The Seaforth News, 1917-11-01, Page 4PROFESSIONAL CARDS, MEDICAL 53, il153Gll1 ;;toss, Physician and Sigma ;Ate of Leaden hospital, London, Eag std 1 etiaatioa to diseases of Eye, Ear. Nese Pet 0teside"ce,behind Dowfnton Sauk. ar'y es Whoa. 'N 0.5. Residence, Phone No_106. ear aAa'at8rs' a. eo-UGocieorichSStre`et, e e of thheeMetdo dirt Chunk. Coroner for tha County of Huron, m'etr•keee, No, 40, Plus, iCOTT lk MACKAY, Fttrsiclans and disti06bsnnn Eea(oderich Street, oppafte =sum., , raoklenfPh�mnn>a slDntariCoolegoyalco and lesswo s, Coroner for County of Hprbn. M c8Ky, honor graduate Trinity Univoroity, goad sue,,,„' ditTrbllty Medical College, Manlier of Physicians and Surgeon•, Gntarlo. roll+Gar), HEILEMAN,steopathic Speclalts R+' la Weinen's and Children's Dlaaases and allwarnatle Troubles. Acute and Chronic Deo. oaten, Tar, Eye, Nose and Throat, Adeaolds roM1orad without the knife. Consultation free. R fie• r H otet, 9'neanrN, • n,n•. u, r, p n, : Friday 81o... p.m by d u • palliate Licenses F. e.101:114F. ed lewelel in.t .lptln`tan. sea � forth Insurance ;(You ore, a postcard get our rates.r Accident? J, d5, VIINCefI1.1 Y, Gemmel Agent for London 1.Be Iniurauce Co., and Imperial Guarantee and Accident Imuraace Co: Seaforth, Ont. ' James Wattson General Fire Lila itad Accident 1, a:'etee Agent, and dealer i•1 Sewing 11101112es', Main Street, Seaforth. THE MCKILLOP Mutual Fill lusufauuu Col Parent and Isolated Town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS SRF. tt.noisy. Godertt h, President, Jame, Evan+•, leechwood, \'tee-t'restdent. Thomas Hays, eaf.,rth. Sao.•Treas. Directors D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Winthrop W. Rion, Coostance: John 8eanmesis. Brodgbagea' Robert Ferris, Harlackr Malcom McKeon, Clinton;t; McCartney Seaforth; Jame. Connolly, Goderlch; Jaa. Evan*. Beechwood Agent• Alex. Leitch, Harlock; E. Hiachias% Seaford - Chesney. Egmondvnk• J. W. Ye, Hotmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodlnurea• Jam' Hon and Joha Govealock, Seaforth, auditors, Foden desirous to effort Insurance or 1r0030. ether, bushes* will be promptly attendad to b application to any of the above officers, address to their respective peat0l$Ca. rpnr txrstw�trg.stns,+v(.wt.ratwrs.�rswrM!ne+.ws, iS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office AIN ST. . SEAFORTH, ONT.. Phone 84 Evening 127 •-r SUBSCRIPTION 051 dollar -per war, atrlctly 1 1 od v e Ilea 11 ant paid su advange, one dor ter mad A hall will be charged. (ailed Slues papers, nos (atttn extra, atrlekly to ad wowed. When subseribera chaaage their address notice should be $entu• Immediately, giving both the old and the new address, Sub- acrtbao will confer a favor by notifying us of any Irregularity of delivery. Reading Notices—No reading notice, advertising any entertainment or matter by which money is to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In Tug News without charge, The price for the inner - tion of buslneoo announcements Is TEN cents per count line each Insertion to partici having no contract for display advertising, and FIVE eerier per line each (n0ertloa to those having display contracts, and for church. society and entertainment reading notices. Cord of nooks 5 to 9 lines, 50 cents, Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Noticee—Tea cents per line for first Insertion and five cents per line for each subseeuet insertion, Yearly o"trds—Professional Cards, not exceeding one inch, will be Inserted for 65,00 per year, payable strictly In advance Display advertlaing—Rates furnished on application, Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUntll forbid;' and those sent without written Instructions will appear until mitten orders are received for their dls- olatlnuance. Letters to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no reepono sibiilty whatever for the statements made in such communications. Letters on reli- gious topics will not be published at all except as paid ndvertletag, plainly marked as such. The rate for such matter Is ten cents per fine, J, F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER General Observations I t Why not appoint a Fool Coutrollel? as would be kept busy twenty -fora hours in the day. There is the gun fiend ,just now and the many others, xi:* The Hon. 1'v, J, Hanna, food controller t'llceivss nu salary. How would some Original of the people who so severly oritioiae and his work, like to fill hie position and Only Only take all his abuse at tide sa.Tne salary? �/ Mr, Hanna has a difficult role to fill Genuine He is seeking to maintain prodnction on the one the hand by keeping up the prices of fool; products and at the same time provide for the consumer the low. est possible price. Thus his work is Beware chiefly to control middleman and pre Imiof vent them talriu0 too great a profit tations from the farmer on the one hand and Soid on ttla f frim the 550511'015r 51. the other. Merits of A L'oion liuverenn-art at Ottawa Mind's Shoul.l nt„tu1 u uslem iiarty in the 0011 Liniment try. Ti: ere al:wild ho r uirti ;'• an bit- terness to the ka,reir dolts t as there is only ,0 ( .1 Jert anti .1115 I•efure all, It is only right that all sneuld forget 'thea' old differences as it is tlo time for bitter disputing. The alt c1 our enem- ies is to divide and conquer. If we love our cutnitry' there.i(1 be_ nu diy. for Sale W. 1. KEY, Seaforth. Phone 130 A Business k' hour a proper at of adyer- HI is like a motor without the power. ++ Seaforth News ADVERTISEMENTS wilt supply the required energy phone - 1(4 evenings127 isiulnr, kttt all wilt Jolt, hands tu Ilp• hold those who ate lighting for null houtrs, HUN FOLLOWS EVENTS HEREI DiseLvery at the Front in France' Proves Close German Watch h THE SEAI,ORTH NEWS • EXEMPTION TRIBUNALS thef t 1 I list l of those o who are to preside over the exemption tt'ibunala for prospootive soldiers hats been lo- aned anal for the district 3lu fpllowa,--i Huron County W1Jlgham.---lludley Holmes and Samuel Bennett, Brussels—Wm. ,Sinclair and Robert Llvingtotle, Corrie—W. Sr. Mc.Keraoher and George Walker, Seaforth—,f, ltl, Best nntl Geo, McKee Exeter -1. R. Carling and Hein') Sulttil, (iodorich—Judgo L. M, Dielcson and Charles Darrow, Clinton—Wm, l!rydono and Charles Middleton, Dungannon--'l'hotnas Stothors aid \'Villium Unley, North Middlesex Lncen--0, W. Htttvltshaw, Parkhill—Wm. Dawson and 1V, H, Marks, Alsie Craig—Jahn D. Drummond, Ono, McKay, West Perth Mitchell—Herbert field and W. A, Stuart, St Marys—F E. Butcher and Frank McLean, Kirton—Wm Anderson and John A. Mc Laren , QM. . ECIRCLE COLVMH AT SET OF SUN. if we sit down at set of sun And oouut the things that we have done, And, oounting, find One self-denying act, one word That eased the heart of him who heard, One glance, must kind, That fell Tike sunslitue were it rent, Then we may count the day well spent. But if through all the livelong (lay We've eased no heart by aye or nay If through it all We've done no thing that we can trace, That brought the sunshine to a facer No act, most small, That helped Sema soul and nothing cost, Then count :hot day as worse than t loot thing for their.phildt'eil when they are ready to lay off their earthy toil, ,Jesus celled f o a little child to repro; tutuwho 0110x1(1 be the greatest in the Kingdon; of Heevon, :No long feood elder et the oburoh was brought, nor euritoless lnornbee of the monastery, but a prattling child in all its inno- 00110e and mirth! eu(1 nuless we are eoul'srtei from ell;' austere ways, and become in habits and tastes like unto a child, it is declared the door will be barred against no, The sunshine of life is suede rip of very little beams that are bright all the tirue. In the nnraary, on the play. ground and in the schoolroom, there is room all the time for little sots tf kindness, that soot nothing, but aro worth more than gold auti. silver, To give up something when giving up will prevent uuluippiuoss; to yieltl when persisting will chafe and trot rather than Dome against another; to take au Ili word or a Dross loots rather than to resent it; these ore the ways in which clouds and storms are kept off and a pleasant, smiling suushiee secured even in a humble home, among very poor people, 0s well as in families in higher station, Much that we term the wiaer- ion of life would be avoided by adopting this rule of oouduct. On our cri,tioisnls of other's, let us remember that we have faults which our friends have to excuse How much world be left of us if all those who see iueeusisteueies in ns shoniti clip away from our character and reputatiou? 11 !a an invariable -rule that those who nlake'the roughest wort( with the names of others are those who have themselves the utast imperfootlone. The more anxious you are about the mote in o ,a, a'body else's eye, Instead of going horrt tows slashing this mall's had temper and the other utatl's falsity and this woman's hyprncisy. end that one's iodisoretion, go house with the ten 0001111aiidmento as a monitor and make out a list of your own derelictions, A woman may be stirrouuded by all the luxuries that money can buy, and have the fawning friendship of people who smile on lives in prosperity; but if she feels 1100511 unloved and alone in her heart, the crown jewel in her diadem of happiness is lost, things lose their value and life become monotonous. The honest, tender for of two brave hearts who have Started out, and are struggling to get a home for their little ones, and money enough to feed, clothe and educate them makes life a thousand times more at- tractive and linspil'ing. Otte active beech nut, given a chane will result in a forest. One littl thought started right will go round th world and keep on its travels, It goo there by moving, nut by sitting salkil I in the sawdust and wishing it were plum pudding, Move on, Catch off Hold fast as long as you can, and i yell r iinocketl off', grab for the next car that comes along and you will there. lint don't start in the wrong direction Do not start for the drunkard's grave or you will be sure to get there. Do not start in to go it blind whenever 501110 -Stuart Aleck' blows the horn fur you to fall its, lest you fall in where it is deep and ever re'nain there, Be Selye er got out of the way, and fn nue year 005 nolo mach better of ill mind,. body, and comforts you will be. The first person to whom Christ appeared after the resurrection was a 00111611. During all till, ages that ave come since that first Easter ss - A Pill That is Prised.—There have nany pills put npnn the market rad pressed Upon public attention, but 1548 18s endured so long or met with so O much favor as Parmelee's liege Edge O Pills. Widespread use of them 1 awe e attested their great value, and .ISgy 8 need no further advertisement .316,7 y 1 this, Having firmly established thorn a selves in public esteem, they nt w rank without a peer in the list of stan- f!chid vegotablo prel,aratfuss, .1 Don't Submit to Asthma, if you 1outferr without hope of breaking the j chains which brad you do not put elf' I asotl' tel t lay the put lase of Dr, ,t , D. liellog's Remedy, A trial will drive away all doubt as to its efficiency. 'rhe sure reli.rf that comes will cont'wee you 1, more than anything that can be writ- ten, When help is so sure, why suffer? This matchless remedy is sold by dealers everywhere, on Canada. 1 morning, whenever there wa8 a word 1 7IRoom He1150, good cellar, Hard anti Soft Water, good condition and splendid locality, Apply this o0ioo, Ottawa, Oct.—A newspaper found on a Gerrnan prisoner who was taken by the Canadians on the Western front recently shows how close a watch the linos keep on Canadian affairs. The , paper ooutaiued a news despatoh, per. porting to come front Ottawa, which told of the passing of the Military Service Act just two days after the Aet was paseed by Parliament here, Tr is little disoovery is regarded here as a proof of 1110 importance Germany places upon the military benefit to the Allies which will flow from the adoption Iby Canada of the Military Service Act, Experisites has proved that Germany Iis a close observer of enemy outintfie8 and that every sign of strengthening or weakening is noted with the keenest interest by the Hans; a y Corn Curer an application that ell entirely relieve suffering. If one is troubled with coins en warts, he will find in Hollowa 's to be spoken for the Master, a tender service to be perfornt0d in His name a cup of cold waiter to be given to 1 some warefurer, or a prayer to be offer. ed for some sin sink soul, woman has always been the first on the scene F'1? SALE Never be ashamed of your early sur- roundings because you are living in A more refined place at present. Do not be salaamed of your old father and mother when they come to your city to visit you because their manners are a little old.fasbioned and try to smug. gle them in and out of your house. Call in your beat Hondo and say to them "this is any father anti my moth- er, if they had lived in your day and had bad the advantage they would be so wellup as you, Have you forgot. ten what a hard time your father and mother had 111 the early clays of life depriving themselves of the rteoeaeitiee of life in orderto save and leave some. TAKES. OPP-DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hair! Get a 26 cent bottle of panderine right now—Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy r-ir Is mute evidence of a neglected 1-J of dandruff—that awful scurf, 1,'ere is nothing ao destructive to t 'lair as dandruff. It robs the hair 0..t, lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish. nese and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and dle—then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight—now—any time -will surely save your hair, Get a 26 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it 1f you will Just try a little .ban derine. Save your hair!. Try It! wwhtAmuolii-aa aiRaNAIMMKWMMdnMMMMiiicom axiiaa*WMal(MMwIM. M ■ ■■u ■■■mmem■■�■■■.■■■ IIIK slily X N ■ w 1'ra Caid$M raid us. $0,000,000 M M x M q ra at • TC A Lead Officio, Toronto Slit RDIMORD 0, O®LER, M,P„ Provident vt8e„ Prosesent a A. I0001AT, Oasts MilleNV • W. D. MATTHEWS, Y q ✓ 1t1 is 11f ;hese vs rand $7.000,000 r r 18 1a !a a axi N a Y xxxxxxxxxxalalxXIMI,'BMADmalixxix aaxXxxXiaXXxx XXXXtt,:1Dr1M1 Savings Department Interest paid on deposits of $1.00 and upward& Place your Mine ill the Bank. SEAFORTH BRANCH; R. M. JONES, Mana'g(to, are CREAM WANTED Send your 010x111 to no and reactive top prices, We are mulling our plant the year through and san handle your full supply and furnish you with Daus. We pay twioo each mouth and weigh sample,aud test each earl of Dream care fully. Our motto is 13ouesty to oar Petrone ” Patrons are requested t0 re :urn all our Daus 'when not in nae, 3atter an.113nttermilic a.'AI, ion hand n 3 for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH MARKET Good Milling Wheat,,,,,„,,,,,,,, $2.10 Oats --, .•-... 6 Barley . 1 1 Peas.....,.... ....... .......... ..... 3,00 Bran per ton..... 38.00 Shorts per ton. . . ... ............. .... ...,44 0 550 .... ... .....:............ 4.3 Hogs to farmers-- ...... ......15.25 IWOTION SLE The Administratrix to the Estate of James Willison, deceased, will offer for ale by Public Auction at the Commer. etal Efotol, Seaforth, on Saturday the Third Day of November 1917, at two o,elock in the afternoon, Lot Number Sixty 'six (66), in the Goninlook's Sur- -00y, of part of the Town of Seaforth. There is erected upon the premises a comfortable frame dwelling house on a cement foundation, Terms of Sale;—Ten (10)per cent cash on the of sale and the balance to be paid within 30 days thereafter, when the purchaser will be entitled to a conveyance. The property is at pres, eat rented and will be solei subject to existing tenancy-. Further particulars and conditions. of sale will bo made known at the sale or can be had in the meantime from the undersigned , Dated at Seaforth, this pith (liay of October 1411, Thos, Brown, 1t, S. Hays, Auotioneol'' Solicitor for the Administratrix 1iactio17 Sale Of Farm Stook and 'Implements on Lot q, Coo. 13, in the Township of Mo- Killop, on Tuesday, November 8, 191 7. Sale to commence at 1 p, nt, I horse a years, I aged mare, 1 oo:t rising 3 years; I cow due to calf in Nov &cows 111 December, 3 due in ,January 1 in March I in•-bYny, 2 heifers rising .; years, 4 heifers rising , years, 11 Spring and Fall calves, some hens and geese; 1 manure spreader (Massey tC Harris), t oul tivator, 1 mower ;Massey tC Dat'ris), 1 horse rape, 1 wagon, 1 hay rao!c, 1 net bob sleighs t_parly nets', 1 set barrows, 1 straw out ti cg box, 1 wuigh.. scnlu 141 we,gh n Imudfed, 1 fuuniug 111(1, t walking plough, 2 sato heavy harness, 8 bus, rimuthy Seed, I sugar kettle, 2 water troughs, 1 tongne for buggy or cutter, 1 Melottocl'081 seperator, l cook stone' and other ertiolea too namerott5 to mention Terms,—All stuns of $10 and under Dash, Over that amount 10 months credit ml approved joint notes or 5 er o0utdiseount for cash . Wm. Smith, 'Phos, Brow., 11, 10, No 2 Walton Proprietor Auctioneer p Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Seaforth Horticultural Society will be held in he Connell Chamber, Friday Evening, November the second, at 8 o'clock- Financial report for the yoar--Eleot- ion of Officers, etc. Wm. trarery, President Thltirsdaly Nov; 1 CHURCH NEWS All doom under this Head are published free of obarge, ex- oept tinea regardingmeelings where an 0.0111lsalult fee Is oharged. Thu rate for aurh being 1104 nenf per 50ent line SI?AFORTH OHUReHES St, James' St, James, Church, Bev, Father P Coro0ran, ;Bev, Father U. 1i, North - graves ,Morning Masa 7 a.m. High Mass 10,30 a.m. Sunday school 2.30 p In, Evening vespers 7 p.m. ' St. Thomas' Rev, T. H. Brown, Rector, Sunday 5erOcea 11a,m, and 7 pin, Sunday school 2,30 p. m. Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30 pan. Childron'sbranoh Saturday 2 p,m uteroossion services every Thursday, .0 p,m, Firstivresbyterian Rev, F. H, Larkin., Pastor, Sunday services 11. am, and 7 p an, Sunday school 2,30 p.m, Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7. 46 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Soofety,the first Tuesday in each month at 7.40. Barbara Kirkman Mis. sion Band 3rd Tuesday: in the month at 7.30 p.m, ,Sunshine Mission Band every 2n(1 Monday at 4.15 p.m. Methodist Rev, G. MoKinley, B. D„ pastor —SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a.m. Public servi00 11 a,tu, and 7 p.m. Sun. day school and Bible 0111d3' class 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting Tlnlrsda y 8. p.m, Saliratt 4.7.74rrny Capt, Froud and Lieut. Save, Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise service 3 pan, Gospel service 7 p.m , Childress Service—Directory class 10 a.n1, Bible classes 4 pan, Week flight Meetings—Wednesday Praer tweeting 8 pan. Eginondviile, Presbyterian Rev, .1. Argo, pastor, Sunday ser vines 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Bible class 3 pan, Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8p, In. V,P. M.S. Union 3rd Friday. in the month 8 pan, Women's ;Mission. ary Society 3r(1 Wednesday in the mouth at 2.30 p.m. Ladies' Afd time s 1 t- rnediately after. titetVfllop Presbyterian Rev. 1) Carswell pastor, Sunday' serv10ey Duffs' 011111ell 11 a ni Sunday school 10 0 lar. Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p,ul, women's Missionary Society last Friday in 0x011 month at 2 0110114, eloustauce ttiethodist Rev, W. Kahn', pastor. Stud, y service 2,30 pan, Young People's Loa- gue2, 30 p m Sunday 1t omen's AuxI1. try first Tuesday of every month 11 30 p.m. Ladies' Aid last Thursday of ouch luonth 2,30 p.m Wintb"Op Presbyterian Sunday setvioe 2.3(1 pm, Sunday ohool I I5pm. Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 p,rn, L.C, last Wed Win n a mother detects front the wri:llings and fretting of a ohild that worms ere troubling it she can prooure no better remedy titan M'illor'e Worm Powders, which are guarantee(] to tot- ally expel worms from the system, They may cause vomiting, but treed cause no anxiety, beaanse it is but a manifestation of their thorough work, No worse can long :exist where these Powders are used, Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skills, all kinds of furs ete. Also take 'books and newspapers Appelztt & Millman S],AFOR'1'H JUNK DEALER Across from Creamery Phone 183 r Photographs As y Xmas Gifts Onlp 10 weeks until Xmas Remember pour friends with Photographs this pear. Nothing poll can give to pour friends far au.'ap or at /burs that will please them better than a good photo- graph, the kind we make. Come in now and have a sitting made and have -that much of} pourmind, Remem- ber 12 Good Photos will please !2 of pow friends. We have a beautiful line of folders and the prices are not high, We "an take pour Photograph on a dull dap as well as a bright dap as long as poll conte earlpin the dap as the dapsare'getting short DN DUO'S II PHOTOGRAPHER SEAPORTS SOUR, STOMACHS, INDIGESTION' Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3008 grains food, ending all stomach misery In live minutes. Time it! In due minutes all stow. ash distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching or gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed In regulating upset stomachs. It Is the surest, quickest stomach rem- edy in the whole world and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fiftyoent case of Pape's Diapepsia from any drug stole. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suf- fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder, It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. MEN \4 ANTED FOR MUNITION WORK A Itumliei' of gcic d reliable men can secure steady em- ployment On Munition work. Apply to Tie Robt, Bell Engine 'Thresher Co, Ltd. Seaforth, Out. "For the Bioorf is the Life.” WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING With any Maumee due to i,npuro blood arch as Ees•ma, ecrofo In, Scurvy, Bad Lou,gAbsooseen, Ulcer*, Glandular Swelling*, Boils, Pimples, Some of any kind, Ptioe,Blood Poieon,Rhoumatlam, Gout, oto,, don't waste your time and money on lotIons and et below the stnftontor t�Itot.kh,tlt What you Hint 6 a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous flintier Which alone is the truc mono of all your suffering, Clarlte's Blood Mamie Is just such a medicine. It is composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all impurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering it clean and pore, tui he relied on to effect a lasting cur; t rinnoulni, .r/eaewmua4, Ir ,eledwnreef.,nphla ,vu,t,v butt/el, Over 50 year*' 0011000, Pleasont to Inks, FON by all dhenfits and st„ skarn 1r,, sesieaah.a, CUIRES ALL SKIN & BLOOD DISEASES ClaA ke9ss Blood mixture EN:� PROMPTLY SECURE' In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOJt ADVISER; which will be sent free. MARION Je MA lora.' A Prince Dressing for Wounds -1n sortie factories and workshops carbolic acid is inept for 'nee in oanterieieg a onmlo al.doute a uotaiued by the work. risen, Far hotter to keep, on hand a bottle, of 1)1., Thomas' Eoleotrio oil, It is just as quick in action and (1008 trot soar the shin or bt ru the flesh. There is aro other Oil that has its 0111011.5 qualities, ' 1