The Seaforth News, 1917-04-05, Page 5Page 5
otxx+±ct:u+tt�:,.:raga,a•ca�.ti+: •.a�..7>4n�sm:.Rw:�,�a->
Business Hour
Monday Night G i
ednturday Night 11 2u
Ut!Inf Nil. i.1 tl
Bolton's Barber Shop
(•--�-w,,..,_..... W ----•00,00. m.�.,...,..o,-�.",..,e,.
The Best Newspaper
Iu Vileslteru 0 tar o
EotV1dttt Aiwa -4w
All Mail leditieen $:f 10 1'er • )'rein
. ellolouc "Fruit Laxative'' can't harm
tender little Stomach, liver
and bowels,
Look at the tongue, mother! If
:Dated, your little one's stomtw, liver
c ad bowels need cleansing a once,
wbeu peevish, arose, listless, doesn't
leep, East or act naturally, or le fever.
tele stomach flour, breath bad; has
core throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give
a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
rigs," and hi a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food
and sour bile gently moves out of Ere
little bowels without griping, and you
nave a well, playful child again. Asir
'our druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Fige," which con.
Wm full directions for babies, chil-
dren cf all ages and for grown•upe,
Seed your Dream to us and receive
top pekoe, Wo aro running our plant
the year through and can handle your
:11'11 supply and furnish you with cans.
We pay twioe each month and weigh
eample.and toot eaoh oan of cream care
:oily, Our motto ie ''Honesty to ou
Patrons" Petrone are requested to re
ire all one cans whoa net ill nee.
3fitter an.IBetter/leek also on hand
el for at market prioes.
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
W1 Jo Walker & SOH
W. J, Wallter, holder of ge.
ernmont Diploma and License
Day or Night calls receive our
prompt etteution
Day 1'l,, t ' 67
Night 1K
Tf1 SliAI'f)pTH NI:VVVS;
r, s..!.. •lte ie.. ..,ea.,oww ve w«,Ill *,,te1
aw..w.,t+maow'*.' w,«a, w.,,Hn1I$,e1 I 'flee ,',leu burlier e ie, tlUI *tu(,i willTown ropics 0 000
J111.1,1 hold (I,t,tt' Altutvt+leer}' un flue Ur>I,elPhone Your Orders
W1141111/ eit'r 11
a.w,i...wei i....i wanw
ti*smell n..+ne4iwwwpnavilO bill pue•e>•
ss M•ioli
IMr (lutpuran has purchased the
residence of Mr A�ailrickle t u Jarvis St
1 i'utub' will regret 1„ kern of the
illness of Mitt J 0 Weed..., High tot.
I+ritlay eight commenting ,r 7 ee ''1 !
> (, a,at
proglauzN will be
givnu eolls1s11i,g of 3)uo•+,
It11c]tot1o,8, h>strulvolt al Sithettu>u
(Noose's, Drill by lie trete
i'nblelwx by the ,teeing et, '3 Chits,
Makin songs, Flag drill its the yuuuq
Ladies (]aria (lreh(•etra st lot to un, end
Miss V 3330 Leod of 'I.0133101) t'isita(i e10' ('"le" 1(11d 3p"u(1 a }'leitenitt eVIIII
flheels hero trig Ade:Iserz: Adulle !Meta ('unfree
Mr and Al re Harry Mnysrs toad !lies i0ops Ainmho'N of the echoed free,
Agnes McKay of Stratford wore week. 1 Pre
mid vini ere at the homy of Mr and Airs I , Pressing, r;.1'] ()3 null Repairing
Gampholl'a meek up. (ht.,(.ns izCI
thigh Melee:,
Mite edaeon of la'gino'dvilic is visit
her slaughter, Birs Roy oltr>e el Toronto 'There will be Ni'+oiol ilervlu», et'
Alba 0 McTavish who has boon with St Thomas' (:thnrs>h for );aster, Holy
the Jaeketet firer in elinton Ileo re- U"mmuuiult 8 30 A rn and 11 a I/1turned to kleaforth to reside. (Millirem' .Service 11 p nr. Even Hoag
7 p, m 9pocial Mush:, flood Friday
The managers of the First Presby, l0 80 Am and 7 Pin. Stoty of this ('rocs
teriau Church sntortaulod the Session
and teed,bath Sehool 'Teacher,' to tea it: Me W, le, Kerslake b laid up with
the baeeteeet of the Church yesterday an attack of Inflarnetery Ithnuntatiem �
nventeg. A pinaseut and profitable
tune teas spent by all prseolt• Alisa Fanny '1 -fol! r Bred Nuddardy'
Mr .and Mrs Jno L Bell, Ballot Del- thole going
ebarted the anniversary of.their wedd-
irrg by entertaining a few Monde
Ti }
Iup emirs.
au the etreote in Clinton,v i P
borne from the Collegiate on Tuesday,
1e et: tool close today for the Easter
on Afar. 29th when a pleasant evening boli( ys
Miss Fiessie Aiordinhaoi has accepted
a position on the staff of the Canadi (n
Bank of Comae:roe here,
Mee Boyd earl Alm (i=ibs0n have re
turned from au erttonded vieit to friend
ru Stratford.
Mr Drake of Stella has purchased
the residence on High St. owned by
Mrs Jeanne Weir and at present 000-
tlpred by Mr W James.
Mr and Mrs .3 A Roberts returned
totheir home iu Toronto on Friday.
The many friends of Mr A Painter
will he pleased to learn that be is re-
covering from his repent tucide„ t and
wilt 800a be able to be around again.
Pte. Emmett Kelly of London was a
week -cul visitor at the home of his
Miss Marion Watson and Miss Lrl-�
coat left on Friday for New York to
take a comae of training in the Rome -
reit Hospital.
An item regarding Mr Straohan, J
Govt. Inspector appeared in this ool B
tine last week whioh we have since a1
discovered was wrong. The item was to
sent in on what was regarded as re. b
liable authority, No doubt the writer R
was not aware that he loft himself ed
liable to a fins of $50 for sending the fie
same to a newspaper. iu
Pte. ,Percy Rolph who has returned to
from overseas is the guest of Mrs,
9 Boners. T
Sunday Suhool Annivoreary 8orrioes'
will be held in the Methodist Church
on Suuday next. In the mnrdlnq the
members of the aohocl are requeeted
to be present and the sermon will be
addressed more especially to the child.
ren. In the evening an Laster subject
will bo taken, The choir at both
ourvices will be composodoer young men
An itnpreseit•e memorial service was
held in the Fzret Presbyterian Church
Met Sunday evening in memory of the
five young men oouneotod with the
oongregatior>, who have fallen on the
held of battle since the beginning of
war, namely J T Hutchison, Llw
Rivers, Scott Hays, George Mullholla
nd Fred Weir.
The ohurcb was decorated with fla
nd the pulpit draped with theUur
aok. The members of the Boy's
ibis Class to whish Lieut,'Mullhollnntl
id Pte. Weir belonged paid a tribute
the memory of their dead comrades
y attending in a body, The pastor
ev F Larkin in a fine appreciative
dress referred to their heroic merl-
e and the righteousness of the cause
whioh they bad forfeited their lives
Apppropriate music was rendered by
e choir uu(1or the loaderahid of Mr A
George assisted by the Quartette
ub and lir J Scott, 1 here was te
go crowd.
b1r and Mrs Page have reuuved to lar
Lotelott where they intend fu future to
Mr 8, Wallace ham taken p'8Eeen]011l
° "1 the reeideriee or, Relit Uodol'ieh .80 I
which be puteliaaeal'from Mr (teary
STRATFORD, ON't.,....a
, Winter Term from Janueryend
We have Commercial 3hortheed
and Telegraphy Department. Th
sources are thorough up to dateaud
p3oetiaal. The in (tremolo areex-
perienced avid we are receiving
scores of npplicattotle for trained
help we cannot supply. Write at
tines for particulars
A. afici.AUGHLAN
Save your Halrl Get a 25 cent bottle
of Oanderine right now—Also
stops itching scalp.
T1'1n, brittle, ooloriess and etoraggY
1 mute evidence of a neglected
dandruff—that awful scurf.
is nothing so destructive to
• as dandruff. It robe the hair
.,9L'0, its strength and its very
lire; eventually producing a feverish-
ness and itching of the scalp, which
if not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink, loosen and die—then the
hair falls out faet, A little Danderine
-tonight—now—any time—will surely
save your hair,
Get a 25 ceut bottle of I{novlton's
Danderlae iron any dt'trg store. You
surely can have beautiful hair and lots
)r of it if you will Just try a little Dam
,derive. Save your hair! Try it!
In ell ocundr(es. Aek for our lievelP'rOa
ADVISER, ,which will bo sent free.
MARION do Ma&t"
EgmontivIlle Ro€i Gross
while the latter !e reeving into the houmo,
lately a•aaztc(1 b 1 • Al J. 1P'. Rees,
(FtEP(rit"f' FROMFROMO`'P. tat
11A1t.$tet 1617
blezehersh3o Si, :Volk done 55 'day
shirts, 382 pyjamas, ea towels 12 hos-
p'tal shirts, 123 pr socks, 11 pr mite, ;t
Aire Hairy Uibb is ependiug Laster
with her daughter Cara at Pert Parry,
Mies Lambert of Southampton is
visiting het• Coueiu Miss Fowler on , "'eh oapm, 8 bospital quilts,
James SE. 1 Money received— FBeo $7 85, Donated
De Beattie of Toronto University , by friends $•i 65, (haute Trout the
Tuckerernith Connell $170, l'rooeede
ad(lydesed the boys of the Collegiate of lea $11 05, Pins sold e, 50, Total
laveurs in the summer
yesterday urging tEze+m to assr•
Mary (tiling,
ra Treat'.
30111 TO
st the Ass OK, Expenses $1 r9
Airs J, 33, 'Rebore; glad Mr and M
J. H. Reid were iu Perk}till this wee
attending the funeral of the late Pts
Roger Roberta.
Aire W G Willie is visiting her mother
Mrs 0 0 Witten] in Detroit,
Alias Lelia Webb spent ,Sunday iu
Londosboro with her sister Mrs
Lieut Stewart and Mrs Soott of
Brussolle were visitors at the home
of Mrs .1, P, Brine during the pact
week, Lieut. Scott has juet returned
from °voreess.
The decision or the Committees of
the Bachelors and Benediete of the
town and vicinity also the old Times
Danes not to hold their usual Baster
Dauoe but to donate the free usually
charged in aid of the Womaue War
Auxiliary is worthy of commendation
and the dancers will no doubt contrib-
ute the fee ue cheerfully as they do
when atteudieg the Datums, During
the past winter an immense amount of
pleasure lute been enjoyed et the dances
by bout young ami old and the object
of each thuloo lugs been a worthy one
lint in view of the low ebb of the fin-
anoee of the Auxiliary and tee urgent
neoeseity for the socks the (lecisfon of
the Committees will eeceive the epprov•
al of the entire ememntlity,
It is iu llocaotl,—So great is the
domaud for 1h', 'Phomas' li:Metric 011
that a large factory is Kept continually
busy making and bottling. To bo ]n
deruand slows popular eppreciation
of this prepa(tiol, which stand at the
leading Oil iu the market, and it i
head of proprietary oompouude as thea
generally admitted that it is doservlu
of the lead.
MUNRO—At Saskatoon, Mar 28th is
Mr and Mrs L' 0 Munro (t(oe Agues
Hays a won,
SUTTON --At Harpurbey oe Mar, 30
Wilbert Sutton aged t3.
• inetJOn 6afe
On Saturday April 7th at I p, m. at 1)
Shauahans ware -rooms, Seaforth, e
clearing sale of now mid seamuntarid
wagons end buggios, harness, hay -care
viers, hay•forlcs and other farm itnple.
D Shanahan
T Brown
Newest , ''' pring,
Steti+-ar'ts Sol
It For Less
tyle Stor,e
Serve bll tg
.ri•I.3SOf,U'I'f..1,1. 1.olti°et styles in teen's
Spring suits, • The newest materiels, in st!rge:s
fancy worsted or real Scotch tweed,
We are particularly proud of our navy blue
serges, in all the varying shades from the light
American blue to the, rich, dark navy. Prices
ranging from ...............
..........5,111 to $23
In fancy worsteds -there 1 i a delightful show-
ing of dark and medium colors with' fancy
woven colored suipey••—the neatest patterns
could imagine, All well cut and •beautifully
lined, made with a new pinch back or plainer
rices IO $23
Dress Shirts for;
en and Boys 1 en's Spring Hats
r11$lrtilfay, Ape Yp
-: �"'•+af7�tB�lit7�'a111z1idlKit�Ytl�,1�
Mail Yolir Order
SOmethbig New
in wits
7DD for °f' Oy's
PR1C $3.5o to t➢9,00
B y;; who like new things will be t:ager til
get a look at the new suits We. have received
from u3:tkr•rc;-,,..ho make a sped -Ay t` bl ys'
These suits follow [;:lastly tfte ci;ktals and
patterns now. so pop!ilar in teens Suits, The
handsome brown stripes, the dressy black and
white tidy r:nt�rl;y, - summery greys in neat
1'atttxu:, and •th(: always dressy navy blues.
The Coats are made in neat double breasted
or new fancy Norfolk styles. Bloomertrousers
and patent tastner at bottom of trousers.
Prices 3.50 to $9.00
Dozens of new patetrns 5oc to $2,50
colors in every size of men's1The new/spring models are now ready for your inspect -
fine dress shirts in plain orlioh The ,natty new styles for the young lads with
pleated fronts, all made by oldltheir;contracting bands and wide brims, as well as the
reliable makers. Colors guar -more conservative shapes for the quieter dressers.
PRICE All are heregin:satisfying and pleasing array. Sizes 6
5-S to 7Q
5o to $r
•..75c to $2.5o)PRICE
Butter, Wool
Eggs Wanted
$1.5o to $2,50
Stewart eros.
ie?air-:`tGi,:•S:^Lelaealeee3: 'alteSit•'1`y 18"s- u`e111. ..t'r.'rti saetn m r„•,. ii2l f:3 r, -
Primary '.Diet's,
As to what ere the primary colors
le something on r-hleh authorities
have disagreed. Sir Darid Brewster
called red, yellow and blue the pr] -
Teary colors, and !het view has been
'commonly held by painters and others,
since all the knee 11 lerllllnnt hues can
be derived from admixture of these
three pigments. But If the pure epee-
tla1 a010ra are superposed upon a
screen the resulting color's are quite
different, Thomas Young suggested
led, green and violet as the primary
colors, but subsequeue experiments by
J. Clerk Dfaxwell appear to show that
they should be red, green and bine.
Sir William Abney, however, says red,
green and violet. Any two colors
which together produce a white or
gray ligbt are complementary colors.— -
Stumping Him.
"I am now prepared to euswer ane
questions you nine care to ask," said
the lecturer.
"Any one barred?" asked the man in
the audience,
"Certainly not," replied the man on
the platform.
"Then Just wait a few minutes, will
you, mister, till I run home and get
that four-year-old kid of mine. He's
got a few hard oues that I'd like to
have you aaswer tor me,"—Detrolt
Free Press.
Keeping Home Happy,
The tramp touched his hat and walk-
ed along beside the horseman,
"Yon wouldn't think it, air," be said.
"but I onto had a happy home.''
"Then," said the rider, "why didn't
you do something to keep it happy?"
"1 did, sir," said the tramp; 9 lett
it"—Pall Mall Gazette.
.4 per
'Yes, Willie."
"Pa, 11ow 18 it that my hair has
grown longer than yours when yours
has grown longer than mini"
Willie's Question.
The Paternal idea.
Mee Roxley-3 lost my heart !set
night, pa, 1 accepted Air. Poorman.
Er. Bosley—Mehl You didn't lose
your heart. You mist have lost your
bend.—Philadelphla Ledger:.
!i kf�lPIA
New Caps for
Men and Boys
The new caps are more
attractive than ever. Neater
patterns, more becoming
shapes that fit so perfectly
and are really becoming for
early spring and evening wear
5oc to $1:50
Butter, Wool
Eggs Wanted
rtnrtN4S�d�., To all Points in
:rft_ •313/1
Electric Lighted and Comfortably equipped tra,h' >r
To obtairB the lralwtra�se fare anol the most Convening routing appliy
to CIIA , A. ABE ,1AMT Drugigt Agent, or
write to R. L. Fairbairl1,Generat Passenger ept,
(0S Xing art. IE, , .Toronto
A Medical Need Supplied.—When a
medicine is found that not only Bete
upon the stomach, but is so composed
that certain ingredients of it pees im•
altered though the ztomaoh to find
action in the bewail', then therein avail-
able it purgative and a elsaneer of great
effectiveness. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills are of this character and are the
best of all pills. During the years that
they have been hi nae they have
estadlishod themselves as no other pill
has douo,
The Terror of Asthma some like a
thief in the night with its dreadful
throttling, robbing its victim of breath.
It seems beyond the power of human
aid to relieve nut111 ono trial is made of
that remarkable preparation, Dr, J, D.
Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, Then re-
lief comae with a rush. Life beetenes
worth living, mid if the remedy I,(.
Mend pnrsiateetiy. th t disease 113 pot
perm nontly to rout. Take no sni,s(i-
Miller's Worm Powders are a prompt
relief from the attaoks of worms in
children, They are powerful in their
action and while leaving nothing to be
desired as a worm expellant, here ati
invigorating effect upon rho youthful
Reitan, ('emetlylug fever, 1,11 one:tees
Inas of appetite, eleepleeen0B8, and eater
Ailments that followdleordets caused
worms ]u the stomach and boerefe.