The Seaforth News, 1918-01-17, Page 5THE CMADIAN ERC SEt EDMUND whilst, C,V.O., LLD., D,C L„ Prudent CAPITAL PAID UP, $ii5,000,000 SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manager H. V. F, JONES, Assn. Gen'I, Manager RESERVE FUND, $13,600,000 Careful attention is given to the bank- ing requirements of farmers, with whom an important part of the business of this Bank is transacted. Farmers may rely upon prompt and courteous service. Seat . 3E3 r a 1..o.j' J. G, MULL EN, Manager W. J. Walker L9Qdertaker Em armor W..1. Walker, holder of gov- erment Diploma and tacanse Day or Night cls reoeivo our prompt attention I)ay Phone 67 Night etl Winter Tenn from .leluary 'end STRATFORD, ONT.,- We employ experienced iustrutore give th'r'ough courses and indivi(inal atteutiou to pupils and plan) grad. nates in positioiie. This school is one of the largest and best Comrner. cial school in Oarlada, Write for free catalogue concern- ing our Commercial, Shorthond or Telegraphy Departments. W G.ELLIOTT D MCLACHLAN PRESIDENT PRINCIPAL THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful --Get a small bottle of Danderine, If lou care for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant wit'' life; has an incomparable softness is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. e' Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff- Yon can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a fovor- islntees and itching of the soalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then tae hair falls out fast. Surely get a 1inall 'bottle of K owlton's Danderine 'nn any drug store and just try it, FOR SPEe' ELW F111 1110 Iiouso, 'r rooms' and p. iitry, summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and Soft water, Electric lights, lege ve. rat 'ab. :stable lu'' x 1 i' 1,00 i10080 9 T, Apply et the News ()trine 81 For Sale House and half aor•eof land in the village of lignlondville• The property is situated 011 0e11tr0 Street, °loge to the Presbyterian Church and is known as the Purcell property. Good oom- fortabla hone), good shod, good well and cement Meter'', All Wilda of fruit trees, etrawborries, raspberries and currant bushes, This is a 001001 pro party with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of cultivation This is a nice property fur a retired farmer and tate taxes are Tight. For partioelars apply on the premises. or 1.5 John nankin, Seaforth. Begin The New Year by getting a Hair Cut at Bolton's Barber Shop CARDNO'S BLOCK SEAFORTH eneradslaarre for sale sev- eral l -_ Bonds and . w_ Debentures of a particularly ligln grade, ,bearing interest from 51, l'to ( per cent. 23111 11 information con ceruing same cheer.z fully given. JOHN RA Bond and Debenture Broker - - MON Street, Seaforth�_ Ph, i,,. e I a Goes to Press 18Th Please report changes required to our Local Orfneo, to -day. The Bell Telephone Co, of Canada T111: SE,AFORTi-i NEWS rra-.:wap`I W. temPM. wow :w _ I 'own Topics II zl 1,.Cao, lmNrwl,or,1s.wwpa,s„�w,�,. 1. ,1 fill..seelleaa.ewe.11p•weaaee...Nd Dig up your Overooat, have a look at it, by renewing the velvet Dollar, Press, ing and Cleaning may save you the prioe of a now one, My Wardrobe, Oodorioh, St, Opposite Queen's. Mies Gladys Ooueioe has retnrued from visiting her aieter in Grand Rs- pida, Mr. and Mrs, J Plnkney were in Stratford mr Thursday end Friday at, tending the funeral of their sister.in. law, Mrs, D. T. Pinkney, Messrs, A McLennan, Mae, hart and other members of the 111 Order went to Stratford on Frid attend the faeeras of Mrs Plultn that plane, Mies Millie Duggan and Mies Halpin were Stratford visitors on day, The storm 011 Saturday was the known to even the "oldest beheld The temperature was very low and gale from the southwest petite everywhere, Mr, A. George has purohaeed brick cotrage in Egmoudville owns Mrs Rudolph, Mr, Ford Aitohesen of BOR. Sask, is visiting friends in this Olin Mrs, Robert Smith has returned spending a week in 'Toronto, Aber. 880010 ay to uy of Mary Fri. worst taut" the raters tit 0 rl he t"r, ity from Mrs. West Nichols, Mrs, Norman Nichols and Mr, Roy Pinkney were ill Stratford on Friday attending the fun- eral of Mre, D. :1', Pinkney, Miss Pendergast, who has been spend gthe holidays at her home in Egmond Ile has returned to Chicago; Mina Olive Seigel of Mitchell is a sitor at the home of Mr, and Mre , Deem. Mre. Knight of Edmonton is a visitor the home of her mother, Mrs McKie' y Church St, Lieut, W. R. Smillie has returned om overseas on siok leave, Mr. George Bethune 0 P It purser spending the (holidays with his mot- Or. ot- er. in wa of wa in vi vi W at le fr 18 he Mr, and Mra, Stewart of Red De Alberta have been visiting relatives and around Seaforth. Miss Tillie McLean of Otte W88 a week -end visitor at the home Mr. and Mre. F, Holmetead. Dr. Neil MoLeod of Des Moines the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. McLem en at the Commercial, Mrs, E, H, Muir of 111g11 Bluff, Mao hes been visiting relatives in Hulled, Mrs. h'. Case and her daughter, IlIr Alexander, who has been visiting he left on Thursday afternoon for 'Polon whore Mre. Case will remain for tl rest of the winter, Mise Case wi shortly join her there, Right For tho Fleet Time, One winter a musquerade party Was Oren et NOW York, at which practi- cally all the great musical Ughte in the country were present. Very few knew who any of the others were, but in some way Josef Hofmann, the fa- mous pianist, knew one of the dis- guised men to be a loading musieai critic in the city, Daring the evening the latter, grasping the hand of the pianist, Cold; "I don't know who yell are, but this hand strikes me vory much as the band of a pianist," "Quite right," answered Hofmann, "and It is the first time I have ever known you to be right in a musieai criticism," And as no ono unmasked during the who eveningsaid the11, critic Is still wondering Ruffed Grouse, Civilization is abhorrent to the ruffed grouse, king of American game birds, It seeks the &lithe of the forests where the wild grapes and winter. green berries grow thickest; 'where clumps of laurel offer security from prowling wildcats or foxes; where mighty trees supply rousting places. There is no prouder bird in appear apse than the ruffed grouse, none so majestic in flight. The hunter who can find him and after finding can make LO per cent of hits may be classed us au expert. When flashed this grouse springs into the air with a roaring noise; there is n Bash of brown hurling Itself through the forest, and in an In- stant the bird is lost sight of. -Boston Jonrna1. Oast(' System Among Ragmen. Japanese ragmen have a caste sys- tem going from the lowest class, com- posed of men with no capital, who go about picking up hits of paper and rage with pointed slicks, to the high- est class, in which there are some men who are quite well nth. There is an intermediate class ,•Deposed of men who cau pay for what they get, the products they deal in depending large- ly on the amount of money they may have. Among the higher class of rag- men there aro divisions of trade, some dealing in woolen rags, some in cot- ton and others in different kinds of paper. -Japan Society Bulletin. The lenterrified. "Trouble has hit rue 'bout as hard as he !snowed how," says Uncle Gill, "but he hasn't never knocked me out - not yit. When I'm down I take as much of the count as is safe for me, but by the blessin' of God I'm soon up ag'in, an' then it is I give him all that's comin' to frim." -Atlanta Constitution. What Hole, "Mrs. Flubdub and Mrs. Wombat are a couple of haughty dames, yet they seem to get along with each other." "They have to get along. Mrs. Flub- dub's children are the only ones in the neighborhood good enough to play with Mrs. Wombat's children, and vice ver- sa -"^Louisville Courier -journal. Dubious Compliment. She (at masquerade ball) -Do you think my costume becoming? He - Yes, indeed, But you would be lovely in any disguise. -Boston Transcript. s. Sweet Thing! r, Belle -This yellow dress is not be - to coming to me, Nell -Why, dear, it ,e matches your complexion, -Baltimore 1l American. Mlas Horwiok of Tilbury is visiting her emit, Mrs Brown at the Rectory We understand that Mrs 12, Murless• ,louts is now rehearsing the Four act drama, "Within, the Law" which she iu- tends to present in Oarduo's Opera House about the end of January. This play is the most sonsational of recent New York productions anti rn81 with 11001(1 51100888 Mrs Murlmt ,Jones' previous play, '•uu/gpit'aoy" was an uu- 11s1181 treat to the people of Soeforth and "Within the Law" should prove "van better. Mr K..1, C'raucie who trade Buell shit last spring will appear, Mrs El'ugh (Mem left on Saturday for Dotroit Mr and Mrs D tioey and ferniiy, John St spent the week end with friends in Stratford. Rev Mr Ritchie of Oromarty will preach in Egmundville Church on Sun- day next. Mre James MoQuaid and daughter of Windsor is visiting relatives in Tucker - smith, Mr .H Oolvett died in Loudon last week He was a former resident of Egmothdvillo, Owiug to the storm the body was detained at Stratford from Friday until the line was opened 'Woe Hilda # Cold, awlt entertained about thirty of her ynong friends at a masquerade party last Friday evening whoa a moat enjoyable time was spent Mr and Mrs Lennox who have been visiting at the home of Mre Twies Railway St have returned to their home in Toronto Mrs Chapman and daughter have returned from a visit to relatives in Listowoll, He who reigns within himself and rales prejudices, desires and fears ie more than a king. -Milton, They Soothe Excited leot'vsa,--Yes., vuu8 affections are usually attributable tudefeotive 11igest1011, ne the stomach dominate a the nerve centres, A 0Onr8e of Partuelee'a Vegetable ['ills will 3,.,11 all disturbances of this oharacwr, and by restoring the stomach to 6aIt a1 action relieve the nerves from 111118(101 'there 18 ((0 sedative 11110 them and in the °erreutdon of irregularities of the dig•stiva processes, he preparsi;, , has duan, so effective work, 88 can he testi. fist' t; by tho'18eu18. N O 8 e The h',n 1101.'8 Ulnh will hold a 111, et ing in the 'town Hall on Wedneerl8y January S rd at 8 p. m. G D flail Sooty Notice Seaforth W. L. & S. Corn. Users of electric light and power are urgently requested d to use as small an amount as possible, especially from 4.30 to 6 p. m. on account of a shortage of power at Niagarft Falls. If at ali possible do not use electric irons from 4.3o to 6, 30 p. m. Jim, A, Wilson: Thwsday, • jail 17 '°n4"."14711 -11 -fl es Iq The err With Cameras A Nestor Of Criticism By LOUISE 9. CUMMINGS The woman's eiub of Modbury was divided Into departments of art, sot, micas, music and other' subjects, and for each department a night Was set apart, One evening when the depart- ment of literature suet for chat on !it• entry subjects it was announced be- forehand that bliss Euilna Alden Hlnekley, a celebrated Iittera tear, would be present. Miss Hinckley bad not written very melt herself, but her opinion On hooks was .looked upon 40 final, Dnrblg the evening a girl of nine- teen, sitting in n etal'n01' when would run no risk of belug ran by the Intelieetual autos that flashing their lights hither and th seemed to taste a julrolillo pleas observing 010111, "Nelilo," 301)3 a lardy, stepping her, "what are you cluing in this Ver? You should be Ranking bay the stun shines: 1 know you are bling, and there ere persons here can give you points that will 1011 help you. Come; I wish to inti you to Otis Hinobdry," The girl looked ns though she rather miss the opportunity than her corner, but tuns, nevertheless. dragged out of it and presents ' the Ifouesa O)' tab r :;r�, . This is Miss ICIIeu Acton," said. introducer. "She Is beginning to s ble a little, and I am quite sure yon can give her a few valuable points on how to proceed." Miss Hinckley looked a bit fright- ened. She could be very decided with young author's in her office as editor in chief of the - Magazine, but she didn't like to tackle one of them In a social way. However, she resigned herself to an ordeal. "I should like to ask you one or two questions, Miss Hinckley," said Miss Acton, "after which 1 will not trespass on your good nature further. Do you think I'm old. enough to write a novel? I'm nineteen," "No, you are not. There has been but one successful pore] ever written by a young girl."" "Rave you read a novel recently published called 'An Unfortunate Blun- der?'" "I have skimmed it In order to make mention of it in oar book notices." "What do you think of it?" "It is worthless." "Thank you, PII not trouble you any further." Miss Acton slunk back to her corner. giving place to several ladies who ad - trained to do honor to the literary light. Novel Methods Used in Training' Cadets of I?lying Corps • mamma Almost as e0on as a cadet h the Royal Flying Corps has mastered the art of flying lie begins to learn how to use hie machine as an offensive weapon to his first aerial gunnery praetioe the oatlat goes up with an experienced pi- lot. With a Lewis gun anonnted on a revolving turret at the roar, he fires at a life size plotur0 of an aeroplane on the ground. Then the two go rip and fig11t with two cadets in another aero- plane. By this time the Lewis guns are loaded not with bullets but -photo- graphic dime. As the gun is fired, these films register the accuracy of the tenors aim. From there the cede e the c,(1 learn what skill he has attained in dUWll were handling the Lewis gun --deadliest or Utter, fighting weapons. ire In Many other targets are 1301, 80100 up to times two Erin machines are painted on col. a Intgu eaevaa on tlhe ground, The while cadet ie expected to get them both with s('rib- his shote, 'shore 1e also the towed wtlO target -a sheet of ranvaa six feet square o tie" o0 towed behind another aeroplane. The cadet flies atm, it and "scuppers" it would with his Lewie gnu, Mfoi,atnr) balloons leave ore released and the cadet chases ate them through the air with a Virker,s� d to gun -a fixed gun which in aimed by tis. l,niptin,,, the 1eroplarhe 1118tea(1 of the crib. gnu .... Many a time when the ondet lie j ;at getting his shots the gun jams 1t bas been fixed en that they jam But the cadet thanks to his previous grounding in the mechanism of the gun, soon learn to locate the trouble and correct it in a few moments at the same time Den• tinning his chase Stroh training as this must be under gone by every aspirant to aerial achieve mint, Itis a training that brings out the best there is in a man --teaches him accuracy of aim, skill in handling his machine, amb tion to eohreve what- ever he sets out after. His work calls for youth, energy, clear heudedu08e, With these qualifications the thoroug - noes of R. F. C. training methods seems to help a man gain complete oonfidenoe in hie fascinating work as an aviator, * * * x, 0 * 0 A reception is in progress at the omen's club of 1lpdbury, 1t is giv- for the authmess of a novel wb!('h appeared a year 01;0 and has slowly en making its way into public favor, was published under an assumed me. There were many faults in its nstruction, hat there was something it that held the reader's attention Vel produced a peculiar effect It was t written for lute particular class. rsons of arknawle(lged literary taste proved and condemned It It was ad by both the old and the young. ose who liked it conld not see why hers did not Ilk° it. Those who cou- nned it said Writ. those who ap. ved it were devoid of literary taste, When MIs,, Hinckley received an in - talon to be present to do honor to new literary light: she threw the Ration into the n•0stebasknt, Then fished it out and noted the date. was curious to see the authoress o had fooled persons of good lit- ry taste with n worthless book. She old attend the reechtiei, hen bliss Flluckley entered the club stew' a promiscuous gathering 0f and women. She looked about for roup within which would be the ess of the evening. Not seeing her, appiied to a member of the club earn where she was. h, we can't du anything with her. as iutende1 that shr:, should receive guests with the reception commit. but she's gone into ohscurity, and can't get her out. I will be pleased ko you to her." ss Iliuckley was led to the very er from which a year before tittle Acton had been dragged to be ha- unt] to her, mei there sat h)iiss n between two 'ergo (('08100, Ill she (O$ using 1'or screen our- s. Feat heavens!" exclaimed fuss kley. the same moment an old gentle - with tine white heir ndvancod to the young authoress, r, Bnrrows," sui(1 Miss Hinckley, ar ago 1 told this young lady that was too youug to write a novel. had already written one. 1 bad !sed it unfavorably. i supposed W something aboral literary work." did I, madam, twenty years ago, do know something about it for f, but for 110 Cue else. This young n writing i[ h r. 0 story wrote g to ore ot to yo11, At :mother tints she write to yon and not to ane, I to criticfee books on What 1 sup., was their merit. in lay old ass Ise that t book is like a bell. can be ne soiled on an unlu(tnb. Ian(1, for there le no eat` there to So with a book, 11a ll iutelfeot en be It na co Iia a 110 Pe ap re Th ot del pro vit the inv she She wh era wo w she men R g lion she to 1 "0 It w the tee, we to to Mf 00l'n Miss trod Acto who pose "0 Hine At man greet re. Tn ye she She critic t kne "So and I meso! lady 1 but n may Used posed 1 real There Red Is hear,' lecelves ft for itself and not another," "06, Mt'. Barrows! Yon to say that, who 1n your clay 7868 000Sidored ♦X ponesamong eritles!" oxetnlmed .Mise Blackley, NIIIiva1 Ai/Cethiq 0040.0.., The Annual Meeting of the member's of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the 'Town Sall Seaforth, on Friday Fohtiacy 1at l91 , at two o'clock p ni, The business of the meeting will bt to receive the an. nual etatemont and auditors report, the election of three directors and two auditors, and other business which might be oousidarod of benefit to the company. The retiring direetore are Malcolm AIoEeven, DsF McGregor and G R Mo0artuey, who are all eligible for re election. , Jag, Connolly, Pres. Thee E, Hoye, sec Meeting of I-Jnronn eonnty CtOHlcill The Gouneii of rho Corporation of the Cunuj.y of 11uro1 will meet in the 0011nc1! Chamber, (Joderiol,, on Tues: day the 22nd day of ,Jermary igi9 at o'elook p, m, (#rx;, W, Hobnail, Clerk Dated Uoderietl January 7111 Ilit8, Notice The iluKillop Council, at the meat-• Mg hilt, en January 14ti1, adjoilrued to meet at Winthrop on 15aturday Jan'yr Moth al, I p, 41i. Mltrelie, %lark, ullett District Lodge The annual meeting of -Hulled Dis- trict Lodge met in Seaforth loot week. There was a large attendance present from verbena Lodges in the District and the following 'idiot Is (vele „aleoted for 19I8. D. M. -Rev..) A Robiu;ud, Clinton. Deput) 1). ll, -,lag Danford, 01101011 Chaplain -Rev W 13 Moulton Treasurer Thos kande, Seaforth D of C-0 Tyner, Snmmerhhll Lecturer -J Monaghau, Clinton Fin See -F Fernabal,er, Clinton Reo Sec -Mr Bolger, Seaforth ems mansmarapram.swam...n.eaugre_alve...!m,!,9san,erazrr • a la Su A • ""1 eO KEEP 44. . ' _ vY I BY JOHN Pr'. S. McouLLOUGR, hi,t)„ D,i',u,. CHIEF OFF'ICE'R r. OF THE PROVINCIA1. BOARD 01, 111',:/L'I'H, sts CONSUMPTION. 011 IS A DISEASE of the lungs 'oi".,..1 by n ,:1rraa known as the baeiilue tuoercuiosis. This gene aleee, in ;,d,liti00 to tuber- • culn'is of the lungs or 8007(1(11ptten ,.nit:, 1 rr,18 of nlbereulous a" tuht'rculoua tnt.lran t ioi/rt d+•t 0a r, white swelling of the knee, tt1) lcolott:,-le. In fact there is no part of tl'e body -which may not b ,•e i., b, .iia; eeteeeton. The disease is conitar•te,l by Inhaling the di : >: t!,... ;! r; 101gh"d out Sy the person its r•f tobera,a,,0 of the Iu,1r, of from tie i 1t'111atiof of dried sputum, and g,anally heel close contact With genal "111,1 or the die- 0a5e who Spit ; be tit <rny' place. thildreu fr ;lu,•utly ewe.) f cel the disease by 1 1Okinp; milk from 10ht't,ulous ,,, r d 10 children the (IAUSF. OF+ti pe so acquired may not eliew eetive 830111,31110 till COWst'a13'Tio, het woen 1`; and fie y+rh,ts of ', . (0t• (.t 1;0 earliest and meet constant symp outs of thtneeieetion cough. In the growth of 7 eh -emanate aanate of the lungs, es ,e,•1 1 as e: , h., little nodules or tuber les'11 formcd. The pressure of thio" and Initotion caused he. the 5e01etion cin:n th., nae111i of n,berruiesio .1 04.30 hner3aa of the lung is the reason ' t 1 h couch. Ih. trine lou hs to shy h ,,( ,e,rrai e 16e1,'C irritating Particle, At C,., the rough 1., dry and for km1 wi hog' any sputum be- cau0e al first .1.er., is none to bring up a (1..44.1 nz:-, el 1013l:alre of dis- regarding a roa;111 of titre kind he'cause 00 platter is otlgI i u;. After a u hi < witch the tubcrelee !wee eaueee , lit le Inemeltitis '1 Mali 31130111; of hunt u•. Will l,o "oughe,i ,an, 1 "L!; , , ,uh t oseopal tlxemination "" flu; may or may not shote a,te,1.,-fi4'u-•iu:; the diseaseic. Tinder the mieenmeeope acme look like tiny little retie, 1..11mr Otero is a tree rico tir.1 : , ! rhe ''ou'h -81)11111 Ic .18 't: 110:0)11 n, i.t,1,. ;, n1011.0aul of secretion is 1,07,1ht u! ca1.h time, As the sputum 1m 1, tc[ in quantity it is at tire' whir /11,n yellow. then greylett or 00313)1 ,n color. As the dicta 1'a tt' Rhes are formed the amount cough"'d up ill 11 tiny `nay ,.. •••.1 .,' ; rr, U0n•1r111Iy the patient eeen.d more when Ile gets up in the 111: " - hd ''uni10ues coughing 1111 IC 13111_74 arc Eared out. i[thera t e h eh inorewhen they lie down. All 0011-114wive latuntr, melees they 1..[le .-at nod 1.c,,,1 1011r,n-too touch. If one visits the santiorla at ftravopthist, Londe'', Ottawa. o1' tlsewhei'e One hears very little roughing. Phare aro two rea- sons for this one Is that the Patients live to the Duan air and tie other is that they ere taught to avoid roughing. The dry, hacking' rough does harm to the slrit lung, tire. the muscles, and uses up the patient's vitality without doing any good. Where there is free secretion it is useful to cough it out, hitt this is easily acromplished, Medical (slicer of Health. A.C',C., Crrllict, Q, -Why cannot a municipal council dismiss its (I.O.H., if the majority of the Council so deride? A, -Previous to thr enactment of Section 117 of the Public Health Act, which Provides that a medical, officer of health may -not be removed from office exeepl fru rause and with the consent of the Provincial Board, it had become the custom to many municipalities In pass this olllee [around among the local physicians year after year, Under this system there• - was no prosper) of ever securiug au efficient medical officer, and 1hyaiciaue appointed t a this 9office bots[ it, and in feet in most eases knew little abouts heodutieseof auchlalt o1ffcer, By mailing the M. O. 14. a permanent oiiietal, independent of local influence and politic, 11 3188 stoped to inspire in the appointee some interest in Public _ Health 10011(1,, which certainty of tenure in office was likely to do. For instance, the etc rlt 01' the treasurer Of a municipality usually holds otlleo indefinitely. \lunietpal. counci10 have found out that this system has in- emined the tfelefcy or euel1 officials; i11 fact, with the -frequent change fit toe personnel of 0Onnails, the new members would be •et sea Without a clerk 111 treasurer wlfo knew the routine of municipal affal e .'.Che same Is true in respeet to 001111017'nattera, tho Inge( Important nF all_tnuutetpal questiohs, ilv an 'amendment (1936) the:MM. 0, H, may, 11 he /reelects his duties,. he dismtion ofihe(1 6),' �!oto ' 08011 1101 Boatel o1 bY.0,0, °001(01 -