The Seaforth News, 1917-11-29, Page 5r tC 1 pug CANADA'S VICTORY , BONDS," It is a National duty to subscribe for Canada's Victory Bonds. This bank will accept Victory Bondy to the amount of $i3Ooo from any one person for safe- keeping for one year without charge. Loans will be made to wage earners on favorable terms for the purchase of Victory Bonds, • THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMEIRCE Seaforth-. 33ra, .o-± J. C. MULLEN MnNAexre YOU are invited to attend The Old Times Dance in Cardnos' Opera Hall on Thursday Evening, November, 29th 1917. in aid of Belgian Orphan Children Musicans Floor Managers , Committe Fir M. Chesney, Jr. Harry Charters P. M. Chesney Peter Cameron Jas. A. Chesney John Carter E. H. Close Joseph Kate Jimmie Cowan Wm. McDonald J F. Daly Ed. Rowland Abe. Forsyth G. Habkirk Henry Forsyth Wm. Workman Herbert Fowler John Hawthorne Harry Hinchlep Thomas Rands ?Parry Stewart Joseph Storey Earl Van Egmond Hibbert- Joseph Murphy Hullett- Scott Hawthorne McKillop- Fin. McKercher Robt. Dodds Jr, Tuckersmith- Wm Charters .Robert Gemmel Seaforth- John Beattie L. D. Delacey Dan Shanahan Charles Stewar During Intermission Vocal Solos bp Messrs George Israel and Joe Sills Mrs. J. D. O'Connell, Accompanist Drawing for the Den Set -Christmas Dinner Fund 161st •Hurons Drawing for the C'. F. M.Desk-Red Cross & War Auxiliary Fiends Dancing commences at` 8.30- No Lunch- Gentlemen $L00 Gallery open to' spectators- 25 cents A. D. Sutherland, Secretary 1 W,J,Waiker& Son Undertakers and Embalmer W. J. \Yancey, holder of go, . ernment Diploma and License Day or Night calls receive our prompt attention n..:. Day Phone 67 Night " 18 YOCEPIMAL 1,(P0A7e, /7(.4 STRATFORD, ONT. Fall Term from Sept, 4th. oommercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy Departments,— we have thorough courses , exporie ' ,eel in- 8trtiotut'e and We place Graduates in positions. Demand upon us for trained help is many times the num. her graduating. Get our free catalogue.. A D MCLACHLAN PRINCIPAL 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic, No odds how had your r liver, stomach or bowels; bow ]nuch your head aches, how miserable .you are from constipa- tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug- gish bowels you always get relief with Casearets They immediately cleanse and regulate the stomaeli, remove t ll sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and , poisonfrom tine intestines and bowels. A 10 -cent box front your drug- gist will keep your liver and bowels) clean; etoMaob sweet and head clear for f{ months, They work )Phil, you Bleep. MUSIC Miss Annie 0, C.ovenlook, Graduate of Canadian Academy of Music, Toronto, Tetcohtu's's Course announces the re. opening of her lasses in piano, organ and theory. Pupils will be prepared for Canadian Academy and Toronto Conservatory examinations. For terms orad scholarship apply at Studio, North Main St. , Seaforth, Try Us For A Refreshing Shave HAIR CUTTING Our Speciality Call at Bolton's Barber Shop CA.RDNOSBLOOKSEA FORTE( I have for;jsale:sev= era! Bonds and Debentures of a particularly High grade, bearing interest frons 5:'-'t to 6 per -cent. All information con• cerning same cheer= fully given. JOHN HANKIN Bond and Debenture Broker Main Street, Seaforth Kona 9a a THE + EATU NE Thursday, Nov 9 Inexpensive Presents of Sterling Quality plikh, What ShaII 1 Gine paptcvivwc w*Alty* Seafort Men's Neckwear Give Useful Presents --- This Year More Than Ever 's Great Xmas Store Now at its Very Brimful of Happy Suggestions for Christmas Hundreds of Useful, Sensible Christmas Gifts, in. handsome boxes that are sure to please and that will not ()yenta your pocket , book either, You'll hind just what you wanted here, COME OFTEN. IN .% FANC'Y BOX EVERY year we seem to to have nicer, prettier, better Neckwear for Men.-. This year will be no exception. We have a wonderful variety of handsome silks and knitted ties in special Xmas designs and shadings. Prices ase to $ r .50. Mufflers IN A FANCY' BOX If there is one department that is better prepared than another to show you some- thing really swell for Xmas giving, it is the Mufflers. Every known style is here in great variety of weaves. at from 25c to $3.5o Sweater Coats IN A FANCY BOX For every one. No matter whom you wish to give to we have a sweater coat to snit—. Man, Woman or Child can be fitted here in any wanted col- or or weave. Every Coat a beauty. The prices are 7'5C to $Io Smocking Jackets KEEP "hint" at home with the gift of gifts for men. What would you give thet would be more acceptable or comfortable than one of these handsome smoking jackets Or house gowns. Ail sizes. Pr! -es $5 to $ro Men's Furnishings IN A HOLLY 130X Braces ...25c to 75c rancy Sox 52c to 75c Collar Gases 25.c, to $ t Laundry Bags 15c to 75c Arm Bands ..... .,.25C to 50C Garters sc to 5oc Fancy Vests $1 to $2 Fur Coliars $1 to $3.50 Pyjamas .,.$1,5o to $2,50 Sinop early in the dap and early in the week, and above allsltop here. Handerchief Sections For Men, Women and Children, are ready for the great Xmas season, The handerchief is probably the most popular of all Christmas Gifts. ,Nothing has been left undone to get an assortment equal to the de- mands of the hundreds of people who will make purchases here. Whe- ther it be the more.costly or moderately priced handkerchief you require you will fins very charming specimens ht re in Silk, Irish Linen, Ern— broidered,.Scolloped or Hemstiched Edges, Handkerchiefs of every known kind for men, Women and Children. Prices...... .....,... lc up to $1.50 Rug for Mother No present you could give mother would be half so ac— ceptable or serviceable as one of our New Rugs. It will give her pleasure for years to come, and be a lasting orna- ment to the home. We have a beautiful collection of Rugs and Mats at VERY AT- RACTIVE PRICES Christmas Furs There is no present so highly prized or acceptable or lasting as aFur Ruff or Muff. There is an exceptionally good shots ing of small Furs here,. bought expressly f o r the Xmas trade. All furs guar— anteed to be tint Duality and s'1 good in at pearanee that you will be proud to give them 10101.1•11n1 1.1Mal•••9•••••111•IMILMMMENOCCIvrilb..upy..NVIIIiiMalikinfitYp GiveChristmas � Gloves for. You will find an exceptionally good stcck of gloves here always. But at Xmas tine we are at our best. The variety of styles and shades, the reliability of the makes, the exceptionally good -quality at the reasonable prices maks our gloves afavorite Xmas gifts, We will cheerfully change for proper sizes after Christmas, MEN'S......... ...... 5oc to $3,00 WOMEN'S ''50 to $3.00 CHILDREN'S... 25c to 75c Umbrellas There is a wide range of very attractive and desirable Um- brellas here: The quality of these umbrellas, together with the handsome handles, make them very interesting as Xmas presents. You will find one to suit here, whether for mats, woman or child. Prices $ r to $3.50 es - Fancy Goods Collar Cases..,soc ;to $1.00 Lanndry Bags...15c to 75c Stamped Linen.. 5o to t.5o Tea Apron .,25c to 75 Cushion Tops.....15c 105.00 1Cimonas 1.25 to 5.00 Boudoir Caps soc 10 1.50 Tray Cloths 25C 10 22.5 Lunch Cloth... 25C 10 5.00 STEWART BROS. Seaforth lY. est Stylish Had Bags 4VIIERE i5 til,a 1,-(ly who would not apl;rot roti' one of our new :style h.t;:(l hags, There is uoth;:,, I1. Wei— made than the ones w,.1 a7. la +tyiir • -A useful present that rS :;tire: to -please They are from 250 to ..a Silk Underwear I� IioLt.y not. Made in pink.,r white h u.lhiti and crepe de chene silk; trim- med with lace a til i tncy- rib. bons—camisole and envelope cornbirati(n�. Prices '$r to $4.5.> Fancy Linens and Bath Towels IN HIH.t.Y I.OX .No more useful and s l,5, Gift could but to itnigin, 41 thou these beautiful i'utki,h 1ea..:. ,,i;li i1,i3 attractive blue. pink yelkw ua. maavve herders, 1'rie. s from 75c to $1.50 Toques and Knitted Caps ALL the tion• ideas in i:tuyy l+iris' and wot,l,.,,•„ Ft,i,tt.i Cam are shown first to this stove,s. true+ are. very complete alth a splendid Christmas Asnuttln tit, would pis ask. a boy or g'r+ na+•r.. Prices aro from 25c to $1,0e0 Women's Neckwear t.'EC'1C\1'EAR has beep a tra,litilual gift for many years 'Phis year we have a most fascinating collection of imported uoveltiss, f'rtlap loo„ ,muses and mil's, fancy ties, si k rnllsrs. stock collars, linen collars of every kind and sine. Priors are 15c to $ 2.00 Mail or phone your orders, we will %ell them carefully and prepay Stage, Postage, or Express c•'1-rrges.