The Seaforth News, 1917-05-17, Page 4se utry 9ca uoamccwa PROFESSIONAL CARDS. se ra,cutoVeadatmm,5sWfa MEDICAL pR,l.ate of (at 3l hZlul�t1andu t. Surgeon Peatlal attrutlou to lietuee of Eye, Far, Nose Of icerand residence, behind Dolnlr Ion Bank. Office Phone N e.5. Residence, Phone No. 106. reit, F. J. BORROWS. Seafortit. Office and readenee -- t;oderich Street. east al the Metbo. Obit Church. Coroner for the Comity of boron. Telephone, No. 40. DRB. SCrYfT & MACICAY, Physicians and Surgeons. Coderirh Street, apposite aietho• Oat Church, .Seaforth. Boon, gradual.. VI•torla and Ann Arbor. and Sonofoowtf•Ci)ins and ens,CrrorolntyofHarn MacKay. hotter graduate Trinity University. kohl medallet Sanity Medt of College., Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. 0.• GEO.fl • it.:7MA.N. .'stnpat 1)I . S, o 1alie 1n Woman's end Chudrena Ohmage* and ldbanmatle Troubles Acute. and ChTonlc Dta- tufts. rar, ?ye, rinse. an I Throat. ;adenoids gatnovsd without the knife. Consultation free. Cady t;t cK rWelter \,lift hon 9mr, 'a i t,la n c4 1 f 1fl Frfdl y to •= 9 0 Isxu41 by JOHN arria i Licenses anti Ins ran e Are you ir,uetlertng lnsaronee, Life or A,'Clde.nt )!you are, a postcard edit get me rates. I. Illi, IAlflteR111.,!S'Y. eel' ere" Agent for London Life Insurance Co., ' and 1 •nfxtatalDuarnatee and Accident Insurance Co. I Sosfert93, Ont. Watsonjarties General Fire, Life tot Acid?nt lnenrano,i Agent, Int ieatm '19 MIO„ ntaehiti:r,; 91aln , .••t to•efnr. r, THE McKtLL P MuhuaiIr1 insurance 011 1?arnt and Isole ted Town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS .Ten. (-tIotly (.derh text lent, Jame., Rvaus ;we.hw and Vlee. Presider E. Thomas Hays. 5eafo941. 5aa -rroas, Directors D. F. McGregor, Seeforth; John G. Grieve, Winthrop W. Rom. Constance; John Bennewcts, Brodgbagea; Robert Ferris. Bullock; Malcom McKeon, Clinton; '• McCartney Seaforth; Jame. Connolly, Godericb; Jag. Evans, Beechwood. Agents Atex. Leitch, Haricot; 194. Hinchley, Seaforth; WIWcm Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, 8olmeevtue; R G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen• James Leer and John Govenlock, Sesforth, auditors. ParUee desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly atteoded to by application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective postoa'rces. Ia 1 The Original and Only Genuine Belfare of Imitations Sold on the Merits of hlinard'3 Liniment Ytr Sat SCRANTON COAL W. L. KEY, Sea fiorill. Phone 130 /I Busty .ess Without a proper systiie of adver- tisin is like a motor without the power. • • . Seaforth News }YVEPTIStM N FS will supply the required energy hour. - 54 evenings 127 1. lIE r IS Maize EVERY THURSDAY From the Office ONT. MAIN. ST, a SEAFORTH, Phone 94 Evening 91? 0,10 SUBSCRWPT1ON one dollar -per Year. strictly In ad r a awe if not paid 11n euvence, nus dul\ar and a halt will 2)e charged. it ntG01 mate, papers, tlity cents extra. .trlekl,v advanced, When auherrn ars ehaa(K° their address notice should bele, t us Immediately, shrine scribers willdconferta the by nnew otifyings. gu•s of any Irregularity of delfveuv. Reading Notice•—No reading notice. advertising any entertainment or matter by which money I9 GI be made by any person or cause will be inserted In Tuts :slaws without charge. The prim for the Inser- tion of h'tslre1s onnoanremeot. Is TEN iuupertlesjl having no oOtitmnt tforr4dlupiaY adver.!eing, nod Vitra tents suer Zine each insertion to aha93 baying edsplay concrete, and for :starch, 3001017 and entertainment reading nails, e r'nr.i of Thanks 5 to. .9 Linea, e0 :eats. Judie+a9, Leval, Diftiniei and Govern. meat Noticoa—Ten cents pet line for first looertlon and Live cents per Line for each onb9a.inet insertion. Yearly ,tarda—Prafenatonal Cards not 95.09 1per rams, payable strictly in adevanfce Display s'lvertlo£ns. -Rates furnished "Advertisement. ordered for Insertion. wUntil -forbid and those sent without written mates 99.'w will appear until mitten orders Iva rr'elved for their dis- ontin'mnee. Lettere to the Editor mut be aocom- panted by the ratter's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on reli- gious topics will not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly as such. The rate for such matter Is ten cents per line. J, F. SNO WOON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Tl.- .'.9Sk Az'slat li NEWS hest and Laving clone that, laugh away the difficulties to be loot and enjoy the rest and happiness you have earned. , Don't be ewes; as, it upsets 9111 ehiLilren; it distree93 your luisbaud; it hakes yon prematurely alta and ugly, Don't matte too satiny posits of rill- fUrhllOe with 1101111d, Remember 9110 eerdival virtues, be Pirie in teaobiug thee, but be blind to the little (elate and foolishneee that titan will mire without constant fretting ou your part. Doth't wear a froweia)g face about the house, 11. mother's smile is the stmehiue of the home, Don't Bents a citil(1 who is afraid into the dark atone, Bear with his infirm- ity nouaidoratoly stud tenderly twill he nttgt'owa it. Don't forget that children learn by asking questions, end they have a right to :73(49!1)15 altet1514 Don't forget that what eeenh0 very foolish to you tray be of vital intermit to your child. Don't laugh at it child's fears laud fancies; try to understand thous. if they are Wee, try to allow !aim the truth. Don't sacrifice the hone to 00 ex- aggerated sense of assumes. The home its for the inmates laud it cannot ap be enjoyed if a diaplaood book or chair I I malls forth a storm of reproaolr 1 1 1 THE GLADNESS OF NATURE. It is our opinion that the new year ought to begin with spring That sweet, fresh, budding swore, when the spirit of newness is just awakening from its longsleop and begins with magic power its worst of revival, breath ung new life and energy into every veil) of nature and thrilling the heart of mankind witb its now joys, new hopes, The soul that Man new aepiratiois. h remain insenatble to the charm of spring is indeed dull and heavy eyen unnatural 13awthaln says, •'From such a soul the world must hope no reformation of its evil, aro sympathy with the lofty faith And gellaut struggles of those who con- tend t tins o. oust - in his be half." y tent!joyously this birch are singing this morning and why should they not, ler the blight and decay of winter is passing away' and ere luno the .earth will he arrayed in the -full bloent and glary of spring time, Already the air, so soft nod balmy, bears the fragrance of delicate blossoms, and the drowsy bee murmurs of newborn delights. Byr'aet says in his poem 5n I'tlu Glad40ss of Nature; is this a time to be cloudy and sad Whet, our Mother Nature laughs around. Whet, even the deep blue heaven looks glad And gladness breathes from the blue sealing ground?" Surely our hearts should respond to the glM(Tleee of nature, 0),(i we should out only be glad, bet we aheuld feel deeply thaukful for oiithsss 1)10911 tags For are they not but so many expres- sions of divine love and tenderness? VICTORY CONCERT CROP TO PLANT LATER Provide for Winter as Well as !iutnet!,late Needs. CABBAGE AND OTHER THINGS Geed Food Pere -Mete ('an Ile Secured by tate Amateur bl it Little Tether and a Small l7kpellditnrc, (By 5. D. JOHNSTON, Vegetable Specialist, Ontarfe Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Besides growing many vegetables for immediate use elle backyard garden should produce some veget- ables which Mall be stored for con- sumption during winter months. Some, of COnrae, do not need t0 be planted as early as the plants which were described lust week. Possibly a week should elapse froth the time the Lettuce is planted before those should be sown, BEETS, CA1ilt0'r.i, 1'.tittiNfl'S, AND SALSIFY. These 9nc•lude the most important members of the root vegetables, They are usually grown for winter purposes, though beets and carrots are relished by many in their earlier stages of growth, All these demand practically the shame Seeforth had two good oonoerts last week in the noted production of ama- teur local talent given on Wednesday and rep y nrepeated on Friday night 1111(101, g the leadership of Mrs J G Mullen for the benefit of the War Auxiliary The amount and ability of talent displayed was a revelation to even thasa who had expected much The figures in costumes represented the allied nations, Etiglaud, [reland, Scotland, Canade, Australia, Frani'., Belgum, Italy, India, Ohina, Japan, and the United Ste tes As theme marched over the stage at the opening the effect was good and when all were assembled the Beene was gorgeous with color. Britain's, represented by Miss Stephens was a striking figure around which the beautiful and effective cos- tumes of the nations gathered. Where all were so good, comparisons are out of place, The returned soldiers J V'angmond, J Klein, E Kelly and D I.tolph made all realize the terrible confliot we are now engaged in Tho programme consisted of the national anthemas of the allies. The choruses were well rendered, The Bosse during the tableaux "Leet we forget" was deeply expressive of the terrible affliction of brave little Belgium Mr and 1YIrs Mullan sang the duet "Watahnau What of the Night" in a 11(5uIler that indicated the sweetness and ptwer of the human voice The dancing of Mr Cardno and the Highland Pipers of Lucknow roused atlin1.ltioa 0f the scotch folic The piece o1 the evening was the acting of the young girls in the Auxili- A COLLECTION OF DONT'S. Dont tura away a child when he emelt to you for oomfort and sympathy ina ohildieh grievance end then oxpeot him to love you and confide in you when he reaches difficulties of nature 1191, Dont let the cafes of a work•a-day world abeorb all your aweetnosa and strength. Take tune to bo young with the obiidren, romp with them, to rejoice with them, to read with them, to love them, Dont boomee canton in your drams, Adorn yourself for your Husband; give hien the happiness of finding a Iovely woman, as well se a loving woman and a good hmlaelroeper, Don't snake the mistake of helievurg that you are too handsome or too ugly to be benifiioli dy careful grooming and drooling. Don't worry. Work, do your very attention. The seeds should be sawn in straight rose at a depth of about three-quarters of an Well. When the plants hale reached a height of two inches they should be carefully thin- ned out so that they stand, beets and parsnips three to four inches apart, carrots and salsify two or three inches apart. It will be found that the parsnips are very slow grow- ers, and for this reason it is some- times advisable to plant a few seeds of lettuce with the parsnip seeds so that they will serve as a marker. The yottug beet plants may be used as spring greens. It is necessary that the soil be cultivated at intervals during the summer months so that the crops may grow. They do not as a general rule require as heavy wa- tering as some of the other vegetable crops. In the fall the beets should be pulled up and the tops twisted off close to the head, not cut off with a knife as in the case of carrots, pars- nips, or salsify, Which should have the tops cut about one-half inch from the roots preparatory to storing for winter use, CORN. In planting corn holes about two or three inches deep should be made with a hoe, Five or six kernels of corn should be drop- ped in this and covered with soil, which should be gently firmed by tramping on it. When the shoots are about three inches high all ex- cepting the three sturdiest should be pulled out. The soil should be drawn up around the stalks as they grow, to give them support. When the kernels on the cob appear full of milk they are ready to use. It is also a good practice to cultivate the soil often around the corn, for ex- pert growers claim that the crops corn and cabbage faster and better when plenty of cultivation is given. CABBAGE. Cabbage is one of the most widely grown vegetables, The cabbage plant requires a supply Of moisture, and yet if the cab- bage soil is too sot the plant will be injured. Cabbage does particu- larly well on new land, and some growers claim that the cabbage grows without an abundant supply of manure in the soil bettor than many other vegetables. It is considered a good practice for backyard garden- ers to purchase plants which have been grown in hot -beds or hot -houses and transplant them directly into the permanent bed. This saves consid- erable trouble. It is necessary when cry Society who were encored, Mrs setting cabbage plants to set them :1Ci(tlnlou of Clinton proved herself fairly deep so that they will not be whipped about by the wind. They MFeRSiMMaI/illMiMMa(1I1 THE DOMI'ION BANK M E8tablishc( 1871 M'. ts na pt pBl la srl hu r.r" d a'., hia) 17 J 0r•^s.,.tsurngs.159 lfilfl'. a GLOSSY HAIR FREE nom DAxpRo. r1" RMW s1a11(sit(Ml11MMMMMptpKlitY[NMPIMMMIIMlK11fMM ill w W aB*J,8 011t91111411111080simii1411U11i4t11r30111150l1(8ls Krum !iislftl"UXisailRBidi9..nsuis enoneacernimerpeniatnen.pnr,ans,.eese'l1OmRe,enerrcuseramc ernemerrarc m.crroneoniie,nNanTeuu, Farmers' Business Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Dealers in Live Stock, Sale notes oolleoted on favorable term!). Savings Department Deposits of $1,00 and upwards received. J'terest paid or added to accounts twine a year. 14111oient service assured to depositors. 1178 SEAFORThi BRANCHt H. M. JONES, Manager. hs FRUIT TEES AND ;PLANTS FOR SPRING PLANTING We have established it lasting re- putation for fair and square dealing and are now prepared to moot existing conditions by efferin9 our high grade trees aid plants direct 90 Customers at Rook Bottom Prices. Don't , delay piantitg fruit trees aril slants as thorn is notating pays better. fiend for out' illustrated oir0nlary ei hardy varieties the be- nefit n i (Erect t t t 1 .t l which 'Ula can chit mid g of agent's commission Our prices will bo sure to interest your. THE CHASE 13ILOTHERS CO. OF ON'TAR10, LTD. 16STARLIS HED 1857 COLBORNE, ONT. possessed with good slueutiouary power may be set eighteen inches apart,. The CourOil will be repeated and there should be quite a good deal again on Tnedly next, of soil around the roots. When they are ready to be set out a hole may be made with a dubber or a sharpen- ed stick. The roots may be watered ColleCollegiate Students Passed after they have been set. Ono 0f the giate Students f most important features of growing cabbage consists in the attention given to cultivation of the soil. There Recommst,datione for certificates of may be some occasions when the head the fol luwiug etndents have been accept will split, this lusty be stopped or 011 and epproved by the Education De• pertmeut and theme stodents will be granted their certificates soon as they CAULLb'LOlVER. The cauliflower have complied with vegetations, Fats- is treated in much the same way as eabbage, the plants being grown and prevented if the head is taken in the hands and turned forcibly from one eido to another, city students who contemplate attend. ulgthe Faculty of Education this Full are advised to get their applications [u early. I LOWER SCHOOL Harvey Burrows, Fraafc Coates, John Dickson, Lorne Epps, Austin Hoggal'th, Edmund Koatteg, Forest Love, (George Kerr, Robert MoLoan, Harold McLellan, Ciaretice Shepherd John Roes, 11 MIDDLE SCHOOL Kathleen McMann, William Nigh, Elgin Shatz, Cyril Snowden, Oswald Snowdon, 111 EXT'RANOE TO FACULTY Part 1 Jessie Chesney, Arable Haye, Harry Hindi] ay Part If Ethel 13eattio, Athrov Crich, Sadie hlo1loy, Hm,. Matriculation iu Mathematics Robert Laird. Koss Principal .1. F. • o- 6Verts are unsightly !blemishes, arid 0otne are paiofol growths Holloway's Dorn Cure will remove them, set out in the same manner outside. They are treated practically the same as cabbage until it is noticed that a little white flower has commenced to grow. The dry leaves of the plant should be brought together at the top and tied with a piece of string so that these little white flowers are pro- tected from the rays of the sun and the rain. All cauliflower heads should be treated in this manner when they are about two inches in diameter, BRUSSELS SPROUTS. Brussels sprouts are perhaps the most hardy 01 the cabbage family, If it is im- possible to secure brussels ,sprouts plants a few seeds may be planted about May 16 at a depth of about one inch. These should be transplanted to the permanent bed about the 15th of June. They should be set eighteen inches in the row and two feet be- tween the rows. It is well to keep the patch clean, and the surface soil should be stirred frequently, It is unnecessary to trim off the leaves as the Monte grown in the garden. " SWISS CHARD. Swiss chard Man be grown easily from seed, in rows twelve inches apart, the young plants being thinned to six or eight inches apart, The advantage of this 9111115 le that the loaves may be pulled off close to the root and new leaves shoot up, which may be oousumed during the season. The roots are used for greens and the stem of the loaf as asparagus, A few plants should be eulltcient for a small fam- ily. SOUR,ACID STOMACHS, ASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape's Dlapepstn" digests 3000. grains food, ending all stomach misery in five minutes. Time it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its toned in regulating upset stomachs. 1s the surest, quickest stomach rem- edy in the whole world and besides It is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fluty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suf- fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder, It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. siefteee MAIL CONTRACT CHURCH NEWS Ail(Emiroffiehnar9 , are ex- cept thous regarding meetings e in lotion) l 11)01 rote forf�� 0011 being are went per (taunt Ian,. 5 KA FORT Lei e1411311a &111iS SEALED TENDERS. *addressed to the Postmaster Gimlets], will be reeoiv- sd at Ottawa until 'Noon, on Friday, the 8th tiny of Juno, 11)17, for the sou• veyauc0 of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Con` rant for foto' years, Six times per week over Seafotth. No, 4 I Route from the lot of July. 1:1 17 Rural Y Printed 1,051006 colltniniig farther information as 10 conditions of propos- ed Contract may be seen soil blank forms of Tender testy be obtained at the Post Offices of Sonforth, h3gmnud- ,'ille and 01111ton, and at the Post Office Inspector, Lon''on. Post Orrice Department, Canada, 14.Iai1 Son'ioe Branoli (3, 0. Anderson Ottawa Superintendent. (37th April, 19I7 CREAM WANTED St. James' 89, .lames, Church, ltev. Father Y Corcoran, Rev. Fetlh0 r (J, It, North- greves .Morning Muss 7 5.01e high Mass lit 30 :tam Sunday school 2.30 p in. Evening vespers 7 p.m, St. Thomas' Rev, T. H. Brown, Rector, Sunday services 3.1 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday 0c11oo1 2.30 p, m. Women's anglioan lllissiouary Association, Tuesday 2.30 • 1 Cll Saturday 2 pan. Chiklron abta 1 t y p.m. nter0e0eioll 00rvi0Os every ThuL'eday, .0 92,111. Send your cream to us and receive lop prices. We are ruunrng our plant the year through and oat handle your full supply and furnish yon with cane, We pay twice each monde and weigh samplo,and test each can of cream care fully, Oar motto is " Honesty to ou Patrons" Patrons are requested to to turn all our pane when not in use, .3 utter aniBattorinilk also ou hand n;l for at market prio00. The Seaforth Creamery Co. Town Of Seaforth Street Oiling and Watering First Presbyterian Rov, F'. H, Larkin„ Pastor. Snnd'ay Bete/ewe 11 a,m. and 7 p m, Sunday school 2,30 p.m, Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.45 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Society`the first Tuesday in earth month at 7,45. Barbara Kirkman Mita Bion Band 3rd Tuesday: in the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band every 'land Monday at 4,15 p.m. Ratepayers wishing to have the streets oiled or watered in front of their premises ere thereby notified to mend in their petitions to the Town Clerk's Office at once. By Order of the Ocie moil, S ak,rth, April 30, 1917. Jno, A, Wilson 'Town Mork Worms sap the strength and under- mine the vitality of children. Strength. ou them by using Mother Grave's: Worm Exterminator to drive out tho parasites, girls! Try 191 Hair gets soft, fiuffyand beautiful—Geto995 ant bottle 11 you care for heavy hair that gats. tewitheatitY arid is radiant life has an incomparable seances a wand is iIuUy and lustrous, try Dandorine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your laalr, beeldes 1t Mune. dlately dissolves every pa1'Ucle of dandruff. You can not have Ade® heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This doetructJYe scurf robs the hair of 190 lustre, its strength and Its very life, and if not ov01'00me it p(01100es a fevreishness and rod itching of the scalp; Icemen awl rile; then the hair falls out "est 4. Surely get a 25 -cent heals ni Kno•a'lton's Dauderine from air7 drug utero Pail just try it. ceme rmunommr*.mumu mese ° ememim 'ememwoM Methodist Rev, G. MoKinley, B. D,, pastor —SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a.m. Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Sun- day school and Bible study class 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thursda y 8. p.an. Salvation Army Capt. Froud and Lieut. Sa011e1e Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise service 3 p.m, Gospel service 7 pee. Childrens Service—Directory class 10 a.m. Bible classes 4 pan. Week night Meetings—W5dnesdny Praer meeting 8 pan. Rgmondville, Presbyterian • Rev. J , Argo, [meter. Sunday ser- vices 11 a.to, and 7 p in, Bible class 3 pm Prayer Inecting Wednesday 8p. in. Y.P.M.S, Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 p.ni. Womon'sMission- ary Society iris Wednesday in the month at 2.30 p.m. Ladies' Aid meets be - mediately after. McKillop Presbyterian Rav, Ll Carswell paetor, Sunday services Duffs' church (1 a m Sunday school lu a M. Prayer 'nottiug Wed- nesday 8 p.m, Women's Missionary Society last Friday in each month at 2 o'clock, Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair,. hides, skins, all kinds ff)lu141 etc. - Also take books and newspapers Appelet & li�tii>r��nii1 SEAP"JR'1'H JUNK DEALER `_irons from Creamery Phone 1133 rd orlotalice Methodist Rev, 0, 0. Kahle, pastor. Sunday service 2 30 p.m, Young People's Lee- ga02.30 9) IS 81111day W"mou's Auxfl cry first Tuesday of every mouth a 30p.,n. 1,1.3909' .std last 'Thursday of each month 2,30 p.m M Nriath-op Presbyterian Sunday service 2,30 pm, Sunday school I 15pm. Prayer mooting Tuesday 8 p.m. .11.0. W6 last Wed. A Ready Weapoh Against Pain,— There is nothing equal to Dr. Thorium' 9olectric Oil when well rubbed in. It penetrates the tissues and pain die, appears before it. Thera is no known preparation that will resoh the spot ydi0lrer than this magic Oil, in cob - sequence it Mike Bret among lillimete now offered to the pnbl!o and is aeoord ed first place among all ire competitors MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Extends its iuticoea° into every re is no flame in the land, told there gaesti011 as to the additional pleasures photography has given the human race since its disoov- ery. Yenre litter the photograph we tike of you today will be treasured far more than you 0011 imagine by your relatives and friends. Our patrons says our portraits are "almost speaking likeness." Fell's Studio A Phone 19 - SEAFORTH EllteMarstesesvistassaamastolModfassOted A lady in Hamilton has instructed me to offer for Sale her home and 8 lots Situated on the North. Side of Crombie St. This is excellent prop- erty in good condition and must be sold at once to close an estate. —A snap for some one— JOHN y y1`, �G 3 t •.br' 1, 1 fill KIN Bond and Debenture Broker Munn Street. Sect cab Thune 9)1a 1•:1111)11711 elAl2KLiT Good il4illhrg 10'lient Bran par ton ......... ...... •..... 43.110 Short- per ton ....... 46 Eggs ........,..,........ 31 Hoge to, fariil5l' ..................15.75 IL •.,uax::a "For the Blood is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING Wien any dleoaee due to impure blood comb no Eoaema, Soroeula, Scurvy, Sad Logo, Abe000000, Moore, - Glandular SwalIInge, ®oils, Pimploo, Soros of any kind, PIIoe,B(Ood Polean,fih.umatlam, Gout, oto., don't wrote your time and money on Woos and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin. What 900 want is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter which alone is the true pause of all your sufrering, Clarke's Blood Mixture is just such a medicine. Itis composed of ingredients which quickly espei tion the oris, g,, anti byrrenderingnit wcleanever cause and pure, can be relied on to effect a lasting cur Ire,u,nno, nulnunirnis. d' rel,droe, epeeptir,t round MO). Over 50 years' - .. 15(1(081. Ples.uat to take. r: Clarke's Blood Mixture Sold nu all n,P 141 Chonlioni and SturvIdlopora. rcf9nad s e Ututrs, Q)IOPtSE ALL SKIM 3C OLOOD DISEASES, a,.