The Seaforth News, 1917-05-17, Page 7'.e 1r s• • ROYAL L A Dlpr PRESI. • Aa,I��4 I,, TRI' MOST LUXURIOUS WAS THAT OF CZAR OF RUSSIA. STRENUOUS WORK SOON TELLS 0 ',L1U. Easiness Men iind Breadwinners the Iridium of Nervous Exhaustion. — When worry is added to overwork men soon become the victims of .ner- vous exhaustion- - •neurasthenia -- tile doctor oath it. Some have no reserve strength in their systems to bear the strain; others overtax what strength they have. If you find that you are The special train that the Czar of nervous and"fiat Sure oe yourself, that '•Russia used to travel in, with its you sleep badly, and wake, up thud and twelve cars providing uj artments for aching, your niorvea are out of anter. the Czar, his suite and guard, a real Other signs awe Inability to Lake pro- Itessian bath, kitchens, a chapel and per interest in your work; your apps' all of the comforts of a palace, was the is fickle; your back feels weak, formerly the most elaborate owned by and you are greatly depressed in epir- any European ruler. lie, Oaae or more of these signs mean The train of the ]impe'roe William, that you ahoield take prompt steps to , of Germany iias seven partly armored stop mischief by noinlsliing the nerves ' cars and a locomotive designed towith, the food they 'thrive,.oie naively withstand even bomb and obeli at- I the rich red blood made by Dr, Wil - tacks. Everything that makes for ef- ]'lams' Pink Pi11es. These Mlle have ficienay is provided, including a 11- cured. tilausen'4e of. teats of nervous braxy ear, on the walla of which hang disorders, including nervous prostra- hundreds of military maps. Ilion; neuralgia, St. Vitus dance and The train of the President of the partial paralysis, .Hare le an example: ., French 'Republic, although not the Mr, P. H. Cat1an, a Well known Uusi• most luxurious of the official trains of nese snap in Coleman, P,D,I., says: Europe, has perhaps the most inter- I owe any present ;health, if not life esting history of them all, says the I itself, to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. I Railway Age Gazette, It has figured land always been an saline man, and in more important political events when I began to inn down in health than any of the others, and has car- paid little attention to It as I thought tied at some time nearly all of the It only a temporary weakness. As great men of the world, incleuling, time passed, however, I found myself possibly, France's greatest enemy, the I growing worse; and consulted a doctor, mperor William himself. Conveyed the Czar. President Faure ordered he'trilin hurriedly built in the autism?' of 1896 for the purpose of carrying to Paris i grew so weak that I had to leave my ,i` the Czar of Russia, whose visit sat business and was confined to the that time cemented the • alliance 'be- I house . • Time went on and I was stead- tween France and Russia. The wholly growing weaker, and my friends train was built in thirteen flays. So ; were all greatly alarmed for my con - hastily was the private personal car' dilion. In this condition I was strong - built that not until the tenth day did ly recommended to try Dr. Williams' it occur to anyone that the Czar might Pink Pine, and as the doctor's medi- wish to take a bath. So, the roof of eine was not helping' me I 'decided to the car was promptly cut open and a do so. By the time I had used three space made large enough to allow the boxes I could tell that they were help- lewering of a huge silver bathtub into ; ing me, When I had taken eight boxes a corner of the car. The tub is there of the pills I felt able to attend to:my after all these years, and so is the business again, and people were sur - patch in the car roof. The train has prised to see me out, I continued the its own special housing shed at Vil•1 use of the pills until I had taken twelve leneuve St. Georges, some miles out of boxes, by which time I was feeling as. Paris, but of late it has been as fro-' well as ever I did, and was being con- quently put of its shod as in. 'gratiilated by all my friends en mi' One of its moat important trips full: restoration to health. I feel now since the war began occurred in Oeto- that 1f I hrd..used Dr, 'Williams' Pink ber, 1915, when it conveyed the King Pills at the outset I would not oiiay of England to the French front, where he reviewed in company with Presi- dent Poincare fifty thousand of the troops that bad taken part in the••bat- tie of Champagne. Qutliyedr Its. Day. ,, Unlike the imperial •trains, the medicine dealer, or by mail, at 50 ,cent' ;French Presidents train is not armor- a' ties, or siiboses for $2,60, from The 'ed, and it has no proteetionwhatever ,against bulls s rout aliens, I.1 -eras built Dr. Williams tiacisiciu Co., Brack- et bet: 1•.: I - I .. `� , ata time when n" one' thought that necessary,,., The ifourecara.,are elabd1-', " 'ittely upholstered in red and 'yellow HOWDO YOU CARRY MONEYi? ''Silk velvetsp and are of •Snood..;::'They. ,. . ,_« ...:; x are not of the typical French con- struction, but look more like Ameri- can parlor care, except that the roofs are not frilly rounded at the ends. The You can generally tell a man's na - interiors resemble somewhat the tour- lyota]ity fro it7b, manneliP which t cars used on the Western. rdiivay h c n}es;h pocket -mon or the of thibni„n Rn ��,ihie not 1�v ed �.ari 'usF •�lo s in 1oYa1fa'e usnt- into cIlln tI e s -1'kenostEn�fah1hbrd' Iti �n �of tie••conntr nf and Contintiil cars. ' • `which they are typical. Although they are thoroughly coo- The majority of British people carry fortable, it is apparent from their't heir money -be it gold, silver, or g'; mil fading curtains and upholsterind ••uppers -•all mixed up in the right - their clumsy and ponderous arrange- hand trousers `pocket; Upon needing menta, that they have outlived their any, your typical Briton takes a hand - time. They remind you of the old pal- ful of this mixture, and selects the wee at Oiron, . the magnificence'+ of coils he desires•A an Of i tint' uncpn which is ,,,falling tote `,decay, 'because cealet ntlinner t e a 'es l•' no one can of ioxd(to live in the place. t?n'clel' Sens, lialieoae, the Boundary, has a "wad of bills,” which he secure ly keeps in a long, narrow pocket- boolt.> r Frenchmen, more "ofton than not, are satisfied with an ordinary leath- er purse. Not so with his hereditary foe, for a purse, gaily embroidered in silks by the fair hand of some Gretchen, is the money -receptacle of the conceited Hun! . • The' poorer classesof the Italians tie up their small fortunes in a gaud- ily-eolorod handkerchief, which they myuterngusly eenceal somewhere about thein• persons Many, of our Russian friends. pre- ,fer-ta hide their;,pzeeloie Savings in thein boots 4.. er the lining wed their clothes, Interesting History of the Train in "Use by the President of the French ltepnblic, who said that I was not only badly run down, but that my nervous system was badly shattered. I lost flesh, my appetite was poor, I slept badly and notwithstanding the doctor's treatment have saved much money ,spent in doe- tor's bide, but would have had renewed health sooner. I cannot speak too highly of this "modieino; and would recommend it to every man who feels weak, nervous or run down," You ceu get them pills, tins-nigh.apy Each Nationality Has Its Typical Method of Handling Coin. The Little Rain,, . "Ohl she is good, the little rain! and well elle knows our need Who cometh in the time of spring to aid the sundrawn areal; She wanders with .a `friendly wind through silent nights unseen. The furrows feel her happy tears, and 1el the land is gaeen.:: "Last night cloud -shadows Bloomed the path that winds tom abode, And the torches of'theaiver-baits like angry meteors glowed. To -day fresh colors break the aoil,and iiuiterflies take' winifFF' .. Down broidered'.lawnsl'all bright with pearls in the garden of : the, King." . .-Translated from the .Chlneseof Tu Fu by L. Cranmer-l3yng His: Work. At a house party at a a oihlemitia'e gountry House a guest said' td the little daughter of the host. - "Your oldest brother is al ti front, Of couir ?:' h, a f .i a,Il i f.,-: �,•1 . , Oh . i „ �� >„ ot- •the' i ' •� ,yjh g �iota Cross," she answered. "And r', ourt, second, :;hath r. ,holf+. about hire ? 'r le,l i ^., g . ',•.. . 'He's at the fronts tote, been, twice woundeatiln�i 1! 11 ` 1 • ' "And ie your youngest brothel', the tr'i -year-old Harold, also, lith) Biel enches?„ She shook her head, _.•1=---- - ...... "No," she said, "he's minding In- dlia," { , n ,i, Letttiee„ tOen 4pttepaac, beets .'• and ions, mature in alit to nine weeks, rn from eleven to thirteens- weeks feta from fifteen to s i c ixtea i d pes°eke. ooatoniporery history Canad p M a . i1)o6, W d., Loan ei 11 a � � v r� tri+ n 8� O>rioial. '' ' HQQbb�w�� ':l t.rrlrtitim 'i;, aJ x SToO V4TON VW VNe t L,,d9 mow IN 414*iott'6N /�tgpp� raaMia , ea s B�R8R0015 ;CORD n l • I I AIN, . SOO .7,a4 OaTA,NAiLi Si ALL l00N.arjLN dads of the 11a�nle,5 . . ." .,... .. w.. ,:-,mmnasra•rt. vie (j, 1 1 Brighten The Corner '. 1 where you are by-eat,lllj;l a .,food4hat,nt roes''not,e1og the liver or develop poisons in the colon, Cut out heavy meats and starchy potatoes and eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit with berries or other fruits. Try this diet for a few days and see how much better you feel. The whole wheat grain made digestible by steam -cooking, shredding and baking.' Draperies are featured in some of the very newest dresses. A very stylish 'eoetmue is illustrated here combining a draped shirt with a blouse having body and sleeves in one. This model would be most Attractive de= velopecl in erepo de Chine, foulard, soft taffeta, or even in ono of the pretty summer voiles, McCall Patterns No. 7814, Ladies' One -Piece Walet; in 45 Mceena 5 sizes; 94 to 42 bust; and No. 7818, Ladies' Straight Skirt, attached to one,piece low yoke in 80 -inch length; in 6 sizes; 22 to 90 waist. Price, 20 cents each. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 ,Bond St. Toronto, Dept. W. INVALUABLE SENSES. How Some People Earn a Living by • 'Their Ears and Noses. Most people depend upon their hands for their livelihood, and so we have come to speak of handiwork and handicraft and "handy." But there are many others who could survive the loss of arms in such a war as this and still be efficient for business. For instance, there is a man in;, every pen" factory" In Eirmingham, England -probably several - whose sole business is giving nibs their final test before they are packed away in the familiar box: He dicips(gach nib separately, one by ono, oh'a sheet of plate -glass, and he can tell instantly by the sound emitted whether th is fit to be packed for sale, or only to be'thrown aside as imperfect) There are pegple whp make ;a living;. by their, nose's, sniffing perfumes for the scent -Makers,' The art 61'' making delightful -perfumes, in which the ladies will' delight, i mainly a matter of.,how much of, this ,and how. little, of that, and -there are well-trained. noses., which can tell at a sniff when there is just the litt a --too ich o o., ittl'e'or m. 1 toe J 1 ., .. >< i whether anything is missing. -11 THANKFUL MOTHERS Mothers who hage once used Baby's Own Tablets fax their; little Tones are always strong in their praise of this medicine. • •Among them is Mrs: Mar- cella Boudreau, Mizonette, N.B., who writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I 1taoaf..for,little-ones. T am very thankful for what they have done for my children." The Tablets regulate the bowels and stomach; cure constipation and Indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers; in fact they mire all the minor ills of little ones. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Made in Canada SOME RECENT DISCOVERIES. More Achievements in The Fields of Science and Invention. A new invention for oiling moving machinery consists of electrically con- trolled oilers, a number of which can be operated from a centrally located switchboard, An Englishman has invented a mite - in -the -slot machine which tells the speed at which a train is traveling by the dropping of a, coin in the slot. Lower sashes for windows have been invented evhich, instead of sliding, swing outward; and upward to any desired distance, the purpose being to obviate drafts in rooms. A photographic camera attachment has been invented by a Colorado mann which permits eight photographs to be taken on the same plate or film. An attachment has been invented by an Ohio inventor which, when attach- ed to a knitting machine, makes imita- tion fur by knitting a tuft of hair into each needlefull of thread. An English inventor has devised a table fork, diamond' shaped instead of flat, asserting that it is more easily cleaned than the usual fork. A German invention is an unsink- able lifeboat which is equipped with doors that automatically close upon its occupants, in the event that the boat upsets. Wireless messages have been sent through 'the earth between mines 1,600 feet deep and a mile and a half A2.011.b,Y Gez'man.:expetts.:-:, . A French electrician has invented a wireless outfit powerful enough to' pick up any message, when it is con- nected with an metal surface, and yet 'sznail eilgtt',;tlh ;tea'' he angled about in the'pocket. A new kitchen cabinet has all its. dzawera mounted in one largo drawer, which can bepulled forward -when the t table "top of 'the cabinet is 'extended. ! 1;1his az'n;angetalennt makes for ease of access to the drawers, -. S'eup'bubbles'large and substantial enough to bo. used for •baelegrounds for photographs are developed by an ap- pal.•z;.t';ae;••. invented= iibyt an- (English scientist. ,,, -,. • Some European railroads are experi- mentinewitlyelectric l000nlotive head, lights so mounted that engineers can direct their rays in any desired direc- tion .. , New wide -brimmed hats.1orwomen have rY, piece of glass in their brims so that they will not obstruct the vision whgsi;lpulled ideers to coyer ; wearer's eyes. A woman is' the inventor of a suit- case made in three parts and with legs that unfold to support it when it is opened so it can be used as. a Victory the Kaiser ,cannot have. Peace he must have. -Sir Percy Scott. • THE SONG OF MERRIT. The Orieuthl Idea As To What' Were Good Shoes. John' Chinaman often has peculiar ideas about the wearing apparel that he btiShe in' America, For one thing, he always wants boots that'•ate sev- eral -sizes. top large, for he believes that in that wayhe a gets afore value for hieence ey In additiontookees- sive size, boats,.have to poss.esa,other. peculiar 'ehaaaeteristies .before they meet,_ hit full• approval aa,,the f eSiru. ing story indicates: '' A California merchant offered a pair of fine boots that he haat long kept in stock to a Chinese fortree dollars, The ,oriental .finally took- theme -but. two days later he brought therm back. "What'e't e trouble, Johan??" incduir- ed the mdi''ehant,, tl 1im gop'd:."boots:" "Him I)o y good,",; tlpciardd "whir "Him no ain song. boot .Velly aeon wear out 1••¥e likes singsong hoot oe me catehRlRitiek t'zee c'{olla' s: ty 4' "Singsif N;11iletl'fu on.eltiithedi `diff^ merchant,,,,; "Ale "Me t'illjA'.yolt sate, all lite," 3epiieil' john, "W11a' kqq',]ti lYoot,no, ing"ee, Sque icl •agheftitl' ` sea. Chinaman waiket, elle sumo good boot?t'' When the merchant had,given hints hi exehalig4 for the fine hoots a pair of coftret, cheap ones that squeaked loudlyi John Chinaman doptlrtedhigh.- ly satisfied. th t,f "Thera a Ra moon l THE NEW SPARTANS J INCOME $1,000,000 A YEAR Itialng Ltusratiaai Will Benefit By ......a ., i�'1"1'K T,N One of the results ofsa iho war 'Web will be beneficial to the nation is 'the ,fact that the young people have boen turned out in one way or another to fend for themselves -the soldier in field, trench, camp, and billet; and the girl in munition -factory, bank, hospi- tal and shop, Them, can be no doubt that the past generation was being brought up too seftly, says an Ianglish writer, Either the State or the mother seemed deter, rained to do everything for the chil- dren, instead of letting them do as much as possible for themselves, The result was a lack rf independence ar.l of a sense of responsibility, which the war has already cured. Instead of training children up to habits of personal orderliness and helpfulness, to share the labor and ire- sponsibility of the home, mothers have been content to let children grow up easily, without ever feeling the pinch, without ever knowing what the work of every day meant, Tt has been a profound mistake. And when the war PS aver it will •be well if the lesson taught as to the benefits of "hardness" and discipline shall have been under- stood and taken to heart. Many a big lads will refuse ever to sleep softly again. Ile has done with feather -bed methods for the rest of his earthly. career, Let the women fol- low suit. Let them copy Spartan methods, and the future of their chil- dren will be a surprise and a pleasure .to them, by reason of its wholesome progress and self ?confidence and splendid success. AUSTRALIA'S SOLDIERS Plan Adopted by Commonwealth Might Work Well in Canada From South Australia comes some interesting information as to, what our sister commonwealth' is x ing for her returned soldier. A soldier who had spent fourteen months in active service and was wounded says that in iia neighborhood each returned soldier is allotted eight - teen acres of reclaimed land on the Murray river, eight acres for fruit, oranges,'ete,, and ten acres for tillage. This particular individual has six cows, a five -room house free, and "a loan of $2,500. He says that in two years' time he will be "right on his The Government has a large farm they train the mon how to ms, and so far with -very little sur- as the large farm, a long way from. civilization, , does not seem to appeal to the returned soldier. It is just passible that the smaller proposi- tion would suit him better. ti —0—o-"-o-'�o--o•-,o—O—o—o--o^0^o— ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT ! seat. T where farm. In Canada our Government has aim- ed rather at placing men upon larger far cess, ib7o-:foolishnesse! -Lift your caries -1 s.,. and, cailuseSadff'NOW fingere -ic �'It's''like magic! " "1 tom.. 0 U: -._• t i.., a ..t.. > Sozatoornsi,hard-corns,-goit.der1413'roIe any kind„ot',,na cereeeeln. 7arnidessil'%ar liftedright out with the fingers if you upon the corn a few drops apply pay s of p n freezono, says -.a. Cincinnati authority. For iittla: cost one.can get •a: Small bottle of fieezone at any drug' store, which will positively rid one's feeteq e;reIf corn cellae witliout'piiin. This simple drug. dries the moment it is applied and .does not even bei-' tate''thes serroundlrig skin while 'ail 1 Iia`" It r afterwards, ny g This aonaouncennent will intareat, many of aux readers. If your drugs:. gist hasn't any freezone tell him- toy, surely get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. The Golden Rulea. Doasyou would •be done.by. Persian, • Do not that to a neighbor which you would take i11 from him. -Grecian. What you would not wish done' to. yourself do not mato others. -Chinese. Ono should .seek for others the hap-, piatess otae desires ,for one's self. -Buds dist. He sought for others the good he de- sired for h' itself. - Let him pass on. -Egyptian. an All.. things,• whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to diem. -Christian. Let none of. you treat his brother in 'a way ho himself would dislike to be' treated:-Mohanimedan. '" 'The, Harder TintFurther. The', musketry instructor haat just been' giving a lesson , on the rifle to one- part!culazly "green"" set of re- erti s," At the end lie, asl edea- ,. "�7q}y, is thou;e tiny. •gtiestign- .you wat�I,tio Ono dull -looking !'.Johnny --I IRaw" stepped forward,- blushing awkward- ly. :one ', N, t ;,N.,71,717. man.?' eajti,tlae inatpuet- ozepp81nglev a 1 Icase,,sir, stammered the seiroh-' er afteie lanoieledge, 'abs it night that theeeneler pelts y iho trigger thing, the farther the leaflet `gees 3" F A silica Of leinoin or a daab of vine-• gal 'iiskIeti .when boiling meet or fish: imploves iho flevoz', . Mmol tbor has for years been more expensive than:lioreo or machine labor-; and , the disadvantage of employing men -where machinery can be Used is itierce sing . SI, ...4111., 1,... Indi 'K Its eoeltrn tll t WAX _CnhinJt.:. A Man of Renown, The Government's chaise of the Maharajnh of Bikanir as India's retire-' sentat!-:e at the speeiel sittings of the War Cabinet will give ,great satiefae• tion throughout our Eastern Empire. An aide-de-camp to the Ring, hie highness is a vigorous man of 36,, I with a, yearly income of $1,000,000, He rules over a State of 28,816 square ' miles, nearly three times the eine of Wales, with a population of 700,000 people, and is entitled to a salute of i seventeen guns when he arrives at or l leaves it garrison town, At the beginning of the war the Maharajah offered the whole of his State resources to the King as well. as ihia personal services, and his fain.; sus camel corps has done invaluable work in Egypt. He served for a year on Field Marshal Viscount French's staff, and has been mention- ed in despatches,. Proved Oce More 1 h So tha pton, Ont. That Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Rheumatism. Harold D. Bertram Had Inflammatory Rheumatism and One Box of Dodd's Kidney Pills Cleared It Out of His System. Southampton, Ont., May 14th (Sol!, otal) That rheumatism is caused by disordered kidneys and that Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure it le again proved by the case of Harold D. Bert- ram, 'a young man well and favorably known hare. He had inflammatory rheumatism for two monite, Dodd's Kidney Pills cured iulm. '"The doctor said my trouble started with the gidppe," Mr, Bertram states. "My liands, and feet were badly swol- len and the doctor did not seem to be d,odng me' any goad. My grandmother, Mrs, G. Grasser, advised me to take Dodd's Kidney Pills, I took ane box of thein and I haven't been bothered since. I am oleos• of the Aeumatism." That Mr. Bertram's trouble came tion his kidneys Ls shown by hie other symptoms. Ile had stiffness in the' joints, was tired and nervous, and there were Wiles '00 light, before his eyes. He had a ds•agging sensation across the ]'Dine, was always thirsty and felt heavy and sleepy atter meals, Rheumatism is caused by uric acid: in the blood., Cured kidneys strain the uric aoid out: of, the blood. ;Dodd's Rid- ney Pills.: cure the kidneys. ' His Ambition' • A email boy's idea of greatness is to play .ball. in a uniform: - • - itZiaard s Liniment used by Physicians. Going it, $ 'coag:' "My young friends," said a member of the board of trustees, wtto was ad- dressing the sehpol, ,`...`let meurge upon you the necessity, of not only reading. good books, but also of owning them, s0 that you may have access to them at all times. Why;"ivhen'I was ai young man I used frequently to work! all night to earnto buyboo s ' g money k and then get•.upobefmre daylight to' read them " _ , I cured ahorse 01 the .Mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS, Dalhousie. I cured a horse,' badly torn by a pitch fork, with MINARD'S LIN- IMENT. St, Peter's, C. B. - EDW. LINLIEF. I cured a horse of a bad swelling by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bathurst, N. B, THOS. W. PAYNE. A Difference. If you feel the tip of your nose you will find that there is a tiny cleft 'there. Peoplewith negro blood in their veins areaid not to possess this division. mMn,r,L e1$C11L G'leee ,:„�rro r 94 Gl PO Naming the New Town. "What are yogi going, to name your new town?” "Can't tell you. We have two fac- tions." antions.° • '4So ?" • ""And it's hard to decide between 'em. One crowd wants to call .it Middletown, the ether Centerville.". Granulated Eyeliildst, Eyes inflamed by expos sure to San, Bust and VYlad quickly relieved byldurine Eye Remedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 10c per Bottle. Murino Eye Selvein'Ilrbes25c. FortlookcitheEyel'reessk Druggists or Muriae Eye Remedy Ce., Chicago The Best. "Which one in the language of flowers do you consider the most elo- quent?" "A pair of pressed two lips." SRinares's Liniment Lumberman's Prima. A New Tense. Teacher -The sentence, "My father had money," is in the past tense. Now, Mary, what tense would you be speak- ing in if you said, "My father has money?" Little Mary -Oh, that would be pre- tense. MONEY ORDERS THE safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. Chinese Typerwriters.: The first Chinese typerwriter has been designed; it carries 4000'Chinese characters, and weighs forty pounds; but the contemplated improvements may reduce the weight to twenty pounds. ; Moen. Mtnard's. Liniment in the hone, Cabbage plants for early crop Should be set out, setting them. deep enough to cover the stems. NEWSPAPERS POE SALE p ROP,Ly Z0.AKIt\'G NEWS 1V ADr S O JL O .taest • 101, sale: in !td'o'r1', Ontario towns.' "Tvla moet'usoful irtrurmaasIC' tn'tbtirg bsttn of all businesses. Full -n application to WIIo aon Fstbltahing Comon - pany, 78 Adelaide Street Toronto. NEW AND SECOND j1.9 Hand. 81a.ae up. Send for special, C 413 Io Yorks a rl C c l! Yast , rice t Y Y p Spadini Avo., Taranto. `ANLL• Ii, TUMORS. I,TTICPS, 'ETC.,, v Internal and external, cured with- out paln by aur home treatment, Write us before too late, 1]r, l0elhnan Medical ICo., Limited. Colltnawood, Ont. .8 -ab for NEiaard's and take no other. Anvil Sparks. • Good nature is a key that fits many locks. Religion must soak in before it can floe, out. Man may be tizo architect of a hone, but woman is the builder. Moss grows on a man's hopes if he `waits for something to turn up, Wo say: "This is a hard old world!" but what are we dof,'g to soften it? Golden hopes_.., of , an eternity are , better than a safe ;deposit box in a bc,nk. . .. The Panama Canal is about fifty miles long' 'fl.'oie'i 'bo@'an' to ocean. PurelyHerbal-'-Ns poisonous coloring Antisepiie-Staps:hlead,poison Soothing -Ends pain aril smarting, eta Pure -Best for baby's rashes. Heals all sores. 50e Sox. All Druggists end Stores 1' When buying your . Piano Insist on having an ae OTTO HIG KLa, PIANO ACTION imp do's Pioneer Il. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc;.' Dog Remedies 118 Went 310.Street, NoiY.31i" BOOK ON.. DOG •DISEASES Anicl HoW tb Feed Afntle,i Site to am nddres by. ' the eAuthor. . QUEENS U IVER-I • -KINldGSTON • 145NTa,Rlb11 _p •t . r' ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION •APPLIEDACiENCE Mining, Chemical, Civil, Meohaaleaa and ,Electrical ,F,nginge ns,. HOME STUD Arta Course by corresponds ae,, Oegree wrtlt sue yier'i dtterid�tEe. rk4}� 1. l`mmp`c School Navigation Sci/ttlo'i' Jcip ,eoi luituat December to Aprd GEO. Y. C,HOWN, Rqa' ser: a hig knee like thie,but gour' horse may have a bunch-er-br-also-on-his-- ;ankle, hock, stifle kttoq;or;throat;'_j vill clean it off without laying As he horse., No•,biifer, no hal gone. Concontrettetonly ,a fele drops required at an hirpliontient $ per- 'bottle delivered, breathe oar rale lea nm oedal ]mdlone and 1300108 ',11 free, A1r1SORaINO, J*1. the anis. ,enlle. liniment far mankind, imincen painful �malltatlr•-,. ndarted Oland., Wena, }halm, Varicose Vein,, allay► rain and inflammation, Prima anti 52 a 501440 at dretelctk: or delivered W F. YCUNs, P, 0. F., 511 Lyman Cidg, Montreal, Ceti ebserbine and Absorbine Jr.. are made io r.,aaa,. ISSUE No ez '17: