The Seaforth News, 1917-09-13, Page 4._--.7-_____:.--............ MEDICAL
flit, IL ItubS, Physician and Sar oast
I6s or ilospitnl, Lands, England
ca to diseases of EY% Ear, Noee:
Ofles wrilyintide res, behind 'Deco i4 n Bank,
ies e S9, s. Residence, Pbnite No. Ie6,
Du . 73URROWS Seaforth. Office and
W Goderlch Otreet, east of the Metho,
dist Coroner for the County of flaro`•
lli11.. ✓T & MACKAY, Physicians and
Goderlch Street, oD0osite Meth°•
als% aduuaterri'ictoria and Atm Arbor, aid
mambos of Ontario College of Pbyaiclaoe and
$U0 00O4 Coroner for County of Huron.
g honor graduate Trinity University,
ggoold Trinity Medical College. Mdemberof
washes el Physicians and Surgeons, Oaterio,
p,R, , UEXLEMAN osteopathia Speetalls
err ea a and Children a Diseases gad
Troub'.a. Acute and Chronic DIa.
-otdsw• Ear, Eye. Nose Aad Adenoids
geed without the e. Consultation free.
ta YtiiBitct, Jnln.: 1`ridaq s to i p.t
Tuesday.ti a r
Marriage Licenses NuAL9
and optician, Sea.
C is 017470X711 DIM4
Aifmyonn are, c postcard will ¢ t our rates :cadent?
3. 0. lBINVILEY,
General Agent for London Life It eurance Co.,
andlesperiat Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co.
Seaforth, Ont.
James Watson
General Fire, Life and Areident 1na,n•anee
Agent, an I dealer in Sewing Machines. I
Main Street. Sealottb.
u�anl I:u Insurs los Co,
Parra and Isolated Town
Property Only insured.
From the Office
Jae. ('onn.Py, Gcderich, President, James
Evans, Bee.hwood, Vice -President, Tarawa
Rays, Seaforth. Sloe.-Treas.
D. F. McGregor, Seaforth{ John G. Grieve,
Winthrop W. Rhin, Constance; John Beonewels,
Brodghagen• Robert Ferris, Ilarlock; Malcom
McKeon, Clinton; G McCartney Seaforth;
James Connolly, Goderkh; Jas. Evans, Beechwood,
Alec. Leitch, Harlock; E. Hlocaley, Seaforth;
William Chesney. Egmondville; J. W. Yeo,
Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Urodhagen• James
Kerr and John Govenlock. Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact
other business will be promptly attended to by
application to any of the above officers, eddreeeed
Om their respevelve posto®cm.
phone sd Evening 127
000 dollar -per ear, strictly in advance !
if not paid; in advance, one dollar and
papers, tl141be 1' centra extra, United
yyltt101 i
When subscribers cbaauge their address
notice should be Fent no Immediately, glvin g +
scribers will connferta the by ue yinggu• s I
of any Irregularity of delivery,
Reading Notices—No reading notice, 1
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which money is to be made by any person 1
or cause will be inserted in TOE News
without e4orge. The price for the Inner- I
tion of business announcements Is TEN
cents per count line each Insertion to
parties having ao contract for display
advertising, and FIVE cents per line each
Insertion to those having display contrnCts,
and for chureh,isoclety and entertalnment
rending notices, Card _of Thanks $ to 9
lines, 50 cents.
Judicial, Loral, Official and Govern-
ment Notices—Ten cents per line for fust
insertion and five cents per line for each
subeeeuet insertion. -
ceedrlg out Inch,, will obe l inserted not
55.00 peryear, payable strictly In advance
Display udvertidng—'Rates furnished
on applltlnit.
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion,
f Instructions those
11 appear without
crittea orders are received for their dia.
Letters to the Editor must be semi,
panted by the writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith. The publisher accepts no tarpon•
elbillty whatever for the statements made
In such communications. Letters on reli-
gious topics will not be published at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
as suck. The rate for such matter Is ten
cents per line,
requisite that yet] toake enquiries to as-
oer'tai11 y0nr 100mi11090, rum for %sell
tribunal, who should be a residelrt of
the locality for which he is appointed.
if you offer any euggoations to change
the proposed locations please tole.
graph to m0. A copy of the not is be.
ing posted to you.
.Deputy Minister of Jttstlo9
What the Aet Says
Relative to the appointment and or.
illati011 of tribunals, tine Military Ser.
vice Aot has tho following:
(z)There shall be established in
the manner hereinafter set out, the fol-
lowing tribunals;
(e) Loral Tribunals;
(b) Appeal Tribunals;
(u) A Central Appeal Judge;
(:) Any tribunal may hear evidence
on oath or otllorwiee as it may deem
expedient and in the performance of its
duties shall have all the powers vested
in a Commissioner 1101(1er the Enquiries
(5) The Governor in Council may,
ripen tine recommendation of the Cen-
tral Appeal Judge, make regulations
with respect to the establishment, con-
stithtion, functions and procedure of
the said tribnuals and smolt regulations
may °entail) provisions for the securing
uniformity in the application of the
(:i) in lo far as provision is not
otherwise made, the procedure of the
Tribunal shell be such as is determined
by thetribunal.
(5) No member of any tribunal shall
be responsible at low for anything
clone by him in good faith in the per•
tormanoe of a local tribunal or an ap-
peal tribunal in reepeet of the perform-
once or non.performauoe of his duties
tinder this Act, except with the written
aoilsent of the Central Appeal Judge!
(6) No procedings authorized or
pending before any tribunal, and no
decision of any tribunal, shall by
mane of an injunction, prohibition
mandamus, certiorari, habeas corpus
or other process issuing out of auy
court, be enjoined, restrained stayed
removed or subject to review or consid-
eration, upon' any ground whether
arising out of alleged absence of, jurio•
diction i11 the tribunal, nullity, defect,
or irregularity of the , proceedings or
any other amuse whatsoever nor shall
any each proceeding or decision Le
questioned, reviewed or ooraidered
collaterally in any aotion or proceeding
civil or criminal.
Local Tribunals
6—(1) The Miuister may from time
to time by proclamation or otherwise
establish local tribunals at such places
as he deems necessary and give each
an appropriate designation,
(2) The Minister may after a local
tribunal is established, order, by pro-
clamation or otherwise, the re loyal of
small local tribunal from place to place
within the same province.
Membership of Lucal 'tribunals
3 Each local tribunal shall consist
of two members, 0uemelnber shall he
appointed by a Board of Selection to
be established by joiut resolultion oftl.e
Senate and House of Commons; the
other member shall be appointed by
following authority:
1; In those provinces in which there
are county judges or district courts, the
county court or district court judge or,
if mo re than one, the senior judge for
the county or district, in which the local
tribunal is established, or when the
place at whish a local tribunal fs to be
established is net within the territorial
limits of any county court or district
court, then by anuli judge as may be
determined by the Minister.
The judge making the appointment
may himself or any other judge having
jurisdiction 111 the county or district,
For the purposes of this section,
county court judge or district court
judge includes any deputy judge au-
thorized by law to act for the time be -
for any such judge, anti also includes
any acting judge so authorized,
It is understood that a proclamation
will shortly be issued calling the Bret
Mass tinder the Ooneoription Apt to the
of the
will be held in
A Remarkable Tribute
Whetter or not the Western Liberals
who suggested a ohaege of leadership
es a condition precedent to union, were
"playing the game," one thing is certain
their suggestion Inas shown Sir Robert
Borden where he stands so far as the
Conservative party is concerned, No
roan in public life ever received a more
striping trtbnte of affection and esteem
than he did from the Oouservative aaua
us. Even those members and saunters
who dissapproved of his negotiations
were convinced—ltavingheard his cause
that he was right. Be frankly inform
ed them ofhis negotiatioua for a union
government end insisted that it was
necessary if the full driving power of
Oanadian patriotism is to be exerted.
To that end he was willing and would
be glad to efface himself or serve in the
reeks, A majority of the members are
Beware quite as convinced as to the necessity
Of I for union of our war forces, and if they
Imitations wunld not hear of Sir Roberts retire -
Sold ! meet it is because they regard him ria
DSO{ the 1 tate only men in Canada equipped for
merits I lemiersllip• Since the war began, and
pattieulatly since his visits to the front
Oft service to the bo} v at the front has been
1 Ien S ' an obsession to him, Always iedustri
�Inlil cal ons he lute et nee then become a slave to
duty, Oi,livious to political gain or
• loss he 11:00 gone his way with an eye
!single to the most vigorous in eseoution
For Sale
W. L. tSEY, Seaforth.
Phone 130
A Business
Witttout a proper
systm of aliver-
tisin is Tike a
motor without the
Sabah News
Will supply the
required energy
110nf . a4
;ieveninbs127 i
of Canada's part in the war. He has
lnot stopped to make partizan speeches
or even reply to partizan attack. . He
has always endeavoured to impress up-
on his supporters that the fate of indi-
I vidnals, parties or governments is of
Ismail consequence ill these Clays. Only
one thing matters, via: that Canadian
effort should be continued at the maxim'
till victory is wetland peace is assured,
Fight Tribunals Under
Military Service Bill
In Huron
Judge Dickson Officially Notified and
Asked to Nominate one Member
For Each as Soon as Possible.
.Judge Dickson on Tuesday morning
reoieved the following telegram from
Ottwa relative to the appointment of
tribunals under the Military Service
Ant, which states that there will ho 8
tribunals in Buren County,
Judge Dickson will appoint one of
eaoh tribunal the other to be appointed
by the Government'
The telegram is as follows;
Judge L, 11 Dickson,
Goderioh, Out.
'!'here will bo 8 tribunals under the
Military Service Aot fh your judioltl
district, probably located, -one each at
Wingham, Brunets, Gerrie, Seaforth,
Exeter, Goderich, Clinton, and Dung.
annon, though empowered, to be at
other planes for the convenience of the
prtblio, Members must be nominated
an soon me possible and it is therefor
Camino Bros' Store formerly
occupied by Mr. W. T. Hays
on, Saturday afternoon and
evening, September 15th 1917
Everybody welcome— Ad–
mission Free.
Red Cross Benefit
The Directors will donate the
enure exhibit to the Red
Cross Society who will offer
the plants, blooms etc. for
sale at, 9 o'clock.
A D Sutherland Wm Hartry
Sec-Treas, Pres.
Long'Standiiug Asthma. Many have
mirrored so long from asthma and have
tried 99 Maltz so called remedies they -
The Seaforth Creanlery,.Co.
think that 60E0 1.0 p4 reel holt for J
1liAi4Q1 l.'H MARKET
Good drilling Wheat..............
Oats ... 60 65
Mr. F. G. Neelia has received word
in response to the request of the Prod
notion Committee of Seaforth and the
Wardens Committee of iiuron, that five
tractors will be sent to Huron County
ito assist the farmers with their fall
plowing, The first will be brought to
Seaforth and a Demonstration will take
on the form of John MoNey or of John
Hay in Tuolteremith. The exaot place
and date will be announced later.
These fawners should be a great help to
the farmers ao one of them oan plough
nearly an sora an hour. In some conn
ties they are working them with two
men, one in the day and other at night,
In this way a traotor will dispose of els.
out z 6 acres per day,
Mg(r4We i•saeltenentglrllettalo7191smileNNN'1•10siele oni•1inieto pasissil1IM
Capital Paid Up $6,000.000 Reserve, Filed $7,000,000
Depositors in this Bank are assuredet
of efficient service. s
ts ts 373
d y
JONES Mnnagc,e,,
tit▪ rfamarnsisntenste Lf®3ID®fstsenssuann onAlesmIsem tnlisa nsiNifB1anal si
Thursday 5efot 13
Girl beaUtifuti•-.Getra026 cent bott eatld
of Danderine,
If you care for heavy hair that as.
tens with beauty and is radiant with
life; has an incomparable softness and
is llufty and lustrous, try Danderine. Ito
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle on
dandruff. You oan not luta shco
heavy, healthy hair if you ham
dandruff. This destructive scurf robe
the hair of its lustre, its strength and
its very life, and if not overcome it
produces a feverishness and itching of
Ole scalp; the ]lair roots famish,
loosen and die; then the hair falls out
fust,e Surely get a 25 -sent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderine• from auy drug
store and just try 1t.
• :S;A.W
GAZIM.tefe n :,ne ma>an.vemar,.mm.mrso,we�e. i nnmeo,m,s.�.— .-^5= araww +r+r,ss camm_r °
Send your cream to us and receive
lop prioee, Wo are running our plant
the year through and can handle your
full supply and furnish you with cans.
We pay twice each mouth and weigh
salnpleand test each oan of aroam care
fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou
Patrons" Patrons are requested to re
turn all our cane • when not in use,
Satter eu3Buttermilk also on haudr;
for at market prices, i
them. They should read the lettere
received by the manufactures of Dr, J.
D, Kellogg's Asthma Remedy from
hundreds of 08005 enact desperate as
their own. Even in long neglected
oases this famous preparation brings
Belgian Fund
The Committee of this Fund moved
by the alarming and ever increasing
mortality of the little ohildren in Bel-
guim, since August 1616, organized the
bringing of starved„ oonsumptive,
rickety and ailing little ones from Bel.
guim to Rolland, where they are cared
for, housed intensively fed, medically
attended and clothed for a period
averaging six months. Unfortunately,
owing to lack of funds much cannot be
done and only a>jiartial alleviation of
the sufferings of these poor little one's
is possible; hence the urgency of the
call to Canada for help -which no doubt
will be answered generously.
This Fund makes an urgent appeal
to Canadians, what with the over rutin.
ing of Belgium by the Germane, the
wholesale removal from one place to
another of the whole popnlation an
the cruel deportations, large ❑umberof
children have been left alone, lacking
food and clothing, Thousands of the
children are being fed, clothed and
educated by ohariry, $3 70 per month
assures the worlt being Honer Anyoue
sending this a0lont for six months will
receive the name and address of .the
child so saved
H. W, C.'A, Meeting
The annual meeting of the H.W,C.A
was held in Clinton on Labor
Day. Despite the fact that the Anglic
an Deanery Convention was in session
and St. Joseph's picnic ill progress, a
goodly number attended, ineludiug- re-
presentatives from the various patriotic
organizations of Huron County,
The morning session opened at 11
A,t1J, with the President' Mrs, Hamilton
in the chair, The minutes of the for•
mer meeting, also the minutes of the
three executive meetings were read
and disoussed, These showed ihat_the
officers of i,he H. W.O,A. have not been
idle during the year, Almost all of the
societies are working under this Assoc-
iation, seven shipping and °sneering
centres being allose1!, namely, Goderioh
Clinton, Seaforth, Wingharn, :Exeter,
Blyth and Brussels,
Some time ago the County Connell
voted the organization a grant et $100
per year during the war, whioh amount
enables them to meet the expenses in-
marred. It is due to the efforts of the
H,W.C.A that Huron County now has
two wards in Byron Sanitarium, They
set out to obtain $500 to fit out one
ward, the people responded loyally
with $10 over $i000, and thud two oats
were furnished.
The Corresponding.Seoretary, Mrs,
Fitton proeented her report, after 50114511
the meeting adjourned for lunch,
At two' p . m. the delegates assembled
again, Mrs, Hamilton of Godetich was
appointed delegate to attend annual
meeting of the C,W.C.A an- Hyman
Bran per ton.,....... ......
Shorts per ton ...............:. .........48
Flour .............................. 6.30 6,80
Butter. .r.- ,.,,.......... ...... •32
Hogs to farmers . ................17.23
St. Joseph's School of Music.
Year opens Sept, 3rd, 0917. For
particulars apply
St. Joseph's Convent,
Seaforth, Ont
To Men,JiYho Live Inaotive Lives —
Exercise in the open air is the best
tonic for the stomaoh and system gen-
erally; but there aro those who are
compelled to follow sedentary 000np-
ations and the Inactivity tends to re
strict the healthy action of the digest-
ive organs and sickness follows. Par -
melee's Vegetable Pills regulate the
stomach and liver and restore healthy
tuition. It is wise to have a packet of
the pills ulways on hand.
All Items under title Head are
published free of charge, ex-
cept these reeerdiugmeotings
where an admission fee ie
charged. The rate for smell
Whig 1100 aqui Per count line
SF;74F@ RTII if1iY�[�d C
St. James'
-St, James, Citrch, Rev, Father P
Corcoran, Hey, Fatho r G, R, North -
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, all kinds of furs etc.
Also take books
! • and newspapers
Appelzft & Millman
Aeroes from Creamery
Phone 183
graves Morning Hass 7 8,1n. High
Mass 10.30 a.m. Sunday school 2,301
e lu. Evening vespers 7 pan,
St. Thomas'
Rev, 1. %{. Brown, Iteetor,_.Sutlday
services 1I a.m, and 7 p.m, Sunday
echo° 1 2,30 p. m, Women's Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30
p.m. Children'sbranch Saturday 2 p.m.
11ercession services every Thnreday,
First Presbyterian
Rev, .11', H. Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday
services 11 9,1n, and 7 p 1n. Sunday
school 2.30 p,tn, Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7. 45 p.m. Women's Miss-
ionary Sooiety•the first Tuesday in eaoh
month at 7.45, Barbara Kirkman Mis•
sion Band 3rd Tuesday: in the month at
7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Band
every 2ncl Monday at 4.15,p.m.
Rev. G. McKinley, B, D., pastor
—SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a.m.
Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun•
day school and Bible study class 2.30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer
Nesting Thnraita y 8. p,m,
esent '
tsre r
.� P anon:
Never lriakes>i`riends
We might induce -you to
buy our photographs once
but if the portraits were un-
satisfactory you would nev-
er come back.
E verp port/aft u-emake is
as good as first-class work-
manship, artistic training
and practice can produce &
our pricei'are as low as pos-
sible for good work.
alty. Potos of houses
&esell Filnls and finish
for agflateurs.
Picture Framing, u e carry �.
a large asso,tment of mould
4st a@
rw _
1 i>741's4
e-aLP erV0 c e
rr c. '7;l rtCLL_-__.
c, a- • � � rel rr� Fr-n-,-,�'_
om lto t ery ce t
Owners Evevwh r re
COURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may
travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford
owner you can get it. You are always "among friends".
There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through-
outtCanada. These are always within easy reach of Forel owners
1—for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or
motor adjustments.
The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of
the car itself. Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only
$5.40. .rust compare this with the cost of spare parts for other
cars and you will .realize the advantage of owning a Ford.
Runabout - - $475
Touring - - $495
Coupelet - $695
Sedan - - - $890
F. 0. B.FORD, ONT.
J.F. Daly = Dealer = Seaforth'
Cook Bros. = Dealers = Hensall