, The greatest use
a farmer can make of this period, if he
has a sugar bush on his farm, is to turn
in with all the help he can oommand or
persuade, and make a couple of huts
dred dollars worth of sugar. It wilt
coat him some firewood, it is true, and
1t1 some dlstl'iota of Canada cordwood
is getting (nighty eaarce, but the farm
er has to cousider that this is an exoep
tioual year. We have had a great
world shortage of cane and beat sugars
Canada hasuot suffered rhe way some
countries, but tho demand for sugar le
greater than ever kiiawn. Britain is
on a sugar ration of two 0poundso
month. Franca one and one -teeth
pounds per mouth, Italy one pound a
The Canadian market has hitherto
readily absorbed 7fiper cent cf the
Canardian sugar production. The Un-
ited States takes alt we 0011 send and
would gladly take mots, Western
Canada is a growing market where the
pore maple sugar and maple spun is
highly esteemed. In the big cities of
Canada it has been !lard to get para
maple syrup asci sugar, and for year
the demand for the pure l,rodnets ha
exceeded the supply. The United
Stetee otters an unlimited markets.
And ferthar, rho American people have
been asked to censers's carie and beet
angers and redeye the consumption of.
Nilgai' efll illi,•, 1 bt. 511+014,ht 0011annr-
fn's ul tbo wor;tt Nla fore<•d 1,, !bill sub-
stitutes Maple, fan wlcote&I mo auh-
ititutt and 9(911111 w•h, res t'r 11111 111,-
The people of Britian and Fran
have lately been marls acquainted Pei,.
the Oanadiatl sugar. The ('anadiu
soldiers have introduced it. nhouean1
of pounds have been sent to the froi
by the Red Croee, and t e knowledge'
maple Havoc has spread by !now Into 11
various countries of Europe where Cat
adian troops have been stationed. Th
has created the foundation for a pert;
anent export trade, and Caeadia
maple sugar rodno0re !lave po
a market opportunity practical)
without a Iiu,it.
Maple sugar and syrup have bee
protected from adulteration by th
Pure Maple Sugar amendment to 11
Adulteration Act, the word "map!
may not be used in branding or offerhn
for sale any but the pure product
Dealers in the Ottawa Valley and t
Eastern townships of Quebec are offo
ing prices netting sixteen Dents
pounds to the farmer's for ' sugar an
$1.75 per ga(lun for syrup. 'rhe.
prices are wittily double those receive
five or six years ago, Eery avaih,bi
tree should be tapped this spring 80
every sap bnoket, pail and pan shout
be pressed into service, whether it i
the most up -to -bate equipment or 111`
old time sugar Making outfit that' ha
not neeu used for years. Nvury titt(
helps. Et'0ry penult of maple sugar
Farmer,- -- A
of Dv Thomas' &electric Oil in the tat,
house will save runny a journey ter ill
doctor. ft is not Dilly good for th
children when laiden with colds an
0renp, and for the mature who end's
from pains and aches, hit ttlere lir
t tendons for its use on sick mitt)
l'.010 should always he a bottle "1 it
the twnee,
1t is a Liver rill,—Man) of the ail
lne'.te that man has to contend wit,
have their origin in a disordered lives
which 18 a clelfcate organ, pe01111ert
err.:crp11)10 to the disturbances ilii,
cll Il (loin It rr't'oi,,' hahlle or lack
care in eating mid drinking. . Thi
Itt'Q,rltlite f,11• the ,(i,'at 111 ,1Ity liver tt;
gulatora I1Olr 110801,1 ., tin (111011 hi,,
of mase, is, Of'tlletn-' 1 ,i, tlou,, au
mer to Palittoloe's t .tuby,. f'ilt
111;11' npr•ratt•.t, flume,. )1, 11t0 11 eii'ec
Ivo, and the most delioate can nee the