The Seaforth News, 1917-04-05, Page 8Page 8 1.00.44004..0004.10+111013111103.11eittarl..0: THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE iMitt EDMUND WALKaR, v.o., President mmitiJAD, Goners! U. V. F. IONIA 'keret Generst Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 1••••••••••••••••••• SAVINGS BANK AccouNTs intenerst at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts tun welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the nae s of two or more persons, witb- *awed* to be made by any ono of them rer by the eurvivor. 850 SeatOrt21:1- 13.r aoa.o..t J,G. MULLEN MAxAgEs Miss Jessie Alien entertained on Fri- day evening. Alines Roby anti Myrtle Sadler rtnited It ion& In Stratford during the weelt, Mr..and Mrs Me Dougall loft (Ws •weok for their home in Soliann. Pte Rd Mc Donal' and Po Wilsou of Boharm called on friends during the reek and Veit on Wednesday morning for Kingston where they gb in training fur oversee.. Cornet:WNW 2349Ch nattering, but Iloilo way's Corn Or effete a apeerly, ante and satisfactory galIMMENIMI000104,0116. St. eolumbatt •alaanatlias The Ladies of the Red Cross Sorriety intend holding a Reunion Dance one Monday evening April eth, in dm hall here. Those attending may expeot a good time, as usual there will be ex- cellent music and a good leach will be ovoid. As the busy season ia fast approach- iog we onght to get busy arm do borne more knitting as there will be another box of souks going to the boys at tne front in 4 short time. Let every lady knit at least one pr for this box. Ther will also be sewing on hend. 00 ..._momated.r.ern=2..a.s.tp. E SEA PO RTI1 NEWS CORRESPONDENCE Varna Kippen .11/A memorial mimes eill bo hold io St Andrews church next Sunday for Pte Wm illoKity 3011 Mr and Mr. N, McKay who wee killed in Forme Mre l Keys who WA4 in Crane for emir time is home again. Mr T Dennison le home after a trip to California. A aeries' are being held in the ohuroh at Goshen, the pastor being eseisted by those of Hensel! and Zurich. The school ie to have a now bell ahortly. bile* Coleman and others aro preparing an entertainment to provide funds for the same, David Stephen is still suffering from blood poisoning. Syrup and sugar making is new the order of the day though the weather is not very favorable, Dublin Miss Beans of Detroit is visiting her parents in MoKillop. Miss Marie Maloney was a recent visitor so SeafortIL Messrs Flannagan and Feeney bare left for Saskatchewan, Mies McDonald, Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs P Dill. Mrs 3 Miller of Michigan ia spend ug a few days with his nnole Mr J Weber. Mies Annie Mclyneaux ie visiting trioxide in Goderieh. Mrs A Baumstack of Detroit is a present visiting her mother, Mrs W rray. Mallow cluroco.cenentraVrion....M.,....3...rstsmousmia.,...est :17 LVTMIEIS I 111!III; .e:%7"41',;•<-7) ;1 , A,u.1.11 Sad. C. Anforiteation on Correct Da-ess -for Si1917 Wer 0 sl F.,3R L7, READY NOW, Mr. Good fressev, to give you first hand in- fc mation on "what's what'' in Spring Clothes- -tell you about the right styles, the good weaves, the smart patterns, give you really correct information. But—we can show and prove far easier than we can tell. This announcement is just to let you know thatwe're ready to show. We think it will be to your advantage to see rei iothing co Mohan Mrs Win Pettilok of London ie nudes the Dm oars t present but we hope to hear of her speedy reoovery. A number of fanners are busy mak- lug maple syrup but oreinglito the Spring-like weather we think the ayrnp nation will be short The Foresters held their regular monthly meeting in their lodge -room here hot Thursday night it was decided at the meeting to send three delegates to High Court thie 'rummer se the principal diecuesion will be the propel). - ad raising of rate, The Foresters intend holding en At Home in thole hall this Wednesday evening. Barnes and mosto will be the order of the evening, Mr Armstrong went to Toronto with a load of fat cattle on Saturday, Winthrop The Red Cross Branch at this pine forwarded to Sesforth during the mon- ths of February and Maroh the follow- ing articles;— 88 suits pyjamas, 25 flannel shirts, 88 pre of socks, 18 pillows and 33 pillow oases. There are many good workers here but speoial mention must be made of Mo Frank 'Morrison who is in her 80th year, who has been helping us MOOS we organized in 1913 and who during the mouth of February knit 111 pre of socks and in March 17 pre and wound all the yarn herself. Thursday 7-tprii tallailaaakielieernatilleallnktinnifieleataleinfenreeVilaTaitITACESCinenrns. Ti 07:77 i1 1 S 1r in 7arHOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. 11.41A1. Principal repayable 1st October, Mt Intoroat payablo natf-yoarly, Ise Am* sari not ktkettaine, kW eireene (bee f oftehano* at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchana. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan NEI. in Canada other titan an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stook aro for war pompom) only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond end stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stook which bear their stamp. For application forma apply to the Deputy Minister art Finance, Ottawa. TAPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, OCTOBER 719, 1910. 01.•111.1•MIWannaRmiliqa ji S.heis the grandmother of Berg, Aarl Ross who recently won the military medal and;other honors and has been in the front line for some time. Speoial Easter Services will be held in Cavan Church, Winthrop on Sunday avening,nezt at 7 o'clock. • McKillop Our people who are trying to malt, maple syrup are having it slavish time of 1 t61)011111 down sap t hues wott chilly days, --s2r-,ets Miss Beanie Davidson who has beet. in Western Canada for near a year has returned home, influenza is quite prevalent, children appear to be the greatest sufferers. The greater number of our aumme birds have arrived which is cheering after the severe winter. Friends of the family of Mr and Mrs D Met/Achim who roeitled near Betio church for many years will be intend- ed to hear that two of the girls were married one day reoently. Those were Misses Bye and Mande, The family have been living in Regina for a tionple of years and it was there the weddings - were held, We join many friends iu wishing the/ young brides the fullest measure of happirmes, . Men can find ihere a pair of those nice easy fitting boots that give:such corn. fort We haverthein all sizes:and shapes • • ' ,•••• • • , • . EASTER For boys and girls wehave all that you have been looking for and at reason— able prices, • 2.• LADIES: Nothing is needled to finish you Easter Suit except a pairof our r, latest Shoes. ost