The Seaforth News, 1918-01-17, Page 8"onsortal fire
Llatr cutting is an Art. .lt
makes a great difference to pour
appearance how the cutting of
- the kakis done,
Different features require differ-
ens treatment.
You will get careful consider-
ation at the
Commel tial Barber Shop,C4th
Delicious 'lle'ruit Laxative" can't hare*
tender little Stomach, Liver }torten Bullard to very ill at hie home
Tile funeral of the late Mrs. Mo.
Kenzie was held last week, She was ill
her 94 t year. Iter maiden name woo
(`arolin( Wallis. She is survived by
ons daughter, Carrie et home, and two
eons, .Alex of Kippott, Bud Jetuoo of the
'1110 fishermen ware busy Not week
putting up ice for (text Beason,
Mrs. 111. Ross is visiting friends in
Mr Richard of Detroit ie visiting
%lt', Jae, Ferguson,
Many people are wondering why the
010100180 don't all Unite a("1 vitro Enol
.and f�owerle,
Leel et she fonguc, trOthlt! I`
urda-ai 'r-' U hick' one's eionmel , !e'er
a,nd bowels 0(0(18 cleansing t ,( ,•,
When pot oh, 00(101 Betties'+ , ;'t
sleep, pee [ r ae:d, sla(tiral}y, ow.e , {. I•.
AA, anenl,2ale .01 r, bm1t11 bad 1/1111 acro
threat, tri lrle , fell of eelr „iso 0
ttaspuonfai i "Ualitoi',;s: 88. "sup : f
Figs," and m t few sutra X11 rt.e foul,
tale ipated tweets, n 1 el feel ,end
emir bile gently mot err :I. , hitt,
%owole wittuuut riilin ail , 11 I at ' 4
earls r'a.'lnl child again. 1s Ler
Iruggist for a bottle of "California
i9yrup of Iigs," t01(ic1 .ontains full
sdirection,a for babied, Children of all ages
Wei kr grown-ups,
here, fat, ie 7 yoeu0 „1 age,
The new •0400.11 10 nuty ut 0he11
01,us and 14,41'11,11 work. They are
1 eve .• I ey t''[, !Wilmot, 1t„hort
B ,are ee £ i'(aft a1 d l'h0s. Hurl -
K111111 I(ae14 tits fn0l bed thiols am that it
1ri11 nut btu'/ through in /Tote anal ad -
'Che members of the coins board for mit a large exeees of air, If there is a
bright bed of coals ,1(4' the petite.
grate, a8 there should be before any
heavy 010050 i/ fired, some of the Inti,
ing coal should be pushed to fete side
0r end of the grata -the part 0('80481
the opening where the germs leave the
fire pet -and the het} of coals mad
Dub in
fl1'm, 0. McDaid was in 1aafortI, las
}Mies Lizaio .Mooney after graduating
from the Stratford Business Oollego
luta gone to Toronto where elle bee se -
cored a poaitton.
The storm of Saturday wee one of the
worst in these parts, 'Phe trema were
blocked all day, The (Indy traits 01117
got as far' as St, Coltimbau and stunk
Mtwara McGrath, Looby and Weber
are trustees here for 1918
Miss Fralloea (Givhu of Beechwood
4080 recently visiting ft eerie here.
Mies 0, MoKeena, who spent the
holidays in Sarnia with her 11'ether, is
home .gain,
How to Make Your
Coal Cure Longer.
Harburn, Geo 1'(llicl:
D. A Moir. David Dew and David
111 rLe3u.
The. anew et the past week hag
gree!lt improved the sleighing,
Vl �' WANT NOWs .Hiss '180010 Millen of Egiuundville
is whiffing her utlole Mr. Fred BUrdges
-'- of Stanley.
blrs. H. M. McDougal of Tiverton
was the guest of her father, 11141 John
A Reliable Agent in Hur,;1, (butt
la Sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit 311
'rnemental trees during Fell and Win
:er months. Good pay. exclusive torr
+cry, free selling . equipment,
Over 600 Aores of the choicest Nur
(cry stook including New v;frtetieo con
trolled by 110. Handsome
selling equipment and a splendid Can-
adian grown stock, to offer eustomere
We are not jobbers. Write now for
agency terms to PELHAM NURiERY
0, , Toronto, Ont.
N. B Catalogue sent an,requeot to
applicants for agencies or purchasers of
Noreery stock.
Walker over New Yoare
Walter MCBetll who spent the
summer 10 the 'Neat is home for the
• winter.
Mrs. Calvert and children are visiting
her father, Mrs, P. Bovory,
Miss Flora Smith Smith is the guest
her'brother, Mr, Alex Smith, of Stanley
Miss Margaret Ross and Wm Swan
have returned to Toronto University,
Family Almost Wiped Out
By Consumption.
From a hovel in -the rear of mere
ei tentious buildings comes a ghastly ing oil Wednesday-.
taleours seeins almost one that in is fair incredible; yet, of ' Sti altun sera $26 to the Feigiar.
those who know the ravages of eon- �''i;ri
humps ton it ie hut a tyr ral couo.•
Grief sty i, the mother tells -le
On Friday ,tan. 25th under the aus-
pices of the Women's Institute Capt.
Mr's, H, W, Parsons of Toronto will
give an address in the A, 0, U, W. Hall
Mrs. Parsons has a tare gift of speak.
ing and is very inetruotive and enter-
taining. Ber time has been chiefly
ocenpied since the war broke out in re.
Bruiting and patriotic work, Every
one who can should make a point of
hearing Mrs. P.,reotis,
Duff's Church hold its annual mast,
01 hex flee e a it children lupi f t
ihlS of it, 11,-.W12,1 .Je g 1 e rt L t,.take thl,
years. 03 ht l .l 1,} s[ esti i1fl( ebild, s
ferine smut a tube,s:,11c(as 1311),
then as though in rlef:leery of th
misery, the father, too, was shirk
the W. 1 have arrauges} foe •. -aw •- A
thicker there. Then fire the charge so•
1 part bran, Ratio I: ;Y, 2
No, ,1-- 4 parte milk, i part ground.
o:+ta, 1 pert aborta, natio 1:4 a,
No, 6 -.- 6 parts milk, 1 part
oats, 1 part eon meld, 1 par
wheat meal, Ratio 1: 5 oz,
An attempt was nlyde to inure
tallow to one half part and wid
ration to I. 7 1 but this 1'oollited
unpalatable end heavier feed th
birds could , virtulltly aesinlilet
amount fed was douhtlrse •the 1
pure fat material that could o
supplied in a roticn and give an
Ilhooil of 1e eticie1 requite.
Without skimmed mills, it
not be dil#oult to tvidon the rat
the addition of feed Hob in es
drotes but euob a ration would I
trouble no the lactic of 8010011
nlwaye indaees feather pulling and like
te mall quantity of "Boat Pulp
fed to the birds in crate No, b to
the worth of a substitute for gree
1 he result, however. was riot elle
ing, ft was apparently impel
and the birds ooneumed so little
no advantage could he shown fo
At the conclusion of the 21 day
he birds were In liret utaae, cru
led cuulll have easily been mad
how better gains in weight by 00
ling the feed. But thtee wee
tumidly conceded to be as lung a n
a is profftehm anis, therefore, chi
he true decided upon,
In giving the results for the diff
atiolts It should be borne in mind
le+ duration of the experiment
trinity one days and that on the rei
the birds before the feeding
orth 1510. per Ib, and when fiui
roughs 250 por lb. The costa are
1 out at price of grain at the time
e number of prelude of feed requ
produce ono pound of gain is wo
e in each ease given so the moat
agent laurel prices may be worked
tion No 1, -Gained 23 pounds, a
mad 70 lbs of feed; required 3,4
d to 1 lb gain, The cost of e
of gain wart i2.6o, The net pro
the I2 birds WAS $G. 4g
tion No 2, -Gained 321118 , conal
8(1 lbs of feed, 2,5 Ibr feed to g
e pound, ata coat of 6,2 omits;
fit was $p 88.
tion No 3, -Gained 16 lbs„ eoasu
67 lbs, No of pounde fed for o
ncl gain 4 2, at a cost of 9.o.; 1
fit $5 ta0,
tion No, 4,-Gaiuod 19.5 lbs; 72 1
en: 3 7 lbs to 1' Ib gain, oost per
18,7; net profit $6 74.
ion No 6, -Gained 26 !be; 8o 1
consumed, 311be feed to I Ib ga
per pound gain 6.70; net gain
e $8. 52,
he wide rations without tallow we
t profitable; the narrow the moat
naive. It did not pay to add tallow
3 cite, a pound to the ration. The
a finish usually looked for on tallow
irde was not apparent 00 Crate
1 when dressed.
t bunk.
use the
ell the
to an
an the
e, 'Tile
imit of
n)y be
y 11110 -
ion by
(all to
" 401,0
n feed
r the
s all
4' to
its 18
s was.
ark -
as to make the bed approximately of
milkmen thickness ants yet leave visible
a bright spot of live coals to ignite the
freshly fired fuel. If the lire is low take
care not to put it out by throwing on
too much fresh coal. Fire lightiv and
allow each firing to become ignited bo -
fore throwing fresh coal on. Deo small
sixes of coal when available.
When preparing the charge to teat
over night or a similar length of time
push some of the burning coal aside
and fire the fresh charge so as to leave
a bright spot visible to ignite the dis-
tilled gases. The drafts should than
be left open for a short period, possibly
half au hour, before being shut for the
night, so that a part of the volatile gas
ea and matter call be driven off before
the air supply is greatly reduced.
Mre, Thoe, Pinkney of Stratford died
at her home in the oity on Wednesday,
Jan. 9th 1918• She had oil,' been 111
from the previous Friday when she had
a paralytic stroke. The deceased was
54 years of age, She leaves one son,
David, aged 15 years, and one daugh-
ter, Margaret, 10 years of age, besides
her husband. Until six years ago Mr.
and Mrs Pinkney lived in Seaforth
Before her marriage eh0 lived In Lond
on. Tho funeral was held on Friday
ofterneon and wee largely attended,
at 1
fed b
1m -
At the prides ruling during the ex.
peritneut, such feeds as bran and flour
are not setiefeetcry if fed alone, though
often recommended for erste feeding,
pat'0ntly the wider the nutritive
of the grains in the mixture the
r. There seems no likelihood of
getting it too aide if milk is used.
uld 01111 not be used with a wide
ration there is a probability that bath
„1 1,1001110g sed other rices might be-
come prevalent
The advisability 0f ''(r(iehIng" pouf
try marketed is apparent and where
skitamed 1, ilk is available it can be put
to no better use than to fatten the fowl
before khli'lg, as it will be mien from
the above table that almost any ration
will improve the bird in the fattening
crate, but the Ovide ration is preferable
if the ne00000ry ingredients are obtain
able, The usual methods and crates
adopted as deacribed in Dominion Ex.
perimental Farm Bulletin No, 88,
�s ss;gt aa l 1,
r< na[nt : 114 + . -; CliA i ny'. FATTENING ratio
' bene
)!n l t, { •1e hies quite a 11 nbe,1 have
He is rt v a patient. at the 11-Iuslrolla J i lam
Free HT.o. phut, ri -re every e:ndeav
is being rade to Pave his lif e.
Muskoka a Fret) Hospital for Con. -u
brae to appealing for 1,cln to . a
our -----+ t it tee much o the stock is
yup_ 11,York
" n being kilted 311 a very sults C(H di thin .
ray 1, New "r ork after visiting Mr R, Norris Numerous tests have et f feed.
The use of crates for the fiuiehing of
poultry for the market has been grazier. Sho
al for years and yet this year, with the
The I ‘I. a ,d Mit F" eget have returned t high a 181 f teed l f h 1
on this fight against the (;rent Wh
ml- •N11811(.! iberdell of Exeter, is -doffing
ce !her 01.ter Mrs ,I Rankin .
Plague, The money yeti give will h
them erek out these unfortunate fa
Les and gi1',. them a fighting clean
for their lives.
cf the. latter. and his family. re for 1 that
iIn i fug 10 0 01.0144 or coop 15 days be-
fore killing produces a !ugh quality and
an e0uuomic flesh, awl even this yoer
thus prectieo of (riddling will pay, At
the 0atne time there are rations that
will produce flesh more cheaply then
otrot's and for feeding this year it ie
more important than ever to 0)0110 the
moat out of foods used. Therefore a
further test made by the Experimental
Firm will be of interest. For flesh the
radon should bo high in fat forming
material and because of the tendency
on the part of some to use for orate
feeding a ration high in protein, a trial
was suggested between narrow rations
rich in protein, and wide rations, rich
its fat,
Contributions may be sent to W. 7,
(cage Chairman, 84 upaaina Avenue,
Toronto. or (leo. A. Reid, Seeretary-
Tx•easnrer, 225 relberre it, Toronto,
IIt Works! Try It 1
Telfa how to loosen a sora,
tender corn so It lifts
out without pain.
'+,,•,,.,v,,.eewm,a,na,u,nn„i $/ownan.roa„w,ano,i•.
(Good news spreads rapidly and drug.
gists here are kept blew dispensing
freezone, the ether dleoovery of a Oin-
olnnati man, which Is said to loosen
any corn so It lifts out with the fingers.
Ask at any pharmacy, for a quarter
ounce of f ,
Attie,butissaid�to which
sufficient sto rit d
sine's feet of every hard or soft corn or
You apply just a few drops On the
deader, aching corn and instantly the
Ts rso sa isrelieved,
that It ld ifts outewfftm�-
feet pain. It is a stteky substance
'which dries when applied and nevem
Inflames or even Irritates the adjoin -
Ing tissue.
saThis etory nalprevent
kjnds of deaths aanlyf m lockjaw
. and infection heretofore resulting from
the ettleidal habit of cutting orris. 3,
The farmers Institute will have their
meeting here on Saturday afternoon,
January (9111. Mr8 Parsons of Toron-
to will address the women at the home
of Mrs R. Sattler. A joint meeting in
the evening
After spending 18 yoare in Saskatch-
ewan, Mr John Butson is visiting hie
o'if home.
Mt and itIrs Humbly recently visited
relatives in Walton and Seaforth,
Mr Carl Weitzman of Niagara Fails
N Y was a holiday visitor at the home
of his uncle M T Hamilton,
A pleasant gathering wail held at the
stone of Mr, and Mre. D, D, McKellar
on New Yeer'e day Idany guests from
a dl8ta00e were present,
Mre, Wright of Hamilton is rioiting
her brother Mr, Alex Stewart.
Mre ,5, Barr and two eons of Stria
ford have been visiting friends here,
Mrs, J. Oamel•on of Illaushard spent
e week with Mt. John Scott.
Tho object of the experiment there-
fore, was to determine the relative val-
ue of a aeries of rations ranging flow 8n
extremely "wide" nutritive ratio to one
oorrreepondingly "narrow", For thus
experiment sixty vigourono cockerels
were oeleotod and placed in five crates
They were fed rations ranging in nut-
ritive ratio 1:7, 1 to 1: 8.2,
The rations fed and their nutritive
ratio were as follows:
No, 1 - 6 parte milk, 1 part ground
Data, 1 pert corn meal, 1 part buck-
wheat, Ii3 part tallow: Ratio 1, 5. 6.
No. 2 - 6 parts milk,.1 part ground
oats, 1 part corn moa), 1 part buolr.
wheat meal, Ratio I; 5,09
No, ,; 4 parte milia, 1 part F Flour
Changes al the Courthouse
The new order is now established in
the county offioes at the at court house.
Mr. Lane occupying the county treas-
urer's office and Mr. Holman having
taken up the duties of the county clerk.
ship to which he was appointed by the
county council in December.
The new county clerk is a oompars-
tive stranger to the people of Goderich
and a brief sketch will serve to iutro-
duee him to the readers of the Signal,
Geo, W, Holman is it native of the
county of Huron, having first seen the
light of day in the township of Stephen
He was the youngest ohild in a family
of twelve, wboee father, the late Leiria
.Holman who wee 00e of first lour
settlers in Stephen. Mr, klolman, after
attending the e0UUtry public auhool
mune to Godorioh and wee a student
snider Dr Strang in the Goderi011 Nigh
School, afterward entering the 10140hing
pv010881011, Be taught for thirty-eigth
years, ell but ono of those yours being
spent within Ole county.
For twelve yore M1•, 1401(0at) ems-
billed with his duties 58 sohooJ teacher
those of the township clerk of Ueborne.
Lie has Wien 100ognized for ninny Duos
as one of the lenders in the pedagogic
profession of the county, having barn
(leafed president and seuretary•treua
trey of the West Huron 'rewriters' Ao-
so0iation, and having also held office
with the East Hor50 tea011010 for a 101(5
period, For many years he represent-
ed 1).0 Aesooiatious in the ,,ntario
Educational Aaoociatiou, in whose pro_
oeedln58 he book a vary aotive part, He
1888 (loo county auditor for five years
and with Mr Ooa0n0 the other county
auditor, 1811'0 entreated u'it11 the final
audit of the late treasurer's hooks,
which audit was completed a week ago
Mr HUIl11a11 in a widower, his wife a
daughter of the late Archie 11loCurdy of
ll/bol'ue, having died fear years ago,
There 14(41 tour oltildreu, two boys and
two girls, 01,4 of the (heighten' is
married, and the other ie at home, The
two boys are both 111 khaki, having en-
listed in ,lenuary, 14115, Gordon hen
0 aft in the (('011ches with the let Batt.
allies for thirty mantles, and W}lhn0t
Iles been 111 the saddle for twenty fire
mouths as a trouper of the loth Mount.
ed Rifles, Both Have aeon hard fighting
at Ypres (titst and second battles), the
Somme, Viniy Ridge, and in other en-
gagemente, and both ao fat' have come
through seathluas,
hir, Holmen is a Presbyterian, and
its political matters a Cousel'vative,
It hue !already been remarked in
these columns that Mr. Holman was an
applicant for the county clerk -hip
twenty six years ago, when he ran a
close seemed to Mr, Lane for the ap-
pointment, 1t is a (strange freak of fate
that brings him baclr, after the lapse of
a quarter a century, to join Mr. Lane
in a new regime in the county's affairs.
The new county clerk has always
been popular wherever be has been
known, and hie genial disposition will
quickly make many friends for him in
Goderich, He will soon move his house
hold to town and will be welcome as a
citizen. We trust that many years of
useful service in the interests of the
county of Huron are ahead of him. -
The Goderich Signal.
Warts are disfigurements that dis-
appear when treated with Holloway'
Corn Cure.
Farm For Sale
One hundred acree, Lot 13, Con 2,
H R 8 Tnokeremith All cleared, in
extra state of cultivation being a dairy
f8rtn for 10 years; Buildings are 2
Story Stone House; Barn 1.06 x 36
stand shed, 36 x 40; Cement 8tabhling
throughout, with accommodation for
1(1(1 ho a
g Art anon well with .water
system in stables; Letter carrier; Mille-
iug -system; Gement Silo 13 x:15 Farm
is well fenced lend drained rtes forty
rod of spring creek at back One and
In wishing you all good things at this
New Year Season, we desire to thank you
for your treatment of us year
g the
that is closing.
And we want you to be assured we shall
do all in our power to help your trade in
11918by producing e'anadian Footwear in
the latest'upcdopdate and saleable models
that will certainly give satisfaction to you
F gunA�� wr,.
"The li lorll11e of Good Shoes'
Phone: 5 r
�.».•+..�M=.+...�.w`,uc.a+;,•a cee mirsurtT79aPraS^ Alraq ;i„'R
;rvnca ..,.m ; vira�rwato -L- ;�ammuttaa mmar.=ascetatcummay a.': ',n!IG0. 04.4(_ �santamtia r,agll m
. '�`hl. �:5i tit• Be,..%'
This weeK-eta b
w � rt
Foremost Delineator of Western
Types in the World
will Appear in Thos R1. lnce's
masterful production
e aw t aker"
also showing another 2 Act
"Safety First Ambrose"
Mors® Tae. & Wed.
The Great and Only
and the Bashnian;Iayne Serial
Perfect Pictures --Peerless projection
half mile from Seaforth Station.
,John McNay,
R RNo3
Phone 10 on 143
Farmers Attention
Make money in your
spare time this Winter
by selling NURSERY
SToeK and NEW
This is the right time
tolstarton Spring Sales.
We pay highest come,
missions and furnish
our Salesmen with iita
erature with a "punch"
to it.
Send for our list of New
Offerings and full part-
Stone chic Wellington
The IFonthill Nurseries
Established 1837
Toronto, Ont,
PRI `:Tela
If you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we • are in
a better position than ever to supply your needs,
Prompt Attention to Rush Orders,
Leave us your orders when in need of
Or anthing &se in printing
come in And See Us About Sale Sills
Rub it in for Lanae Baok.-A brisk
rubbing with Dr. Thomas' Eoleotric
Oil will cure lame back, The akin will
immediately absorb the oil and it will
penetrate the tissues and bring speedy
relief. Try it and be oonvinoed, he
the liniment einke in the pain comae
out and there are ample grounds for
eayfng that its to(toh is magical, ne i
Asthma No Longer dreaded. The dread
of renewed attacks from asthma hag no.
hold upon those who have learned to
rely upon Dr J. D. Kellog's Asthma
Remedy. So safe do they feel that
oomplete reliance is placed on this true
specific with the certainty that it 40111
always do all their makers claim, < If
you have bot yet learned how safe you
are with this preparation at !land get
it to -day and learn for yourself,