The Seaforth News, 1917-03-22, Page 4%WaWW:p�r,tlge PROFESSIONAL L CARDS, MEDICAL. vpyy,R. n, iseeet4 Ittlb` 1'liysiciaa end 1 t4(14e'4U Po' Late of tontine itospnIol, Louden, ,i n:load S Eye. 117'%1t 10 dhows) Lye. auc. Nose MP,M Office an residence, behind Doninktn Bank, CMOs rheum N t.6. Residence Phone No. 106, et1°idt*F4rldd nes 5. — 11( JGode(Otiel4 Street, ea lt'of (Iffice o. Methw on nhauc. Nc o4et far the County of tIumn. PRS. SCOTT tic AfACKAY. Physlrlanu and eurgrone,Coderktb Street. oisp0slte Meth°• 410tChunh,1s;ttarth. dlcOrr, gruthetc Victoria and Ann Arbor, and mamba of Ontario College a4 Physicians nod 41114(11(.aur. Coroner for nuot al 14urOar. }OACKAV, 101100 utoduam yCrin(ty Unlvrxs(tr. god medalist Trinity Medical College. Member of College of Fhyolciane end Surgeons. 00ta410., .., . R. GEO. r1E4LE41I[1N. Osteopathic Saeafaau in W.lntree and Children o Dluenoes and $ e41mtttic Troubles. Acute: and Chronic Die- Mildew. ie- Mede . Pat. Eye, Nose and Throat. Adenoids asmoved adthout. 41w knife. Consultation free. tCodm /ilea neer Waiter W11114 1440° 04000, °Ire (.1,1 . e+(1 0 10 0 1,,,0, , 0rid8v $ to le *l,m yygg g Wailed b, .0111.4 TJ!° liI��a LiIw vl a u�ndopteee e' .40441 nstaraalce Are you cln141dednd Inesurance, nets Life or AO:t,leats liven ore. u peustentr4 wall set ]4.t tt .11. 0, 64111i47e4(St,lHu°, Go., arta eaotvnt lot London Life, Cnuuasuce mid Imprint ,".untvn104and Accident i! 101nceCo donfort[e. One. Jame '}3 Watson fienerai ar3nvnt 0 Agent, and dealero�oklnoh4:e1 td014 `'('4.1,8, healort4. Tr Mui Qs PleeKlLLOP Hui insurance Geo r , t, t(, ilµ e:4'. ':4 H n4, , 06 IS isetieD EVeleee THURSDAY Fron. ono Office MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONT. Phoma 84 eremite ea ,.w buBSCRI TIION 4+11;4 4)014110per year. strictly In n4) ohne,. 1t 001 load 111 odwanoe, a 4.t• dol% a' and a,halt (44(448 beento a tr ,t ieklya Li a(tsrorlve,l, Teams) ailed (isolated 3orrfal Fr'sper'ty Ants' gatetsrerl. OFFIMIta J. 8. Prieiusn0. President, 41,010rch: be. Con- ugly. on•pl)y. Vite.preoldeot, fioderlds: Theo. 3. Nava, Eecretar7r.TR•,tnater. Reefa1h. Diroctoro D. F. (14cGregor, Seaforth; John G. f••riv.e, Winthrop W. Rina. Constance' John nen0eweie, eo�Robert hanMtrthMcKn,Cllatoo; Jan B. McLean. Seaort Jana Connolly, Codorich; Jas. Evan. Beechwood. Aden. Leitch, Oarlock; E. Iflnchley, Senforth; William Chesney, regmendvnie; J. W. Yeo, Hofineavine; R. G. Jarmouth, Brathagep' James Eon and John Govealocly Seaforth, audr4ora. Pardee desirous to 0dfcct 40aara108 e4' ttmnnet other Mishima will be promptly attended to by to their application posttosay of e re officers, addressed The Original and Only Genuine y''•Ware of Imitations Sued of the Merits of When nubs rtuet- .'t•a•t1141 their address notice should rte 'r t rev Immediately, giving both the old and the new eddiesa. Su11. scribers 4 in y Iwill rregurlarity of delivers'. notifying 4.i «ending Notions -No reading notice. advertising any entertainment or matter by which money lea to b.: made by nny person 4.r cauan will be inserted In Tits Nsws without charge. The price for the loser. tion of hu?ioe81 announcements la TEN cents per count line each Insertion to parties having no amulet for diapioy ad441diel00 and FIVE ,cents per line each oral tarn to those society and e'eterta(Ilfleent reading eidi S¢nnotices. Cord of Thanks 5 to 4) 0 Judicial. Segal, Oafto[aiand Govern. meant Notices --Ten cents per line for fire insertion to 104ertion nm per line for each subYearly eaads—Professional Cards. not 55.410 P R Veal. payable strictly ctly be inserted nca Svance Display advertising—Rates furnished .n Application, "Advertisement., ordered for Insertion, written forbid," ood those sent without '46(0o written . Inettuc ' will forcer udn :titter nrdera u• .•:eivnd for Chair dla- 0n:inufare. Setters to tho Editor must be at0om• peeled by We writer's own signature, not or pnblica(toa, but as a guarantee of goad faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on loll. gious topics will not be published at all except us paid advertising, plainly marked as such. The rate for such matter Is ten cents per line. J. F. t3NO WDON EDIT©6S 0040 PUBLISHER TO MOT And 1444.14 be lentos '1't1E S1.:.AI OR'I'fi NEWS to (midis). le a grand day when he filet tntl(U0$ from Ilia mammy to his papa ,14(48 back 8f$bill And ho 1,.artls to La WAS poetry ae wood+`1'(111 itµ those 11umeeu44' baby wo'da? teed now lie is hanging at her s141rt0 ell day, petering from be- hind Churn at the great world Glad the postman, And note he in breeolled, lite daddy's a proud roan awl may he illi 11101,11(.0 et pt'uatt toe. duet elle heaven It sigh an she folds '374 tin. atntay polttaoato and [.1110 them int a lirl,sa 141611', a npri; of !toreador and It tear. *Jere Or land flow a 1(10(1404' has iio carol All the Buchu nitollrepl, a:! all the uhilrirel* tro.ables fall from her lap nit sum most seed ham oil' to school with 08411411447 morning fast', and eel. mune 11100 back to diuuer—blank from head to foot from ruli In th:a mud with t( long 54141(1)4Tamen. Oh he will v1 )11 Ea' oft°i4 entulgh (what boy (hat 10 troth hie salt d0eoa't); but she is proud of him, he is the apple of her eye and even her severest reproofs are Oa fusses. ERS WHO NAVE SONS HARRY LAUDER WRITES OF THEIR LOVE, COURAGE .AND PATIENCE rho fine article written by Harry Lauder, following the death of his only sou, in Frauce, shows the great comed- ian to be much more than a fun maker. He ds a poet and a mars of great feeling and a great soul as well. Lauder not only sent hie son to the war, but he was himself one of the most active and 8uc ceesful recruiting agents 441 Britain during the upbuilding of Kitehener's Army During the first dreadful months after the men "dug themselves in" in France, Lauder the camps and trenches to c. eer the Soldiers with his songs and recitations. His artiole o31 Mothers and to Mothers follows : Sitting in my little parlor—Mrs. Leeds: or one side of the fire and I the other 311(4 of the bre—we mane to the conclusion that 1 might say a few wards to the mothers of suldiors. may neenetl"n here that Mre Lauder muff's is a great wumas, .and far clover than 1 ieilni n1, And it was natural when 1 thought of writing such 0 thug as this pressen artiolo that 1 should ask tier advise. So you'll understand that the following =or Sale C I NTON COAL V. L. Key. seaferi Il. Winne i BO Business without a pPOper Systin of wirer - Rising is like a motor witlloiit tete power forth News -,VU8 lSEIWWNTS III supply the gulred eite(•elly (hone . 814 £Venb(ps 127 following words came equally from Aire Lander and myself. Nobody but a mother eau understand whet oho gives up when she gives up her son. There'e a tie between f'cher and eon which eau never be broken, and the lo81* of my buy leaves me with a siekiug, broken, lonely feeling round the heart For we were pals, my boy and 1, But the mother's loasi My deur wife bears it very quietly, and very q.liwt y at tenth moments ail theme she 89118 me a little of she feels. Froui birth up the child is se near to her [tom the time when eonuhody tells iter "It's t, boy 1" to the time whom she tells her husband with glad and fearful wonder, "i'.le's a men, mow John," or "Barry," as the case may be. At fist bets just a wee buudlu in her arms, And how she has to mere for him then 1 Every moment of the day and night her thoughts are of him. Such a to-do with feeding and minding and soothing. Such a tlroositig and uu(1re84. iug. Such making nod making fine of baby's olothes I throb a ceaseless watch and guard to keep away the thousand little ills that be'ry flesh its heir to. '1'he wee bairn ie (till part of her, and his fairdeset cry goes through her heart, Oh, be sure the ',wattle?. of '1 dead soldier sees liar the es he W13 in the days Be sure tbet in the lonely night watches, in fattoy ah. atill kohl( him 'Transit her bre*tet. 000141ng him gently to sleep, and crooning over him the o:4) All t111e the mother remembers note as alto sits with her matt or alum) by the fire, Those clliletsh hoods still pull held the treble still echoes. A young 11(80411 still ;lettere down the otalt's 111 d a beloved Melia 4401U14 88)043 00 licit, e"4111ehvr 4huuld 1" buy some awee8408 1. ith 11414 penny? All this the mother remembers, new h nsl much snore as he grew up; she re- members the jealous pang she hod when is 04.03 were first cast 4114 the lasses. She remembers him para from school to work or ocllege. Psrhepo ha still tells her all his 88408(8( but ne (.till goes to mum when he is hurt And what pride she had iu his work; How her heart thumps when she hears one neighbor say to another: ' Llab Aider on's Wally is a clever boyl Care for him?. Does she not care for him day and night? Has she not pl,n red prepared for him since his birth? Dose she not still plan and prepareifor him? Is) she 1101 always dreaming of whet her boy will become? Does not all that has been and all that might have been flash before her eyes as she site lonely before the fire and knows it le all over, and knows the will Clever see her 8011 again? Never again? Blot out those words( She knows she will see him again. She knows it as surely as the fire burns ,be- fore her and the wind whistles in the street. Not on this earth, not with thoae eyes that have looked upon him so often and with such fond love, Not here, oh, not here, dear, brave mothers, but some where else, where love is.uever tnnre parted from true love, and mothers and fathers are leaver more parted from their 8008. aurifue, Your patrlutI1ol Mute ms men :w4"nua(A0wl4aa0 it ailt4tllu, RA rt y d, GI O f Aud in 1,b„ !Marta of tunny of you Imre l0 440 thought '1 *were rev041144' not LIMY 1 said to Mies Lauder, "1f 011140 (mild go nut s9 to sniper (rod grit two or toy mad' And she amid to Ina, '14 arty, Harry! Votigeatice do 141ilie, with lie Lord," Oh, women, (401'44111' we are list etnepal'ed with you. Yet to Mrs. Lander John was Inure time (4001 40448 are to their mutller4. For 1 WOO often away from home and 68+.4y were always together. When at lust I had more time to he with (11141 1 found hint a Man and toy oquai. Chat wee great too, but hie motllei' had walk- ed with him ap the years. All thiamine, toy wife hoe 4.o pa(l0uoe with the eenti1ne11Eal cowards who would lot mine/ems escape without puuish,- nlent. Let God's ju4:tioe be done, ehe ,seye. And s0 she hopes that if the it:Kiser is taken it will not be by the 8rithat . She knows our s0ftties9 when our blood is not up. But if tate Flemish take hint they will give trim his deserts. And what would you think of us, froze i we rrt m f men faded i4. 4.r at i ( o t, p1l'pose and were false re you and your sons? You would esteem us little better that thous uulnantiouable things fit for service in every way except the Wily of courage, who let bravemen go out and die for them, You accept your loss because. of the greatness of oar 04111(0. What then, If we betray chat cause? Your sone lvout forth to battle with no mea44 purpose in their hearts. A (leer friend of 1ny boy has written to its "He has die for the melee be bsllered to be the best and greatest that had ever been at stake in the world—the freedom of his country. He gave hos life—not inpnleively, nor in, adventurous reck- lessness—but with a settled enthusiasm, belonging to the depth, and not the tumult of the soul," In that spirit our sous went out to fight, in that spirit they died. And in that spirit, by God's help, we will en- dure, oh mothers of Britian, till the oauee they fought for is crinmphaut. el Miller's Worm Powders nerer fail. They immediately attack the worms and expel them from the system, They are complete in themselves, not only as a worm deetoryer, but as a highly bene- fioial medioiue for obildreu, correcting weak digestion and restoring the debi. Mated system to healthfulness, without whioh the growth of the ohild will be retarded and its constitution weakened This is her ooneolation, this is her strength. This gives her the courage to fade the world and her doily round of duties, through her heart 000048 empty mud the purpose of life seems gone. God for His own good purpose has taken this boy. %%ell. she will just how her head and endure—and wait. After all, it ie only a few years of waiting. Theo she will hold him by his 8tvoug shoulders and look into hie 'rues again, Without }that oouviotlott the agony would he too much to be borne. God knows It u9 hard enough for a man to bear tate lose. Yet the main goes out lute the world; he takes up his work and in the sights and eouude of every day life he will trot be ooustently reminded of his lues. rile mother stays at home—the home where (Mee he wee! Aud every mOmeltt she is reminded of her boy. Every room is full of his presence, In that chair he eat; lime he pf,tyed; at Ole tail° ;Ito dad his lessons This iron mould i11 the table cover was ink stain 4110), This 48111a bedroom. "mated beald9 him there she °fuimes sroeued a low 8044(7 until the tittl,. 11 4eper stirred ((0 more, and the man grew so quiet you ouu,d hear the night air nudgwg at the window pane, Supposing all that, 0upp08tng all these memories were 1'eelly buried out i0 France? Why should the mother so be. reit live 0111 But just hero, in the old house, belief comes to her, There are not dead mom • ore's. See does really feel her boy be- side her, feel his arm 8r0uud her neck, hear his voice, feel his cheek agu4410t her cheek, The poor, heroic flesh of her boy id out in Frooc9, but he himself is here, here now, nearer to her them he has over been. y4. the brave women tells herself over sed veer again, yob cermet s(lfle the ball milling of her heart, :3uice 1 have learned what t0rr0w imams 1 have thought muco of you war:d aungs her 004.1444.0 sang 1,0 her 'theta of stir dead soidiere, cud wou- t.ered at your eplendld thump. and 13.0 was o grant strapping fellow telt°n resolute faith, 'The times are hard and he went out to the Wer- six feet, aaxle of you do not lead e08y !Md. Yet maybe, with broad shoulders and fierce y0U never falter, We could well have moustache. But to mother he is al - *aye first and foremost, that wee burl- I tvrgfven you had you cursed the oottutry deo In her ernes,! which demands of you 411i14 etupenduu8 el 14 N 1,1 E 11 n 04 Place your savings in the Bank. 4'1 W lit M rl1)11* Hl 1,4 t11lf lq IDN Bead Office,, reroale 040* 1b44UNt; n, 004.En, Provident v4). O. rVlw aa-WoailS,, 41044ERT, Gemmel Mannar atRpkYWW HIw la az M N 4'a 88 84 01 W ill w Pt d 10 n M la !r 111 lel lm181d Eli Cif qal if 88 1N 1,4840 C14ir7.184fl01011tl L'llli CI1'�18f31H to 8Ittd?1tl Is19ts 10 eldlhifit08B7T4r!f (t( 'IO..IL'1t4116 pnandancandeattennanwanannomouwannmtranaandsraninnannnrowanansmaaannananannnearadananuranam,, Capital Patel Up 0.000,000 R440rvw False $1,000,0041 Savings Department Intt:rest paid on deposits of $1.00 ansa upwierd . SEAFORTH BRANCH: R, M. JONES, f1Aoiseseg set 8880 lit 1,t t• (1 ze V 3'11718 aro sun GIVE " 21WV 0 i' T1:11 " TO OO'NSTIi'ML01lp + t' LLD FRUIT 1'tl? ANI) PLANT.( FOR SPRING ('LAN 1118(4 We have established a (801(11g 114- pntati011 for fair mid square dealing and are now prepared l4. Ment exiatiug oanditiona by offering our high grade •rade trees and plants direct to cuet011t0t•s at Rook Bottom Prices. Don't delay pinntiitg fruit trees 011(.1 planta a( there is not111og pnyo better. Sent for our illustrated circulars n£ hardy v8rietie8 whieb you oat) direct feud get the be- nefit of agent's 0olilltli0bi,11 Oat' ('rices vrill be entre to interest yon THIS 011A SE BROTHERS 00 OF ON 1A1810, LTD. P:S'TAI;LiSHEI) lsfiT COL 1101RNE, ONT. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING SAVo your Haire Get a 26 cant bottle of Danderine right now --Also stops itching scalp. Tsln, brittle, colorless and scraggy ggY 1 .• mute evidenoe of a neglected :0 dandruff—that awful scurf, •^ Is nothing so destructive to as dandruff. It tabs the hair ..A417(1, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish. nese and itching of the sealp, which [f not remedied causes the hair mote to shrink, loosen and die—then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight—now—any time --will surely save your hair. Get a 26 cent bottle of Knowltoli s Danderine from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will juat try a little Dam derine, Save your 'hair! Try it! $2.00 for $1.00 Generous Premium List of the Seaforth llorticudutrai Society $1 .0o entitles you to one year's membership and ANY FOUR of the following choices 011010E 1-0NE APPLE of ONE ('EAR TREI4 of any of the following varieties .—derLxs—Ducheee, King, Spy, Rhode (eland Greening Golden Russett, Famuus1, Tatman Sweat, Buldwiti, 13111 1)14(8, 1Venithy, Gravenstein, wpitaeuburg. PRAR8—Anjou, Bartlett, Sl;el(1001, 01apl; s Favorite. CHOICE 2-0NE PLUM or ONE CHERRY or ONE PEACH 'r'REE,o( auy of the folluwiug varieties ;—Abmldauoo, Bradshaw, 13,1044 me, Lein bird, Imperial Gage, Red June, Peach Ptum.- ()1[RHaY—Early Richmond, Montmorency, Windsor, Blank heart, Black Tart.4riun. PRA0Bn0—Fitsgerald, Crawford or one Quartets. 014010E 3 --ONE ROSE seamed from the following list 51080Ain PIMPRTVAL—Alfred. Columb, Baron, Boum ttat, General Jack, Frau Real Drueohki, Paul Neyrou, Ulrich, Brunner, Mrs' John Laiug,•liie Majesty, Irish Fire Flame, (ILILLeneo—doves eisrer8, Dorothy Parkins, 1ixo01si11, Tt411081id8Uh011 Gold F'ittoh, 'Trier, Katserine Augusta Victoria, 4114081(11) TRA—Uaroliue '1'0stuut, Betty, J. B. (nark, Leru8an 'repine, Cleflerel McArthur, Kaisetinu 41Ig4486a Victoria, Mildred Grant, Lady H.Illn,gcuui Geo. 0 \Vaud, MBuam Sagoud Weber, George telethon, Madam Jules Grolez, La France,Suuburst, Lady Pities Marcam 0081181 (p101),.WalterSpee(1, (Madam Abel Ubateuey, CHOICE 4—Hydruugee 1'Bi(oulta. UHUIUli b—Dutuhtuou's P149. 8)1101011 6—Bus too ivy. 08.010E 7—One 1'ouuy. UL-101UH) 8—Six U11 -Named Dahlias, 011018)11 9—Spires, Voir Banta ( White ll'luweriug Shrub. 88401031 tO—W3lgeiia, Lt neretk.uk Nlowurutg Shrub). 011010E 11—Dmun a (mune Fiuweru,g Shrub,) JELO1UE 12—Otte Llao 0110I01113—Twenty GiedlJ *dl. u.td010E 14—Five tuberous Begonias (bulbs). 011010E e6—Two Hardy Perpetual Plants trout the following list : Trauma, d are) Puwx, Larkspur, Hibiscus, Uorroepeis, Gailier'dia 1...11101016 15—Otto Nul'way 1pru0o' UHOWE 17—The Uauaotau domicil) turbot Cut out thus adveettsuua8ut Inge your name and addeees 011 Ella line below stark X (immu to any Fut/ [i tmi0*ues and mull or hand it with One Dollar 10 the Seereeary 011 L'rusweet. .0 (queers wtduieg (0 pruuu(0 trims, plants, or other emreury stem( 111 addition to (,tom' four sinuous, whether munitioned i1* the above Premium Litt 4.r out, *11e.y de do ey payt"g only tied su4tlal (10416 of tame and making out their w8uta 01, a depurate shout. Premium List Positively closes moron slat. WM, HART1tY A, D, SUT111➢1ILAND lrresideut Sed, Treasurer CREWS An Mune ander this fired are published frees of eharee, ex - wen tuna" regarding meetings wit re an a4misalon fee Is rbarged. he rate for anon 144(11411%m cent pct (mum line; IRli p^�7R7C1l t�a',.1-11.3 St. 314048' St, Janna, Church , Rev, Father P Corcoran, Rev. Father G. R. North - graves .Morning Edam 7 8.00, High Mase 10.30 0.111. Studley 8011001 2.30 p m. Evening vespers 7 p.m. St. Thomas' Rev. T, 71, Brown, Rooter. Suuday services IL a,n. and 7 pan. Sunday school 2,30 p. in, Womeu'e Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2 3U p.m. Children'sbranch Saturday 2 p.m. 1160t'08881011 services every Thursday, .0 pen. First Presbyterian Rev, li', H, Larkin„ Pastor, Sunday 08rvioe8 11 run, and 7 p m. Sunday school 2,30 pen. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.45 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Sooiety+the first Tuesday in each month at 7.45. Barbara Kirkman 14144• Edon Band 3rd Tuesday in the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band every.2nd Monday at 4.15 pen. Methodist Rev, G. McKinley, B. D,, pastor —SUNDAY—Clhbs at 10:00 a.m. Public servioo 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun day school slid Bible study class 2.30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting Thuroda y 8, p.m, Salvation Army Oapt. Froud and Lieut. 1aunere Holiness meeting 11 a.m, Praise service 3 p.m. Gospel service 7' pen. Children(. Service—Directory 014800 10 a.m. Bible Masses 4 pen. Week night Meeting8—Wednesday Prem. meeting 8 p.m, Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't hamar Wader Tittle Otomectl, liver and bow0la, Loots at Ula tougll0. mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need eleatlaln7 at once. When peevish, elves, 1lstIes4Is ,oessn't sleep, oat or act 41st i !f hes ish, stomach sour,bret1, had sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, salvo a tOaSpoontul of "California SYrup 01 Figs," and in a few burins all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and dour bile gently moven out el its little bowels 'without grlpinlI, and yon have a.woll, playful child agata. As1t your druggist for a 60 -cent bottle of "California Syrup 01 Piga," winch con, tains full tiros of all dages land for grovrislons for beldam, t ups. Hgtnondltfile, Presbyterian Rev. .7. Argo, pastor. Sunday set. vices I1 a.m. and 7 p m. Bible class 3 p.m Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. 141. Y.P.M,S. Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 p.m. Womou'e Mission- ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2.30 p.m, Ladies' Aid meets im- mediately after. RiclCillop Presbyterian Rev. D Carswell pastor. durtday serviette Duffs' church 11 a.m 8und8y school 1U a m. Prayer meeting Wod- 1168day 8 p.m, Women's Missionary Society last Friday in each month at 2 o'clock. (3onstaece Methodist Rev, 0, 0, Koine, pastor. Sunday service 2 31) p.m. Young People's Lea gee2 30 p in 4.1,114y 1Votnau's Ansil try forst 'Tuesday of every mouth a 30 p.m. L4:1:14' 48(1101e 'Charstley of mob mouth 2.30 p, Winth^op Presbyterian Sunday service 2.30 pm. Sunday school 15pin. Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 p.m. L.0. W last Wed, Au Oil That 18 tremens.—Though Janette (4418 nut(tilo birth place •of Dr Mamas' E°leotriod Oil, it is the home ,f that famous 0nmpotul(1. From hero .1e good name was spread to Central **td South Anterdate the West Lollies luetralia and New Zealand, That is far Afield enough to attest it8 exoellenoe, for in all these own -aides it is on sale and demand, 4ou..u.m34.4a:.•xat:a_a.ra a.aganna oanµ nannonatei }Highest Prices Paid E, far rags, r1.b lel•'1, .bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skin's, PI! kinds (11 furs etc. Aso t.tk(+ books d newspape's Appelzft . illhn .n HEAP ' AP Bit it 'i' JUNK -DI'4ALI1P :30009 front (41'enln1ry Phone 183 ree a aanmuaammatdm'-'4efa. artuntoantun ti 11a.'V e Yof .d Any Pictures to Copy Copying 'of old pictures is an art in iteelf, '(1(01 1(1(4 requir ing individual treutmelt, and often not being eutrutted 60 the photographer ut.11l almost Be- yond recovery. By letting ((8 copy your old pictures yen aro sure of good work, and of getting the originals back undamaged. Bring them in, 0‘114 lot ns esti- mate on the week• Fall's Studio Phone 19 - SEAFORTH Third Canadian War Ligan From du f otmatiou just received subs0riptious to this Loan will open o44 Monday the 1811., of March, and will likely remain open for about eight days The 13ollds will likely run for a period of 20 years, and the account to be tissued will possibly be $1.50, 000, 000. The terme to be to be offered to the Public will be as as attractive as the two former loans I shall be very pleased to give any intending purchaser of these Bontis any Boob information re gardillg Baine a8 may have come to my knowledge 1 (114811 else receive applications for this issue, the same as for the tem fernier Loans, JOH RANIUN Bond Lod Debenture Broker Main Street. Seaforth Phone 910 lelAFORTH 181A441KET flood Al them 1', (feat ..............$I,70 Oats Bnrlev... ..............................1 00 Bran per ton ........................38.00 Shorts per torte.-- ....••.......... 40 Flour ..................... 479 5 20 Butter ..... ......... ..... 37 Eggs 5U Hogs to farmers ................. 14,.p5 • metwsizzgesramnizeiattl3'-s•;i .Cdt, "Por the Bleed is the Lite." : YEW ME oma t • 1488 ,loans 4).o 1,m (r»,pore ,b4o.o.4 ouch Aa (4000144*, 0008TY In, Sod rvy, (1,,c4 Loaf, 4baa08803, Mown, Olmlolulam awol lings, [Oahe, Pl4"pdom, $neon of crony kind, Pilea,elood Pol0on,9$*Y,natlarro, Goad, eta„ don't erste you,- thew and roo0ey on lotion and ointments which cannot get below the 18,0104 of (Imelda. whit you want is a medicine that Will thoroughly free 4Le biao1 of ehe poisonous matter which alone is the (ria cause of all your s04ai_"004g. Clarkes Blood Mixture (sleet such a medi:ioe. It Is cotnposod of ingredients which galrhly expel from the blood as impurities. from whatever cation nriaing, and by ramming It e8aan and put, can be retied on to effect a lasting care, 1 rk,rwrrdr atu,ammwv, rrYa,t Mad. mew Sr rearm' ` Plroeiel to /ilia Clarke' 1► loRa'te 80tura CURIES MN 47U101( ill g.