The Seaforth News, 1917-12-27, Page 5Page ►mor C CANADIAN U� I 1+1,' 4 �� Ce ,1,110.._.10,1,1•-. THE OF CO ,r FRC Otte ; .'Mite SIR EDMUND WALKER,' C ,O.. LLD., D.O.L.. President SIR JOHN AIRW GcnereWiettagsr H. V. F. JONES, Asst, Gen'I, Manager CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 REsewe rutin, . $13,500,000 .1100-10,10 Careful attention.. is given to the bank- ing requirements of farmers, with whom an important part of the business of this Bank is transacted... Farmers may rely upon prompt and courteous service. el SeafOrtl3. �Cv'21i73.C3 J, G. MULLEN MANAt4ER W,J.Walker 86 Soo Undertakers and Embalmer W. J. Walker, holder of ga. eminent Diploma and License Day or Night calla receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night 18 Winter Term From Ja nary 2nd W ? CENTRAL dI Id4 STRATFORD, ONT.,- We employ exporienod instructors' giro thorough* commis, •and individ- ual attention to pupils and place grad- uates in positions, Thie school ie one of the largest and beat Commercial sohool in Canada. Write for free catalogue concerning our Commercial, Shorthand or'1'ele- graphy departments. matt W,G.ELLIOTT, D. McLACHLAAN', PRESIDENT PRINCIPAL 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic. No odds haw bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your Lead aches, stow miserable you are from. constipa- tion, indigestion, bilim guess and slug- gish bowels—yon always get relief with Caecarets. They immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach. remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess Elle from the liver and carry oft the r,' tipa'r,l lir..+. ,,alter and poison f i'•.,in the intestines and bowels. A 10•rent heti frena your armr- est will keep ;veer li•.'r end bowels clean; stow:telt orae, L an I ':ea l clear for. months. That• , •, • c:,: FOR 5, TILE eAETIiP Frame House, i .riving ;nil pantry( ^ summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and aloft water, Electric lights, large tt rsndah, Stable Ie,' x 12' but house fly ,by 7'J Apply at the News Moe. For Sale House and half sore of land iii the village of Egmondvillo. The property is situated o Centre Street, chose to the Presbyterian Church and is known as the Purnell property. Good, corn• fortable horse, good shed, good; well and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit trees, atrawberrie8, raspberries and ourraat bushes, '.Chia is It corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva- tion, 'Thin is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes ale light, For patticula s apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth, GETYOUR Chri stmas Hair Cut at Bolton's 9iarberShop CARDNOS BLOCKSHAFORTH Ighave for sale ser= eral Bonds and as Debentures of a + particularly High grade, bearing interest from 5'. to 6 per cent. X11 information con- cerning same cheer: Fully given. KN Bond and Debenture Broker Niain Street, ;;daforth Plena gt a tti 41t:i1rue,tt GlSr}s-,,1,1,1,1' 4. tt.".en SPECIAL DECEMBER SERVICE I3ETWVEEN Toronto and Winnipeg -D it TAY. Westbound, Dec. 3rd to Jan. 2nd. Eastbound, Dec. 1st to Jan. 5th Note—Tri-weekly service will be resumed thereafter. REGULAR SERVICE BETWEEN Winnipeg and Edmonton Edmonton and Vancouver DAILY TRI -WEEKLY For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to CHAS, A, ABERHART, DRUGGIST, SEAFORTH. Or write R. L. Falrbalrn, G.P.A., 68 King St. E„ Toronto. C:AN:ADIAN ,NORTH ERN RAi L Miss Anita Bell of Toronto ,s spend ing the variation with her paten's. Mr \V, McKay, barrister, of Toronto, spent Christmas with his mother, t' McKay, Goderioh St. ,y Mich. Miss May Stobie of 1)eund Mrs A. is visiting her perm,' .lhivbie. • Shannon of Wiarton Alt' n"iirests of Mts,Dorrauoe woirn -`t*r James Sloetit of Sarni:( was a r ..r' town meeting. - �..rrsoaat taidlaw and Mise Mies l.i(tlaw and visiting their Gertrp ivdrs J 0 Laidlaw. liars MoCuaig and son of Schreiber are visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs J Wilson, Mr George Smitliai's and MiseMabol oFToro nto are visiting friends in town 31r and Mrs E. Maim! left to spend the holidays in St Thomas Miss Jessie Scott of Holstein is spend ng the holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs A. 1)..,Scott at Thornton Hall. aw,.*..y10 0.00.0imiclee...ego• ....-•.,.- ..,.....,.,.. �..-..ee•rees ,,....ssnpo,x..rlwMr/Nw,.aw..,w1.,./0ir,t! I TownTopics 1: Dig up your overcoat) have a look at it, by renewing the velvet collar, Press. in and Cleaning =piece youths prioo of a now one, My Wardrobe, Goderi.ob St.. opposite Queens, Mr, Finlay (.loss of New Hamburg is spending Christmas in MoKillop with his ;nether, Mrs. Lucas Rose• Mies Davis of Start's was a town vie- or Mee Boyd and Mre Gibson have gone to Stratford for Christmas, Mies Mary Gillespie of the Collegiate staff, Parkhill is home for the holidays Miss Belle Jiallautyna of Waterloo is spending the vacation with her father Mr. Win, Bal.antyne, Miss Mamie Obesnsy of Rochester is ependiug the holidays at the home of her parents Mi•, and Mrs, P M Ches. nay, Tinokersntith, Mr W Brine was a Torooto visitor, Miss A. McKay of Auburn is a visite at the home of her parents, Mr 011(1 Mrs Hugh Meliay Mise T. MoKencie was in London attending the funeral of an aunt. Mrs, J. A, Broadfoot and Miss 1May Broadfoot aro spending the holidays in Hamilton. Mr's, Kilpatrick and small eon from New York State are guests at the home of Mrs. Frank Case, Mr. and Mrs, Carnochan and daugh- ter from the West are visiting at the home of the former's mother, Mre. Wm, Carnochan nn Tuoltersatith, Miss Allan of the Collegiate Staff left for her home in Burlington last week. Mr, and Mrs, Robert 'McGee and ,Jack are visiting friends in Wingham Mrs. Williams of Toronto is a Yule- tide visitor at the home of his sou Mr. 0. L, Williams. Mise Sparks was palled to her home in. Stratford owing to the death of her mother. Mr. Oliford Bell is home from the University for the holidays, Miss Hazel Campbell of Wingham is visiting Mre. James Archibald. The Ogilby Flour Mill has been purchesedby the Rob Roy Milling Co. a Western Firm, Mr and Mre Wm Hartry spent the holidays in London Miss \V etherall is speiding the vac Mimi at her home in Wyoming. Mr and Mrs Lon 'Cruse, Galt, Mr and Mrs E Lawson, Auburn, are with Mr and Mrs W Solater. Mr and lire R H Arohibal(I and daug terof Dunnville are at Mr and Mrs James Arohibalds, Pte. Norman Behanan is spending the holidays with friends, Miss Horan of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Horan. Christmas music at St Thomas Chiron will be repeated next Sunday morning and evening. Mies Florenoe Thompson of Toronto is home for the holidays. Mr and Mrs George Savauge of Tor- onto are spending the holidays with their sort Mr Fred Savauge Mr, (1 D Harn of McKillop attended the United Farmers' Convetntio_n in Toronto last reek. The monthly business meeting of the Rad Cross Society will bo held on Mon day afternoon January 3rd at 4 o'clock in the Post Office building A Patriotic)rPatriotic)and . tNeatorrnn ., 010 will be held lathe Method' Sunday evening nextvo1011 Thnrs (ilei \I ie l.rm. ,tl Sar mother. will Fur the -erin Stratford with her day Ba spend 'dee rr, dtr and Mre Crawford MoLelland a id daughter of Baden were Ohristmae v eitore at the home of Major and Mrs R S Hays, Mica .lassie' Wilson of Owen Sound is visiting her parents, Mr and Mre J M Wilson, Mies Phemia Cowan of Dundee and Mise Margaret Cowan of Toronto have returned home for the holidays Mrs John Maotavish and Ian spent Christmas at her home in Ingersoll, Misses Jean Govenlook of Windsor and Nora Govonlook of Ottawa are vis- iting their sister Mrs A Scott Goderioh treat. Mies E Smith of Ottawa is visiting her sister, Mrs W, E. Kerslake. THE, 1 tAtFURTf KEW Thursday, Dec'. We Sincerely is Yon A appy New Year Never in the World's History was there a lime when we should more sincerely wish each other A Happy New Year, A Happy New Year can only come with Vic- tory for Allied Cause, the safe return of our Canadian Heroes, the signing of an enduring pea;e and the firm establishment of a lasting World Wide Democracy. Then let us prap that come it map As come it will for a'that When man t'o man the world o'er Shall brothers be for a'that We take this opportunity of thanking you the people of Seaforth and vicinit• for your liberal patronage and kin,d,ure pressions toward our store, ay.efforts, you of a condituation okserve your con- that onthat we may cont,"'in the years to come, fidence and art Seaforth d r ;o id is of ae 8.. he or et on tlz ee or ti s nd ai Dr - he ife ind So est illy to et- ers the ot- o" ! ad - he. ani gh' *ill; lee it nn