The Seaforth News, 1917-03-01, Page 1'4'41, T. BOX dk Go.
Furniture Dealers
Phone 60
New Series Volume 14, No. 39 �_�.._..
The W. E.lSanford Mfg. Co, of Hamilton
has purchased the Taylor-Andcrson eo.
Clothing Ftactory in,Seaforth. -And are go-
ing to carry:on'the business from this out
for which ;vurpose- we `;require more—than
53 girls assistants. The working hours
each day are 8 to U except Saturday 8 to I2
each week. We cularantee steady work
the year round. Nice clean work and girls
f191i>Z�� B od wages.
We, pay highest wages while learning -
Apply or Write to
Fred Robinson, Manager
Formerly Of Seaforth
Another old and highly esteemed
xssident died last night in the person
of Mary Nicholson, relict of the late
James Finlayson, in her 81st year.
Mite was born inKirkonlbrightehire,
Elleotland, and mime to this country
when about five years old, settling in
Enron County. She was married to
Finluysou, in 8eaforth, in 1863,
and bad resided here for a great num-
Iter of years, One sou; w 1111. m, sod
awe daughter, Mrs Herbert Marston,
loth of Paris snd two sisters, Mrs.
Delo and Mrs Modeland, of Seaforth,
titmice The fnuoral was held last
Thursday—Puna Review
Something Of Intarest fa
Mr 411105 Heys of Reef ort hes just
oilmen es u report front the expel vnleu-
Eel from Ottawa on analyels of some
'' lima etouo he, sent there to get a re-
port as to he value as a land ferthyer,
The stones were from the querry on hie
form lot 3.2 6th concession Nle Killop
and the report is us (olhon 0: These
sampler, are exeellatlt quality, end nl
every. way enitable, for the prodection
of,ground lime stone for ugricultural
bac being 96 43 Carbonate of liin,, It
`is Mr iiays's intention to hove a Mach
•9ne plao0d in his quarry this coiling fall
for the manufacture of the fertilizer
which should be of a great benefit to
the farmer's in tins vleillity RS it is be-
ing.mannfaotured in some other parts
of the Province and shipped extensively
Beautify Seaforth
Almost everyone has some vacant
land around the house which could he
planted with flowers or abridge that will
not only add greatly to the annoyance
of the premises but will made the whole
town more attractive Any one who has
visited such towns as St Catharines, St.
Thomas or Grimsby during the peat
year or two and knew the same town ten
years ego is struck by the remarkable
improvement, That improvement is due
almost wholly to the tithing of the Hor
tiailtural and Rose Societies in iutereat•
lug all the people of the town We al
ready )rave 80me very attractive gar(lees al
in Seaforth but there should he mere, to
and, if people only considered that the Yu
expense end work connected with a fu
small garden are very small, every one vl
would find it totheir advantage in many ga
ways to become interested The Seafood) et
Hortioullural Society holds an enviable P°
position among the Horticultural Sou- tm
:cities of the Province, but the member 8P
ship is small and we intend to double 1{
it this year, 'the annual lee is one dollar 10
d, as the kiocil'ty receives a generous fu
grant from the Government, it is en_ b'
abed to give to 1t. meal 1)1)10 from )till- Ge
cies of plume, fruit trees, hushes, bulbs
&m11 111 0111110 far exouteliPg the ,,mown we
of the snbsoriptiml. A list of the811 ibu1. IDI
uses may ho obtained from the Offices, e0
of the :;notary bolo'• men'ioned who lig
will he pleased to give further infer
rnation and advice on the oubj.'ot th
Wm. Hartry, Dr. Grieve, A. D. Sather- (,h
land, A F. Olttff, H, Edge, W, 1), Hoag out
It F. Jones, W. H. Saddlers, Chas. Sun
Stewart, .Sae. 13. Wright, R, M. Jones, out
Or. (Illus Mac Kay. Ho
The town will benefit by your co- Fu
operation, we want you to join the Soc.
iety, but moat of all do we welt the
ativ0 interest of both the ladies end
autlemon. Every one is thinking of
Spring now, so think of your prospective
garden at the surae time.
Seafreth welcomes
Two large crowds turned out Friday
to receive Pte Emnett Kelly a wounded
oo'dier from the front. The first • arowrl
turned out at 7 pm, when ho was
expected, but the London train had not
made connection at Stratford, and he,
was not on it. Their enthusiasm to re,
oeive the young hero made a large num.
ber turn out to meet the 11.30 pm train
When it arrived a sleigh eentoiniug
hie mother wag waiting for him at the
etatiou and needles) t0 0103, he had a
warm welcome. Ho tree driven to the
town Hull where speeches of welcome
wore made by Rev k' H, Larkin and
Mr Reid. Pte Kelly made a brief reply
thanking the people for there reception
and egpeoially mentioning the good
work done by the Rod Cross for the
comfort of the boys.
Pte Kelly enlisted with the 34th
Battalion ill April 1916 and left for
England the following October. Ho was
tra118ferred to the 42n1 Black Watch
Highlanders, and went to France in
March 1916
He wits through the battles of ,!pros
anti the Somme. atm was wanul.1 don
September 27th at Oon"oalette Sines
that time he bus been in the Hospital.
Mr Thns Pierce expecte shortly to go
to Calgary to live, His frieude present
ed him with the following addrnae and
gifts;—'1'o Mr and Sirs '1' Plerc0
Wo, 6116 m• mbere of the Walton
Methodist choir minuet, let you take
your depertnre to the West wltho11
sowing some (liken of our esteem fur
you. Fur some years past you hove
ouitinued and faithfully to
help in the several organisations of the
ohuroh, we know, at 110 smell 811a1'ifice.
Your Aaeociation 1511 the Choir also
has been most pleltsant, your regular
attendance, sincere spirit, and elleglauce
to the Methodist obligation are not by
ally 10x11115 overlooked 0y 1)e. Both
Choir and Church members regret to
hear of your intended departure from
tie vicinity for we kuow we are about
lose very sincere fli011(1a; but we know
ur optimistic spirit will press you
rward to greater temees9 :u the pro
1100 in which you hope to reside. We
then to•ulght to let you know we shall
ill be interested in your future pros
city; and w0 pray the Fathers blessing
rust upon yen .1810117 i)1 the 1)000
here. 01e ask you to accept tins
11110 and pen that thuy may serve u8
I(etla a 1'0111bera110e 1,1 happy and use-
Idey8 spent 101011 118111 al1011 Op
gulf of thti-;Method:et choir.
motile ..4.rehal1 and %label liuuuott
WS report two new yf..thu(1lsts.. 4
n uuldior bey came to the home of
r 'rugs, '.1111::mltoo 1111(1 Li Moo pr
cher mune to the fulls at the !morell-
o v All amities now.
A cry enjoyah.o tante was spent by
e MethodistyoUl,g people at Mr
ria Berrew8 last 'Thursday. After
r10 good games, a1111 good programme
ell was 80000(1. 110 .1 Marshall took
a sleighJoud of nt1mbers of the
ole ',trete`
We regret to report Miss Haze
Itml on the sick 1181.
Egmondville Red Dross K
w,1.r.. ®..�.�
Report of the Egmondville Branch o
:feed Dross Society for P'ebrnary.
Fees $2213. Proceeds of tea $11 06
A friend $2, Pine sold 760,' Frieed $1
Reeeived grant from Tuokeramitb
Council $85.
Total $102.06
Mary Kling
Dust Causes Asthma. 'Ryon s little
, a.Quck too ,small to see will lead to
agonies which no words eon describe,
The walls of the breutliiug tubes eon -
)tract, end it 80(.11810 0,' 11 the Very life
must piss. From 51118 condition Dr .1.
D. Kell gg's Astinue Remedy Wogs the
neer to perfect rest mod 111.8111. 1t 18 -
Revert the peaseg1) nod uotmal breathing
Ye firmly eel 0hI uhed itself'. IImidi edit
of teetlm mils received annually prove
its effectiveness.
Rural Delivery
The Post Office Department have
ruled that the Regulations governing
!lural Free Delivery must be (larded
out to the letter by both Patron and
Courier thus rendering heated ergo.
month unne0ossary• The Courier is
not to place stamps on the letters for
any patron not is be to collect letters
not prepaid by poatege stamps even
though the coppers to pay the postage
aro in the toad box—patrons ere ad
oiled to keep a supply of stamps 1 n
hand and these may be purchased from
bo Courter or from the newest Pile.
toaster. --'the Courier on every Irtl1
moat curry with hike a Snfft'il+1)t atrppiy
of postage. .Petrone Must break a
truck from the (ravelled road to their
boxes when the thew -10 (Ieep or the
Courier is not required to serve the
lit "
Mr James Nichol and Mise Pearl
Parish were recently married at the
Vletbodiet Parsonage by der F ()milt
The bride was attended by Mies Haze
Nichol 8ieter of tee gloom and Mr Jos,
Parish, bruther of the bride attend,d
the groom The happy couple will ro-
81110 (10)10 Bluivale. Manly frieads wish
them joy and prosperity.
Series of Sermons are being preached
hs the Methodist Chlu'oh 'Ulm subject
of the second discourse will be 'OI'he
Omit of Revenge" Take advantage of
Sabbath worship and be in your pew
next Suuduy evening at 7 o'clock.
Quite a nufuber of our friends who
hero been spending the last two mouths
here returned to the West Tuesday
Miller's Worm Powders act oddly a1 d
without injury to the obild, and there
0011 bo tlo doubt of their deadly effect
intim worms. T91t.y have been ill an0aess
ful use for a long time and are, rec-
ogl,ieod at a lending preptrlttiou for
the purpose They have proved their
power in ulnlher'Ilss 048)+8 end 11110)8
&roan reliwf to tho,lesuds of children,
Who, but for the good 0lflee8 of tbfa.
sup0r:or lioftlp0mnd, would have come
tf1ued weak and feeble.
A 1110011x0 party 10 aid of the War
Auxiliary who are doing so much for
our 048)) 14.,)t. Lfle. 111811, w411 be given
in Oarduo8 Opera blouse on Wednesday
ev1Un•g,1l arab 14111. (•8x4141 from 8 to
11, In order to arrange tablas send
1111101011 50"-11'1113 Hllla bigulonoIville Or
phone 10 on 140. Everybody welcome
bring pnlua 4114 orlurn
A committee 0t young Mon will put
011 a dltnue after earth
.&011iversary services were held in the
church here 1)u ouu(lay Two able and
nitereeuug ante -nuns were pre10ued by
Rev. Lr. 111eLtte 1)i mitt:nein bulb
cougrogatluus were large atilt the col.
lectluue automat it to $120. opeotal
mune was provided by the uhmr.
- -
Manley ,
Another pioneer pas8ed aw•ly on the
211th 11181 111 the pelal011 cif Ouulud
1)011z et the age of 84708 He iunui-
grllted 11.U111 (48411aIly 111 the year 18(17'
uu111114 to S01'4110011 a 111 n few years
later coming to VIeKI1lop nutted in ,
marriage to '41 me Antsnne of Logan sad
Settled on Lot 6) 110 1 9 10111011 was thea
built up toe of the modern homes.
Hai paltuer 111 116e predeceased nam
about ten 3ea1.0 5goal, d 1118 only (Nuyll-
ter about 21031'41 age He 18 8Illy)red by
We sous, Henri on the homestead and
Fred un 141 auj•uoing 11.ru1, who have
the 83 ulpa(1)1 of ilio whom community
,n thin t111.11 Maur of and effuetiuu
The funeral tuck platy fast Friday to
the Lathrau (10motry, iterdeageu. He
Wait a 01)118(0111 a1)d eub0tau.tial member
of that uu1)grtga.lun during his whole
life He woe honest and upright in
his dealings
Mr W Manley is preparing for Maple
:Syrup Season
Mr deo Eckert i8 ati 1 o1) his round
sawing weed with the gas eugiu0.
Tea et Itoe than wholesale prioes at
Lout forget the hard times Social in
tho'i'own Hall 1)u 'Tuesday weeping
V11uw1 0th tinder 111e auspices of the
Patriotic (-meter in a 11110. w'lll be Imposed
on ewe!')' title !hat 114t01,1a, w1.,. dons
Mit allpe:n' 111 St hand timer cta(uul0,
p',111,,0 10111 1100,11 0,11 far 1lie worst dyeast d
holy,aed 3)1111 10)11,1.11, ladles will knotty l
bong 111 ah eittaustimi of seuill0UJllee A
and fancy bu,a,Il., ga11100 1111,1 a good '
pregra1U1)e urn 1.0111)3 prepared,
1b -v )blr :11..111tn1 rector of Holmes -
Ville slid :11:ddletun pandit -1i 50111 take
(111,41'ge of the 0.101098 lit 1',inity Chorah
oe dnnd,ly evening next duly Comm.
intim( 441.'1 be ednlunstered.
liar 10 14, ltirkald rector of Trinity
01111 oh who )8 taking treatment at Vic-
toria 111)0)11001 Lelldun. is 1101 improving
as fast es his lnoud would wish.
Dr, 'A0o(le, aid Robert Ma Murray '
paid a bustuoss visit to Goderich last t!i
The Patriotic Sooioty leer week shipp•
ed to the lied Orme 109 pairs of soaks
7 feather pilluws, I quilt, and 6 military
(1110'18. rl
(.1188 Maude (frothy of Goderich who
has twee the guest of Mrs Dr Woods
fur the past couple of weeks has return-
ed home
Mise Belle woods of Seaforth spent
a fow days With her aunt Mrs Ioobell
Bi RTHtll.
d'A PLE1i—At Regina, Sask. on Feb.
20, 1917 to Mr and Mrs Jack Staples
a daughter.
annual Meeting
The Aminal M0etieg of the .Patrons
of Out .11 if'threp 111.e11m(,ry will be held
le Polders Hall, nn Wedne8day 71ar011
7111. 1917 at 6 p to for the tran8eotiou
of the 1,47111)1,80 for the year.
R1ibt, Slott Chairman.'
A, A. Cuthill Sect.
W. T. litiOX a e0.-•
Idulders 01 uuvu i4wl liypl0nim anti
Liesese • usi4140aa 14e1/8843'14
• d P1,,,, {pzIglu 06118 1616
B P� Y
$ 25.00
VOR $1.50
l. 48.00
F.1 NANO 1E L.IG"PA1",,,
JAN. 8, 1817
117 VOIF I,'au
rn1! 1)1) - . 1411.1 t•.... 11 {A .:.. f):, t;{m ''11
SCORES and s('Ok i. -
Two Urals Singh Cold
is the "Regina Watch.'
We back the Reginal
Watch for Service awl
SaFisfeefion with our re-
putation as watch mak-
ers. Furthermore over
500 Jeroekrs to Canada
are doing the same rind a
Regina Guaranteed is
good at envoi these 500
Jewelry Stores. The
Regina Watch is univer-
sally guaranteed for dur-
ability, service wed
The price 16 the same as
it always was $7.00 arid
upward according to
grade. Rverp grade! of
.Regina watch le guaran-
teed to give perfect satis-
faction. Sold only bp
.7grr ' . t'titu& age
L'ltrrrsttor (To
'uuunge & ''!u11eri
Newt era nut) (Opticians
M1£.arnlao 1.11101106 Ieraor0
PH),Ng !et
gvruing 10
The store you will always
�81"i9 ,777 1?T'Gr.�ltrrar, _.
Of Special Iras3r3 t to the
Early Shopper is This
Advance Display of Spring and
Sarn er Dress G iced s
A,. In 55'6!11! t» it t 1(1 a 1111 ,t.: r 1'd array of
new gown mateIlrs, iep.esentin}; the
choicest weaves and 3.11)•wing the most'
beautiful of the new 0111 Irs in all the pop
ular novelty patterns.
,Because the demand
ready-to-wear dresses, for
effects, the range of t.olors
bright and peculiar shades
blue, purple, grey etc.
is, as shown by
very striking
includes many
of green, brown
The new fancy wash Goods are
pouring in and are really a delight to the
eye. In the boar quality goods, dainty
fabrics are shown indelicate shades and
also in striking color tones that will
• pro're -to be most desir-tble for warm
weather wear. Our wtsh goods stock
embraces a great collection of fabrics
varying in price from
15c to $ 1.00 a yard
Colors in wool dress goods for Spring
and Summer are widely diff•rl-nt, vary-
ing from dull shades in solid colors to
bright hues in more pronounced
In staple dress goods, in wool and
cotton mixed, and in all wool stuffs,
buying 1 ,st year for this year's selling
places us in a position to give excellent
values and guaranteed dyes.
Price range from 3oc to $3 a yd.
Satin -faced silks and taffets are much
in the lead in silk fabri_s for warm wea-
ther wear. Crepe de chine, Duchesse
and other satin faced silks are here in ex
Habutai Silk is in big demand for sep-
arate waists
Prices from 5oc to $t,25
Very , opt tial value 11) kaw Silk, Wide
width, at Soc a yard. -
Tussore• silk, natural shade, unexcelled
for wear and wash qualities.